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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

In 2013, Japan had released a new Gundam Series, but unlike the other Gundam series, this focused on the fans of Gundam and the plastic models known as "Gunpla". This series was known as...

Gundam Build Fighters

The near future. Years after the huge "Gunpla"-plastic models based on the anime series Mobile Suit Gundam-boom of the 1980s. A second Gunpla boom is taking the world by storm, fueled by the revolutionary new ability to pilot your own Gunpla creations in "Gunpla Battles ".

The time point this RP will take place is 5 years after the event of the 7th Gunpla Battle Tournament, but 2 years before the start of Gundam Build Fighters TRY (the sequel to GBF). After PPSE had dissolved, Yajima Trading had worked to develop a new version of the Plavsky Particles so that Gunpla Battles may be able to continue. Though the Gunpla Academy is the top place for Gunpla builders and fighters to go to. But due to their high standards, not many people are accepted into the Gunpla academy. So in the aftermath of the 12th Gunpla Battle Tournament, Yajima Trading has started a new academy for the summer for many people, old and young, to come to learn how to build Gunpla, and/or battle with them.

(This is my first time trying to host an RP on here and especially a big continuous full scale one, so please bear with me and if you wanna help out, please ask me.)

Despite there will be classes, the main parts include doing mingling with fellow students and participating in battles. One part also involves choosing a single model from the shows to build straight forward with no tuning to it at all. (Can't be a model that was made in Gundam Build Fights or Build Fighters TRY, like the Build Strike Gundam or the Gundam X Maoh.) Instructors and NPC characters are also gonna be all original, no cannons will be involved (they can however be mentioned by your characters).

Now for the rules...

1: Follow the standard rules of the website

2: Nothing dark with your characters. Please keep it PG to PG-13.

3: No OP (Overpowering) Gunpla, especially against other RPers. (You may show your skills well against NPC characters in battle, but lets all be fair).

4: Please support your fellow RPers. Please respect other peoples opinions on what they like in Gundam and what they don't like.

5: Any Suit from any show is allowed.

6: Most importantly "HAVE FUN!"

Template for character:


Appearance: (Description or picture allowed)



Other information:

Main Gunpla:


Based from:

Equipment and Weapons:

If you have a picture, feel free to post it up.

Other Gunpla:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

this sounds neat I may be in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Example of a character temple (and my character that'll be participating):

Name: Alex Taylor
Age: 14
Gender: Male

Appearance: (Description or picture allowed): Red Hair, wears a hat. Has a light color T-Shirt with a Red vest over it. Always wears Jeans and Sneakers when out. Starts Wearing Fingerless gloves after his time in the 12th Gunpla Battle Tournament. Average height for his age, so he'd be shorter than those who are older than him.

Nationality: United States of America

Backstory: Born in the West coast of America, Alex Taylor had been a fan of Gundam since he had watched his first Gundam Series, Gundam SEED. When he was 9, after watching the 7th Gunpla Battle Tournament on TV, he had wanted to become a Gunpla Fighter and Builder, but had no idea what his first model will be. However, the next year, he had lost his Mother and Father in an accident, just days after obtaining his first model kit, an AGE-1 Normal Gundam from the series Gundam AGE. He was then cared for by a family that was friends with his parents, the same family that has his closest friend (and possible Girlfriend) Jo. By his 14th birthday, without proper tools, he was able to finish constructing his own custom unit from his kit he had received from his parents, the Star AGE Gundam. Despite not being well put together like other builders, he was able to take that unit all the way to victory in the 12th Gunpla Battle Tournament. His victory my be in due to a little help from his unique 6th sense he had developed after his first ever Gunpla Battle. Though victorious in the tournament, due to many close battles, he felt that he had still much to learn, and wouldn't be well known due to the exploits of other builders and fighters like the famous Meiji Kawaguchi and Sei Iori (who weren't at the tournament (based off what i know so far) ). He accepted an inventation to Yajima Tradings summer program at Neilsen Labs hoping to learn how to become both a better builder and better fighter, and to meet many other builders and become friends and rivals, taking the Star AGE Gundam with him. He'll often write home about his time there to his friend/girlfriend (He hasn't say yet).

Other information: Seeing the modified GAT-X105 Strike Gundam custom, Sei Iori's Build Strike Gundam, Alex feels any basic unit can have a strong potential if piloted and built right, hence why he pilots a custom AGE-1 Normal. He has a soft weak spot for pretty girls, but he doesn't let this get over him if he's battling them in Gunpla Battle. Also he states that his favorite female character in the gundam series is Lacus Clyne from Gundam SEED.

Main Gunpla: St/AGE-1 Star AGE Gundam. Can add on equipment to become the St/AGE-1FGA Star AGE Gundam: Full Glansa Assault

Scale: 1/144 HG + Scratch

Based from: AGE-1 Normal and AGE-1G Glansa

Equipment and Weapons:

Star AGE Gundam: DODS Rifle, 2x Beam Sabers, Anti-Beam Shield, Forward Swept Wing flight pack, "Starlight" Program.

Star AGE Gundam Full Glansa Assault: Twin Shield Rifles, DODS Rifle, Beam Rifle Ax, 2x Beam Sabers, Twin Glansa Launchers, Twin High Impulse Cannons, 6 Glansa Armor missile pods, Twin 3 missile pod launchers, Glansa Armor (can detach to form standard Star AGE Gundam), "Starlight" Program.

If you have a picture, feel free to post it up.

St/AGE-1 Star AGE Gundam

St/AGE-1FGA Star AGE Gundam: Full Glansa Assault

Other Gunpla: RX-79T [G] Terra Gundam Ground Type, New model planned later in RP
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@caliban22 I just put up an example of what your template can be like if you are interested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Placeholder for now, also nice to see a real custom here! I'd put mine but its not really the one i wanna use in the story.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@FerriteFox what does Placeholder mean? (and whats your model?)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Just putting my interest down.

And its a Harute/Age FX mix.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Rou Gernot
Age: 16
Gender: Male

Appearance: Short, tousled black hair, narrow brown eyes. Usually some scruffy facial hair because he's young and forgets to shave. 5'6'' and 145 pounds. Usually seen wearing a flowing green silk jacket with a yellow shirt underneath and grey pants.

Nationality: German

Backstory: Rou was born in a small village in Bavaria, Germany where entertainment was rather scarce, especially from other countries. His father would take trips to the larger cities to sell his wares monthly, and always brought back a model car, as he firmly believed in artistic creativity being the most important for a child's development. Because of this, Rou's modelling technique began flourishing from the young age of 6. One day, his father brought home a different model. It seemed to be a robot, but the language on the box and instructions was in a language he had never seen. Despite this, he still managed to crudely build it. There was something else to this model though. It seemed more proud, and had more personality. Rou fell in love with the design, and begged his father to start bringing him the new type of models. Soon his work with them rivaled that of his old model cars. So began Rou's Gunpla career.

When Rou turned 10, his father allowed him to visit the city with him. They were staying for a week and Rou wanted to pick out his new model himself. He ran to the hobby shop to search for a prize, and noticed a ring of people watching something very closely. He peeked in a noticed that the model robots were fighting! He was astounded, and he sat and watched Gunpla for the entire day. Before he even left, he had decided that he was going to participate by the end of the week. He carefully scanned for what he would use to fight, but nothing really popped out for him. As the shop closed, he turned to leave. Before he left the doors, he spotted the discount bin. At the very top was a rather battered box. It read; "RX-0 UNICORN GUNDAM 02 BANSHEE", and had a sticker that said it was missing some parts. The design immediately stood out to Rou. The stark black, but the shining golden horns. It felt almost regal in stature. This was the one.

He spent the next three days perfecting his Banshee, and found out why it had been discounted. It was missing the "DESTROY MODE" head. Upset, Rou regrettably chose the normal head. After it was completely finished and primed, he surveyed his work. It was beautiful.He rushed to the hobby store to battle someone. His opponent used a heavily modified Turn A Gundam that was very powerful. Having only played a few video games in his life, Rou was a very inexperienced battler. He lost fast, but he quickly offered a rematch, as despite seeing his model get nearly obliterated, the machine was set to minimum real damage. Rou spent the remainder of his week and every recurring month at the shop, gradually modifying his gunpla and gaining small fame in the Bavaria area as "Rou and his Royal Banshee". Eventually, he received an invitation to fly to Japan and participate with other Gunpla lovers, which he hastily accepted. To this day he has never seen an actual Gundam anime.

Other information: Self taught a little Japanese through gunpla talk. He is gaudy and flashy, but has a warm smile and a big heart.

Main Gunpla: Crown Banshee

Scale: 1/144 + Kitbash

Based from: Unicorn Banshee (Head + Torso), Hi-Nu(Backpack), Tallgeese III (Arms), Deathscythe Hell (Legs)

Equipment and Weapons:
Mega Beam Cannon (Shoulder)
GN Pistols
Beam Lance
Fin Funnels (No Beams but more powerful shield)
Royal Mode

Other Gunpla: Artillery Astray (Backup project)

Shiva Railgun (Shoulder)
Tri Missile Pod x1 (Shoulder)
Grenade Racks x4 (Legs)
Beam Cannon (Back)
4 Tube Multilauncher (Back)
Gatling Shield
Beam Whip

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Added in Ferrite. think you can help share this around?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Any ideas how? I've never advertised an RP before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

wow, exactly what i was looking for. mark me down for a spot. i'll try to have a sheet up by tomorrow something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Dani Hatashi
Age: 15
Gender: Female

Appearance: Normally at a height of five foot six, she isn't the shortest girl around, but her height is usally diminished by the wheelchair she goes around in. Most of the times, she'll wear an grey tank top and a pair of black pants, a furred collar coat over that. She wears boots on her feet and doesn't mind the warmth given to her upper body b the jacket. Her hair is just barely shoulder length and whitish grey, usually opting to go the route of least maintenance and just brushes her hair. Her eyes are a rather chilling light blue, but in them anyone who bothers to look can see a fire burning behind them.
However, sitting on the side of her wheelchair at all times is an odd looking helmet that she refuses to let anyone touch.

Japanese/US mix (lives in japan currently)

Backstory: Dani is what many would label a genius. IQ of 175 and surprisingly lazy. She was a normal kid outside of being bored in classes, being brought up in the us for most of her child hood, learning to speak Japanese through her mother. In school, she rather stubbornly refused to be put into advanced classes, much to the annoyance of her parents and teachers. She didn't have much of an interest of gunpla during most of her early life and was even depressed, content to glide through school at a leisurely pace but had nothing to attract her attention.

the unfortunate part of her story happens when she was eight. Out with her father, they got into a car accident, paralyzing her legs and leaving her unable to walk. The same accident caused her to lose her father as well. This left her and her mother unable to function and survive, causing them to move back to japan to live with her mother's family inside of year. Getting adjusted to society in japan was a real culture shock for her. Her mother had some traditions she had brought with her, but the new world she lived in was flashy and bright.

She was missing out on the world due to her disability and was slipping further into depression despite the new experiences, but found something called gunpla when she was eleven. She had heard the name tossed about a little, but was absolutely astonished when she saw her first fight. People were controlling mobile suits. She hadn't had a way to express herself in the realworld fully in a long time in such freedom

Diving into the world of model building, she found herself having a vent for the three years and counting of no walking. Building units with legs, she found herself cruelly being made fun of and could hear the snickering of those who saw her fighting. Her leg work was a bit clumsy and that didn't earn her any respect. So she went ahead and abandoned the legs on her gundams, choosing a tank basis for her new gunpla, which she was getting excellent at building due to so much free time and a great mind to devote to new ideas.

Eventually, she built herself the "Block" Rx-75. the tanked gunpla was a fortress of armor and firepower. The new gunpla she had created silenced those who taunted her; in the gunpla amateur scene, she became a force to be reckoned with. Over the next few years, she began developing her gunpla, advancing it and once finding it well enough, she began working on something in secret, using her knowledge and her own tinkering with the systems of her gp base before her helmet began to appear on her wheelchair.

With continued success, she got an invitation to join the gunpla summer training camp, their detection of her modified gp base causing intrigue among them. having yet to give a demonstration of her secrets, she's shown a good promise for a gunpla scientist and has the burning desire to fight.

Other information:

Main Gunpla: "Block" Rx-75

Scale: 1/144

Based from: Rx-75 Guntank

Equipment and Weapons:

2x High Density GN beam cannons- slow firing but powerful and sync-able beam cannons that can fire through the GN shield which protects the tank. shoulder mounted

2x Gatling lasers: high volume low damage gatling lasers mounted at the ends of the arms. shield needs to be lowered to fire these.

GN shield: two GN drives are powering the weapon systems and this GN field, creating a powerful shield around the slow moving mobile suit. Able to deflect both solid projectiles and beams.

72x Miniature missile launchers. (embedded in armor, underneath the surface and in a pinch can be used as reactive plating to combat penetrating hits from solid weapons. armor plates fold open to launch them)

Note: cannot use trans-am)

Other Gunpla: Musha Gundam, standard appeareance, standard loadout, tuned performance, replaced mars system with a venus drive (improves performance when controlled by a female as opposed to a male)

Tanegashima Gun
The Tanegashima gun is a special hand carried Ōzutsu Gun that can fire beam shots to the enemy. This is the Musha Gundam's counterpart to the RX-78-2 Gundam's Beam Rifle.
Nichirinmaru Katana
It's default sword weapon, stored in the sheath, the Nichirinmaru is used to cut down enemies in one swing. Unlike beam sabers, it doesn't need high amount of energy to use it.
Denkoumaru Naginata
A Naginata pole weapon, stored on it's back, these are long spears that were wielded in two hands.
Sankoumaru Jumonji Yari
A spear weapon, it has a Jumonji Yari style of a head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

that's a very unique looking helmet. also her main Gunpla seems like it would have a disadvantage in a Space Battle in open space.

But all in all, this looks good. ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I like it. Nicely thought out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

We waiting on another?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

i'd like to see if a few more join or not. But one idea could be allowing you guys to created another character on here if you want.

also, do you think the rooms should be mixed gender, or just separated for just males and just females. (and be mature guys)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Just separate it by gender, seems like something a more professional place would do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

This interests me.

I'll work on a sheet and try to have it up later to day.


Actually I have a question now. does this RP allow for the Toonami run of Gundam Wing? I know it's based on Build Fighters and all but they never talked about how it got popular out side Japan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Lunar Templar i believe that seems fair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@FerriteFox good point. (but they could meet up sometime before curfew)
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