In 2013, Japan had released a new Gundam Series, but unlike the other Gundam series, this focused on the fans of Gundam and the plastic models known as "Gunpla". This series was known as...
Gundam Build Fighters
The time point this RP will take place is 5 years after the event of the 7th Gunpla Battle Tournament, but 2 years before the start of Gundam Build Fighters TRY (the sequel to GBF). After PPSE had dissolved, Yajima Trading had worked to develop a new version of the Plavsky Particles so that Gunpla Battles may be able to continue. Though the Gunpla Academy is the top place for Gunpla builders and fighters to go to. But due to their high standards, not many people are accepted into the Gunpla academy. So in the aftermath of the 12th Gunpla Battle Tournament, Yajima Trading has started a new academy for the summer for many people, old and young, to come to learn how to build Gunpla, and/or battle with them.
(This is my first time trying to host an RP on here and especially a big continuous full scale one, so please bear with me and if you wanna help out, please ask me.)
Despite there will be classes, the main parts include doing mingling with fellow students and participating in battles. One part also involves choosing a single model from the shows to build straight forward with no tuning to it at all. (Can't be a model that was made in Gundam Build Fights or Build Fighters TRY, like the Build Strike Gundam or the Gundam X Maoh.) Instructors and NPC characters are also gonna be all original, no cannons will be involved (they can however be mentioned by your characters).
Now for the rules...
1: Follow the standard rules of the website
2: Nothing dark with your characters. Please keep it PG to PG-13.
3: No OP (Overpowering) Gunpla, especially against other RPers. (You may show your skills well against NPC characters in battle, but lets all be fair).
4: Please support your fellow RPers. Please respect other peoples opinions on what they like in Gundam and what they don't like.
5: Any Suit from any show is allowed.
6: Most importantly "HAVE FUN!"
Template for character:
Appearance: (Description or picture allowed)
Other information:
Main Gunpla:
Based from:
Equipment and Weapons:
If you have a picture, feel free to post it up.
Other Gunpla:
Gundam Build Fighters
The near future. Years after the huge "Gunpla"-plastic models based on the anime series Mobile Suit Gundam-boom of the 1980s. A second Gunpla boom is taking the world by storm, fueled by the revolutionary new ability to pilot your own Gunpla creations in "Gunpla Battles ".
The time point this RP will take place is 5 years after the event of the 7th Gunpla Battle Tournament, but 2 years before the start of Gundam Build Fighters TRY (the sequel to GBF). After PPSE had dissolved, Yajima Trading had worked to develop a new version of the Plavsky Particles so that Gunpla Battles may be able to continue. Though the Gunpla Academy is the top place for Gunpla builders and fighters to go to. But due to their high standards, not many people are accepted into the Gunpla academy. So in the aftermath of the 12th Gunpla Battle Tournament, Yajima Trading has started a new academy for the summer for many people, old and young, to come to learn how to build Gunpla, and/or battle with them.
(This is my first time trying to host an RP on here and especially a big continuous full scale one, so please bear with me and if you wanna help out, please ask me.)
Despite there will be classes, the main parts include doing mingling with fellow students and participating in battles. One part also involves choosing a single model from the shows to build straight forward with no tuning to it at all. (Can't be a model that was made in Gundam Build Fights or Build Fighters TRY, like the Build Strike Gundam or the Gundam X Maoh.) Instructors and NPC characters are also gonna be all original, no cannons will be involved (they can however be mentioned by your characters).
Now for the rules...
1: Follow the standard rules of the website
2: Nothing dark with your characters. Please keep it PG to PG-13.
3: No OP (Overpowering) Gunpla, especially against other RPers. (You may show your skills well against NPC characters in battle, but lets all be fair).
4: Please support your fellow RPers. Please respect other peoples opinions on what they like in Gundam and what they don't like.
5: Any Suit from any show is allowed.
6: Most importantly "HAVE FUN!"
Template for character:
Appearance: (Description or picture allowed)
Other information:
Main Gunpla:
Based from:
Equipment and Weapons:
If you have a picture, feel free to post it up.
Other Gunpla: