❖ The First Age of Ferreria : The Age of the Old Ones ❖All things begin within darkness and our world is no different. The world we lived in was once a desolate and chaotic place, ruled by the gods of old. They ruled from a realm that was beyond understanding, a realm that corrupted all who came into contact with it. Ferreria was a dark place, a landscape bathed in blood and bones. They fed on the violence and the darkness, growing more powerful with every passing hour. That was however, until the new gods were born. Unlike their dark brethren, these gods were born of light and brought with them their most powerful weapon.....knowledge. The old gods and the new would battle one another for millennia. A battle that would shape the very earth that we stood on. It would form oceans, mountains, and bring sun light with them. The new gods would reign supreme, banishing the old gods to the realm beyond through The Rift.
❖ The Second Age of Ferreria : The Age of Rebirth ❖
From the gods came the beings that would shape Ferreria. Man, Fae, Dwerog, Sagwa, the list goes on and on. From the blood of gods we were born. By the blood of gods we exist. Man would become the dominant party of Ferreria, spreading like wildfire and bringing change with them. Stones and sticks would become swords and shields, from the bow and arrow would come the devastating power of black powder. However, the old gods left something behind. The new gods brought with them science, the old gods left behind remnants of their power, a power that we refer to as magic. In small doses and with proper precautions, magic can be a powerful ally. However, with excessive use and with improper preparation you leave yourself weak to the influences and corruption of the old gods. Such corruption breeds heresy, and gods forbid if the elder gods returned due to corruption. The only way to stop such things from happening was to weed out such corruption.
❖ The Third Age of Ferreria : The Age of the Empire ❖
To stop the corruption of the old gods and to keep the peace between the races of Ferreria, the dominion of man would unite under a single banner to form the Empire of Mankind. Under a unified banner, mankind's armies could put an end to centuries old disputes between the races. As the Empire grew in both strength and numbers, the Church would become stronger as well and in order to stop the spread of heresy. The Church would have to become a force to be reckoned with. Thus, the Inquisition was born. Through the power of the Church, Mankind would weed out corruption and heresy where they saw fit. The Empire would garner much hate for their meddling but would also receive a great deal of praise for ending the bloody disputes that plagued some races for years. However, the Church would garner much hate for their oppressive nature. From that hatred would come heresy. From heresy would come the opening of The Rift.
❖ The Fourth Age of Ferreria : The Age of Heresy ❖
With the violence brought by the Empire and the hatred towards the Church, it was only a matter of time before The Rift would open. From the Rift came the corrupting power of the old gods. Daemons born from the gods of old came pouring from the portal, consuming those too weak to stop them. With the daemons came heresy and came a true enemy to not only the Empire but also to the people of Ferreria. The corruption of the old gods would spread like a wild fire, dividing Ferreria between those who worship the new gods and those who worship the old, those who support the Empire and those who support the Rebellion. With every passing day, the old gods grow stronger and soon they'll have the power needed to cross over to our realm once more and start the world a new. The only question you can ask yourself now is who do you stand for? The Empire or the Rebellion? The new gods? Or the old?