So here's my CS. I apologize for any rough wording in the History, I'm not always able to put my ideas into words.
Name: Thelras Braven
Age: 36
Sex: Male
Race: Dalish Elf
Class: Warrior (Spirit Warrior)
Title: The Untouchable
Magical Abilities: By making packs with the Spirits of the Fade versus demons, Thelras uses abilites thick with the energy of the Fade, adept at bypassing enemy armor with his Fade affected blows. Can also release a blast of Fade energy, but will only do it when there are no allies near by.
Personality: Thelras can be a rather callous and blunt fellow at times, but he's great company and you can always rely on him to have your back on the battlefield, and in turn trusts his allies to have his. However, don't betray the trust he gives you or you may find yourself on the recieving end of his blade.
History: Thelras was born among the Dalish Elves of the Lavellan Clan to a pair of proud and skilled hunters. They began to teach him how to wield a blade and shoot an arrow true the moment he was old enough to hold a knife, although he always showed a preference for the sword, and he had proven himself a hunter as skilled as his father by the time he was barely 15 years of age by downing a wolf in the wild with a skillful blade through it's heart and presenting it to the Keeper. He continued to train with a sword, eventually moving on to use a single great sword with incredible finesse.
When he was 28, after having been in the nearby marshlands for days, he reappeared at the edge of the camp with a strange aura about him. When he went for his regular sparring, he made his first slip up in a number of years and his opponent's blade impacted with his shoulder. Or should have, but it didn't. Instead after the aura shimmered a moment, the blade's holder pulled back and found it unstained with blood. Concerned, Thelras went to the Keeper, who found that in a dream he had struck a deal with a spirit of the Fade to be a better warrior. Armed with this knowledge, he set out to perfect his use of his new found abilities. It took him six years, and during that time he stayed in contact with his clan. The Tevinter attack on the Olisians and Fereldens didn't go ignored, as several of their fellow clans had assisted the Inqusition. He returned a day after recieving the news and volunteered to assist the Orlesian/Ferelden Alliance. Because of his unique talents, he was tasked to join the Order of Silence.

Other: Uses a greatsword most of the time, but is skilled with a bow and a single sword and shield as well.