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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

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The police chase reminded Yuri of St. Petersburg where exactly the same happened. Except he was sitting inside a car and not floating in midair in a blob of water held together by a powerful entity. Save that, it was pretty much the same. Especially the fleeing vehicle heading straight-long into a wall. "ETHAN! LOOK OUT!" The mechanic noticed and pushed hard on the brake. The deceleration caused the bottom of the hoverbike to lift up but it was too late.

Yuri braced for impact but for some reason, all he felt was a thud on the ground like he just fell. His eyes opened and saw the bike had indeed hit the wall and shattered through it. Pieces of brick and debris were everywhere. Why he was unharmed was still a mystery for the Russian. He had a feeling Lee had something to do with it.

The Russian got up and quickly surveyed his surroundings. The crash scene was in a casino and there was already a news helicopter covering it. The blare of police sirens reached Yuri's ears which told him to leave immediately. Lee the Cyborgel was nowhere to be found but he did find Ethan the mechanic lying on a casino table with a cloaked person checking up on him.

Yuri made his way towards the mechanic. "Ethan? Are you alright? We need to leave." Upon getting closer, the Russian saw that the cloaked person's eyes were extended out and examining Ethan. The person was certainly not a Mechangel so it could be a... "Another Cyborgel?" He asked out loud.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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The orange eyes that Lexie stared into into had managed to make her feel like the smallest of ants in the world. They were a colour in which she rarely saw and for him to glare at her with them meant that she was perhaps pushing the boundaries.

"After today it won't matter anyways," Mr Kagome spoke as the colour began to fade out of his eyes and the tone of his voice bought the conversation to a respectable level of etiquette. He pulled back from Lexie and motioned for her to walk and talk.

Lexie followed and in a soft voice answering his last phrased sentence. "You're talking about the Mechangles presentation, aren't you?"

"That is correct. Afterall it is our division that has taken care of the weapon's portion of the Mechangles Project, and you of all people should know what these new models will be capable of," he paused in his footsteps for a moment as they reached the far end of the backstage area, "However this..." his hand lifted as he pointed to the screen outside that was partially visible through the curtains. He pointed, and repointed his finger each time being a little more forceful, showing that it was beginning to really piss him off.

"Fuck!" Lexie's supervisor swore under his breath as he snapped his hand down and placed it into his pocket, pulling out a packet of cigarettes. He popped open the lid and held the whole pack to his lips, pulling out a fresh smoke with his mouth before lighting it with a gold plated zippo lighter. Relaxing himself from the stress he was causing he raised a question for Lexie to answer.

"When was your last fight?"
"A few months ago, sir."
"Who was it?"
"A few Revolutionary members, attempting to steal one of our deliveries to a Mechangle factory."
"None, they were apprehended for questioning."
"Shit," he ran his hand through his hair trying to think of what to do in the meantime. "I'm in two minds here, whether to send you to go and deal with that Cyborgel or whether to keep you here until the big man gets here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ruki
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Ruki The Digimon Queen

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Liron wasn't sure what he was expecting when she ignored his, well, he supposed it was a request to take him to the fire station. His head (along with the rest of his body) was screaming in agony, each time his broken leg hit a step pain shot through his body as if he had been branded with a hot iron and he had to bite his tongue to keep from crying out in agony. Still, tears welled up in his eyes - it seemed even when his mechanical eyes they seemed to have forgotten to take out his tear ducts.

Finally, finally they managed to get to her apartment. His eyes glanced around, taking everything in. A person's home could say a lot about them with their decorations. Liron had learned over the course of the years to at least give a cursory look around since it could help if he found himself consoling the family. A room with a lot of religious artifacts, such as crosses, were more likely to be soothed by telling them the Lord would be watching out for them than someone who had none. Sometimes if the house was a lost cause, he would look for anything which might lessen the blow, even a little bit. He typically looked for photos, preferably of families, since people tended to appreciate those the most. Especially if they forgot to back them up somewhere, which seemed to be a lot.

However, when he looked around this young woman's apartment, he didn't glean any new information. It was odd and colorful, just like her.

"Vos habere potuit in salutem. Habebis ignis.I am awake."

His attention immediately turned to the TV, which was an older model, and he caught sight of two green eyes bore right into the camera. Of course, Liron could understand the Latin which was being uttered, however he didn't really register it as a different language due to the vast amount of pain and discomfort in his mind. However, as a firefighter he didn't exactly like the idea of "there will be fire."

His brow furrowed as he moved a brush poking into his backside. He didn't really know what was going on, and with his scattered memory and the massive amount of pain he was in he was hardly beneficial to the fire department if he returned. He sighed as he glanced to where the sounds where coming from, not quite to make sure of the situation. Still it would be unbecoming not to at least thank her.

"Thank you in advance for your assistance. Not many would have stopped," Liron called out, as he adjusted himself to find a more comfortable position.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

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Ethan mumbled something incoherent, feeling very dizzy from his crash. It would be clear that, for now, the mechanic would be out of commission. Thus he did not respond the cyborgel asking if he was okay.

However, the face that was on all the screens of channel 7 news tumbled into the opening in the wall the crashed hover bike had made, causing many casino patrons to reel back in shock. This was quite a lot to take in, obviously. On her eye-screens, she glanced at the other cyborgel in the room and read that she was as such like Lee. Lee wordlessly scooped Ethan up, her mechanical parts beneath the skin making it an easy feat. She turned to Yuri, her eyes back to being soft and her demeanor quiet. "Take me somewhere safe. I am not welcome here." She turned to the cyborgel girl beside her. "Come with us as well. We must move quickly."


The TV turned off without warning. From the bathroom doorway, Mel had the remote.

"News is so depressing, no good to watch it." She murmured before dropping down beside the angel. She smiled at his thanks. "You're very welcome. I'd be kinda heartless if I didn't help, ya know? By the way, You're a cyborgel right?" She was rolling up the long, loud pant legs of the samurai pants she had wiggled onto him earlier, a first aid kit AND toolbox by her side. "I've just like.... never noticed that the A.I. was so humany."

She slowly looked to straighten his legs out so she could work on them, wincing. Oh god she didn't think it was THIS bad... ah hell, she could do this.


Enter: Atemisk Refilu}

A throaty chuckle came from behind the two.

"Go nowhere, my doves. We have work here to do." A red haired, well made up man grinned at the two of them. It was rare to see the CEO not smiling with both warmth and a sneer at the same time, this time was no different. "The fools may be awakening but they are far from being a threat."

His eyes fell on Lexie.

"Lovely as ever my dear," He gripped her hand and gently placed a kiss on the back of it. His eyes met hers and he seemed to nearly bore into her very state of being, like his pupils were examining every fragment of color in hers. Buji Kagome cleared his throat beside him.

"Should we be starting, then, sir?" Buji asked, appearing to try to pull the CEO from his secretary.

"But of course," Atemisk replied, turning to Buji but keeping his eyes on Lexie. "Prepare the camera crew, Mr. Kagome. Lexie, dear, you will come with me." He began toward the stage, looking both smooth and considerably refined.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScarlettWaters16
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Razielle stares at the girl. How does she know what she is? Off of some impulse that the young girl put upon her, Razielle draws back her hood and pulls off her boots as well as her gloves. Her metal legs now exposed and shining, she turns to Yuri and says, "If you need a safe haven, there is a small empty building a few blocks from here. It is possible for us to hang out there for a moment until we find something safer." She jerks her chin toward the unconscious in Lee's arms. Pressing her hand to her heart and holding it out to them in a respectively gesture, she says, "I am Razielle. I can help heal him if you would like, but we need to go now."

She glances around nervously as people look at her and stare at her metal legs and arm. She rolls her shoulders uncomfortably and looks to Lee. "You know what I am and you know what I can do. This place is one of the safest that is nearby." Her voice is quiet so most people except the young cyborgel in front of her can't hear her. "Please, let us go."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Buji began commanding the camera crew as he walked away from the duo. You could see it in his eyes that he had a hint of annoyance especially when he stood a fair distance away while keeping the CEO and Lexie within his peripheral vision.

Guiding her to where he desired, Atemisk gently pushed her along away from the crowd of workers. A feeling of lust, whether it was for her or just simply power, could be felt in the air around him as the two moved away from back stage and to the corner of the curtains, giving them full view of their audience and the skies above.

Lexie looked over towards the scenes of chaos in the distance and prompted a question that was plaguing her mind, "What will we do about the rogue Cyborgel? But more importantly what has been going on lately?" Turning around and looking back at the crew she could see her manager had lost interest in what the two of them were up to, commanding workers to do all these little insignificant jobs. "Everything leading up to this. I cannot understand the death (of children), the blood, the desire for an angel to watch the world burn."

She stepped forward over to the edge of the curtain and placed her hand upon the giant material tassel, positioning herself where the young stage director had told her to be earlier. The material felt smooth and soft as she ran her fingers along the seams. She whispered "I guess you could say that I'm becoming too human. Twenty years and I have forgotten what home was truly like."

Lexie rested her arms upon the rope and attempted to guess which of the workers were human, and which were disguises. A feat that she remembered she could complete effortlessly a lifetime ago.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

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From out of nowhere, Lee scooped the unconscious Ethan up and asked Yuri to take them somewhere safe. The Cyborgel named Razielle was asked to come as well and she happened to know of a safe place.

"Very well, Razielle. Take us to this safe place." Yuri said to the healer Cybrogel.

Once they get moving, Yuri would ask Razielle. "You said you are a healer, yes? Heh, looks like I've hit a motherload this night. I am Yuri and the green Cyborgel is Lee."

"We revolutionaries have an encampment in the outskirts of this city. Once we get our bearings, we can get there provided we can avoid attention." Yuri told the Cyborgels. "You are famous among us, you know? Once we heard you were being discarded, we mobilized to recover you and return you all to your rightful places."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ruki
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Ruki The Digimon Queen

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Liron opened his mouth to respond, that of course he was a machine, all cyborgels were machines. However, the words didn't come out of his mouth. Couldn't come out of his mouth. He didn't know why, but something made him hesitate. Instead of it being natural that he had mechanical parts, suddenly he felt like it was more natural that he was flesh and bone. His eyes felt foreign and he felt suddenly the lost off a limb where his mechanical arm was.

With his good arm, he scratched at some inflamed skin near his heart as it uncomfortably settled in his chest. Pain prickled at him, but he preferred that feeling over the sense of dread and sickness which was beginning to plague him. How was he supposed to respond to that?

"Are ... other cyborgels not like me?" he asked tentatively, unsure of himself. He had seen other cyborgels to be sure, but for the most part he never really paid attention. Was his level of flesh something abnormal? To him it felt right ... at least more right than the mechanical parts which he was trying to avoid thinking about. "I was always told I was very ... human."

It was true. Sometimes when he was fighting the large forest fires which razed the landscape, some of firecrew members he fought with - some of whom were criminals - would think he was one of them until either his eyes or arm was shown. Usually though the appearance of his wings did the trick. His arm reached back and brushed the ashen feathers. They were very soft, and they felt, well, natural.

"Of course that was usually before they saw my eyes and arm ... or my wings," he continued on. "I assumed it was supposed to be a compliment, but now I'm not so sure."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

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Lee's eyes seemed to glow as she held the mechanic against her. "Please, lead the way. We can debrief there."

Police cars were pulling up fairly fast, causing Lee to look outside.

"And hurry."

"I feel human at times too," Atemisk chuckled, adjusting his tie as he looks at the reporters beginning to fall into place. It was just about time to start the show. "The only difference between the mortals and us is that we're so much more powerful."

He did not note her other questions, perhaps he didn't hear her? Or maybe he did hear her and that was his answer to all of the above. He went to the podium as the cameras began to roll.

"Iunno," Mel shrugged, rubbing the inflammed skin on his chest with a salvent. It was cooling and would ease the feeling of it. "Im not around much cyborgels... but they always seemed so robotic I guess. Like some... uh.... gundam shit, you know? Well, the Mechangels look more like gundamns. You've seen Big O right? Ah probably not, just know that they're like... robots, but not. Kinda. Uh, whatever." Her babbling had caused her to blush with a bit of anxiety. She took a deep breath and continued performing first aid on his fleshy bits.

"But um you seem to be kind of ...." She paused to look him in the eyes, searching for the right words. "...normal."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScarlettWaters16
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ScarlettWaters16 Level 80 Assassin Badass

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Razielle dips her head to the two and nods. She immediately pulls back on her disguise and begins to walk out among the panicked crowd. She turns to her two followers and says, "Try to blend in." She begins a slow jog, following next to a young couple gripping onto each other. She glances back to make sure the others are following before she continues on. She keeps her head low as they pass by some of the police and she keeps walking. She manages to make it far enough away from the crowd before she pauses and looks at the two.

"The building is just around the block. We can make it there easily. Please try to keep up." She nods to them before she takes off at a full on sprint. Her mechanical legs carry her faster than most normal people and she felt bad for running ahead, but if there were already police at the building, she could at least run back and warn them. She pauses just in front of the building and sees that there are only litter bots still there. She waits at the door for them to arrive.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Powerful... That was something that Lexie had lost sight of. The power of being able to control the motives of others. Atemisk spoke sense as she looked up towards the audience and watched their expressions. They had come here, to the presentation on their own accord. Desium Corp had invited these people to witness this moment in time and they obeyed. If this was a presentation by some corner store about a new product they were going to sell, there wouldn't even be a fraction of the people that the ground's contained at this point in time. The demons had power over everyone because of the products that the people consumed and they were about to see another item they they were told they should desired.

Camera's flashed and film crews watched at Atemisk stood at the stand waiting for the moment. Small flying camera droids could be seen hovering near the front of the stage in order to get the perfect shot of the CEO and the unveiled goods.

As the crowd silenced, and Atemisk cleared his throat in order to begin his speech, Lexie placed a firm grasp on the rope. She stood there in a proud position and felt her expression light up as she knew this was going to be a moment of truth. Everything that they had been working for had come down to this and all she needed was that signal to pull and everything would change for the future.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

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Razielle lead the trio and one unconscious into the open and into the crowd. She told them to blend and began a slow jog. The police have began appearing and increasing in number. Their attention was the last thing the trio wanted right now. A crowd had also began to form but fortunately it served as a thin veil from the authorities.

After making out of the crowd, Razielle told the other two the building was nearby and to try to keep up. Yuri raised an eyebrow at the last one but then found the answer when the healer Cyborgel suddenly bolted at inhuman speeds. The Russian sighed and began to run. He had a feeling he was going to be the last person to the meeting place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by pure493
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His ears ringed and the world became a blur as he drifted in and out of consciousness.

He felt himself get hoisted up and moved around. His eyes wandered lazily as he heard muffled screams and shrieks and saw playing cards flutter down around him.

"Gurrrgghh," he burbled senselessly.

He saw things. A man in a yellow raincoat. "The crazy?" the thought crept in his mind, but he couldn't even muster up the feeling of alarm. Beside him, was a girlish figure, Ethan noted red optic hung over one of her eyes.

His eyes drifted up and towards the green-haired girl carrying him. Her expression. More calm and collected than when he found her. Something dangerous, not robotic but not human.

Her face reminded him of stories his mother told from ancient times. Of beings from the heavens that rained down fire and wrath upon the earth.

"Angel," he mumbled and drifted into the blackness of unconsciousness.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

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The same news station that had broadcasted Lee's message now turned to the Live Press conference, showing Atemisk at a podium, looking done up as ever as he began to address everyone there. Camera flashes went off every now and again to try to capture the grace in which the CEO moved, but nothing could accurately depict it so well as video could.

"People of New San Francisco," He began, his hands helping him to enunciate his speech. "It is my pleasure to welcome you to this surprise press conference and confer to you the goings on of tomorrow." He closed his eyes and adjusted his tie. The crowd chuckled, as "The Going ons of Tomorrow" was Desium Corps slogan. Reopening his eyes he looked down at the crowd once more. "We as a company have brought to you many amazing advancements in technology," He clicked a button, powerpoint slides going past on the screen behind him showing exactly what he was saying as he was saying it. "We have ended world hunger, achieved world peace, created Pixiebots, Cyborgels, Reconaissence Drones, Modulated 24/7 Food Service and... the beloved Litter bug." The screen depicted a Litter bug but someone had pasted a pink bow to a corner of its monitor, which was blushing. This earned partial giggles and partial 'ahs' at how cute it was.

"Yes, we have solved all worldly issues. Ever since the Desium Corp's first launch with the prototype Cyborgel, we have achieved success after success towards total globalization. Suffering is ended and the world that has become New Society could not be greater!" Cheers. Whistles. An ironic 'Amen!' As the applause came to a slow close, the CEO's massive grin brimmed with overconfidence. "Yes, yes, and we are working towards greater things. What we're doing here today is to unveil that latest in Mechangel technology. We have sent out surveys to all current MECH owners and all have come back with many of the same troubling results; a trifling lack of humanity, too big, children sticking magnets all over them..."

Another chuckle from the crowd.

"So we have decided to bring humanity back to the ANGEL project. We have decided, that perhaps those old Cyborgels might be worth something afterall...!" The signal is given to pull the curtain.

[UNLOCKED: Angel Snake]


Lee sprinted to keep up with Razielle, her own mechanical legs allowing her to keep up with ease but she still drifted behind a bit to keep the Russian in check. Her eyes bolted down with Ethan had mumbled, but for now she kept focus. She paused when Razielle did, looked up at the building, and then went inside wordlessly. Within, the litterbots still partied like they had just defeated the anarchy of the Deathstar, playing [url=Frank Sinatra]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0R9VBj-bdg[/url] from their makeshift band. They didn't seem to notice the visitors.

Lee found the bed where Razielle had earlier been sitting to lay down Ethan. She looked down at him, taking a step back to let the other cyborgel work. "Russian," She began, her demeanor calm. "You seem to understand what we are... correct?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ruki
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Ruki The Digimon Queen

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Normal. Her attempt to make him feel more accepted only sent him into a further state of confusion. After all, what was normal for? A human? A cyborgel? Something else entirely? Plus there was always varying definitions of normal which nobody could seem to agree on.

"Normal for what?" he asked, voicing the question circling his mind. "A cyborgel? A human? Something else?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairess
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Alexis’ face was anything but sympathetic as the tiny machine whined. She could not comprehend why any robot would be programmed to ‘feel’ pain. There were far more efficient means of detecting damage, and the hideously annoying sound the little bot was making rang into her ears and made the more tender parts of them flinch. Her mechanical hand flexed, held back only by Zac’s illogical need to keep the malfunctional thing in one piece.

The sputters of a news reel were lost on Alexis, who found nothing comprehensible in them. There was a strange voice and words of reprimand in Latin, but that was a long dead language and had no meaning she could attribute it to. Perhaps it was some battle mantra? Were the humans at war?

Alexis sighed, fixing a deadpan look on Zac. “If you are going to keep that piece of junk, turn the volume down. Its unpleasant pitch is unsettling my auditory sensors."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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With a great pull Lexie had released the curtain off it's catches and the fabric dropped to the ground like a waterfall. Standing upon a great podium was Desium Corp's newest product, a Mech Cyborgel. It was Lexie's first time looking at the figure and it simply looked amazing. The metal housing was polished to a pristine shine with a slight tint to the colouring to give the components depth and appeal, but what was more amazing was the organic components that laid between the metal housings. It looked less like the current Mechangles, and that at the moment was a good thing considering the Mechangles received some negative reviews due to their cold, inhuman appearances. The audience began to roar into applause and Atemisk stood there proud at his new unveil.

"This must have been what Buji referred to as the 'Gen 3' prototype," Lexie wondered. She looked over to see where her manager was, but all she saw was a large crowd of people behind the stage trying to get a sneak glimpse of the new Cyborgel. She did however notice someone else though. Standing amongst the group with a slightly serious expression was a familiar face, a fellow worker that Lexie knew.

Lexie turned from the crowd that she could see before her and began to slowly walk into the group of onlookers. She pushed through the sea of bodies, feeling them push against her body as she walked against the current, until she arrived at the position where she thought this familiar face should be.

"Mery?" Lexie softly spoke out as she looked around to try and see where she went, but no matter how hard she looked she couldn't see her co-worker. "This is weird. She was here, I know she was here." "Mery!?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Like Yuri had anticipated, he was dead last to the destination. The sprint was not that taxing to the Russian though. He had dashed away from many a chase in his revolutionary lifetime.

Yuri arrived in front of the abandoned house Razielle had lead them to, slightly panting. Despite the scrapping of the angelic servants, they were still leagues ahead of the human body. The Cyborgels went inside with the Russian following, taking a glance back to see if anyone was watching them. Inside, the litterbots seemed to be having a party to an old song but they paid no attention to the newcomers.

Lee carried and placed the unconscious Ethan on a bed before turning to Yuri. She wanted to clarify that the Russian knew what they were. "Ah, yes. We know what you Cyborgels truly are." Yuri answered. "Or at least what our evidence points to and what we can infer from said evidence."

"I am Yuri by the way, Yuri Volkova. Ex-New Society military and currently part of the Revolution." The revolutionary formally introduced himself. "Now then, what would you like to know first?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScarlettWaters16
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ScarlettWaters16 Level 80 Assassin Badass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Razielle watches as the two enter the building. Police cars come whirring down the street and she quickly steps inside, making sure that they don't see her. She sighs carefully and steps around the litterbots as she heads toward the room once again. She nods to Lee as Lee sets Ethan down and steps back for her to work. Her X-Ray eye flips down in front of her right eye again and she begins to scan over his body once more, mostly focusing on his brain.

In the background, she hears Lee ask Yuri a question about how he knows what they are and Razielle takes a deep breath as Yuri responds with a yes. Or at least, sort of a yes. Razielle leans over Ethan and focuses in on his head. He is definitely going to have a concussion, but it isn't going to be too bad. He's just going to have where sunglasses for awhile and not move for the next couple hours unless they want puke everywhere. She then examines his upper body. He seems to have bruised a few of his bones, but he would mostly just be sore rather than extremely harmed. She does not want to touch him, just in case he has a fear of things like her. She then examines his arm and notices that his shoulder is displaced from his socket.

She coughs slightly and looks over at Lee and Yuri. "He has a dislocated shoulder. It's an easy fix, but it will hurt." She looks at Yuri and Lee and asks, “Will one of you pop it back it? I feel that he will not like a stranger touching him.” She steps back way from Ethan’s unconscious form and gestures for one of them to walk up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


She suddenly felt incredibly awkward and her mouth let out a babble of things to try to correct herself.

"I mean-It's just-Normal means like not normal and-You're not supposed to be-I mean not to say you're-I... uh..." She blushed bright red and shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut. She took a deep breath to try to center herself. "I mean...." Exhale. "Cyborgels... are always so.... I don't know..." She scratched her cheek and looked away as she thought about it. "Stoic. I mean, some act friendly but their eyes always look so dead, like.... robotic and stuff. But when I look at you, I feel like you're something .... breathing, thinking... you know?"

She'd be lying if she didn't think it was a bit creepy. Like watching a bunch of mannequins coming to life.


"Detecting latin."
The pixie bot raised her hands in front of her and quickly began working, her brow furrowed as a holographic screen popped up from her eyes and she began working. "Translation for the soundwaves received in progress... Downloading... complete. Latin language detected; 'You could have had salvation. Now you will have fire.' English language detected; 'I am awake.'"

Mareesa's eyes narrowed at the cyborgel. "Ugh, what an attitude." Her arms folded and her eyes stopped projecting their hologram. "You would think an 'angel' based program would be, you know, angelic?"

She had let it slip that they were not based on 'demons' as Desium Corp had said.


In the background of where Lexie stood, Atemisk continued.

"Indeed, our newest advancements in Cyborgel and Mechangel technology has led us to a prime solution; a combination of the two! With a more controlled personality, Our new MechaCyborgels will leave our job market free for owners while simultaneously promoting companionship and above all, obedience."

On the stage, the MechaCyborgel twitched before raising its head.

It appeared to be gasping for air.

No air would fill their lungs.

For now they had none.

Its hands lifted, staring down at them.

When did they become so cold...?

When did... he feel so cold...?

So many voices and scenes being captured by his infrared vision...

Something hurt him... something....

When did it become so dark...?

The press conference continued as the new MechaCyborgel stirred on stage, earning several 'ooohs' and 'aaahs' at the fluidity and grace at which it moved. He appeared to be completely human in his movements but with an excelling amount of grace that would break any ballerinas heart.

"Amazing, isn't it?" Mery's voiced hissed in Lexies ear. "How under control they are now..." The demoness did not stand beside her though, leaving one to wonder where she could be. "Under our, control...."


"Neither of us know him," Lee responded, turning to Razielle. She had been listening intently with here eyes burning into the Russians. She seemed quite tense. "But I do know he calls himself... Ethan. I can assist. Please tell me what to do." As she talked, she came to the bed and awaited instructions.

"Yuri Volkova..." She began, sitting Ethan up. "What does your.... 'evidence,' say we are?" She held the word in her mouth like it was foreign, but she got the gist of what it must have meant. "What do YOU think we are?"
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