Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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15 years ago, the world was introduced to a brand new invention. Particles that allowed plastic models to be able to move. These particles were called "Plavsky Particles". And the models that were affected by these particles were models belonging to a popular series, the Gunpla Models from the series Mobile Suit Gundam. 3 years after the discovery of Plavsky Particles, the first ever Gunpla Battle tournament had taken place. Ever since that day, the popularity of Gunpla and Gundam had continued to grow, inspiring many people to create, build, and battle. Now, 15 years since the discovery of the Plavsky Particles and 12 years after the first Gunpla Battle Tournament, Yajima Trading, now a leader in Plavsky Particle R&D and Gunpla Battle Systems, prepares its first Summer Academy to train new faces to Gunpla, and retrain those who feel a need to learn the secrets of Gunpla. Reasons are different to each person who comes to the academy, but their time here will help them to become... Gundam Build Fighters!

Chapter 1: Nielsen Labs, the first days.

The suns slowly starts to rise over the land of the rising sun, Japan. The morning lights reflect off the nearby lake over at Neilsen Labs, owned by Yajima Trading. Things at the lab were being hectic, as they were finishing up preparations for the upcoming summer camp.

Chairman Hiroto was on the phone with someone: "Yes sir. We're about to start the summer academy. ... ... ... Understood. We won't let you down Mr. Yajima." Hiroto hangs up his phone and straightens up his tie he was wearing. He looks in the mirror in his room before telling himself: "Well, the time has finally come."

As he finishes, one of the instructors, Minako, enters the room and adjusts her glasses: "Chairman, the students are starting to arrive."

Hiroto turns around to speak with Minako: "Very well. Let's let them in. Guide them to the main hall and gather up the other instructors."

Minako nods: "Yes sir."

With his word, the doors to Nielsen labs open up, allowing the many students to come inside the lobby.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rolling through the doors was an electric tank of sorts. It was a treaded wheel chair stylized in the lower portion of a guntank. sitting in the wheelchair was a pretty young girl, softly sighing but then smiling and looking around. "well, i guess i'm the first one here." Dani said looking around once more for the other students.

Shrugging, she moved over to the water cooler, a small box in her lap containing most everything she needed for her gunpla's maintenance and her tools as well. There were two slots that were on the sides of her wheel chair, one for each gunpla she had. Attatched to the back of her chair securely was an odd looking helmet, one that might look like a cosplay of something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

As the time progresses, more and more people slowly filled in. Age was varied, but everyone looked determined and eager to begin. The lobby itself was white with the finest looking marble. A desk was at the lobby entrance, but it was empty. However, shelves line the back of the desk, many containing gunpla. One however stood out, it was a replica of the Gunpla used by the owner of the labs in the 7th Gunpla Battle Tournament, the Sengoku Astray.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

After checking in Alexis, she was really more interested in finding her room then mingling right now though, mostly to off load her bags. One of said bags being a bag from a local hobby shop she'd stopped in to pick up a few supply's and on a lark, a new kit, the Gundam Alex, that for what ever bizarre reason she hadn't picked up till now.

So, with bags in hand and the location of the dorms she'd be staying in now known to her Alexis made for her room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rou watched as people slowly filled the room. His earbuds blasted his favorite music so loud that anyone near could clearly make out the lyrics. He didn't mean to come off as anti-social, but he really didn't want to be forced into an awkward conversation. After half the people had filled into the room, he shuffled his way there. Rou's luggage was honestly a little big for what he was in for, but hey, you try fitting a dozen High Grade Ball kits plus a cosplay outfit into one suitcase. He sat on a nearby bench casually and watched the clock on his phone until the awaited time arrived. Rou was a shy person, but even he couldn't hide his anticipation. The Nielsen Labs were the perfect stage for his grand debut. He couldn't wait for DAI-BALL-OH! to reveal itself to the public.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Looking around, Dani saw people with luggage. "Boy... i'm thankful they're taking care of it for me..." she said with a releif. Being paralyzed sucked, but she didn't let it get her down. Her gunpla could do the walking for her and she did tend to get special treatment and things done for her that she normally didn't.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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When the time finally came that looked like everyone had arrived, the crowd was approached by someone wearing a lab coat. The person bared quite a strong resemblance to that of Nadia Miguel from Mobile Suit Gundam Char's Counter Attack, only she was wearing a pair of glasses on her face.

Instructor Minako alerts the group of people: "Welcome everyone to Neilsen Labs. If you will please follow me, we will begin heading over to the main hall to begin our greeting and tour of your new home for the next few months. This way."

She motions everyone to follow her, and they begin to go down one of the halls to the right. The lobby was once again empty, except for the receptionist at the front desk who took it after they all left... but coming through the doors, someone slides in and tries to catch his breath. Only thing he had with him was a backpack as opposed to a suitcase or such.

The boy looks around asking: "Where is everyone?"

The lady at the front desk asks him: "Excuse me, are you also attending the Neilsen Labs Summer Academy?"

The boy straightens himself out from his hunched posture when he was trying to catch his breath: "That's right. I was trying to find the front entrance and got a bit lost."

The lady responds: "I see... well they all just went down that hall. If you hurry, you can catch up with them. Your name?"

He takes a breath before replying: "Thanks! Oh, and the name's Alex."

With that, he was off to catch up with the others. After seeing them, he slowed down a bit from a run to a fast walk, so it would appear as if he was in the back the whole time.

After some time, the group of nearly 80 people were finally brought into a big nearly empty room with a stage on it. There was a screen on the back of it, but it wasn't on. Likely to be on when it was time to begin. If anyone needed water, there was a jug of it onto the left side of the room.

It only took a few minutes time before the lights in the room dimmed, and a spot light hit the stage. On stage, were 5 people in lab coats, including the one that escorted the group of people, and one man wearing a suit. The back screen turns on as a Green Haro drops on screen, soon a title appears entitled: Neilsen Labs Summer Gunpla Academy

He steps forward to begin introductions: "Welcome everyone, to Neilsen Labs. As of today, you are the first group of students to be part of the Nielsen Labs Summer Gunpla Academy. Here you will learn the skills necessary to become a top rank Gunpla Builder and a Gunpla Fighter. My name is Hiroto, the Chairman for this academy. It is my job to make sure you all are well and taken care of. Each student here has their own reason for being here, but there is one thing that we all share in common. And that is our love for Gunpla. Always remember that Gunpla is to be enjoyed. Now then, before we begin the tour, we will let you all mingle for a few minutes. Start trying to get to know your future classmates."

With that, he turns around and motions to the other instructors as the lights turn back on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hearing the loud music after the presentation, she looked over and saw a boy with a rather large luggage, along with the music. She softly smiled and rolled over to him, looking at him as she moved up. Giving a wave to him, she smiled. "What are you listening to?" she asked him in a normal voice, assuming he was decent at reading lips because of the headphones habit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rou jumped as a girl rolled up to him. He hurried to pull out his music, tangling the wires in a frustrated manner.

"O-oh! Hi, sorry. I'm listening to Enter Shikari...they're my favorite." He nervously adjusted his hat, trying not to look at her wheelchair. This was so uncomfortable He had to think of a lie just in case she asked about his Gunpla. He prayed she wouldn't ask that. It was bad enough that she was a girl, and even worse that she was crippled. Rou regained his composure slowly. "S-so..are you here for the academy as well?" He stammered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Dani smiled up at the boy as he spoke to her, however, she could tell from his motions that she was probably making him uncomfortable. "They sound cool. My name is Dani by the way, and it's ok to stare, i occassionally catch myself staring at people's legs." she said with a giggle holding out her hand to the male. "Yeah, i'm here for it, i run a guntank on the amateur circuits here in japan. Also, you might want to check out blue Stahli if you like that electro metal mix." she suggested to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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With the introduction done and waiting for the tour to begin, all Alex could think of was waiting for the whole thing to kick off. New people, new custom Gunplas, and a lot more to learn about the Gunpla world. Though he was a pretty good expert of the Gundam series, he knew that alone wouldn't help make him a strong fighter.

Alex talks to himself: "I'm already getting goosebumps just thinking about what's to come. From here till the final days, I am gonna become a true Gundam Build Fighter. So watch out, cause Alex is ready to mobilize!" He raises his fist into the air with gusto... till he notices several people are staring at him, to which he puts it down and chuckles nervously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alexis made it back in time for the presentation but seem to miss the chance to have introduced her self to anyone. She shrugged it off, there'll be plenty of time for that after the tour she she guessed.

She looked around a bit though before the tour started, she saw one kid? well, one guy pumping him self up for something, least till people seemed to notice what he was doing anyway, her gaze also found a rather interesting looking wheel chair and its occupant. If she's anything like Rachel, she'll be tough. she though as the round case the person the girl in the wheel chair was talking to caught her eye, she naturally wondered what was inside it. Probably his gunpla, still she wondered what he ran.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rou nervously smiled at the uncanny generous disposition of the girl. "Thanks, I'll look them up later. And Guntanks are cool! Someone has to look out for the little guys after all. Not everyone has to show off with a flashy Gundam." Rou began rambling. Realizing he was beginning to go off course he slowed down. "S-sorry, my name is Rou. Sure are a lot of people here, so many more than I expected. Some real work will have to be done to stand out here." He stated, nervously fidgeting his feet as he watched the crowd pile in.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

She nodded to him. "Yeah, i don't plan on losing. One of the few reasons i use a guntank is because people had made fun of me for being in the chair and said i couldn't play gunpla well. So i out built them and used tactics to destroy my competition. I fully expect a good battle from you if we face eachother." she said smiling and with a fire behind her eyes. "Gunpla is feedom, as the saying goes." Dani added, one of the reasons she was here becoming apparent, a rather indomitable will. He'd also notice her gp base had an odd series of what looked like antennas coming off of it as well as an odd helmet on the back of her chair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alexis, noticing they weren't starting the tour just yet, decided to mingle a bit. Starting with the kid? Young man the was hyping him self up for something.

"So whats got you all excited?" She asked after tapping him on the shoulder to get his attention after walking over to him. "I'm Alexis by the way" she said putting out her hand for him to shake.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Alex hears someone talking to him and tapping his shoulder to get his attention. He turns around to greet who was taking to him: "Oh, well I- (The moment his eyes lay on Alexis, he freezes in place and just goes) aaaaaaaaaaaa..." His face turns slightly red, but he looks frozen with something. Not exactly a good way to make a first impression.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rou relaxed a bit. "Freedom huh..." He smirked. "I'd be lying if I said I haven't been ridiculed for my Gunpla skills a few times myself. I'll remember that though. Despite the obvious fire in her eyes, Rou could tell that she was a sincere person. He exhaled. "I'm hoping to change the Gunpla meta this summer. I feel like it's becoming...stagnant. Too many similarities and not enough creativity, not enough evolution to a great activity..." Rou halted his sermon as he spotted the strange helmet dangling from the back of Dani's chair. Was she also going to wear something specifically for battles? Unlike his gaudy suit that hid his humility, hers seemed to have a different purpose, a more useful one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Dude, breath" Alexis said after a few moments of him 'aaaaa'ing. She gave him an odd look though, mostly cause she was wondering if this was gonna be a common occurrence, she hoped not, it would get really annoying really quickly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Suddenly, he snaps back to reality. Alex shakes his head a bit to help him focus: "Oh, sorry. Kinda of a bad habit when i first meet someone. *Clears throat* I'm Alex. And I'm just really excited for this whole thing."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alexis snickered "Well, Alex, as I said before you had to 'reboot', I'm Alexis." offering her hand for a shake once more. "I think that sums up every one here. Excitement, Nervousness, Anticipation." Alexis chuckled a little. "If I didn't know better I'd swear I was at a Regional and not waiting for a tour of an Academy."
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