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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylvazard
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

'Soft and too confining,' he says. Thought Rosalie with a slight narrowing of her eyes. It was almost as if he were also describing his discomfort with his humanoid form. At the idea of that, the girl found herself staring for longer than she should have, almost like she was only taking the time to consider that now that they had arrived home. If Eric hadn't tapped her on the shoulder and asked her if something was on her mind, the girl was certainly sure that she would have stared for longer without realising. She dismissed it as her simply zoning out, but really, what would happen if Gore were to stay in that form for longer than he should? Would he lose his mind or would the outcome be much worse than what was currently running through her mind?
Rosalie could happily list or even jot down her thoughts on the matter, but given the situation, it might not be appropriate. Perhaps, the girl thought, turning to look at the younger brother, she'd ask him later in hopes that he might know the answer. Gore didn't seem to want to tell her judging from his answer from earlier. She wouldn't force it out of him, either. It might have been that she did not care enough to ask, or rather that she did not want to become too involved in the affairs of a dragon. Curiosity was a dangerous and powerful thing.

“Well, Rosalie?” Eric prompted with a light voice once more when he saw that she hadn’t been listening to him as he urged her on. He was tempted to scold her. He really was. “We shouldn’t stay out too long lest father finds us here. Then our efforts would be for nothing. How are you going to explain a dragon in the backyard, hmm?” The girl’s attention was for a moment drawn to Sigmund who was locked in conversation with Gore. The older male seemed unfazed by how different the perspective of dragons and humans were when it came to the other and the events that had come to pass.

On the other hand, Eric was rather tense over the situation and it showed in the small distance he kept away from Gore. One of the reasons behind this was because he was always wary of strangers and it often showed unlike his brother who would always -and quite happily- jump into conversation. Saving them or not, the young male wanted to be sure of the dragon’s trustworthiness. He already seemed honourable enough in keeping his new mistress safe, but being observant of someone’s nature tended to always pay off.

“Umm...Come here for a moment, Eric.” Rosalie pulled Eric to the side then and started whispering to him in low tones, looking into his eyes to be sure that she had his attention. They had their heads close enough so they could hear each other over Sigmund’s slightly louder voice. At times, Eric could be caught frowning and even drawing back in disbelief.
“Even I’m not exactly sure what father thinks about dragons..,” He said after a few seconds of silence, scratching his chin, “you are right about..” He suddenly trailed off and shook his head, waving the idea away as if he were making a half-hearted effort at waving off an insect after a sleepless night. “For now, we’ll see how it goes..” As the young man mumbled those words, he looked back to the house, shivering slightly, but not from the cold. He knew how his parents would respond to the news. If they had gone off about not being able to keep pets in the house, then he could only imagine how they would react to a dragon which was much, much larger than any domestic animal they’ve suggested keeping.

“Heh, I know that much, Gore.” Sigmund added quietly, frustration lurking beneath the surface of his light tone as he ruffled the back of his head, “I dare you to count the number of things my brother and I have read that say one thing while another says something else. I wonder if Rosie’s complained about that to you yet, haha. Ah well..” He heaved a sigh, gaze fixing on the faint outline of Gore in the dark. He was somewhat curious to where the dragon had gone off to, and had even thought about asking, but perhaps it wasn’t something to worry about. It had already been an interesting day as it was and there was no doubt that in having Rosalie and Gore get here, that they weren’t tired. “Wait a minute! Gore! You! Buddy!” Sigmund’s face suddenly lit up as he took Gore by the shoulders. “Since you have the real story, you should consider telling us, sometime! Eric can be your scribe-“
“Why are you nominating me?” His brother demanded, “you suggested it, so you should write it.”
“You know I’m not good at these things, Eric. Who knows, things could change and people could be interested in the real story.”
“I doubt it. It’s late, brother. Think about this in the morning.”

“He’s right, you know, Siggy.” Rosalie had to chime in, following Eric off with a yawn. “And Gore? Thanks, but there’s nothing that I can think of at the moment. Just do whatever you usually do and try to keep a low profile.” There could have been something that she was forgetting, but she could figure it all out tomorrow when she wasn’t half-asleep and tempted to lean on Eric for support.


Morning couldn’t have come early enough, but already, Rosalie was out watering the garden with its variety of fragrant flowers. Though she had her hair tied back and was still in her dark pyjamas, she didn’t much care for who would see. Why she hadn’t changed beforehand was simply due to laziness and not getting as much sleep the night before. Simply put, she was still tired from her trip. Seeing as it was her turn to water the plants, she thought she might as well get it over and done with before she changed and went out to get the groceries.

She planned to stay in town for a bit until she could earn a bit of income to travel again. Eric had agreed to lend her some of his savings, but warned her not to go about spending it without so much as a thought to what she was trying to achieve. She believed she was responsible and since it was not her money to spend freely, his warning would be firmly embedded in her mind like etching in stone. Sigmund was a bit more relaxed about it, at least. “All of this is going to pay off soon..”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arclite
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Humans..They were such strange creatures. For the ancient Dragon that was travelling with them, Gore couldn't tell whether or not they were ignorant or simply lacked concern for whom they brought with him. No, he didn't think this from how they acted but instead, how they reacted. The younger of the males were so tense that the Dragon felt like if he were to pick him up, he'd break him just from the mere touch of his form. The others..his mistress included brought the older brother to her.
Looking back at them, The Blood Dragon stared for a moment, noticing that she too was staring at him. With a sigh, he shook his head. 'Should I hold my tongue or be honorable to my mistress and tell her the truth..again.' With a shrug and without faulting on his sway, The new property of his young mistress spoke out.
"Mistress, I hear all of what you and your brother are saying..Leaning into one another and whispering nay aids your cause." With that, the dragon simply carried on his way toward where ever they were taking him. Looking around, he did notice that the streets were still somewhat empty and it caused him to question..just why didn't the humans let him carry them home. The night sky is perfect for flying and if he were high enough, he could get by without being noticed with so few out.

Looking at Sigmund, Gore's dark teal eyes seemed to loom there for a moment before continuing.
"..Aye lad, though how many seasons do you hold to believe I had been in conflict with you young ones?..The seasons had passed and the flames that had filled my heart simply grew too tiresome to continue the onslaught. So it fell upon me a simple truth..Your kind will simply die out, and I and my brothers and sisters will remain. Thus a question must be asked, how do -you- view a death?" Asked the Blood Dragon. "Hah if it is from the memories lost, or even the seasons spent nay with those you love..Then imagine how small your lives are compared to a Dragons, is it truly the same if I crush every warrior your kind had sent to me? Would it even measure to the time even one of my people would spend in this realm? If it is of lost memories and seasons stolen from ones death, I am a murderer aye, but your kind?..Are genocidal." With that, Gore blinked. Did he really just say that? The Blood Dragon was trying to follow what his mistress may want but at the same time, he couldn't ignore the remaining rage that still loomed within him. When he first started to speak about simply waiting for them to die, it sounded more like him just talking, as if he had some -other- reason for stopping and judging from the look in his eyes, it was obvious.

That's when something shocked him. Sigmund got close and caused Gore's eyes to go wide, immediately staring at the human who grabbed onto his shoulders.
"..Lacking a sound mind may lead to ones end much sooner than later." Said the Blood Dragon, tilting his head at him. "Aye it may be true I have not roamed the realm of man in a many season, that said..your kind have changed little. If I were to tell you the true origins of your kind enslaving mine, of the days before man and after, you will be branded a liar and at the very least will be cast out of your current position..at most, they will take you and..well, what your people call re-educate, I view it as torture. Trust me when I say that The Order will stand against what you may write of my past.." The Dragon spoke as if he had witnessed something like that already, shaking his head. "Besides..whom is to believe a tale spun by a Dragon, would you truly follow what had occurred nay matter the cost?"

After saying that, Gore saw the siblings start to intervene and try and convince 'Siggy' otherwise. With a nod, Gore simply moved to stay outside by their home. Looking up at the sky, he just stared for a moment.
"The lands change, aye..but nay you nor I." With a sigh, Gore looked at their home and started to shift into his true form when no one was looking. Despite what he did at the stadium, changing in front of humans was always going to be something he disliked. After all, it was personal for a Dragon, much like changing clothes are to humans. With that, he chose a simple spot by the home and closed his eyes, starting to rest. Wincing when he laid down at how his wings stung. What they had done to them must have hurt him and it was showing evidently now.

The next morning, Gore had stirred lightly before his eyes shot open. Lifting his rather large head, he looked at the still darkened sky nodding as he got up, lightly shaking his body to ease off the rest of his sleepiness kind of like a dog who was removing the water from its fur.
With a quick shift, he headed inside and started to look around, making sure to keep his claws wrapped up so he wouldn't scratch anything. At first he was lost, but he was using his sense of smell to guide him to the kitchen. When he got there, he saw machines that looked like blocks, staring him in the face. "..What is this contraption.." Moving closer to what appeared to be a stove, he reached out to touch it, only to see it light up, making him jump back and growl, baring his fangs at it. After a moment, he saw a spot on the machine turn red. Moving his hand over it, he felt its warmth, figuring it was something to cook their food. "....Humans.." With a scoff, he pressed the same button he had before, shutting it off. Moving over to let his senses lead him elsewhere. He found his way into the food pantry, opening it up to see a few things he could make. Grabbing some bread, he closed the pantry and stared at the cut loaf that looked smooth.

"..It smells like grain..but..it looks different than what it use to." With a faint laugh, he moved over to the stove, grumbling at it. He could do this another way.. With that, Gore placed the bread onto the table and went to search the cabinets as well as the fridge. He may not have known what it was but he could smell what was in it, opening it, he stared at some eggs that were in a bin, taking them. In the cabinets he found a decently sized pot as well as a couple plates and some forks and knives. Now that they were also all on the table, the Blood Dragon started to look around for something, seeming a tad bit lost. When Gore was outside, he didn't see a well anywhere.
"How do these damned people drink without a source of water!?" He said, staring at the sink that had remnants of water in it. Moving over to it, Gore leaned closer, trying to figure out what it was that he was looking at. Moving his claws into the sink, he felt that it was wet, only to move his face close enough to the faucet to turn it on, making him immediately bite down on it out of reflex. Water filled his mouth, making bubbles when he tried to speak. After that, he pulled his head back, wiping his mouth and putting some water into the pot, filling it about half way. Once it was filled he headed to the table and set the pot on it, picking the table up. Before leaving, he turned his head to the stove and stared daggers at it.
"..Nay today..nor any day as far as I can see, filthy contraption." With another grumble, he walked outside, placing the table down on the ground. Staring at it, he took a few steps back, shifting into his true form. After a moment, he used his tail to wrap around the pot, coiling around it so that he could lift it up, breathing fire onto the bottom. After a few moments the water started to boil. Setting it down, he quickly took the eggs he found, cracking them and placing them into the boiling water.

By time everyone had waken up from their slumber, Gore had practically finished cooking, even though he was still outside. Moving inside, Gore was there to greet them.
"Good morning, mistress, Siggy and Eric. A meal is ready outside. I apologize for not being able to remain inside to cook, your...contraption, held true annoyance.." With a cough, he smiled, trying to lead them outside where there were plates of poached eggs, eggs that were soft and cut up onto buttered pieces of toast, that were cut into portions so they could eat them. That is until a knock came to the door...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylvazard
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Not once had Rosalie noticed the noises emanating from the kitchen and at times outside the house as her mind was not yet there in its entirety. Even as she had trudged upstairs to dress herself, the spray of water coming from the kitchen sink had fallen completely on deaf ears. It was as if she were in a daze as she progressed through her morning routine, the world not quite a blur to her, but for the moment, it certainly seemed like it.

Rosalie was thinking - thinking of Setton, the man who had taken her in to raise her like she was a child of his own. She remembers mornings like this very clearly as a child growing up - back when she would sneak into his room and jump onto his bed to wake him. What she remembers especially well, though, is the fact that the choices she made when he told her to guess which hand held a treat determined the kind of breakfast she’d be having the next day. She could have sworn that no matter which hand she chose, she ended up with eggs and toast when she wanted something like waffles and pancakes, though. Still, she was content with that life. She was content having someone she could rely on. It was not as if Rosalie was taking the brothers or their family for granted at all. It was more the fact that she wished Setton was here to help guide her.

She had subconsciously brought her hands to her face, realising, just a few seconds later, that she had started to tear up at the memory. She wasn’t a child anymore and tears at this age would do nothing to solve her problems. It would do nothing to help her, just like - Rosalie shook her head quickly, chiding herself as she immediately pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind and decided to get herself dressed and ready for the day. She decided to slip on a pair of grey jeans, a black singlet and a light pink zip-up sweater which she zipped half way and rolled up the sleeves to her elbows.
Composing herself, she headed downstairs into the kitchen where she met Sigmund who had obviously just woken up, and Eric who seemed absolutely shocked that Gore had made them all breakfast. It was almost priceless as he kept looking around like he was expecting something to jump out at him. All of them chimed their good mornings at various paces and Rosalie couldn’t help but smirk knowing that ‘Siggy’ had caught on with Gore.


“Siggy?” He grumbled, somewhat incredulous as he looked up at Gore, frowning. “Are you really going to keep calling me that? Is this because I wanted to get your account of the battle or is it because Rosie, here, calls me that?” The young man’s brows furrowed a bit, ‘Rosie’s’ interjected, ‘hey!’ ignored. Of course Sigmund wasn’t very happy with it, but the prospect of food made him very forgiving. Even if the points Gore had brought up the night before were ones that Sigmund didn’t really agree with, there was some truth to his words - some of which the young man knew already. There was no hiding it, but it was shameful to hear that coming from a dragon, to have the Blood Dragon point that out so blatantly. Could this be a glimpse into what Rosie has to deal with? He was sure that she’d just bite back. “Well.. whatever you do, try not to follow Rosie too closely.”

Eric had been looking around wildly because he was worried about Gore making enough noise to alert his parents. They hadn’t told anyone of the extra count to their household and wondered that if they told them about Gore a day late, would they be mad? Parents really were strict when it came to some things. Dragons had never been a common topic in the household unless it was Eric and Sigmund sharing their findings and theories. For now, it was most likely that they would have to tell of Gore’s presence tonight and until that time arrived, the younger brother told himself that he should try to be reasonably calm. Or at least as calm as he was able to, he thought to himself, shuffling past Gore while nodding his head to the dragon in quiet thanks.


“You know.. you could turn out to be our appointed chef if you keep this up,” started Rosalie with a smirk. “Though I wonder if we can teach you have to use a stove and other appliances. Whether you like it or not.. you’re going to have to. Using a fire is all and well, but sometimes.. appliances make things a bit easier or faster.” By no means was the young woman saying the old ways were inferior. Some people, of course, liked doing things the old way. It was sometimes more reliable than the new, and she could understand that. However, she wanted Gore to be able to interact well with this new age. Why would she want that despite disliking the dragon? Could it have been that she did not want to be embarrassed by his antics? Watching his reactions, though, provided good entertainment, though.

“One other thing..” Rosalie said after a moment of thought. It had been prompted by him saying that he could still hear her and Eric. “Just how far can you hear, anyway?” The girl folded her arms, watching him with interest as she waited patiently for an answer, discreetly paranoid that he might have heard her snoring at some point during the night. Was it better to be spared the embarrassment?
A knock coming from the door caught her attention then and seeing as she was the closest to the door, she would have to open it. She wondered who it could have been, though. Were they looking for a blacksmith’s services? It was usually that. Before opening it, Rosalie looked to Gore in what could have been confirmation. She wasn’t sure if it was alright for him to be seen, but whether he would move off or stay somewhere near was entirely his decision.

Opening the door when she was ready, Rosalie peered out from behind it before taking a small step into view. “Hello, umm...” she trailed off, not knowing how to address the person without seeming rude.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arclite
Avatar of Arclite


Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Blood Dragon just grinned, looking at the man who was clearly upset at the name he was given.
"Haha, nay lad. I am not the vindictive type, rest assured. Though know the truth when you hear it, I call you such not for my mistress nor for anything. Merely in jest to see how you will react.. Though, I must say that as my mistress, I must follow Lady Rosalie's orders to the letter. Nay did the young one become my owner, she also saved me from an execution..Wretched pests had planned to fell me in one blow in public until I was sold to the very lass. Be persuaded not, I nay believe in debts nor owes. A mere kindness that deserves to not be overlooked."
Looking at those who were joining them for breakfast, Gore just smiled, seeing at how they all were shocked he cooked, let alone had it all prepared before they got up. Looking over at Eric, the Dragon tilted his head at the boy, questioning the distress in his eyes. Could it be that the boy knew something he did not? The Blood Dragon was not sure but he was going to eventually find out one way or another.

Little did he know that his massive Dragon form from earlier could easily be seen from the side of the house he was next to and that two parents woke up to the sound of a breath of fire right outside their window. A man slowly stirred and saw the blazing reds and oranges of a flame before quickly startling out of bed.
"What in the hells is going on.." Asked the man, slowly moving to the window to see the Blood Dragon outside, blazing one of their very expensive pots. With a jump, the man literally fell onto his backside, shivering as he quickly tried straightening himself up before his wife saw him cower.
"D..Dear, you need to wake up! We're under attack! The Blood Dragon, Gore! He's here! HE'S OUTSIDE WAKE UP!"

It was a bit strange that Gore hadn't heard the parents from earlier but that could have been because he was so focused on everything else that was happening such as cooking as well as keeping track of where his owner was.
Looking over at Rosalie, the Dragon flashed a fang when he smiled, nodding at her.
"You hold my thanks, mistress..You surprise me as well considering that when I had first prepared a meal for you, You must have held it true that I had planned on poisoning you. 'Tis a shame since such a meal was quite delicious. A Dragons taste varies upon its meal though." Though he was grinning, Gore's happy and content smile slowly faded when she mentioned the stove.
"..I need not a mockery of Dragons breath, That machine is a mere toy, a child's jest. Nothing more. Any heat the damned block can give off, I can give more of such power. Hah..Keep me away from that toy and we shall see to it that you and yours are fed as if you were nobles. After all, many seasons passed when there were nay such a thing as stoves. Instead the old ways were forced upon me and I took them, finding the results interesting. I can guarantee that those machines could make nay such actual treats. If you know of an old recipe you had wished to try, The certainty I hold in having the ability to make it is strong. Faster nor easier nay means better."
With a prideful gruffing noise, The Dragon just looked over at the family that seemed to be very amused toward him being estranged to the thing they call a stove..humans were weird..

With a stare, The ancient beast that was near Rosalie sighed when she asked a question he had already answered.
"I am aware of the many events that had occurred last moon so I shall tell you in description, mistress...I am able to hear all within the hearth, as well as what occurs at the edge of the village we had left behind. When we were in the village, I could hear what was happening within the walls of a hearth several streets away as if I were standing next to them..My kinds senses were built for the hunt..Just as I can tell there is someone approaching.." Looking at the door, he tensed up. "..A Dragon is accompanying them...Hold your stead, young ones.." Clenching his fist, he was about to answer the door when Rosalie went ahead and did that for him and..

Standing at the door was a dark haired man with blue highlights, he looked to be around 20 years of age. With a wide smile, he nodded to the girl who answered.
"Oi there Rosa! It's been awhile, last I heard you went over to some far away land to see proof about the Blood Dragon haha.." The man had a strange look on his face but he also seemed to have one of glamour as well. "I missed you ya know, seeing my beautiful Rosa made my days but then you jus' had to go and leave." With that, he held flowers out to her, smirking.
"I missed her, didn't I?" asked the highlighted hair man to the collared Dragon, tugging on it lightly. The sound of the chains rattling made Gore tense greatly, clenching his fist.

"It's true, master Danial spoke of nothing but seeing you again, he wished that you would finally accept his date proposal so he could show you..." The Dragon was cut short when Danial tugged on the collar again to silence him, before finishing the sentence. "To show you the time of your life my sweet." With that, he moved a hand over her cheek before leaning in to her.
"..So..where is he, beautiful..I know you have Gore because of a little girl in town. She ran home yelling that the Blood Dragon was here in town and guess who just came home from the very place he was?"
Gore immediately wanted to walk over and grab the man for laying a hand on his mistress, but couldn't. The anger he felt was evident and what else? The young girl he helped actually gave his position away?! Had humans truly lost all dignity and grace!?

That is when the man forced his way in, only to run straight into the Blood Dragon himself. The man stiffened up at first, clearly appearing fearful. Gore tilted his head at the highlighted boy, staring at the tips of it.
"..A true woman's fashion.." Said the Blood Dragon, staring at the hair. "If you were in the fields of battle, it would be lit up like a torch for its atrocity toward the realm."
Danial grew angry, quickly lifting a hand and hitting Gore, making Gore snarl, only to bite his tongue.
"Pft, you aren't anything special..A dragon who is nothing -but- an animal, no legend about it..what do you think, Spike..do you think you could beat Gore here?" Asked the man, looking back at the Dragon who was with him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylvazard
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rosalie was slightly taken aback as she stared at the person in the doorway, mouth hanging slightly open but no words were able to make it out. She didn’t recognise him at first with his hair, but that voice and speech pattern was one she could easily remember anywhere. Tt brought a bit of disdain to her considering her situation, but she managed a smile. Even if it was an uneasy one, it was still for the sake of being polite. “Hi.. Danial! I didn’t recognise you with your new hairstyle..” She resisted the urge to turn to Gore, taking the flowers with a somewhat shy laugh. White lilies were her favourite type of flower, and Danial remembered that well. It was charming of him and she believed he was a good person even if she did not choose him herself, but there were some things she had trouble getting around - his timing, mostly. He had a habit of appearing when she least expected him. “Thank you.. It’s really sweet of you, though.. I don’t think now’s a good time..?” Her statement had dipped into an unsure one as soon as she noticed another figure with Danial. A dragon? There were some features easily distinguishable and what gave her confirmation was the collar and chain around his neck.

One might question why she didn’t do the same with Gore and others may argue that it a) might give him a reason to poison her food, or b) was disgraceful to put someone who had saved her life and kept her safe throughout a battle on a chain when it wasn’t at all necessary. Speaking of necessary, were dragons supposed to always be kept on chain? With what she had been through in the company of Gore, she had made it back safely without much trouble and was given a meal along the way as well. Besides that, she wasn’t very keen on hearing Gore grumble about how dishonourable humans were. As true or untrue that it may be, it didn’t mean she was eager to hear it.

Taking a better look at Spike, Rosalie felt her gaze linger for longer than it should have over the dragon. The humanoid had even averted his gaze when she looked to him. In that brief moment that she was able to look into those eyes, she saw that there was complete acceptance of his fate. It was an emotion that was devoid in Gore’s teal orbs. Did it bother her? She didn’t know, but there was something that nagged at her that she couldn’t quite explain. She would have commented on his dragon had she not been forced to lean back a bit at the feel of Danial’s hand over the side of her face. She wanted to warn him that she wasn’t particularly fond of this gesture -especially in the sight of others- but of course that subtle message went by unnoticed. Being tempted to whisper for help from Gore wasn’t the best idea considering what the dragon had just told her. If he was able to hear from quite a long distance as he had reminded her he was, there was a chance that it would be the same with Spike. Better to be safe than sorry, she supposed, making eye contact with Danial. “Where.. did you hear about me leaving, Daniel?” She hadn’t taken anyone with her. It had been a lone trip with only the Clearwater family being aware of it.

The mention of a young girl yelling out the legend’s location caused Rosalie’s attention to snap to Gore. Steely gaze like that of a hawk, it was also one with an underlying demand for an answer out of dawning fear. How would a little girl know of his whereabouts? Were they not quiet enough as they stealthily navigated the streets last night? She almost groaned and hid her face in the bouquet of flowers. ‘Why’ and ‘How’ were the first and foremost questions on her mind. Perhaps it was her reaction that gave Danial enough proof of Gore to push his way inside the house, causing her to stumble back a few steps. “D-Danial, wait!”

Lauren Clearwater immediately shot up out bed, watching her husband through blurry eyes. “What is it?! Did something happen?” She was about to suggest Sigmund setting fire to the breakfast he was making again but her man continued and the only words she paid close attention to were ‘Blood Dragon. Gore. Outside.’ She asked him to repeat the situation but more slowly and he did. This time, it was her turn to panic, grabbing his hand and shaking it frantically. “What do we do, what do we do?! We’re not ready for an attack! We just can’t handle it!” Most of the townspeople were in shock hearing and seeing the aftermath of a run-in with the Blood Dragon. Surely this would spark that fear again.

It wasn’t fair at all. Gore was her dragon. She quickly moved up between the two like she would whenever the brothers got into a disagreement, “Stop that! No one’s beating anyone, alright? Dragon or not, I wouldn’t be here if not for him.” Rosalie had grumbled the last part but perhaps it was loud enough for Danial and even his dragon to hear. She then took then took the man by the arm and started leading him outside when she saw that Eric and Sigmund had been drawn in by the noise, dropping the flowers in Eric’s hands and calling out, “keep an eye on Gore for me, please, thank you.”

Rosalie led Danial to the garden, peering around the corner to see if they were clear before she decided to speak. “I could have died along with those hunters.. You heard about it.. didn’t you? The number of dead, the wait to see who’s alive and who’s not? I could have been among them or missing. Don’t tell me you enjoyed watching the injured be treated out in view like that. Listen, Daniel. You just got here and you’re more than welcome to rest here as long as there aren’t any fists thrown under the roof.” She shook her head. “Rules of Mr and Mrs Clearwater.”

Spike would have followed his master. He would have, but he couldn’t. His master would have wanted him to stay and it was just in his favour, too, as he wanted to fight Gore and put that dragon in his place. What made the other think that he was so high and mighty? Quite frankly, the crimson dragon before him was no different to any other of their kind. They all had humans as their owners. They were all told to do what their masters and mistresses wanted of them.

The young dragon stepped closer to Gore wearing a sneer that exposed his sharp fangs, sending a warning look at the two humans who were told to ‘keep an eye on Gore’. “What’s this?” The young dragon asked, smirking a little. “You not only have one owner, but two more? How amusing that the Blood Dragon needs to be babysat! Your name is just an embellished title given to you by killing humans over the course of time. Anyone can do that. What makes you so different that hunters go after you only to be blazed in a fiery storm that any dragon can conjure up?” Spike huffed, a low snarl emitting from his throat as he looked Gore up and down with reptilian eyes full of distaste. “You’re only a legend because you feed off of the tales that humans spin about you.” Spike looked down his nose at Gore, scoffing. “Blood Dragon this. Blood Dragon that. I’m sick and tired of it! I can’t wait to put you in your place. Maybe then, we’ll see who’s greater.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arclite
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Gore was about ready to rip into the man, feeling his claws shake beneath the wrappings. That is until his mistress stepped in between them, making the Blood Dragon actually stare at her now over him. That's when he started to notice something different about the girl and how she reacted toward the man and the young Dragon. Dark eyes loomed over posture and how she was now stiffening up when the man offered his hand to touch her. With his eyes returning to the young Dragon, noting the chain and collar. With a scoff, the ancient Dragon rolled his eyes at how pathetic it all was, despite the fact that chains and collars were a casual thing even since long days passed. "Aye, human..you may be careful whom you try and strike, after all I was just _recently_ released from those whom believed they 'trained' me. I may still be violent." With a dark grin, the Blood Dragon just shrugged,when his owner intervened and started to lead out the boy who was causing some mayhem within her. Once Rosalie began to pull him out, Gore's eyes locked with the dragon whelp left behind, staring coldly at him. After a moment, Gore began to tug at his wrappings that clung to his claws. The young Dragons voice seemed to go unheard as he finished with the wrapping, holding it out to the humans without a word, dropping them into their hands to hold. Clenching his clawed fingers into fists, Gore waited until the Dragon was close to him before looking up. "I apologize, I find it a true challenge to actually heed the insects words, let alone their Dragon whelp. What is it that your wretched mouth spewed again?" Asked Gore in an unflinching tone, his dark eyes seemed to care little for the young flying lizard before him. " 'Tis not the first that I have witnessed a pet bowing and licking their masters feet so I of course am far from impressed." Looking back at the humans, tilting his head at them before letting out a chuckle. "Is your color green, whelp..The fire within you bleeds envy." That is when the Dragon heard something that actually caused him to stare coldly at the child before him. That is when the Blood Dragon just grinned, looking on as if he were staring at prey. Moving his fingers over his now freed hands, the dark look in the Dragons eyes remained. Looking up at the infant, he stepped forward, towering over the infant. A much darker voice came out, one that had yet to be heard by his mistress. "..Trust my words for I shall only say this once..There shall nay ever be a time when you will say that my name is Gore..A petty human's label is far from fit to behold our kind..Spike." With that, his eyes narrowed. "The rest of what the hole in your face spews is nothing but ignorant..Go find your master, infant..before I finally sate _my hunger_..I have yet to feast properly since these children have taken to me.." With that, he turned and moved back to the brothers, growling. "..See him to his master, or I will end his life..laws are laws and property such as Dragons are free game, I _will_ end him..After all, nothing sickens me like a Dragon who wishes to be human..After all..little does the whelp realize that it is required you watch me so I do no such thing to his precious green hue.." With a deep, enraged look, Gore began to walk away. The Blood Dragon's kinder side seemed to have vanished and something much darker replaced it. The words he spoke had pure conviction within them, so may it'd be best to listen to him.. _____________________ The older man was trying to catch his breath as he searched his closet for a rifle. "Shh..Shh they say he can smell someones fear! If we panic he'll hear us and we may only have one shot at this! Who knows he may actually change into a human and then he'll be vulnerable! We can shoot him and probably claim a massive reward!" With that, Jonathan quickly moved to the window to see if the Blood Dragon was there, only to grumble when he didn't see him. With that, he nodded to her. "He's gone..alright, so let's go downstairs, see if we see something and if not, we put the rifle away and call the Order, let 'em know that we saw him okay?" With that, he hugged his wife, shaking from fear. Taking her hand in his, John started to walk down the steps, looking around to see if someone was home. _____________________ Danial just growled at the Dragon, grumbling when he was taken away to the garden. After a moment, he began to calm down and smile at his would-be girlfriend. If only his dreams anyway. Thinking back to her first question, the man just stretched and smiled a sly and dark smile to her. "Well...I actually do have some contacts, love..Besides, it's kinda hard not to notice when you walk out with knives strapped to your legs, you look pretty hot with that look by the way." Licking his lips, he just grinned. That is when she mentioned the wounded and his face slowly turned from creepy to somewhat angry. "You're right cutie..I wasn't a fan of seeing it but did you forget who did all of that? A single Dragon and not just **any** one, the very lizard you keep in your home! Takin' out a battalion and he didn't even care! Look at how he carries himself, None of their deaths weigh that bastard down and he seems just fine with kids crying and running from him..Speakin' a which, how did a little girl see him and no one else huh?!" Rubbing his temples, the dark haired man with blue highlights just laughed and sighed. Stepping closer to her, he took his hand in hers, smirking. "I actually came here to see you, not because of some rumor..I came here to invite you to a noblemen party, where many wealthy men and women from all over come and mingle. They want to pay their respects for the recent attacks as well as try and make light of it..Besides, Ya know I'd kill to see you in a dress hehe..That and who knows, you may even find someone who knows where your father is.." This man was a cruel one, he knew how to try and get her interest and that one simple detail? He'd abuse just to get her to do what he wanted. "So come on darling, what do you say? Wanna come to my party and mingle?..Argh..even your Dragon can come..As long as he truly _is_ tame, the filth..Why would you bring anything like that in your home is beyond me, hopefully he dresses up nicely, the outfit he has now? Totally not cool.." _____________________ The Blood Dragon had heard voices from the floor above and he began staring at where they were coming from. That is when he heard the rifle cocking, making him just chuckle. Part of him wanted to go up and see them, at least to scare them but another part wanted to avoid anymore trouble. His mistress was a kind human..Even if she treated him oddly sometimes. With that, he planned to avoid them and let the parents talk to their children. That is when he stopped at a window, seeing his mistress talking to Danial. The man who hit him.. "..Humans are strange."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylvazard
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Lauren was shaking, terrified as she tried to hold herself as the strong woman she once was. John's arms enveloping her did little to ease the fear that gripped at her heart, her frame trembling against his. He was afraid, too, it was obvious, and that added to her discomfort, but as long as he was with her, it was the safest place in the world. "The Order will sort things out.. won't they?" She asked him in a meek tone of voice, biting her lip as she rested her head against his for a bit. "Our sons! I hope they're out of harm's way." Her tone had wavered toward the end of the sentence, but, taking in a deep breath and clenching her hands over the fabric of her nightgown, she told herself as she looked into John's eyes that their family would be safe. The Order were, after all, a reliable bunch of people who took down and captured dragons like they were nothing more than pests. Nothing to worry about, she thought with a shaky sigh as she followed him downstairs, and if things worked out well, they may be able to claim the reward John had made mention of. -- It certainly took all within the young dragon to refrain himself from throwing his fist into the older dragon's face. What did it matter that the Blood Dragon was out of chains that so rightfully belonged around his neck like hands that held firm in a stranglehold? It made no difference as they were classified as the same creature in books written by humans. Perhaps envy burned strong and high in the 'fledgling' dragon, but there was also another emotion that burned just as bright: the conviction to prove that he was not just another dragon to be tossed aside in favour of the ancients. Spike's eyes glowed with anger, that much was clear as the Clearwater brothers tried to piece together what had just happened. They seemed anxious now. Were they actually afraid of the conflict that almost broke out between him and Gore? Spike huffed and snarled, glaring daggers at Gore's retreating form. The young one would surely beat the crimson dragon and soon the beast, known to invoke fear just at the mention of his name or title, would be no more. "Precious green hue? Your scales will look much better on a wall as a trophy on display, ancient." Spike spat, lips curling back in a nasty sneer that exposed sharp teeth. Oh, he just could not wait to tear through Gore's throat. "Mum, dad!" one of the humans suddenly exclaimed before realising their mistake and covering their mouth. It was rather abrupt and it caused Spike's head to snap toward the taller one in confusion before he turned and was welcomed with the sight of a couple tentatively making their way down the stairs. Registering what was about to unfold in that second, Spike slipped out the door in search for his master. He was unsure as to whether he had been spotted, but would keep an ear out in case he had been. -- Averting her gaze, Rosalie shifted her weight to one side and rubbed her arm when complimented. She was unsure if she liked hearing comments like that considering that they were not yet in that sort of relationship. And those contacts he mentioned; did he not mean his friends? She was aware that a few of them lived close to her, but she rarely ever dropped in for visits. Danial’s words about Gore held some weight behind them and to what he said, she nodded curtly, lips pressing into a thin, grim line. However, what Rosalie was starting to see, what actually caused her to stand in the dragon's defence, was that most of what he had done was out of circumstance. He had told her the hunters were invading his home with weapons that did not exist merely for gentle prodding and nudging. That aside, and to put it simply, he was one who was proud, honourable and also honest. There were, without a doubt, things that bothered her greatly about him, but so far, Rosalie was willing to leave him alone so long as he didn’t cause trouble for her. Being his owner meant added responsibilities, responsibilities that she did not want. "The stories.. to an extent, were true." Rosalie said after a while of silence. "And you're right, Danial; that day, we saw a legend from our stories come to life.. I didn’t forget. I know I should be careful. Still.. I wouldn’t have known a girl had seen him if you hadn’t mentioned it..” She said with a frown, shaking her head. The news had come as a surprise to her, and it wasn’t a pleasant one at that. She would deal with that later as another bit of information peaked her interest. Just like that, Danial had effortlessly drawn her attention. “Someone would know my father?..” She asked, believing her tone and posture to be normal when her eyes had betrayed her completely. Rosalie was hopeful as her own searches had come up with little. Perhaps this could be the chance she had been waiting for? Rosalie composed herself upon realising her eagerness and took a moment to think about it. Danial had said Gore would be able to join her should he be on his best behaviour. As assuring of a thought it was, it also brought on a few new concerns. A lot of people were interested in the Blood Dragon, and she was sure that a few of the nobles who would attend were interested as well. She wondered if she’d be asked to sell Gore there. She wasn’t a travelling merchant and despite not having future plans to keep the crimson legend for very long, Rosalie would much rather be given the choice than to be pressured into it.“He’s not the most ideal of pets to keep.. but I’d rather keep him than consider raising a dog, Danial.. Sigmund’s allergic to them. I’d be interested in going if you’ll really still allow it despite Gore’s attendance, but when will it be and is there a specific code of dress that needs to be followed?” She had been to parties that had certain requirements or themes before and would have been denied entry if not done so. Personally, she never found those types to be too enjoyable, but she did put up with it. Shouting came from inside the house, then, frantic and demanding. Rosalie decided to peer through the window worriedly, catching sight of Gore staring back. The girl was surprised, but forced herself to look past him to the brothers. What was going on? To Danial, she added in a lower tone of voice, one that lacked confidence despite her words. “hmm.. and don’t you worry about Gore’s appearance. I’ll make sure that he is suitably dressed to your standards to avoid trouble.” The girl would wait until she had received her answer before she would head off. What was going on inside the house was concerning. Had Spike and Gore really drew the attention of the brother’s parents? She hoped not. She wasn’t even sure how she was going to explain this to them without being yelled at.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Arclite
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Blood Dragon's claws were balled into a fist, clenching out of the tension he felt. That familiar urge to grab the young Dragon and to show him what it meant to earn ones name, to actually be a Dragon. The look in the ancient's eyes wasn't just of rage but sorrow as well. "..My brothers and sisters are long since faded hah, what remains of their legacy? What we wrought in blood and horror? Nay a damned thing besides lost children, crying and sniveling for their human masters." A grimacing look appeared on the Blood Dragons face at the thought of how Spike acting out like he did. As childish and even repulsive as the Dragons personality was, what truly bothered him? Was how misplaced his eagerness was. How he wanted to bring down one of his, over the very master who chained him. Why would he see such a thing?! Was earning a name for yourself among these..humans, more important than standing strong next to your brothers and sisters, those who have fought beside you and have even died protecting you?! __ Gripping onto the rifle hard, John had come to find a rather tall, horned humanoid in his home. The claws on the beast were sharp enough to rend any mans flesh like a sword through warm butter. Staring at the two sons, he kept his wife behind him and away from the Blood Dragon, shaking as he pointed the weapon at the Dragon. "Get away from there you two! What is that..that thing doing here?! Did you call the order?!" He shouted, clearly enraged. A smirk began to curl on the Dragons lips, not bothering to turn around. Instead he had to keep an eye on his owner, the very girl who was being manipulated. Was she truly that naive to follow such an obvious ruse? Gore just sighed, that is until he heard that actually bothered him. "A pet?" The Blood Dragon spoke aloud, taken back at how she painted him out to be nothing more than the better choice than a dog. Would a dog save her as much as he did? Clenching his fist, his eyes narrowed at her as well as the human. Soon he would see Spike rushing over to him in fear as well. John was shaking and could barely keep the rifle steady, his gaze going to his sons who seemed to be tense now that he brought a gun out and pointed it at the very creature that was said to slaughter people on a whim. People who were much younger than the married couple whom were currently armed. "Gore I take it?.." John said, his tone betraying his stern expression. Still, the Blood Dragon didn't answer him. His dark teal eyes focused on Danial and his mistress who consider him worse than a dog. That wasn't to be said much, after all Gore knew how they viewed the greater species, that they were less than the objects bought out of amusement.. He had hoped that she was different, that nothing he came to know from these pests actually had an impact on Rosalie's upbringing. Perhaps the Blood Dragon was wrong in thinking that.. __ The man with highlights could only smile at how Rosalie was falling prey to his ploy, smiling at her as she asked several questions involving the party as well as his own knowledge of what was going on. "I got my ways, besides when a beautiful girl goes off and buys something as grand and infamous as the Blood Dragon? News spreads fast. Really you just add two and two together and it isn't hard to take a guess at what you're doing..not to mention your brothers are obsessed, they're probably in there drooling over your Dragon threatening mine haha..I made sure to paint such an illustrated and very well designed picture of Gore..Spike has always wanted to be the best.." It was clear that Danial was the type to manipulate to get what he wanted, to see how things would turn out even if it meant others getting hurt. After a sigh, he shrugged. "I still can't believe you went and bought that monster, why would you put everyone you know at risk? He's just some animal! Even you compare him to a dog when he's more like a wolf. He'll kill you and escape! You can even tell that he wasn't properly disciplined by the committee with how he acted toward me. His betters should be treated just the way they are, better." "Yep, just like I said cutie. The rich and powerful of the realm will be there and if your father has as many connections as we know him to have? There has to be at least one person there who's heard of him. As for Gore going..If he places one claw over the line, one ounce of disrespect? It'll be bad..judging by how he's looking at us I doubt you'll get him in line before then but who knows, you could. He does seem to care what you say about him with the scowl he's sporting now haha..it sorta fits." A sly grin spread over the mans face when she walked off, looking around to see if Spike was coming by, hoping that his young Dragon may have gone too far and there was even a bit of bloodshed. __ After a moment, Gore turned to look at the man who was clearly still angry with the two brothers, shaking his head. "I am pleased to meet the both of you..I take it you are the guardians of this hearth and so I must show my courtesy..if it comforts you, you may aim your weapon at me." With that, Gore just smiled, showing his fangs as he did. He had no fear in his eyes over the two, even if the most dangerous thing in the world was a human that was afraid. Stepping toward them, Gore bowed and looked at the two brothers. "The young ones here have been quite impressive with their dealings." Gore said, staring into the eyes of the wife more than the husband. Her eyes looked more crazy than his. With a faint sigh, the Blood Dragon just waited for whatever was to happen next. Humans were unpredictable around him and a simple word or gesture out of place could get someone killed. A few moments later, the Blood Dragon stiffened up. It felt as if something were in the air.. It felt as if something were watching and preying upon them.. John noticed how the Blood Dragon acted, aiming the rifle at his head, staring at Sigmund. "One of you boys better explain yourselves! Why is he here and actually acting as if he is a guest in this house!?" The man exclaimed, not realizing that his finger was slipping on the gun. After a moment, a gunshot went off in the home, with the rifle still aimed at the Dragon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylvazard
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Blood Dragon had looked rather tense, going by the glimpse Rosalie had gotten of him as she hurried around the corner. As she did, she narrowly avoided running straight into Spike in her desperation to get inside the house. The young dragon had a smirk set firm on his features, a subtle -yet cruel- tug of the lips that was accompanied by a hint of amusement in his eyes and, fortunately for him, it was one of which the girl was oblivious to as she stepped around him quickly. Neither bothered to say a word, and perhaps that was for the best. She had to wonder, though, if Spike had picked up on the fact that she didn’t like being given sweet names by Danial as they weren’t as close as he had portrayed them to be. Rosalie had a fair idea of what was going on in the house -and this was all thanks to her wild imagination- but hoped dearly that the images of the event unfolding in her head weren’t true and that Gore had not been spotted. A booming gunshot coming from inside the house, however, reinforced the girl’s fears and caused her to flinch for a few seconds, mind trying to keep itself together and push past the building wall of reluctance to head inside after the concerning noise. Time was a luxury that she yet again did not have as the voices coming from inside were frantic and loud. They belonged mostly to the brothers as they tried to explain themselves in a rush of words that looped and tripped over one another in their panic. Listening carefully, Rosalie believed that she caught Eric stuttering a bit before his father’s voice cut through the explanation, tone almost as sharp as a knife. It wasn’t the type of atmosphere that she wanted to walk into, but what choice did she have? The girl allowed herself a few quick seconds to breathe, and, gathering herself, Rosalie peered through the doorway, gaze first landing on the two brothers who had ducked out of the way, then to Gore and then to the parents she had just noticed standing near the top of the stairs to her left. Her eyes widened in shock and the dawning realisation that someone could have been hurt. Someone might have been hurt. She hadn’t expected Mr. Clearwater to bring a gun with him next the time he had planned for breakfast. Had he somehow been warned of the crimson legend beforehand to come as prepared as he was? Rosalie inched further into the room with the tentativeness of a mouse through a room with a waiting cat and though her eyes were locked on the parents as she moved, she caught a spot of red dripping to the kitchen floor out of the corner of her eye. Her heart skipped a beat, worrying that it had belonged to one of the brothers, but upon closer inspection, it was coming from the person she was standing closest to. Gore. ‘What is he doing?!’ thought Rosalie with great disdain. Why hadn’t he moved? It had all made sense now given the rush Spike was in, too. Whereas Spike had left, Gore had stayed and for what? To be caught by the Clearwater parents and to be made a target for shooting practice? ‘Well... there’s one other use for him,’ she thought sarcastically to herself, suppressing the urge to huff and fold her arms. Why couldn’t he have at least considered staying out of sight until she and the brothers had worked out a time to speak to John and Lauren? If Rosalie had imagined that task difficult already, perhaps she and the brothers should consider what way was best to weave in the extra tale of the little girl that had supposedly seen the dragon last night. Just the thought tempted a tired groan from her. “You idiot..,” she hissed under her breath, planning to continue when a voice laced with anger and terror interrupted her. __ “Sigmund, Eric, Rosalie! Get away from that dragon right now! Do you know how dangerous it is?” Mrs. Clearwater’s voice was trembling just as much as her form as she clung to her husband like a lifeline keeping her a head above insanity. Considering the battle and the number of deaths that had occurred in the town recently, she and her husband as well as many of those who still lived here had a right to be cautious and afraid. In fact, Kalandor had been a lot quieter since then, and had only just been slowly getting back to its feet. Aside from that, another reason of why it was a smart move to keep a distance was that her husband was shaking so much that he risked hitting their own sons with how unsteady he was with the dragon in front of him. The first shot, she almost smacked his arm for as a result of firing inside the house, but was afraid of causing a misfire that could lead to something much worse. Instead, she willed herself to focus on the young ones that had much explaining to do. “Why was my name called, first?” “N-not now, brother..” Eric grumbled, elbowing Sigmund in the side as they did as they were told by their mother, moving a bit so that they were standing with Rosalie who was trying to get their father to lower his weapon. Her pleas didn’t seem to reach him, however. “Uhh.. Dad, we can put the weapon away..” Sigmund stood behind Rosalie as support, carefully positioning himself so that he somewhat stood in front of Gore as well. “She’s not lying when she said she got him at auction. There’s no need to call the order..” As if he would have done so either way. “I have the papers from Druthers&Druthers’..” Rosalie almost squeaked, staring straight down the barrel of the gun John was carrying, as almost all of them were. She sent a quick glance over her shoulder at Gore before continuing, “We.. brought him in last night and we-“ “LAST NIGHT?!” Lauren yelled, causing all three of the young ones to step back, “you’re saying that.. we had been housing a..” she paused, stopping herself from saying ‘monster,’ while taking in a deep breath as her fearful gaze swept once over the living, breathing legend standing in their house, “dragon.. since the night before.. and not this morning?” “Yes..” Eric replied when all was silent and none dared to speak. All three young adults watched as Lauren panicked for a fair bit before her eyes rolled and she started to fall back. “Oh.. Wow..” Sigmund murmured. “That’s the thing I usually do... but I think you actually broke her.” He did not dare to move, no matter how concerned he was over his parents and even Gore. He hoped the bullet hadn’t hit anyone and had hit a wall in the house instead. That was much better than tending to an injury any day. “It was nothing but the truth.” Eric snapped back quietly, concern more noticeable than annoyance as he made a move to rush to his mother’s side. ___ “Master..” Spike said lightly as he bowed his head, giving news of what had happened inside while his owner was away. “That gunshot.. I believe Gore was still inside while it sounded.. Perhaps the parents have been alerted to his presence..” The young dragon was somewhat reluctant to speak, not knowing if he was allowed to so freely and if he wasn’t, he would just give out the details and make it as short as he was able. “The Blood Dragon still boasts confidence over his strength, master. I was unable to provoke him..” He then trailed off, standing, waiting patiently for his master’s instructions as he listened to the going’s on inside. By the sound of things, it wasn’t exactly going too well, and he actually hoped that Gore had received a fatal wound that would at least affect his strength. It was wishful thinking, Spike was aware, but should they battle, it would provide him with a huge advantage along with his young age, he believed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arclite
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

The humans seemed to be arguing among themselves instead of focusing on the very fact that one of them actually just shot a living thing. These damned..insects! They hadn't changed in the last few centuries, All of what they hold any concern over is themselves. None of them seem to show any concern whether or not they actually hurt him. How could they do that, even he, the Blood Dragon known to hate all humans would show some attention toward the one wounded.
That is when his mistress came in and he saw the worry on her face. For a moment he felt relieved that someone seemed to share any concern for what just happened, which then was quickly replaced by a malice filled reaction. Clenching his fists, he growled and started to move his claw up the arm that was struck, starting to dig into him to pull the bullet out, causing more blood to trickle down his arm. After a moment, he pulled out the somewhat shattered bullet, staring at it and inadvertently staring at the man who shot him. Closing his grip over the bullet, he crushed it and dropped it. That is when Gore's eyes narrowed at the man, slowly taking it step by step as the noise per step seemed to echo in the home as if to emphasize the presence in which was being threatened. The killer of mankind himself. Resting his claw over the barrel, Gore let out a snarl, leaning closer to the man as the barrel of the gun was bent backward so if it were shot, it'd explode. It was obvious that he angered the Blood Dragon.

"..Know this, Human..I am owned and to have me fall by your hand?..Do you believe the decision rests with you and the crude toy you wield?" With that, he stepped back and growled at the Humans, moving back to his owner, clenching his fists. Now Gore had been owned by human kind before and he was no stranger to the consequences of a Dragons actions, however he hoped that these people would let their fear consume them in the moment and not lash out at his owner. Besides..he was good at playing the villain, that is after all what these people believed was it not? That he was a wild beast that only fed off the corpses he blazed through?
Gore kept his claw over the wound, applying pressure on it so that it would heal easier than the other wounds he sustained while being around his mistress.
"...Call me what you will mistress, your experience in such a circumstance is showing.." The aura around her Dragon wasn't the same since his owner left him with the other Dragon, now? It was bleeding with suppressed resentment. Even the look in the Dragons eyes had changed to the point of where he was perhaps too eager to play the role of the bad guy.

Johnathan Clearwater just stared in shock and fear as the Dragon came closer, quickly moving to reload the weapon until he heard the metal crink and bend at the beasts will. With a quick stiffening up, he was now face to face with death himself and he just stood there like a deer in the headlights. When he finally left, the man stared at the rifle that was in his grasp, then at his boys.
"This is why you need to get away from it! It's pretty pointless to tell me to put it away now considering what that monster did to it!" Throwing it down, he stared daggers at Gore. Clearly he didn't care what he called Gore unlike his wife who seemed to be clear to breaking at the moment.

Watching the family go back and forth about whether or not he was safe made his temper calm slightly. After all it was interesting seeing such tiny mortals bicker among themselves and not at him for a change. His dark teal eyes went from one person to the other until finally resting on the brothers who were the most humorous in this situation. They acted like children under the scrutiny of their parents and he had to admit, he was in that same situation many..many years ago. With a soft sigh, he quickly got swept up into his own memories before realizing that the father of those two were staring at him with rage in his eyes.
That is when the mother began to fall backward and Gore just watched, honestly not caring whatever was to happen to him because this sight alone was worth leaving his den for. Humans making fools of themselves in such a manner that almost brought him to pure laughter. That is until her child caught her, making the Blood Dragon just sigh, shaking his head before turning to leave.

"I best make haste before he pulls out another toy.." With that, he left and rested outside, looking at his arm that wasn't bleeding anymore. If he were human, he could have lost the limb.
"The worst of watching those children bicker only makes me wonder..had I chosen a different path to the one laid upon me, could the realm have changed?.." He asked himself, staring at the sky. "Had you listened, perhaps our brothers and sisters would be free and not under the heel of these pests.." With a growl, he shook his head. The truth was, he couldn't blame what happened on anyone else but himself, after all..They did look to him.

That is when he heard something peculiar...

Danial just smirked, shaking his head.
"Haha yeah he was still inside..I have no doubt that the Clearwater's shot at our new found friend." Looking back at his Dragon, he nodded to him with a smile. "We got something better than having him go off, attacking you is one thing..Reacting to her adoptive parents is in a leaguer all its own.. Now she'll wanna distance herself from everyone if it goes well, then again, with the Blood Dragon there who knows. He may be a good servant."
With a nod, Danial smiled at him before stretching out his arms. Turning around he just smiled.
"You did good today Spike, how about we get you a treat while I plan for the party hm?"

Gore watched the two leave, staring at them as he began to piece together the boy reasons for showing up that day. One thing was for sure, it wasn't just to be friendly and say hi to Rosalie. The Blood Dragon thought of issuing a threat to him, but instead decided to wait. After all, he wanted to look into the boys eyes when he scared the living daylights out of him for ever conspiring against his owner.

Looking back at the door, he waited for his owner to come out so he can tell her of what he learned about the two that visited, only he felt like she would probably scold him too. The look on her face was obviously one of disdain when he was shot. It takes a real talent to show no concern for someone who saved your life.
When and if she showed up, he perked up and started to speak.
"Mistress..I overheard something from the two..." He trailed off, noticing the look on her face. He decided to stop talking until he had permission to do so, letting it just fade out for now. Looking at his arm, he then returned his attention to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylvazard
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Everything seemed to break at that moment, the situation escalating to the point that if one were to slow time, they would come to appreciate the little details in this image very much like a viewer admiring the work of a truly talented artist. How were things supposed to go from here? Surely, it was expected to fall to chaos in the blink of an eye with the gun now out of Mr. Clearwater’s hands, but surprisingly, to the majority of those in the room, that assumption couldn’t be anymore wrong.

It was chaotic, but at the very least, it seemed that things were in the midst of settling down - not because those caught up in the event had won peace, but because it had fortunately been forced on them. It was one forced turn of events that they had no plans of complaining over. Now, at least, the young ones would not have to worry themselves over deciding how they were going to approach the matter as their biggest worry now was convincing Mr. Clearwater to let them off the hook. It was not as if they had planned to keep Gore a secret, but rather that the time of which they had gotten Gore to Kalandor was inconvenient for an explanation.

Sigmund noticed Gore’s exit, then, but knew it best not to follow, still trying to calm his father. “But.. Dad.. you’ve thrown it down, haven’t you? We can’t risk hurting anyone else. Who knows.. it could have hit one of us..” The last bit, he murmured under his dad’s heated gaze that told him very clearly, that now was not the time. It never was, if Sigmund were to have a say. It was always the seriousness that his younger brother seemed to live for, and he wondered if it was the panic that had set Eric to speak and stutter when he usually wouldn’t. Couldn’t blame him, Sigmund supposed with a sigh, moving to help out with his mother. He knew, as they all did, that she was going to be okay, but whether or not she would actually be so with the situation concerning Gore, was another matter in itself. She was almost like a ticking time bomb, if he had to make a comparison.


At least half an hour afterward, Rosalie found herself sitting at Mrs. Clearwater’s side along with her step-brothers, as it was their fault, waiting for her to wake up. It was a quiet wait that made the ticking of the clock appear much louder than it was, but neither seemed to mind as they were all lost in their own thoughts, their own musings over what had just happened. The girl stole a glance at the brothers, wondering if either one of them was going to speak and break the silence that hung over them like a dark, and heavy storm cloud. There was even a little thought of amusement that there was a mini dark cloud hanging over John’s head, as if a flash of lightning would be the trigger needed to set the man off. Maybe one of them moving would set him off and this was proven when his eyes flickered over Sigmund shifting casually with the sharp gaze of a hawk. Biting the inside of her cheek at the thought, Rosalie turned her gaze once more to the floor, suppressing a sigh. Unfortunately, no one spoke, silence beginning to quickly overstay its welcome.

It was not until Mrs. Clearwater had stirred that John spoke in a grave voice directed at the three younger adults in the room. An explanation was obviously needed, but perhaps it was the fact that distressing the older woman was not a good option at the moment so the talk over the Blood Dragon had to be pushed back. Rosalie excused herself, exiting the house to find Gore there to greet her. She wasn’t afraid of him. Not at the moment. Instead, she was mad - furious, even- and it showed in the way she held herself, in the way her shoulders rose and fell with each breath she took in an attempt to calm herself. She had so many questions buzzing around her head that was almost as loud to her as a hive filled with bees.

The young woman heard her dragon say something, but it wasn’t registered by her brain at the moment. She aware he had said something, but was busy with her own thoughts and feelings to acknowledge it at this point. It seemed that Gore might have understood, too, for he trailed off and had stopped to instead let her speak, it seemed. That might have been a bad idea on his part. Rosalie bit her lip, daring to glare daggers at the dragon who had saved her, who had helped her back home and who had caused most of this to happen.

“What on earth is wrong with you?!” Rosalie snapped, stare as accusing as the finger she jabbed in his direction, daring to size the taller and more dangerous one with a huff. “Why couldn’t you just stay out of sight for a bit? We didn’t sneak you all the way in here during the night only to be shot at the next morning! That explains why Spike was in such a hurry to leave..” She growled, holding her hands to her face for a moment as she tried to think through the rage and panic she was feeling. “Idiot, idiot, idiot...” she could be heard hissing under her breath. “We were supposed to tell them in the morning.. without one of them holding a gun.” She threw her arms up in exasperation. “Bah! Why didn’t you leave like Spike did? Why did you stay like that?” Rosalie demanded an explanation much like her step-father did. Whether she was going to get one, however, was up to the Blood Dragon. She hoped he best knew she wasn’t in the mood for him to be dodging questions left and right when he could have taken the time to dodge the bullet, instead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arclite
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Blood Dragon stared into his owners eyes, immediately recognizing that inconceivable rage that most of their kind held when handling the superior species. With a bite of his tongue, The ancient creature managed to subside any retort at least until she was done. That said, his eyes seemed to snap from wanting to explain one thing, to a much different look. One that could barely be explained since it held resentment, anger and concern all in one.
Taking a step forward, Gore towered over her with a judging look.
"Aye, What in the depths is wrong with me?! What of you! You are the one whom purchased me and yet here I am, being shot at! Had I moved that fool would have no doubtedly pulled the trigger in more panic, possibly hitting one of the more fragile beings in the area! Perhaps you! The one I have been protecting since I had met you, HAH! Shall we hold word over that too!?"
With that, he snapped with how she brought up Spike in the way she did. Taking a step back, Gore was practically seething.
"The whelp left because I would not give what he wanted! Had I followed him, mistress? I would have eaten him like the pathetic creature he is! Wanting to be human, the pathetic drable alone makes a mockery of what he is, WHAT I AM! The very inclination sickens me to the point of wanting to tear him and that boy with the girl hair asunder! Can I do that though, Would you prefer me not to? Oh wait..You cannot fathom one or the other because you prefer me to be something I am not, aye?! Perhaps you wish me to be like the boys dragon, correct? One who will try and cause conflict for others merely for amusement and twisted intention? Forgive such insolence Rosalie but I am a Dragon, something you see as a mere animal like a dog!"

Gore took a few steps back, growling as his eyes flashed. His anger was now completely over. The fact that even his owner would call him an idiot for everything he had done for her, everything he had done for the family.
"I am an animal, but at least I am no savage like your cowardly species! You lie, manipulate and speak falsehoods! You nor your kind has changed!"
The Blood Dragon laughed when she started to call him an idiot, repeatedly. She was acting just as foolish as her guardian!
"A dog..a dog, Rosalie!? You..Nay could you fathom a single damned thing I have seen in my time, something a mere hound would have trouble understanding let alone a mere human! You know, before your kind, mine?! We reigned over the skies! We followed the rules of the realm where one can only survive by what they were willing to do for themselves! Not fall back on some crude toys and claim strength! We earned and fought and BLED! That Dragon..That whelp you compare me to knew NOTHING..Nothing of what me and the others had fought for, nothing of our true plight and why!? You and your damned wretched kind, You take Dragons breed them and make them wish they were the more fragile and weak of the species! That is nay even the worst offense done by that COWARD!"

Gore took a deep breath before trying to calm down.
"The boys Dragon claimed I actually thrive off of that name..Gore, as if had given such title to myself! A Dragons name is the greatest of treasures he can earn, the best of titles because nay is it just whom you are, but what you are worth! What you fought to be! And what have you people done, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" Gore immediately shifted into his true form, Unfolding his wings as he let out a fiery roar, landing hard enough to shake the ground. If the ground shook too much for her, it didn't matter since his tail immediately wrapped around her waist, picking her up in a tight squeeze, holding her in front of his seething jaws. He was growling silently at her, though his eyes were in great turmoil as the squeeze tightened to show how weak she was.
After a moment, he dropped her to the ground and shifted back, clenching his fist. "You know so little mistress..I am proud for a reason, and there is no greater pain than to see a youngling so damned twisted to wanna be the very people who..Lastly..." Taking a deep breath before he continued. "Nay..I had not left because that boy was planning something, I had no knowledge that you wished to keep me silent and if I had, I would have been more careful. That boy is trying to manipulate you, as to meet what end? I know little of that as well...excuse me, mistress."
The Dragons tone had a truly pained expression in his tone and he dared not look back at her before setting off to the shed they showed him the night before, closing it behind him.

Sitting down, The Blood Dragon questioned everything he had seen, heard and felt since this morning. Moments later, it hit again. The same sensation as before when he was approached by The Clearwater's.
"There it is again.." Gore closed his eyes, squeezing the wound he had to actually make him wince, trying to get the sensation to go away. "Magic..Hah, perhaps that be the reason eh? That they are acting like infants.." Gore remained in the shed, knowing that he should let humans dwell in their matters, that and he wasn't entirely okay to see anger at the moment. Not being around people for so long had taken the toll, and that was the lack of extreme restraint needed when dealing with these..things.


After all was said and Mrs. Clearwater was back to being somewhat normal, Johnathen looked at the two brothers, signalling them to head to the next room. He wanted his explanation and he wanted it now.
Once they had gotten inside, he stared at the two for a moment before shaking his head.
"Tell me what the hell is that monster doing here!? Did you see what he did to my rifle?! He could have done that to any of you kids and more so, I want to know which one of you is replacing my weapon, or do we actually get to punish the legend behind the name Gore!?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylvazard
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The quick-snap change in the Blood Dragon’s eyes were as evident as day, a warning, to those heedful of it, to bite their tongues. Rosalie, however, had no mind to and neither did she have the desire to spend more time that she should with the dragon at the moment. They had said this dragon was tamed, at least, but at the moment, there was none of that. She kept her gaze firm and stood her ground even as Gore threatened her to step back with his form. Rosalie had no plans to as she bit her lower lip, taking in what he was saying with the growing desire to slap him. Protecting, yes, but why hadn’t he moved earlier, before the Clearwaters had seen him? Was that so much to ask when Spike had done the same?

She watched as he recoiled in disgust, stopping herself from growling. She believed that he was wrong. At least, she thought, clenching her teeth, that a dog knew when was a good time to stick around and when wasn’t. Gore, it seemed, had just stood there, let himself be spotted and shot at. Smartest choice ever and now he was laughing! How could he laugh at this time? She wasn’t there for his amusement. Perhaps the clowns at Druthers&Druthers’ would offer him better entertainment?
“It’s easy for you to say you don’t have need for weapons when you have claws, size and fire on your side! How are we supposed to match that?! As honourable as it is to you, not many will rush at you with just a sword nowadays. Get your head out of the clouds and just get over it, already!” Rosalie snapped, looking to the side, starting to pace about now as to stop her anger from getting the better of her. “A title? Who needs it? Even without it, people can still be worth more with the right people around you. I think that’s something you’ll never understand.”

Rosalie didn’t have to earn a title just for Setton, someone she considered a real parent to her, to love and care for her as if she was his own. Neither did he for her to love and trust him just as much. She didn’t see him one of the best strategists, but a family member who meant more to her than she could say and the girl was beginning to very quickly believe that dragons wouldn’t understand that.

“You brought it on yourse-“ she began to say before a tail wrapped around her waist tightly, the pressure of which it constricted her making her gasp and squirm. “Let me down right now!” She tried to yell at him for more than just picking her up, but it came out as more of a whimper. Did he really want people alerted to him like that? Things were bound to become more complicated if a group of people came over to question about the monster that brought about a grim reminder that they would not be able to come out of a battle against it without losing half their fighters. Even if they were hunters that came mostly out of town, a lesson was taught to pretty much everyone.

Bringing her fists down to Gore’s tail, she tried to get herself free. It only ended up hurting her hands, instead. Reaching for her knife was no good at all, fingers barely managing to brush the handle as he glared at the dragon. The more breath she lost, the more desperate she came to wanting to be set free, flailing. “You’re... only enforcing the idea.. that you’re a monster.” Was what Rosalie managed, tears of fear and frustration coming to her eyes, lungs starting to burn through lack of air.

She suddenly hit the ground with a whine, landing first on her feet before falling to her hands and knees, sitting back to get as much air as she could as she watched Gore’s retreating form through blurry eyes. He had said something then, something that she didn’t want to believe. Danial was manipulating her? Surely, he intended on helping her with her goal. Even if she couldn’t find anything, she still tried. Rosalie wasn’t one for parties, but if there was a chance, no matter how slim it was, she still wanted to take that small window of opportunity in hopes that it would provide a lead. She didn’t think Danial would have a reason to manipulate her.


Both young men kept their gaze to the floor, withstanding their father’s rage like insects through a storm. They knew the position they were in and it obviously wasn’t one to make light of. On the couch opposite them, was their mother, having just recovered and was sternly watching them, lips pursed into a thin line.
“We’ll both replace your weapon, dad..” Sigmund said after a while of contemplating. He looked into his dad’s eyes with firm determination. “If Gore had planned to do that to us, I’m guessing he would have done it the moment he saw us, but he didn’t. Last night, when Eric and I met up with Rosalie, Gore was there with her and she looked fine, as well. She had arrived safely.” He sent a quick glance to his brother who was watching him with a look that told him, ‘don’t mess up.’ Sigmund wasn’t going to. At least not too much. “On the way back, Eric and I was ambushed by a bear..” He flinched slightly when he saw his mother shift, about to yell at him.

Eric quickly continued with, “Gore saved us without us without having to be asked. He kept us all safe. All three of us. Even I hate to admit it but that ‘monster’ mother referred to, that you see.. saved us. Replacing your weapon, as brother had said, will fall to us, but I do not believe punishing him will do us much good. Rosalie has official papers that considers Gore being hers. We’re all still here..,” Eric then narrowed his eyes in defiance at his father, stating, “alive.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Arclite
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Blood Dragon simply watched his mistress while still in the midst of the argument, trying not to scowl more than he already was. This human..she knew so little! Everything she spouted made sense to her, but she was such a hypocrite when it came to understanding anything.
"Hah! What a human quality, whimpering about their superiors and how much greater they truly are! What happened to us being animals, mistress!? What happened to us being less than dogs! Surely a human such as you could punish a hound. Claws, Fire, Flight.. Do you know why we hold such things!? Because in the days of old, this land was in turmoil! Far from being truly livable. Ages before mankind had shown their pathetic whimsy, my kind took flight and fought the now fossilized predators in the realm! Beasts the size of that stadium, monsters that could bite a Dragon in two with massive jaws! Here we are now, whimpering at the quality in which the Dragon traits compare to the humans. What happened to being the superior species! Tell me then, mistress.." Gore sneered the last word, clearly bothered by her and everything she stood for at the moment.
"Dragons with all their might..They were taken by your people, aye? Your people claim of some great! battle and yet my brothers and sisters, being as powerful as you clearly claim..were taken in such a battle. Tell me, girl.. How did your kind defeat us!? DEFEAT ME!? Your hunters of this modern age had the most of difficult times and I was far from my peak, but back then! Prior to all of your fodder and toys..how were we taken and enchained? Oh let me guess, my savage race were just animals, AYE?! 'Tis obvious when staring at the Blood Dragon!"

Clenching his fist, he shook his head and roared at her.
"A title!? You..ignorant child! If you only knew of what you speak, if you were a Dragon from the days of old you would hold some idea of what a true name means, how much strength do you hold in your name?! Granted by your elders at birth, you had earned nothing! No one to revere such a great name. Your kind believe that the actions come after such title is given, that once you live throughout your meager days and look back, that is when your name is honored! With that, you miss the struggle! The drive in which teaches you that with fire comes forging! That challenges and obstacles are what create greatness! From the days of old my kind were enduring such troubles so we were prepared to face the hardships of the milenia's to pass!"
The Blood Dragon just shook his head, no longer able to contemplate whether or not she was just foolish or too angry to realize what was going on. Bringing it on himself..he knew that better than she did. The only difference was that his knowledge of this meant something else entirely where as she was thinking of the present.

As the ancient was walking away, he stopped when he heard her say that, laughing weakly.
"Aye, yer damned right lass..I am a monster, the Dragon that devours the realm..." With that, he was gone. Clearly angry and upset by what had just happened. The reason for this was because he actually believed she was kinder than this. That she actually thought with an open mind and not be so closed off to such idea's of honor or tradition when it comes to a more ancient creed. Even still, knowing this didn't discourage the Dragon from being in her service, after all..She was young.

John stared at his two sons while they spun their tale of being saved by that monster and all the while looked off in disbelief. The Blood Dragon helping them? It seemed too far fetched to be true, in fact it was beyond understanding! Why would such an infamous beast help any human when just a few centuries ago, blazed through every human he could find! Man, woman or child! No one was safe from Gore!
"So, you both will replace the rifle hm? I hope you plan on demanding the cost from the Blood Dragons winnings when he's entered in the arena, that must be why Rosalie bought him after all. That is a surefire way to make a profit in no time, just imagine the price of admission.. The legend himself even being seen is a once in a life time happening but him? Fighting his own kind!? That will sell.."
Mr. Clearwater was obviously thinking outside of just owning him and actually wanted to be apart of that if he could. If that Dragon really was owned, what was the harm in using the talent Gore clearly had?

After a moment, John went back to them being saved, scoffing.
"You sound as if you owe that winged beast a debt for saving you! He was owned boys, by law he is supposed to intervene when a life is at stake! When he broke my rifle he even spoke of law so he obviously knows that! You owe that monster nothing..and don't speak to me with that tone young man. Me and your mother raised you better than that.." With that, he stepped out of the obvious, grumbling. He wasn't going to go find Rosalie right away, but he did want to hear what she was thinking about this..

Not being too far from the hearth, the Blood Dragon could hear their father berating him and planning things for him, even when he didn't own him or like the idea of him being owned.. With a grumble, he picked himself up and moved to the door, stopping when his claw touched the handle. Looking behind him, his eyes narrowed before gripping the door and opening it.
"Magic users..Cowardly deceiving folk who bind themselves with the immortals..Elementals and the like are far from those you should call upon.." With that, he went to the house to try and find whether or not the boys were around. He wanted to offer his services for the rifle, knowing full well they didn't own him and held no responsibility for what they did. They did it for him and that was a debt he would repay.
Upon entering the house, Gore sought out the two brothers and did his best to try and avoid the family that seemed irritated with his very being there.

If and when he found them, he would make sure that John and their mother were far away by sound and hope they wouldn't interrupt.
"Sigmund, Eric.. I wish to thank you for the kindness you have shown me. The words you held in my defense is a kindness nay often seen for my kind and.. Since you do not own me, it is far from your responsibility to care and look after me, so whatever it takes, I will aid in any way I can so we can repay such a debt that I had managed to form with your father. The Arena or any other means could be used to gain coin or however else you see fit.."
With that, he showed a fang when he smirked, hoping to help them for what they've done. Despite being honorable as well as angry at Rosalie, her brothers seemed nicer to him and it was only fair to return the favor.

Later that night, Gore had foregone making dinner for the family since it seems that he was best kept out of sight until called for after everything that happened today, he just wanted to lay down and rest. The sensations were still there and he felt uncomfortable, but as long as no one else felt it then it was fine. After all, what magic user could harm him? He had faced off against so many in the previous seasons that it couldn't be anything he couldn't handle.. Little did he know that his life wasn't at stake, only something more fragile..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylvazard
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Entering the arena? The brothers looked at each other upon that assumption. That could be one of the reasons for buying him; using him to make up for the cost of purchasing him and perhaps gaining more. However, they weren’t even sure if Rosalie planned to dapple in that area. She’s never mentioned it once, come to think of it, but at this point, the two young men were willing to go with anything as long as it calmed their parents.

“You-“ Eric was interrupted by a nudge to his side from his brother, urging him to bite his tongue for now and refrain himself from saying what he really had in mind. Instead, he corrected himself with, “you’re right. I apologise,” and bowed his head, looking at the floor. His father had taught his boys to stand up for themselves, for what they believed was the right thing, and it bothered Eric that he seemed to be forgetting that. But, to look at it from a different perspective, he would be as furious as his father if he found out that his child or children had been keeping something -as possibly dangerous as Gore- from him.

“We’ll find a way to replace the rifle - whether it’s on our own or with Gore’s help, dad.” Sigmund offered a lazy smile that was obviously inappropriate for the situation, but it was his way of easing himself out of a difficult one. What he didn’t often realise was that something like this caused people to become unable to take him seriously despite the firm tone he had in his voice. When their father left the room, Sigmund had to wait through a scolding from his mother before she left and he was finally able to lean over to his brother and speak about what had happened. Hearing hurried footsteps running in the general direction of Rosalie’s room, both brothers stared for a bit, considering that their answer.
“Sigmund! You’re doing groceries!” Came her voice, upset yet demanding.

The young man stood up with a sigh, raising his arms in exasperation. “Can someone please tell me why I’m the one always being called, first? Why isn’t it ever your name then mine?”
His brother only sighed and adjusted his glasses with a shrug. “Maybe because you’re the one with a carefree nature that needs to be kept in check, brother. As you were saying?”
“Rosalie seems furious.. Uhh.. Oh! That’s right! I was just saying that my name keeps being called, first. Instead of ‘Eric, Sigmund, do this’, it’s-“ Hearing his name and Eric’s called from behind, Sigmund spun around on his heel and gestured almost over-dramatically to get his point across, not yet realising who it was. “Exactly that! Sigmund and Eric! See? What did I tell y- oh! Gore, hi!” He hadn’t even noticed that he was called by his name and not just ‘Siggy’ at this point. He smiled, “hey, there, buddy.”
“As you can see, my brother’s more concerned over the order of our names when called than he is with the replacement of father’s rifle..” Eric cut in with a sigh, standing up as well.
“That’s not true! I was just getting to my point which was.. yeah, names.” The tallest of the two shook his head, becoming more serious now. “The arena is a good idea, I suppose, but obviously, you’re going to have to run that by Rosalie, isn’t that right? Now isn’t the best time to speak to her, though.”
“Or you can help out in the store we have while my brother and I work off the payment. That’s another way you could help out.” It was clear that none of them dared to ask what had just happened outside, deciding, and very wisely, mind you, to leave it well alone.


Having tasked Sigmund to fill in for her turn on getting the groceries, she would have to offer to take his turn next time around. Since then, Rosalie had stayed in her room out of the want to avoid anymore drama, choosing to skip out on dinner for the night, as well. She wasn’t all too hungry after the events of today, to be honest. It would save her having to look the Clearwaters in the eye, as well.
She stretched as she walked over to draw the curtains back and stare out the window. It was cloudy tonight with only the occasional glimpse of a few stars out in the sky. It looked rather gloomy, she thought to herself with a slight nod as her gaze swept across the other houses, all lit and rather cosy compared to hers. In the household, it was far from it.

Rosalie’s eyes then landed on the shed where Gore was residing, thinking back to what he had said as she sat on the edge of her bed. Her body still ached a little from earlier, but it was nothing when she could still move. She clenched her fists until they grew pale, body trembling with frustration and eyes beginning to fill with tears. He really had no right to do that. Was a title really worth that much to a dragon? Why was it to make Gore react like that? She just didn’t understand. Was it something very much similar to a famous singer or actor? That couldn’t be right, Rosalie thought whilst shaking her head. Dragons were obviously so much more different in terms of thinking and belief, but what had made Gore stick to this so closely that he almost refuses to come to terms with the changes that had taken place since he had last been awake?

“Stubborn, stupid dragon.” The girl muttered under her breath, lying down, gripping tightly onto one of her pillows out of frustration. “Tame but not as tame as they said he’d be. Today was his fault. All his fault.” she thought, rubbing her eyes. “Idiot.” If Gore heard her now, she wouldn’t care. He knew she was mad, and she still was. Nothing had changed since morning and she had a feeling that it wasn’t going to change in a while. It didn’t mater, though, considering that there weren’t any plans to be around him for long to begin with. With that thought in mind, she began to close her eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arclite
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

The ancient Dragon looked at his claws before, sighing.
"I need to learn how to hold this form longer..Resting within such confines is perhaps the best of options.." Clenching his claws, he looked back at where the voice he heard came from, shaking his head. By now Gore was used to her being angry with him, calling him names, and putting him down. Just like nearly every other human in all the realm. Nothing had changed in the centuries passed, just their toys to do more harm to others. With a growl, he simply laid down and closed his eyes, not caring to think about it or reside on the matter longer than he should. She will just have to get used to him, or sell him to someone else. Slowly, the monster began to slip into slumber, letting go of the concerns of the dark sensations he felt. A mistake he would soon realize....

Gore blinked at first, feeling as if he had just laid his head down and yet now? He was awake.. Not just that but the sounds of water or even the very breathing of his humans were now vacant, he couldn't hear or smell a thing. The Blood Dragon started looking around, noticing immediately that many things were amiss. The shed he resided in was gone and he was out in the open, Gore could also see the large house his owner had lived in but everything was pitch black inside, seeping a dark mist that looked unnatural. Moving to the house, he quickly knocked only to find the door vanish in front of him.
"You are a fool to think this will stop me!" With that, he clenched his fist and slammed it into the wall, hearing it crack as he hit it again. This time it gave way, having him step in to quickly hear screams coming from all directions. The house was dark and empty yet blood curdling screams were all around him. Slowly the walls began to be covered in a dark red liquid that could only be one thing. Walking passed this, he started to head to the last place he saw the humans, the kitchen. When he got there, the dark room was empty until 2 bodies appeared in front of him. The Blood Dragon stared wide eyed at how the two men were displayed. Hanging onto two giant hooks that pierced each boys neck. Their bodies looked as if they were experimented on, poorly sewn up pieces with flesh hanging off them. The blood was trickling down their forms and the smell of death started to overtake the ancient. Stepping back, he looked back only to find the bodies now gone. Replaced by a sinister and dark laughter from behind. Turning around, he saw a figure that he couldn't make out before it pointed at him and vanished right before the Dragons very eyes.

With that, he started moving to the stairs until he was stopped by a small body rocking back and forth, crying.
"...Little one?" He asked, holding out his claw. When he gently touched its shoulder, the figure turned to look at him and the look on the little ones face looked vacant, the eyes were vacant and completely empty, a dark grin on the child's face was so wide it was causing the little one to bleed a dark blood.
'Do you remember!?'
A ghastly voice rang out, actually causing the Dragon to fall to his knee's, holding his ears. That voice could pierce through the strongest of creatures. Returning his gaze to the child, it was standing and looked as if its throat and arms were slit open. The little ones fingers were broken in places and the body of it looked mangled. It leaned closer to the Blood Dragon, whispering.
'Where's my mommy? have you seen her?'

"Tell me, do you believe me to be frightened!?" Gore shouted, having the child vanish in front of him. By now, Gore had picked himself back up and started to make his way for the stairs once more, slowly climbing them. He had no idea what was going on but the feel of dark magic was all around him.
As Gore drew closer to the top step, the screams got so loud that he was wincing. The Blood Dragon actually had to squeeze the railing to make it so he didn't fall from the sheer disturbing noises he was hearing. Getting to the door his owner was supposed to be, he opened it, only to find the world change, now finding himself in a field full of corpses, both Dragon as well as human. Clenching his fist, he felt something drop onto his cheek, moving his hand over his face, he stared at the crimson liquid raining from the sky. The sounds of bones cracking in the wrong way made his attention go back to the field. Each corpse started to stir, forcing themselves up on their legs even if their bones were jutting out of their bodies. The silence lingered as each body started to stagger toward the Blood Dragon, each of the corpse baring signs of a Dragons ferocity. Burnt flesh, fang gashes, claw rended flesh.

Within moments, fields of what seemed to be endless bodies began ravaging forward, making the darkest of sounds. Gore just stared before trying to change, feeling his body shift for a brief second, only to halt in a painful way.
"ARGH!" Falling to his knee's, he felt his break in certain places, Looking up, his dark teal eyes beamed forward before he took off sprinting toward the horde, raising his claws. As he got closer, a Dragon snapped at him.
'Man or Dragon, it doesn't matter who right, Gore!? So many dead..Soon, Rosalie will be joining us..' Gore's eyes widened, jumping up onto the dead, yet alive Dragon, leaping off him before bringing his claws up, slamming into the head of another, smaller Dragon, impaling into the skull of the disgusting beast.
The second he did though, multiple bodies began to tackle him down, one even biting the shoulder he was shot. The field and everything in it were becoming drenched in blood from the rain.

Rosalie would find herself in a familiar place. The room felt as if it were from her past, exactly how she left it so long ago. The bed was extremely comfortable and the walls were still the same color with murals on them. The sun was beading through a window and it felt warm. The door opened and in came a familiar man with a smile on his face.
"Morning sweetie!" Said a familiar voice that had a fatherly tone to them. Bringing her a glass of orange juice, he seemed too good to be real. Heading over to her bed, he hugged her close, seeming ecstatic to finally see his daughter.
"It..is so good to see you Rose, I missed you so much." Rubbing her back, her father smiled at her before heading over to the window. His smile seemed so warm before looking back at her.
"It's a beautiful day princess, wanna have something to eat? Haha how about I make you something, it's been ages and it'd be an honor, besides..I doubt a Dragons cooking can compare to fathers, c'mon sleepy head!" With that, Setton headed downstairs and started making his daughters favorite.

When Setton heard her come down the stairs, he turned around and smiled, setting a plate down for her. Scrambled eggs and rice. Perfectly seasoned. He also had juice which was also a personal favorite of his.
"Come on, don't let your old man eat alone. We have a lot to catch up on and I don't wanna waste another second."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sylvazard
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Was it really morning already? It was warm, comforting and even peaceful, but for a reason she believed herself being rather paranoid over, she decided to dismiss the thought like she was waving away a bothersome insect. It was the type of thought that was not as dominant as the rest swimming about in her mind, but it still was able to draw her attention more than the others did. Rosalie would have stayed in bed if not for a familiar voice that rang through the room. She stayed where she was, stunned as her eyebrows began to slowly knit together in thought. How many years now had it been? How many years had she gone without hearing that voice? The girl blinked and shot up into a sitting position, staring at the person before her with wide eyes and mouth slightly agape. “Good morning.. Dad..,” Those were words she thought she would never get to use in a long while and yet here she was - sooner rather than later. Rosalie wrapped her arms around him tightly, fighting back tears as she looked up at him. “Dad..” She repeated in disbelief.

The comfort he provided was familiar, the kind that made her want to close her eyes and fall asleep in his arms like she always used to. “I missed you, too. Where have you been, have you been eating well and taking care of yourself?” She asked him, dearly concerned. Leaning back, Rosalie let him go, the glass of juice he had brought her forgotten and in favour of more important things. He actually had to hand it to her again before she remembered to accept it and when she did, she was invited to head downstairs. Rosalie did not drink from it, gaze transfixed on Setton’s retreating form. ‘Is this real?’ She asked herself, looking down into her beverage. She could feel the wait of it in her hands and she definitely could feel the heat coming from the sunlight shining through her window. It lured her into a sense of comfort that she hadn’t felt in years. As safe as she had felt around the Clearwaters, the security she felt now was different. However, it still nagged at the back of her mind that something was off.

Holding her cup of juice, Rosalie slipped out of bed and went to inspect the walls with a hint of wonder in her eyes and the way she moved about her room. It was the same room that she had left on the day of her 14th birthday and nothing had changed since then. Lifting a finger, Rosalie experimentally ran it along the surface of a photo frame of her as a child being held in Setton’s lap. She smiled at it, remembering her eagerness to get away from him and her demands to see her real parents. The girl brought the finger under her inspection, rubbing it against her thumb in awe as she started sweeping her gaze around her room.
“Not a speck of dust..,” she murmured to herself. “Dad really is meticulous about order..” It was his job, she supposed with a sigh. Even some of her drawings were still in place on the walls. Where did he find the time to maintain the room like this?

Deciding that she had idled long enough, Rosalie followed after her father, unaware of the dark, wispy tendrils that snaked out from underneath her bed like trapped mist seeking an escape route, waving after her ankles in frustration when it failed to catch its prey. Sensing that she wasn’t coming back anytime soon, it slowly receded back into its confines.

Now downstairs, she propped herself down in the seat opposite her father, unsure of what to say after so long being alone. A range of emotions rushed through her, unable to be expressed with just a word or even a few sentences. A part of Rosalie wanted to be mad at him for sending her away like that, for walking out of her life the way he did, while other parts of her wanted to celebrate their reunion and cry against him. Suppressing her emotions, Rosalie started with the question that came easiest to her: “You’ve met Gore already?”
She then reached for her spoon and fork, taking comfort in the fact that her father still remembered what she liked to wake up to. It was usually her job making breakfast, but this time, she was going to take it as him trying to make it up to her. “I missed you so much, dad.. You.. really have no idea..” Her voice cracked a little and she had to stop and take a breath.

She let her gaze wander about the room once more as she composed herself. “Why did you send me away like that? Why couldn’t I hide with the others?” Rosalie popped a bit of food in her mouth as she waited for an answer, still in disbelief that her father was there in front of her. At times, she found herself staring at him to be sure that he was in good shape for his age. That warm smile, the nickname he gave her, and his remembrance of her favourite food made it feel as if being with the Clearwaters was a world away, that it was all in the past.


As the goings on in the house continued, Aisen stalked through the shadows like a wraith, blending into the darkness when it was needed. Just ahead, he could see the result of his work just above the roofs of the surrounding houses as he made his way to his destination. He would make the dragon pay for what he had done to his dear companion, Delna. Last time, he had allowed the younger one to do the job, but this time, he was willing to jump in and have his cuffs soiled if it meant feeling the satisfaction that came with making the blasted beast suffer. He self-consciously clenched his fist as he neared the dwellings of the Clearwaters, knowing the beast was near as well but trapped in an intricate nightmare that he had spun - had spent time planning while he was at Delna’s side. The girl had passed not three weeks ago, but that time alone was not enough for the man to consider letting the winged lizard go without at least causing some harm so that Delna’s efforts in weakening the beast would not be in vain.

Finally arriving at the household, Aisen did not step in any closer than he needed to. Deciding to raise a hand and whisper an incantation, eyes glowing an ominous purple as he did so, he swept his hand out in front of him with a delicate motion as if the spell itself was fragile. With him being so near to the site of his spells, the web that he had spun to ensnare his victims was sure to grow stronger. It was clear that with the added incantation, he was planning something; a shift in the dream that the two were currently experiencing. After all, what better way to weaken the mind than when they were least expecting it. He scoffed, holding back a laugh that would have sent shivers down the spine of anyone had they been near enough or even there to hear it. ‘Blood Dragon. Pah! Pathetic, daft beast.’ Aisen thought to himself. With the narrowing of his eyes at the shed, he leaned back against a tree with arms folded and, setting up a small barrier that would alert him to anyone or anything that dared to approach, he closed his eyes and allowed his mind to peer into the dream. ‘Let’s see how my little test subjects are doing.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Arclite
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

The long lost father nodded to Rosalie's first question, a confident smile evident on his facial features.
"Yep, I have to say..he doesn't quite live up to the legend huh? He seems so resentful..hah, I expected something like a stoic warrior type, like he stares and you just feel it." With a faint laugh, Setton went on eating with his daughter. The look in his eyes was very clear, happiness and joy just melted through and he seemed to just radiate how happy he was feeling at that very moment. That is until her next set of questions hit him, those very questions anyone would have trouble answering..Dream or not. Setting his fork down, he smiled weakly to his daughter as if to try and instill some sort of confidence when in reality, there was none.
"I..was to lose you..I didn't think I could take it and.." Taking a breath, he got up, moved over to her and hugged her while she was sitting. "I felt that sending you away..where you would be safe? Would be better than having your life threatened. Then to lose you.. You're safest when we're apart but..now? Everything's fine and all that matters..all that really matters..is that I have my little girl back and..I love you sweetheart, I'm so, so..sorry that I sent you away like I did." Leaning down, he kissed her forehead and nodded, wiping his eyes quickly in fear of his daughter seeing that.

"So! How do you like it? Not bad eh? I learned a few things while being on my own..and to answer those questions you had earlier, I have been doing the best I can to take care of myself, I have to after all if I were to see you again hah, I didn't wanna be on my death bed and have you be upset. I want my rose to smile!"
It was obvious that Setton wanted to change the subject, that this topic was hurting him. So instead, he carried on with trying to go onto happier things.
"Hah! Anyways, tell me..how are things with that Dragon of yours? Has he caused you a lot of trouble?" asked Setton, moving back to his plate so he could finish the breakfast he made. Taking a sip of juice, he just smiled at her and nodded when she talked.
"God..I missed you so much.. You have no idea how badly I've been wanting to see you again. I thought about this since we were separated, always questioning what I'd say and here we are and I can't think of a darn thing." Said Setton in a nervous laugh, nodding. What could someone say to their daughter after so long? How could they ever repay that.. Her father's eyes gave away everything he was thinking and how melancholic he was.
"I..really don't know how I'll ever ask you to forgive me..I don't deserve it. I failed you, Rose..." Blinking back tears, he held his eyes. Within the next few moments, the warm light in the windows quickly turned to dusk.

A red claw came out of no where, wrapping around the near weeping mans throat, squeezing into it. Blood started to trickle from Setton's neck. Within the next moment, Gore had actually pushed her father out of his chair, slamming him into the refrigerator, causing it to dent with the force of it. Looking back at his mistress, the Blood Dragon gave a dark grin, one that had not been seen by her yet. The look in his dark teal eyes felt void, empty. It was as if the Dragon had lost every ounce of what was to be a soul from within.
'Aye, mistress..he failed you and now we will watch as he pays the toll for harming my owner..' Looking at the man, the color in his skin seemed to slowly diminish as Setton's helpless form struggled, kicking and screaming. If Rosalie tried to stop him, Gore would just appear somewhere else, hurting her father, choking him.
'Haha..watch how he squirms, mistress. He looks as if he is having trouble breathing, see?' Holding her helpless father out in front of her, his claws were digging into the mans skin, nearly digging into him from the downward force of her fathers weight. "What shall I do to him next..." Asked her Dragon in a tone that didn't sound as if it could come from a human or anything else for that matter.

In the pile of corpses was a struggle. Each corpse was starting to ripple as if something was under them, something relentless. After a moment, a bloody claw shot through the top one, ripping the corpse in half. A form began to climb out, only to be grabbed and held back. A loud growl came from the captured.
"Damned wretches! You will need more than thi-" The Blood Dragons voice fell silent when his dark teal eyes fell over what was coming. A blue Dragon that looked as if it was decomposing, covered in blood. The azure form of this particular monster had claw marks in it, half of his jaw was missing and it looked empty.The look on Gore's face immediately withered to one of sorrow, shaking his head.
"..N..no, it cannot b-" Gore screamed when the Dragon slashed into his chest, cutting him before diving his fangs into his form. Tears formed in his eyes, feeling his body fall limp from what was happening.
'Brother...how could you fail us.. Our people are lost and for what? An entire species cried out for help and you vanished!'
A moment had yet to pass after the words were spoken before Gore pulled himself up, kicking against the blue Dragons snout, growling. With a loud battle cry, the captured humanoid pushed forward hard, breaking through the grasp of the bodies behind him, dislocating his shoulder by the sheer force of it, shattering the bones of the corpses that held him back.

"This..." Gore breathed out slowly, trying to recover as quickly as he could. "This is a farce.." Exclaimed the Blood Dragon, grabbing his arm, snapping it back into place. Rage started to fill the dark teal eyes that lingered over this unusual blue Dragon that was getting into position, letting out a violent roar that seemed to stir the bodies around them, causing them to all swarm toward the Humanoid.

All warmth from within the home was gone and Gore only seemed to enjoy as Setton struggled. The father was desperately trying to get out of the ancient Dragons hand, punching at him until slowly, his movements began to stop. The color in his face had turned a faint blue.
'Mm, look at him, mistress..I may have broken him.' With that, he began to pull at the body, shaking him with methodical precision that only seemed to come off as disturbing.
"H...honey..look..look awa-" A loud snap echo'd throughout the home that immediately turned cold. The mans body fell limp instantly and he was now like a doll. The Blood Dragons laughter rang throughout the halls, leaning against the man, trailing his tongue over the mans form.
'Nay..now I broke him, hahahaha!' After he spoke, the humanoid Dragon brought the body closer to Rosa, shaking him again, making him 'dance' with his limp arms. Multiple snaps began to be heard as the now dead bodies bones began to crack under the force of the Blood Dragon. Dark laughter replaced his mocking commentary.

That is until a loud shatter could be heard from the wall, then another..then finally the entire wall of the kitchen crumbled and in fell Gore, bleeding profusely against the floor..
The false Blood Dragon whom was holding the body quickly let out a reptilian hiss, taking the body and running down the hall with a dark and chaotic laughter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylvazard
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rosalie nodded at Setton’s comment concerning Gore, completely transfixed by her father’s eyes, staring into them as her mind took in the little details of the emotions the man was feeling. They were near enough the same as her own, she saw, and she ended up biting her lip to stop the tears. He didn’t want to send her away, it was just circumstance and an undesirable one, at that. The girl supposed she could understand the choice he made when he did, but she still wanted to know why he hadn’t tried to find her. There wasn’t much contact since then. She had been afraid and alone going into the Clearwater’s household and she had wished he had been by her side when she needed him most. For now, she decided to bury those emotions and just let herself live in the moment. “I love you, too, dad. I’m just glad you’re safe. That’s all that really matters to me.”

She dug into her food, now, more at ease than she had been earlier, managing a small smile as she nodded. “Dad’s cooking is always the best and I’m glad you’re still sticking to the healthy stuff. It just means I won’t have to always nag you as much.” Playfully, she stuck her tongue out at him, smile growing even wider. “Gore has caused me a bit of trouble but not as much as you’d think. I know I’ll be able to handle it, but.. you’ll be there to help, won’t you?” The girl gave off a sheepish smile, laughing lightly as she added, “Also, dad? Umm.. I ended up spending almost all the money you gave me in an auction for him, but I’m sure he’ll be able to buy back the price he had cost..” Though she shied away as she spoke, there was one thing she would not shy away from and that was wanting things to go back to the way they were. Gore or no Gore, she wanted her life back.

Even if Rosalie knew she was old enough to stand on her own two feet -and she was confident she was more than capable- the girl wanted to be sure that she would have her guide, safety net and father with her. Reaching for her father’s hand over the table, Rosalie took it -more for her sake- to be sure that this was real. She felt him. She felt the warmth of his skin against hers, and she released the breath she had been holding along with the fear that her hands would go through his despite how real the hugs he had been giving her were. What if it was that only he were able to hold her and she wasn’t? The thought terrified her enough that it sent a light shiver through her body.
“If it offers you any comfort,” she forced herself to say through her fear and uncertainty, “I don’t know what else to say, either.. only that I was doing all of this just so I’d be able to see you again. Every single moment leading up to seeing you was worth it and I have no regrets, dad. You didn’t fail me, either. Sure, I wonder why you haven’t kept in contact with me, but I believe you did it to keep me sa-” She couldn’t help gasping at the claw that just shot into her view, the sudden movement almost causing her to fall out of her seat as she recoiled in shock and disbelief.

Words abandoned her and so did her voice, mouth moving but not a scream would come out as she shook in fear, tears blurring her sight. It couldn’t be happening right in front of her. She refused to believe it, but though her mind was in denial, her heart was acknowledging it far too well. Fear washed through her body like a wave crashing down on her, causing her to flinch and suck in a breath. “No..” she managed to say when Gore’s figure came into view. She flinched at the brutality he had hit her father with, grimacing at the sickening crunch of her father’s bones as he was slammed about without a care in the world by the crimson dragon. “NO!!” Rosalie screamed, finding her voice. She looked at the Blood Dragon before her in terror, too distressed over her father’s screaming to even take note of the look that was in Gore’s eyes. “W-what are you d-doing?! Stop it!” Desperate, Rosalie lunged at him, looking about in confusion when Gore seemed to teleport to another place that was well out of her reach. She let out a curse, hand instinctively going to the knife she often carried only to find it wasn’t on her person. She didn’t understand. Rosalie had always made sure that it was with her and if not on her body, then somewhere close by and easily accessible, and yet, she was unable to think of where she had put it. Scolding herself came easy at that point, and so did swearing at her stupidity and unpreparedness. When the young woman had needed it most, she was bereft of it.

Around her, the room had darkened and what had been the sun had now turned into a crimson moon. It prompted many changes around her and apart from noticing that the warmth had obviously been sucked out of the room, Rosalie saw there was now a black mist creeping over the floor, making the walls seem as if they were closing in on her. Sobs wracking through her body, the girl fought to control her breathing, choking on her cries a few times as she continued to tell herself to calm down and focus. “How could you.. do that? Put him down.. Please?” The last word was added not out of politeness, but more of desperation. “Or.. or else..” It was a rather meek threat coming from her at the time, but she emphasised it by moving to grab the kitchen knife with the intent of fending him off with it.

Despair and sorrow settled into her stomach, a heavy, sinking stone that seemed to accept the fate of spending the rest of its time at the bottom of a pond. She wanted to stop the pain that plucked at her heart like a taunting, cool hand, to bury it like the ebbing waves that buried seashells at a beach’s shore, but like the blood that was quickly becoming apparent on the floor, it was far too prominent to ignore. Her small frame was trembling at the sight of her father being treated this way, but not matter how much she lunged at or tried for Gore with a quick swipe aimed at his arm, she always missed, swiping at nothing but thin air. She caught herself on her left foot and pushed off of it toward him again, her strikes becoming more wild. “You monster!” She growled, her tone quickly melting into a whimper when Gore decided to hold Setton out to her and shake him about once more. She was finally forced to stop in her tracks before she crashed into him, holding her knife by her side as she took the provocation with a grim look in her eyes.

It was like watching a puppet on a string dangle about helplessly as the puppeteer unceremoniously shook him about. She was told to look away but she could not until the final, loud snap that echoed through the room announced his violent death. “Dad!” Hot tears streaming down her face, she dropped the knife she had been holding, the blade falling to the floor with her following after it, sinking to her knees as the strength granted to her by her rage left her. At this point, Setton’s corpse was just some toy to the crimson monster. “Why?” she started slowly, “why did you..,” she found it hard to breathe, the metallic scent of blood -her father’s blood- getting to her, “kill him?” Perhaps he didn’t hear her as all he did was laugh darkly like he was proud of his work.

Crashing behind her was all Rosalie heard as she held her face in her hands, crying insults at the cursed dragon which did nothing but make the beast laugh harder. It wasn’t some sort of game, but he seemed to treat it as one. What had gone wrong? Did she do something to upset Gore enough that he would carry an act to such an extreme extent as this? People and the legends were right: he was a monster. There was no mercy for Setton just as there was no mercy for the hunters back at the mountain where the beast had once resided.

It sounded as something big had crumbled, shaking the floor she was sitting on and she almost groaned, finding that it took much more effort to tear her gaze away from the floor than it should have. The second she saw another Gore tumble in the room coated in a slick, crimson liquid, Rosalie’s gaze immediately shot to the ground again, trembling as she muttered, “no, no, not again. Stop.. Please.. someone.. make it stop!” At this point, she didn’t care what happened to her, she didn’t care what happened now as she believed that her world had already crumbled before her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Arclite
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Gore winced when he hit the ground, groaning softly.
"Why does this keep happening to me..where am I?" said the real Blood Dragon, immediately turning to face the wall and bring up his claws in defense at the possible onslaught that would befall him. That is until he saw that what once was crumbled, now stood strong. Clenching his claw into fists, the Dragon turned to see his mistress on the ground, sobbing hysterically. In seconds, Gore's expression had went from annoyance to disturbed. The look in the other Blood Dragons eyes, it had no life in them. Taking a step back, his claw moved to his chest in pure shock. That is until the hiss echo'd throughout the room, having the false Blood Dragon run away with a corpse that looked mangled in hand.
"..Is that what I look like?" Complete shock filled his eyes before running after the Dragon. "Are you attempting to fool me!? Again!?" Turning to face the hall in which the impostor ran down caused Gore to stop dead in his tracks. The lights started to disappear, one by one. Darkness started to creep toward him and his owner. With a loud growl, Gore ran his claws against the wall, scraping it before turning back to see his owner, crying in front of him. Her eyes, her words.. They were bleeding with sorrow. Was this an illusion too?.. How could he trust what he was seeing was real? Further more, if it was..did she know this was false?

"I gave you my word..." Taking a step forward, Gore looked at her with a hurt look in his dark teal eyes. "I swore..to always be by your side, to protect you and yours as if you are mine. That I would be here by your side, lass..until the end of your days..Even if you say such cruel things, that I am a monster..That I am stupid or an idiot for not moving when there is danger." Falling to his knee's, his arms around around her. He was shaking.
"Mistress -- Rosalie, I know not if you are real, if this..illusion, was only meant for me..or for both of us. But I do know that whatever you had witnessed, whatever was before you just moments ago? Was false.. This place is an illusion, not true to the realm we belong to." Taking holding her tighter, he winced at the multiple wounds that she was pressing into. It was obvious that whatever he saw, also hurt him very deeply.
"I promise you, Rosalie.. The one who has dared forsake us to such a nightmare, Whomever has cast this void over us, forcing us to witness things that we dare not dream of? They will suffer far, far worse for hurting those I am to protect.." Despite the strength he was portraying, despite her servants lack of sobs? A pain that mirrored the very girl he held was also held within his eyes.

It seemed that the false Blood Dragon had disappeared completely but that didn't stop Gore's own nightmares breaking through. A crumpling sound came at the wall that made Gore hold Rosalie tighter, staring at where it was coming from.
"For all of my strength, Everything that I've done.." Pulling back, he rested his hands on his owners cheeks, trying to force her to look into his eyes.
"I cannot do this alone, lass.. I need ye to focus, aye?" Looking at the wall for a brief period, he saw the blue Dragon which caused him to look away immediately. "The puppeteer of this illusion is cunning..but the realm that we are now residing in is no longer theirs to deal with as they please.." The wall behind them began to crumble as a somewhat broken roar came through, making the Blood Dragon actually wince. "They attempted..to show me something that would nay ever happen..if an impostor of me has dealt such a blow to you as they had tried with me?..Look at me, mistress.." Gore moved his hand lightly down her cheek, showing her his own eyes that still had remnants of tears within them.
"I gave ye my word. You and yours are mine to protect..my own, and I have not yet failed. Monster or not, I keep my word.." Blood rain started to pour within the home, making Gore hold onto his owner tighter, hearing the wall shatter behind them followed by a loud, broken roar filling the home.

Gore quickly covered his mistress' ears to try and make it easier on her, grabbing her and jumping back when a blue tail swiped at them.
"Please Rosalie..help me, I cannot do this alone.." Both of their nightmares were merging together as the two dreamers were coming together. As the corpses began to fill the home, Gore was doing his best to keep his owner away from them by taking them on and narrowing their numbers to mean nothing, slowly working down the hallway where the impostor had went. That is until they came to a dead end. With a growl, Gore looked at his owner one last time before hearing his own voice, turning back to face the impostor.

'You are going to die too, mistress...like the many before you.' said the false Blood Dragon with a hint of sadism.

"To the depths with that idea lad!" Gore rammed his claw into the wall, ripping into it as it fell onto the group and the impostor. Turning back, he pulled Rosalie in his arms and jumped through the hole, running toward a window, leaping through it.
Taking a deep breath, he looked back at where they came from with a chuckle. "Seems as if the puppeteer is losing control, aye?" Turning his gaze back to her, his eyes widened at what he saw..or lack there of. Everything around them, even the one closest to them were gone, lost in the void of pitch black. Gore's eyes widened in fear before pulling Rosalie closer to him, feeling her in his arms and hearing her breathing.
"Nay..this is not happening again.." All Gore could hear was her breathing and his own, followed by a cackling that he couldn't place. With a loud growl, the Blood Dragon shook his head and looked at Rosalie.
"Rosalie..I need you to trust me..I will not let ye go into this darkness alone..I will stay with you, even if you cannot see it.."

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