Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Angelo quickly looked at the scene that just fell before him the apocalypse, zombies were biting innocent people and while Angelo didn't feel that bad about the principle getting bitten some of these other students were still so young and could do so much more. Angelo turned to see a zombie getting close to him and Angelo immediately picked up his iron chair folded it and beat the zombie down with it. Angelo just took a life, he just took a life and it wasn't even the worse part. Now Angelo had to think positively and he just thought, left for dead....CHARGE! Angelo thought to himself and he kept swinging his chair to get through as he started running out of the auditorium. okay things you need in a zombie apocalypse are food, weapons, and medicine food in the lunch room and Angelo wouldn't know what to take however weapons are everywhere so Angelo wouldn't need to worry about that but what he did know about was medicine. His mother was a nurse and while Angelo only had basic training in bandaging it was still better then having nothing. Angelo would need to group up with others and while Angelo was intelligent some medicine would sweeten the deal so he made a rush towards the nurses station grabbing a fire extinguisher along the way to bash in whatever zombie came near him as Angelo ran like he never ran before...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Almost about ready to fight off the zombies and the objective of protecting Harvey, "This is gonna be a pain." he uttered, a drop of sweat running down his face. All of a sudden the door clicked open and he, and Harvey was yanked inside by this girl, who seemed to have alot of arm strength to pull two average sized teenagers inside the door. She seemed a tad annoyed and then said,
"H-hi....I'm Aura Lockheart, glad to see more people. How are you two?",
Not having the energy to talk, he caught his breath for a minute,"Haah, hello senpai, I am Kaito Amaya, I feel much better than we were not mauled right outside this doorstep, thank you for opening it. Also, your arm strength is impeccable for you to yank us in so easi-" said Kaito but then his talking immediately halted when he noticing a half-naked Kazuto with a very slight, bulge near the nether regions, and it all finally clicked in his head.

Quickly bowing his head twice, he then said
"I am so sorry for disturbing you senpai's, I'll take Harvey and give you two some time alone." he said while he winked at Kazuto and tried to drag Harvey outside, fumbling for the door lock while he glances at them a few times.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deadnaut
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Deadnaut Weapons Specialist

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Aura nodded as the other group introduced themselves, and grinned at the compliment to her arm strength. Adrenaline was a heck of a thing, especially when you weren't that out of shape in the first place. Then, however, he paused and looked over at Kazuto, so Aura followed his eyes. Also noticing Kazuto's...situation, she blushed profusely. The blush only deepened at the voicing of accusations that she was having sex with Kazuto. When he tried to unlock the door, she shoulder charged him...and well didn't do too awful much, she wasn't exactly some big brawny woman. However she did pound on his back, saying "I-idiot! Kazuto is just treating some wounds! We're not doing such..impure things! Don't be idiots and leave! We need to stick together to survive, as you pointed out, so you should stay with us."

With that, she sighed and backed off, continuing "I recommend we go to my house first, after we escape here. On that subject, I would recommend looting the parking lot for a vehicle. Though, we should probably search for teachers, dead or alive, to take their keys. After that, we can head into the city and loot my house. I have a decent amount of food, some bottled water...and uhh...a few guns and ammo."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Asuu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kazuto blushed terribly, but didn't react otherwise, his regular frown deepening as he closed his eyes and crossed his arms. "They can go." He murmured childishly underneath his breath, but his eyes focused in on Aura once she began writing out a plan. Taking a vehicle out of here; they would have to do that, regardless, and going to her home...she apparently had food and water, and this epidemic had just started, so they could surv-...wait. Epidemic...zombies...eating...cannibalizing. "...Rei, Tsuki!" He growled to himself, suddenly whipping out his phone. It almost fell, but with steady hands, Kazuto turned it on, mentally screaming at it to not be dead...please don't be dead.

It wasn't.

"One, three, one, five, five five five, four, three, nine two..." Kazuto murmured as he began pacing the room, sweat beading down his neck as he waited for the phone to pick up. Pick up...pick up...pick up! The sound of a soft, frightened, deceptively rowdy voice answered the phone. "H-hello?! Kazuto! Is that you? I've been trying-"

"Rei!" Kazuto sighed in relief. Thank God she was okay. "Listen, something's going on. Do what I sa-"

"Where's dad? Mom? They were supposed to come back this morning."


"Kazuto, where are you? I swear, if you don't-"

"REI!" Kazuto growled. Silence was on the line. "...Listen, I'm sorry for yelling...but where's Tsuki?" He asked. Rei paused, before her voice came back over the phone. "She's with me." There was some shuffling, and then, "Hi Kazu-nii!"

Kazuto smiled - the first one at school, that day. "Hey, Tsuki. Put Rei back on the phone." More shuffling, and then, "Kazuto, where are you?"

"At school. Rei, listen good. My room? Good. Okay, look underneath my bed, and get the long, white velvet case. It should be your size. Got it? Okay, take that, and run up to the old man's room. Take Tsuki. Are the doors locked? Good, keep them locked, and if anyone knocks...don't say a word. Lock pop's door, and stay in there until I get home. Don't raise your voices, keep the doors locked, and if someone gets into the house...hide. If you can't, open the case, and use what's inside. I gave you some lessons. Now...you know what's going on, right?"

"It's like that one book Uncle gave me, right?"

Kazuto nodded. "Exactly that. Rei...protect Tsuki, okay? I will be there soon. I don't know how long...but soon. I promise." His voice was steady the entire time, and his eyes shined. He would protect them.

"Okay. I trust you. Kazu-nii...I love you."

"I love you too. Give Tsuki a kiss on the cheek for me."


The phone died.

Kazuto sighed, wandering back over to the others. "When we leave here, I'm going to get my sisters. You guys continue to Aura's house, and stay safe there. I'll find you after I get my sisters." His voice spoke of no argument; he wouldn't leave his family.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

This had to the most boring lecture that had even been done and once the antics of the other students where over and the principle started his lecture Katia struggled to keep her eyes open and her brain engaged. It was only when she heard the principle state there would be strict no violence policy, did she perk up a little.
“Asshole. Sometimes you need to punch the shit out of someone to get a point across. Or make people leave you the hell alone.” She muttered in English glad her anger couldn’t show itself already hating the schools principle even if she had only been at the school for a month. Cracking her knuckles she was glad to have a boxing lesson after school, as the principle had really pissed her off and she needed to vent on something. How else was she meant to deal with few girls that bullied her for her lack of expression, although it was more like one girl half her size. This girl seemed too dumb to get a hint when Katia told her to go away, so that when Katia showed her to go away in a more direct way.

As the principle continued to drone on Katia felt herself starting to nod off, only just as she was about to fall into a lightly sleep when she saw the person she recognized as the assistance principle come and apparently die on stage. It was then she watched as the now apparently dead man attacked the principle. She watched the now dead principle get back on to his feet her mind having gone blank for from a mix of surprise, shock, fear and disbelief at the sight she just witnessed. She didn’t even register that Teiji had come over to her or even Mio for that matter, even as she was picked up she didn’t even react… her mind was simply unable to process what had happened. It was only when Teiji had set her and Mio down at the front teacher lounge had Katia partly come back to reality. Not wanting to see her friend her Mio dragged Katia into the teachers lounge and quickly shut the door, shaking her head at Katia who while back in reality was still catching up with events a simply stood by the door.

Sighing Mio went over to Katia and slapped hard which seemed to bring Katia as she almost instantly threw a punch a Mio and hit her in the softly gut. Content Katia wasn’t about to die while out of it reached for the door. As Katia shook her head she quickly grabbed her friends arm as she was about to open the door
“Wait Mio don’t leave it be safer together.”Katia stated looking at her friend wishing she could look concerned. In response Mio merely looked at Teiji then shook her head before breaking free of her friends grip before leaving shutting the door behind her. A mere second later the sound of Mio running down the hallway echoed Katia sighing. Why did she have to be so aloof at a time like this, even so Mio was able to take care of herself, but being alone surely would be dangerous the dead a risen right?

Shaking her head again Katia focused she didn’t want to die in this school. She had to forget about Mio if she wasn’t going to stick around. At this moment all that mattered was her and Teiji they were alive and for the moment safe. So now they needed to escape the school before that changed, no matter what or how she would escape the school. Looking at Taiji she vaguely recalled him mention the confiscated knives. It was then Katia remembered seeing a teacher put some in a drawer last time she was in here.
“Yes there a couple in here the art teacher took a few of some student the other day.” she stated going over the drawer she thought the teacher had placed a knife into and plucked it out along with two others. Oddly these knives were not simple kitchen knives two of them looked like bowie knives while the other liked more like a military combat knife all of which sat neatly in their sheaths.
“How the hell did people our age get these? Taiji we should search the room I know the teachers have all kinds of things stored in here. I pretty sure I saw a someone get a few firecrackers confiscated this morning.” she said taking the combat knife for herself setting the other two on the table. In the middle of the room, before she started to sweep the room for anything else of use.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Anselma did her best to keep herself level headed, but that tends to be difficult after she just watch the principle die right in front of her. She wanted to see if he was ok but that maniac was still there biting into his neck. She was one of the last ones out of the auditorium. she turned around just to take another look. There the principle was standing there, without emotion. She realize that he was still in fact dead, but yet there he was on to feet. He began to walk toward her and that's when she sprinted for her life.

She ran through the also finding them way to quiet. They were completely empty as well. There was the smell of death everywhere. She then began muttering in german. This continued throughout her search for someone. She encounter a student, still alive. She yelled out hey! he turned around and she saw the horror on his face. He turned back around and sprinted away.

She continued searching through the halls till she came across Katia. "Katia, o thank god. Do you know what the hell is going on here...my guess would be hell itself is rising." She talk rapidly spewing out these words. She looked around notice they were rummaging through the teachers desks for weapons and so far they seem to be doing well."well while I'm here is there and thing-AH" She was interrupted by a body falling from a higher floor and splattering against the ground. She push down the nausea that came over her and finish her sentence"-and thing I can help with..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Teiji watched the one girl apparently called Mio walk and run out which made Teiji blink confusingly as Katia started searching. "I'm a good runner. I could probably catch her you know...." Teiji said but with the foot steps vanishing it would probably be stupid to look for her now. Looking through the cabinets he saw his personal record which made him frown. "Is hostile to other people? Causes unnecessary violence? Bullies others?? I hate this place." Teiji said throwing his file on the ground then picked up Katia's. "I could learn all your dark secrets in one move..... But I'm nice so." Teiji said dropping it as well, and then pulled all the metal cabinets out so when he rammed those things over the drawers didn't fling out and trip them.

Sure enough there were knives, but these were more for oh shit I need to sue something quick, type of situation. So he grabbed the two and slid them into his pocket. Which was when she mentioned firecrackers. This made Teiji pick her up again and sit her down on the couch. "Let's not use loud sounding objects..... Oh my god I have a idea!" Teiji stated as he walked over to the wooden table. He looked at the long wooden legs and nodded. Gripping the table he arced his right foot back and then kicked the wooden leg right off the table and proceeded to do the same to another side. Dropping the table he picked up the two legs and walked over to the couch where he sat down and pulled out the knives. Looking at her he handed her one of the table legs, while he gripped the one leg he had. That was when he began carving the end of the table leg to give it a point end. So instead of ramming things with a cabinet, he could ram them with a make shift wooden spear. He smiled to himself feeling pretty proud of what he did. "Now it's your turn." Teiji said as he scooted closer. "Now make sure you give it good powerful strokes. Just not too powerful, you don't want to break the tip now. So just like this." He said holding her hand with the knife and helped her do a few strokes. He then smiled and gave her a thumbs up as he stood and walked over to Anselma, who came in earlier, but was ignored by Teiji for a few second since he had to do his plan. He then handed her a knife as he picked the table back up and kicked another leg off before handing it to her, and making her sit down. He agve another thumbs up and went over to the door and listened for anymore sounds.

He then looked over at Katia and shook his head. "No no, you are doing it wrong." Teiji said as he walked over and sat down next to her. "Come on now, I'll give you my personal tip, since you are a beginner I'll go easy. First you start a quarter of the way down, so just a little below the tip. And you slowly bring it up and then right back down and up and down. Of course with how things are, slow just won't cut it. So what are you waiting for? Faster! Fatser! Be a little more rough, come on now! Move your arms not just your hands!! Come on Katia you got to go even faster! You say those hands of yours are good so you better show me! I want to see you sweat! Come onnnn you are almost there!!! Yessss! Yesssss! Yessss!!!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raining
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Raining It's Always

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Everyone had quickly begun fleeing the area, and as the sounds of screaming echoed throughout Delilah's brain, she quickly shot up from her seat and began glancing about in a panicked frenzy. "What the hell is happening?" She hissed, her eyes finally resting on Beatrix, the girl whom she let tag along. Obviously, it was morally wrong to just leave her there, so she grabbed her wrist, yanked the girl out of her seat, and began running out of the large room.

There was something there... Something inhuman, that caught her eye. Sure, it had been a student once, but the more she had gotten a good look at what was approaching her, the more she had realized how alienated it was, and how soulless its eyes were.

She let go of Beatrix's wrist and quickly grabbed a hold of a folding chair. Violently, the young woman swung it, slamming the thick metal furniture against the head of the shambling being. She let out a small grunt as she could feel the force of the skull press agains the cold metal, and shivered as she had realized that it was dead once and for all.

"Let's go, little lady!" It was no time to dwell in her thoughts. She snatched the girl's wrist again and left the cluttered room once and for all.

Delilah had lead her back inside the school where they would at least be able to stock up on items before heading back out once more to leave. A plan would be in order, why not do it in an empty classroom? Ironically, the two had found themselves in the maintenance club room, which was filled with a few items of worth. "Sorry for dragging you around." She muttered as she let go of Beatrix to sift through various drawers and desks. "Damn, not enough for the both of us. I'll use some items from my locker."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Deadnaut
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Deadnaut Weapons Specialist

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Aura sighed at Kazuto's tone, it was rather clear he meant business to all involved. He'd have to see reason, and Aura would likely have to make him. "Kazu-kun." She began "Listen, my apartment is near the edge of the city and we only need to get a few things from it. It'd take five, maybe ten, minutes to loot my house. In exchange for that time, your sisters will be protected by an automatic weapon and have guaranteed supplies. Based on your phone conversation, they are somewhere safe, and its much better for them if they have a stronger safeguard force." Aura, herself, knew she was right, visiting her home and then moving on to Kazuto's house was the most logical option for both their safety and for the safety of Kazuto's sisters. However, she also knew that Kazuto was a very firm resolute man, and that she'd have to play to his weaknesses. As much as she hated it, she began to allow herself to tear up, thinking of every sad thing she could. She imagined her parents dying, her friends dying, and the worst part of it all, was that it may all be true. What she intended to be fake tears quickly became real as she again hugged him, crying "D-don't l-leave me, K-Kazuto. I-I'm s-s-so s-scared. M-my mom and m-my dad may be dead, y-you m-m-might be m-my l-last friend left. P-please don't g-go." At this point, Aura had worked herself up too much, and couldn't stop if she wanted to. The rational part of her mind would be overjoyed at this, as it made victory more likely, but most of her was too captured by fear and sadness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SaekoGami
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SaekoGami The Mad Queen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Trix was off in some other world until she started to hear screaming and snapped back to reality to what seemed like it couldn't be reality. Half the room was screaming and the other half was either shambling round like dead people or were being attacked. Chaos as her big pale blue eyes darted around the place. She started mumbling as she looked around "Они монстры, Они кусают всех, они зомби, Zombies!" She cried out before being promptly yanked from her seat. She didn't care too much, she probably would of gotten bitten otherwise.

The undead approached them and one got close to Delilah, lucky she was smart and slammed a metal chair into its head. Although the undead were getting close, one so close it could grab Beatrix, but luckily, she was quite tall, most of it her legs. She slammed her foot into the ex-students chest and kicked them away before being dragged again. Beatrix just ran with Delilah, not really concentrating on the surroundings. They found themselves in the maintenance club room, it didn't have much there as Delilah stated, there wasn't enough for the both of them. Trix perked up "Спортивный Зал!" She blushed a little, in the panic forgetting that no one she knew spoke Russian "The sports room!, the school played softball yes? the bats are metal, heavy!" She looked to Delilah then glanced around, hearing faint groans, probably from the halls.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Miki looked everywhere finally stopping to look at the Lock Box on the wall. In the plain gray heavy steel box were the keys to nearly everything that was attached to the school and most likely the loader's extra key.

Resting her ditch blade against a nearby wall Miki grabbed a six pound sledge hammer a work helmet with plexi face guard to protect her eyes. She put on the helmet with a slight adjustment, dropped the shield then put on her work gloves before she lifted her hammer an began swinging.

The first strike against the steel box didn't do much damage because Miki was having to override her belief that she was gonna get in trouble for breaking an stealing school property. Her next strike was stronger an more damaging to her target and it sent a delightful feeling through her that brought a smile to her lips.

Miki started giving each swing every bit of energy she could muster from her 82 pound 5 foot tall frame each blow adding more and more damage to the wall box the eighth or ninth blow knocking it off and on the floor. The end of the key box came quickly after that it's door crushing in and then falling off it's hinges.

Miki dove on the mangled steel box grabbing all the keys an stuffing them into her purse keeping them for potential use. They only key ring she keeps out is the little loader's keys and hurry's over to the door closest to where the loader is parked after she picked up the ditch blade.

Miki looked through the little door window for the horrors an saw it looked clear so she slipped outside letting it lock behind her. She had about 150 feet to go, two Green houses to pass then a locked chain link fence to get through before she could feel the safety of the loader's work cage.

"Well walking's the more cautious but running gets this over with quick" she says with smile just before taking off at a dead run the ditch blade held in both hands close to her hips so she could brace it. As she runs Miki looks back over her shoulder an sees about 9 of the horrors stumbling after her.

Turning back forward Miki sees a single horror that used to be a girl from her english class trying to block her escape. Miki brings the blade up and swings it in an arc towards the horror's head an neck. It cuts off part of the horror's left hand then severs halfway through her neck but knocks her down. Miki jerks the J shaped blade from the horror's neck and heads towards her goal.

Making it to the fence Miki barely got it opened and closed before the horrors were on her forcing her to lock the gate to keep them out. She pauses to look at the ugly little machine a smile forming on her lips. After finding a place to secure the ditch blade Miki felt a shiver pass through her as she once more openly broke the rules and unlocked the door an climbed in.

She turned on the work lights the interior fan and she thinks heater before she finds the switch to start the little machine. Run off natural gas the little loaded doesn't smoke when Miki revs the engine an nothing happens. Blushing she remembers the two joysticks in her hands and pushes them forward. Not having ever driven it Miki gives it too much gas making it rear up then smack the bottom of the bucket on the gravel.

Like some mad bull the little machine smashes down the gates trapping about 6 horrors under it fully and another 5 half under an out. Giggling at what should be morbid work Miki drives out as she brings up the bucket to where she can still see ahead and it doesn't bump the ground.

"Now where to next?" She asked herself as she spun in a circle knocking down 3 horrors an running them over and towards the school.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago


During the whole phone ordeal, Kaito had been trying to wake up the shocked Harvey,
"Boner-san, wake uppp." he said while slapping him continuously.
"LOOK OUT IT'S A GRENADE." he said again in an attempt to wake up his friend that he knows has suffered through war. "Alright not that's a bit messed up now, I'll admit." shrugging he went to listen on in their conversation and left Harvey on the chair.

"D-don't l-leave me, K-Kazuto. I-I'm s-s-so s-scared. M-my mom and m-my dad may be dead, y-you m-m-might be m-my l-last friend left. P-please don't g-go." uttered the girl who said she was Aura.
Kaito was about to make a joke about how couples shouldn't fight but the atmosphere wasn't quite right.
He pondered over the dilemma for a bit and then said.

"Well, you know, I could go with Aura-senpai if she needs the protection. he said while scratching his head.

He leans close to Kazuto and whispers with a wide smirk,
"Don't worry, I know you called dibs, I won't do anything that uproots flags hehe."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hearing a knock on the door, Alex quickly opened it, to see his classmate stumble in in a hurry, with the reason becoming evident as he notices another shambling dead walking towards them. Hurriedly slamming the door shut with a dull thud, he locked it again.

Turning towards his companion, his eyes narrowed at the bleeding arm. "What happened to you?", he asked with worry, only to have said worry brushed off nonchalantly.

"One of those bastards bit me."
"We have to get that cleaned u-"
"No Sasha, once you've been bit, it's over."
"What do you mean it's over?!"
"I've seen others being bit, they become them as well. Its over for m-"

Here, his classmate coughed, a splatter of blood spilling onto into his hands. However, before Alex could come closer, his classmate waved him away.

"You have to destroy their heads. And please, let me die human."

Frowning, Alex grimaced. However, he did walk over, before grabbing the crowbar of the table. Turning back towards the other, he held up the metal tool.

"Ehe, I'll be seeing you..."

"On the other side.", Alex finished, before swinging the crowbar, closing his eyes at the last second before the impact. Feeling and hearing the skull caving from the force of the swing, he dropped the crowbar, before slowly swayed until he sat down on the chair.

"I just killed someone...", muttering this, he then bit his lip, trying to remove doubts from his mind. Turning around, he looked over the garage, before grabbing the blowtorch, along with a few extra propane tanks. Quickly stashing them inside his backpack, along with the crowbar and a flashlight, he looked around. Believing he was set, he walked over to the Civic sitting in the garage.

Reaching inside, he opened the wheel column, before grabbing two wires. Enough sparking later, the engine spluttered to a start. "About damn time." Muttering these words to himself, he slipped inside, before slamming on the gas. Wincing as the car smashed through the garage door, the extremely loud noise most likely ringing across the schoolyard, he glanced around. Noticing the shambles slowly making their way towards him, he smiled.

Quickly texting, he sent a message to Aura, before setting down the phone. Revving the engine, he started driving large circles in the student parking lot. The staff parking lot was somewhat away still though, so that area should be clearing soon.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raining
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Raining It's Always

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Is that so?" Delilah rubbed her chin and nodded, agreeing with Breatix's idea with going to the sports room. "I have to go to my locker first, I have gloves that are worth using." The girl had a pair of gloves fitted with weights to make punches harder with blunt force. Since she was so avid with boxing, it wouldn't be out of the question to own a pair of gloves. Besides, everyone was frolicking around with flamethrowers and katanas, a heavily weighted pair of gloves would be subpar with those items.

"We can always upgrade them too... First we're going to my locker, try to find something here like a broom or a pipe." She said. Delilah took it upon herself to search through the clutter. "So impending doom had to be today? When I planned on-HURK-" The tall blonde ripped a rusted pipe from a sink. Pulling it out wasn't much trouble since the sink had already grown old, which allowed the pipe to give away easily. She continued on with ranting, "Going out to settle unfinished business... Guh, here, take this pipe." She placed it in the Russian's hands, giving her a reassured nod. "You seem to be taking everything well, nice, Little Lady." As praise, she patted the top of her head and continued on. "So, we goin, or what?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hearing Teiji’s say he could go after her, Katia quickly shock her head seeing no point in him risking his life to try and catch Mio.
“Don’t bother she can take care of herself. It just be senseless risk.”Katia stated, having stopped caring if Mio would be okay, all she cared about was herself and Teiji, given she’d need him to get out of the school. As Teiji looked though the cabinet Katia checked out the small kitchen the staffroom but found nothing other than a lot of half eaten food and empty bottle of rum. Hearing Teiji speak as he read his own folder Katia shook her head finding what it apparently stated a little hard to believe. She had never seen him bully anyone and if he got a little violent at times… who cares sometimes it was needed. Although when it came to fighting regrade she was not much better having already been told of for fighting several times. Not that any of that mattered now.

Hearing Teiji mention her folder Katia looked at him for a moment before shrugging in an almost mechanical way.
“ Go ahead these not a lot in my school back home left out all the good bits to make me look like a better student.”she stated moving to another part of the room in the ongoing effort to find something of use. But other than knives the rest of what she could find was useless junk that wouldn’t serve to help the current situation. When picked up Katia felt herself clam up a little not expecting such also caused a very slight blush from her given who was picking her up. Placed on the couch Katia was not sure say about not using them feeling point out they could potentially be used a distraction could be wasted breath. The other issue was she couldn’t find them anyway so it was pointless.

It was then as she was watching Teiji break legs of the table did Anselma come into the room, Katia feeling happy to see a friend of hers was alive and seemed to be in one piece.
I’m happy to see you Anselma lock the do…”she stated to say but was cut off by falling past the window, making Katia feeling quite worried about how bad the situation was growing. But she quickly forgot about that when Teiji sat down next to her and made a crude wooden spear. It was then apparently her turn and much to her surprise Teiji got even closer and showered her how to make a crude spear. It was hard to pay attention while Teiji was touching her hand but Katia had always been good with her hands was able to work out how to make the spear quickly. With her new weapon in hand Katia got to her feet made a few practise stabs with the spear having always fought with her fist holding a weapon felt weird.

Content that her weapon would work, Katia looked at Anselma to see Teiji had made her sit down and given her own leg and knife to make a spear with. Leaving Anselma to do whatever, Katia went to Teiji, trying her best to bloat out the feelings of his hand touching hers. Given Teiji was by the door Katia didn’t want to make too much noise given they had no idea how many of them were out in the hall she leaned in close to his ear.
“We need to get out of the school; otherwise we’ll surely get trapped and eaten by those things. So… hear anything?” Katia whispered hesitating on the last part as she was unsure she wanted to know the answer to her question.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SaekoGami
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SaekoGami The Mad Queen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Gloves, gloves....how would gloves be helpful she thought to herself but decided they must be if we need to get them. She watched the girl as she yanked the rusted pipe from the sink. She was rambling on about unfinished business, which seemed like the least of her worries at this point but Trix kept quite and took the pipe when it was handed to her. It was rusted so a little uncomfortable to hold but better then nothing, and the best thing until they got to the sports equipment.

The blonde girl spoke again but Trix wasn't listening every well, she heard something about taking it well, then felt a pat. Isn't that how you praise dogs she thought then just let out a smile "t-thanks" Then she started thinking about it, half the school are dead and now trying to kill the rest, usually someone would be curled up crying at this point. Obviously Delilah wouldn't, she seems like the really tough type. Beatrix wasn't that tough, but it must of been all those stupid zombie games. This was just like a zombie game, find tools and survive long enough to get out. Maybe thats why she was taking it so well, so little experience in the real world....this was just like a game to her. She tried to stop thinking about it, but maybe it was the best thing to think about. Just think of it like a game, like dead rising.....don't let your friend get eaten. She was still staring at the pipe as Delilah's voice interrupted her thoughts. He head snapped up and she nodded quickly, walking along beside her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Asuu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kazuto automatically stiffened at the sudden and abrupt hug, and once he felt the tears on his chest, and the sobs, a groan passed through his mind. His number two weakness, only surpassed by his family being hurt or killed...a girl crying. Feeling his mental fortitude weakening, the teenager paused, before patting the girl on the back, twice. "..." Shooting Kaito a pointed glance, and subtly pushing the boy away, Kazuto pulled Aura off of his body, before leaning forward, giving her a small, yet compassionate smile. "It's okay...I'll stay with you, and protect you." He whispered warmly, brown eyes crinkling. His mother often told him that he needed to make a girl feel at ease when they're scared, which is where most of his smiles came from.

Straightening, Kazuto's eyes became determined and focused, the orange-haired boy walking over to the stack of first-aid kits and quickly zipping them into his backpack. A few other supplies followed, including some rolls of duct-tape, paper-towels, and other such things. A key-ring was hanging up on one of the wooden-boards, nailed to the wall, and Kazuto quickly read the word 'Faculty Vehicles' before pocketing the item. When he was finished, he zipped his backpack back up, twirling his axe around his fingers to get a feel of it's weight, before resting blunt side of the axe's blade against his shoulder. "Are you guys ready to go?" His normal frown was back in face, and the old Kazuto was back, all traces of nervousness and fear gone.

The sound of metal breaking was vaguely heard, but with all of the chaos that just happened, Kazuto didn't flinched. It was most-likely a student panicking, or killing a zombie.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raining
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Raining It's Always

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"1... 2... 3!" She swiped a broomstick, flung the door of the maintenance room open, and began her pursuit to the location of her locker, which was located in the hallway opposite to theirs. Immediately, she was faced with a corpse whom had managed to linger about in the school. She used the hilt of the broom to jab it aggressively into the abdomen of the creature, pushing it back so that she had breathing room to plot out her next attack. As the zombie. Creature. Thing, was shoved against the window of the hallway, Delilah could see something falling... Spiraling down from what it appeared to be the rooftop. Students were killing themselves? They had already given up?

"Gah!" The thought caught her off guard, allowing the corpse to push her back and clench her shoulders. Again, she pushed it back, and this time sealed its fate with a fatal blow to the temple of its forehead.

"God damn." Delilah rolled her shoulders and turned her head to spare Beatrix a glance. "We're close as fuck right now, I can feel it in the bottom of my loins!" She turned a corner and continued on. If they wanted to survive they had to be quick. "I'll be around the corner, I'll be quick I promise." The blonde skidded down the hallway, maneuvering herself through the school so she could make it to her locker.

Hopefully, Beatrix would get her back as she unlocked the damned thing to retrieve her babies.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SaekoGami
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SaekoGami The Mad Queen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


As they exited the room, a zombie was right outside. Delilah hit it away but then it grabbed her as she seemed distracted. Beatrix about to run forward but luckily Delilah slammed the broom into the zombies head and killed it. Beatrix stood there and stared at it for a moment before running after Delilah. Again Beatrix was zoning out, all she heard was something about loins, which snapped her back. Delilah then wanted to head to her locker, and there were only two ways to get into the hall, the locked door around the corner and the way they just came. As Delilah ran to her locker Trix stood at the corner, watching Delilah fumble around with her lock, then darting around as she heard some groaning.

A few ex-students had made their way down the hall, They went straight for her. Beatrix tried her best to not think about how they used to be human, how they used to sit in classed....how they used to be kids. She tried thinking about the video games again, how nothing was real.....she kept this in mind as she started swinging, aiming for the head. The pipe collided with one, the sickening crack of their skull echoing out. But after hitting one of them the pipe snapped, Trix now having half the distance she did before, she stumbled back before running forward and trying to stab one half of the pipe through the zombies head. It worked as the zombie hit the ground but still twitched. Trix stumbled back again then ran towards Delilah "Y-You d-done yet! m-more are coming!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raining
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Raining It's Always

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Almost there!" Delilah called out. She put in the last digit and successfully pried the lock off. She dug through her items such as magazines that weren't safe for work, empty candy wrappers, and some stale pieces of gum. Finally, she whipped out her heavy gloves, which were bright red in color and was covered with weights at the knuckles, both weighing more than enough to knock down a brute.

Delilah slipped on the gloves and squeezed the palm of her hand, nodding in assurance as she ran forward to aid Beatrix. "Let's test these bad boys out!" Obviously, she was going to do the stupid thing and spar a zombie head on.

Whatever. Anime logic.

She approached the corpse the Russian had yet to finished and slammed her fist into it's skull. The blonde could feel the bone breaking, and the weights of her knuckles digging deep into the moist tissue of the brain. "Sheiße!" It was a rush, as if she had killed someone! Oh. Right.

"You wanted to go to the sports room, right? Lead the way." Delilah wiped the blood on her jacket and shrugged her shoulders, acting surprisingly cool for someone who killed a couple of undead students. She picked up her broomstick and awaited Beatrix's reaction before continuing onwards with their escape.
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