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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raining
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Raining It's Always

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Athena Stone
Age: 16
Origin: The girl was the more quiet, understanding sibling in the family, her presence usually calm, but in a way foreboding. Her silent nature makes her a mysterious character, mostly because of her strong feeling and belief of things that are more complex and higher than the human brain can understand. As a child, she was always intrigued with things that we could not understand, nor grasp, and often times made many attempts to connect with otherworldly beings, or what people had called 'ghosts'. Her attempts failed nonetheless, mostly because she was just a simply child at the time.
But, as she grew, her 'rituals' grew more complex, and oddly enough, she had claimed that it had worked. Athena began dabbling in tarot cards, palm readings, the biology of the human body and mind. She grew knowledgeable in her most dabbled fields, yet with her new found love she had realized that others might not agree with what she believes to be as true. Some thought of her beliefs as odd, yet with the help of her overprotective brother, those who messed or teased her were given a lesson.
Athena moved to japan with her brother and sister, and thus started her new life at a new school.
Etc/Misc.: Very approachable, and when befriended she is very willing to do hand readings or tarot cards.

romance? ye
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Asuu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Jason Stone
Age: 16
Origin: Jason had always been a focused guy. Academics had never been his thing, despite his determination to become something good in his future life, and so, he put all of his focus and determination into the more 'athletic' sides of things. A star basketball player in middle-school, and the MVP for football in the majority of his high-school career, Jason had planned on becoming America's greatest athletic star - his straight C's and the occasional B certainly made it clear that a heart surgeon wasn't a viable option.

He has already been the focused, determined, and rather hot-headed sort of guy, and could come off as a bit intimidating at times - especially since moving to Japan, where everyone seems to be a Hell of a lot shorter than him. He's over-protective of his two sisters, and will go to the ends of the Earth for their sake. Despite his tough exterior, however, he can be quite cheerful and happy at times of great success, like when he manages to make the winning basket, or the winning touchdown - often celebrating right then and there. He's also rather kind, albeit the kindness is gruff with most people, as if he's reluctant to show compassion.

Etc/Misc: He's an American Exchange Student.

romance? ye
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Name: Jennifer Stone
Age: 16
Origin: Jennifer Stone was born to be a nerd. More specifically, a computer nerd. She focused all of her spare time in computers, and was attracted to even the worst ones like a magnet, managing to fix them up with new graphics cards, boot drives, mothercards and even fixing up wires and whatnot inside of them. Even electronicwise she is okay, able to fix simple electronic problems, or even complex ones if there is a simple solution. Scriptwise, she is able to create almost complex scripts to do what she wants them to do. Whenever she makes a successful script, she almost always has a feeling of accomplishment.
Jennifer is easily frightened and upset, but otherwise cheerful, happy and friendly. If Jennifer ever feels scared, she will either cower and run or she will retreat behind her brother, sometimes even crying. She almost had a boyfriend at one point in her life, but he retreated when he saw what her brother was like and feared for his own safety. Jennifer had continued on sad for the rest of that week, however she eventually got over it.
Jennifer moved to Japan with her brother, Jason, and sister, Athena, starting a life at a new school, and therefore leaving her old friends behind. Even though she missed them, she knew that she was good hands with her siblings.
Etc/Misc.*: Sibling trio for the win.

Romance? Yeeee~ Heeee~ Fiddly deeeeee~
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Cupcakemonster
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Cupcakemonster I'll eat your dreams

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Roux Delany

Age: 16

Origin: Roux leans more towards the athletic brain dead type of teen. He's lazy, arrogant, tremendously confident in his abilities, unless it's about school. He has no intention to learn anything and rarely comes to class and if, not on time. He constantly gets reprimanded by his father and teacher, but the teen completely ignores them. The few things he is passionate about includes basketball and porn magazines.
Roux is generally gruff, moody, and rough with people, but occasionally when he does have a good time with a selected few, he turns into a rather happy, laughing person. His mother died in a car accident which leaves him only to his dad. They live in a simple apartment in Japan. Due to business and trying to pay taxes and living money, Roux's father's barely home leaving the teen alone for long periods of time.

Etc: Romance, yes
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kira
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Kira Trickster

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Sayaku (last name unknown)
Age: 15
'Species': Human ghost/vengeful spirit
Human Origin: Said to be a sweet, shy and often bullied girl, she was the daughter of a middle class family. Little is known about her, as she kept to herself, and she lived in a time period long before now. The details of her life are a mystery, at least, so far.
Spirit Origin: Sayaku's legend says she disappeared one day in the dead of winter, her body or any trace of her never found. There were whispers of her still roaming the school every now and then, some kids even hearing her voice or catching a glimpse of black hair disappearing around a corner. These 'sightings' were rare however.
Etc/Misc.: None
Romance: Who knows..-wink- o3o

Name: Yuki Tomoyo
Age: 17
Species: Human
Origin: Yuki has always been a logical individual, setting her beliefs in facts rather than fiction or blind faith. Needless to say, she was never a religious person. More often than not, she's seen as rather emotionless, though not always unfriendly. However, should she not like someone, she makes it quite clear. Coming from a higher middle class family, she's always had many privileges but never took advantage of them and used them for her benefit, pursuing her questions and fascination with science. She's always been quite devoted to her interests, though general school work never particularly interested her.
Despite her rather unruffled exterior, should she encounter such strange things as she's destined to, she wouldn't fair all that well, the effect first starting on the inside before exposing itself.
Romance: Yes

Name: Kyo Akira
Age: 17
Species: Human
Origin: Kyo comes from a disgustingly rich family, but the high born blonde has kept such a fact a closely guarded secret, if only to avoid special treatment. He's what most people would consider a 'nerd' though no one thinks to label him as such. He's never shown interest in anyone romantically and has always shot down any requests to go to a dance or on a date, making him seem rather unattainable and at times distant, though still friendly and polite. His attention always seems to be focused on the pages of a book or on rare occasions out the window at the sakura trees, whether in bloom or not.
Should someone get close to him and earn his loyalty, it's unwavering and he can have more than a protective side, to the point of sacrificing himself. This isn't to say he's the bravest person, just that should he encounter someone he cares for, and something that terrifies him, his first thought would always be of the person he wishes to protect.
Romance: Yes
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Sachiyo Kuninobu
Age: 17
Origin: Sachiyo was born as the youngest child in a family of 5. She had a brother and a sister, and father and a mother. She, at first, wanted to do extremely well in school and become a doctor, but as she grew up her expectations got a bit lower. Though, she still gets B's and A's most of the time she doesn't care as much as she used to.

Sachiyo, as of now, has been involved in a long-ish relationship with someone she met 2 years ago. However, that someone moved away after a year and she's never seen her since. Sachiyo doesn't dwell on it too often, in fact when talking about it, she seems perfectly fine. That's because she is perfectly fine about it. Sachiyo doesn't take many things seriously, as you can find her joking about things more often than not.

She can be rude if teased and provoked and other such things, and that doesn't neccesarily mean she is angry, just a tiny bit annoyed. She is also forgetful.

Etc/Misc.*: She enjoys sweets, lots. If anyone ever finds any hint of sweets, or enjoys them as much as she does, she's putty in your hands.
Romance? Probably. Depends on if they get along really well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by tatszico
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tatszico The Unseen

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Kazuo Sanada

Age: 18

Origin: Kazuo is a senior with above-average grades that came from an upper-middle class family. Nothing special can be said about him, for he's just a regular student attending his regular courses. He is well-known at school, however, as a likable senpai who's not quick to judge and is approachable. Regardless of seniority, he interacts with all of his schoolmates in his same, casual manner though he can be blunt and forthright at times, which seems to put some people off. Still, he's neutral in character which makes him impassive to all things around him. Because of this, it's really hard to tell if he's being sincere or not ; however, he can truly be an understanding person.

Overall, cynical, indifferent, and calm are three words that best reflects his glassy personality. He is not the one to overexert himself in any situation, and he approaches his problems with a very methodical cool. He's well-rounded in terms of physical and mental ability due to his versatility in clubs and activites, but he's not passionate or devoted enough to actually hone these skills. Still, the young man is quite adaptable despite his average-ness.

Etc/Misc.*: He's a night-owl, as insomnia has always kept him up at night playing videos games, reading, ect. Whereas one might be unnerved by nighttime, he had grown quite accustomed to the darkness.

Romance: yaas
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