Michael Spencer
Age: 16
Height: 5'8
Weight: 172
Year: 6th
House: Hufflepuff
N.E.W.T. Level Classes
-Defense Against the Dark Arts (DADA)
-Care of Magical Creatures
-Study of Ancient Runes
Bio: Michael was born and raised in America by a magical family. Being the youngest of four children in the Spencer house hold Michael got to watch and learn from his older brother and his two older sisters. As a student he wasn't book smart, but still he was considered a genius by his muggle teachers for his natural ability in art, music, and sports. This was also the case when he became of age and went to an American school for magic. Only being able to strive in classes that interested him, quidditch, and his personal hobbies, Michael was actually sort of a big deal at his school. The problem was when his parents died shortly before the end of his fifth year at the school. Michael was then forced to move in with his sister in Spain. From here he transfered to Hogwarts to begin his sixth year.
Personality: While Michael was a very easy going person after the loss of his parents Michael wasn't sure how to handle himself. Most of his friends back in America tried to keep in contact the best they could but not being able to spend time together it was a little difficult and Michael quickly realized that he had to start over. Not sure if he would remain the same and be popular Michael now just tries to be nice and only show off his big talents to his friends, or in quidditch matches. Seeking to improve his social life more than his academic one, or at least that's his plan for the first half of the year.
Wand: Rowan Wood 10 1/2 inch with Unicorn Hair Core
Patronus: Parakeet though more of a phoenix, so basically a cross breed of the two.
-Quidditch (Chaser position, though he can see the snitch and could easily replace the seeker and w)
-Trying new things that he thinks can be beautiful like dancing and such
Pets: Parakeet
Personal Possessions: Lots of paint and canvas, Drawing pads and pencils, a firebolt, an a violin which he takes extreme care of.
Relationships: TBA
NPCs: IF his family happens to become involved for some bizarre reason just them but since that's unlikely probably none!