Name: Separ Kurel

Race: Human
Class: Arcane Brawler
Main-Hand Weapon: Fist
Off-Hand Weapon: Axe (throwing)
Secondary Weapon: Dagger
Armor: Cloth
Powers: Heated Hand: By channeling mana into his hand, Separ can heat his hands up till they are as hot as a small campfire. The effect doesn’t last all that long, but it does hurt quite a bit if you get punched with it.
Gut-buster: Separ throws a strong punch towards an opponents gut and sends a small shockwave of energy through them. The shockwave itself doesn’t do any damage, but it does have the chance of causing nausea in the opponent. A particularly lucky strike may even have Separ’s adversary throw up on the spot. (slight damage increase, may cause nausea)
Flurry of blows (stance): Attacks an enemy rapidly at the cost of accuracy.
Skills: Fighting Unarmed: Separ Kurel is skilled at fighting unarmed. His fists and feet are a deadly weapon.
Immense Focus: Separ Kurel has a large amount of focus, and is not easily distracted during battle or any other task that involves an attention to detail or a large amount of concentration. (See Weaknesses)
Mobility: Separ Kurel has no trouble moving or fighting on uneven/unstable terrain unless the terrain is extremely bad.
Weaknesses: Larger Opponents: Separ has trouble harming any creature that is more than twice his size. Punches and kicks just don’t seem to be as effective.
Scared of the undead: Separ is both afraid and repulsed by undead creatures such as (but not limited to) zombies, ghosts, and ghouls. He oftentimes will refuse to go near one of them unless it’s a desperate situation. He finds them to be unnatural, and will easily get distracted by them, especially if they’re rotting and/or targeting him specifically.
Personality: Separ is an alright guy. He’s nice, decently reliable, and likes helping other people out, though at times he can be a bit lazy, opting to relax and do the work later if it’s something he considers unimportant. He loves the thrill of a good fight, but doesn’t go out of his way to actually start a fight unless he has an actual reason to do so. He loves all kinds of food, and will happily chow down on most dishes. Flirting woman may cause him to become a little flustered, as he does not know how to react to their advances.
Background: Separ Kurel was born to your pretty standard family. He was an only child and lived happily with his parents. They weren’t rich, but they weren’t poor either and could afford a little luxury now and then. As Separ grew older he decided that he’d like to be an adventurer. Thoughts raced in his head, ones of him fighting dragons and demons, saving peoples lives, and the like. Of course once he was finally old enough, Separ realized he couldn’t decide on what path to pursue. The path of weaponry, or the path of magic.
A few weeks had passed without any progress on what would be the best profession to choose. One day Separ witnessed a fight though, one between an unarmed man fighting off one magic user, as well as a swordsman and hammerman. The unarmed man’s movements were graceful and fluid as he dodged, weaved, and countered each and every attack. Separ immediately was entranced and thought about becoming a fist fighter for a moment, but quickly realized he could still be easily killed with just plain fist fighting. However at that very moment the magic user charged up a particularly powerful fireball as the unarmed man was distracted punching and kicking the hammerman. He quickly turned around at the sound of the fireball and instead of dodging it his hands seemed to glow a bluish color as he punched the fireball breaking it apart with his magic power. At this the other three men surrendered and the man went on his way back home. Separ could hardly believe his eyes and after a moment of reminiscing about what had just happened moments ago before running after the man and begging him to teach him how to fight. The man agreed to give him a few pointers in exchange for beer money which Separ happily paid. The advice the man gave however, was rather shallow leaving Separ wanting to learn more. The man realized Separ was serious and decided to become his teacher for free (and more beer money)
The training was long, tough and arduous, but it eventually paid off as Separ could now channel mana into his body and limbs and fight decently using only his body. He was now ready for an adventure.
Other: Arcane Brawler spells are sophisticated enough so that they don’t burn their own clothes off. (Separ actually lost quite a bit of money replacing his clothes when training.)

Race: Human
Class: Arcane Brawler
Main-Hand Weapon: Fist
Off-Hand Weapon: Axe (throwing)
Secondary Weapon: Dagger
Armor: Cloth
Powers: Heated Hand: By channeling mana into his hand, Separ can heat his hands up till they are as hot as a small campfire. The effect doesn’t last all that long, but it does hurt quite a bit if you get punched with it.
Gut-buster: Separ throws a strong punch towards an opponents gut and sends a small shockwave of energy through them. The shockwave itself doesn’t do any damage, but it does have the chance of causing nausea in the opponent. A particularly lucky strike may even have Separ’s adversary throw up on the spot. (slight damage increase, may cause nausea)
Flurry of blows (stance): Attacks an enemy rapidly at the cost of accuracy.
Skills: Fighting Unarmed: Separ Kurel is skilled at fighting unarmed. His fists and feet are a deadly weapon.
Immense Focus: Separ Kurel has a large amount of focus, and is not easily distracted during battle or any other task that involves an attention to detail or a large amount of concentration. (See Weaknesses)
Mobility: Separ Kurel has no trouble moving or fighting on uneven/unstable terrain unless the terrain is extremely bad.
Weaknesses: Larger Opponents: Separ has trouble harming any creature that is more than twice his size. Punches and kicks just don’t seem to be as effective.
Scared of the undead: Separ is both afraid and repulsed by undead creatures such as (but not limited to) zombies, ghosts, and ghouls. He oftentimes will refuse to go near one of them unless it’s a desperate situation. He finds them to be unnatural, and will easily get distracted by them, especially if they’re rotting and/or targeting him specifically.
Personality: Separ is an alright guy. He’s nice, decently reliable, and likes helping other people out, though at times he can be a bit lazy, opting to relax and do the work later if it’s something he considers unimportant. He loves the thrill of a good fight, but doesn’t go out of his way to actually start a fight unless he has an actual reason to do so. He loves all kinds of food, and will happily chow down on most dishes. Flirting woman may cause him to become a little flustered, as he does not know how to react to their advances.
Background: Separ Kurel was born to your pretty standard family. He was an only child and lived happily with his parents. They weren’t rich, but they weren’t poor either and could afford a little luxury now and then. As Separ grew older he decided that he’d like to be an adventurer. Thoughts raced in his head, ones of him fighting dragons and demons, saving peoples lives, and the like. Of course once he was finally old enough, Separ realized he couldn’t decide on what path to pursue. The path of weaponry, or the path of magic.
A few weeks had passed without any progress on what would be the best profession to choose. One day Separ witnessed a fight though, one between an unarmed man fighting off one magic user, as well as a swordsman and hammerman. The unarmed man’s movements were graceful and fluid as he dodged, weaved, and countered each and every attack. Separ immediately was entranced and thought about becoming a fist fighter for a moment, but quickly realized he could still be easily killed with just plain fist fighting. However at that very moment the magic user charged up a particularly powerful fireball as the unarmed man was distracted punching and kicking the hammerman. He quickly turned around at the sound of the fireball and instead of dodging it his hands seemed to glow a bluish color as he punched the fireball breaking it apart with his magic power. At this the other three men surrendered and the man went on his way back home. Separ could hardly believe his eyes and after a moment of reminiscing about what had just happened moments ago before running after the man and begging him to teach him how to fight. The man agreed to give him a few pointers in exchange for beer money which Separ happily paid. The advice the man gave however, was rather shallow leaving Separ wanting to learn more. The man realized Separ was serious and decided to become his teacher for free (and more beer money)
The training was long, tough and arduous, but it eventually paid off as Separ could now channel mana into his body and limbs and fight decently using only his body. He was now ready for an adventure.
Other: Arcane Brawler spells are sophisticated enough so that they don’t burn their own clothes off. (Separ actually lost quite a bit of money replacing his clothes when training.)