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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Elsa looked up at Alex when he placed a hand onto her shoulder and she took a proper look at him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you like that." She said as she placed her hand over the cuts she made on him them closing up quickly and easily as her forest brother licked her face in sympathy causing her to giggle from the ticklish feel of the sandpaper tongue of the feline. "Thank you. For trying to comfort me." She said to the two that were doing their best to make her feel better, which in turn was actually working. "I appreciate it." She said with a smile standing with Alex's hand still on her shoulder. "I'm sorry you had to see me like that. It's often not that explosive but I've been holding onto that anger for a while now."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DarkDissolver


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alex didnt need an apology. He knew what it was like to hold onto emotions for long periods of time and release them. In fact he had always believed they had always made for the most beautiful effects. It powered him the most.
"You dont need to apologize..." Alex says. He pauses. He didnt want to bring it up so quickly but did so anyway. "We need to kill the bastard that did this."
He says before awkwardly taking his hand off her shoulder. Alex turned a bit looking around. The forest was still quiet. Some kind of savage master hunter of a sort must have done this. Alex did not know a single person from this world but Elsa basically.
Alex did not know much about tracking at all. He wouldnt know what to look for. Luckily or unluckily a howl of agony could be heard, stopping before finishing.
More deaths probably. Alex began to prepare to dash towards it but Elsa wanted him to be careful.... He looked back at Elsa, hopefully she had some kind of plan. Alex just wanted to run and find the bastard that did this.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Elsa heard the sound of a howl of agony not at all having a plan but raced off toward the sound her eyes thinning as she ran thinking of what could be the cause of all this death. Perhaps it was that thing she saw. After all she couldn't be sure it wasn't here after all, and what other explanation was there? She had none and she wanted to get rid of it. So if giving the shard would do it so be it. She wanted it gone forever and to never return. It was rare that she would rush into a situation like that but she wasn't really thinking having just gotten over a particularly violent temper explosion and what not, she tended not to think first but act without the thought to the consequences.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DarkDissolver


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alex seeing Elsa run, followed. Elsa usually thought things out more than he did and he was a bit surprised she decided to just run in there. Alex ran, feeling the crackling of a few leaves each step, he did not believe running in was the right call. At least trying to sneak up would give some kind of edge. He had a bad feeling in his gut about this. He could feel the negative bundle of emotions gathered in a single spot. This was somewhat ideal fighting for him but he felt like that couldn't save him. He felt some of his confidence leave him when after many steps over leaves and sticks the source of the howl was located.
A large ring of monsters and beasts had circled around something. Mainly weak imps, infernos and the strange monkey things with wings. The ground at the infernos feet covered in ash. They may have absorbed and released heat now. Around 20 beasts made up the circle.
At the center of the circle their leader stood. He was barefoot. Now Nearly black pants with spots of blue here and there. His normal villager clothing seemed a lot more sinister when he wore them. His vest stained with blood. The light shirt underneath beaten up and actually cut up a bit, revealing his incredibly scarred torso from multiple batted. His most prominent feature had made an appearance, A black skull, strangely clean. He was now possessing a bow and arrow. Tallest out of anyone here.
The animal at his feet a bear. Impaled on his blade through the stomach. Laying down on top of it. The sword visible through the top of its body.A dagger in its head. He had removed the dagger placing it in its sheath. Removing his sword from the bear as if it were nothing, he then basked in the applause of his minions. Even though he was not facing them, a small but smooth voice would go through Elsa and Alex's mind.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Elsa stopped in her tracks as she saw the thing that had frightened her enough to want to run the first time but she straightened up her spine glaring at the thing forgetting about her fear in place for another stronger emotion, anger and hate. Her hands clenched as she stared at the thing not at all certain what to term it. "What do you think you're doing? Thoughtless slaughter will not go unpunished." She said sternly wanting to know why. Why would it do this? Why was it here to begin with?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DarkDissolver


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alex wanted to just jump at it before it would turn around towards them but stood in place. He crouched a bit and widened his stance anticipating an attack. The blades in his gloves coming out. Nothing would allow him to run away now. But the fact it could speak to them mental unnerved Alex a bit
It tilted its skull towards Elsa and turned around completely. His minions also tilting their heads towards the speaker.
It did not move its mouth when it seemed to speak. He seemed to be selectively giving the message to Elsa.
Thoughtless??? No amount of lecturing or questioning will change a thing. But, Elsa- He known her name. He did not need to be told. "Do you not realize the pointlessness of attempting to kill me? Or perhaps its just your insecure boyfriend there that wants to butcher me?
Meanwhile the world around Alex was changing. It almost seemed as if the world was incomplete and dying. The white sky had cracked like glass and the shards had shattered turning into black snow, the trees became white and were being covered in the black snow. But no one was around him. He was alone. Left in the snow. Being covered in the fallen purity of everything.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"I don't think it's possible to kill you. For you're already dead." Elsa tilts her head a confused look on her face. "Boyfriend? I do not know this term. He is my friend." She didn't have to ask why he knew her name. This must be the individual with the powers to read and control minds that she had theorized when she had seen that organized bout of monsters yesterday. She had known before that Alex was there, and now he was, yet wasn't. "Why are you here? And what will convince you to go and stay away?" She asked thinking she knew the answer to these questions.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DarkDissolver


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alex was wandering in some kind of imaginary world. He did not know this of course. In what most people would consider reality he was still in his fighting position but was incredibly tense shaking a bit in place.
He was wandering the snow alone. The trees collapsing around him falling threatening to crush him but he kept walking forward not really knowing why.
".... Well yes I did bring together the beasts... I am here because I am like you, a hunter. And I have finished here, all animals in the forest that I care about are dead" He wiped his blade on the bear. [i]" Well knowing you probably won't let me continue ravaging, I don't need to read anyone's mind to know that... If not you then your stupid 'friend'. Can't just allow your parents killer to live aye?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"I do not find it in myself the need for vengeance." Elsa said shaking her head. Besides I am not sure at all certain you can be killed much like I said. And I'll do my best to convince him as I had yesterday that attacking you isn't wise at all." She said praying for the bear's spirit wanting it to find peace in the after life despite its brutal murder. "What are you hunting for? It would be a good idea to start showing respect to this forest. You might own most of the creatures minds, but there are those without them that will not hesitate to chew on your head." She said clearly serious as she had seen said creature doing it when she was six.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DarkDissolver


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

It was cold. Alex was usually capable of handling the cold but this was different. It was biting at his flesh. The wind whispering in his ear while clawing at any skin revealed to it. No trees or sky. Only black snow falling from the sky falling onto the ground that was no longer visible. The ground hiding from him. He could have been walking on nothing but snow. The whole world around him white except for the floor. The snow around him turning from black to gray in certain spots as a path began to form.
He had been walking for hours in his mind when only a minute or two has passed in reality, him still standing in place. He followed the black path, wanting to call out for Elsa, but he already knew that he was the only one here. He had not accepted the fact he could be here forever. He kept walking but it was a pointless venture. He fell onto his knees in the snow and placed his hands over his face, peeking through gaps in between his fingers at the dark floor.
This isnt real.... This isnt real.... This isnt real....

"You were more fun when you were scared." He had revealed he had actually known of her presence at the village, leaving her alive for unknown reasons."... I'm am hunting for life. Simple as that. You fortunately happen to be in the area. Those that cannot survive do not deserve my respect. I dont control the monsters I hunt, only bring them to me. He raises his arm and swings it in the air then points the blade towards Elsa. "Now I will continue to hunt." He said this while going into a fighting position. His blade in one hand, the other holding onto his sheathed dagger.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Don't misunderstand me. I'm frightened out of my skin." Elsa said taking an immediate stance of fighting staring at the thing. "I have no wish to fight you." She said her dagger out not feeling at all comfortable with attacking this way much more comfortable using her bow and arrows. She probably wouldn't last very long, even she could tell she was outclassed. The tiger growls threateningly.
"Leave it be my brother." Elsa said with a small smile to assure him that she'd be fine. Yet she was sure that the both of them knew that this statement would soon be proven wrong. She walked towards Alex's body placing the small black bit of glass inside his pocket for when he came to, not wanting it on her if she died.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DarkDissolver


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alex had been still on his knees on the snow. Like this for what seemed like years. Trying to convince himself it was a dream. A terrible dream. But it was as real as he feared it was. His hands covering his eyes. Occasionally moving them to look at the pitch black floor and white sky. Nothing but a flat plain. No marks covering the black floor.
Alex did not cry much. But he was truly terrified. He had lost whatever reality he had just been in that he was content with. Replaced by a perfect hell. The difference between dark and light incredibly visible. Immoral and moral clear. All of Alex's problems solved. anything he pondered useless and put to rest in this world. Any problem that existed was gone But why did he feel so sad? He began to weep. Black tears stained the gloves covering his face. He felt a slight jolt of the atmosphere. The specks of black covering the ground began to return to the sky while few remained. Things were reversing itself as Alex was too busy crying to notice.

The creature almost grinned it seemed. If it could grin. It put both hands on its sword.
"Stupid tradition but you would give me your name and I mine. We would bury one another and pray to the gods whoever the loser was would make it into paradise. I already know the outcome of this battle as you do. I am not scared to give you my name though, its Narcissus."
He said before quickly swinging his sword horizontally at her body. Gritting his teeth.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"My name is Elsa. But you knew that." Elsa said as she quickly rolled out of the way of the sword, going to the opposite way of the thing's swing looking at his sword doing her best to categorize it. She breathed out a bit not at all knowing just how long she could keep this up, her avoiding his attacks since she didn't have a sword of her own, just a dagger that she hated using. She then tried to determine just how strong this Narcissus was, a bit of some old wives tale at the back of her head which she tried to ignore. Tried of course being the main word. Please Alex, get out of that stupor you're in. She asked softly not using words but a birds song. If she could get far enough way, perhaps she could wind up using her bow and arrows causing this hunter to stay where he was.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DarkDissolver


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Narcissus brought his blade back and prepared another swing. The pits that took the place of his eyes seemed to be aimed towards Elsa. He knew he was going to win. He always did. He had never lost. Except against himself. He no longer sent mental messages to Elsa. He stepped forward with one pointing toward Elsa and one hand on his sword, trusting it towards Elsa. He was just playing now. He could force her to impale herself on his blade if he wanted to.

Alex kept weeping. His tears falling off of his face and gloves onto the floor. Staining the now completely white world. The tears slowly materializing to create a person. Himself, but he would not see it. His duplicate had kicked him in the back.
"Hey, Dumbass, get up." He had the same shape as him, he was more like a shadow with his lack of actual features though. Alex slowly got up on his feet.
"... Whats the point?" Alex asked.
"Because Elsa's in some deep shit Sherlock." The shadow replied. Alex didn't like how this guy talked. But it was him. A more sarcastic mean side of him. But it was the part of him he needed now more then any other. Alex looked around him. "How would i get out of here?" Alex asked.
"What is the only way of escape in your mind?" The shadow asked, slightly less sarcastic and serious.
"..." Alex already knew, this was something of his own making set in motion by someone else. He knew what he thought was the only real escape.
He manifested a black knife and stabbed himself repeatedly as he slowly regained consciousness in the real world.
His hand moved a bit and he opened his eyes a bit wider, He examined hi surroundings quickly and realized what the problem was.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Elsa needed to buy time, any kind of time. "Narcissus answer me this question if you do not mind: how does a hunter become proficient in wielding a sword? I must admit I'm not used to one. So, how about this instead: we have a bit of a competition of whose the best shot. I want to try my hand at defeating you in this." She said quickly not wanting him to swing that blade again, not certain if she'd make it out alive if he did. She was fast on her feet, don't get me wrong, it's just that even she could guess that she had very little time before he grew bored and ended the game he seemed to be playing with her. So if she could buy time even with this, she'd do it. She just hoped that he was as self-centered as she had heard from her parents who heard it from a traveler from a land that no one knew. And that had been when her mother had been a little girl.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DarkDissolver


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alex had seen everything around him. But had trouble. This was fake too. It had to be. But even if it was, he still felt like that doesn't mean he should do nothing. He continued to observe his surroundings trying o find out what to do.
"When one of your suitors impales himself with one, whatever causes the blood to spill will catch someone's eye." He transmits this to Elsa's mind while tapping the pit that replaced his eyeball with the tip of his sword.
He had multiple male suitors. Poor bastard, Aminias, was the first person killed with the blade. He had grasped his blade with his hands. He seemed to be admiring it for some reason.
It looked like a normal blade. But it seemed as if that is not what he saw.
His jaw creeped open actually and his mouth seemed to have moved slightly but not to the words he said as he continued.
"Is someone feeling confident? I am the best archer to have ever lived." He didn't realize how hypocritical he just sounded. "I accept. You will lose and I will get to kill you, your cat, and your friend deal?" His skull tilted a bit to the side.

Alex still was having a few issues and still fell on his knees despite Elsa probably needing his help. Face in hands. The illusion created by Narcissus had taken a small toll on him and made him a bit scared...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Leave them out of this Narcissus. This is just between the two of us." Elsa said her eyes turning that storm color as she perceived the threat to those she considered close to her. The tiger was like kin to her and Alex was the closest thing to a friend she ever had. She got her bow and arrows. "So what are the first set of targets?" She asked angry testing the resistance of the string and the weight of the arrows as if never handling them before.
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