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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Space… the sight of the next battlefield. Ships from both factions of the Earth Federation of the Universal Century and ships of the Orb Union of Gundam SEED fire up a massive anti air battery towards their enemy. Multiple GM’s and M1 Astray’s were trying to advance forward, but some retreat and then a few had been shot from behind and destroyed. Soon one of the alliances Izumo-class main ships was destroyed when it took a direct hit to the bridge. Then a Salamis-class ship takes heavy damage from multiple missiles.

An officer cries on the radio: “The enemy has broken through the 2nd defense line! They’re going to overrun us!”

The cries cut out when the Salamis explodes. Multiple enemy mobile suits, Geara Zulu’s, slowly push in towards the final defensive line.

One admiral calls out on the radio: “Send out the reinforcements! Contact the White Base!”

Pulling out from behind the final defensive line were two ships, the ever famous White Base from Mobile Suit Gundam, and the Archangel from Mobile Suit Gundam SEED. Captain Bright Noa comes onto the radio: “This is Captain Bright Noa. Request acknowledge. Launching the reinforcements!”

Both launch bays on the two ships open up, sending out their suits. Two suits that came out of the White Base that were most notable were the Exia and the Musha Gundam. From the Archangle, a Brave suit launches out. The last suit is preparing to launch out of the catapult.

The captain of the Archangel, Murrue Ramius, contacts the pilot of the suit: “Our forces are spread thin. We’re counting on you and your team to push the enemy back.”

The pilot, wearing the Orb pilot outfit that Kira Yamato wore in Gundam SEED Destiny, responds: “Not to worry Captain Ramius, you can count on the Gundam Team.”

The catapult’s countdown turns green, ready to launch as the pilot reveals himself responding: “Alex Taylor. Star AGE Gundam. LAUNCHING NOW!”

The Gundam accelerates on the catapult till it flies out into open space. The suit flies towards the enemy’s attack force, firing off a few rounds from its DODS rifle, taking out several Geara Zulu’s. The other units were quickly and easily taking out the other enemy Zulu suits.

Alex gets the allies attention: “All units regroup! We’re taking the fight to the enemy!”

GM’s and Astray’s all-around rally towards the 4 suits leading the charge. It looked like they were gonna push back the attack.

Alex talks to himself: “Now to find the enemy commander of the attack. Where could he…”

Suddenly, something big starts to slowly rise up, blocking the sun in front of the pilots. It was shadowed well so it was hard to see what it was exactly.

Alex was shocked: “What in the world is that??”

He heard one thing that made him worry more: “HARO!!!”

Alex: “What’s going on?! Captain? Can anyone hear me?!”

Before he could wonder what was going on, his suit’s alarm rings, alerting him to above, which was a giant hand coming towards him. Alex eyes sink as well as his heart. Then….



Next thing Alex knew… he had fallen out of his bed, flat on his back onto the ground. After falling onto the floor, his elbow had hit the desk next to his bed, knocking over a round object... a Haro alarm clock. The second after it landed, 8:00 AM strikes, and the Haro acts up: “Haro! Good Morning Haro! Time to get up! Time to get up!”

Alex quietly says with a bit of an annoyed tone: “Thanks Haro…”

Chapter 2: Straight assembly skills.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

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Rou groaned loudly and began tossing anything nearby at the fiendish sound. "Alex turn that thing OFF!" he mumbled as he lazily rolled off the side of the bed. He kicked off the sweatpants he slept in and put on a pair of jeans before putting on a bright and tacky Tokusou Sentai Dekranger shirt. Rou sat on the bed and adjusted his hat on top of his head. "What's the plan today, Alex?" He said amidst a yawn.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis slept well enough, and when she awoke she got dressed and ready for class, tucking her Exia away in the hip mounted carrying case she'd been using since she started battling seriously. The Strike Freedom, while repaired, and even tuned a bit, was not something she wanted to use regularly, besides, she wanted to cut lose with her 'partner' in the next battle, when ever that was gonna be.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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All Alex did was groan.

The PA system rings with a morning tone followed by an announcement: "Good Morning everyone. The mess hall is now open for breakfast. And remember, Class starts at 10:00 AM."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

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Sakuya yawned as she stretched once more she was already out and at it. Despite everything she woke up early to get some extra work done on her gunpla. Looking down at her Seravee she smirked her partner through thick and thin and with the recent upgrades it should be better than ever. Pushing up her rimless glasses and standing up she stretched a bit pulling up her thigh high light purple socks she straightened out her clothes before slipping on her Tieria jacket. It made her only look more like said character sure but she didn't mind after all the mere fact she looked like a female Tieria normally got most gundam fans over the top about it.

Lifting up a small suit case she opened it up revealing a padded foam covering it. She gently placed her Seravee Panzer into its spot before looking a bit sadly at the spot next to it. Lying there was a modified Gerbera Tetra it was badly damaged but for some reason she could not bring herself to fix it just yet though underneath was a hidden gunpla one she did not want to really show. Shaking those thoughts from her head she quietly closed the case perhaps she could get a small match in she woke up early to fix her gunpla missing the last set of matches because of such but now it was time to shine she thought. "The lightning count" was what they called her basing her strategies and fighting style similar to Milliardo. Perhaps it was time to show them that she was not as "washed out" or "dead" as they claimed.

Though hearing the news for breakfast broke that chain of thought as she went to the mess hall for some food. Perhaps this time she could actually find someone to interact with she thought. While she went to the line and waited for her turn to get her breakfast. Grabbing her breakfast of corned beef hash with toast and eggs she sat down with a bottle of orange juice as she went to eat. Though she did place her gunpla case on the table besides her. Best to keep it in sight than misplace it was her main train of thought as she noticed more people filing in for food.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rou grabbed his backpack and hastily threw in his Ball Guy outfit before Alex could see. He packed in his Brave in one case and his Balls in another. All his tools were in order as he shouldered his bag. Rou left the room and headed for the breakfast hall. He wasn't going to eat anything. If not for the academy schedule he wouldn't even be awake until it was time for a late lunch. Day Two of his quest to become a more social butterfly dawned on him, and he scanned the room for anyone he could make an acquaintance to. Immediately his eye for the strange spotted him a girl sporting a style very similar to Tiera from Gundam 00. Go big or go home. Rou sat down in front of her, setting his bag next to his foot. He exhaled and prepared himself by clearing his throat. "Um. Hi. I don't think I saw you at the opening ceremony or in the battle room yesterday." Rou paused, catching himself and nervously adjusting his hat. "I'm Rou...by the way. Is that your Gunpla?" He said motioning towards the case.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis walked into the mess hall, not really hungry, but was best to eat something to keep hunger from getting in the way later. As she looked around while crunching into an apple she saw, Tiera? Likely some girl cosplaying as him. Not a bad rendition of him ether. Alexis tossed the apple core into the trash, loaded up a plate of hash-browns and scrambled eggs and bacon, she thought about going over and talking to the fellow 00 fan, but some one else was already talking to her, so Alexis decided to not be rude and found a seat and start eating.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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For Alex, the morning is evil. He had always slept in during the morning, hence why he was almost late everytime he had to go to school. Were it not for Jo, he'd really be late. However, if he wanted breakfast, he had to go get it.

There were many people in the room, familiar and unfamiliar, however he was too tired to figure out who he knew. So far it was the third day here at the academy. Yesterday, the classes were just brief explanations about what they were going to do and how the system worked, followed by lunch. All the classmates had to also fill out a form with a question asking: "What Gunpla model would they like to build that was straight forward?", and that's it. For the rest of that day, Alex did nothing but play a few Gunpla battles with others. Two fights he had won, but they were pretty close, and he had not activated his Star AGE Gundam's "Starlight" program. He had not seen this cosplay guy that Rou and some others had mentioned, but that was likely due to having done a few sparring battles with his roommate and his Brave Gunpla. They must have battled about half a dozen times, and each one ended in a draw due to the time limit. So much time had passed that he didn't get a chance to go get snacks at the convenient store. Well there's always today.

However, he wasn't thinking too much about what'll happen today, he's just too busy trying to stay awake. Hopefully a plate of some scrambled eggs, Buttermilk pancakes and a cup of Apple Juice would help get his energy. Though he didn't realize someone had come up to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

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Looking up from her breakfast to see someone sitting in front of her. Looking up from her food she swallowed her bite and took a quick sip of her orange juice before answering. "My name is Sakuya Kawashiro its a pleasure to meet you" she said greeting herself before continuing on "Yah that is my gunpla" she said before pushing away her empty plate. Bringing her case closer to her she opened it up revealing her gunpla's inside "here they are my Seravee Panzer heavy assault and my other gunpla the gerbera tetra Kai though on the subject of the gerbera tetra I haven't repaired it yet since I personally feel like it's not the time to do so." She tried to explain though she was having a hard time getting the words to form exactly. "Perhaps later you get to see me in action was planning a quick match later with my seravee." She quickly added it was after all open for anyone to watch so perhaps he would catch her in action.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rou nodded as Sakuya explained her Gunpla to him. "Awesome! The Seravee is my favorite out of Tiera's Gundams, even though I'm more of an Allelujah person..." He said as he mimicked the side swiped hair of the bipolar pilot. "Today however, I'm using my custom Brave Knight..." He said as he pulled the gleaming Gunpla out of its case. "Maybe sometime during our stay we can reenact some scenes from the anime."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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Slowly opening her eyes, Dani groaned. She had been working late on just finishing up the final details of her new gunpla, the one she made to replace her damaged and ill performing Musha gundam. However, looking over at the other be, she realized she had overslept, seeing Alexis gone. Quickly working on getting herself dressed and outfitted, she rocketed downstairs in her chair.

Dani rolled into the mess hall and grabbed pancakes for breakfast. She finally found alexis and rolled over to the table, taking a spot at it. "i... overslept..." she said out of breath, still looking like a bit of a mess. Her hair was frizzled a bit, clothes not the most neat, but she was admittedly at the table.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Voice: "Excuse me?"

Alex suddenly springs up: "Ah! I'm pancake! I mean... I'm awake... hold on." Alex takes a big sip of his Apple juice before he speaks back: "I'm sorry, Iiiiii..."

He realizes he was face to face with another very pretty girl (to his eyes), with long hair the same color as his own and a cherry blossom clip on her hair, sleeveless shirt and skirt. She had a tray of some rice with chopsticks. Alex had once again froze.

This girl was however aware to why he froze up: "I'm sure this reaction would be to how i look, right?"

Alex snaps back to reality: "Oh! I'm so sorry. I-i didn't mean to..."

The girl giggles: "It's alright. I've seen this happen before. Aren't you Alex Taylor?"

Alex: "That's me. *That's when he realizes who he's talking to* Wait. I've seen you before. Back on the first day at lunch. So are you a student here too?"

She nods her head before introducing herself: "I'm Kasumi Arashi. May I ask, have you built that Gunpla you use yourself?"

Alex asks back: "You mean this?" He takes out his Star AGE Gundam and sets it on the table. Alex: "Yeah, this is my first Gunpla i've built."

Kasumi comments: "I've seen it in action back on the first day. (She recalls that moment Alex had activated his Gunpla's Starlight program) That light around it and the particles were so beautiful."

This was the first someone had commented about Alex's Gunpla related to the program like that, so he was a bit confused: "Really? The starlight program? It usually is my sort of ace in the hole when i really need it. So what is your Gunpla?"

Kasumi answers: "I didn't actually bring it with me. I left it back in my room."

Alex was a slight bit disappointed: "Oh, well I'm sure I'll see it sometime. After all, there's still plenty of days to come."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis snickered "Happens. So, wha cha got picked out for your kit in class?" Alexis asked as she shoveled a fork full of hashbrowns into her mouth. Truthfully, she thought a 'straight build' class at a place like this was counter productive. If they where here they had to be pretty good at building right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

(So this is for when you all are ready to move onto the class part)

As 10:00 approaches, students start heading over to the class room. The room had multiple desks. Each desk had 3 chairs at them. Everything was clear at the moment, and some weren't sure what will happen today, while some had an idea after what they had filled out yesterday.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Seeing as it was close to class Sakuya excused herself from her conversation with who she mentally labeled as Allelujah. She put away her breakfast items after downing her orange juice. Grabbing her gunpla case and fixing the wrinkles in her attire she walked towards the class. A class for a straight build while at first it seemed useless sometimes a straight build if done right could beat those customized. She knew this first hand having ran into a few of them during her days as "zechs". Which she found funny since she was a girl and looked a lot more like Tieria. Reaching the class room she slumped her back on the floor at the end of a desk in the front row while carefully placing out her tools in a easy to reach area along with gently laying down her gunpla case on the floor. Sighing she leaned back and waited for the class to begin or for others to come in. She hoped the rumors of Alex Taylor being her as well was true she wanted a rematch this time she would fight harder than the semi finals where she lost to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rou quickly put his Brave Knight back into it's case carefully and headed to the room that he was told to. He sat down at an empty desk and lowered the bill of his cap, his shy personality taking over. Rou felt he had taken enough steps today to become a friendlier person, if anyone was interested in talking they'd have to come to him. He took out his rather elaborate set of tools and nervously picked at the underside of his fingernails with a file.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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"oh, right... that thingy... i think i might be using victory two.... if that's what i put down." she said, scratching the back of her head and opening up her sandwhich. "Hehe... yeah, i think that's what i'm using, this bacon egg and cheese bagel smells so good." she added, looking down at it and as soon as she lifted it to her mouth, the breakfast period ended. "I'm finishing this in class.... don't care what they say..." she commented to Alexis, getting her chair mobile and rolling.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"I forget what I put down" Alexis said after she put her now cleared plate in the bin for the dirty dishes and headed after Dani. "Most the kits that are 'straight forward', that I have any interest in mind you, I already have on my shelf back home." Alexis kinda spaced off a bit as she tried to recall what she'd actually put down on the form as they entered the class room and found a seat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Alex notices the time. It was starting to get close to 10:00, the time class started: "Oh boy! I better get to the class room. Don't want to be late on the fir... oh wait. It's the second day. Well i still don't want to be late. Maybe we'll catch up sometime."

Kasumi nods: "I'll look forward to it."

Alex quickly grabs the pancakes he hasn't eaten yet and prepares to bolt for it: "It was nice meeting you." He then guns it towards the class... though it would seem he's taking the long way there."

Kasumi: "I hope he knows he's going the wrong way."

Luckily for Alex, he was still on time, with about 4 minutes to spare. He arrives at the room, and tries to see where he could sit. That's when he notices someone who looks familiar to him. Alexis, who was sitting with a girl he hadn't gotten a chance to meet yet. He walks over and asks: "Mind if I sit here?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As for Kasumi, who arrived several minutes before Alex did, she went to go find a seat and found one nearby. The seat next to her was occupied by another boy who had his cap lowered.

She decided to check on him to see if he was alright: "Is everything alright?"
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