Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Incredible John
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The Incredible John Eccentric Lunatic

Member Seen 9 mos ago

381 A.D

Tribus Fisti

"The winds howled and the sky poured as we began the siege that morning. It was like the the heavens itself as weeping and crying out for the city as its final hours drew near. We stood at the northern gates of the city, chanting our war cries and clashing our weapons against our spears. Inside, the frightened Marians were rocked with terrors as their enemies were preparing to slaughter them inside their invulnerable city. The Khristian monks prayed for the soul of every soul inside that city walls, it was the only way to comfort the crowds. The last of the city guard, the legions and the emperor's guard stood ready to give their lives for the city while we were itching to send them to their death. The winds grew fiercer and the rain, heavier as we looked our sights on the walls. Me, Verminus of the Albranni, Pykar of the Roth and Braddin of the Ollexians stood before all of the proud warriors. We looked at each other before the siege and knew by our looks that the time had come. Braddin raised his sword to the sky and then pointed it towards the city. He gave the order to assault. Our warriors with their ladders and siege towers rushed for the walls while our battering ram headed for the gates. The city guard and some legionaries tried to hold us off the walls and poured burning oil all over ram. As soon as they saw our bloodthirsty men, they ran like rats. When the gates were opened and the walls fell into our hands, their general, Paulus-Gods know his name, tried to rally his men. At the city square in front of the emperor's palace, they stood their ground and made their last stand. It took us a day before we could send those damn legionaries to their ancestors. I and Verminus stabbed the emperor in his room as he begged for his life. The old fool tried to buy us off with all the gold we ever wanted. Why ask when you can take. The rest of the Marians tried to do the same and Braddin had as kill or take them as slaves. The did not permit the slaughter of the priest or the destruction of the church however. The man and his people were Khristians. I wouldn't be surprised if we bartered a deal with the damn church. We left the city a burning rubble."
Khasus, leader of the Fisti tribe told his two sons who sat besides him. They rode a cart being pulled by an ox. In front of them where two the Paladrian cavalry. They were the finest cavalry warriors in all of Latinium now that the Marian legion's Auxiliary cavalry was gone. One of the horse rider carried the Fisti standard. The standards were copied from those of the Marians but instead of a small icon of the Marian eagle, the four tribes that battled the empire would have their own symbol of their tribe. The Fisti symbol was the skull of a horse. They always prided themselves on having the best steeds on the land. The skull was attached to a tall pole with a small red flag below it.
"Did joined you in this battle father?" One of Khasus's sons, Brutos, asked.
"He led the Paladrians into battled. It was a sight to see." Khasus answered with a smile on his face. "That old fool charged into the Legion's ranks and took them down before the rest of the warriors finished them off."
"Why do we visit him and why do we bring so many flowers with us?" Mithras, he's other son, asked.
"We have an offer for him he cannot resist. As for the flowers, well he and he's people are strange and their beliefs are stranger. You should ask him yourself." Khasus answered. He did always find the Kantriani odd for their worship or flowers but he didn't believe there was anything to fear from them.
They rode on, heading for the Katrianian main camp of Kantrias.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alkeni Synair
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Alkeni Synair Servant of Hecate

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As they drew closer to Kantrias, Cerian Quilor was there to meet them at the wooden walls of the camp - they were rough and makeshift at best, and Cerian had plans to improve them, but they did make life easier, deliniating the camp and keeping vagabonds and animals out. Against a small band of brigands or a raiding party, they'd also serve. For anything else, well, that's what the soldiers were for.

Cerian was flanked by two guards, but he didn't feel he had anything to fear from the Fisti leaders. The scouts had told him that they were bringing flowers, and it was unlikely that would do that if they were here to attack. Still, he had to have some guards with him, the optics alone demanded that. The rest of the tribe continued their business, fishing, farming, or whatever they did. In addition to the guards, he also had Arbigast Thas, his chief advisor and the Keeper of the Delphiniums, the high priest of their faith. Arbigast had a tendency to be preachy at times, but at least he wasn't his brother Winstorius. Winstorius had been exiled for raising rabble and sedition - twice. This second exile had been permenant, rather than 'five years' like it had been before.

"Greetings Khasus." Cerian said, nodding in respect. "What brings you to Kantrias?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Incredible John
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The Incredible John Eccentric Lunatic

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Khasus, the muscular 35 year-old jumped off his wagon and then was followed by his two sons. His Paladrian guards unmounted also but stayed with their steeds. Khasus tapped Quilor on his shoulders and gave him a huge smile.

"You wont believe what fortune has landed at our feet old friend." He said, clearly excited about something.

"A merchant from the Marians approached me the other day, bringing trade rights with him to the east. We discussed matters and came to an understanding. The empire is in need of this Southern Oak so abundant in this land. Who would blame them, this lumber is as sturdy as a rock. We agreed upon a trade route spanning from our coast to theirs. Of course, they bartered conditions most unfavorable to our people. Not only do we have to provide the vessels needed to transport this lumber, we also have to provide the fleet to protect them. Now you know my people knows nothing of building ships. We are horsemen, what would we know of it? That is where you come in good friend. I need you're people's knowledge of the waters to provide us with ships for both transporting our goods and defending the merchants at sea. Perhaps you could also provide the men to sail from coast to coast. Imagine the riches to be had from this venture. Do you think you can help me good friend?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Starharbour, The Shellik Hills.

The morning was crisp in the Draki's lands, however Odenus Setrupus had called a meeting with the most influential families, each of whom had sent one representative. The meeting was to discus the acquisition of the rest of the island they were based on. The Dakonian island, as the Draki called it.

"Men of the Draki, you are the rich and powerful, the men and women who make decisions that can effect the whole tribe. In the past we have been closed off and steered away from the wars that plague those on the mainlands. Well our time of seclusion s over, however before we unleash the sea horde we have work to be done. First of course is to make our claim on the rest of Draki island. I have decided to introduce and Land Enclosures law. This will allow each of you to make a claim on certain area's of the island in exchange for your lands in our current territory and for a share of the resources in the land every month. The more you give of course the more you will be awarded."

The representatives looked at each other and quietly mumbled amongst themselves The deal was an extreme one however it would limit the cost to the tribe as the families would build their own holdings whilst also in the long term benefitting them as they would be able to collect a lot of the resources on the island.

"You of course would have your own hunting and gathering rights in your lands and the resources taken by the tribe as a toll is going to change depending on what you collect that month. I will of course let you decide on this as I would not force you to do this however the families that do will become the richest in our soon to be huge island empire."

There were a few cheers however the people still did not seem to be fully behind the plan.

"People of the Draki, we were born from the sea ad we must return to the sea, the wood across these islands is valuable and the iron and animals would be extremely important. You would be the heroes who helped our tribe back into the halls of greatness. So I ask you. Who are we?."

The echo's of "Draki!" rang back.

"And what do we do?"

"Rise from the sea like a dragon."

"In which case do we have an agreement?"

The room rocked with cheers so loud that the gods themselves could have heard. Odenus was happy with the result, there would be larger lands an with less of a cost to the tribe, as well as this the resources could be used to begin the growings of the Draki fleet, it was pitiful in comparison to what it had been. Soon they could take the islands back.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Clann Raonaill, Muerr Raonaill

Ferrison stood high on the hill over looking the village. He watched as the people worked below, the sound of the blacksmith hammer rang out over the settlement a sign that the Muirfirs where preparing for war. But along with the costant ringing of the hammer came another sound much more sweet and musical, the sound of blarring bagpipes and the beating of drums came over the walls from the rolling hills beyond. Listening to the blarring music Ferrision recongized it as the marching of Clann Russ. Rushing down the steps of the large Motte & Bailey which lay at the center of the town and through the streets Ferrison backed by a small group of soliders wearing their belted plaids and carrying huge great swords speed to meet the arrive clann. "Open the Gates it's Clann Russ!" A man yelled in a gruff gravelly tone. As the gates swung open Ferrison and his men had just arrived. Behind the huge wooden doors was a man all dressed in red and green tartan and behind him was a large procession of men some soliders others pipers and drummers but the largest out of all the numbers was the serfs carrying baskets and casks full of food and beer.
"Ahh! Ferrison my boy! great tah see yah!" The Russfir said embracing Ferrisson.
"Same with you Russel! I see yer clanns fields ah doing well." Ferrison said as the two ended their embrace and looked over the procession of Russfirs.
"Yes, yes dey 'ave Ferrison. Have any of tah other Clanns arrived yet fer tah Rud?
"Nahh dey av'nt but I'm sure dey'll come. But let me show yah und yer men yer quaters." Ferrison said Leading Russel and his men down the dirt streets to a large round house. After Making sure Russel and his men where settled in Ferrison returned to his perch atop the motte & Bailey. In the hours following the arrival of clann Russ several others of the clann arrived until all of the clanns and their cheifs had come to the rud. Gathering the men around a large round table which was laid out with food and beer aplenty. Looking over his fellow clann cheifs Ferrison ordered the Rud in session.

"Thank yah and i welcome yah all to dis rud!" Ferrison shouted over the sounds of eating and laughter.
"Now All of yah know we've meet 'ere tah discuss a very pressin matter. It has been about 17 years since the Battle of Conic Murr!" Upon the saying the name of the battle the crowd went to a small roar of sighs and cries of anger."I know wah have all lost many lives to tah Olsa Roths and many of yah want to avenge our fallen but it is too soon to think of war least wise wit tah Osla Roths. I say wah need tah rebuild and expand our borders if we ever want to reclaim the land that we've lost. As so I also say wah Journey south to the Frissians. Dey may be willing tah trade wit us and maybe even assist us innah future invasion of tah Osla Roths. So lets bring it to a vote." One by one the cheifs of the clanns raised their hands until above the heads of the cheifs where nine hands firmly raised in unity.
"Very well then It seems wah are all in agreement! I shall leave fer the Frissian Kahzlavs to see if they are willing to join us in our cause. Also I request each of the clanns to raise 100 men each to prepare to march march to the west and begin to conquer that land and if possible do so without any bloodshed but if they do resist to not hesitate to send them to their ancestors!"
THe clanns raised a rowdy cheer and began to resumed the feast. Soon the sun was setting and the clanns began the journey hom. Watching the lines of plaided men as they marched over the hills and out of site Ferrison saw a new begining to his country and a new hope for those that had died. In the following days the clanns returned each bring the 100 men they promised. Looking over the sea of plaid and steel Ferrisson adressed them with one simple sentance "Good luck men, and may yer ancestors fight with you!" Upon this the crowd made a huge roar and began their march to the west. While the men armed with axes claymores and spears marched their way to war Ferrison and a small envoy of gaurds made their way south to the Frissien Kahzlavs.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Incredible John
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The Incredible John Eccentric Lunatic

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Tribus Osla Roth, Trbus Ollexia

In the plains south of lake Silus, Braddin of the Ollixian tribes and Brilles of the Osla Roth were hunting along with a small party of companions and guards. They were tracking down their hound who was off chasing after a stag. When they caught up to their vicious dogs, they found that they had held the stag down as it trashed and kicked, trying to escape their jaws. Braddin took out his knife and slit the stag's neck. It took a while for the stag to die, fighting with every ounce of its energy before it died. Braddin inspected the horns and called one of the members of the party to his side.

"Take this back to camp and have it skinned and it's meat prepared. I want it's skull cleaned and made into a new standard. We shall be home tommorow morning. By then I want a feast from it and the other deer we caught. Have Uller cook it." Braddin ordered. The man immediately lifted the lifeless deer as its blood dripped all over him.

As he ran off into the distance, Braddin turned his attention to Brilles.
"Have you made a decision yet?" He asked.

"But I have much too many enemies to the north and to the east to start another war with the western Roths. How would do you expect me to field an army and send them west when my enemies stand at my gateway?" Brilles said.

"I would take care of this boy, I have a plan in motion that would distract both long enough for us to start and end our campaign without much worry from them." Braddin said, as he whipped the blood from his blade. Braddin has made a deal with a Kurgan warchief named Lomarr of the Polliki Kurgan noble family. Braddin would pay for an army that Lomarr would command. He would then attack the Frissians and retreat back to the lands of the clanns. This would cause conflict for the three of them, one way or another.

"Would you mind telling me this plan of yours Braddin?" Brilles asked.

"In time, my friend. In time." Braddin said.

Brilles now became very suspicious of the Ollexian warchief but he could not resist the opportunity to reunite the Roths, the biggest tribe in the land, under his rule. One part of him said it was a trap but he knew that Braddin was pressured by the church to expand the influence of Katholism in Latinium.

"I'll have to this more thought Braddin, I cannot risk the safety of my people." Brilles said, giving Braddin an unsatisfied look.

"Very well then Brilles, very well. You would still be joining me for the feast tommorow, yes?" Braddin asked.

"Of course, it would be rude to turn down a generous host." Brilles answered.

"Excellent my friend, for now, let us continue the hunt." Braddin said, leaching his dogs. They were soon on the trail of another animal, this time a boar.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alkeni Synair
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Alkeni Synair Servant of Hecate

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Incredible John said
Khasus, the muscular 35 year-old jumped off his wagon and then was followed by his two sons. His Paladrian guards unmounted also but stayed with their steeds. Khasus tapped Quilor on his shoulders and gave him a huge smile. "You wont believe what fortune has landed at our feet old friend." He said, clearly excited about something. "A merchant from the Marians approached me the other day, bringing trade rights with him to the east. We discussed matters and came to an understanding. The empire is in need of this Southern Oak so abundant in this land. Who would blame them, this lumber is as sturdy as a rock. We agreed upon a trade route spanning from our coast to theirs. Of course, they bartered conditions most unfavorable to our people. Not only do we have to provide the vessels needed to transport this lumber, we also have to provide the fleet to protect them. Now you know my people knows nothing of building ships. We are horsemen, what would we know of it? That is where you come in good friend. I need you're people's knowledge of the waters to provide us with ships for both transporting our goods and defending the merchants at sea. Perhaps you could also provide the men to sail from coast to coast. Imagine the riches to be had from this venture. Do you think you can help me good friend?"

"Its not an impossible task, no. My people can beyond a doubt provide you with the help to build these ships. The resources in our land are not limitless, so others in the Fisti will need to also help in gathering what we will need - quality, preferably aged wood for the ships, wool for the sails," He ticked off a few other things, like rope and iron for the anchors. "But yes, I believe I and my people can help you with this."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Incredible John
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The Incredible John Eccentric Lunatic

Member Seen 9 mos ago

"We would be more than happy to provide you with this stuff you need. The wealth we gain from this new oppurtunity would be shared between our two people." Khasus said, being very pleased with his Katrani brethren.

"Tonight we feast Quilor, I came here with another cart a cask of our finest wine and my finest swine. Unfortunately, it was bogged down in the forest along with my other Paladrian guards. They should be here by sun down. We will eat and drink and praise the Gods for the gift they have given us. And if we run out of wine or food, I shall send word to send more. Rarely have we done this since the olden days. Perhaps we could share our tales with the youngen of our exploits back when we fought the Marians." Khasus followed, clearly he was in the mood for celebrations. Khasus was always a man who would lavish himself.

"Perhaps you have quarters for me and my sons to stay at. It has been a long trip and I think I would need to rest first before we begin our feast."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alkeni Synair
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Alkeni Synair Servant of Hecate

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Of course. There is room at my residence, reserved just such for visitors of status. A feast shall have the best my people can bring as well," Cerian led them to the rooms he entioned.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 1 yr ago

With the plans drawn up for the new land ownerships Odenus sat back. It had been a long three hours and all of the great houses had wanted to put a fortune so as to gain the largest possible property, in the end two of the houses had large plots of land to the north and east whilst the other families had to suffice with the rest broken up into holdings. Promises also had to be made of more land to be given when other islands had been landed. However the other tribes would be wary of such fast growth and so he drafted a message to be sent to all tribes. The message read as follows.

To the glorious leaders or representatives of the western tribes.
We, the Draki, have a long and noble history in these waters, our flotilla used to be the true power and trade bustled from all ports. However with the rise of the Marian Empire our islands and our navy was taken from us. We call you to Starharbour to feast and make merriment whilst we explain to you the plans we have for the islands. We hope to hear from you shortly and make preparation for your arrival.
Odenus Setrupus, chief of the Draki.

With the message finished he rolled up each one and sealed it with wax in the royal seal fo the Draki, A dragon rising out of waves. Next he looked over the plans for raising of new ships. Currently the fleet numbered only 5 triremes however with these plans passed and the new resources brought in from the expansion the fleet would be quickly grown to 20 tiremes and a new Quinquereme style ship to act as a flag ship. FInally two new tanker ships were to be crafted as this would allow for the mass transportation of goods and settlers onto the new islands. Each new order was sealed and signed before a courier arrived to take them away. It had been a long day and Odenus was exhausted he was about to douse his lamp when there was another knock on the door. Three knocks. State business, shifting in his chair Odenus shouted enter and waited to see what other pieces of paper required his attention.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Tribus Kahzlavs Frissian, Campus Frissia

In Dragan Soloviev's great hall sat Ferrison of Clann Raonaill. It had been a number of hours since his first reception from the Kahzlavs, and what better way to discuss matters over the table, with helpings of meat and drink? Dragan drank deep of his goblet, seated at long table's end, on his finely-crafted throne. Around the hall, trusted nobles were seated, chatting amongst themselves and helping themselves to the offerings on the table. Ferrison's men were treated to the Kahzlavs' seats as well, bringing the two distinct communities together under an open comradery.

The hall itself was humble, yet embellished with banners of noble houses, tapestries that told stories of the Kahzlavs' ancestors and all manner of animal totems, fetishes and pelts. A band of musicians beat a warm tune, which filled the atmosphere with a light merriment. Swaying to the melody, Dragan lowered his drink and extended a hand to gesture at the guests around the hall.

"Frissia bids you welcome, men of Raonaill! I hope everything is to your liking. No better way to do business than on a full stomach. Now, Ferrison; my men tell me your attention is to the Osla Roths? To what end do you seek out my aid today?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Incredible John
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The Incredible John Eccentric Lunatic

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Tribus Visa Roth, Tribus Albranni

Verminus and Pykar rode together to the port town of Ravenis along with their small company of men. Verminus and Pykar had aged little during the last 20 years, looking still as young as young can be now that they were in their 40's. They're physical abilities though, were starting to diminish. Pykar, who before would spar with his son a number of times a week, is now crippled by aches all about his body. Verminus now envies the days he led his fearsome Albranni bare-shirts into battle. If he did so now, the youngens would outrun him easily into battle, limping into the battlefield. Their days of glory on the land of war were over but they would be damned if they would ever let anybody challenge their rule. That is why the news of the Ollexians and the Olsa Goths working together troubles them so much. Normally, they would have nothing to fear from this two tribes. They were the masters of the northern grounds, all tribes in those areas waged unwavering allegiance to them. They also had mastery of the mountains, the woods and the plains on the area. But the harvest had been poor to them and if they fielded an army, they would not know how to feed them. An alliance between the Ollexians and the eastern, Katholic Roths was bad news for them. They new that the church was behind this alliance. That was why they had made their own.

Pykar looked at Verminus and asked "Do you think this is a good idea?".

"What other choice do we have?" Verminus answered with a question.

"But what if it's a trap?" Another question from Pykar.

"Then Gods help us." Verminus said.

They were noth heading to Ravenis to sail for the lands of the Draki. Seeing as they were all of the faith of Mata, the two hoped to coax the leader into joining their fight against the expanding Katholic armies. After receiving their invitations, it seemed like the perfect excuse.

"We'll just have to play our cards right Pykar." Verminus said. "Play them right and hope this tribe's leader see's the threat from the east. If he doesn't, we could also ask for trade rights. That he should accept."

Pykar nodded as a sign that he agreed with what Verminus was saying. They didn't have much of a choice at the moment.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thunderforce


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“En Frithijaeren vit grosete arme, Rurikr, grosetekonungun vit mundungeldr aden faeriki carlar af hein huse, markt jagenpaeke aden sudrvallej varet djup.” ~Voluskarsaga

“In the year of fire, with great strength, Rurikr, the great king with the wealth of the world and the fiercest housecarls, made his mountains and the south valleys his own.”


“No more patrols.”

That was the main sign that they had. The beleaguered and disheartened men, fighting for an Empire who no longer supported them, had long since settled down, the last death throes that had kept the Ynglingr from raiding out from their mountain homes.

And Rurikr was just the man to take advantage of it. Few men lived to the south of the Stonian Mountains, and few men could withstand the might of their axes and shields, let alone the viciousness with which they would strike.

This was the first time in a long while that the Ynglingr were actively united under one man. Normally a squabbling, loosely-bound group of clans that hardly cared for outsiders, they now seized upon their chance, following the charismatic, hearty, and most importantly, powerful Rurikr in search of plunder. And to the south was the first step.

From the mountains they came in the dead of night, the only sign that they were coming a faint, droning horn off in the distance. A small village with a church, simple people living simple lives, this was to be their conquest. The horn made some of them wake up. They were the unfortunate ones. The Ynglingr stormed into the town as if they were a snowstorm from the peaks, pillaging, looting, and burning. The Katholic church that had been constructed meticulously, one of the few things in the area built of stone, had been torn down, ripped stone from stone, and the relics and whatever of value seized and taken as tribute.


On a different note, a cruder, less refined version of the ships that the Draki built rowed its way into Starharbour, a few men of rather savage and unrefined bent onboard. They obviously weren’t there for a fight, considering their ship wasn’t armed specifically for war, but it was doubtful that they were pushovers, considering how hardy and powerful they looked.

Two of the men hauled ashore a large amount of pelts, of various animals most commonly found at colder climes. Some were even of the purest white, a rare find indeed. They set their makeshift stall up where they could, bellowing out to the traders and merchants, “Thufa, furet geldr!”, holding up the furs and waving them around to attract buyers.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Aristo said
In Dragan Soloviev's great hall sat Ferrison of Clann Raonaill. It had been a number of hours since his first reception from the Kahzlavs, and what better way to discuss matters over the table, with helpings of meat and drink? Dragan drank deep of his goblet, seated at long table's end, on his finely-crafted throne. Around the hall, trusted nobles were communities together under an open comradery. The hall itself was humble, yet embellished with banners of noble houses, tapestries that told stories of the Kahzlavs' ancestors and all manner of animal totems, fetishes and pelts. A band of musicians beat a warm tune, which filled the atmosphere with a light merriment. Swaying to the melody, Dragan lowered his drink and extended a hand to gesture at the guests around the hall. "Frissia bids you welcome, men of Raonaill! I hope everything is to your liking. No better way to do business than on a full stomach. Now, Ferrison; my men tell me your attention is to the Osla Roths? To what end do you seek out my aid today?"seated, chatting amongst themselves and helping themselves to the offerings on the table. Ferrison's men were treated to the Kahzlavs' seats as well, bringing the two distinct
"I must say Dragan, yer people have quite the fine taste your food and drink is good, of course it isn't as good as our stuff but our taste will vary eh?" Ferrison laugh as he took a gulp from his goblet and whipped the froth and food particles from his beard. "As you know Dragan, both our peoples have a long history in the hills of grett and we both have
suffered much from the oslaroths invasion. Now what I propose to you is a combined invasion of the oslaroths you from tah west and me and my clans from tah north, now I expect the osla roths will receive aid from the ollxleia to the south but they are widely enough separated as so we might stop any advancing forces midway through their trek in the mountains. now if this endeavor is successful I say we split the lands evenly my peoples taking back our ancestrial land in the hills of grett and you getting their seaside lands allowing with tah only stipulation that yah shall let my peoples trade through yer ports as so both our nations might flourish. So what do yah say dragan, will yah accept this chance to avenge our fallen ancestors?
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