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    1. Thunderforce 11 yrs ago


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Oh, thought you were going for something else instead. Very well. Either Castlevania or League of Legends it is.
I might be persuaded to do both, then.

Simply because I want to see a T-34 roll through Super Mario 1-1 and crush everything in its path.
I am torn between World of Tanks and League of Legends.

Simply because being Dunk Darius would be fantastic, but at the same time...

Who doesn't want to drive a tank through the front door of Dracula's castle?
I'd love to make a nation for this if there are any spots open, but unfortunately, this new site format is not supported at, like, all by the rather outdated browser onboard my ship. Any chance any one of you could PM me the stuff that's in the spoilers in the initial post?
Hopefully my first IC post was satisfactory.

There is going to be a lot of very odd instances of Ynglingr both attacking and trading, quite possibly at the same kingdom. This is mostly because even if the main raiding warbands and armies are led by Rurikr, the vast majority of people don't really care that he's in charge, and just do what they want anyways. They are a very decentralized people.
“En Frithijaeren vit grosete arme, Rurikr, grosetekonungun vit mundungeldr aden faeriki carlar af hein huse, markt jagenpaeke aden sudrvallej varet djup.” ~Voluskarsaga

“In the year of fire, with great strength, Rurikr, the great king with the wealth of the world and the fiercest housecarls, made his mountains and the south valleys his own.”


“No more patrols.”

That was the main sign that they had. The beleaguered and disheartened men, fighting for an Empire who no longer supported them, had long since settled down, the last death throes that had kept the Ynglingr from raiding out from their mountain homes.

And Rurikr was just the man to take advantage of it. Few men lived to the south of the Stonian Mountains, and few men could withstand the might of their axes and shields, let alone the viciousness with which they would strike.

This was the first time in a long while that the Ynglingr were actively united under one man. Normally a squabbling, loosely-bound group of clans that hardly cared for outsiders, they now seized upon their chance, following the charismatic, hearty, and most importantly, powerful Rurikr in search of plunder. And to the south was the first step.

From the mountains they came in the dead of night, the only sign that they were coming a faint, droning horn off in the distance. A small village with a church, simple people living simple lives, this was to be their conquest. The horn made some of them wake up. They were the unfortunate ones. The Ynglingr stormed into the town as if they were a snowstorm from the peaks, pillaging, looting, and burning. The Katholic church that had been constructed meticulously, one of the few things in the area built of stone, had been torn down, ripped stone from stone, and the relics and whatever of value seized and taken as tribute.


On a different note, a cruder, less refined version of the ships that the Draki built rowed its way into Starharbour, a few men of rather savage and unrefined bent onboard. They obviously weren’t there for a fight, considering their ship wasn’t armed specifically for war, but it was doubtful that they were pushovers, considering how hardy and powerful they looked.

Two of the men hauled ashore a large amount of pelts, of various animals most commonly found at colder climes. Some were even of the purest white, a rare find indeed. They set their makeshift stall up where they could, bellowing out to the traders and merchants, “Thufa, furet geldr!”, holding up the furs and waving them around to attract buyers.
I suppose I should post this in the proper place, huh?

Name of your tribe: The Ynglingr

Leader of your tribe: Konungun Rurikr

Race and ethnicity of your tribe:

The Ynglingr are a clan, a rather large one, at that, that have banded together.

The peoples of the Ynglingr are a tall, hearty, and strong bunch, tempered by the harsh climate and lands that they live in. Generally speaking, they have either blonde or brown hair, and blue or brown eyes. In terms of muscular build, they are more commonly strong than weak.

Dialect or language of your tribe:


An example of speech in Ynglar would be, for instance,

“Hjore arl du?”

“How are you?”

“Hjon ista jur naemen?”

“What is your name?”

“Raidarne arle vir tostar?”

“Are we raiding tomorrow?”

Name of your tribe's camp and where you want it to be placed:

- Name of Camp: Hrorekr

- Location of Camp: The Stonian Mountains.

Religion(s) of your tribe:

-The Grey Ones: Due to distance and the unruly nature of the Ynglingr, in addition to being one of the few tribes never definitively conquered by any empire, the Ynglingr never adopted Kristianity, and missionaries that attempted to sway them, more commonly than not, were offered up as sacrifices.

As a result, The Ynglingr are still staunchly pagan, holding onto their grim pantheon of gods that fit their rather ill-climated home. They speak of dying in battle, so that they might grace the halls of their gods and not have their souls cast into a burning abyss.

Most of the outside world has little idea or concept of their belief system, and most aren’t curious enough to actually go up to one and ask.

Background story(History) of your tribe:

The Ynglingr are a rarity amongst the barbaric tribes of the world: Never was their home stomped upon by the hand of the Empire, and never were their people under an Imperial yoke. Keeping their savage nature intact, and sealing their mountainous homes from entry wasn’t hard. They were one of the few tribes to have developed a solid basis of metalworking, and their development of mail, in addition to the inhospitable climate and favorable defensive positions, ensured that they were an island of savagery.

Throughout a vast majority of the Empire’s later existence, Ynglingr mercenaries were commonly brought to serve as bodyguards, and indeed, the Sistrine Empire continues this practice, the Varagar Guard being one of the more famed components of the mercenaries hired.

Now that the Empire has collapsed, this tribe of hardened warriors is more than ready to ply their trade, raiding, across the majority of the area.

Long live Konungun Rurikr! Long live the Ynglingr Throne!

Name of your tribe: The Ynglingr

Leader of your tribe: Konungun Rurikr

Race and ethnicity of your tribe:

The Ynglingr are a clan, a rather large one, at that, that have banded together.

The peoples of the Ynglingr are a tall, hearty, and strong bunch, tempered by the harsh climate and lands that they live in. Generally speaking, they have either blonde or brown hair, and blue or brown eyes. In terms of muscular build, they are more commonly strong than weak.

Dialect or language of your tribe:


An example of speech in Ynglar would be, for instance,

“Hjore arl du?”

“How are you?”

“Hjon ista jur naemen?”

“What is your name?”

“Raidarne arle vir tostar?”

“Are we raiding tomorrow?”

Name of your tribe's camp and where you want it to be placed:

- Name of Camp: Hrorekr

- Location of Camp: The Stonian Mountains.

Religion(s) of your tribe:

-The Grey Ones: Due to distance and the unruly nature of the Ynglingr, in addition to being one of the few tribes never definitively conquered by any empire, the Ynglingr never adopted Kristianity, and missionaries that attempted to sway them, more commonly than not, were offered up as sacrifices.

As a result, The Ynglingr are still staunchly pagan, holding onto their grim pantheon of gods that fit their rather ill-climated home. They speak of dying in battle, so that they might grace the halls of their gods and not have their souls cast into a burning abyss.

Most of the outside world has little idea or concept of their belief system, and most aren’t curious enough to actually go up to one and ask.

Background story(History) of your tribe:

The Ynglingr are a rarity amongst the barbaric tribes of the world: Never was their home stomped upon by the hand of the Empire, and never were their people under an Imperial yoke. Keeping their savage nature intact, and sealing their mountainous homes from entry wasn’t hard. They were one of the few tribes to have developed a solid basis of metalworking, and their development of mail, in addition to the inhospitable climate and favorable defensive positions, ensured that they were an island of savagery.

Throughout a vast majority of the Empire’s later existence, Ynglingr mercenaries were commonly brought to serve as bodyguards, and indeed, the Sistrine Empire continues this practice, the Varagar Guard being one of the more famed components of the mercenaries hired.

Now that the Empire has collapsed, this tribe of hardened warriors is more than ready to ply their trade, raiding, across the majority of the area.

Long live Konungun Rurikr! Long live the Ynglingr Throne!
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