Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by monstahunta


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

2012 - The Year of Fear ----

Late in March 2012 a chain of seismic disturbances were recorded. No one expected what was about to come. The leading seismologist of the United States of America urged the country to take caution. He had never seen anything like this before. At many research stations across the southwest fissures started to rip through the dusty crust of the surface, and a smoke-like gas was emitted.

"This gas is unlike any other element known to man." purported the chief researcher of these incidents.

"It rots you. Defiles you. Bone matter starts mutating and growths start sprouting within the hour of exposure. Your blood vessels pop under the strain that the gas imposes on your heart. Yet, you don't die. Not yet at least."

"No. Now is when you wish you were dead. The muscles in your body start to harden, and tear. They get ripped up by the shoots of bone that start to jut out of you. Your brain starts to work autonomously as neurons fire on their own. The only saving grace in all of this is that you will die eventually. No test subject lasted longer than three hours."

That was the report sent out by the investigative committee. People were urged to avoid any smoke clouds, and life went on as it always had. Until June.

June 2012 ----

Russia attacked America's infrastructure with several EMP blasts. The results were devastating. Any car that had a computer in it stopped running. Lines of communication were severed. People living near the border of Canada had made a fortune of selling Canadian CB radios to anyone who wanted a reliable means of contacting each other.

Martial Law was established within the hour of the blasts, and looters ran rampant that night.

Out west there were tales of experiments conducted in secret government laboratories, and the monstrosities that were housed there escaping from the loss of the electrical security measures taken to incarcerate them. Cries were heard across people's radios.

Messages kept echoing out to, "Run! They're coming! They're angry, and they won't stop until they get what they want! Flee this place! They're pushing east! If you can hear this, run!"

Most people assumed that these transmissions were just part of a looter gang's plan to claim more territory, and didn't heed the warnings. A few fled, and were much better off for it.

About 2 weeks later the government had set up CB stations reserved for important messages to citizens.

July 2012 ----

Crude postcards were circulated of people infected with a strange disease. Warnings were scrawled on the backs.

The government stations all labeled these postcards as some sort of scare tactic to further divide the country.

September 2012 ----

Shops and Grocery Stores had been emptied by now. There were two major factions of people. Looters, and the URM, (United Restoration Movement). Members of URM were taken care of by the URM corps. If you were a male and wanted your family to be a part of the URM corps, then you had to join the ranks of The Sovereign, the URM's militia program. If you were a woman with a male child then the URM would accept you under the promise that your son would one day fight for the URM.

Every town in the east was a battleground between these two groups.

The URM re-opened trade lines across the country to keep basic necessities moving to where they were needed. Horror stories were often shared about meeting strange people with terrible afflictions, begging for someone to end their lives, and toxic sinkholes that ran 10-20 feet deep, spewing billowing black clouds that reeked of death.

June 2013 ----

They came. All the monstrosities that the masses were warned about swarmed the country. Zombies by the tens-of-thousands spread ever eastward.

The U.S. military made a barrier right through the center of the country, which effectively cut shipments from the URM. Families under the help of the URM lost faith in the group, and eventually people started to scatter to find their own food and water.

The looter groups had weakened by this time, but there were places that looters still had control of.

Present Day ----

It's now August. On top of the current undead, and looter problems, it seems that Canada has shut down any way of interacting with them, and blockaded off their entire border. Blockades seem to be showing up throughout other places in America as well. Most recently the entire state of Florida had been quarantined, even though there wasn't a single reported case of the undead being there.

The established CB stations of the government haven't issued a single statement since May, despite imposing all these limitations.

As if everything wasn't bad enough already, a new generation of URM had risen. After their initial fall, all the founders had left the organization to help those in need on their own. Leaving behind those in lesser positions, and that had questionable morals, to lead. The new URM required ANYONE wishing to join to be immediately put to work on the front-lines against the looters, while they went around collecting the taxes they imposed on members that survived a month or longer under the URM banner.

Children weren't spared from the new URM regime either. If they had saved a child from zombies you can bet that the child would be put into a combat training program as soon as possible.

My Character Sheet:

Name: Willis Fruehstueck

Age: 48


Affiliations: Early URM

Personality: Willis has always had a laid-back disposition. He used to be very outspoken, and energetic. That changed when the looters decimated his house, and killed Willis' wife and daughter. Willis blamed himself for their deaths, as he had payed a fellow URM guard to patrol Willis' route that night while he searched for a truck with a working radio. The guard took the money, fled the URM, and sold out the locations of several URM bases to the looters to feed his heroin addiction.

Skill Points:

Strength: 4

Hunger: 3

Perception: 5

Technical: 8
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mortimer
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Mortimer Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Excellent, so what would you expect for a CS?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mortimer
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Mortimer Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Excellent, so what would you expect for a CS?

(Damn, sorry for the double post. I dunno what does this. It must be a bug.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zaresto
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Zaresto Can't Wake Up

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm just going to post to keep track of this thread and reserve a CS spot.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Emuxe
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Emuxe Addicted to italics.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'll make my CS after I have dinner. :3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nightwing


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

My CS should be up after my Basketball game, I'm really excited for this.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mysticbluekitten


Member Offline since relaunch

1 min making cs

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mysticbluekitten


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Donna Alwak

Age: 15

Appearance: A small girl. Her hair is a ragged brown mess and she has purple and black bags under her eyes. Her cheeks are hollow and her eyes seem to big for her face as a result of this. She is almost skin and bone, however, she is not completely starving. The clothes she wears are torn and ruined and do not provide much warmth.

Affiliations: Her mother joined the first URM with her brother, however, she was left behind.

Personality: Savage. Bitter. Cold. All she cares about is surviving. She was once a sweet, caring girl, however, days of near death encounters have taught her a life saving lesson. Trust no one.

Skill Points: Total of 20 to distribute, 10 point max per skill.

Strength: 3

Hunger: 7

Perception: 8

Technical: 2

ACCIDENTALLY double posted, used the opportunity for the CS
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by monstahunta


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Mysticbluekitten said
Name: Donna AlwakAge: 15Appearance: A small girl. Her hair is a ragged brown mess and she has purple and black bags under her eyes. Her cheeks are hollow and her eyes seem to big for her face as a result of this. She is almost skin and bone, however, she is not completely starving. The clothes she wears are torn and ruined and do not provide much warmth.Affiliations: Her mother joined the first URM with her brother, however, she was left behind.Personality: Savage. Bitter. Cold. All she cares about is surviving. She was once a sweet, caring girl, however, days of near death encounters have taught her a life saving lesson. Trust no one. Skill Points: Total of 20 to distribute, 10 point max per skill.Strength: 3Hunger: 7Perception: 8Technical: 2

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mysticbluekitten


Member Offline since relaunch

Thankyou :) Benn looking forward to a zombie apoc. RP :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nightwing


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Aiden Richard Cohen

Age: 27


His father had a friend in the URM, helping Aiden and his family as much as he could.

Aiden is a calm and even-tempered man. He has had a history of violence however, his depression had taken a toll on him. After the loss of his younger sister, he wasn't the same. Aiden had seen professional help and had found a cover to his emotions, able to bottle them and keep them sealed. Though he isn't as good at showing emotion anymore, he can still allow himself to get attached to things. Which, he tends to do often. He leans on people, or objects that he holds dear, making sure to keep them close. Perhaps a bit of a remnant of who he was before the "help". The Aiden who was open, and who was passionate. In the apocalypse, nobody seems too surprised at his clear 'wall' that he puts up, rarely letting anyone try to climb it.

Skill Points:

Strength: 7

Hunger: 6

Perception: 4

Technical: 3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by monstahunta


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Nightwing said
Name: Aiden Richard CohenAge: 27Appearance: Affiliations: His father had a friend in the URM, helping Aiden and his family as much as he could. Personality: Aiden is a calm and even-tempered man. He has had a history of violence however, his depression had taken a toll on him. After the loss of his younger sister, he wasn't the same. Aiden had seen professional help and had found a cover to his emotions, able to bottle them and keep them sealed. Though he isn't as good at showing emotion anymore, he can still allow himself to get attached to things. Which, he tends to do often. He leans on people, or objects that he holds dear, making sure to keep them close. Perhaps a bit of a remnant of who he was before the "help". The Aiden who was open, and who was passionate. In the apocalypse, nobody seems to surprised at his clear 'wall' that he puts up, rarely letting anyone try to climb it.Skill Points:Strength: 7Hunger: 6Perception: 4Technical: 3

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Emuxe
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Emuxe Addicted to italics.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Okay, NOW I'm going to make my CS.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Emuxe
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Emuxe Addicted to italics.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Beyonca Rae Schuldt


N.B.: She walks with somewhat of a limp due to a previous injury, having been shot in the hip (by the right side of her groin).


Beyonca is quite strong-willed, close to being full-blown stubborn: However, due to the new world she has found herself in, she's discovered that she can't get her own way all the time, and she needs to heed the advice of others at times. While she may seem to have a calm and hard demeanour, she is actually terrified of her surroundings and her new life. Having been alone for so long, after her family and friends were either driven mad or died, Beyonca can be awkward around new people, and has been known to run away from some people she has joined with - most of the time with no prior warning, she would just leave in the middle of the night when everyone was sleeping. Some supposed it was the fear of getting close to people, or the fear that she would again be hurt, for in the past her older brother was driven mad by the gas and went on a rampage, killing and harming some - including herself - before finally succumbing to his demise. Though she knows it's hard to survive by herself, she'd rather struggle with survival than get hurt again by companions.

Skill Points
Strength 4
Hunger 5
Perception 5
Technical 6
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by monstahunta


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Emuxe said
Beyonca Rae SchuldtSeventeenNil.Beyonca is quite strong-willed, close to being full-blown stubborn: However, due to the new world she has found herself in, she's discovered that she can't get her own way all the time, and she needs to heed the advice of others at times. While she may seem to have a calm and hard demeanour, she is actually of her surroundings and her new life. Having been alone for so long, after her family and friends were either driven mad or died, Beyonca can be awkward around new people, and has been known to run away from some people she has joined with - most of the time with no prior warning, she would just leave in the middle of the night when everyone was sleeping. Some supposed it was the fear of getting close to people, or the fear that she would again be hurt, for in the past her older brother was driven mad by the gas and went on a rampage, killing and harming some - including herself - before finally succumbing to his demise. Though she knows it's hard to survive by herself, she'd rather struggle with survival than get hurt again by companions. 4 5 5 6


(I'm really liking the diversity of our characters here. ^_^)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by monstahunta


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I guess I'll wait a couple more days to see if people who seemed interested actually make their character sheets, and then we'll start.

In the meantime I guess I can give you guys a more detailed look at our character's skills:

Willis is bad at fighting zombies without a gun due to his strength skill of 4, and unfortunately needs to feed more often than the others. If he goes 4 days without a meal, he's done for. With his high technical skill he can use any radios, pick locks, and repair equipment and guns.

Donna can live up to 10 days without a meal, and will be extremely lucky at finding things that others missed. Her low strength is going to mean that she can't get into a close quarters fight with the zombies, or she'll be in big trouble. She also will not be able to use un-mounted machine guns, and her low technical skills tend to make her accident prone around electrical equipment.

Aiden can break down doors, and if he has something heavy, he can break locks as well. His hunger stat of 6 means he can live 8 days without a meal, and his low technical skill is going to make his guns have a tendency to jam up a little more than usual.

Beyonca can last 7 days without food, and work any radios.

If you guys think that any of these are unfair, I'm more than open to suggestions on balancing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mysticbluekitten


Member Offline since relaunch

I'm fine with mine, I wanted Donna to be more of a scavenger than a fighter. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nightwing


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I'm also very happy with the outcome of my skill selection. Thanks!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sajones161


Member Offline since relaunch

Name:Josh Roden


Appearance:Tall, with brown hair and eyes, and a gaunt face.

Affiliations: Drifter, with no official affiliations to any group.

Personality: Josh has been on his own for as long as he can remember. Born, and soon thereafter orphaned, he has had to fend for himself since his early years. When the looting first began, Josh was caught up in the whirlwind of destruction, witnessing terrible things, as well as committing his own sins. Years of undependable 'friends' and bad luck have taught him to depend on himself, and he is naturally distrustful of others, viewing most people as weaker, dumber, and a waste of time. Despite this, he is eloquent and well-spoken, if callous and abrasive to those not used to him.


Hunger: 2
Strength: 2

Open to rebalancing skills if it's desired.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by monstahunta


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

sajones161 said
Name:Josh RodenAge:27Appearance:Tall, with brown hair and eyes, and a gaunt face. Affiliations: Drifter, with no official affiliations to any group. Personality: Josh has been on his own for as long as he can remember. Born, and soon thereafter orphaned, he has had to fend for himself since his early years. When the looting first began, Josh was caught up in the whirlwind of destruction, witnessing terrible things, as well as committing his own sins. Years of undependable 'friends' and bad luck have taught him to depend on himself, and he is naturally distrustful of others, viewing most people as weaker, dumber, and a waste of time. Despite this, he is eloquent and well-spoken, if callous and abrasive to those not used to him. Skills:Hunger: 2Technical:9Strength: 2Perception:7Open to rebalancing skills if it's desired.

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