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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

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Alexis looked up to see Alex, who she gave a little wave to. "Go for it." she said as she pulled out a pair of glasses, and put them on the end of her nose. "This is Dani by the way, she's my roomie." she added, figuring it was best to get that ice broken soon as possible case Alex freaked out again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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Rou looked up at the girl, startled. He furiously shook his he's side to side. "O-oh! Hi...no no nothing's wrong...just passing time until the class starts you know?" Rou raised his cap slightly. "W-whats your name?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Kasumi giggles a bit before introducing herself: "I'm sorry. My name is Kasumi. I'm guessing you're likely shy, right?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Alex plops into the seat that was next to Alexis. He was sitting on the other side of the seat that Dani was at, and greets Dani: "It's nice to meet you Dani. I saw your battle with Alexis on the first day. You're a very great fighter."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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Rou looked down at the desk again. "I-I'm not shy..." He mumbled, his insecurities getting the best of him. "I'm a perfectly normal and social person." He grumbled as his face turned redder.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Kasumi decided to tell him so he would feel a bit more at ease: "I was shy too at one point. Back when i was very little. It wasn't always easy being social considering where i came from. It's nothing to be ashamed of."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

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Rou sighed. "Fine...you win. Come sit next to me and maybe we can be friends." Rou set aside his tool and began scribbling down ideas for the gunpla he was going to build for class. What color should it be? And systems and weapons? Gunpla had so many possibilities, he'd never be able to test them all in his life time. He looked at Kasumi and his eyes narrowed. "And I'm not shy."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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She still had herbreakfast sandwhich and was about three quarters done with it as he spoke to her. Dani swallowed what she had in her mouth before speaking to him. "Pleased to meet you, I'm Dani." she said, situated in the spot next to alexis. "I'm not that good of a fighter, i'm just decent at builing. I still have a bit to master if i'm going to beat Alexis with that almost straight Musha.I still haven't used my mainstay yet.. hehe... hopefully i'm not disappointing when i use it" she said, scratching the back of her head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Alex was getting excited, thinking about what her mainstay was: "I'll be looking forward to that day."

Right then, the clock struck 10:00. The door near the front opens up, and in comes Instructor Ran, he was shorter than the other instructors for sure, but he would have that look on his face that showed fierce determination when talking about Gunpla Building. He stands behind the main desk and begins: "Good morning students. I'm glad to see you are all here on time. For those who had breakfast late and brought food, not to worry, you are allowed to eat anything as long as it doesn't disrupt the class or your work."

Alex thought in his mind: "Being able to eat while in class. Best. Class. Ever."

Ran continues: "As you know, yesterday we just went through a brief run through of how this class will work. Today, we will begin with the first lesson related to Gunpla. Building the model. Now, if you recall, yesterday you had filled out a form asking about what model you would like to build if had one. Thanks to the nearby model store for donating supplies..." He motions to the door, which slides open and Instructor Johnson walks in, pushing a cart filled with dozens upon dozens of Gunpla boxes as Ran continues: "We have gotten every model that was requested by you. As of today, these kits belong to you. You must take very good care of them and will be constantly evaluated throughout the course of the academy."

Some of the students were whispering, some were surprised. Others like Alexis however were aware about something like this since yesterday.

One of the student's raised their hand asking: "Are we allowed to modify anything, like add equipment and such."

Ran knew someone would ask that and answers: "The answer, is a big N-O. No. The models here are intended to be built straight from the box. You can only equip the model with equipment that came in the box. Anything added on that is not in the original model, and the builder will flunk this part of the course."

Most of the students all replied with: "WHAT?!" They weren't expecting this at all.

The instructor knew he would have to better explain this: "This is all necessary for becoming better builders, and in turn it will help you become better fighters. For some of you, you do have plenty of experience with model building. For others, this is a chance to relearn what you have learned, with secrets and tips that we will share to make what comes out of the box, more appealing. Sometimes it takes just the smallest tune of the poly cap or sanding down parts that will make all the difference."

Another students decides to ask: "Are we allowed to custom paint them?"

Ran looks at Johnson, and both nod as Johnson decides to answer: "After today, you are allowed to custom color the units as long as you follow the rule of not adding any new equipment."

Ran then continues: "Now, we will start by passing out everyone's Gunpla kits. Each box will have your name written on the side."

With that, Ran and Johnson begin passing out kits to the students. The models were all over the series, with those from Mobile Suit Gundam, to Gundam Wing, 00 Gundam, Gundam Unicorn, Victory Gundam, G Gundam, Gundam SEED, and Zeta Gundam. You named it, there was likely a suit from it in the pile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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Dani had only a few bites left of her sandwich but cleared out her mouth of the food by swallowing again. She held up her hand with a question. "The model trees that the parts come off of, are we allowed to use them in the kit? And second questions: Why are we not allowed to modify them? The Meijin's own stance on Gunpla is that 'Gunpla is freedom'. I understand the values of just doing a straight build, but there becomes a point where any gunpla builder that competes in the championship will modify their gunpla in the slightest to accomodate personal fighting style and taste. If it truly is our gunpla that we live through, then why must we mold ourselves to stone designs and comprimise what our style might be instead of reaching amidway point with the model? Even after some time in the class, there has to be a point where we can modify them and allow us to be graded upon what we have done to improve the suit beyond its own capabilities. Respectfully ofcourse." she commented, taking a breath after finishing her wall of words.

"This also isn't to forget the abilities of such gunpla that possess the AGE system, which itself is almost vital to the sucess of the gunpla, since the gunpla itself is developing equipment to suit its current needs. In that respect, one could say adding equipment to an age gundam would simply be following the model's own design." The girl added quickly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As Dani went on her tangent, Alexis got up to go collect ... what ever kit it was she wrote down. She literally had no idea what she wrote down, so when she got to her turn and the teachers aid handed her an RG Wing Zero Custom she was a little surprised. Kit in hand she went back to her seat. "Apparently ... I picked Wing Zero." she said as she showed the box with the angelic Gundam to Dani.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

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Sakuya heard all of the murmers from the crowed and as she thought about it from one standpoint it made sense it would allow them to gain better control and knowledge on limited items and so forth. Though also going by that they also limit the growth of a person as a builder and a fighter. "Sir I dont mean to speak up but doing this seems counter productive. I admit using a straight build has its benefits though it also limits the fighter. Gunpla should grow and change along with pilot as they learn what works and what doesn't they learn the limits of their gunpla and as such will try to reach out more. Which they do through modification of the gunpla adding to it and losing pieces all the while making it more in tune with the pilot." Sakuya spoke up it was honestly bothering a little bit though as she grabbed her model box of the XM-X1 Crossbone Gundam X-1 Kai Kai "Skull Heart" otherwise known as the Crossbone Gundam Full Cloth. This was her personal favorite gundam it was fast and with good defense not to mention its main weapons were designed for multiple situations allowing it to cover all main fields since it could attack with both short range and long range.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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The class was nearly quiet till Johnson starts to talk: "Well Ms. Hatashi, you are indeed right. Gunpla is freedom. No doubt you take the ideas passed by the Meijin. I know what we ask for you, for all of you to do may be something you're not used to. However, just by having a unit that goes beyond the limits of imagination, does not mean you are always guaranteed for success in battle."

This was based on personal experience the two had encountered. A while back, they had witnessed a fight where one piloted used an HG model of a Geara Zulu, just straight built and nothing added on, and it fought two customized units from the After War Gundam X timeline... and the Zulu defeated both opponents without much damage to it. Taking the boy who won under their wing, teaching some hidden tricks, training with time in straight assembly units and soon combining it with a Gunpla he would later customized, he was nearly invincible.

Even Alex was aware of how the slightest changes could improve performance, since he had fought most of his battles with his Star AGE gundam being almost nothing more than a recolored AGE-1 Normal. Even after adding both the Starlight program and also the Glansa armor, the AGE was still technically close to being a straight assembly model.

Ran explains as well: "But not everything ever goes perfect. Anything that could possibly go wrong will go wrong, and that's when you must trust on the skills you have yourself, but if you trust on the equipment too much, that will cause you to fail. We should know. After all, we saw a straight assembly model of a Geara Zulu take on two custom Gundams from the Gundam X series, and defeat them both with only light damage to the suit."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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"With all due respect sensei, that's a fallacy you're using to defend your point with your experience. All number of factors go into winning a battle, a suit's quality is one thing and so is a fighter's capabilities, field being another and so on and so forth. Skills in battle can carry you with a straight build and that is acceptable to some people. Others love Gunpla for what it is and how you can express yourself with it, which brings me to my next point." she explained to the teachers. This is when she put her chair into motion and drove across the room to fetch her Victory 2 Buster Assault gundam. Then she drove her wheelchair back across the room and to her position before resuming her comment.

"Now i never claimed that it could bring success just because it was custom, my concern is that, much echoing the other female who spoke after myself, that the best results come from being as closely in tune with your gunpla as possible so that you know every movement and inch of it without having to consciously conform to it." Hatashi explained, gingerly setting down the box. "I will say this and swear by it. If i fight you with this straight build, either of you two professors, you won't feel much. But the second Block is on the field, you will find my heart and soul in that gunpla. It is exactly in the image i want it to be and i only see myself out there on the field, fighting the others. I may have lost my ability to walk a few years ago, but i've found and now live gunpla out on the field and even in the heat of battle. I can express my feelings, emotions, desires and walk out there." the girl continued on in her speech as her eyes had fires roaring behind them now. "So unless you love those straight build gunpla as much as yourself or your own children, i challenge you to try and defeat my spirit the gunpla i built brings to the field." she said, putting a fist to her chest and over her own heart in her determination and solidity. "My offer is open any time."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis snickered "Oh I'd paid money to see the looks on those guys faces." she commented as she pushed her glasses up and started going over the parts trees and instructions. "And speaking form my own experiences, skill is much more likely to get you the win then some fancy gimmick. or gimmicks, in some cases." she added to the instructors point.

With all the parts accounted for she put the bottom in the lid, with the lid facing down so she could start grabbing parts once they could start building.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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All Ran replied was: "I believe you're going to fit in quiet well here Ms. Hatashi."

Alex went over to pick up his box. As he turns, Instrustor Ran whispers to him: "You can learn a lot from her. As I'm sure she can learn from you Mr. Taylor."

Alex was a bit confused on what he mean by that, but heads back over to the desk.

With the models gathered, Ran continued: "Alright. At each of your desks, you have all the basic tools you'll need to help put together your models. You also will have some more advanced tools for those who are better skilled with putting together Gunpla. If you need anything, just call, and one of us will come over to help out. Take all the time you need to put together your model."

Alex sits down back at his seat and asks: "So what did you two get for models?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

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Sakuya agreed with Hatashi it was a fallacy on their part to put their own experience into others shoes. "Look" she spoke up to the teachers ignoring their offered tools in favor of her own. "I have to say I agree with Hatashi it is fallacy but rather more than not you bring up a interesting point one that I might concede to but I for one am not going to back down "I will show you that the potential of humanity as a whole is not be to looked down upon." With that said though I shall take a lose but note this war is far from over" She finished all the while quietly assembling and clipping the pieces from the gates.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Zero" Alexis said as she lifted her box to show Alex the top of it. "Not my first choice, but eh, since I don't remember actually writing it down, I'm happy with the surprise." she said as she started pulling the plastic wrapping off the parts trees, since why not really. "Besides, Zero is my brothers favorite." she said, then paused, figuring a little explanation was needed. "He's from the 'Toonami' generation of Gundam fans. Gundam Wing was his first so Zero is still his favorite. What about you, what you get?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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"Victory 2 Assault Buster." Dani commented, a bit of an annoyed tone as she seemed to be brushed off somewhat. "Grr.... i wish i could wipe that attitude off of them... show them what a soul and mind can do to a gunpla's abilities..." she grumbled to herself as she felt her feeling boiling inside of her, taking apart the box and setting about spreading out all of her trees. Then she got out block, setting the Guntank on the table. it was a fairly standard build of it at first glance, the paint and stickers appearing rather average, but upon close inspection. Everything on the tank, inscriptions and logos were all painted onto it. There were no seams from plastic molding anywhere visible on the tank and they could see small lines, which were actuall panel seams that all seemed to be capable of opening. It was clear it was her baby.

Dani then went along, savaging the trees as she read the instructions and began to aggressively assemble the model. She seemed to be going at a blistering pace and it was showing in a poor quality of build, none of the edges being sanded and small bits of tree still attached here and there on the leg she was working on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Alex had that glint in his eye as he answers: "Only the suit of suits in its time. *he reveals the box* The ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam!"

The box was that of the HG SEED remastered, odd since he didn't choose the RG model of the same Gundam.

Alex continues to explain about the Gundam, obviously a big fan of it: "One of ZAFT's ZGMF-X series mobile suits, the Freedom was given to Kira Yamato by Lacus Clyne. With Phase shift armor, twin plasma beam cannons, a Lupis beam rifle, twin CIWS, twin beam sabers, and twin Rail cannons, the Freedom's could disable a large group of standard mobile suits with ease. It is no doubt one of the..."

(Likely the point he would get interrupted)
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