I really like your character's abilities. I just want to make it very clear that one would not be selected for this program if they showed tenancy to not follow orders. Charging in ahead before plans are made (presumably due to impatience) is grounds for demotion and/or dismissal in most armed forces in real-life. Saffron would not and will not get away with disorderly conduct of any kind.
No problem. Saffron's an experienced military officer and understands her place in the chain of command. Having said that, in situations where she's under her own recognisance she's more likely to choose a straightforward approach rather than a stealthy one.
For example, when told to defend an area she'll use offense as the best defense to take out her targets before they can undermine her position. This could mean she'll get pulled out of position and into an ambush, or that she'll get outflanked by overwhelming odds, but that's the risk of using such a high-profile tactic and I'd leave it upto you as GM to decide whether she'd get herself into hot water or not.