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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Warbozz
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Warbozz The explained

Member Seen 21 days ago

Name:Edward Lamillo




Title/Nickname:Sir/The Kind

Kingdom of birth: Li Lian

Worship: Mother


Magical affinity: Stone and water

Skills: Trained swordsman and caster. Heavy armor combat. Impact warfare. Flower arranging.

Equipment: Heavyset greatsword and bulky armor.

Favorite spells: Lightening and increasing the weight of his armor and sword when the time calls for it. Also liquefies his sword at times to pass cracks in armor.

Character backround history: There are hardly many who haven´t heard of Edward the kind. Grandmaster of arcane knights order, an devout follower of the goddess Mother. Tales of his unselfish deeds and victorious battles have been sung in many taverns troughout Sophitia. Lately these heroic tales have been slowly turning into hushed rumours and gossiping. Many question Edwards decision to not ally the order officially with Kingdom of Silvercliff as it is their home afterall. Some are even murmuring of his foreign origins as he was born far in the east at Li Lian and got his early training there, as an soldier and caster of the water essence. Most importantly they whisper of his relation to Al Zidoan assassin Hastuk the unseen, an ages old friend to Edward. At such an politically sensitive time Edward didn´t need to think twice when Hastuk came to seek shelter within the order for unknown reasons. Indeed within Silvercliff there are many who believe Hastuk will make an move on Kings own life one day and Edward is fully in the know of such things. In midst of all this controversy only one thing is for sure, neither Edwards strong sense of justice or his warm smile have faded one bit.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Narrator
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The Narrator The friendly Voice inside your Head

Member Seen 6 days ago

Everyone sees something different in my tattoos. For most it is their death though...

Name: Khar

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 37

Title: The Marked Champion

Kingdom of birth: Born in Li Lian

Worship: Praying is for the weak. A man must fight his own battles.


Magical affinity: Khar's body is covered in Tattoos, always winding, always drawing themselves new. These Tattoos can however become reality, piercing, black like the night, out of his skin as whatever Khar desires.

Skills: Khar is an excellent fighter. He prefers bladed weapons from Li Lian. Through the years the one thing that kept him alive is his martial prowess and his magical tattoos, mostly the combination of these two. He might be middle-aged, but he still is in a peak physical condition. He also is incredibly skilled in unarmed combat, he might lack the grace of an Li Lian master but he makes up for it by being just as effective and twice as brutal.

Equipment: His Weapon, a few daggers, no armor. Armor is for the weak, slows one down.

Favorite spells: He likes to use his tattoos as chains, sprouting from his chest, trapping his enemy's. Also spikes and jaws in hand to hand combat.

Character background history: Born in Li Lian as the son to a silk farmer, Khar was unsatisfied. He joined a local gang in his youth. When he killed a son of some important feline folk he joined a mercenary company and left. He was 12 at that time. He learned to fight against monsters and warriors alike, earning his tattoos as payment for protecting a reclusive village. One day his company was hired to attack a small clan in the Jarl Tundra. The company got nearly completely wiped out by the surprisingly resilient clansmen. Khar was captured and the 18 year old was thrown in Guhraca, the infamous prison in the Tundra. For the next 14 years he fought for his live in the prison, becoming a champion in the pit fights and making an legend out of himself.
When he finally was set free as price for winning an battle royal he decided it was time to put his skills to use and search stronger fighters to train with. And who is stronger than the Knights?

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by BR8K
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Quill

Gender: Up to speculation, often defaults to “he” but "she" is fairly frequent

Race: Beast

Age: Vaguely-Twenties

Title/Nickname: Jester Quill/Quill the Grin

Kingdom of birth: Even Quill doesn’t know the answer to this one. At some point he began to be passed off and off between various nomadic peoples. He’d gladly lie though, and say he’s from anywhere that suits him.

Worship: Quill purports to worship just about any god that suits the situation he’s in. He might praise one god for a joke, or blaspheme another to get a rise out of someone. Though he definitely believes they exist, he is not, personally, a big fan of any of them.

Appearance: Tall and thin, a wiry and feminine frame wrapped in a few layers of lean but practiced muscle. His hair is long and fluffy and fiery red, and two abnormally large hare-ears of the same color fall behind his head, a stark call to his bestial genes. His eyes are blue and icy, and it might be hard to stare at them for very long in the right light.

Though for the most part his clothes are light and flowing, two things Quill is never seen without are the overly-large-brimmed hat atop his head, and the grin that never seems to leave his face.

Magical affinity: Only Wind, but quite skilled with it.

Skills: For combat—Wind affinity, swift strikes, quick and agile.
Out of combat—Fairly good singer, silver-tongued, good storyteller

Equipment: Equipment: Quill’s weapon consists of two forms, a single-handed curved and notched blade, and a gnarled scythe. Often he wields the blade alone, and keeps the staff portion in its folded position at his side, but for the instances where he needs the extra reach, he can attach the blade to the end of the staff by its handle, locking it in place and extending the staff out into its full length. The wood, while scratched, neither splinters nor cracks, and the blade though weathered shows equal signs of integrity. Quill won’t say where he got the weapon, but it clearly isn’t his, its grim nature a contrast to his bright and jovial presented self.

Favorite spells: Presently, Quill’s affinity is used mostly for mobility. He tends to keep moving on the battlefield, preferring quick hit-and-run strikes and swift counters. Though he can to some extent deflect and/or propel objects with wind, most of his magical prowess is apparent in the mobility it offers.

Character background history: Quill is not fond of people, perhaps that’s why he’s a jester, –or was anyway– so that he could mock them openly without causing too much of a fuss. Born of the affair between a bestial and a human, Quill spent most of his early life transitioning from roaming group to roaming group, being raised by just about whoever could be arsed to do so until they grew tired of it, and shoved him along. He heard a lot of mockery for his appearance, and was called a “mutt” most places he went. In his early teens he spent a lot of time shadowing with gangs and street-clans.

Quill will never gives a straight or consistent answer as to how he learned to fight as he does. Though his stories often include being taught by a nomad called Sienne, sometimes they are a woman, others a man, sometimes a monster and sometimes a figment of his imagination. Whatever the case, everything between Quill’s earliest teenage years and the current time is a blur, and by now, Quill probably believes half the lies he tells about it anyway.

Whatever the case, his motives for joining the order are nearly as cloudy. He changes his answer a lot, but he’s more interested in what others’ reasons are, anyway. In fact, unless prompted, Quill seems to go out of his way to avoid being the topic of a conversation that doesn’t involve some kind of antic or another.

By my knighthood I swear: I Swear To Enjoy This~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Warbozz
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Warbozz The explained

Member Seen 21 days ago





Title/Nickname:The Unseen

Kingdom of birth: Al Zidoa

Worship: Devout follower of Sand


Magical affinity: Sand

Skills: Hastuk is legendary in his covert abilities and cruelty with his longswords.

Equipment: Robes of an Al Zidoan assassin. two longswords both bearing the scorpion symbol of sand.

Favorite spells: Hastuk has been known to vanish in scorching hot swirling sand, only appearing behind his opponents to deliver the last blow. He revels in his own sandstorms watching them tear into his opponents.

Character backround history: It has been two years since that night when Hastuk arrived to the order of his old friend Edward bleeding badly from multiple sword wounds, whispering on his arrival only the name "Viper." Since then Hastuk has been something like honored guest within the order not really belonging but occasionally given command of newer knights by Edward. Hastuk has served the order honorably time and time again even if only to pay back debt of gratitude to Edward, and now his presence there is a well know fact within all kingdoms and only few question his authority. As for his reasons of being there, only him and Edward know for sure.

By my knighthood I swear: By Sand I swear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Tuyta

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 45

Title/Nickname: Admiral Tuyta

Kingdom of birth: Originally born in the Jarl Tundra, but quickly moved to a small village near Silvercliff after his birth.

Worship: Worships steel somewhat, but not devoutly. More like a small belief in him.


Magical affinity: Water, Ice

Skills: What is your character good at? put weapons and military training here if any.
Tuyta has an engrossing amount of experience on the high seas. He is an excellent ship captain and knows how to keep cool under pressure. He is extremely experienced with his long cutlass and is known for fighting without a shield.

Equipment: Tools to conquer an savage world. Put enchanted magitech here if you have any.
-His specially made 'Long Cutlass' named 'Tidehunter'. Essentially a cutlass but extended in length and slightly bigger in the actual size of the blade.
-One canteen
-Enough 'Dosh' as he calls it to last him for about four weeks in a relatively good inn.

Favorite spells:
Tuyta's spells mostly involve getting his enemies wet enough to freeze them or knocking them over with the sheer force of water.

Character backround history:
Tuyta was born to a trader family in the icy Jarl Tundra. His family had traded there under the presumption that because no one ever went to trade with a chieftain they would be able to trade with them and in return charge much higher prices. They were, of course, wrong. The chieftains practically killed them as soon as they were spotted and they barely escaped with their lives. Taking a pregnant woman to a camp filled probably wasn't the best decision in hindsight. They quickly returned to Silvercliff, but were at a loss to do now as it was too dangerous to take a mere baby on the roads with them.

They eventually settled with living on Tuyta's grandfathers farm, where Tuyta was raised. Tuyta's upbringing was hard. He woke up at 6am every day to help with his farm duties and went to his 'school' immediately after finishing work. His 'school' was essentially his grandmother teaching him how to read and write every day up until his twelfth birthday. It was at this point that he discovered his true calling in life, the high seas.

He was sent out into Silvercliff in order to buy more grain to expand the farm with. He stumbled upon a military parade while doing this, including Silvercliff's navy. He saw the men in their uniforms, with their swords and their medals and it inspired him. He ran to the docks in an effort to see their grand ships. Unfortunately, only the smaller ships were there, but nonetheless he was awestruck by them. He travelled home that night a bit later than usual, and his family took notice. They enquired as to why he was so late, and he explained that he had seen the most amazing thing he'd ever seen in his life, and that when he was of age he'd join the navy and eventually buy his own ship. His family didn't approve, they wanted him to follow in their trades of farming or trading. Tuyta didn't care though, he was set on joining the navy.

And that's just what he did. On the eve of his sixteenth birthday, Tuyta applied for the navy and was accepted in the week later. He said farewell to his family and was shipped of to training, if you'll pardon the pun. The training regime was harsh and strict, but it was what was needed in order to produce a navy that wouldn't turn tail and run at every battle. He was eventually placed on a ship as one of the crew under Captain Briches. Briches took a shine to Tuyta and gradually promoted him up the ship over the course of 3 years until the point where he was first mate. Briches taught Tuyta everything he knew, which included everything he knew about combat and of course, the monsters that plagued the depths.

Surprisingly, there were very few monsters that appeared during Tuyta's six years as a first mate. Now and then they'd encounter a 'small' monster seeking to tear the ship in half, but these were usually taken care of using a cannon or two. It was only when Tuyta became the captain of his own ship that he encountered his most determined and difficult foe to that day. He was made a captain after Briches had recommended him to one of the admirals at the time. The admiral took note of Tuytas skill and when a new ship was free he was put in charge of said ship. He was set to patrol the outer rim of the Silvercliff territory, probably the most monster infested area within Silvercliff. The first few encounters were easily dealt with, any that actually managed to make it on board where slain by the joint effort of the crew. But there was one monster that kept coming back, one Tuyta would affectionately name 'Barnacle'. Barnacle became stronger and stronger every time he returned, to the point where he had actually concaved the middle of the upper deck and gave Tuyta the scar that rests upon his forehead. Tuyta realised something had to be done and he commissioned a special sword used to combat Barnacle while his ship was being repaired. He named his new sword 'Tidehunter' and set out to find and slay barnacle.

Barnacle appeared soon enough and after a lengthy struggle on the deck of the ship he was finally slain. Tuyta dismembered and beheaded Barnacle before bringing him back to the mainland and selling his meat to whomever would buy it. Barnacle never came back. Tuyta commanded his ships along the out regions until he was about 30. At this point he was recognized for his efforts in stopping any of the monsters from reaching the mainland or even the shores of Silvercliff. He was given a second ship to command, and then a third, and then a fourth, this eventually grew into a fleet that he commanded solely. He still patrolled the outer rim, but had a big influence on any wars and any naval operations going on. He grew in reputation and respect over the years, eventually retiring when he was 40. He planned to retire to a farm, like his grandfather and spend the rest of his days detached from the world. But he quickly grew impatient and restless. He was eager to jump back into the fray and get some danger back into his life. Luckily, he was sought out by Edward Kind and recruited into the Order of Arcane Knights.
By my knighthood I swear: I Swear
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Name: Alexander Atreides

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 42

Title/Nickname: The Wanderer

Kingdom of birth: Born to the dark forests inbetween kingdoms.

Worship: Sworn to the god Steel.


Magical affinity:
Primary: Steel
Secondary: Shadow

Atreides is a cautious, methodical fighter who approahces each battle with care and focus. Never to underestimate and never one to waste time mincing words with his foes, the Wanderer has two very distinct styles of combat, but both have points that can be drawn from both. He is a strong and, facing single foes, deceptively fast fighter, able to bring overwhelming force upon single foes, and sweeping devastation against massed foes, and it takes several moments to move from one stance to the other, which can be a weakpoint if spotted. The man uses his shadow magic to create fear in foes, each blow they might land billowing black, twisted shadows rather than blood, only adding to the illusion of a juggernaut of inhuman nature.

When facing massed numbers of foes, Atreides takes his grand blade and wields it in wide, sweeping blows that carry great weight and power, carving swathes of damage with each blow. While this stance can keep large numbers at bay, this is a foolhardy approach towards fast, single targets as they can easily dance around the swinging blows. To further dissuade foes from trying to move in between sweeps, black shadows billow from the blade and armor of the Wanderer, creating a nightmare image towards common thugs and warriors. This stance cannot rightly hold off an army for too long, as it expends energy, both arcane and physical, at a sometimes alarming rate. The stance is as many parts scaring away the massed numbers of foes as it is killing as many, and one would therefore, perhaps rightly, assume he is more comfortable in a single fight then facing massed armies alone.

When facing a single, skilled foe, such grand theatrics and wide, sweeping blows are ill suited. When coming against such a foe, Atreides must arrest his momentum from such wild swings and shift into his other stance, a more deliberate and calculating stance, each blow far more controlled, and rarely equal in savage strength to the former stance, but far more reliable and safe for himself in the long run. This control and precision costs him when swarmed, and the moments it takes to get momentum up can be dangerous to the man within if taken advantage of. Enemies who are equals in skill that can last long fights also are dangerous, even in this stance, as it seems for each strong and controlled blow Atreides makes in this form, it is not unusual to see such duels last far too long, as the caution he holds in this stance might sacrifice chances at ending the conflict sooner.

Ancestoral Plate Armor: A family heirloom, or so Atreides claims, the armor has a far darker origin, having been worn at the time of his whole blood families death by something that the current owner refuses to identify, letting rumors abound.

Old Grandblade: Bearing no name, this weapon is older than its current owner by many generations, and has long become attuned with the shadows that are often en-scrolled around its blade, to the degree that only Shadow and Steel spheres of magic can be channeled through it, other magic failing to even manifest from its blade.

Favorite spells:

Shadow Form: Far more intricate then the name would give away, the form simply hides the injuries to flesh and blood, that punch through his armor, by issuing out blinding, disoreintating shadow, while each stroke of his blade painted inky shadows like paint on canvas. The man is indeed but flesh and bone beneath his armor, and the shadows may be but momentary distractions to the wise, but what foe needs to know that?

Steel Form: By taking the lost equipment of the dead, or rarely volunteered, he can reform the damage done to his own armor and blade, creating the illusion of this shadowy knight walking through a field of dead men, armor rotting away and restoring the form of the Atreides. Smoke and mirrors, maybe, but a battle lost in the mind is already lost before swords are crossed.

Character backround history: The black forests between kingdoms hold a many great secret, some hostile to the kingdoms of the realm, some not so much. The Wanderer Alexnader Atreides is one such enigma. Born to lordless natives within the forests, they survived by cunning and guile alone, walking the paths unwelcome to most. Such wanderers could stumble upon things better left undiscovered, and as a young Atreides would find out, the armor and blade that are his trademarks were such a thing. In a hidden, abandoned place in such lands, a decrepit keep was found by the Atreides brood, both father, mother, and various children of age were scouting for new paths to use between the kingdoms. Such hidden paths out of sight of the kingdoms were always valuable, as they could escape most common troops and thugs such ways, if the needs demanded it. Opening the place, against the warnings in place, the wanderers found an apparently decrepit suit of armor and ruined blade, both of which arose as if possessed.

The blade and armor claimed all he held dear at the time, his small family of wanderers all, in a fierce series of clashes that left the young boy injured but undaunted. He stood in the dark place, torch in one hand, blade in the other. His wounds were grave, but he refused to let his own hubris and mistakes free the shadows within. The torch did him no good, nor did the blade, leaving him with his own affinities of shadow and steel. Reforming his blade from the ruined equipment of his family, and hiding his own place with the shadows against those of the armor, the clash lasted far longer than it should have. The ultimate outcome was the man's survival, but the details are kept vague. Some might think Steel interceded on his behalf, against all odds as the only hope he had of survival. Others, that the armor accepted the grief stricken young man as its new keeper, a curse hidden as a blessing, or a reward costing too much. Whatever the truth may be, the Wanderer would not speak of it, instead cautioning those who would walk hidden paths to tread carefully, as some things were not meant to be found again.

Whatever the truth, as dangerous or harmless as it may be, Atreides eventually walked out of the dark places between kingdoms, crossing paths with the Order of Arcane Knights. He followed them back to their temple, where he swore service unending to the Order. Whether this was an attempt to atone for his failures, or to free himself prematurely in glorious battle, has yet to be seen. But whatever the task given, he would see it out to completion, regardless of the cost to himself or others. This has made him a mixed blessing when arriving somewhere. A blessing, as a situation would be resolved by the Order. A curse, as the resolution might not be as clean or kind as some might hope. But he follows his orders to the letter, and if that means violence or peace, it means little either way to Atreides. Or seems to mean little, his tales usually don't add up completely, leaving others to wonder how much truth is within that armor. Or, to some, how much man remains within that old armor.

By my knighthood I swear: On Steel and Shadow do I swear fealty until death and beyond its cold grasp.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"No, really, this like ACTUALLY my weapon."

Name Elizabeth Greenbell
Titles Lady Greenbell / "Giant Slayer Liz" / "The Green Devil"

Gender Female
Race Human
Age 24

Birthplace Silvercliff
Worship N/A

Elizabeth looks pretty much exactly how she acts. Energetic, aggressive, overconfident and completely crazy. The only thing missing is the green, which is present on pretty much everything she has, including both her hair and eyes. She stands at about 5'5, small for a Knight, and rarely wears any sort of bulky clothing or armour. Her dress is often quite revealing, and she rarely wears the frilly or billowing clothing expected of her gender, due to how such clothes would get in the way of fighting.

Her clothing is all made from treated Giant Skin, enemies that she has slain in the past, save for the single pair of goggles which she wears whenever in combat (also green, with clear lenses).

Magical affinity Wind, Steel
  • Noblewoman's Education (Reading, Writing, Court Manners, Etiquette, Decoration)
  • Formal battle training (Through the Order, including magical education)
  • Combat experience (Monster-hunting especially)
  • Practical skills (Sewing, Basic First-aid, Cooking, Camp-making, Survival skills)
  • Her signature weapon, the Giant's Cleaver, which is an immense axe of forged steel capable of cutting through a giant's limb with ease when swung. Its immense weight makes it unwieldable under normal circumstances.
  • Enchanted pack on her back, which decreases the weight of whatever it carries. Invaluable for transporting the Giant's Cleaver, which fits onto the straps on the side.
  • Side-pack, which carries the rest of her basic gear (First-aid equipment, survival equipment, emergency rations, equipment for maintaining her weapon, an eyeglass)
  • Her purse (Contains paper and a portable pen, with ink. Also contains enough of Silercliff's national currency for her to be able to stay at an inn with good food for two weeks.)
Favoured Spells Liz favours spells which reduce her and her equipment's weight, as well as use Wind to enhance and modify her movement. She may also employ body and weapon reinforcement, or bursts of defensive or offensive wind to confuse her foes. Notably, she's extremely capable at combining rapid-movement and timely weight manipulation in order to blitz her foes with blazing speed and attack before they're prepared to defend.

Hailing from the noble family of Greenbell, from the Township of Greenbell, Elizabeth has always been pampered and spoiled like any princess would. However, no matter how much her family tried to groom her into the perfect noblewoman, little Liz had other ideas in mind. Head filled with fanciful tales of Monster-slaying and Knighthood, Liz eventually grew out of her spoiled-child phase and left her household immediately after reaching womanhood, moving in to the local Garrison and learning under the warriors at that town. Her actions were tolerated, mostly because she wouldn't accept it any other way, and soon enough she began her Knight's training at the age of Thirteen.

For several years, she trained under the local soldiers, until one day she managed to attract the affections of a travelling Knight from the Capital. Hearing that she aimed to become a great Knight herself, the man took her along with him, and the two of them began a lengthy romantic journey across the Kingdom of Silvercliff and a few neighbouring townships.

One night, when the moon was shrouded in darkness and a storm shook the night air, the odd couple awoke to find that something had crept up on their camp while they were lost in eachother's embrace.

It was a Giant.

The proceeding fight was the bloodiest and most frightening in Elizabeth's history, and to this date, most of it is still but a foggy, blurry memory, inter-cut with several sharp, intense scenes as lightning lit up the scene of the battle. She remembers these instants vividly.

The Giant's foot comes down. She throws wind in its face. It swings its fist. She dodges, cutting it along the wrist in the process. She's in its clutches, its other hand had come clawing out of the darkness to catch her by surprise. Her knight jumps from his spot on an outcrop, cleaving the beast's hand from its arm. The world tumbles.

For as vivid as her memories of this time are, all of it seemed to blur together, the order of events becoming twisted and obscure. By the end of it, she had broken her left arm, and her knight... would probably never walk again. At least, that's what she thought, and he has since grown strong enough to be able to walk and move normally. Although, he still has a ways to go before he's up to his old level.

Since that date, however, Liz has devoted much of her life to the pursuit of Monster Slaying above all else. She did eventually become an esteemed knight, and her favoured occupation earned her a great, powerful weapon, with which she could easily chase her most sought-after foe.


By my knighthood I swear "I swear to kick ALL of the giant's asses."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The15thSpycrab


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Yeldar Dragonhelm the Younger

Gender: Male

Race: Dwarf

Age: 78

Title/Nickname: Lovingly given the nickname "Junior", by his clan, Yeldar the Younger has been known as "Sir Junior" ever since joining the Order.

Kingdom of birth: Hailing from the Dwarven citadel of Dragonhelm, underneath the Greybark ridge to the northeast, Yeldar has been a legal resident of Silvercliff for almost 7 years.

Worship: Along with all members of the Dragonhelm clan, Yeldar honors and seeks guidance from his deceased ancestors. He keeps a carving of his 7th-great grandmother in his pack, in case he ever needs to ask a question.

Magical affinity: Lightning (Active combat) and Fire (Enchanting).

Years of combat training and experience from fighting the endless battle for the halls of Dragonhelm. Yeldar's particular style of fighting involves staying at a distance and destroying or at least putting multiple holes in whatever he faces. If it should come to close quarters, he relies on the use of his Shock spell or simply crushes his opponent in classic dwarven bear-hug style.

Yeldar is also skilled in metal craftsmanship, diplomacy, and trade, with a shrewd eye and an even better memory.

Equipment: Yeldar carries only one artifact, a six-shot pistol built by his great-uncle. Rather than utilising the inefficient and easily-damaged blasting powder common to bandits and other hopeful gunmen, this weapon uses a special semi-arcane blend called Dragonfire to propel its projectiles. Dragonfire generates enough speed for the steel bullets to easily pierce leather and chain armor, and if properly aimed, even through steel plate. Aided by Yeldar's spells, his bullets are enchanted to more devestating effect, able to explode and deal additional damage to armored targets.

The dwarf's pack contains other equipment necessary for journeying and survival: Flint and tinder, food, maps, skinning knife, cooking pots, and a simple first-aid kit. While not carrying a great deal of money on his person, he can often write a traders note to the local merchant's guilds in return for the local currency.
(Merchants traveling to Dragonhelm can then redeem the trader's note for more than its face value. Many guilds take this as a form of investment, especially if the signature on the note has good credit.)

Favorite spells:
Shock: Using his Lightning affinity, Yeldar casts short-range or direct contact arcs of electricity to stun or injure opponents who get close. Increasing the range on this spell requires more effort, so Yeldar prefers to use the more-effective pistol when able.

Heated Bullet: Casting short-duration enchantments on his bullets, Yeldar can cause them to superheat on impact with the target, either exploding or burning holes through the enemy. This is also effecting for clearing barriers, disrupting combat, and signalling.

Character backround history:
Born the youngest son of the Dragonhelm clan chief, Yeldar the Younger would have to force his way through all 17 of his older siblings to have a shot at the council head. Not that he didn't think about it a few times, especially after a long night of teasing and alcohol, Yeldar loved his family too much to ever try for the position. Instead, he followed 5 of his brothers into military training for a few dozen years, had a brief stint as merchant for another 18, then opened up a silversmith shop in Silvercliff for a few years. Hearing word of the Order, and feeling the call for adventure once more, Yeldar sold his shop to a cousin and moved to the capital to join The Order of Arcane Knights.

By my knighthood I swear: "I swear, on my grand-father's grave, that I will uphold the code, banner, and laws of the Order of Arcane Knights."

Other: Yeldar is very wealthy, due to his past as a trader and silversmith, but keeps all of his money stored at his family's home in Dragonhelm. As stated above, he uses trader's notes to obtain local currency, but this can backfire if the local guild refuses his note.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Classified
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Classified Classified Information

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Arthur Crestshield

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 32

Title/Nickname: The Noble One, Lionheart

Kingdom of birth: Silvercliff

Worship: Arthur was raised to believe in the god Steel but he does not believe in him nor any other god that is known, he believes there is a true God that he is yet to find


Magical affinity: Ice mainly and also Lightning but to a lesser extent

Skills: Trained to fight wielding a broad sword and also with a bow and arrow but prefers using a sword and can cook a mean stew

Equipment: Broadsword, a dagger and arrows without a bow

Favorite spells: Summoning lightning bolts with his sword, sometimes using as a conductor to attack enemies or using it almost as an electric sword and creating icy patches on the ground during battles.

Character Background History: Arthur comes from the Kingdom of Silvercliff. His life up until the point of joining the Order of the Arcane Knights was nothing special. His father was a Nobleman of the King and so Arthur was trained to follow in his father's footsteps to also serve the King. He was raised to worship the god Steel for giving life to people but he never felt right doing so and this ready made path for his life seemed too empty for him. Arthur also felt that the King was not someone he needed or wanted to protect and serve. Upon finding out about the Order, Arthur was intrigued to learn more, he heard their missions and beliefs and he felt drawn to them, seeking their approval to join the order he did whatever was needed of him. His loyalty and devotion has made him a fierce warrior earning him the nickname Lionheart.

By my knighthood I swear: I swear to thee my allegiance
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by tatszico
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tatszico The Unseen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Adolin Sinnet

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 25

Title/Nickname: Sir Sinnet ; Knight Sinnet ; The Radiant.

Kingdom of birth: Silvercliff.

Worship: N/A

Magical affinity: Sun and Stone


As a man, Adolin is quite graceful with his tongue and can be charismatic or intimidating. He's naturally fit and lean, having the body of fighter. Though not considered as a scholar by any means, he is still quite logical and is a quick-thinker.

As a seasoned adventurer, Adolin has acquired quite a variety of skills that allows him to sustain for long periods of time in the wild. He's adept at hunting and gathering, knowing where to find beneficial herbs and how to locate sources of fresh water. He's quite disciplined due to having experienced true hunger and thirst during many of his travels, allowing him to have an increased physical endurance as he learned how to manage with low resources. He's mediocre at medicine, knowing only the basics of first aid and the simplest of antidotes and rely mostly on using his Sun affinity to heal minor wounds - he knows just enough for him to get by to the next city if he were caught in a dire situation.

As an Arcane Knight, Adolin is an experienced fighter and caster. To put it simply, he's fluid with the sword and shield, as well as being adept with most weapons and hand-to-hand combat, which allows him to be versatile and adaptive to any fighting scenarios. These are the skills that truly made him into a successful adventurer, as he had gone into the depths of the hellish unknown and somehow found his way back.


Adolin is garbed in a light, traveler's armor that consists of highly-durable leather and cotton, and is then accentuated with steel guards located on his sword-bearing shoulder, elbows, and knees. His armor is custom made, having hidden pockets and sewn-in pouches, as well as having a traveler's hood. He also carries around a small traveler's pack that contains the essentials for his journey, ranging from medicine to seasonings, to a firestarter kit. His signature weapon is his curved, combat sword in his left hand, and a light-weight steel shield on his right - both have been tempered to be utilized with magics.

Favorite spells:

His primary affinity of the Sun allows Adolin to super-heat his blade, creating a deadly weapon that will cut metal, like parchment. His shield, on the other hand, is tempered to hold the charges of the affinity, which then in turn is able to release it as a burst of light that can stun his enemies. In combat, his magic makes it seem like he is wielding the rays of the sun itself, thus had been given the nickname of Radiant.

With his secondary and weaker affinity of the Stone, it enhances him more passively by gaining him short bursts of strength and defense during combat, and allows him to manipulate small stones as projectiles, or cause very small quakes to disrupt his enemy.

Character backround history:

Nothing special could be sead about Adolin Sinnet ; in fact, his upbringing could be compared to any ordinary middle-class citizen living within Silvercliff. He is the son to Gavin and Erma Sinnet, a small-time blacksmith and a kind tailor respectively. They had lived in a small agricultural village that was on the outskirts of the Kingdom of Silvercliff, where the boy spend his childhood years growing up with a playful and rebellious streak. Though he never meant any harm and loved the villagers just as he would his own family, Adolin had become quite an infamous troublemaker and prankster as child.

He did not know it for a long time, but the reason for his recklessness was the cause of his boredom - in truth, he did not want to pick up the forge like his father wanted, or the sickle like his peers did. No, what he sought after was excitement. He wanted to see the world, to feel the thrill that he knew would change his life forever. So when the yearly recruitment of the Order of the Arcane Knights rode through his village on his thirteenth birthday, he bid his friends and family a heartfelt farewell before venturing into the Capitol, where the story of a particular and formidable Arcane Knight began.

By my knighthood I swear: "I swear to by my life, the Knights, and my sword!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Character sheet

Lao Xijer




Sir Metallum

Kingdom of birth:
Li Lian

His family was a very religious family, as he grew up, he also learned about the gods. He and his family holds Vine above all else.

Magical affinity:

Metal Works- Lao grew up around a family of Metal workers. He loved it, the color of molten, the way he could mold it into anything he wanted. He followed his parents to work just so he could do it himself. His parents eventually allowed him to work with them, and he has had a few years of experience working with it. He has even had a chance to watch magitech being created.

Combat- After he was sent to school deeper into the ever folding lands of Li Lian. In this academy, he was thought Li Lian martial arts, and quickly become adept. He was also though swordsmanship, Li Lian swordsmanship training was different than other kingdoms. He expelled in this, and became third best swordsman in his class. But he really never enjoyed the fighting itself, he enjoyed the weapons that has used.

Battle Experience- During his time in this school, he had the opportunity to fight and hunt monsters.

Steel Plated Iron- He actually smithed this armor himself, under the supervision of his father. The arms and covered in yellow and blue cloth. The shoulder plate is claded in leather. This is a very durable piece of armor, and it actually has is signature somewhere on it.

Guangdao- Lao did not actually make this bit his father did. It was meant to be used for his own time in Military school, but he could never go. So when his son had the opportunity to go, his father have him the blade. Lao has kept the blade on the best condition that he could. Despite all that, he early uses this, he keeps it on his back almost all the time.

Chokutō: It had a black scabbard and matching hilt and is a larger size than a normal chokutō. It's been repeatedly shown to be very durable and able to cut through various materials. Lao forged this blade himself, and wears it on his waist, his signature his signature is somewhere on the scabbard.

Favorite spells:
If Lao is not using his Metal Affinity to craft of smith, he creates metal spikes and fires them and his enemies. If they lodge themselves in the enemy, once inside, bolts of electricity fire from within them. If the spikes don't, as they pass, bolts with still fire.

Character backround history:

Lao was not born into the most noble of families. In fact, he was not born into a noble family. He was born into a smiting family, there money was modest, but nothing amazing. He loved working with metal, hour would watch his mother work, forming the metal into beautiful things. His mother and father were not born with an affinity, but Lao was. His parents saw this as an opportunity for him to become someone, so they sent him to the Li Lian Military Academy. He was thought many things and ended up graduating third in his class. It was not even a year after that he was sent to OAK, in all truth, he did not want to hunt beasts He would much rather tinkered than become a knight. But as he grew to learn of all the injustices in the world, the useless killing of all being in either world, he found a reason to become one.

By my knighthood I swear:

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Omnipotent Sphere
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The Omnipotent Sphere Of Omnipotence

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"The Sand shifts in my favor."

Name: Maksim Qadir Zaman

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: Thirty

Title/Nickname: The Azure Knight, Lord Thunder, Glass, the Golden Jackal.

Kingdom of Birth: Al Zidoa, or so they say.

Worship: Sand, and his own god, "Storm."

Magical Affinity: Lightning, Sand

  • Seasoned: Has years of monster slaying experience.
  • Duelist: Is most lethal in single combat.
  • Traveler: Is well-versed in foreign cultures and politics.
  • Elusive: When he does not wish to be found, he won't be.

  • Desert Shroud: Enchanted to hide the identity of its wearer in shadows.
  • Golden Jackal Armour: Enchanted to reflect heat, including minor heat based attacks from Fire, Lightning and Sun affinities.
  • Sword of Storms: Enchanted to deliver lightning with each blow.

Favorite Spells:
  • Glass: Maksim turns an incoming sand based attack into fulgurite with his Lightning affinity.
  • Crystal Coffin: Maksim can bury a foe in a wave of sand, then turn that sand to glass with a lightning strike, making it more difficult and dangerous to escape the trap.
  • Sand Shift: Maksim can move through cracks and passages too narrow for normal people, more refined use of this spell can allow him to disable unenchanted locks.

Character History: The shifting sands of the Al Zidoan desert have swallowed mighty cities and peoples, leaving no trace behind. However, sometimes the winds of time uncover an ancient mystery buried in the sand. Many years ago an order known as the Golden Jackal Tribe protected the desert dwellers from harm. This was long before the days of mortal magic, but with the rise of the current Sultanate and the Mother's gift of magic, the Jackal Tribe was no longer needed. They first fell into anonymity, and then were erased completely, until a decade ago when a young warrior strode from the deserts of Al Zidoa with strange armor and untapped potential. This deadly young warrior, Maksim he called himself, joined the Order of Arcane Knights in the Kingdom of Silvercliff. Over the years he has made a name for himself as strange fighter, and even stranger thinker, but none question his bravery and diligence.

By My Knighthood I Swear: My allegiance to the Order and the Sands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xenonia
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Xenonia QT3.14

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Loduzzro

Gender: Male

Race: Beastman (Pale-Throated Slothman)

Age: Relatively difficult to discern. Somewhere between teens and thirties.

Title/Nickname: The Simple, The Hair-Knight

Kingdom of birth: Loduzzro has wandered for all of his days, which he has not counted. He bears no kingdom.

Worship: Loduzzro, for all that can be discerned, worships Vine rather devoutly. His practices seem nonsensical and the prayers he offers are generally gibberish.


Magical affinity: Wood and Stone

Skills: Despite his gentle appearance and slow movement, Loduzzro is actually quite savage in battle. As well, he is quite adept with both Wood and Stone magicks, given his otherwise very simple nature, making him easily underestimated.

Equipment: Loduzzro's weapon is a large sequoia branch which he preserves with his wood magic. There are a number of sharp stones sticking out from the branch. He lacks any real armor, relying on his stone magic to protect his body in combat. He carries with him a sack of sweet fruits that he eats from.

Favorite spells: Loduzzro creates armor of stone to protect himself in combat, and uses his magic to "communicate" and co-ordinate nature such as trees into providing him favorable conditions.

Character background history: Born in the outskirts of the Li Lian, Loduzzro was a strange being from his first moments on this earth. His odd and unnatural appearance, even compared to most Beastfolk, made him an outcast from the very start. He wandered, lost and alone, barely surviving, until he came upon a beautiful and verdant forest. There, he never went hungry, nor slept cold. It was a nice and wonderful place for him. Taken in by a tribe of ascetics devoted to Vine, Loduzzro was quickly brought to see the beauty of all things. However, unlike many who wandered the woods, he was not simply content to hide away and enjoy comforts while others in the outside world suffered as he once did, and so he set off once more to bring peace and justice to all. It is this noble goal that attracted him to the OAK.

By my knighthood I swear: Swear for do good. Help many.
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