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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Muse of Eru

The Muse of Eru Eru Ilúvatar

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

1. Please post your Character Sheet in OOC. Once approved, please provide a copy in the Characters tab for future reference.

2. You can play multiple characters so long as you are up to the challenge, but please refrain from making multiple females at this point. To some degree this RP will require pairing up due to a plot point, so I would like to have a fairly balanced playing field. This does not apply to FxF sets, if such come up.

3. If you are interested in Co-GMing, please tell me.

4. If you have ideas you would like to implement into the RP, feel free to inform me or your fellow players so that we can collaborate as needed.




Up until now...

As far as anyone can recall, werewolves have always been. They were hunted to what was thought to be extinction, fading into legend for the majority of the world. Some, however, know the truth: they know that werewolves still exist and they could be your neighbor, your boss, your friend. In an effort to survive, werewolves adopted the methods of their more 'natural' brethren, wolves. Most werewolves can be found living in packs, with loners seen as potential problems more than anything else. These packs can range from a couple members to a few dozen, depending upon the region: large cities, for instance, can be home to hundreds of werewolves.

The life of a werewolf is not an easy one. Once infected via bite or scratch from a werewolf, the first transformation will occur under the following full moon, at which point the virus will complete the takeover. If the individual is not strong enough to endure the transformation, they will die. If strong enough, they will become a werewolf for the first time; this has resulted in the majority of new werewolves being young and fit. That is not the only obstacle for a werewolf, unfortunately.

Several centuries ago, Agatha the Blackened sought to eradicate werewolves, thinking them detestable and unlovable creatures. She was one of the first werewolf hunters to spread the word about the effect of silver, but her curse was the true blow. Enraged with the continued prosperity of werewolves, Agatha cursed all wolves to experience a long and dreadful death if they could not find someone to love and know love returned... in but a year's time past their first time as a werewolf. Other, more benevolent witches have worked to circumvent the curse, but to no avail. The only change is that a werewolf who loses their mate in that first year has something of a reset button, but the witch who created the extension was never certain how much longer – not more than another year, in any case. Werewolves who fail to love and know love returned succumb to a creeping, wasting disease that eventually kills them and has no known cure.

This just in: all about werewolves!

To hunters, they're lycanthropes, but they call themselves Lukoi. They can shift at will, but must shift under the full moon.

The curse – within a year of becoming a werewolf, one must be loved and love in return. This love should be romantic in nature, but need not last forever. So long as the lover is not lost in the first year, the curse remains broken. It only applies to the first year. If the lover is lost in the first year, the surviving werewolf will not die immediately but instead has an extension. Given past events, it is assumed that the individual has another year from the day of their last lover's death to find a new lover, but nobody has ever cut it quite so close as to test the theory.

Lifespan – due to their healing abilities, werewolves live longer than humans. Initially they heal rapidly and do not age, but after a century or so their healing abilities begin to slow down and aging occurs. The average werewolf lifespan is about 250 years.

Mating bond - mating pairs in the pack are considered serious bonds. Even though a pair of werewolves might claim to have the mating bond, they must be tested. The pair must go out on a hunt to show they can work together, and the quality of their kill (both difficulty and cleanliness) will be judged by the Ulfric. If the pair fails, they can try two more times. If they fail all three times, their mating bond is not validated and they do not gain status or additional power. If the Ulfric's test is passed, a ritual is then initiated in the Odessa's place of power, where the mating pair can establish themselves to ancient spirits, the Munin. These spirits are simply past werewolves that never truly leave the pack. By welcoming the mating pair, they grant something of a power boost, so mating pairs are stronger together than as individuals and gain status in the pack. Approval can be gained via sex or blood exchange.
Monogamy is not required, but it should also not break the mating bond.

Energy – a werewolf pack acts like a channel of power: the higher up a werewolf is, the more powerful they are, but they cannot become more dominant without having initial power. This is in part identifiable by a werewolf's energy, which grows stronger alongside the individual, but is also easier to hide with strength. The energy can be described as warm, electric, prickling, boiling. Humans can feel this energy if they are considered to be sensitive, which may be bad for a werewolf if that human is also a hunter.

Shifting – shifting is neither pretty nor pleasant, leaving the werewolf vulnerable until they have changed forms. Shifting at will requires command of the beast, and accidental shifting can occur due to strong emotions, especially in young werewolves. Stronger werewolves (alphas) can control their shifting more precisely and range anywhere between human and wolf form.

Forms – three forms are available to werewolves: homid or the full human form; lycaon, which is the strong and muscular bipedal wolf, and lupus, or dire wolf. A werewolf can move between homid and lycaon with small physical changes such as eyes and teeth, but this is different depending on the strength of the werewolf: alphas can revert back to homid, but weaker werewolves end up fully shifting once they've started.

Strengths – in all three forms but more so in the lycaon form, they have superhuman strength, speed, senses, agility, endurance, and healing.

Weaknesses – allergic to silver, so strikes to the heart are fatal, all other injuries will heal slowly. Any significant injury (like the head being obliterated) are fatal, as well. Shifting from human to either of the wolf forms will help speed healing. Their bones do not magically reset, however, so doctors are still needed at times. Shifting can tire a werewolf out, so it should not be taken lightly. If a werewolf moves too quickly between forms, they will fall into a very deep and vulnerable sleep once they revert to homid form. This is not the case for the strong wolves, but it is still draining.

Communcation – In homid and lycaon forms, they can actually speak aloud. Speaking in the lycaon form will, of course, be somewhat altered by talking with a muzzle. Muffled, awkward. ALL FORMS can and should utilize body language, which can be a giveaway to a hunter when apparent humans behave in odd fashion. Even in homid form, traditions like bowing to the Ulfric, submitting, licking, touching for reassurance, so forth, will be present. The pack can utilize telepathy, which is strongest in lupus form and grows weaker the closer to homid. An individual can block others from their mind and control what can be seen, like focusing and sending their thoughts at others - not so much like reading a book. The Ulfric can, with determination, pierce minds despite barriers. Telepathy is limited by range. The closer the individuals, the easier telepathy becomes.

Dominance – The Lukoi have an innate sense of who is dominant to who. Part of this is knowing the pack, but another is simply feeling the energy of the werewolf and keeping up with dominance battles. In order to move up in the pack, a werewolf must fight every other werewolf who is above them. They can initially skip fights, but this is only if the challenge is accepted: if you know another werewolf still has to fight someone else before they challenge you, the fight can be denied. Once a werewolf reaches the Freki of the pack, they must beat Freki to fight Geri, beat Geri to challenge the Ulfric. By challenging the Ulfric, they become Fenrir. Almost all fights are simply until one werewolf cries uncle, but the fight for Ulfric is to the death. Rejecting a challenge is automatic loss.

The pack leader or Ulfric is customarily male due to it being a battle to the death, but that could change. The Ulfric's mate, Lupa, is chosen and is therefore alpha, but is not necessarily dominant, which leads to the next point: the Lupa cannot be challenged. The Bolverk and enforcers (Skoll and Hati) are all selected by the Ulfric and are also alpha but not necessary dominant. Given the positions, however, dominant werewolves are more likely to be selected.
Dominance is throughout the pack: any dominant can order a lesser pack member unless they are similarly outranked. A dominant pack member can protect lesser members, thereby taking on any challenges to the weaker person.

Pregnancy – In the event a werewolf becomes pregnant, there are some issues. The unborn child will be human and remain human when born unless infected. Surviving infection as an infant is very unlikely, so that should be avoided. Shifting can be violent, which will cause the body to miscarriage, so the pregnant werewolf would need to maintain enough control to not cause violent shifts (imagine the wolf exploding outside of the human form rather than the human form gently giving way). The Lycaon form does not support the fetus, due to the battle-ready quality of the form. A pregnant werewolf occupying this form risks losing her fetus. A pregnant werewolf will be a danger to herself, the pack, and humans, due to elevated emotions that might cause her to shift in anger more readily.

Positions –
Ulfric - Pack Leader - Taken for Odessa
Lupa - Pack Leader's mate, selected. - Taken for Odessa
Skoll – primary enforcer for the Ulfric, selected (can fight for dominance, but position isn't lost) Taken for Odessa, can be replaced.
Hati – secondary enforcer for the Ulfric, selected. (can fight for dominance, but position isn't lost) Taken for Odessa
Geri – second-in-command - Taken for Odessa
Freki – third-in-command
Bolverk – punisher of the pack for the Ulfric, Taken for Odessa
Fenrir – challenger to the Ulfric, must defeat both Geri and Freki.

Any member not involved in the higher levels of dominance do not have terms and are merely considered pack members.
These werewolves will be based off those found in the Anita Blake series (http://anitablake.wikia.com/wiki/Werewolves).

Vinur - friend - humans who are friends to werewolves
Vargar - real wolves
Faen - devil, bastard - often used to refer to hunters

Welcome to Colorado.
Deep in the Colorado mountains, the Odessa pack lives. Their claim is to the town nearby, Odessa, home to about 1,500 residents, with heavy traffic from adventurers passing through. Occasionally an adventurer goes missing and sometimes they reappear as a newborn werewolf, though not due to the Odessa pack, who has a strict rule about turning humans. That is: don't. Of course, not everyone abides by the rules. The Odessa pack is currently at about 40 members, but the focus lies with the youth of the pack, who are placed in something of a required resort (safe-house) until they are deemed safe to the public. Part of this is in hopes that the young werewolves might choose each other as mates, which is far safer than seeking out humans, and in part simply to keep the world from finding out werewolves exist.

Other packs exist and occasionally clash with the Odessa pack, especially if the pack primarily recruits enforcer types. There are a few packs that like to move through towns and dominate smaller packs, claiming both the people and the territory. Since the Odessa pack is fairly ordinary, with members ranging from elderly to child, sometimes bluster is the best defense.

Let's create a character
Character Sheet

Human (desire to be turned or not)

Human hunter
I only want a few of these, since they will aid in plot development but preferably the whole RP isn't battling.



1. Don't squabble in OOC; bring problems to me if you must.
2. No double or psycho posting. Give other people a chance to post.
3. Try to maintain about 2 paragraphs if you can: what your character is feeling, surroundings, etc. However, please refrain from that whole Advanced 8-paragraph borefest that nobody else but you cares to read, unless you can make it a worthy post. Quality, not quantity!
4. Don't simply respond in your posts; help your fellow players out and give them something to respond to as well!
5. No god-modding or sucking at life. I think that's pretty well understood.
6. In the event of an IC fight, you can collaborate with the other player via PM to make it easier. If not, remember not to complete actions and cause a bunch of damage in your one post - that would be bad form.
7. Have fun, be bold and offer ideas!

Accepted Characters

@The Emperors Blade - Male werewolf, Odessa, Ulfric
@ViolentViolet - Female werewolf, Odessa, Lupa
@The Muse of Eru - Female Werewolf, Odessa, Geri
@The Muse of Eru - Male Werewolf, Hati
@The Muse of Eru - Female Werewolf, Skoll (as needed character)
@Urukhai – Male werewolf, Odessa, Bolverk
@AcaciaMalikov - Female werewolf, Odessa, pack member
@CLIW - Male werewolf, Odessa, pack member

@WhenBooksFly101 - Female werewolf, loner
@WordstoLive100 - Male werewolf, loner
@SevenStormStyle – Female werewolf, loner
@Ultimate Spidey – Female werewolf, loner

@Spybuster - Male human, hunter
@Guess Who – Male human, hunter
@NarcissisticPotato – Female human, hunter

@TheHangedMan - Male human
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

*clears throat* Was wondering if it would be possible to create the Lupa or the Bolverk.
@The Muse of Eru
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I would love to create a human hunter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Dracul Viper
Nicknames: Viper, Vipes
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Sexual preference: Bisexual

Human or werewolf: Human, Human Hunter
Pack member or loner:-----
Pack name: -----
Pack position: -----

Appearance: Dracul is a tall woman. She's skinny and flat chested, with short hair, cut to her chin. Her skin is pale, and her blood-red hair is straight. Her eyes are green and her she had red lips. She has long nail, painted black. Dracul is commonly dressed in dark colors, though she more commonly wears dark blue, rather then black.

+Fast and Agile
+Good with knives and bow
-Doesn't trust others
-Scared of Water

Personality: Dracul is without a doubt a tomboy. She tends to give off a tougher and silent aura. Really, Dracul just lacks people skills, so she avoids them altogether. She prefers to be alone, often reading, but she doesn't give off the vibe of a nerd. Despite her lack of people skills, Dravul doesn't have a weakness towards a specific gender, she is equally akward with both.
History: Dracul's life was unfortunate enough to start of on the wrong foot. Her family was poor and Dracul ended up taking on the roles that would normally have been given to the oldest son. But Dracul never got any brothers. It was her and three sisters.
Dracul also spent a lot of time outside, resulting in the incident that gave her her fear of water. It had been her tenth birthday and Dracul had been playing in the stream, dangling her feet in, but not treading so far in that she would have to swim. Howeve, one of the neighborhood boys decided to push Dracul. She fell into the street and was whirled away by the current. Once rescued Dracul was in fear of water, feeling uncomfortable around small amounts, and afraid of large amounts, like baths, or rivers, or large puddles. That was about when Dracul lost most of her social skills. She had problems talking to people, holding conversations. And she stopped making friends, for fear that they would betray her.

Other: Fond of food. Not scared of blood, insects, sharks, or ther things that most are afraid of.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Muse of Eru

The Muse of Eru Eru Ilúvatar

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

*clears throat* Was wondering if it would be possible to create the Lupa or the Bolverk.
@The Muse of Eru

Go for it!

I would love to create a human hunter.

Awesome. =D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Coolio. Was there a character limit?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by CLIW
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CLIW ( ರ Ĺ̯ ರೃ )

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Boom, done!

Name: Aldo Wicks

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexual preference: Hetero

Human or werewolf: Werewolf

Pack member or loner: Pack member

Pack name: Odessa

Pack position: Regular pack member, although he is high on that list.


-Stronger than he looks

-Not too durable (cardiovascular) unless in wolf form
-Low pain tolerance (tied to the above)
-Shy around girls (that'll only bite him in the ass when it comes down to it)

Personality: He's a quiet, booky person who sometimes tries, often unsuccessfully, to be funny, and he loves puns- the worse the better. He sincerely wants to be able to pick up girls, but...he freezes up; he just gets too anxious. He works out in an attempt to look attractive, but the whole talking to ladies thing really just sabotages him regardless of looks. Around trusted people/good friends, he can be surprisingly loud, obnoxious, 'fun' and rowdy. Since he likes to switch forms, he eats. A lot. Very high calories...and he manages (because of all the energy he uses by transforming) not to put on any weight. Perfect exercise!

History: His childhood was...not extraordinary. It was, in fact, pretty boring, until he was eleven and found out that an older friend of his had been turned; that's how he discovered the existence of werewolves. Another year passed though, and his friend died because he hadn't found love. It was a hard experience for Aldo, and he was told that he should never become a werewolf.
He just couldn't shake off his fascination with the Odessa Pack though. He stayed friends with the werewolves, and was turned a couple of months ago after an accident in which he startled a werewolf and got scratched...deep.
Needless to say, when he got the wound treated and got home, all he could think was: "Shit."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Muse of Eru

The Muse of Eru Eru Ilúvatar

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Coolio. Was there a character limit?

Per person or as in total players?

Per person - only as many as you can handle. Perhaps start with a couple and if more is desired, introduce them slowly so one day you're not overwhelmed by having to respond though five different characters.

Overall - I don't know. Maybe 10 people? I know players drop like flies in the initial week or so. Any recommendations?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@The Muse of Eru

Well. I would say wait to see how many people flake in the first few days of the rp then go from there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Finished my CS
@The Muse of Eru

( ^ω^ )
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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AcaciaMalikov The Wolf Within

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm certainly interested in joining maybe. This sounds like it could be fun. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WhenBooksFly101
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WhenBooksFly101 Lover of all things awesome!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So this looks epic. :) Mind if I join?

Name: Vashti Kelvin

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexual preference: Hetero

Human or werewolf: Werewolf

Pack member or loner: Loner

Pack name: None

Pack position: None, but would be somewhere in the middle if she had one.

Appearance (picture or written description):

Vashti is ‘5 foot “10, with long brown hair she keeps in a braid, and deep brown eyes. She has a slender yet fit physique and is as strong as any of the males.

Strengths (at least 3): Brave
Strong for a female

Weaknesses (at least 3): Can sometimes be a little too confident
Has a limp in her left leg when she overworks; from a past injury (See history)
Whilst protecting someone Vashti can get overly aggressive and attack when it is not needed.

Personality: Vashti is a loyal soul; kind and quick to help her friends when they need her. But, she is just as quick to hate and attack her enemies with severe aggression.
At times Vashti can be quite the adrenaline junky; tease-challenging other wolves and participating in dangerous activities. She enjoys hanging out with friends, and doesn’t handle being alone for long.

History: Vashti was a member of a pack located far away from Odessa; living there comfortably and taking her time to find a mate. She had friends, and loved her home dearly.

But, when one of the pack’s more dominant of males offered to be her mate, Vashti refused. He was a ruthless male with the tendency to kill those that stood in his way; she didn’t return his love.
This angered him and ignited a bloody battle between the two; injuring Vashti’s left leg badly. She was able to escape death and flee from the pack’s territory; leaving her home behind forever.

For nearly two months Vashti roamed the wilds; alone and in search of a new place to call home. She still sought her mate, but at that point of time she had her doubts of success. She promised herself this……if she failed in finding him, then she would make sure to live her last days to the fullest; going out with a deafening bang.

Other: Wears a small golden necklace with an emerald imbedded into the face
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Muse of Eru

The Muse of Eru Eru Ilúvatar

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Are you saving the reason she's a hunter for IC? If so, that's fine, and she's accepted. You can post under characters.

Accepted! Feel free to C&P to characters. I always love that picture. =D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WhenBooksFly101
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WhenBooksFly101 Lover of all things awesome!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Muse of Eru Thanks. :) Looking foreword to this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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AcaciaMalikov The Wolf Within

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Character Sheet

Name: Acacia Malikov (Commonly Uses "Ace")
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexual preference: Bi-Sexual

Human or werewolf: Werewolf
Pack member or loner: Pack Member
Pack name: Odessa
Pack position: Lower Ranking - Pack Member

Appearance (picture or written description):

Ace stands at about 5'5 and holds a slender figure, her hair of firey untamed auburn hangs just above her elbows. Her skin is fair and is met with an unusual blend of blue / green eyes that stand out brightly. Her appearance suits her nature and she looks like the distant, shy creature she is.

Strengths (at least 3):
  • Observant / Keen Eyesight
  • Fast and Agile
  • Strong
  • Good Swimmer
  • Decent Shifter

Weaknesses (at least 3):
  • Almost Useless with Weapons / Fighting
  • Easily Startled
  • Distant and Avoidant
  • Uncontrolled Shifts When Fearful or Over Excited

Personality: Ace almost lives to be a loner, her preference for singularity and distance draws her to being a low ranking member, she avoids confrontation, and being almost useless in any battle be it barehanded or with weaponry she prefers to use her agility, speed and keen eye sight to prevent too close a proximity of any thought threat.

She has a high flight instinct and will generally submit to any high wolf if a fight breaks loose, she is seen to be easily startled and will even sink herself in water to avoid anything chasing her. Her suitability to companionship is low, though she is a compassionate and gentle creature, almost too much so to be where she was.

History: Mostly Unknown

Ace fears her untimely death, her inability to mingle well with others causes her great stress due to the knowledge a mate is her only chance. She spends her days off alone, wandering and wondering where she'd be best off. She wasn't suited to pack life and knew it, but she also knew she probably wouldn't survive alone without someone to call for help.

Ace trails behind those of her back, learning what she can when she can and applying it in a more distant, avoiding and fleeing manner. Can the young werewolf solve her problems and find her will to survive? Or will she succumb to that of any mate-less werewolves untimely and unkind fate.

Other: Can generally be found off by herself hiding alone among the mountains coverage and a majority of the time as her wolf self.

Wolf Form: *Hope it is okay to add this, if I cannot remain wolf I can remove that aspect - but this is an example of her appearance as such anyway* Though her Fur is a bit brighter in the red/orange to match her hair*
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Muse of Eru

The Muse of Eru Eru Ilúvatar

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Wolf form is definitely great. I'll add that to the CS template, thank you for reminding me.

She's accepted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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AcaciaMalikov The Wolf Within

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Muse of Eru

Thank You :D and Your Welcome!

I thought it might be useful to add what roughly the wolf form of the character may look like - makes it easier than trying to post and explain all the time - it's basically a quick reference to others, while still explaining/describing when necessary.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WhenBooksFly101
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WhenBooksFly101 Lover of all things awesome!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ah yes! :) Thank you for that @AcaciaMalikov Now I need to find a pic for Vashti. :3
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Muse of Eru

The Muse of Eru Eru Ilúvatar

Member Seen 5 yrs ago



I'll give it a day or so, and if needed make a male character.

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