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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 4 mos ago



The shouting interrupted Nolan's thoughts and he perked up in his seat once more. The commotion seemed to have picked up again, louder than before.


"What the hell is going on?" he asked aloud, as he stood up out of his seat. He couldn't help but smile a bit. "You think we'll get to see a duel after all? That sounds like it's right next door!" He made to open the door of the compartment when it suddenly opened from the other side, a girl his age being pushed in. The door slammed shut behind her. He watched in stunned confusion as the girl tried to open it.

"I think... I think he locked us in with magic..."

"What? Why would he do that?" Nolan asked. He pushed past her, grabbing the door and trying to force it open. He was upset to find that it was not going to open. He was going to miss everything. He turned back around to face the other two. "She's right, he locked us in, unless we can remove the charm it's not gonna open. But why d- Are you okay?" he asked cocking his head to one side as he became aware of the girl's increasingly anxious state.


Chandler watched with interest the doorway as screaming and yelling could be heard outside of it. "You think they are actually fighting really?!" He jumped up and also went for the door only to to get thrown back by a girl about the same age, probably a first year. When he came back to his senses Nolan was at the compartment door trying to open it, Chandler brightened and moved him aside drawing his wand and pointing it at the lock. "Alohomora!" The spell made a loud bang and the lock jiggled a little bit and seemed to want to open but it didn't. Chandler however was thrown backwards quite hard and an equally loud bang was heard followed by a moan of pain and an 11 year old boy sliding down the compartment window his eyes rolling back slightly and seeing more than a few stars. He was right at the brink of unconsciousness but it wasn't there yet.


She was grateful to be pushed away from the door as the two boys in the compartment closed in on the door. Her feet might not have moved of their own accord just then.

"I think he though that... it was dangerous but I..." She cleared her throat trying to respond to Nolan's queries. "I'm... I'm alright I just... I don't like... don't prefer... being stuck... in small spaces..." The breathy pace of her speech would easily give away the lie she told. "Nobody likes that, right? Ahem..." She coughed into her hand, trying to cover up her nervous manner, she hoped to seem sickly or out of breath rather than frightened.

She flinched, covering her face with her hands. Chandlers spell produced a crack and a spark in the small compartment, then sent Chandler himself flying back.

"W-What was that? Was that from outside?!" She had heard Chandler say Alohomora however, she had not yet read her textbooks and did not know it's meaning. She saw that the door was still closed, then she touched Chandlers shoulder with a shaky hand. "Are you okay? Can you hear me?"


"Dangerous?" Nolan asked, listening to the girl. She seemed to be mostly calming down. "We don't need him taking care of us," he said bitterly, "whoever he was." He took another look at the girl. She was clearly disturbed but trying to cover it up. It would likely be best to not pursue it further; there was a chance talking about it would cause her to freak out. "Yeah, nobody likes that. It's such a pain, especially with us two. We're some of the most annoying guys you could meet. And don't get me started on Chandler's kitten."

It was then he heard Chandler try a spell. Nolan groaned as there was a crack and Chandler flew against the wall. He followed behind Caelum as she checked on Chandler. "Sorry, I should've warned you. That thing is locked with magic beyond any of ours abilities. Nice try though." He waved his hand. "Come on, Chandler. Show us you're okay."


Castiel watched the newcomer with interest her eyes roaming wondering just what the girl was going to do, on top of the seats she was just about to pay her with a paw when she stopped the paw in mid air and turned to -stare- at Nolan. Daring him to say something. When her human went flying she went to his side and rubbed his leg.

Chandler was still dazed by the hit. He felt his shoulder being touches and his leg rubbed.

When Nolan waved his hand in front of his face Chandler shook his head a few times and raised a hand. "Illbek."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Compartment 2
NPCs: Tim
PCs:Dani, Pete, Pearle

"Damn it Wade..."

Tim scowled as he looked into the hallway. He nearly missed Dani’s chalkboard communications. He quickly glanced back into the compartment and caught the chalkboard in the corner of his eye. He did a double take, then read it over, his furrowed brows rising at the unexpected method of the communication. He didn’t comment on it at this time.

He pushed his way into the hall. Touching the shoulders of his teammates as the spilled out into the hall. “What’s going on?” he asked them, trying to peer over their heads. “What did they say?”

Compartment 3
NPCs: Wade
PCs: Rozie, Julius, Jake, Magnus, Moirah

“I don’t give a flying fuck about houses!” Wade spat. “Did you hear what they called us?” His face was red with rage, reason would find no purchase in his mind. “Fuck the Penguin, Fuck them, and Fuck you!” Wade had large hands. They were wide and broad palms with thick sausage like fingers, he had one finger that was double jointed. He used these rather than his wand on Julius. He would lash out to shove Julius in his chest.

Wade didn’t have a plan. He might have been satisfied to let the first two suffer under his hexes. Yet, everyone who now appeared before him seemed an enemy. He could not resist the urge to shove Julius out of his sight. There was a chorus of voices behind him, goading him on into action, the rest of the quidditch team hollering for their houses ‘honor’. Wade didn’t actually hear them, there was only a murmuring sea of noise to his red ears.

In the Hallway between the compartments.
NPCs: Zeva, Nathaniel
PCs: Alaric, Charlotte

Alaric would fall at Zeva's harsh treatment. Falling back to the floor and against the wall of the hallway.

As the Slytherin poured out of the compartment, most paid attention to Wade, but others noticed Zeva and her brawl.

"Zeva! That's enough..." Nathaniel was bounding up the hall on his long stork-like legs.

Zeva whipped out her wand-arm, with out saying word, her jinx jumped form her wand and hit his feet. Then the long legs that once made so much progress were stiff as stone, stuck in place. Nathaniel threw out his arms trying to keep his balance as he was suddenly forced to stop. "Wooooahah!" he exclaimed with dismay.

Zeva shot a look to Charlotte. There was no one between the two girls, one first year and one third. She asked the young Cheerful girl a serious question with her dark eyes. Would Charlotte interfere?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Now, Rozalia was pissed.
Hair flaming to the crackling red of fire, she stumbled backwards slightly as the hex made its work known to her, various bogeys flying around her face as she whipped her own wand out.
'Honestly, what a childish hex! I'd love to get my hands on the immature imbecile who invented it.' She thought to herself grimly as she raised her wand - not pointing at Wade, but at herself. Leo had warned her about bullies, and how 'trigger-happy' they could be with her wands. So, naturally, he'd taught her a few things before beginning school. Although this was her first time actually doing the spell - for obvious reasons - she had practiced plenty with wooden sticks at home, Leo showing her how to do all the waving and whatnot properly.
"Finite Incantatem!" She managed to get the muffled command through all of the flying bogeys, and they vanished with a small poof. Although immensely proud of herself for managing a Grade 2 Spell - a few streak of blonde appeared amid the sea of red for a moment at this - her attention turned towards the distracted Wade before her. In the process of pushing Julius, he left himself open to plenty of attacks from Roze. Stepping forward and her right leg swinging up behind her, it moved in a swift pendulum movement, her hard, conversed foot aiming straight between Wade's legs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 16 days ago

Julius since he was five had been taught relentlessly how to box. It wasn't for serious fighting, just for exercise, but he enjoyed it and put his all into these workouts.

Physically speaking, Wade was much, much stronger than he was, by virtue of age, however, Julius was not about to let him just shove him down like nothing. The smaller boy weaved under his hand, getting withing half an arms length. His mind was in slight disarray, so whatever was the best thing to do at that moment slipped Julius mind. He abandoned his body to instincts and muscle memory and as he ducked, he shoved his shoulder into Wade to try and throw him out of balance, then threw and right hand straight towards the older boys liver. Age gap or no, if this connected, there would be no doubt that Wade would be feeling this for hours.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Compartment 2
NPCs: Tim
PCs:Dani, Pete, Pearle

Tim had disappeared from view. The members of compartment three could hear things escalating outside. It looked like some of the Slytherin were now fighting one another. Someone gargled a spell. Black inky water washed into compartment two. Then two slytherin rolled in, grappling one another. A few more followed after them shouting ‘helping’ as they saw fit...

Compartment 3
NPCs: Wade
PCs: Rozie, Julius, Jake, Magnus, Moirah

Wade buckled in half as Rozie kicked him where it mattered most… then fell flat over onto his side as Julius delivered a punch to his liver. A stream of curses streamed from his lips as he lay prone on the ground…

His teammates witnessed the attack. They scowled and pushed on toward the first years to avenge their fallen team-mate (They stepped on Wade in over to reach the first years…). Wands and fists and teenaged angst exploded within compartment 3.

In the Hallway between the compartments.
NPCs: Zeva, Nathaniel
PCs: Alaric, Charlotte, Caelum

The door to compartment 6 made a loud crashing noise. It flew off the hinges and hit Nathaniel where he stood. The boy buckled at the knee and fell over unconscious. Zeva looked startled, blinking in wonder at the now-smoking door frame. She looked quizzically at Charlotte, as if the girl might know what had just happened. Did the first years have a secret weapon of some sort in there? The rowdy behind her Slytherin were attracted to the noise like moth to a flame…
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Charlie, quite ill advisedly, raised her wand with a determined look on her face, thinking to send some aggressive sparks at the older students. She wasn't sure what might come out of her wand without knowing any spells, and what happened shocked her as much as anyone else.

One of the compartment doors suddenly exploded outward, striking one of the older students, knocking him to the ground.

"Ha ha!" she cried out, "Take that!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

<<Collab between Apoalo, Eyeris, Prints Avoid. What happened to make the door explode? and some other stuff>>

Compartment 6

"Great..." Nolan muttered, stepping forward and shaking Chandler gently. "Not even at school yet and-Come on Chandler, focus!" He walked back to the compartment door, attempting to peak out at what was going on through the window. He was getting restless, and his concern for Chandler only made it worse.

He looked at Caelum, "You know any magic? Or really anything that'll help him?" He noticed the new girl was a bit more made up than most girls their age. Was she trying to look older?


The frown on the first year girl's face deepened. Chandlers injury only heightened the pressure of her phobia upon her. When she was going through small spaces she could sometimes comfort herself with the thought that she had nothing to afraid of, that her fear was irrational, that the walls were close together but would not move in to crush her... well... the fallen boy on the ground proved otherwise. Because they were trapped Chandler was hurt. In her frantic mind it was only a matter of time before herself and Nolan would fall victim to the trap. Perhaps they would run out of air, or the ceiling would collapse, or whatever was going on outside would find them and they would have nowhere to run.

"I... I'm a muggle... or I was a muggle... I don't know any magic." She stood. "We... We have to get out of here..." She looked to the window, and saw only the English countryside rushing by. No way out. She looked to the door, scorched by Chandlers spell, a dead end.

She knelt on a seat and pounded her fist into the wall. Perhaps they could communicate with someone on the other side. "Hello? HELLO?!" She slammed her thin fists into the wall. "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!" Her voice was loud and shrill. (It would be heard in the next compartment as well as the hallway). "WE ARE TRAPPED SOMEONE HELP US!" Her face turned red and her eyes watered, her fear poured through her fists as she struck the wall. She crossed to the other side of compartment and screamed toward and struck that wall as well.

She crossed to the window, as she tried to open it something fell out of her pocket and clattered to the floor. Catching her attention.

A cell phone.

It was pink, with rhinestones glued to it.

She picked it up with shaking hands, her fingers were sore but she dialed the only number she could think of.

"Thank you for calling Dr. Liquin. If this is a medical emergency please hang up and call 9-1-1. Otherwise please leave a message or call my office..."

"DAD! Dad something has happened and... we are trapped and..." She looked to Nolan. "What... What do I tell him? Does the school even have a phone... I... I...." Her hands shook and she could barely keep the phone in her fingers. "HERE!" She thrust the cell phone toward Nolan, surrendering the responsibility to him.

Chandler (and Castiel)
Chandler groaned again and kept trying to look at the people talking but he was seeing double and his vision was still blotched with stars, while the back of his head throbbed, he kept opening and closing his eyes but squeezed them shut when he heard the girl in the compartment start screaming shrilly causing his head to almost explode in pain, his ears ringing and causing him to faint. Castiel looked at the screaming girl and darted up the seats and when she thrusted the phone to Nolan she jumped towards Caelum's feet and started rubbing them hoping she'll stop panicking.


Nolan could only watch as Caelum quickly lost whatever control she had managed to keep. Everything felt particularly out of his control as he was locked in a room with a panicking girl and a nearly unconscious kid, and he didn't really know either of them. He just didn't want to be dealing with this, and worse he really didn't even know how. He took a calming breath and began to look around when suddenly the girl shoved a phone in his face.

"Uhh... o-okay," he managed to get out as he took the cellphone. No doubt it was a girl's phone. Did things like this even work on the train? He had heard they didn't at Hogwarts. But sure enough as he put it up to his phone, he just caught the sound of the tone prompting him to leave a message. "Uh, hello... sir? I..." He was at a loss for words, but then saw Castiel trying to comfort the girl, and an idea came to his mind. "Your daughter is in a bit of a state right now, but don't worry. We are perfectly safe..." He realized that the man would likely worry when he couldn't reach his daughter by phone later. "Please don't worry. Call Mr. Thomas Archer at-" There was another beep on the other end signaling that he'd gone over the time limit and the call disconnected.

"Okay, okay. We'll just send him an owl when we get back! I can track down Roy and let you borrow Fletch!" He tossed the phone onto the seat, and bent down to pick up Castiel. "But for now..." he handed the kitten to Cealum. "This is Castiel. I want you to look at her. Pet her, hold her. Nothing outside of you and this kitten exists. Okay?" He had tried to sound certain, to echo Tidus's way of speaking like he knew everything. Instead he sounded as hopeless as if he was trying to convince a starving bear that he tasted like dry grass and twigs and would make a terrible meal. Hopefully it would shut her up though, because her worry was starting to affect him and the noises in the hall were only getting louder.

He walked over to the window and began messing with the latch, talking to Chandler in the process. "Don't die one us now, man. We could use your help. Neither of us can really use our wands." But the boy was even worse than before.

Caelum enfolded her arms around the warm furry creature.

Just me and the cat... She closed her eyes, she focused on the feeling of the feline purring against her chest. She began to pet the cat, behind the ears, over her neck, and down to the tip of her tail.

The cat did the trick. Caelum calmed down enough to open her eyes and watch Nolan open the compartment window. "Be... careful..." She said quietly, then looked down at Chandler with a frown. She squeezed Castiel a bit tighter, the kitten meowed quietly, as if to get the girls attention.

Caelum scratched the kitten behind her ear. "You are so cute, you remind me of Sabertooth just a bit... bit... much smaller."

Chandler wasn't down long and when he came to he actually did feel a bit better though his head still hurt alot... He stood shakily to his feet and reached out for Nolan when he started falling foward and hoped the other boy caught him otherwise he would get a face full of floor again. If caught Chandler would blink several times and frown at the door, his anger starting to build causing his head to hurt even more. He pointed his wand at the door again and said the incantation, this time his mind seemed to wrap around the spell much easier.

Right after his head was throbbing so much that he passed out again hopefully again back in Nolan's arms so he didn't get injured anymore.

Castiel would have sighed if she was able to but as it was she merely continued to rub all over Caelum purring loudly to keep her attention away from everything else. She briefly watched her master do the spell again and was at least happy no more shenanigans or melarchy occurred with that cast and she snuck a peak at the compartment door to see if he had been successful.

Nolan was caught off guard by the sudden movement behind him. So stunned in fact, that when Chandler stumbled he nearly hit the floor, Nolan catching him just in time. Though he tried to talk some more, Chandler seemed to completely ignore him as he stared at the door. "It's okay, Chandler. That sort of thing happens. Why don't you just sit down?" He was cut off by the incantation. Nolan sighed with relief as the room all of sudden felt more open even if the the door hadn't opened. He felt that on his next attempt to open, the door would open without complaint.

His relief was brief, however as Chandler collapsed once more. With a groan, Nolan struggled to support the weight of the other boy. It was lucky he was fit and that Chandler seemed about average in weight. Still, he just managed to get Chandler onto the seat opposite Caelum, though he did fall a little roughly on the cushioned seat.

In the Hallway between compartments

Nolan's eyes turned toward the door as he drew his wand. "Now let's see what's going on." He walked through the doorway to find the door itself had knocked over an older student. Right next to him were two other girls, wands drawn. He held up his own watching the other two warily. There were still loud noises coming out of the other compartments.


"No, no, NO!" Nolan thought. Not now. He turned to find Judoc, flanked by two of his Quidditch teammates, staring at him. Nolan couldn't tell if he was angry or just surprised.

The older Archer boy strode forward as the two Gryffindor girls joined the brawl in the other compartments. "I heard Slytherin was causing trouble, but you have the nerve to pick on my brother?!" His voice suddenly twice as loud he pointed his wand directly at the third year girl. "Messing with first years, typical mindless beasts."

Zeva scowled, but was visibly nervous. Skill or no, Judoc towered over her and had the magical knowledge of a seventh year. "I haven't touched your brother," she said, her tone shaky but contemptuous. She glanced at the younger brother. "In fact, he's the one who blasted that door off its hinges and knocked out this weirdo," she gestured to Nathaniel on the floor.

A loud blast from the nearest compartment made both Nolan and Zeva flinch, but Judoc didn't blink. His wand still pointed at Zeva, he turned to Nolan and the open compartment behind him. A broken door, an unconscious boy, and a girl who seemed to be in shock. "What did you do?"

Zeva, clearly seeing the situation herself for the first time, was likewise surprised. Which was then followed by a smirk. "Noble, honorable, self-righteous Archer. Watch who you call a mindless beast. This little brother of yours seems like a monster himself. She backed away to rejoin the Slytherins, leaving Judoc with the two first years.

"I-" Nolan's explanation never left his mouth. Suddenly the whole world had gone still. The teachers had arrived.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 9 mos ago

On The Train

When the chaos had reached a fever pitch in violence and chaos a lone voice spoke a single word that silenced every noise.

Concretastisis.” She did not shout, or even speak loudly, few students would have even heard it. They all would see, then feel, the effect of the spell. A frost spread from the wand of the witch who cast the spell. The frost expanded to blanket the entire train car. Students would feel the cold wash over them and hold them tightly in place. Some were midway through their own spells, others mid punch, some wide eyed, some flinching away from a blow, some clutching their familiar into their chest. They only thing the would be able to move was their eyes. They could blink, and roll the eye in the socket and look around. They were all stiff and cold, like statues. They would see one another with screwed up expressions and blue lips.

Professor Sadria Quinn stepped into the compartment. She didn’t hurry. She quietly stepped through the frozen scene. Occasionally peering more carefully at a student or their situation. Occasionally giving a soft sound like ‘Hmfh.” or “mmm?” of disapproval.

“I’m going to unfreeze you now. One at a time. No further misbehavior shall be tolerated.” She spoke in a clear dark tone. She had large knife-like nose and thin brows. “We will travel to Hogwarts and commence with the sorting ceremony… After the ceremony you will all report to me. Then we will see what the Headmistress would like to do about all this mess.”

She would unfreeze them one by one in a prompt and organized fashion. Other teachers would be on hand to help and supervise the compartment. Professor Quinn assigned seating and would make the children sit in silence. Anyone who needed medical attention was immediately taken away to another car to be cared for and supervised by other teachers.

When they arrived the first years were separated from the other students, and Professor Sadria Quinn would lead them onto longboats just as the sun began to set.

When the boats rounded the curve they would each see Hogwarts for the first time. A silhouette against the dying day. The mighty ancient castle stood tall over the lake below, the woods around it, and its enemies.

Professor Sadria Quinn would park the first year fleet in a cave under the castle. Then lead them up an old stairwell cut from the stone itself.

She led them into the great hall…


The great hall was illuminated by firelight and starlight. The fire came from candles that hovered over the tables and around the large carved columns. Above them was a mural of glowing stars, but it was much more realistic than any mural every painted, it was as if firmament itself was only just above them.

Professor Orianna Greco would step in to administer the sorting ceremony. She was a younger teacher. She had rosy cheeks upon a dusky complexion, vivid green eyes, and a few silver strands of hair that she did not bother to hide. Her locks were neatly swept back into a tight bun under her neck. She wore a tall black witches hat and long dark robes. She walked to the podium and holding a large pillow and a very old and very famous hat. She set it upon a table and stood back, producing a long scroll from her robe-pocket. She unfurled it and began to read the names of each first year. As she called them they would approach and she would place the hat upon their heads. Each student would sit and wear the hat until the sorting hat declared aloud what house they would belong to. Then Orianna would call out for the next student...

Orianna called out: “PETER DOBSON!”

Peter felt the old fabric hat placed upon his head. Dust fell down and onto his nose.

After a few moments he would hear a voice in his head. It would sound old, and jolly.

"Thinking with your stomach will not find you in the right house! Fortunately each table receives the same fare. I'm told the dragon nut pudding is particularly satisfying and always runs out! Be sure to get a big spoonful early on!”

"Oh really?" Peter's stomach groaned once more at the mention of pudding. "My brother said that the pumpkin stew was to die for!"

The hat responded: “From what I have overheard during my time here, your brother would be correct. Anyway enough talk of food, as I know just what to do with you!”



Orianna called out: “NOLAN ARCHER!”

"Eureka! Finally I have the honor to meet the last Archer! That is, to mean, the youngest... I have heard mention of you many times before! Hail and welcome young man."

Nolan was caught rather off guard, his eyes widening as the hat spoke to him. They were on the floor as he looked down, not wanting to meet the eyes of his brothers. He could feel Roy and Judoc watching him from their respective tables, both hoping he would come join them.

"You've heard of me?" he asked, his voice a whisper. He wasn't quite sure, but Nolan imagined the hat would understand his thoughts even if he didn't speak them.

"Why, of course! I have been anticipating your arrival for a... very long time."

"You do have much in common with your brothers. The wise raven-claw Roy and the brave Gryffindor Judoc are watching you now. They think that you are like them, and would do well in their own houses. Yet, I sense there is a little bit more to you you, isn't there?"

“Something more huh? You mean the fact that I'm going to be better than all of them. Even if I'm not gifted like the rest of them." Even in his thoughts he emphasized the word with a bit of disgust. In reality he was surprised he was able to be so honest about his ambitions with the hat. Though he was confident in his own abilities, the fact that he wanted to outshine them all was not something he often admitted to. Nolan looked up at his brothers, meeting each of them in the eye. Both were talented, both succeeded more easily than most, and both loved him very much. He sighed. He couldn't fault them, but that didn't mean he couldn't aspire to show them up.

"Well then! It seems all is decided! I look forward to your success success! Take care not to jump the life to come, but rather enjoy each moment dear student of..."


Orianna called out: “CHARLOTTE MARIE SPRINGER!”

"Pay not attention to the man behind the curtain!"

"That's a muggle book!" Charlotte spoke out loud, but didn't pay any mind to
the fact that people besides the hat could hear her.

"Orianna has been reading to me. She thinks I can help the newer students feel
more-at-home. Though, it is a fascinating story in it's own right! The
witches really steal the show don't they!?"

She frowned and thought into the hat now. “I haven't actually read it.”

"I am sure that Oriana would lend it to you! She has quite the collection
of literature! It's about a girl and her dog get lost from their home,
they are muggles, likely picked up by a stray weather spell of some
sort... and she teams up with a man without a brain, a man without a
heart, and a man without courage to face an evil witch.... and they...
well... We have not finished the story yet, so, I'm not sure what

“It's a Lion. The lion is the one without courage, not a man.”

"A Lion!? Indeed, A lion brave and proud! Say... I think the metaphor suits you better! Therefore I declare you for..."



Orianna called out: “ROZILIA ÉATHIEL!”

If she had been a shy or nervous girl, sitting on a stool in front of everybody in the school would have left her shaking; and yet, all she could think about was how amazing the school looked. Like a castle straight out of a Tolkien or C.S Lewis novel (She'd have to find out if either of them were Wizards and had gone here - what a thing to tell her Father!), it had taken her breath away. The boat ride over the lake had been fantastic, with the castle silhouetted in the dark blanket of the night sky above it, brought to light by the candles flickering in the windows of the stone-walled rooms within, and the bright full-moon paired with the scattering pinpricks of stars around it, illuminating the outline of the great structure. And then the entrance hall - carved pillars, marble floors, suits of armour and scarred stone brought the interior to life. Unfortunately, Peeves hadn't shown up - probably banished temporarily by one of the Professors; she'd heard plenty of stories of his endless pranks, often heard shouting 'For the Weasleys!' for some reason or another after tipping yet another cauldron of green goo onto a student. And entering the Great Hall - Oh, what a sight. Thousands of floating candles with the night sky stretched across the ceiling of the roof; older students sat on the tables, some waving to younger students, some drumming their fingers impatiently on the table while they stared longingly at their empty plates (And some pointing and grinning at Roze's hair as it illuminated to a delighted gold upon seeing the Great Hall - clearly, Metamorphagi weren't very common), and then, there was the hat. With a last name beginning with an E - she was pleasantly surprised that the Professor could actually pronounce her strange Italian name - she was one of the first to be called up.

"...Hm. I remember your brother. And your mother... and your Uncle." The hat began, his voice filling her ears. It was so big it had swallowed up the top half of her head, so she could see nothing but dark fabric within.

"Was Uncle Bobby as grumpy as a kid as he is now?" Was the first thing she could think of, bringing forth a chuckle from the hat.

"He was quite nervous, actually. And more than surprised to find out he went into Hufflepuff."

"Yeah... I think you made a mistake there."

"Why so?"

"Uh... grumpy?"

"You don't seem to be 'grumpy' - how about Hufflepuff for you? Or Ravenclaw? Your family hasn't had a Ravenclaw yet."

"Actually, I'm not bothered." T
his brought forth a pause from the hat, who was probably unused to having such an answer. Normally, a kid was pleading to be in their family's house, their elder siblings' house, or simply the house they heard wasn't bad while on the train over. Hufflepuff often got quite disregarded, and Slytherin was more often than not thought to breed nothing but Death Eaters and Parseltongues.

"Well, well. You've certainly got an aptitude for all the houses. You have bravery, a rather large need to attain knowledge, a strong sense of loyalty... oh, and plenty of cunning. And sarcasm - that tends to help people in Slytherin quite a bit, I've noticed."

"Again, I'm not bothered. Maybe..."
Roze paused, her legs swinging slightly on the stool. She'd been sat for a bit now; longer than anyone else so far.


"Maybe if you put me in a house, I'd be able to help it. I mean... people have a lot of stereotypes for houses - I'd like to break them. I mean, my Mam was really sweet, but she was in Slytherin. My Uncle was really grumpy, but he was in Hufflepuff, and my brother... well, he worked like a Ravenclaw, I suppose, but he was a Gryffindor."

"Interesting thoughts. I suppose if you think of it like that, it had better be..."



Orianna called out: “CHANDLER GRIFFIN WEBSTER!”

"Such talent! No doubt you were very young when it began to show. Hmmm, yes, the talent is within, but how shall it manifest without? I wonder... I wonder..."

Chandler quite visibly jumped and looked around more than a little scared but realized that was why he had seen some of the other kids also seem surprised. He supposed he would just need to think his answers so he found himself in a conversation with a magical hat, awesome. "Erm, hi there. I was three when my parents started noticing things... Sir?"

"That is very young! I am sure they were confused at first, but now they are proud and can be even prouder! You shall be a wonderful addition to my school! And to a house... but which one might that be? Where the dragon walks it's tail must follow!"

"Urm, thank you sir. I would think I would do well wherever you think I would. On the train though Gryffindor or Ravenclaw but at the same time sir I'm pretty driven to do well as well so Slytherin could work to... But then again Hufflepuff might work to." He sighed obviously confused.

"You strive to make a wise decision! Allow me to assist, as I know the houses and their spirits well. In you I sense a great potential, best revealed, methinks, in..."



Orianna called out: “PEARLEANE POMPAQUE!”

Climbing the stairs carefully she sat down with a small huff. She didn't need to be told to sit, she was already tired from waiting in line and the long, adventurous trip getting there. Professor Greco placed the hat down on the girl's mess of braided ebony curls and it soon began to speak.

"Indeed, I see that you have already distinguished yourself here at Hogwarts! But I am hardly here to dwell on past reputation, but rather, the futures... hmmmm... this is a difficult decision indeed..."

"No need to be nervous young Pearleane Pompaque. Your mother Claudia was quite the opposite when she sat here for the first time." Pearleane gasped slightly, her crimson lips then closing into a tight smile. He had remembered her mother, and knew how much of a strong woman and excellent leader she was. Would he plan to place her in Gryffindor as well?

"Ah but yes, there is no mistake you're a Hufflepuff, where they are just and loyal, those patient Hufflepuffs are true, and unafraid of toil. Hufflepuff is where you belong!" The sorting hat sung, half teasingly as he then made the announcement.


"Well, I always have looked great in black and yellow."
she teased, getting up and walking towards Hufflepuff.


Orianna called out: “ALARIC KEATO!”

Alaric shifted a little in his seat and squeezed his eyes shut. “I don't know if you're listening or anything, but... please let me be a Gryffindor, he thought to the hat with a hint of desperation, My brother was a Gryffindor. And being a Gryffindor sounds... nice... I guess... He trailed off as he realized none of the things he'd thought earlier sounded the least bit convincing. ..Uh, just put me in Gryffindor, okay?” the boy thought again.

"Why Gryffindor?"
said a voice in his head. The voice was very old, jolly, and sad.

"Because... my brother," Alaric insisted to the hat, "He did a lot of good things and I want to be a good person and he was in Gryffindor, so... just put me in Gryffindor, alright?"

"Besides, Slytherins are evil,"
he added, "So I'm not a Slytherin. And I'm not smart enough to be a Ravenclaw. And Hufflepuffs... look kinda stupid. So there! I'm a Gryffindor." The boy grinned a little, looking oddly proud of himself.

"I see that you know everything there is to know about our school and it's houses." The hat wiggled atop his head. "Yet, this is your first time setting foot on these grounds. Open your eyes, look at the long tables, who would you say appears stupid? or brave? or evil? or smart?"

"Your brother is a brave Gryffindor. Courage? Yet, you are afraid to look at things for what they are. This will be a most important quality in years to come! I best set you on the course that suits you most..."



Orianna called out: “JULIUS MARS HILLSHIRE!”

Julius jumped. There was a voice in his head!

. . .

You know what, he wasn't actually that surprised . . .

"So, uh, hi there?"
he thought. It was a bit weird to be talking to a hat, never mind that the hat was in his head.

The sorting hat seemed amused. "Always on your guard I see! You should expect many unexpected surprises here at Hogwarts!"

Julius grinned both internally and externally. "Of course I'm always on my guard. If there's one thing that my dad taught me, it's that magic is weird, and you should always be careful of weird things."

Of course, Julius took a lot of liberty what exactly careful was supposed to mean - often without thinking about it.

"So, uh, hat-guy? Hows it hanging?" he asked. "How does it feel like to be a hat anyway?"

"For someone so cautious of strange things, you are quite cordial towards talking hats." The sorting hat sounded amused. "You see much that others do not... I wonder what is strange and what is not? For me it does not feel strange to be a talking hat. It's quite comfortable actually. There isn’t really much I miss... Enough about me. Let's talk about you! Only the best of houses will do for someone as capable and wise as you..."



Orianna called out: “DANIELLE MARIE CARSON!”

The soft old hat was placed upon Dani's head.

"What have we here? My! Another fine witch! How are you today young one? Excited? Fearful? Confused? or perhaps you are... your... well... perhaps I should let you do the talking if I intend to hear an answer!"

The felt hat, far too large for Dani, slipped down over her eyes and ears as it was placed on her head. There was nothing but silence for just long enough to make her think that maybe the hat wouldn't work for her before she heard a voice. At first, she thought that it was one of the professors talking to her, probably about the lack of reaction in the hat. But, it quickly became apparent that the voice was that of the hat, and that she was actually hearing it inside her head. The hat's friendly and jolly voice helped put Dani's nerves at ease a bit, though it's suggestion that she answer instead of letting the hat ramble on brought back her fears. Her whiteboard was sitting in her little backpack, making it currently inaccessible, not that she even knew if the hat would be able to read what she wrote. It didn't exactly have eyes after all. Still, she figured that the hat would probably be able to read her mind, as it was able to talk to her through her mind, and so she tried answering it mentally. "A little of everything, I guess," she responded, hoping that the hat would hear.

"YES! This is an important day for you! For every first year... and for Hogwarts who gets to see you welcomed here! especially at…”



Orianna called out “ JACOB MASTERS!”

Jake watched as a few others were sorted into their respective houses. He was a ball of nerves knowing that he had to be a Gryffindor no matter what. He was going to be like his family no matter what. He smiled at that thought. Soon he would be in the house his father and grandfather had been in for generations. Family legend spoke of how his ancestor had been chosen for the house by Godric Gryffindor himself when he had first made his house. Soon after he had thought this he heard his name. Without fear he heard his name ring out.

Jake walked up with a firm smile on his face. He was not scared as the hat was placed on his head. "Ahhh... This is not a head I had been on in years. " The hat murmured into his ears." Oh... There we are... Fearless even when you know you should be worried... Unafraid of that which should be feared... There is ambition in you, boy. To be more than your brothers. The snake would support that. Make you great.Yes, boy I know where you must go…”


Jake jumped up as the hat was removed. With a smile he basically ran over to the table. As he did so his brother slapped him on the back as Jake walked by. 'Good job little brother." He said as Jake passed. He sat down next to Devlin and slapped his new friend on the back"See! I told you you had nothing to fear! I told you that you would be a Gryffindor. You had all the traits of one. This is great! The two of us in the same house. My brother said that you make your best friends in your house. Stick with me and I'll help you with the more magical stuff. This is gonna be crazy." Jake said masking his former nervousness with his rapid fire talking.


Orianna called out “CAELUM LIQUIN”

The first year turned pale and timid as she walked out onto the podium. She clutched her sketchbook with trembling hands.

“Dear sweet thing with a keen open eye and a keen heart! It is no mystery where you will best get your start…”



Orianna called out: “LAYLA GINLIO!”

The hat touched the girls head for only a second and the hat made its quick decision.



Orianna called out: “KONSTANTIN YEREMEYEV!”

“My luck that the last is so easy to place! Clever and determined I should say…”


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Professor Quinn would be standing at the back of the hall. Her eyes would set carefully upon each first year student as they left their podium. Thoes involved in the incident knew that they needed to get in line and follow her.

She only led away the first years. The upperclassmen who had been involved would be dealt with separately.

She would lead them down the hall, down a stair, up a stair, and finally lead them into a room lined with long wooden benches. There was a wider door, perhaps it lead to the headmistresses office. There were a few small tables, some had plants set upon it, one of which seemed to be... watching them. There were a few paintings on the walls as well, all empty: All the subjects of these paintings were in the great hall. This made each work of art seem like a landscape or still life.

"Wait here. The Headmistress will arrive shortly." Professor Quinn instructed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 16 days ago

<Julius Hillshire>

Julius paced around, an excited look on his face. He was in Slytherin! It was not Hufflepuff like he wanted, but his dad said that Slytherin was probably the best house in Hogwarts, so he was fine with that!

Of course, his celebration was dampened by the fact that he was in trouble before the first day of classes even started. That had to be a new record, or something.

Oh whatever, it doesn't detract from the fact that Hogwarts was freaking amazing! Look at those walls! The candles! The stairs that were freaking moving!!! He bounced around, looking everywhere he could as they were led to what was probably the principals office. He turned to look at some of the others, and spotted Rozie, James and Moriah. He walked up to them, a grin on his face.

"Man this place is a-freaking-mazing, don't you think? I can't wait for the lessons to start," he said rapidly. "So how do you feel about your houses? I got into Slytherin. It's not Hufflepuff, but it's still pretty cool I guess. Say, I wonder if Wade is around here? I should probably talk to him - that punch to the liver is gonna need an apology, or something."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Tip
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Tip Prime example

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Layla Ginlio

Layla wiped the sweat off her brow as she was sorted into Gryffindor. Was she surprised? Well, yes. Considering her father had been in Ravenclaw, yes, she had expected to be in there. Oh well! You're IN Hogwarts! Stop having a flipping go - at yourself! Layla was barely repressing a squeal as she sat down at the Gryffindor table. Maybe she would be like Hermione Granger, who she had read about in a book... STOP!

Layla sighed. She looked around at her fellow first years; a short red-headed girl ((@Gisk)) caught her eye. She wracked her brain and remembered her name was Charlotte Mary Slinger - or something of the sort.

"Hi there. My name's Layla Ginlio, but, um, you may already remember that from the Sorting," she gabbled, finding her confidence suddenly, "Do you know, once my dear father once took my toy broom off me and I was so angry I turned myself invisible! Amazing, eh?" Layla sighed happily, "You know, this place is MASSIVE! How are we ever going to find our way around? Oh! Have you read A History Of Hogwarts yet? I read it the day I got it! So fabulous. Did you know that a wizard or with can't Apparate inside the Hogwarts grounds! Unless, of course, the Headmistress, Professor McGonagall, lifts the enchantments... Sorry! Sorry! I'm rambling! Anyway, nice to meet you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Nolan left the stool and the hat that seemed to know so much and slowly made his way to the back of the Great Hall. Despite the enchanted ceiling and ghosts and mass of students, his eyes were on the point directly ahead of him to where Professor Quinn was standing. He could feel the stares of a few of the students on him, his brothers’ no doubt among them, but he wasn’t the first of the first years to have to join the Professor instead of sitting at the table.

What did Professor Quinn even teach? He racked his brain for the information, but it didn’t come to him. That was surprising as he’d been asking all about his teachers in the past weeks. He’d come to the conclusion that with his trouble learning, he was going to have to get on their good sides if he wanted to survive school. Either way he’d already failed at making a good impression with her. He hadn’t even had a chance to explain himself. Chandler and Caelum had been swept away before Nolan himself had even been unfrozen. The thought flashing into his mind he turned on the spot to take a look at the line. He breathed a sigh of relief as he caught sight of each of them, seemingly fine now. But he had to wonder, did the teachers think he’d done something to them like that Slytherin girl? Worse, did Judoc think so?

He watched in silence as they each got sorted into other houses. Disappointing. He took note of his fellow Slytherins, wondering what they would be like. Would he get along with them?

The walk to headmistress’s office was silent for him. Had anyone tried to talk to him they would find him completely lost in his own brooding. He shook out of it once they were left in the room with the benches however and he approached Chandler. “Doin’ all right?” he asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 9 mos ago


Moirah stammered when Julius approached and asked the question: "I... I'm a Slytherin too!" Her eyes were wide behind her thick glasses, she looked both astounded and uncertain. She would be in the same house as her most recent set of antagonists. Was she doomed to be picked on by her peers the rest of her school days? She would not be alone though, Julius, who had punched a popular Slytherin in the gut was now sorted into the house as well! She would make sure to keep close to him. He could stand up to the bullies, unlike herself.

Caelum kept to herself on the outskirts of the room. She slowly walked toward where professor Quinn stood. "P-professor... I... I don't think I should be here I didn't really do anything..."

The teacher gave Caelum a pitiful look. "You did nothing? Is that why your knuckles are bruised?"

Caelum stuffed her hands into her robes, it was true, her knuckles were red and pink, some beginning to turn purple. "That... but that was..."

"Enough, take responsibility for your mistakes. Excuse me." The professor broke away from Caelum and disappeared from the room, perhaps to go fetch the professor.

She was uncertain for a moment, then spotted Chandler and Nolan. She walked toward them and spoke quietly upon her arrival.

"Are you guys okay? I don't even understand what happened..."


Sitting next to Layla Ginlio was a second year boy who decided to butt into the conversation. "There are tons of enchantments that limit the students here at Hogwarts! In the name of security we have been forced to surrender our freedoms! Imagine how much time we could save if we could apparate between classes! And why interfere with our electronics? Just because we are wizards doesn't mean we should be cut off from muggles! I am drafting a petition to allow the use of cellular phones on school grounds. Would you like to sign it?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The fight that had started on the train was quickly finished as a wave of cold filled the entire section of the train, holding everyone, Dani included, in place until the teacher, a harsh-looking woman, came by and released them one at a time. Though grateful that the chaos had been ended, Dani couldn’t help but feel that she and her two new friends were also in trouble, despite having had nothing to do with the whole mess.

Her fear that she would be in trouble kept her from really enjoying the sights and sounds as they disembarked the train at the station, she and the other first years being led down to the river where boats were waiting. In spite of her miserable condition, she couldn’t deny that the view of the castle as they went around the bend in the river was magnificent, what with the tall towers and buttresses extending far above the trees along the riverbank.

The whole ceremony did nothing to alleviate the nervousness that Dani was feeling, though it, fortunately, seemed to go by quite quickly, with her being placed in Ravenclaw, not that she particularly knew what that meant exactly. Once the hat was done with her, Dani followed the other first years who had been involved in the mess on the train to the back of the Hall where the teacher stood, watching everything with shrewd eyes. Hopefully, they would be able to explain their side of the story and would be able to evade punishment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Natty
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

As Peter sat in silence alongside the rest of the now unfrozen students, all that he think about was how extremely unfair this whole thing had become. He hadn't even been here a day and yet he was already being punished! And for what? Having their quiet compartment interrupted by a group of fighting students? It was ridiculous! What would his mother say? He visibly shuddered at the thought that she might end up sending him a howler the next morning. Oh that would certainly be embarrassing.

He put the negative thoughts out of his mind as the train pulled into the station. He didn't wish to spoil what his parents called one of the most magical moments of his life, which was really saying something considering the world in which he lived. Besides, the feast was fact approaching! He gazed open mouthed as the boats drifted towards the brightly lit castle. The castle was a miraculous sight, illuminating the world of the lake. It certainly beat anything Peter had ever seen. The inside was even grander, with the floating torches and the mass of portraits, he didn't know where to look. Well he did when he entered the great hall anyway! He decided to keep his eyes fixated to the front rather than catch the eyes of all of the students gazing at the first year students.

Honestly he wasn't that surprised when the old withered hat shouted out that he was to be put into Hufflepuff. His whole family on his father's side had been Hufflepuffs afterall, and he knew very well that he didn't really have any of the qualities that the rest of the houses seemed to have. He groaned however as he walked away from the tables and instead towards the back of the room towards where Professor Quinn stood. He reluctantly followed her and the rest of the first years down the winding corridors of the school before arriving in yet another room.

As they waited for the arrival of the Headmistress, he approached Dani, who seemed to be glaring at the group from the sidelines. "You ok?" He asked reassuringly, standing at her side. While waiting for her response, his eyes darted around the room for Pearleane, smiling at her when he spotted her. "I hope they don't tell our parents" He confessed, speaking again to Dani. "I don't think that I'll be able to take receiving a howler!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tip
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Tip Prime example

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Layla Ginlio

Layla was confident she would make some new friends here. Yes, it's true, most will probably be boys, but she needn't worry about that now. A bagel was half-way to her mouth when a second-year boy spoke, "There are tons of enchantments that limit the students here at Hogwarts! In the name of security we have been forced to surrender our freedoms! Imagine how much time we could save if we could apparate between classes! And why interfere with our electronics? Just because we are wizards doesn't mean we should be cut off from muggles! I am drafting a petition to allow the use of cellular phones on school grounds. Would you like to sign it?"
"Uh... yeah! I have tons of muggle friends... But of course I'll sign your petition!" Shaking slightly from the presence of the older year boy, she brought out a pen from her cloak pocket. Then she remembered -- this is Hogwarts, you need a quill not a pen! She quickly stuffed the pen back in her pocket and brought out a quill, looking embarrassed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

The whole train ride was very much a blur to Chandler when he did finally wake up he found himself in a separate train car surrounded by teachers. He groaned he felt the back of his head then tried to sit up the teacher in front of him in the garb of a nurse just "Tsked" at him and forced a foul tasting potion down his throat which caused him to wobble a bit before falling back into dreamland for the rest of the ride to Hogwarts will the nurse treated the concussion he had suffered.

It wasn't a very long process and he awoke once more making a yuck sound as the medicine could still be tasted. The nurse chuckled this time and handed him some pumpkin juice and a pat on his head, ruffling the hair a bit. "You'll be happy to know that any damage you took was repaired with no issues. I'll see you again i'm sure." Chandler raised an eyebrow and wondered just what he got himself into if the nurse told him she'd be seeing a lot of him. He shrugged and thanked her then looking down and realizing he didn't have his robes on. He groaned and spotted a rather stern looking teacher with a knife like nose. "Erm, Professor I don't have my robes..." She looked down annoyingly to him and nodded.

"I see that Mr. Webster I suppose you will have to join your classmates and myself on the boats in your current apparel." Chandler gulped and nodded before following the Professor down to the waters edge where he joined her in her boat. He spent the boat ride staring at the different sights, his eyes widening and then widening more as more and more of Hogwarts was revealed. The smile on his face seemed plastered there and didn't show much promise of going away.

Soon the boat ride was over without any unfortunate events befalling the students. Still at the very front of the first years and in plain clothes Chandler felt very much self-conscious and wanted more than anything to just meld into the wall and go invisible. However as much as he wanted this it didn't stop the boy from looking at literally everything they passed, the smile and wide-eyes following him from the boats. Without to much fuss the first-years were herded into the Great Hall where Chandler actually stopped in awe. Luckily the other children did the same so Chandler didn't get himself trampled.

He smiled at the new teacher who returned the smile with a wink and tap of the parchment she carried. He then watched in silence as his classmates were called up every so often. He knew his name was very much the last in the alphabet and sure enough he was left alone with only one other boy on the stage when all of a sudden...

Orianna called out: “CHANDLER GRIFFIN WEBSTER!”

Chandler gulped once more and when he sat down he was taken by surprise.

"Such talent! No doubt you were very young when it began to show. Hmmm, yes, the talent is within, but how shall it manifest without? I wonder... I wonder..."

Chandler quite visibly jumped and looked around more than a little scared but realized that was why he had seen some of the other kids also seem surprised. He supposed he would just need to think his answers so he found himself in a conversation with a magical hat, awesome. "Erm, hi there. I was three when my parents started noticing things... Sir?"

"That is very young! I am sure they were confused at first, but now they are proud and can be even prouder! You shall be a wonderful addition to my school! And to a house... but which one might that be? Where the dragon walks it's tail must follow!"

"Urm, thank you sir. I would think I would do well wherever you think I would. On the train though Gryffindor or Ravenclaw but at the same time sir I'm pretty driven to do well as well so Slytherin could work to... But then again Hufflepuff might work to." He sighed obviously confused.

"You strive to make a wise decision! Allow me to assist, as I know the houses and their spirits well. In you I sense a great potential, best revealed, methinks, in..."


Chandler seemed a bit disappointed to not be in the same House as Nolan or Caelum but still waved towards Nolan as he joined the Ravenclaw table getting some claps on the back and screams of welcome. He smiled brightly and felt a sense of homecoming roll over him. That was short-lived however as he followed the rest of the Firt-years that were involved in the train car incident letting out a sigh of relief when Nolan came over and talked to him. "Yea, i'm fine now. Where's Caelu--." He was interrupted by her suddenly just appearing and Chandler let out another sigh of relief, it was weird three Houses being represented but Chandler already felt that these two were going to be his best friends, I mean they had already been through a crisis together!

"Hey Caelum, yea I think we're both ok." He looks over to Nolan just to be sure."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fox


Member Seen 1 yr ago

The last few weeks had passed in a flurry of excitement and a modicum of rattled nerves. Konstantin's life was being set on a new course, one he'd never even known existed, but one that rose up with a suddenness that would uproot him from the routine he'd settled into. A wizard, they'd called him. Something he'd known only from fairy tales and bedtime stories was soon to envelop everything he did, and that in itself was incredible. Incredible, daunting as well.

He sat in the great hall in his wizard's robes ogling at the magic around him as he ate his meal. A talking hat, floating candles, a ceiling that opened into the heavens. He'd heard others on the train ride going on about plenty: the houses they might get assigned to, which teachers might be strictest, and stories of their families. All of that seemed trivial in comparison to what he saw before him. To think that things such as floating candles would become commonplace over the coming years made him laugh.

Being assigned to Slytherin hadn't quite meant anything to him, considering he knew nothing of its past or any attached stigmas. The idea that they tried to group together like-minded individuals, however, did appeal to him greatly if it might make it easier to make friends. It still felt rather strange that he had to leave his friends from back home without being able to offer the truth as an explanation. Stranger still that he wouldn't have his mother to dance with or his father to spar with when he had the time to spare. It'd definitely take some time to get used to, but instead of dwelling on it, he jumped into conversation with the students at the table.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Roze smiled at Julius as he approached, nodding in agreement to his comment on the castle.
"It is amazing - like something out of a book. Never mind great Witches and Wizards, the founders of this school were some badass architects." She then paused. "And I wouldn't bother apologizing to Wade, or his kidney. He deserved it." She said, then added with a chuckle. "Although I bet he isn't walking too well - I all but made his balls ascend back into his body with that kick I gave him."
She quieted the chuckle as she glanced at the door to the Headmistress's room - inside would hold the portraits of all the previous headmasters and headmistresses of the school; it would truly be a wonder to see. Roze was disappointed that they hadn't been told to wait inside - she doubted she's get much conversation in with the portraits while being reprimanded. She was also disappointed at the fact they'd been taken away from the Hall before they got to eat. She was starving.
"I'm pretty happy with my house. First one to get into Ravenclaw. I hear you have to answer a riddle to enter the common room - silly idea, if you ask me. Yet again playing on the stereotypes of the houses." She muttered with a roll of her eyes. Honestly. Although the school itself was exceeding her expectations, the rifts between the Houses was disheartening to say the least. Hopefully, she could help change that before leaving.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Yeah I'm just fine. Nothing happened to me, just got frozen soon as I walked out the door," Nolan responded to Chandler and Caelum. "Glad to see you two are just fine though." At Caelum's question, however, he realized he still had no idea what had happened. The Slytherin Quidditch team was causing trouble was what his brother had said, his new house's team. Yet the student who'd locked them in wasn't one of them?

"Oh wait, did you get a message to your dad?" he asked looking at Caelum. "Though I'm sure the owls have been sent out." He then started laughing despite himself. "Can you imagine all the Howlers that will be coming in tomorrow? Oh that's gonna be great." He then gestured to the students around the group, "I'm sure some of them will fill us in later." He shifted around suddenly aware that his parents probably already knew he had gotten in trouble before even getting to school. And Judoc had probably made it worse. He sighed. "So what do you think of your houses?" he let some excitement creep back into his voice. After all, the Sorting sort of made it official, right? They were going to learn to properly use magicQ
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