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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Tarentek responded with a chuckle. "Hmm, I don't think I would be taking the first option. My race's regenerative properties doesn't extend so well to brain damage. I have thought about being unconscious through it, but I will need to be alert. We still do not know for certain that our enemy does not have a flying race among them, so an attack is not out of the question. No, I believe I can do this. I don't want to have a fear like this exerting its hold over my mind; I want to cure myself of it. In the end, I will be better for having overcome it. It may not work, true, but I would like to try."

Tarentek laughed once more. "I'll probably be regretting those words tomorrow. I have seen people overcome fears such as these, though, so I know it is possible. I recall during my education in Amman, a teacher spoke about some of the writings we had translated from the Human civilizations. They had an entire field of study for the mind called psychology. I myself did not study it, but I can't help but to wonder what the Humans could have done for a condition such as mine. Anyway, I cannot think of any more business I would like to mention."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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As Tarentek finished speaking, Onyx had finished everything she was doing with the food and handed it to her father so he could start cooking it. "Ok, my turn now!" Onyx spoke a little excitedly, and took a deep breath to calm herself before she said anything else. "I already explained what happened at my ritual last night, so you must already know what I'm about to ask father."

Raldel smiled without looking at Onyx, and nodded as he spoke. "Yes, I know. You have my permission to be included in the next coming of age ritual. You are the seventh one to find their path, so you also get to choose when the ritual will be." Onyx was confused, and it showed in her next question.

"I get to choose the day? I thought you were the one who chose the time of the rituals." Onyx shook her head as she thought, trying to remember what she had learned of the strange traditions tied to the coming of age rituals. "What time should I pick? There is no knowing anything beyond the next few days..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Since Tarentek did not have much knowledge on this ritual, he was not sure if he could really provide any input; however, he did have some thoughts on the matter. Being officially recognized with this title of prophet could be beneficial on a diplomatic mission, not to mention the positive effect it would have on Onyx's morale. As well, there was a possibility that events in the not too distant future could impact Onyx's ability to go through the ritual at all.

"That is true. With the situation we are facing, the future is greatly uncertain. I do not know much about this ritual, but with the threat looming over us and the...potential problems that revealing your future plans in regards to outsiders could cause, perhaps earlier would be better?" Tarentek recommended.
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Onyx looked at Tarentek, thankful for his calm statement helping her to find a thread to follow in her confusion. He's right, along with the potential of an uprising not too long from now, and the approach of the empire, Onyx also wouldn't be in the nest for a while after Tarentek gets better, because as soon as he is well enough they would be leaving for the Tel Nof mission. Anytime past that point, when she and Tarentek would have to leave, might as well be considered too late.

"I think sooner would be better too. Would the day after tomorrow bee soon enough, but not too soon?" Onyx asked her father. Raldel didn't seem surprised by her answer, and he responded quickly, saying that then would be the perfect time. These rituals rarely are announced much sooner than a day or two before anyway.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Tarentek smiled at Onyx. "Does this mean you'll be considered a full adult in a few days? Must be exciting. My people do not have any sort of moment that defines adulthood, so I can't say that I know how that will feel. I suppose it would not be appropriate for me to be present, so I will go ahead and wish you the best for it now." Tarentek commented.

Since they had gone through all the business they intended to bring up with Raldel for the moment, Tarentek assumed they would be leaving soon, unless Raldel or Onyx had a reason for them to stay. There were still quite a few hours left in the day, but Tarentek was fatigued from the earlier sparring match and would prefer to rest at the moment more than anything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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With nothing else to talk about really, Onyx and Tarentek said goodbye to Raldel for then and went back to Onyx's den, where Onyx made dinner and they went to bed with nothing else really interesting happening. The next morning, Onyx got up a little after dawn and started making breakfast so that it would be ready to eat when Tarentek got up. She decided not to wake him up today, to start getting him used to doing things for himself rather than her bossing him around like she had been doing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Tarentek awoke to the smell of cooking food filling the den. His night had been entirely devoid of dreams, which was a vast improvement over the night before. He would rather no dreams at all than to experience the terrors he had become used to. At least now, he had something different to worry about, as today was the day he was going to be facing his fear. He knew it was something he had to do, but that still did not stop him from getting out of bed as slowly as he could, taking extra time to stretch his muscles and examine his current state of health. Of course, he was in even better condition than the previous day. Not perfect yet, but a measurable improvement.

Eventually, Tarentek got himself dressed and joined Onyx in the main room. By the smell, the food was very nearly done, so he took a seat at the table. "Good morning. So, today's the day you take me way higher in the sky than I was ever meant to be...again. Honestly, it wasn't as bad the first time, while I had malnourishment and dehydration to distract me. I guess we can fly up to the Dead Sea, where you first found me. That is far enough to hopefully get me started on coming to terms with my fear. And, while we're there, you can have your swimming lessons. The salt in the sea makes it easier to float, so you won't have to worry about it being dangerous." He explained, pausing for a moment as he looked down at the table with a slight chuckle. "Now, if only there was a way to make flying safer."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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Onyx laughed as she served the meal. "Well, I could tie a rope between the two of us if it makes you feel better, although it wouldn't do anything to make it any safer for you. It would probably just help to drag me down with you if you fell, although I can assure you I'll only drop you if you can't manage to stay still." Onyx sat and started eating. "I'm going to eat quickly and go get my duties out of the way before we leave. I'll be done in no time since I can fly if you're not with me. You just stay here and Prepare yourself to leave. If you have anything you might drop I'd recommend tying it to yourself if you absolutely have to bring it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Tarentek nodded as he started on his breakfast. "I don't think the rope will be necessary. If you don't think I'll need it, then I trust you. For safety's sake, I'm going to bring my weapons. It's very unlikely that we'll be attacked, but I like to be safe. I'll also bring water, of course, as you never want to enter the desert without it. Other than that, though, I won't bring anything extra.

Since he was going to have to wait for Onyx to finish her duties for the day anyway, Tarentek took his time with his meal. "As for you, I don't think you're going to need anything specific for swimming lessons. If you have something buoyant to use as a flotation device, you could bring that, but it isn't really necessary. I intend to try and get you accustomed to the water before anything else, and you could use a flotation device for that, but like I said, you don't really need it." He explained.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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"Flotation device? Never-mind, I won't bring one if you say I don't need to." Onyx gulped down the rest of her breakfast and started cleaning up after herself. "Alright, I'm leaving now. I won't be gone long." When she was done speaking, she grabbed her med-pack and went out the door, taking off immediately.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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It took Tarentek until a few minutes after Onyx had left to finish his breakfast, which he cleaned up at just as leisurely of a pace. His rifle, machete, and canteen all had straps that were rather secure, so there wasn't much he needed to do in the way of preparing. Until Onyx returned, all he had to do was find a way to pass the time. It had actually been quite a while since Tarentek had been alone with nothing to do. After escaping Amman, he had been alone, but preoccupied with survival. Before that, he had sometimes been alone while on scouting missions, but he usually had some task to focus on. Now, he just paced around the main room for a few minutes before returning to his room to lay down and rest until Onyx returned.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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Onyx finished with her task just as quickly as she had thought she would. Returning to her den, she found Tarentek in his room. "Um, I'm not too sure about your people, but taking a nap isn't exactly preparing to leave in my opinion." She spoke jokingly, waiting for him at the door. "Are you ready to go? You don't need a moment to gather your thoughts before we fly? Or is that what you were doing?" Still joking, she didn't really wait for him to respond, she just kept talking as she led him outside.

Once they were outside she asked again, serious this time. "Are you ready? I was serious earlier about what I said about me dropping you if you move too much. If you panic then I might not be able to keep us both in the sky, and I won't apologize either."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Tarentek had fallen asleep briefly after laying down. Fortunately, he was awakened by Onyx's footsteps entering the den, so he was alert by the time she entered his room. After quickly grabbing his weapons, he stepped outside just behind Onyx. His gaze shifted northward as Onyx spoke, and to the sky above him. He had been nervous about this moment ever since he had suggested it. Regret was pouring through his mind that he had even thought of the idea to begin with, but it was too late to back out now. He had to go through with it, because if he didn't deal with it now, then he would be dealing with it in a few days anyway.

"I wouldn't worry about that. If anything, I'll be too frightened to move a muscle. Just, um, do you have any...advice for me? Anything that might help me keep calm? Are Elissic children usually afraid of flying at any point, or is it just something that is natural to you from the beginning?" Tarentek asked as he approached her. He stood still, ready for her to grab a hold of him, though he hoped she had some advice for him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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He seemed nervous already, although she had just been a bit blunt with him. "Well, yes. At first when our wings aren't strong enough to carry ourselves we do get scared at the thought of falling off of a bridge or a mountain, but our parents are always with us and watching us so that if that happens they are there to protect us. After a while our parents will purposely let us fall, or push us even, still ready to save us if need be, but that's how we learn to fly." Onyx paused for a moment and tried to reign in her thoughts back to the point of what she was saying.

"My mother told me to relax, and when I did I didn't fall, I soared. If I get too tense while flying sometimes I'll begin to fall, because flight is smooth most of the time, and it's instinct for me now." Onyx smiled and hooked her arms under Tarentek's, getting ready to pick him up. "So here's my advice: Just relax. Think about things that keep you calm, and focus on happy things. I like the way the wind feels on my face as I fly, It's calming to me. Perhaps you'll be able to find an aspect of flight that you enjoy and can use to keep yourself calm and relaxed."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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"That sounds...terrifying. I think I'm glad I don't have wings now; being pushed off of a cliff doesn't sound appealing. Anyway, I'll try to look for some redeeming quality in all of this. That, or I'll just close...or, well, no, closing my eyes won't get me any closer to overcoming this. Maybe I can just focus on the view; I'm sure it will be spectacular." Tarentek commented. When Onyx grabbed him, he felt himself become more nervous, if that was even possible. His mind was screaming at him that this was a bad idea, but for his own sake, he had to get over this fear.

Tarentek let out a deep breath. "Okay, I'm ready."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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Onyx took off the second she heard Tarentek say he was ready. He was a little heavier than he had been the first time she had carried him, and she took that as a sign of his health. She wouldn't tell him that though, it would probably just scare him more. He was not any harder to carry because of it, although his tenseness and nervousness might prove to be a problem. He was scared stiff, as he'd said he probably would be, and that was making Onyx nervous.

"Hey, loosen up. I'm supposed to be helping you get over this, but I cant do that if you're made of stone. Focus on the horizon, see how far we are from the mountains already?" Onyx turned in midair so that Tarentek would be able to see the hazy blobs in the distance that were the mountains her Tribe lived in. Going back to her course, Onyx sped up as she flew. "It's easier to fly the faster I go sometimes, I promise I'm not trying to scare you even more than you already are. Calm. Down." Onyx kept up her little babble of 'calm down's and 'relax's all the way to the sea, too busy trying to keep Tarentek calm to even think about her own fear that she was about to face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Tarentek managed not to close his eyes as they took off. In fact, they were about as wide open as they could possibly be from fear. As Onyx suggested, he kept his eyes fixed on the horizon, apart from the brief moment she turned him to look at the mountains behind them. "Ah this is...okay, okay, okay, just...okay. I need to...okay." Tarentek repeated, unable to collect his thoughts into rational sentences. His heart was absolutely racing, but he tried to follow Onyx's advice as best as he could.

"You don't want me to be as stiff? Okay, I'll try, but you also said not to move around as much. How much should I be moving, or...not moving? This is all just....I can see everything from here. It's terrifying and amazing. Seeing the world like this is beyond beautiful, but if you let go of me right now, I would die. I just can't get that thought out of my head." He said, putting his focus into the conversation instead of the flight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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Onyx sighed. "Don't be made of stone, and don't force yourself to move. Relax enough that you feel almost detached from your body, almost as if you were asleep. That would make it the easiest for me to carry you. Honestly, I find your reaction to this quite hilarious, it seems as if you can't even think straight." Onyx slowed down as she saw the sea ahead of them. "I'd say you're doing well, we're almost there now. I think calming down is the key, you may not have noticed but I have. A few minutes ago you couldn't form sentences, then you calmed down enough to talk to me."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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"I, uh, I wouldn't call this calm, really. I'm not exactly panicking, but..." Tarentek responded. His breathing felt almost as rapid as his heart rate, but he as least wasn't completely frozen anymore. He saw the sea ahead of them, though he still found it best to keep his eyes on the horizon.

Now that he was in a marginally better state of mind, he was able to focus on something other than the thought of falling. At this height, he could see in quite a far distance in all directions, enough to spark a thought in his mind to keep him distracted. "How high can you go? From the Human works we translated, we learned that the Earth is like a ball; rounded. If you go high enough, you can actually see it. Have you saw the curving of the horizon before? I'm not sure how high you have to go, or if you can even reach that height." He asked. Although this was the first time since they took off that he had said anything not related to his very present fear, it was obvious from his tone that he was still quite nervous.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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He was still really nervous, just his voice told Onyx that, but he was also alot more relaxed than he had been so far. "I've never tested just how far up I could go before, I've never thought to try. But what you say about the Earth being like a ball makes sense. I suppose that's why a mountain seems shorter from further away, because the ground curves away from you and covers the bottom." Onyx realized that Tarentek might be using the conversation to keep his mind from his fears, if only just a little, and tried to expand the topic.

"So, what else do you know because of these translations? Actually, before I ask that, what are Humans? Are they the ones who left behind the ruins and relics we find scattered around everywhere?"
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