"The necklace has too much value, sentimental and monetary, for me to even consider using it as collateral on something like this. I'll put up the hundred Valn and my shield generator, provided you let me wear it until we verify that there aren't any automated defenses before turning it over to you. If you get at least their value worth of salvage from the automated defenses, then you give them back. If not, you're up one hundred Valn and a working shield generator for, at most, two days worth of work. I doubt you'll get a better deal than that for protecting anyone else." True, he didn't have much to put up for collateral, but for most guard types that would be more than enough to hire them.
Harry rubbed his chin thoughtfully for a moment. His interest was really in the control boards he might be able to salvage from the automated defenses, and if there turned out not to be any then his trip would've been wasted. It reflected well on the stranger that he knew the value of the hyper-crystals hanging around his neck though, so the guy probably knew what he was talking about with the defenses.
"How about a compromise?" Harry said, smiling at the stranger if a friendly manner, "You pay the hundred up front and if we don't find any decent salvage I get the shield generator, as you said, but you also agree in front of the lovely lady here that I get first call on the necklace should anything happen to you. And just so you know there's no foul play intended on my part I agree that you'll be the first to recover any of my gear should I not be needing it anymore."