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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@NeutralNexus Pretty much. Arachne wasn't involved in the final push against the Demon portal (nor was Raptor, who is a couple states away). But that basically covers everything.

Edit: We will forever forward new people to that post. lol
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Robeatics
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Robeatics Codename: Fupa

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Thanks for clearing that up, it really helps with fleshing out my own character and how she views the world around her. I'd like to think she got her powers just before D-Day, but couldn't control them well enough to get in on the action.

Speaking of which, I noticed the timelines for everyone's characters seem for the most part self-contained, what time of year would the "present" be?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 23 days ago

Right now we're right around the middle of Feb heading towards March
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Thanks for clearing that up, it really helps with fleshing out my own character and how she views the world around her. I'd like to think she got her powers just before D-Day, but couldn't control them well enough to get in on the action.

Speaking of which, I noticed the timelines for everyone's characters seem for the most part self-contained, what time of year would the "present" be?

I personally think a timeline might be be helpful, namely for newbies who make residents in the city. I originally considered making Rach a resident but it seemed there was a lot going on, which I had only limited information over so I omitted for the lazy way out. XD

Currently, off and on, Ive been taking to Tearstone about Rach and his PC's living arrangements. One of the ideas was Justine had bought a house that was located within the affected area and with what was mentioned about a crime syndicate buying property, might be some fun conflict in that aspect as a thought.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I feel like Ares is super boned. Not the greatest track record against Athena, he has.

I probably feel worse for Lost Haven, though. Why does anyone still live there?!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I feel like Ares is super boned. Not the greatest track record against Athena, he has.

I probably feel worse for Lost Haven, though. Why does anyone still live there?!

For the same reason why anyone lives in New York City in the Marvel Universe or Gotham in the DC Universe.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Because PLOT of course!

Also, cooking up another Cowl Post, and I'll wait another week or so before posting another War-Pulse post, just to see if Raptorman will post again. He has a habit of appearing right when I am about to lose patience and posting anyway, so I'm going to give him a little bit of a 'due date' and hopefully he will swoop in and get another post out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

I feel like Ares is super boned. Not the greatest track record against Athena, he has.

I probably feel worse for Lost Haven, though. Why does anyone still live there?!

Keep in mind, most those myths were written and told by mortals. There's so many versions of the Ares stories that what actually happened or was his intentions could be completely different in his mind after all. Like take the battle of Troy, where Athena defeated Ares, could've been seen as a tactical retreat rather then Ares running like a dog with his tail between his legs. To those who allied with Troy at the time, it might've looked he was fleeing because history is written by the winners in the end.

As for why anyone still lives there... well, it wouldn't be a good story if no one was. :p
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

I feel like Ares is super boned. Not the greatest track record against Athena, he has.

I probably feel worse for Lost Haven, though. Why does anyone still live there?!

Keep in mind, most those myths were written and told by mortals. There's so many versions of the Ares stories that what actually happened or was his intentions could be completely different in his mind after all. Like take the battle of Troy, where Athena defeated Ares, could've been seen as a tactical retreat rather then Ares running like a dog with his tail between his legs. To those who allied with Troy at the time, it might've looked he was fleeing because history is written by the winners in the end.

As for why anyone still lives there... well, it wouldn't be a good story if no one was. :p
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Robeatics
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Robeatics Codename: Fupa

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I probably feel worse for Lost Haven, though. Why does anyone still live there?!

For the much larger chance of inadvertently gaining superpowers as compared to other cities?

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

To all whom it may concern: I shall be returning to the Guild when Summer rolls around, and my activity will improve. For now, however, I'm focusing on finishing school on a positive note.
1x Like Like
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Working on Racheli's post and expect one around this weekend, I hope. XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

To all whom it may concern: I shall be returning to the Guild when Summer rolls around, and my activity will improve. For now, however, I'm focusing on finishing school on a positive note.

This seems to be a common theme, I'm sure activity will pick up around then! Hopefully I can make some War-Pulse posts around then as well. I've been working on a Cowl post, but I really have to wait for some superhero activity to come flying around before he becomes important.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marik
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Marik Look like she don't give a fuck again, right?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So… how do you guys feel about a vampire type with SENTIENT BLOOD.

Because that’s what I’m making.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I'll try to start making a post in the next couple days.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marik
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Marik Look like she don't give a fuck again, right?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Just a quick update. I’ve basically finished my character sheet, I just need to refine it and add things if necessary. I’ve gotten really invested in my character so far, and after reading the summery on the previous page, I now have a reason for my character to travel to Lost Haven, which was a point I was struggling with previously. All I can say is thank God for demons.

What year is it in game? 2015?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

I usually just work with years rather than actual, makes things easier really for me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

What year is it in game? 2015?

Um...I actually don't know what year it is. I do know it is late-February going into early-March. We are going to have to wait for NMS to answer that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marik
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Marik Look like she don't give a fuck again, right?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

All right, here’s my character. If I need to expand on anything or alter something, just speak up.


Character you have created: Ashley “Ash” Bailey

Alias: Krimson

Speech Color: Crimson, what else?

Character Alignment: Villain

Identity: Known

Character Personality: At this point, Ashley is deceiving herself that her actions so far have been justified, that she needed to do so to survive. While she might be a good person deep down (and she really is) it still shows that the demon Leviathan has planted his seed of corruption. Most of her morals stay untouched, as Ashley won’t kill if it can be avoided, unless it’s someone she absolutely hates. Otherwise the girl would much rather make jokes in the expense of her enemies, and loves acting snarky and sarcastic. With a loner attitude Ashley finds it difficult to trust somebody she hasn’t had a past relationship with, considering Lamar to be her one and only ally. All in all, Krimson’s just a juvenile delinquent, and her actions will most likely lead to an untimely demise.

Uniform/costume: Normally, and while out causing crimes, Ashley can be seen in street clothes. She only really becomes Krimson once her blood is drawn, at which point her skin gets covered with a fine layer of thick blood. It tends to go everywhere except the hair, but only covers her face by the eyes like a mask would. If you were to look at this blood outfit, it would be reminiscent of a ninja garb.

Origin Info/Details: Ashley Bailey was born in Miami, Florida to Allan Bailey and Linette Jones sometime in the mid to late 90’s. Two years after their first born the couple would have a baby girl named Anne, and a year after that would be the birth of their second son, Steve. Allan would work an honest living doing what he loved, building racecars, and while it didn’t bring in very much, the family was able to procure a small suburban home in Miami Beach. As a child, Ash was fairly sheltered, mostly because of his mother’s upbringing. The end result was a shy, still childish individual in a world where all the other kids had to act cool to make friends. That isn’t to say he didn’t have any; ever since the fourth grade Ash’s been tight with one other person, Lamar Williams. These two seemed like they had been separated at birth with the amount of time they spent together and their similar interests. From that moment on it was long sleepover weekends staying up all night playing video games and watching anime, their social lives be damned.

In his teens Ash would grow more jaded, going from a promising young academic to a promising young slacker. He maintained the minimal grades he needed to get booted ahead through school, and was even moved to a slow class once even though he didn’t really belong there. The faculty found him to be a pain, and his peers barely even knew he was there. It probably all came down to his bad attitude, that he was just some nobody geek. It didn’t help that this was around the time he found out that he was transgendered either, unbeknownst to the world. Punk rock and rap music would be his crutch, and Ash would either be zoning out to some rhymes or catching Z’s in class. He would still have those weekend sleepovers with Lamar, and the itinerary was still the same, only now marijuana was added to the equation.

It was around this time that Ash became involved with a group of gothic kids that always hung out in the hallways during lunch. Seeing that Ash was alone most of the time, he was approached by their leader, Vance Hunter. With nothing better to do, Ash went along with their lunchtime loitering. While he couldn’t really call these people friends, they all seemed chill enough. After months of this, Vance invited Ash over to his place for a gathering. When he arrived, the group was prepping for a satanic ritual by drawing a pentagram on the floor. Finding this hilarious, Ash decided to humor them and go along with it, only really questioning his decisions when Vance asked for his blood. Fearing his safety Ash attempted to leave, but was quickly rushed down and had his hand slashed over the pentagram. The end result was the summoning of a large Snake demon named Leviathan. Thankful for his release from hell, Leviathan would “reward” Ash by cursing his blood and leaving the other teens with nothing. He never hung out with Victor and his gang after that, and continued life normally even though he had no idea what the demon did to him.

In his later years of high school, Ash would experience the moment that would bring forth his latent powers. The trigger would be one James Kell. James was an elitist snob that made sure the whole world revolved around him. This snide rich kid had been on Ash’s case since day one. The point was, they didn’t like each other, only Kell was more upfront about it. He made a habit of throwing insults at Ash, and when Ash actually grew the balls to throw a few back, things got a bit physical, resulting in James getting a kick to the balls and both ending up in after school detention. James didn’t really like that, and decided that after they got out, he would beat the living shit out of Ash, or worse, pulling a knife and slashing Ash’s arm. Luckily Lamar had been waiting for his friend and came to aid him when he heard the shouting. They promptly beat him down, but a terrible bloodlust came over Ash, his hand’s strangely coated in the blood from his cut. Lamar wouldn’t be able to stop Ash from beating James’ body into a bloody mess, leaving Ash soaked in red that almost seemed to give his hands beastly claws. With Kell surely dead, his blood was absorbed through Ash’s wound, rejuvenating him.

Lamar could only watch in a wondrous horror, this was some type of Meta Human feat. The two laid low for a few days, and all the while Ash was afraid of bringing whatever it was that killed James out. It was about now when the voices started, telling Ash that what he did wasn’t so bad, that it was only self-defense, and maybe it wouldn’t be a big deal if he did it again. Fearing the safety of his family, and quite positive that the police would find out it was them that killed James, Ash and Lamar went on the run. With little to no work experience and even less money, they would soon be homeless. In the months to pass the demonic influence coupled with disparity made the teens turn to robbing convenience stores, and while originally Ash never wanted to draw his own blood again, a few accidents would lead to the deaths of various homeless people and soon Ash found that he didn’t quite mind using his blood to get what he wanted.

Eventually the two went on a crime spree up the east coast robbing blood banks to satiate Ash’s hunger, and pharmacies for female hormones to fix his issues with his body image. Now going by she and seeing the recent demon scourge in Lost Haven, Ashley’s gained a newfound purpose to track down Leviathan and destroy him by whatever means necessary. In the meantime, the two would rent out a small apartment in Lost Haven, planning their next move.

Hero Type: Some sort of strange cross between an elemental blood bender and supernatural vampire.

Power Level: Street Level

Powers (Be Specific): So, Ashley’s blood is alive. More than that even, it’s sentient. It thinks, it feels, it speaks to her, it hungers. The increased iron in it only makes it more durable, so when it covers her body completely, it’s almost as if Ashley’s wearing some sort of armor. Not only that, but it cooperates with Ashley, tending to do whatever she says as long as she supplies more blood. If she were to make a gash on her palm she could shoot it like a whip or bullet, make her hands into claws or craft some sort of weapon out of blood, her favorite being a sword, like her signature blood katana. Constructions like her weapons and clothes can only keep their advanced shapes when in contact with Ashley, and everything else would be just be a random mass. If she ever gets banged up too much, her blood gives her some sort of accelerated healing. This can be increased somewhat by absorbing a deceased individual’s blood, and this very act even keeps Ashley young, virtually stopping the aging process is she can get enough blood.


Strength Level: Normal Human

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human

Agility: Normal Human

Intelligence: Average

Fighting Skill: Untrained

Resources: Minimal

Weaknesses: Considering Ashley’s power is connected to her blood, it doesn’t end well for her if she draws too much and it can’t get back into her body, growing constantly weaker as time goes on and eventually dying. Any blood outside of Ashley’s body would die after an hour, losing its demonic properties. Even with her accelerated healing, she would still be killed if shot enough, stabbed enough, pulverized, burned to ashes, so on and so forth. She can only absorb a person’s blood if that person has died, or if it has been separated from the body for long periods of time. Ashley is now considered some sort of demonic entity, and can fall victim to all types of holy rituals. On top of that, she can’t walk in churches, but that’s fine, she didn’t want to anyway. If Ashley doesn’t at least take in new blood on a regular basis, it may not be inclined to do her bidding, operating on a more bestial nature of survival, prone to attack blindly to quench its thirst. Also, if you keep the girl from bleeding all together, then she’s only as powerful as a normal human.

Supporting Characters: Allan Bailey (Father), Linette Jones (Mother), Anne Bailey (Younger Sister), Steve Bailey (Younger Brother), Lamar Williams (Best Friend), Vance Hunter (Gothic Gang Leader), Leviathan (Demon), James Kell (Deceased Bully)

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:

Sample Post:
“Come on man, I’ve been at the wheel all day! You know we’re only about an hour from the hospital, right? If we’re gonna be hitting that place up, you don’t want me drowsy. The least you can do is let me switch places with your hell-spawn @$$, or whatever the f&%k you said that weird blood s#!t was.” Ashley gave a good five second laugh under her breath, shaking her head back and forth as if Lamar couldn’t be any more confused than he was now, and like this wasn’t the fifth time they’ve been over this.

“Yeah no, you’re right. I’m the demon here.” She belted in an exaggerated tone, pointing a piece of red liquorish at her face before shoving the whole thing in her mouth. Between muffled chewing, the young adult continued. “Yeah, it’s not like I summoned one of the seven princes of hell and he damned my everlasting soul, corrupting my blood and having it whisper murderous thoughts to me.” Lamar’s pishaw was audible over the loud rumblings of the old two seater careening down the highway. It was clear he had no intention of believing that Ash and those goth kids were actually successful in their satanic ritual.

“I don’t know what you’ve been smoking... Look, there’s no such thing as demons, alright? Maybe that @$$hole Vance did something to you, maybe this whole blood situation you’ve got has just been there this whole time. But you can’t look me in the eyes and truthfully tell me that a sea snake appeared out of a drawing on the ground, drank your blood, and then barfed it all back inside you.” This wasn’t even funny anymore, just depressing. Ashley could only gaze out the window at the reminder of her harrowing encounter with Leviathan, and the “reward” he gave her.

“So you’re telling me that you’ll see Meta Humans on the news every day doing all sorts of fantastical s#!t, but my case isn’t valid?” Hearing some hint of seriousness in his friend’s voice, Lamar reeled back on the jokes. Seeing a chance to stop, he pulled into a roadside diner. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe we’ll see that slimy f&%k one of these days. Right now though, we’re bringing in the money. If we keep this up we’ll have enough to make Kell spin in his grave.” This elected a laugh between the two, if there was anything that would have followed Bailey from Florida, she was glad it was her friendship with Lamar. “Hey, you want a burger before we head out?” Lamar just smiled and pulled a ski mask over his face. “Yeah, let’s eat.”

Within the hour the pair rolled up to Cumberland Hospital, the bright sign bearing large blocky blue letters proclaiming it so. “How do you want to do this? Run in, guns blazing?” Lamar shook his head disapprovingly. “Where do you think they keep the blood in this place? If we do that, we’ll have cops on us before we even get what we want. Think, we’re at a hospital. Let’s say one of us needed service… you get what I’m saying?”

A bloodied Ashley slumped over Lamar’s shoulder burst through the glass double doors. Attendants rushed over to the screaming teen, stretcher at the ready. As they stumbled through the lobby they left a red trail behind them, which contrasted with the stark white environment. “You gotta help my friend! S-she’s hurt really bad, some psycho with a knife tried to kill her!” Ashley was quickly carted down the hallways of the hospital, and with all the commotion Lamar would be able to slip away, hurrying to where the facility stored the blood. By the time he arrived doctors were working quickly to help the supposed stab victim. Blood bags were loaded into a large backpack as cuts were stitched; even though blood seeped from her flesh, Ashley would gain more tenfold.

“Hey… Isn’t that…” One of the nurses peered into the room that Ashley was being stitched up in. “That’s Krimson! Call security, that’s Krimson!” Ah, of course somebody would recognize the “Blood Bandit”. With their doings plastered on the news it was practically a given. “Well s#!t...The jig’s up!” Like a geyser blood spewed from Ashley’s torso, knocking back the doctors that surrounded the table. In a crimson afterimage the red trail followed its master when she ran down the hallways back to the entrance. “We’ve been found out, high tail it back to the car!”

“Rodger that!” Lamar quickly hung up the call and slung his pack over his shoulder. Back in the white lobby the two crossed paths, the only thing standing between them and sweet freedom being the two security guards on duty at this late hour. A pistol was leveled at each of the robbers, albeit shaky at the sight of a Meta Human. “Freeze scum! Drop the bag, put your hands up and get on the ground!” Confused, Ashley asked , “Wait, you want us to stand still and get on the ground at the same time? How does that make any sense?” This only enraged the guards more, and it also made them more unaware of the thick liquid crawling up their legs. “Stand down! Get on the ground! G-get on the ground now!”

“Alright, I’m putting my hands up. Don’t shoot. I’m just gonna put my hands up… now.” With the movement, the blood oozing up each of them sprung to their guns, knocking the weapons to the ground, followed by the guards as they tried to catch their equipment. Ashley and Lamar ran at the chance, peeling off the property with their plentiful bounty.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
Avatar of nitemare shape

nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 23 days ago

All right, here’s my character. If I need to expand on anything or alter something, just speak up.


Character you have created: Ashley “Ash” Bailey

Alias: Krimson

Speech Color: Crimson, what else?

Character Alignment: Villain

Identity: Known

Character Personality: At this point, Ashley is deceiving herself that her actions so far have been justified, that she needed to do so to survive. While she might be a good person deep down (and she really is) it still shows that the demon Leviathan has planted his seed of corruption. Most of her morals stay untouched, as Ashley won’t kill if it can be avoided, unless it’s someone she absolutely hates. Otherwise the girl would much rather make jokes in the expense of her enemies, and loves acting snarky and sarcastic. With a loner attitude Ashley finds it difficult to trust somebody she hasn’t had a past relationship with, considering Lamar to be her one and only ally. All in all, Krimson’s just a juvenile delinquent, and her actions will most likely lead to an untimely demise.

Uniform/costume: Normally, and while out causing crimes, Ashley can be seen in street clothes. She only really becomes Krimson once her blood is drawn, at which point her skin gets covered with a fine layer of thick blood. It tends to go everywhere except the hair, but only covers her face by the eyes like a mask would. If you were to look at this blood outfit, it would be reminiscent of a ninja garb.

Origin Info/Details: Ashley Bailey was born in Miami, Florida to Allan Bailey and Linette Jones sometime in the mid to late 90’s. Two years after their first born the couple would have a baby girl named Anne, and a year after that would be the birth of their second son, Steve. Allan would work an honest living doing what he loved, building racecars, and while it didn’t bring in very much, the family was able to procure a small suburban home in Miami Beach. As a child, Ash was fairly sheltered, mostly because of his mother’s upbringing. The end result was a shy, still childish individual in a world where all the other kids had to act cool to make friends. That isn’t to say he didn’t have any; ever since the fourth grade Ash’s been tight with one other person, Lamar Williams. These two seemed like they had been separated at birth with the amount of time they spent together and their similar interests. From that moment on it was long sleepover weekends staying up all night playing video games and watching anime, their social lives be damned.

In his teens Ash would grow more jaded, going from a promising young academic to a promising young slacker. He maintained the minimal grades he needed to get booted ahead through school, and was even moved to a slow class once even though he didn’t really belong there. The faculty found him to be a pain, and his peers barely even knew he was there. It probably all came down to his bad attitude, that he was just some nobody geek. It didn’t help that this was around the time he found out that he was transgendered either, unbeknownst to the world. Punk rock and rap music would be his crutch, and Ash would either be zoning out to some rhymes or catching Z’s in class. He would still have those weekend sleepovers with Lamar, and the itinerary was still the same, only now marijuana was added to the equation.

It was around this time that Ash became involved with a group of gothic kids that always hung out in the hallways during lunch. Seeing that Ash was alone most of the time, he was approached by their leader, Vance Hunter. With nothing better to do, Ash went along with their lunchtime loitering. While he couldn’t really call these people friends, they all seemed chill enough. After months of this, Vance invited Ash over to his place for a gathering. When he arrived, the group was prepping for a satanic ritual by drawing a pentagram on the floor. Finding this hilarious, Ash decided to humor them and go along with it, only really questioning his decisions when Vance asked for his blood. Fearing his safety Ash attempted to leave, but was quickly rushed down and had his hand slashed over the pentagram. The end result was the summoning of a large Snake demon named Leviathan. Thankful for his release from hell, Leviathan would “reward” Ash by cursing his blood and leaving the other teens with nothing. He never hung out with Victor and his gang after that, and continued life normally even though he had no idea what the demon did to him.

In his later years of high school, Ash would experience the moment that would bring forth his latent powers. The trigger would be one James Kell. James was an elitist snob that made sure the whole world revolved around him. This snide rich kid had been on Ash’s case since day one. The point was, they didn’t like each other, only Kell was more upfront about it. He made a habit of throwing insults at Ash, and when Ash actually grew the balls to throw a few back, things got a bit physical, resulting in James getting a kick to the balls and both ending up in after school detention. James didn’t really like that, and decided that after they got out, he would beat the living shit out of Ash, or worse, pulling a knife and slashing Ash’s arm. Luckily Lamar had been waiting for his friend and came to aid him when he heard the shouting. They promptly beat him down, but a terrible bloodlust came over Ash, his hand’s strangely coated in the blood from his cut. Lamar wouldn’t be able to stop Ash from beating James’ body into a bloody mess, leaving Ash soaked in red that almost seemed to give his hands beastly claws. With Kell surely dead, his blood was absorbed through Ash’s wound, rejuvenating him.

Lamar could only watch in a wondrous horror, this was some type of Meta Human feat. The two laid low for a few days, and all the while Ash was afraid of bringing whatever it was that killed James out. It was about now when the voices started, telling Ash that what he did wasn’t so bad, that it was only self-defense, and maybe it wouldn’t be a big deal if he did it again. Fearing the safety of his family, and quite positive that the police would find out it was them that killed James, Ash and Lamar went on the run. With little to no work experience and even less money, they would soon be homeless. In the months to pass the demonic influence coupled with disparity made the teens turn to robbing convenience stores, and while originally Ash never wanted to draw his own blood again, a few accidents would lead to the deaths of various homeless people and soon Ash found that he didn’t quite mind using his blood to get what he wanted.

Eventually the two went on a crime spree up the east coast robbing blood banks to satiate Ash’s hunger, and pharmacies for female hormones to fix his issues with his body image. Now going by she and seeing the recent demon scourge in Lost Haven, Ashley’s gained a newfound purpose to track down Leviathan and destroy him by whatever means necessary. In the meantime, the two would rent out a small apartment in Lost Haven, planning their next move.

Hero Type: Some sort of strange cross between an elemental blood bender and supernatural vampire.

Power Level: Street Level

Powers (Be Specific): So, Ashley’s blood is alive. More than that even, it’s sentient. It thinks, it feels, it speaks to her, it hungers. The increased iron in it only makes it more durable, so when it covers her body completely, it’s almost as if Ashley’s wearing some sort of armor. Not only that, but it cooperates with Ashley, tending to do whatever she says as long as she supplies more blood. If she were to make a gash on her palm she could shoot it like a whip or bullet, make her hands into claws or craft some sort of weapon out of blood, her favorite being a sword, like her signature blood katana. Constructions like her weapons and clothes can only keep their advanced shapes when in contact with Ashley, and everything else would be just be a random mass. If she ever gets banged up too much, her blood gives her some sort of accelerated healing. This can be increased somewhat by absorbing a deceased individual’s blood, and this very act even keeps Ashley young, virtually stopping the aging process is she can get enough blood.


Strength Level: Normal Human

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human

Agility: Normal Human

Intelligence: Average

Fighting Skill: Untrained

Resources: Minimal

Weaknesses: Considering Ashley’s power is connected to her blood, it doesn’t end well for her if she draws too much and it can’t get back into her body, growing constantly weaker as time goes on and eventually dying. Any blood outside of Ashley’s body would die after an hour, losing its demonic properties. Even with her accelerated healing, she would still be killed if shot enough, stabbed enough, pulverized, burned to ashes, so on and so forth. She can only absorb a person’s blood if that person has died, or if it has been separated from the body for long periods of time. Ashley is now considered some sort of demonic entity, and can fall victim to all types of holy rituals. On top of that, she can’t walk in churches, but that’s fine, she didn’t want to anyway. If Ashley doesn’t at least take in new blood on a regular basis, it may not be inclined to do her bidding, operating on a more bestial nature of survival, prone to attack blindly to quench its thirst. Also, if you keep the girl from bleeding all together, then she’s only as powerful as a normal human.

Supporting Characters: Allan Bailey (Father), Linette Jones (Mother), Anne Bailey (Younger Sister), Steve Bailey (Younger Brother), Lamar Williams (Best Friend), Vance Hunter (Gothic Gang Leader), Leviathan (Demon), James Kell (Deceased Bully)

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“Come on man, I’ve been at the wheel all day! You know we’re only about an hour from the hospital, right? If we’re gonna be hitting that place up, you don’t want me drowsy. The least you can do is let me switch places with your hell-spawn @$$, or whatever the f&%k you said that weird blood s#!t was.” Ashley gave a good five second laugh under her breath, shaking her head back and forth as if Lamar couldn’t be any more confused than he was now, and like this wasn’t the fifth time they’ve been over this.

“Yeah no, you’re right. I’m the demon here.” She belted in an exaggerated tone, pointing a piece of red liquorish at her face before shoving the whole thing in her mouth. Between muffled chewing, the young adult continued. “Yeah, it’s not like I summoned one of the seven princes of hell and he damned my everlasting soul, corrupting my blood and having it whisper murderous thoughts to me.” Lamar’s pishaw was audible over the loud rumblings of the old two seater careening down the highway. It was clear he had no intention of believing that Ash and those goth kids were actually successful in their satanic ritual.

“I don’t know what you’ve been smoking... Look, there’s no such thing as demons, alright? Maybe that @$$hole Vance did something to you, maybe this whole blood situation you’ve got has just been there this whole time. But you can’t look me in the eyes and truthfully tell me that a sea snake appeared out of a drawing on the ground, drank your blood, and then barfed it all back inside you.” This wasn’t even funny anymore, just depressing. Ashley could only gaze out the window at the reminder of her harrowing encounter with Leviathan, and the “reward” he gave her.

“So you’re telling me that you’ll see Meta Humans on the news every day doing all sorts of fantastical s#!t, but my case isn’t valid?” Hearing some hint of seriousness in his friend’s voice, Lamar reeled back on the jokes. Seeing a chance to stop, he pulled into a roadside diner. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe we’ll see that slimy f&%k one of these days. Right now though, we’re bringing in the money. If we keep this up we’ll have enough to make Kell spin in his grave.” This elected a laugh between the two, if there was anything that would have followed Bailey from Florida, she was glad it was her friendship with Lamar. “Hey, you want a burger before we head out?” Lamar just smiled and pulled a ski mask over his face. “Yeah, let’s eat.”

Within the hour the pair rolled up to Cumberland Hospital, the bright sign bearing large blocky blue letters proclaiming it so. “How do you want to do this? Run in, guns blazing?” Lamar shook his head disapprovingly. “Where do you think they keep the blood in this place? If we do that, we’ll have cops on us before we even get what we want. Think, we’re at a hospital. Let’s say one of us needed service… you get what I’m saying?”

A bloodied Ashley slumped over Lamar’s shoulder burst through the glass double doors. Attendants rushed over to the screaming teen, stretcher at the ready. As they stumbled through the lobby they left a red trail behind them, which contrasted with the stark white environment. “You gotta help my friend! S-she’s hurt really bad, some psycho with a knife tried to kill her!” Ashley was quickly carted down the hallways of the hospital, and with all the commotion Lamar would be able to slip away, hurrying to where the facility stored the blood. By the time he arrived doctors were working quickly to help the supposed stab victim. Blood bags were loaded into a large backpack as cuts were stitched; even though blood seeped from her flesh, Ashley would gain more tenfold.

“Hey… Isn’t that…” One of the nurses peered into the room that Ashley was being stitched up in. “That’s Krimson! Call security, that’s Krimson!” Ah, of course somebody would recognize the “Blood Bandit”. With their doings plastered on the news it was practically a given. “Well s#!t...The jig’s up!” Like a geyser blood spewed from Ashley’s torso, knocking back the doctors that surrounded the table. In a crimson afterimage the red trail followed its master when she ran down the hallways back to the entrance. “We’ve been found out, high tail it back to the car!”

“Rodger that!” Lamar quickly hung up the call and slung his pack over his shoulder. Back in the white lobby the two crossed paths, the only thing standing between them and sweet freedom being the two security guards on duty at this late hour. A pistol was leveled at each of the robbers, albeit shaky at the sight of a Meta Human. “Freeze scum! Drop the bag, put your hands up and get on the ground!” Confused, Ashley asked , “Wait, you want us to stand still and get on the ground at the same time? How does that make any sense?” This only enraged the guards more, and it also made them more unaware of the thick liquid crawling up their legs. “Stand down! Get on the ground! G-get on the ground now!”

“Alright, I’m putting my hands up. Don’t shoot. I’m just gonna put my hands up… now.” With the movement, the blood oozing up each of them sprung to their guns, knocking the weapons to the ground, followed by the guards as they tried to catch their equipment. Ashley and Lamar ran at the chance, peeling off the property with their plentiful bounty.


And yes, it's 2015 in game.

And just as an aside for anyone wondering, we don't use real life politicians in this game. In this game, the US President is President Jonathan Warner, Vice President is William Blake. Just thought I'd toss that out there as well.
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