“You mean you can shoot fire out of your hands? How does it work? Come on, show me, show me!”
Name: Phoebe Evans
Nickname: Phee and Pheebs, used often by her close friends and parents. Her father was also fond of calling her Bee.
Alias: Red, to keep it simple.
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Sexuality: She'd tell you that she's straight, but she
has had romantic feelings for two different girls in the past, both times eventually also leading to a measure of physical attraction. She disregards this as simple curiosity.
“What? No, of course it's not weird! It's just a kiss! You're... you're the one that's making it weird...”
Phoebe has medium-length red hair and pale skin. Her slightly rounded face and large green eyes make her look even younger than she actually is, and, along with her skin, gives her a delicate appearance.
Height: 5'3 ft, 160 cm
Weight: 105 lbs, 47.6 kg
Body Type: Very slightly pear-shaped. Phoebe is fairly slender and petite, but is also in decent shape as a result of being on the run from the
Crusaders and being part of the Resistance, giving her a little bit of muscle definition.
Distinguishing Marks: Light freckles and several small, light scars on her cheeks and nose. She also has some similar scars on the backs of her wrists and
Clothing Style:Casual and practical. Having spent most of her life inside the walls, fearing the Crusaders, she's never really had the chance nor reason to dress up (though she does sometimes find herself thinking that dressing up would be fun). She prefers form-fitting light tops and bike shorts, to make sure her clothes will never get in her way.
“He... died. He died. They both left me. He died, he died, he died he died he died died died died! I don't want to be alone, don't leave me alone...”
Personality:Phoebe is best described as plucky and persevering. Being a teen, she can get pretty stubborn, petty, and upset when things don't go her way. For the most part, though, she tries to not do that and instead be a nice person to be around. Her social skills aren't the greatest, but her sincerity helps avoid awkward moments. She smiles a lot, and can even come off as bubbly when nothing is weighing on her mind. When stressed, she becomes a little more reserved and quiet, but still keeps a small smile. Despite this, she's also easily embarrassed, and can be quite timid around new people, authority figures, and those she admires. She's a curious girl, and especially has a fascination with learning all she can about other's powers, a trait that was passed down to her from her father. She almost always wears her heart on her sleeve, even though she doesn't really realize it. All-in-all, she's adventurous, but still very much a follower most of the time, with a tendency to be a little clingy.
When things get serious and her powerful survival instincts kick in, she enters a hyper-focused state, and very little can rock her emotionally. She just does everything she can to keep herself alive, and to help others if she has the chance. Once the adrenaline leaves her body and she has time to breathe, however, she's quick to breakdown and is prone to panic attacks. This also carries over for the next couple of days after a particularly stressful situation; she'll withdraw and not speak with most people until she gets over it.
Biography:Phoebe was born to a Super mother and a highly educated, self-proclaimed geek of a father. Her early life in the city was completely normal and happy, but she doesn't remember most of it. The Technopath appeared when she was 9, and the small family quickly fled, finding an abandoned home near the wall. They managed to live here without incident for three years, with only the three of them to keep each other company. During this time, Phoebe's father essentially home-schooled her, and her mother went out to get them food and supplies.
Eventually, the Crusaders found them and attacked. It started when Phoebe was sitting at the kitchen table, filling out some homework her father had made. The girl thought she heard a noise outside, and she got up to look out the window. Before she reached it, however, a figure appeared and blasted it open. Small glass shards flew towards her as she fell on her rear, startled and screaming, arms moving to protect her. The glass left multiple small cuts on her cheeks, nose, and hands, but miraculously, none damaged her eyes.
Dozens more Crusaders crashed their way into the house as Phoebe's father and mother reacted. Her mother, having never before used her power to fight, having always been the gentlest person Phoebe knew, began brutally attacking the robots. Her father and mother seemed to have some sort of understanding with each other, as her father picked up the shocked girl and ran, while her mother fought viciously through crippling injuries to keep the enemy occupied.
That was the image of her mother that Phoebe remembers best -- her fighting until the very end, never slowing down, never quitting until she was overwhelmed and killed.
Phoebe and her father ran, grieving the death of her mother. It was here when she first had a panic attack. Eventually, the two stumbled upon and joined a small community, primarily made up of Supers, who moved around to avoid the Technopath. Here, Phoebe finally made friends and was able to act like a normal child. Once again, though, the Crusaders wouldn't afford her any happiness.
The raid on the group came when she was 16, and it was the most violent and traumatizing thing she had ever witnessed. Being mostly Supers, they had managed to fend off a few attacks already. But this time, a small army was sent to take care of them, and there was nothing they could do. It was in this chaos, with her close friends dying around her, that she first used her power. Thinking only about keeping herself alive after being separated from her father, bullets, strikes, and explosions directed at her as she ran were fended off, blocked by the barely visible barriers she was conjuring. She managed to get away, finding herself completely on her own for the first time in her life.
She went through the worst breakdown she had ever suffered, and without her father there to help comfort her, it lasted far longer than she would have liked. She decided she'd just stay where she was until she died.
But she couldn't. She wouldn't let herself. She got hungry, so she picked herself up and scavenged. Despite how empty everything felt, she fought to live, surviving multiple encounters against Crusaders (mainly by defending herself and running away) and learning more about her ability.
After a year, Phoebe moved underground and learned about the Resistance. Hating the Technopath and his Crusaders, she joined, and finally felt like her life had purpose again. Being able to interact with others also quickly brought back her innate, happier personality. Her power allowed her to head to the surface often, and she started doing everything she could to help others. And herself, of course.
Skills:Phoebe has no real learned skills. She does, however, have her overwhelming survival instinct. Her fighting style is brutal and vicious as a result, basically boiling down to her doing anything she can to incapacitate the target or get the hell out.
Another important trait of hers is her absolute refusal to give in and to leave things unfinished, which compliments her survival instinct nicely. Once she starts something, she sees it through to the end no matter how difficult it seems, nor how mentally or physically exhausting it gets. She may not be the strongest, the fastest, nor the smartest, but her complete unwillingness to quit makes her appear surprisingly talented at most things she does (at least, if one doesn't see the amount of effort she puts in).
Powers:Telekinesis- Telekinetic Barriers:
Phoebe can create flat, circular, barely visible psychic barriers to protect herself from attacks. The maximum distance away from herself that she can generate one is about 20 feet, allowing her to protect people near her. She can have multiple up at the same time, but this
causes each one to be less effective.
- Telekinetic Self-Pushing:
Phoebe can also telekinetically push on herself, allowing her to accomplish feats she couldn't otherwise do. She uses this to jumping higher
and survive large falls, close gaps rapidly or get out of harms way, and increase the force behind her physical attacks. Essentially, it gives
her a burst of enhanced strength and durabilty.
She has very high mastery of her barriers, and can create them instantly and often, without need for pause. Her pushing, however, takes a lot more out of her, forcing her to use it sparingly.
Other:Phoebe's afraid of the dark, though refuses to admit it, and she completely, totally, utterly
hates being alone. Even when she's had a panic attack, withdraws, and refuses to communicate, she still desires to be around others.
“I don't know how to explain it. I just kind of... get in this zone, you know? Nothing on my mind but one thought: Live. So that's what I do.”