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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Yen Sid sat quietly as he waited for Sora, Lea, Riku and Kairi to arrive. He thought about the disturbance to the worlds, wondering who might be causing it, since it couldn't have been Xehanort. Xehanort had a specific plan set.

This was different. It felt different to him. Not like Xehanort at all.


"Darkness has invaded worlds familiar and unfamiliar to us. Seek out the Keyblade Wielders, a slight change in plan has occurred." Yen Sid told Mickey.

"As if Xehanort and his Thirteen Selves weren't enough.." Mickey sighed, heading for the big wooden door. "Indeed. It's quite troublesome." Yen Sid nodded in agreement. "We must deal with this swiftly and immediately. I have a bad feeling about this, my friend." Yen Sid said. Mickey left seconds after.


Yen Sid crossed his hands, waiting. Where were they? just then, the door flung open. "Man I tell you, you guys have been running me ragged with this advanced training. I honestly wish I was a nobody at this point." Lea said to Yen Sid as they all entered.

"Well, it's about to get worse for you. Several worlds have been invaded by darkness. You four will take on a set of world's each in a pair, as partners." Yen Sid explained.

"I realize this is going very fast and is much to ask of you, especially after the visit to the dream worlds, but we hardly have a bunch of keyblade wielders in excess. I'm afraid I must ask you all to go forth and protect the worlds." Yen Sid concluded.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Listening to what Yen Sid had to say, Sora instantly felt as if it were going to be like his past adventures. Whenever darkness was involved in anything, it clearly was related to the Heartless, and now with Xehanort's plan known to all of them, Sora did assume that he would be involved in this.

"N-Now? ...I mean, it is out of the blue that something like this is to happen.. and so soon,"
Kairi felt unsure on the task, given that it wasn't that much ago that she had learned to use her Keyblade. It would be the first that she would be actually traveling to different worlds and combating the darkness. Not long before she would let that uncertainty dread her, she felt someone put their hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry Kairi, you'll do just fine. I know you can. Plus, you're not going to be by yourself, whether it be me, Riku, or Lea. That's what friends are for,"
Sora grinned with encouragement, not wanting her to feel too nervous about the whole thing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Right. We're always together, even if we aren't together physically. We may not be sharing the same world, but we'll always share the same sky." Riku said, crossing his arms.

"Well spoken. You will meet many old and new faces on this journey, but do not forget. Darkness take many forms, and it preys on uncertainty.

Have strength, young Kairi." Yen Sid said. "Now then..Riku, you will go with Kairi. Sora, Lea travels with you. Kairi will use this journey as firsthand experience, and then we will conclude from this if she is ready for her own mastery test." Yen Sid explains.

"Sora will be re-taking his test alongside Lea. As for your transportation, Sora's Gumi Ship is a fairly obvious choice. Riku, however has his own special mode of transportation that the King should be back with any second now." Yen Sid explained.

"Now then, any questions before you are dismissed to your mission?" Yen Sid asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"No. Not at all," Kairi shook her head, settling herself down since she knew that this was a huge first step for her. She did get the reminder that she had the company of her friends, physically and in heart.

"Same here, I'm ready this time around to retake the exam," Sora says, knowing that he couldn't fall for any tricks that came up along the way like last time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Very well. Sora, Riku, Kairi, Lea. You are dismissed!" Yen Sid said. When they went outside, they'd all see King Mickey land in a strange vehicle that looked and awful like his own keyblade. It disappeared in a form of light.

"Heya fellas. I got something special for Riku here." Mickey took out an orb. "Take the orb, Riku." Riku took the orb, absorbing into his body. "Now, throw your keyblade into the air."

Riku threw his keyblade into the air, and it got bigger. It became an giant vehicle. "Your keyblade can now become it's own vehicle, a keyblade glider."

"Well, that's interesting. I never would've expected that." Riku commented. "Thanks, King." Mickey smiled and nodded. "Good luck you guys." Mickey said, and left towards Yen Sid's tower.

Riku walked up to Sora. "Well, guess this is where we part ways for now. Lea, take care of this goof for me, make sure he doesn't do anything overly reckless." Lea grinned at that. "Yeah, well it's kind of hard not to act goofy yourself when you're around him."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Seeing as this would be the last time that they would physically see each other, Sora decided to do... something.

"I'll be fiiiiinnnne guys," he says while doing that goofy face of his, and keeps it like that for a few more seconds before stopping. Knowing Sora pretty well, Kairi did laugh a bit at his goofy facial expression.

"But seriously, I'll keep an eye out for anything this time around. Guess we'll see you later," Sora reassures them, knowing that it wouldn't be long until his Mark of Mastery exam would start as soon as he and Lea set foot into the first World.

"Just... be careful, alright?" Kairi knew that they would be okay, but she felt the need the say this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Lea and Riku laughed along with Kairi at this. "Alright. See you guys later." Riku got onto the keyblade glider, Kairi behind him. Picking up the controls naturally, it reminded him of when he piloted that vehicle when they fought Xemnas. Riku and Kairi took off into the sky, and then into space.

"Alright. Now, we'll find a world. If it's one that needs to be taken care of, it'll resonate with the darkness trapped inside of me." Riku explained to Kairi as they traveled through space.

"Sooo..you think we could make a quick stop to Radiant Garden? Ansem the Wise's apprentices that were apart of the organization are there recovering from being made whole again, so I wanna go check on their condition really quick." Lea asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Then we go and take care of the darkness that's in that world..." Kairi knew what they were to do from that point when they do find a world that has darkness slowly taking over.

"Huh? Yeah, that's fine. We might even get some pointers on which world to check first," Sora nodded, seeing no problem with it. Getting the course set, their Gummi Ship traveled to their first quick destination: Radiant Garden.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"That's right." Riku nodded in affirmation. "There's a likely suspect.." Riku said, seeing a world in the distance. Riku sped up the keyblade glider, flying in towards the world. They eventually made it, and landed on a large landmass surrounded by water.

The glider turned back into his keyblade. "First we look for civilization." Riku turned around, seeing some type of society off in the distance. "This should be interesting." Riku said as they started walking.


After awhile of flying they made it. "Alright, we should head towards the old castle. That's where they are right now." Lea explained as he started walking.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Even if this was a completely new world, Kairi was somewhat bothered by how there wasn't much sign of others nearby, but she followed Riku.

With a nod, Sora made his way towards where the old castle within Radiant Garden.
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