@GingerBoi123 Hey, I'm a friend of
@BlueAjah. Here's my CS.

Name: Amaya Tsukino
Age: 19
Element: Ice
Feel for element:(Do you like it? Dislike it?) At first Amaya was a bit ticked off at her element. She felt as if it were a joke meant to poke fun at her, but after awhile she realized that she felt a strange resonance with it. She felt that her personality reflected it in a way that she hadn't thought of before. Soon it became apart of her, and she had no choice but to accept it.
Appearance: Amaya is 5'3". She's pretty much average, except her hip line is a bit larger than average. She descends from an Asian heritage, and contains some Japanese characteristics. She has long silvery hair that glimmers in the sunlight. Amaya also has icy blue eyes that seem to pierce through you. She also has a snake bite piercing to remember the struggles she's been through.
Personality: Amaya is a neutral type of person. She doesn't have and opinion, so she doesn't argue with others. She is pretty distant to those around her, and tends to keep her thoughts to herself. Deep inside she has a desire to find the rarity among the commonality. For example she desires the cold when everything around her is warm, and she desires warmth when everything around her is cold. Occasionally, she wishes that she had a different personality, but she can never bring herself to change who she is. She is hard working and will do what needs to be done, however in her free time she prefers to not do any hard labor.
History: Amaya's parents where very poor when Amaya was born, so they worked long hours. Amaya never felt the warms of loving parents because they were desperately trying to put food on the table. Amaya always understood why she didn't see her parents much and accepted it without complaint. But because of the housework she had to do in place of her parents, she never attended school.
When Amaya was 7 years old, Child Protective Services found out about her living condition and pulled her away from her parents under the pretense that it was "neglect". She was put into a foster home, where she made no friends. Amaya was reserved, but not exactly shy. Because of her unsocial nature, potential foster parents turned her away.
Once she entered school, she was able to quickly catch up to her peers, however, she wasn't exactly popular. Most of the students quietly talked about her behind closed doors, but there was a group of students that didn't. Amaya considered this group of students the "Emo/Goth" type of people. Their hair, clothes, and multitude of piercings were always black, and numerous band merchandise was plastered to their bodies. They decided to invite Amaya into their friend group, but when she politely refused, they became furious. Soon, they went out of their way to pick on her and tease her, and no one else did anything to help her because they didn't know her. It was unusual for this particular group of people to bully someone, but nonetheless it happened. Many times, the older and stronger boys in the goth group held her down as the girls caked black makeup onto her face.
One day, in high school, the goth group decided to give her a piercing. Of course no one wanted to pay for it, so they dragged Amaya to one of their houses to do a "homemade" piercing. They gave her a snake bite piercing. They made it as painful as possible for Amaya without permanently damaging her face. After that they forced her to keep it, making sure she never took it out, and after the summer, re-doing the entire process. Finally they decided that they were going to rip the piercing out. Amaya started to panic, and then she closed her eyes and willed them to stop with her mind. After hearing a collective gasp and a single scream pierce the air. Amaya opened her eyes to see that the hand of the girl who was about to pull her piercing out had a blueish tint to it. There was also frost creeping up her arm. Using the distraction, Amaya ran away and after the goth group reported her to the principal, she had to transfer schools.
Now, she goes to Duke University, and is still undecided of what she wants to major in. She's trying her best to not draw attention to herself, and is still waiting to befriend someone.