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    1. ItsToppyTippers 11 yrs ago


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Shaking her head to try and rid herself of her tiredness, Rey nodded at both Umichi and Ayame. After slapping her cheeks for a few moments, she soon got to helping the two with carrying Lao'Jax after they had lifted him up by holding the upper and lower parts of his body. She helped by trying to keep him up so he (hopefully) wouldn't slouch and make it harder for them to carry him up the stairs.

"Goodness, Lao. Didn't think you'd be the first one to knock out," the female commented with a yawn.

After watching Ayame go off into the town, Rey gave her a silent thank you. She saw her walk farther and farther until she could not see her, as she saw people walking around inside. The female put on a bright smile on her face, and she soon decided to head in the direction in which Ayame did not go.

She passed by several shops which she noted that she'd remember to visit in the morning since she felt a bit tired after running so much. Releasing a yawn and putting her hand up to cover her mouth, she blinked away the tears that came as she yawned. Rubbing at her eyes, she knew she was soon going to knock out. So, she decided that it was best to head out to where she saw her party members on her minimap, since Ayame said that she'd get a room for the both of them.

After what seemed like forever for Rey, she finally approached the building in which Ayame and Lao were. Upon entering, she said, or rather slurred tiredly, "I'm heeereeeeee."

What she didn't notice was that there were other people inside there, too. Whooops.
may write a rushed crap post due to wanting to read this one fanfiction so badly. apologies.
I'm sorry, I have to drop out. I'm busy. >_<
Holy cow. Sorry for not being on. XD
i won't be able to go on this weekend. my mom is taking me out. Dx


Rey was somewhat happy after the progress they made today, even if they were this death game. She sent the two a smile as she walked with her rapier still in her right hand. The female decided it was best to keep her weapon in her grasp just in case they were to get attacked by anything. She held it up in front of herself as they went. She observed it silently. I never thought I'd ever be up close to a weapon such as this one - or any weapon at all.

"This place is really amazing. Though it was created by a total nut-job. But, all in all, this is kind of a cool thing - except with the whole 'if you die in here you die in real life' thing," Rey shrugged a response.

The town seemed to get bigger and bigger as they walked towards it. They were almost there. . .Rey couldn't wait to see what Geniku had in store for them. Oh, the shops that she could visit after they arrived! She was absolutely giddy that she broke into a run. She wanted to get there as fast as she could.

"C'mon slowpokes-!"
May not be able to post today. Tired.
i will hopefully get that darned CS up tomorrow. promise. sorry for taking forever! DX
same as zen.
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