Avatar of Ebil Bunny
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  • Old Guild Username: Eb1l 8unny
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Manny Ryi

Day 1 Time: Night Weather: Light Rain Location: Academy Hallways
@EmethRaffaella Struna

The little Yhartan sighed with relief as the final pupa was dispatched, and clutched her injured arm. Disappointingly but expectedly, her hand proved ineffectual in stopping the blood, with it instead trickling between her fingers. She didn't exactly have any bandages to use, though. Manny had heard stories of people ripping their clothing for use as bandages, but a look over the remnants of her muddy, bloody, and partially shredded jacket and ballgown had her wondering if that was possible in this case.

She'd ultimately decided just to call this incarnation quits and activate her Gift when Copper Guy kneeled down in front of her, having finished his quick examination of Ruffy.
"Here, let go," he commanded, his voice revealing his exhaustion and some amount of general frustration. Manny did so, believing now not to be the time to cause any friction, and held her arm out to the guy. His copper breastplate vanished into thin air, letting him tear a strip of white cloth from the shirt beneath his tuxedo jacket, which he used to wrap around her arm. The makeshift binding was awkward, showing the young man was not especially adept at first aid.

"Any of those cuts deep? Or other injuries?" he asked after he finished, glancing over the various scratches she'd acquired from frolicking in the fields of glass.
"Nope, ahll gud!" Manny answered with a smile and thumbs up. The guy sounded so done with the day as it was, and she felt silly enough accepting the bandage when she was inevitably going to reincarnate soon anyway. She decided to postpone that a little longer, just to be polite. At least until Copper Guy wasn't around to see his efforts wasted.

The young man nodded and returned to the unconscious boy he'd been protecting, picking him up in a bridal carry.
"Shelter's this way," he called back and started down the hallway. The rest of the group followed after him, some with stars in their eyes at his performance, others keeping nervous watch on the windows to the outside. Manny reconvened with her assigned partner.

"Yer a beidder fahghter thehn Ah thought, Ruffy! Ya'lmost had 'im!" she cheered, wiping some blood from a small cut in her forehead that was getting in her eye. "An' here Ah was thenkin' you were gunna let yerself be sharkbait!"

Manny gave her new friend a couple hefty pats on the back and started after the others, kicking a pile of pupa ash into the air for good measure.

Manny Ryi

Day 1 Time: Night Weather: Light Rain Location: Academy Hallways
@EmethRaffaella Struna

Thunder boomed in the distance outside, either natural or someone's magic. Manny half-expected the girl beside her to flinch from the sound, but instead she seemed to have found her courage! A result of Manny's encouragement, no doubt, and good timing too, what with those bird monsters catching up to them!

As the two took to the air, Manny shoved a monster back with the slippered foot it was trying to bite and into the purple fire of someone else's gift. Then, she quickly followed Pinky over top the dozen or so teenagers escaping in the same direction. She noticed the bunch was slowed slightly as some of the older ones helped the younger or injured, but thankfully the defender group was behind them doing an awesome job at preventing monsters from passing!

Manny didn't see any way she could help the group though, so she instead flew to the front with Pinky where together they paused at a crossroads. Untouched as it was by the chaos of the evening, it looked exactly like every other hallway intersection Manny had been in as far as she could tell. She was just starting to the left (better to go the wrong way than nowhere at all!) when Pinky shouted, "This way!" and took off down the right corridor.

"Aight thein!" Manny grinned and kicked off the wall to reverse direction. This flounder girl was proving her potential after all! Or "Raffaella" she introduced herself as, these islander names were always such a mouthful! Manny decided to just call her Ruffy, she did seem very puppy-like.

Such thoughts were immediately forgotten, however, as when they rounded the next corner they came face to face with a battle. A young man with copper plate armor and spear held back two tall, gangly creeps, with an unconscious boy leaning against the wall behind him. Rain fell in through the broken windows, pooling together with shattered glass. As one, the two pupa seemed to forget about the boys they were fighting and turned towards the new group. No, towards Raffaella!

The creatures screeched like violins and dashed toward the smaller girl. Manny had no idea what Ruffy could've done to get their attention like this, but they needed to be stopped! There was no way that girl could do well in a fight! Diving forward herself, the pupa in front reached up with a needled hand to swipe her out of the way. Manny responded by halting the circulation of her vitesse, immediately dropping to the floor and rolling into the creature's knees to trip it. Glass lacerated her skin adding red to the puddles of rainwater, but it didn't sting that much.

The creepy thing was successfully knocked over, but Manny wasn't entirely sure what to do from here. While she'd fought plenty of times, they were brawls between children who at worst disliked each other, not life-or-death battles against adult-sized monsters! It was fortunate her incarnations were always in tip-top shape, and this current one was one of the tallest she'd had. So, she used that body mass by dragging herself onto the back of the tripped pupa in hopes of keeping it down, and bit down hard on its thigh. Blegh! It tasted worse than when that sister tried baking egg pie, and was just as ashy! If nothing else proved these things weren't human, they certainly tasted different!

The monster responded by stabbing its needle through her forearm. That- okay that hurt- quite a bit- But! Not as bad as cutting her thumb nearly off throwing sheet metal like a discus! So she gritted her teeth further into its leg and ignored the panging. The young man fighting before was not standing idle in the meantime, and took advantage of the opportunity by piercing a pole of pure copper through its head, disintegrating it into brimstone.

That was sadly the end of only one pupa, and the other had gotten past the conflict in its race towards Raffaella!
"Ruffy, watch aout! Manny screamed, pulling herself to her feet.

Manny Ryi

Day 1 Time: Night Weather: Drizzle Location: Ballroom -> Academy Hallways
@EmethRaffaella Struna

As the actual Anastasia, the red-headed woman that Manny now recognized as an Illuminaire from one of the other houses, gave her and the short, pink-haired girl instructions, Manny glanced over her assigned partner. Considering Pinky was shaking like a rag in the wind and clinging to Anastasia like barnacles to an oceanship, it was clear the instruction to lead the escape was more to distract from the terror than any actual belief in this girl's capabilities. A distant thought pointed out that Manny was in the same boat of well over her head and was likely also being pandered to, but she ignored that one!

Pinky then shouted and pointed upward, directing Manny's gaze to a swarm of ugly creatures she had never seen before flying in through the hole in the roof.
"Aight we neida git goin'!" Manny announced as she grabbed the scared girl by the arm and peeled her away from her humanoid security blanket. Forget the rest of the students, they seemed to know what they were doing well enough, Manny could tell she'd have her hands full with just this one pile of nerves! "C'mon, Ainastaesia gaiv ussa job ta' do 'n theim buggers'll be gettin' our way if we dwaddle!"

It was fortunate indeed that the other students seemed to know where shelters might be, given that Manny knew the layout of the Academy like she knew the depths of the Endless Ocean Below, which was not at all, obviously. Just the Seraphine House alone was as big as an entire Yhartan airship, and there were buildings and pathways everywhere! Manny never cared much if she arrived at any particular destinations before, happy to explore and be late, but now getting lost would be... She contented herself with following the crowd and instead focused on making sure Pinky kept up.

"So..." Manny started. She wanted to put a fire in the other girl's eyes, burn that fear away. She'd gotten others to grow a backbone plenty of times! But those were her posse of daredevils, and all she needed to do was taunt, "Dun't bei a flownder!" or "Ya madea' birdbounes?" and all the others would jeer as well and the kid would eventually get over themself. Pinky looked like she'd just let herself get eaten if Manny tried that on her! So how was she supposed to help this girl?

"...Ah'm Manny. Ah liek treis, theiy're behtter fer cliemben than maists," she finished lamely, after an awkward pause backdropped by the sounds of fighting, panic, and otherworldly melodies. She didn't know where she was going with that, but it was probably better than nothing? "...Wattabowt you?"

Manny Ryi

Day 1 Time: Night Weather: Moderate Rain -> Drizzle Location: Ballroom Balcony -> Ballroom
@FrettzoLisa Goldheart @vietmykeLeah Clearwater @TiAnastasia Arslan @EmethRaffaella Struna

Manny picked up and inspected the wooden mask Goldy had balanced on the railing of the balcony, feeling the smooth surface. It looked nice, while also being as down-to-earth as its intended wearer. A good match! It was a shame for it to go to waste, what with Goldy not feeling in the party mood. She'd said it was because of so-called losers, but in the short time Manny had known her, the young girl was already certain she wasn't one to let people get her down.

"Are ya sure ya wanna be missin' ouwt?" Manny held Goldy's mask out to her, "Dun't needa bei worryin' 'bout havin' no fun, Ah'll be a harnet in the checken coop, et'll be sunny ahll nieght!"

However, the normally boisterous older girl didn't respond, having stilled as if listening for something. Manny curiously quieted down as well to try and listen herself. Unfortunately, all she heard was the music being played for the ball, which was more noticeable now that she was closer and the sound of rain was clearing up. It was actually rather odd, now that she was paying attention! Ethereal, played with instruments that she couldn't place. It reminded her, of all things, of backing music for the Ni-Seraphi story dancers, though without the heavy, ominous drumming.

Manny was fixing to inquire about what had her friend so distracted when she suddenly felt herself lifted in muscled arms as Goldy lept from the balcony. A gruff, masculine voice spoke out from somewhere, heedless of the wind.
"The Hunting Melody of the Ni-Seraphi is exactly what you are hearing now," it explained bluntly, "Those monsters are here and will be at our doorstep any moment."
"Th' Ney-Sirahphi? But Ah thouwght-"

@% @ & #

As Manny was helped back to her feet after their frankly atrocious landing following that explosion, the continued disorientation had Manny considering whether to activate her gift (she was pretty sure her head had whacked a tree branch). She ultimately decided not to, Goldy was speaking to her and it'd be difficult to coordinate without speech of her own; plus, she'd walked off plenty of concussions far worse than this.

"Bawlroom, Ielluminayres, goddit," Manny nodded and followed along with her friend around the side of the building towards the entrance, grabbing two armfuls of dress frills to make running easier. She didn't know who Anastasia was, but it would probably be easy to spot them rallying and healing.

It was only seconds for the girls to round the corner to where a stream of students was rushing forth from the ballroom. Seeing them like that, tense and fearful, Manny began to feel strangely disconnected from it all. She knew the Ni-Seraphi were a danger like nothing else, and their song was still playing despite the destruction, they were here! Manny thought she should be feeling what everyone else was feeling. Terror. Panic. Not... whatever it was she was feeling. She turned to Goldy.

"Ah cehn feind Anny frem 'ere, you go do yer sarchin'," Manny reassured, then with a smile she flexed and... she flexed again and tore several outer layers of dress off (that material was stronger than it looked) to make moving more easy. With all the people coming out, getting in would be hard. Not for her though! As she dashed towards the stream, she dropped to all fours and started pouncing in between people and through legs. While certainly more difficult than if she were a creature built for it, Manny had spent enough time moving in a variety of animalian body types to ignore species convention.

It took some bumping and tumbling and she thought a few people may have shouted at her, but she successfully passed the sea of souls into the ballroom. It was her first time seeing it since it was decorated. Sadly, "decorated" was no longer an applicable word, but Manny could tell it had probably looked quite nice. More importantly though, and just as her friend had foretold, a young woman with blue hair was shouting out orders from the center of the room. Being ordered around wasn't something Manny was fond of, but given the circumstances more order would be a good thing.

"Are ya 'Ainastaesia'?" Manny asked after jogging over to the trio of "Anastasia", the pink haired girl, and the red-haired woman, putting her jacket hood down to reveal the butterfly mark. It didn't matter since none of the three likely knew her to recognize the mark, but it was habit to show it off at this point. She gave the group a cheerful hand-over-chest salute and introduced herself, "Ah'm Manny, Goldy- Uh, Gold'art seint me an' Ah'm 'ere ta heilp!"

Manny Ryi

Day 1 Time: Evening -> Night Weather: Light -> Moderate Rain Location: Artificer Workshop -> Ballroom Balcony
@AlfhedilCorrine Marchesi @FrettzoLisa Goldheart

Though her friend said not every event was like a Docking Festival, and Manny agreed, "dressing up in costumes, eating lots of food, dancing, and music" were all obvious Docking Festival things. She'd even seen the ballroom before and it had a big hole in the roof to let the bonfire smoke out. She was sure it'd be a little different of course, but it couldn't be that different. The ex-nomad had no idea what it was they were celebrating though, she hadn't seen any harder-than-normal work being done that deserved a party.

Putting curiosity off for later, Manny took Reiny's advice and used a pair of pliers to try and twist her copper segments into springs while the older girl cleaned up her station. Success was unfortunately quite limited, and the results were more zig-zag than coil and at most wobbly rather than properly bouncy. It did look cool though, it reminded Manny of lighting! Thus, instead of trying to fix them, she went about attaching them to the leafy mask.

"Ailmost goddit," the younger girl called when Reiny inquired about leaving together, and completed her project only a bit after the older girl was prepared to go. Putting her mask in the bag with the sewing kit, she swung it over her should and grabbed the older girl's waiting metal hand. As they exited the workshop together, the engineering student's casual manipulation of the metal rod into a fully functional umbrella had Manny reaching up to the lilac mark on her neck, the raised skin feeling similar to a callus. In truth, the young girl was very satisfied with her gift, but sometimes seeing the gifts of others had her wishing hers was also something she could do, rather than just be. Like having an extra liver when everyone else had an extra arm.

Manny quickly shook off the melancholic thoughts though as she always did and instead skipped alongside her friend, enjoying the sound of the slowly intensifying raindrops upon the tree leaves and metal umbrella. When they arrived at the Seraphine dormitories, she gave Mr. Puffy a farewell pat on the everything before dashing down the hallway towards her room, waving over her shoulder.
"Laist'un to th' bawl essa 'nemone!" she chirped.

- - - - -

The girl's door was waiting unlocked for her, as she rarely carried her pendant and thus never bothered locking it. Despite Manny's unorderly nature and easy fascination with interesting things, her dorm room was sparse and clean. Oddly so, as instead of the furniture being tastefully arranged throughout the room like most dorms, her bed was pushed into the corner and the bookshelf, desk, and wardrobe arranged around it like the walls of a tiny room. Within that nook were haphazardly hung drawings and writings, with various knickknacks piled on the shelves, but outside was left completely untouched. After all, space was to be utilized as efficiently as possible when one lived on a ship, and Manny still half-expected that she'd be getting a roommate at some point. Or maybe just hoped.

Dropping the borrowed sewing stuff on her desk to be returned sometime, Manny turned to the heap of fabric laying atop her bed. The costume she'd been supplied with to wear for the ball was sleeveless, colored a soft yellow with orange flame-like gradients along the bottom of the skirt, which seemed more like a pile of frills than anything meant to be worn. Even peering up the bottom just revealed endless maze-like layers! The costume looked uncomfortable, but she wasn't going to be wearing it long and it was excellently goofy. The people sure picked a good one! Unfortunately, she now had to figure out how to put it on.

An... amount of time later and a miraculous lack of torn cloth, Manny sat kneeled on her bed in front of the mirror, the makeup that came with the dress arranged in front of her. She normally didn't bother with it, but this was a special occasion! Popping the cap off the red lipstick, she rubbed her nose in thought about how best to use it, keeping in mind that the top half would be covered by her mask. Eventually, she drew a happy diamond face on her right cheek and an angry square face on her left cheek, then colored them golden-yellow with eyeshadow and pink with the blush respectively.

"Yeir loukin' redieculous!" she giggled at her reflection, satisfied with the result. Popping her homemade mask into place and a hooded jacket for the rain, she sprung to her window. Manny often saw other students flying through their windows instead of taking the hallways and often wished to do so herself. Unfortunately she was on the ground floor so there really wasn't much point in the flying part, she could just jump out normally. This time however, she wasn't just dropping to the path, but cutting past the hedges and flower garden to the building across the way containing the ballroom. The entrance was on a different side, but she spotted a lit balcony through the rain that she could fly straight to.

Hopping up to the sill, the girl leaped through her perpetually open window and circulated her vitesse. A feeling like countless tiny threads surrounding her like a harness took hold and lifted her through the air toward her destination. The distance turned out further than anticipated, and she got wetter than anticipated, but the hood kept the newly applied makeup from getting washed off, and as she neared the balcony she saw a familiar figure standing outside.

"Goldy!" Manny crowed as she dived down beneath the balcony roof and clasped her arms around Lisa's neck, sharing her new collection of raindrops with the probably unenthusiastic recipient. She tried wrapping her legs around the older student's waist as well, but the numerous frills of her dress got in the way, so she tolerated letting them hang instead.

"Wut're ya doin' ouat 'ere ienstade'f iensiede pahrtyin'?" the younger girl asked curiously, appreciating the warmth radiating from Goldy's body now even more than usual. That rain was surprisingly cold! But after a few seconds Manny reluctantly let go and dropped to her feet, taking a few steps back to look at the musclebound girl properly.
"Aind wheire's yer mehsk?" she asked. She'd been looking forward to seeing what other people had done with theirs. Goldy's dress was also surprisingly normal as far as dresses went, though Manny understood that not everyone would be as into dressing up funny as she was.

I'll be going on vacation from the 20th to the 27th. I may pop into the discord from time to time, but I won't be able to post until after I get back

Manny Ryi

Day 1 Time: Evening Weather: Light Rain Location: Artificer Workshop
@AlfhedilCorrine Marchesi

Manny took a peek at the project held in Reiny's artificial hand (that kind of reminded her of a bird's foot) and saw what looked like two oddly-shaped cylinders stuck together. She'd heard enough from the student engineer to know that "rotary mechanisms" made things turn, and that sticking them to other bits would let machines move in all sorts of different, non-turning ways. She, however, couldn't quite remember what Reiny had said "a couple weeks ago" about them. Was it that materials with more friction let the mechanism be smaller and still turn bigger things? No wait, wasn't friction bad?

The younger girl decided to keep quiet about having forgotten and instead focused back onto her own project. Her friend had offered to help, which was very nice and Manny was sure Reiny could make something really amazing, but it wouldn't be the same as doing it herself and so she turned it down.
"Keip doin' wut yer doin', Ah goddit!" Manny waved and scampered off to retrieve the wire. The artificer girl's designated workstation was close to the back of the building, where the extra tools and material stocks were stored, so it was easy enough to still carry the conversation while she looked around. They just needed to speak louder, which Manny had no qualms about.

"Ah ferst thoaght ta' make mah maisk lak a Skagait Keiper's, but Ah coodn't fahnd any waht feathers," Manny called back as her eyes travelled up and down the metal shelves holding a variety of tools and supplies, "Aind ther's no way Ah cen get sheills for an Oceangait's. But Ah saw these pointy leives end thei're great! They don' look lak ainy of th' stoery daincers' maisks, but Ah lak 'em. Oh... Ah geiss ya don' hav stoery daincers if ya don' celebrate the Dawckin' Feistival..."

When the girl found what she was looking for, a shelf covered in spools of wiring of many different materials and thicknesses, her voice trailed off. There were definitely more to choose from than she had been anticipating and she needed a moment to think. Eventually, she selected the thick copper wire, as the orange-y color looked to go well with the green leaves of her mask. She returned to Reiny, spool in hand, and nabbed a pair of wire cutters. Everything ready, Manny gripped the end of the wire between her teeth and rotated the spool with her hands to unravel it. While she did so, she examined the mask Reiny had leaning against the wall. It was a simple shape of polished metal, merely molded to fit over Reiny's eyes if Manny were to guess.
"Eit's beiry shah-y, but et's a wieddew blain, ai' it?" she attempted, the wire between her teeth making her words even more incomprehensible than usual.

After freeing a good length for a couple antennae, Manny carefully cut twice to get two wires of equivalent size. She then held the segments up to her forehead to feel how they would look when attached to the mask. They were a bit long, but if she did any reshaping then they would shorten anyway. Manny then turned to Reiny.
"Wha' d'ya thenk fer th' tops? Cur'ly? Squieggly? Put sum'in on 'em?" she asked, wiggling them for emphasis.

Manny Ryi

Day 1 Time: Evening Weather: Light Rain Location: Academy Outskirts
@AlfhedilCorrine Marchesi

A girl sat alone in the forest, sheltered beneath a large maple tree to avoid the drizzle overhead. Needles and spools were placed beside her, atop the sack they were brought in to prevent them getting lost amongst the leaves. The girl herself was merrily humming as she worked away at something on her lap.

Moments later, Manny grinned as she held up the creation she had spent the last half an hour working on, before frowning. The mask made of the best and largest maple leaves she could find and stitched together with colored threads did look snazzy, but she was certainly not the only one to think of making something like that. She wanted hers to be unique! Scratching her nose with one hand and rotating the object in the other, the girl contemplated possible ideas. She had lots of course, but ones she could actually pull off were in shorter supply. Finally, she nodded. Bug antennae would be perfect!

Manny jumped to her feet, stumbled slightly from her legs being crossed, and gathered the sewing supplies before dashing towards the workshop, ignoring the detritus stuck to her skirt from sitting on the damp ground. She'd seen metal wiring stored on spools there, and that would be perfect for making some wiggly antennas! She could even top them with something, or just curl the ends into spirals.

Her run through the rainy woods soon revealed the workshop, as it was on the outskirts to avoid annoyance with its noise. A squat building made of red bricks and with a gray-tiled roof, it had plenty of normally open windows; though they were currently closed to stop the day's moisture from rusting the metals and tools. Several smokestacks stuck out the top from the multiple forges, though none of them were releasing smoke at the moment.

This was one of Manny's favorite buildings, there was something about the placement of the door and windows that made it look like an angry turtle. It was also loud, which apparently bothered some people. Not her though, she loved things noisy! The school was often weirdly quiet despite the number of people, so the girl relished opportunities to bask in the sounds of activity.

Additionally, it was the primary hangout spot of her friend Reiny, who just so happened to be there when Manny opened the door.
"Waorkin' awn sum'in fer th' bawll ais weill?" Manny assumed in a chipper voice from the doorway, whilst trying and failing to shake the water off her, "Ah'm maikin' sum ainteinnas fer mien, iet's genna bei shienier thain a beitta!"

Giving up on getting any less damp, the girl put her homemade mask on to show it off and scurried over to her (currently shorter) friend to see what Reiny was working on, leaving the sack of sewing accessories on a nearby table.

Manny Ryi

No one could have imagined that a first year from the House of Seraphine would unlock the secrets to immortality; her unimaginable gift to reincarnate over and over again has proven to be a true mystical anomaly within the community.

<Snipped quote by Ebil Bunny>

Okay. Just saw your changes. I think almost all mystics have their aeonhearts in the same place, side by side where hearts typically are in the chest. These are still humans at their core, after all, but the location of Manny's second aeonheart can be a biological anomaly unique to her. I mean, Raffaella's aeonhearts are conjoined, so it could just be an extremely rare thing that sometimes these kinds of medical anomalies/mutations occur with a Mystic's second aeonhearts - Rafaella and Manny being the only current recognizable examples of that.

And yes, there are both "Earth" animals and "Fantasy" animals unique to Lekë. When you have some unique animal transformation ideas, run them by me first so we can be sure they're a good fit for this world.

Manny only has one aeonheart, so I'll just leave her mark as a mark instead of an indication of her aeonheart's location.

The current list of fantasy animals I made up for Manny's character sheet:
Bungral - A thick, stubby eel that grows to be longer than a man is tall. Its infamously messy eating process leads to meal residue buildup especially on its catfish-like whiskers, causing them to droop even underwater. This makes bungral look grumpy, though it's impossible to tell how they actually feel about it.
Wipwiper - A tiny whiskered fish found in schools that develop symbiotic relationships with larger ocean creatures, where it cleans the scales of the creature in exchange for protection from predators. Sailors used to think wipwipers were baby bungral due to their matching whiskers and common grouping.
Scorpiotross - A grey seabird known for the venom in its spurs, which allows it to catch larger than normal prey thanks to the paralytic toxin preventing the fish from struggling and breaking free.
Frigidon - A massive stealth predator that looks like a furry crocodile and is native to the snowdrift covered islands in the far north. Its heavy weight and lean build allows it to maneuver along the ground beneath deep snow unnoticed, and its length allows it to stand on its back legs and grasp prey walking atop the snow in its powerful jaws.
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