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<Snipped quote by Ebil Bunny>

Having to update the image may be tedious to keep up with on both sides, so if nothing else, you could just have a recognizable permanent mark on her face (or something equivalent) that is consistent no matter which form she takes. So people (and the players) familiar with Manny can be like, "Oh, that's just Manny" Whereas other people unfamiliar with her can be confused or tricked because they don't know her mark or key feature that people familiar with her do. That way, you can just describe her new form IC, but we will know its her automatically cause of this distinguishable "mark" or something to that avail.

Deja gave this exact suggestion as well actually. That made me consider that it could make sense for Manny's aeonheart to manifest itself more visually for her than others, since hers acts similarly to a symbiote rather than a traditional organ, given that it controls her magic automatically. Even her "consciously willing" to reincarnate is just sending Vitesse into it, activating the "interfered with" clause.

I did like the idea of wildly varying appearances, so if you don't think it'll be bothersome for people then I've went ahead and updated Manny's character sheet again.

Out of curiosity, are aeonhearts literal organs located in the same place for every mystic, or does its location vary from mystic to mystic? Since there are some people with two I imagine there's some degree of variance to it. Additionally, are there Earth animals as well as fantasy animals, or are all animals unique in this world? I've been assuming they would all be unique (and look forward to making plenty of new creatures for her incarnations), but specified her mark as a butterfly to represent the transformative rebirth aspect of the magic.
@Ebil Bunny
If I may humbly suggest something, letting @Aeolian answer the other Aeonheart-related details, whenever Manny reincarnates into a human form, what if it is a look-alike or at least similar in appearance to her original? I'll even generate new images for you whenever this happens. Because, there is a certain element to characterization and familiarity that is (sometimes, unfortunately) rooted in visual representation. This would also make it a lot easier for people to recognize Manny in a new form if the physical appearance (facial features) is somewhat reminiscent of the original.

This is not a must, of course! It's just a suggestion to help with character cohesion. Take it in, think about it, and that's it :)

That's fine, I primarily had the changing appearance aspect as a reflection of her magic being (very) loosely based on reincarnation in Hinduism as opposed to say a phoenix's reincarnation. Possible hijinks were also on my mind, though I can see how drastically differing appearances could extend beyond just that into OOC annoyance. I've updated it so while it still changes, it has strong tendencies towards her old attributes so hopefully that will allow for the best of both worlds!

In regards to updating images, I prefer to keep things as upkeep-free as possible. Perhaps a good way would be just to update the one icon image above the CS in the characters tab as opposed to the three inside? It'd also be nice to have the finished image waiting before a reincarnation so I can base the new appearance on the image instead of the other way around, then get a new one for the next incarnation
@Ebil Bunny
Manny Ryi

1. After some delegation, we ask that you remove the teleportation aspect of her gift. Not dying (reincarnation) is pretty powerful by itself, plus you can shapeshift into different animals; that seems pretty sufficient for a Mystic gift. The teleportation element seemed more like a tacked-on gimmick that doesn't really have anything to do with reincarnation. Plus, teleportation would be an Astra gift, not Somatic.

2. Please clarify what you mean by "if her aeonheart is triggered with". We didn't quite understand with this meant. What are some examples of this that you thought of?

3. Is this character unrecognizable to other people every time she reincarnates? Please clarify that.

4. So we assume that the image in her character profile pic is her "base form". Please clarify whether she does, or rather, can she ever go back to her base form. This kind of plays into the 3rd bullet above, but informs us on whether the other players can ever recognize her whenever she reincarnates into a new form, whether human or animal.

1 - Excellent point, I removed it

2 - I imagined that since her aeonheart is the source of a power to reincarnate upon death, it would itself "reincarnate" if it would otherwise "die". Things I had in mind when I wrote "if her aeonheart is interfered with" were any injuries or surgeries (like the Forsaken Ritual) that would cause it to no longer work, or any mystic abilities/enchanted tools that would alter or dampen the ability in some way. Example being Myrion's Second Trigger, which while strictly beneficial would still be affecting it

3 - Manny has a completely new appearance every time she reincarnates and does not have a base form, her original appearance being permanently lost to time when her ability first activated. She is still generally recognizable though since she's always a girl of the same age, each incarnation comes with clothes of a style unique to her magic, and she's not especially adept nor interested in blending in. If she changed clothes and tried acting differently (and took a large number of vocal lessons, her accent's pretty strong and there aren't many other Yhartans around) then she'd likely not be recognized unless someone was observant. I edited the Appearance section of the CS as well, hopefully it's more clear now ^^

4 - I added profile pictures since not having one would be inconsistent with the style of the other character sheets, and focused more on the attitude and emotions being conveyed by the pictures rather than physical traits (other than being a young teenage girl). I tried to select pictures that varied to some degree in terms of hair/eye colors and hairstyles for that reason, but they were all generated from the same image so are still pretty similar

Thanks for the feedback, and I hope this cleared things up! :)
@Deja Manny would absolutely go fantasy skating with Kaspaan, she's lived most of her life on ships so being able to move around so much is an exciting novelty
@Ebil Bunny How does Manny feel about frozen slip n slides?

All slip n slides are equal under the Law of Manny, ranked above digging holes but below building tree houses. Just make sure your slip n slides are stone-free, those can hurt!
Honestly haven't given much thought to ships, though I think Corrine has established at least a couple friendships depending on how open people are to it lol.

If you're looking for friendships, I think her and Manny could get along really well. Manny's not hyperactive all the time and I could see her hanging around and idly watching Corrine work when she's relaxing
Manny Ryi
"Generous with hugs, but will hug you regardless of what form she's in. Some hugs will be fluffy. Some might be... sticky. I'll never forget."

Hate to have to break it to you Raffy, but that sticky thing... wasn't Manny...


PS: It was totally Manny LOL
Now we need a tier list chart for who gives the best hugs

Manny can give literal bear hugs sometimes! And even when she's small, she makes up for it with spirit
Wow this thread is lively. Apologies for the wait, I hit a busy patch, but kitty girl is here! @Aeolian

Yesss, a fellow animal shifter and fun-loving rebel! An excellent addition to Manny's Squad!
Tae: “I would send Lumos to bite that woman who stole the position that should have rightfully been mine! But I can’t risk my beloved pet being taken away. Can no one else in this school afford a Blue Spotted Wink?”

Manny selected Pet Bonding class purely to get her hands on a Blue Spotted Wink, only to be very disappointed to learn that she wasn't getting one. Expect that Tae mayhap be bothered by her instead
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