Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Initially, when Umichi was speaking, seeing Suki's face worried him, but it was within expectations. Considering the way he started off. Once he finished though, he could see her laugh a little and smile, telling him "Thank you".

As Ritaka arrived, he displayed an array of goods. "Help yourselves, on the house! And if you don't know what something is, then that makes two of us." he told them. "Wow, thanks!" Umichi replied. Picking up something that looked like an custard tart, he started to eat.

The taste, was more of a lemon cake. Ah.... that disparity. I could of done without. He recalled trying some food in the beta, and having this disparity occur. Umichi noticed Suki opening a map, and noticing that Aikoto was still nearby. Suki then made a mention about the food, how it did not taste as it looked. "It's peculiar but still delicious" he replied when he heard a thud. There on the floor was another player, face down. "Jeez, people need to watch themselves." He said, getting up from his seat.

Two players then came in, a female, and Aikoto. Aikoto went to the counter to pay for a room before sitting down. During that time, the woman went up to the player who had landed on his face, asleep. Or at least that's what Umichi assumed. Umichi had walked up to them. "I assume ... that you don't have many stats in your strength do you? Because, that would make things a whole lot easier." he mentioned, crouching down by the player face down. "I can help you lift him to his room, assuming he has one. Ah, I'm Umichi by the way." Umichi offerred to assist. If she accepted, he would help her carry Lao'Jax to his room. If not then, he would return to the table, saying "Laters then"

@Caits @Savo @Ebil Bunny @LokiLeo789 @PKMNB0Y


Following Nagayama, YukiHana found her Ojii-san. As Nagayama went to ask about if this was her Ojii-san, YukiHana cried out, "OJII-SAN!", running and jumping at the old man. She then continued to cry into his arms.

After a moment, YukiHana stopped crying and turned around to the other players. "Arigatou (Thank you), Nagayama-nee-san, Jax-nii-san. Arigatou!" YukiHana continued to cling to Ojii-san.

@Stale Pizza @Eklispe @Thanatos @Animus
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grayscythe
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Lincoln was happy to see a couple of friendly faces, "Yeah, I am okay. But I don't know what to do about my health," Lincoln referred his red health bar, "But thanks for saving my butt guys." Lincoln looked at Dar and Geist, giving them a smile. "I know I shouldn't be out here alone, but I didn't know what to do when I found out...we're stuck in here." Lincoln looked around the grassland a little, "Where are you guys headed?"



Dar looked at the man and scratched the back of his head at the explanation. Yeah, that sounded like a pretty fair response honestly. After hearing that kind of news people were going to react in lots of ways. It suddenly occurred to Dar that he had revisited this thought process several times in a short period.

When Linc asked about his health, Dar took a look at the player's nameplate. His health was indeed low. If he wasn't careful, he'd get killed by a stray wind at this point. Without thinking much on it, Dar walked over to Linc and opened a trade window to hand him a basic healing item.

"Here, this will help. You should really pick some of these up next time you're in town, it'll save your life. Literally." Dar said as he transferred the item to Linc's inventory. At the question as to where they were going, Dar glanced back at Geist. Should he tell him? Should they bring him along? It seemed like that if Dar left Linc out here by himself, he would get jumped by wolves again and be killed. He couldn't let that happen, he wasn't going to save this guy just for him to die.

"We're going to Horunka. It's a hunting village on the other side of the forest. You can come if you like. That's probably a good spot to start leveling and it'll be easier to get there with company." Dar offered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by LupusIntus
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LupusIntus Your Inner Wolf

Member Seen 10 days ago


Geist slid his dagger back into the leather sheath on his waste and closed the victory screen floating before him, the fingers of his other hand flicking a few loose strands of hair out of his dark eyes as they looked the newcomer up and down. His gaze was calculating and cold, much like someone would give when inspecting a new tool or weapon as if to assess its usefulness. It was a quick moment, one that would only be noticed by the exceptionally observant, and when it passed his face resumed a neutral expression as he shrugged his shoulders at Linc's question. "We figured getting to Horunka was better than sticking around the city, twiddling our thumbs."

The sun had almost completely sank beneath the horizon and Geist knew they wouldn't make it to the city before nightfall was completely upon them. Furthermore they still had to pass beneath the trees of a rather thick forest and after the run in with the wolves he was wary of what sort of creatures they might find in the darkness beneath the canopy. "I agree with him, you should come with us." He said, matter-o-factly as he gestured to Dar. "There may be more wolves between us and the town... or worse."

Geist didn't wait for a response, not wanting to waste more time getting caught in some worthless conversation while their daylight slipped away, and started walking on down the path. He stopped a short distance away and turned back to the two other men. "Oh... and you can call me 'Geist'. Are you coming, Dar?

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Suki nodded in agreement, and finishing off what she was eating, saw that someone appeared to have fainted. She went to help, but Umichi got there first. It appeared that they had a group of their own, or at least friends that wanted to help them. Suki wondered if the person was just tired, or if the game had caused them to become sick or something.

"just food. Weird food but yummy all the same" she said to Aikoto, as he returned. She decided she would ask Umichi later about the fainted guy, and instead ross. "I'm going to explore the town a bit, and then I might head to bed" she said to the others, rising, and stretching and giving them a wave, headed outside.

Goniku wasn't a big town, it only had the one inn, and a handful of shops. A small blacksmiths seemed to be the only place to get any weapons, and there were a few food shops, bakeries mostly giving that it was close to farming land, a general shop of some sort, which she went to head into, but the BPc merchant was just heading out."oh. Sorry"

They looked to her, an old man that seemed mildlt annoyed, but did have a kindky air. "I'm sorry, Miss, myself. The store actually was meant to close hours ago, but it's been ofdly busy" Suki smiled and said "I was just going to look around. It's such a pretty town. Thank you, but I don't really need anything that badly that it can't wait for the morning. Please, go home!"

The old NPC man nodded, and walked off. Suki smiled, the NPCs here seemed to be quite friendly, and very interactive. Suki thought on that a moment, and then continued on her way. She came to a small town square, the small fountain there seemed to glow from some hidden light. Colours splashed in th waters, and with amazement, Suki saw that there were fish in it, swimming around, with different sizes. She wondered if all the towns had something like this.

She eagerly sat down, leaning over the fountain slightly, and studying the fish with curiosity. Why, there was even a gold fish! Such normalcy, in such an amazing world. She tipped her fingers in the water, and giggled as a fish nimbled her skin
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grayscythe
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Dar took notice of Geist's 'assessment' and shrugged. He wasn't really sure what to make of this guy. He couldn't really tell if he was a bit anti social or maybe he was suffering trauma just like everyone else. But he was a good fighter, and he hadn't shown any signs as to being untrustworthy so he didn't necessarily see any reason to part ways with him yet. He also seemed to show concern for Linc, unless he was misreading that part.

It couldn't be helped though, they all needed to get to the next town. He would worry about his personal dilemmas later. Dar sent Linc a party invite and started after Geist.


Before long the group would find themselves at the edge of the forest. Just as Dar had feared, it had already gotten dark by the time they had gotten there. Dar equipped the torch that he had bought and smiled sheepisly at the others as he moved into the forest.

"Nothing ventured nothing gained I guess. Let's look for a path. Map says we need to head northwest." Dar said.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lennon79
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Lennon79 Senpai

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Cringe-worthy though he may have been, the boy was at least consistent... so far. Then again, whether or not that would last was irrelevant and Pyotr was hardly the most consistent of people herself. Regardless, the boy's upbeat (if slightly manic) personality could be tolerated, if only for the next few hours. 'I-I'll pass on the hat, thank you very much. I have... hat... allergies....' Fuck, that was some fail bullshitting... 'I mean I just don't like hats. A-at all. Like srsly. Ty che blyad, why would you do that to yourself? Let the hair be free, man, free like hair was, uh born to... be.' Pyotr had known she was babbling since the word hat, but like in all awkward social situations, she just couldn't throw the breaks on in time. Presently, she cleared her throat. 'Moving swiftly along, were shall we have our dinner? I see two options; we could go back into the city and find a place there...' And spend the night listening to ten thousand people whining... '... or we could leg it to the first town and stay there. I vote plan B, it isn't that far anyway.' Hell, maybe she'd be able to ditch him en-route... She considered trying to BS her way around the mysterious friend issue, but decided to play it off as if she was the type to run ahead of the main wave. Truth be told, Pyotr felt a hint of self-deprecating cynicism over not having any friends join her in SAO, selfish as that was. She skilfully ignored the boy's pinky swear by averting her eyes at just the last moment, seemingly distracted by a boar in the distance... She might have had a certain manipulative streak, but Akiko had always taken her word very seriously; she wasn't about to give it out on a whim. 'So...', she said brightly, drawing another pint of ale from her inventory and taking a step toward the next town. 'I'm Pyotr and I'm heading... that way. Bylo priyatno s vami poznakomit’sya, Mr..?'

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by _Middle_
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Lincoln accepted the gift that Dar had given him, he needed the health if he was going to make it more than five feet. Lincoln noticed the cold look Geist had made towards him and was about to make a comment about it, but thought otherwise. Lincoln was glad have some "friends" to travel with. "Thanks guys." Linc didn't really know what else to say.


They finally made it to the forest. Looking up at the trees, Linc found it being the right time, "Guys, when we make it to the next town," Linc began reluctantly saying, "I will leave. I am not a good player. I don't want to hold you guys back. You guys are by far superior to me. I'll be a burden." Linc looked down into the forest, and gave a quick glance to both Dar and Geist.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ItsToppyTippers
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ItsToppyTippers Yuri!!! on Ice got me SHOOK.

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After watching Ayame go off into the town, Rey gave her a silent thank you. She saw her walk farther and farther until she could not see her, as she saw people walking around inside. The female put on a bright smile on her face, and she soon decided to head in the direction in which Ayame did not go.

She passed by several shops which she noted that she'd remember to visit in the morning since she felt a bit tired after running so much. Releasing a yawn and putting her hand up to cover her mouth, she blinked away the tears that came as she yawned. Rubbing at her eyes, she knew she was soon going to knock out. So, she decided that it was best to head out to where she saw her party members on her minimap, since Ayame said that she'd get a room for the both of them.

After what seemed like forever for Rey, she finally approached the building in which Ayame and Lao were. Upon entering, she said, or rather slurred tiredly, "I'm heeereeeeee."

What she didn't notice was that there were other people inside there, too. Whooops.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Thanatos


Member Seen 5 yrs ago


"Hanako!!!" yelled the old man, as he tried to figure out where Hanako was from.

“Well, ain’t that good for you, Ojii-san?” said the kid, that Ojiisan had pushed a little while ago, and the kid gave a warm-hearted smile and nodded in a direction. Ojiisan guessing that was the way Hanako was. So Ojiisan started heading towards that way. Then he seen Hanako with two kids that about the same age as the kid that he bump into.

The girl looked back at Hanako and asked, "Is this your Ojii-san, Hana?"

After the girl asked that question Hanako cried out, "OJII-SAN!", and ran and jumped at Ojiisan.

He caught her and held on to her tightly. "Thank goodness I'm so happy that I was able to find you," said the old man as he started to tear up.

After a while, Hanako stopped crying and turned towards the kids that were with her. "Arigatou, Nagayama-nee-san, Jax-nii-san. Arigatou!" YukiHana continued to cling to Ojii-san.

The old man bowed, while still holding on to Hanako, to the two kids that were with Hanako "Thank you for helping my granddaughter." Then he bowed to the kid he bumped into, "Thank you for your help," said the old man gratefully.

@Little_ninja@Stale Pizza@Animus@Eklispe
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Asuna Yuuki@Aerandir@PKMNB0Y

---On the following day---

Minako woke up feeling her chest a lot lighter then when she fell asleep, perhaps it did her good to be open about her worries to Asuna, she mused.

"Talking about her," Minako said as she propped herself up out of the bed and went towards Asuna's. She noticed that the other girl was still sleeping, or pretending to be, before stopping by her bedside, but despite feeling guilty about it, Minako couldn't help but stare at the girl's peaceful face as she slept.

"Come on, what do you think you're doing? Staring at other person while she's asleep." Minako said to herself in a reproachful tone after all, what she was doing was very impolite. But, why couldn't she bring herself to stop?

"Mmm..." When Minako noticed the other shifting, se finally snapped out of her trance "I'd better leave her sleep a little more, 'cause she looks really tired."

After putting her armor on again, she left both the room and the inn, leaving behind a note to her companions that she would be waiting them in front of the town's northeastern gate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

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Sighing, Fujiwara got up from his seat and left the table. Minako's statement had put him on edge for the moment; though she did have a point in trying to balance out the party, the way that person conducted himself was about as suspicious as suspicious got.
Well, to be fair, it's not like he was much better. But at this point, it was much more efficient to just sleep it off and ignore the issue until it became relevant again. He had more pressing matters at hand, like getting enough sleep so he wouldn't get fatigued for the day's grind tomorrow.

"A beta tester... Why the heck isn't he off with other betas, though? And flaunting the fact that he was one... It seems too... Unnatural. Desperate, even..." he muttered to himself as he walked off to the inn where the two female party members were staying at. Shelling out some col for a room of his own, Fujiwara walked up the stairs to the second floor of the inn and, entering his room, switched to some more comfortable not-armor clothes and fell back on the bed to fiddle around with the menus on his interface. Maybe he could find some sort of hidden options or something...
Well, at the very least he could make equipment switching and item usage a lot less time consuming now than if he decided to put it off to later, and the monotony of the action would probably put him to sleep faster than anything else...

@KoL@Asuna Yuuki@Aerandir


Ayame struggled to lift Lao's body, but without any qualifications to do so it felt like she was trying to lift a sack of bricks without any sort of leverage. Before she could steel herself and possibly try dragging him up the stairs, though, another person came over and offered her some help with the unconscious Lao. She was in no position to reject, so Ayame accepted the offer with open arms.

"Thanks for the help, Umichi. I'm Ayame. It's a pleasure to meet you." she said as Rey came stumbling into the area like a drunkard. Ayame had to try her hardest to hold back a laugh before beckoning her companion over. "Lao decided it was a good idea to pass out in the middle of the floor here, so it'd be nice if we could get some help bringing him upstairs."

Turning back to Umichi, Ayame looked at him for a moment, then at the party he came from. He seemed... Familiar.
"Have we... Met before somewhere?"

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Animal
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There was a frown on Cam-Cam's face when the girl rejected his pinky swear, he looked like a sad little child. He glanced down at his pinky for a moment in sadness before he perked his head up looking back at the girl. In an instant, he went back to being his goofy happy self.

"You have hat allergies too?...My sister has hat allergies! She doesn't like me messing with her hair too, so I guess you will be my sister from now on! Hehehe~"

The girl spoke nonsense about hair which reminded him of Lily, his twin sister. He made no comment when she spoke in Russian as it was hard enough trying to decrypt what she just said in his head as if it were the secret to the world. He proceeded to follow alongside her anyways to the next town, still persistent on getting food in his belly.

"Your name is Pyotr? That's a funny name! My name is E-...I mean Cam-Cam!" He stated, almost giving away his real name. Then off in the distance he spotted the same boar Pyotr was staring at, he was tempted in chasing after it...maybe a little encouragement from Pyotr will give her the opportunity to plan her escape.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LupusIntus
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LupusIntus Your Inner Wolf

Member Seen 10 days ago


Geist halted as the forest rose up and loomed before them, his eyes trying to pierce the darkness beneath the branches and failing. He followed Dar's example and pulled up his inventory screen, clicking [Torch] and equipping it. The young man was only slightly started as the already-lit tool materialized into his left hand, which had been near his face at the time, but after a moment he realized that it gave off much less heat than he'd expected.

... Looking up at the trees, Linc found it being the right time, "Guys, when we make it to the next town," Linc began reluctantly saying, "I will leave. I am not a good player. I don't want to hold you guys back. You guys are by far superior to me. I'll be a burden."...

Geist almost retorted with a snide comment about Linc's 'whining' but thought better of it and bit his tongue; he still needed them both for a little while longer. "We'll discuss it when we arrive..." He said instead, holding the torch before him as he walked slowly into the forest following Dar. "No sense in worrying about that... we could all be killed before we even get there." His voice was calm as he said it, the 'joke' being in his matter-of-fact tone and dismissive shrug. Geist didn't have time to worry about Linc's apparent inferiority complex and would much rather the three of them traveled in complete silence.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by _Middle_
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Lincoln could put help but notice the attitude in Geist's voice. The situation in this game has changed people, but that is people's choice. So Linc wonders why Geist has chose to be like this. Maybe he was already like this, but Linc doubted it. Linc pondered about whether it was appropriate to ask his question, but decided to ask it anyways, "Mind me asking a personal question, Geist?" Lincoln asked, then started his question not waiting for an answer, "Why are you like this? Just a question. Don't take it personally." Lincoln thought about what he just said for a second, "Actually, it's a personal question...so take it personally."

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Grayscythe
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Is this necessary?" Dar interjected. He didn't really like where this conversation was going. It was bad enough that they were currently trekking through a dark forest after they had been told that they were all part of some twisted death game, but did they really need to start potential volatile conversations now?

"Look, Geist is right, there's no sense in worrying about it. I don't care if you think you're a bad player or a good player, the important thing is that we stay alive and get through this, ok?" Dar said, trying to mend this rift before it got any bigger. He glanced at both men and then back into the woods as he tried to get his bearings again.

Linc did have a point. Geist's nature wasn't exactly pleasant, assuming that's what Linc had been implying. But they had come this far and they didn't need to start turning on each other. Whatever baggage they were all holding could wait until they were in a better place.

Up ahead, Dar had thought he spotted movement but it was too dark for him to tell. He didn't want to alarm the others, but he kept a hand on his sword hilt just incase there was trouble.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by LupusIntus
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LupusIntus Your Inner Wolf

Member Seen 10 days ago


Geist stopped dead in his tracks when Linc spoke and asked one of the most idiotic questions he had ever heard. He leveled a dark gaze at the other man, all traces of warmth draining from his features and leaving his sharp, handsome face looking more like a porcelain mask with two dark orbs for eyes. "Don't pretend like you know a thing about me." He spat, his voice dripping with venom. Though there was a certain wisdom in Dar's words, Geist ignored them as the sound of his own pounding heart filled his ears. "Here's a personal question for you: were you always such an idiot?"

Suddenly, a long leaf-tipped vine whipped out from the darkness beside them and struck Geist across the chest. The blonde haired man grunted in surprise as the force of the blow knocked him back a step, though he managed to keep his balance and not topple over. The large plantlike creature lurched into view, the torchlight reflecting off it's bulbous spotted white body topped with a pair of tiny green leaves. <<Little Nepent>> were the words displayed above the creature's dark red crystal as it's large slathering mouth gnashed menacingly and Geist cursed aloud as a another one of the creatures slinked into view on the path in front of them. He dodged quickly to the side and narrowly avoided a second vine as he drew his dagger and pulled the weapon back the his chest. Feeling the skill activate, Geist shot forward and struck the creature with [Armor Piercer] which, while not very damaging, would lower the monster's armor for the next few seconds.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 3 yrs ago


The female who's companion was on the floor accepted Umichi's help and introduced herself as Ayame. She looks familiar .... do I know her? he thought to himself, upon getting a better look at her. As he thought this, another person came in, drunk, saying "I'm heeereeeeee." Ayame beckoned her over, explaining their other companion, Lao, had just decided to sleep on the floor, wanting the drunk to help.

Ayame then turned to Umichi to ask, if they have met before. "Well ... I don't think we have, but for some reason, I'm getting the same feeling of familiarity." he replied.

"I'm going to explore the town a bit, and then I might head to bed" Suki called out.
"Alright. Probably see you in the morning then." Umichi called out to Suki.
"Anyway, let's take this guy to his room." Umichi said, turning back to Ayame. He then went to Lao's arms and lifted them above Lao's head, holding them together. Using his head/chin, he indicated to Ayame to lift from his feet. Once she did so, he counted to lift. "One, Two Three" Lifting Lao from his head, he proceeded to walk towards the rooms (assuming that Ayame also lifted Lao).

@Caits @Savo @Ebil Bunny @LokiLeo789 @PKMNB0Y
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

-Makoto Aiko/Aikoto-

As the girl responded to the boy, he studied the rather peculiar appearing food, finding it to be as weird from looks rather than taste. Even though it was fabricated, he probably had to eat something to keep his energy up and took the plunge, taking a slice of the provisions. Even though there were other events going on, he used this time to distract himself since he felt uncomfortable about trying the food. As he watched the ongoing situation, he took notice of a man fainting on the floor, and Umichi going to assist a lady who just came in take him to his room.

Huh, I wonder what happened here. Did that guy trip and knock himself out or was he filled with fatigue since he probably didn't digest any form of sustenance? Then again, do we really need to eat? I'm sure we we won't gain any actual nutrients, only the thought of tasting something familiar to our watery mouths. I guess that means we will die of starvation in reality, unless being force fed by a tube... These thoughts are really just... ugh, it's a fact, but knowing what we are up for is really depressing. Apparently I didn't clear my head well... maybe killing those enemies made it worse."

He grunted at the distressing thoughts he pondered on, putting him into a negative feeling. He appeared a bit pale as he stared at the slice, keeping these agonizing thoughts under the cover of his glasses. Aikoto one he couldn't veil these horrible thoughts and had to let them out sometime, otherwise the wound may fester into a complextion of bumpy, puss-filled ideas. The boy, however, didn't want to spread such volatile thoughts and decided to find someone to release it to... but who, exactly?

"I would talk to Ritaka, but I feel I might ruin his mood, plus there are people around so Umichi wouldn't be a good fit. He may be thoughtful, but he is around others. The only person really is Suki, but I wouldn't want to put her in a mood which leaves her with a distasteful thought. I did say those things which sort of annoyed them earlier... ugh, I just harbor lots of of unpleasantness, don't I?

As he left those thoughts continuously roaming, surrounding his mind, more kept piling on top until he felt filled to the brim with unsettling questions. As Aikoto stared blankly at the food, he recalled that he had a piece of food in his hand. Be for he forgot to eat it it, he took a small bite before smiling a little. Eventually he began nibbling a bit on it before eating well sized chunks of the food. Before he knew it, the data vaporized into his mouth, with a blissful look on his face.

"... Heh, this is really good actually... I didn't actually figure that this would taste so livid... It sort of lifted my spirits, but only slightly to say the least... Uhm, I'll be right back, I'm going to get a breath of fresh air as I need to prepare myself for the journey tomorrow... Clear my head, and stuff? Er, anyways, I'll be back."

With that, he excused himself from his seat and traversed outside the inn, in search of that person he could possibly unleash his thoughts onto. He could only wonder if such a thing was right or realistic in such a time... wait, was what he feeling real or was it a simple trick of the mind. Makoto could only continue to wonder about the plague haunting his mind as he looked upwards. Even though it was pretty, it was emulated to give the sensation of a real night, just as day itself. In hindsight, it made him feel he was already slightly losing his grip on reality, making him worry.

The only thing he felt he had to do right now was search and get this muck off of his chest as he took the winding path of this city, searching. What he was searching for was left up to him; looking for the tough girl with a vestige of not needing guardianship, but was that all he was trying to find? His glasses reflected off the night light as his eyes darted around at the npcs who were interacting with the city environment. Their were a few players around from what he discerned, but he didn't care. What he cared for currently was selfish but yet he felt it to be probably necessary. As he walked around, he eventually came upon a glimmering fountain with a familiar lady sitting on the edge of the beautiful display of liquid.

He could only pondered between approaching her or just heading back and waiting for the bunches to disperse before speaking to Umichi. Aikoto was already here, so how bad could this turn out? He could only hope he wasn't interrupting her own alone time as he approached her... playing with the fishes?

"You look like you're enjoying playing with the fish... Looks kinda fun actually... Erm, mind if I sit with you for a bit? Apologies if I'm interrupting your alone time, it's just... uhm... I felt like letting my thoughts roam a bit more freely... I'll leave if you prefer to stay without company... Also, sorry for earlier today, I guess I really didn't make you feel a bit better..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Suki looked over at the sound of approaching footsteps, and she smiled in a friendly manor, and nodded, shifting so she could face Aikoto, "It is fun. The fish seem sweet. It amazes me there can be thing like them in here" She said, studying Aikoto, "But you didn't come here to talk about fish. What's wrong?" She asked, with concern.

Suki wasn't a mean, or particularly angry person. She was generally friendly, and caring. The game threw her off, and she didn't now how she was supposed to act. As herself? Warnings from her brothers, her father, about the dangers of the gaming with people you didn't know. But everyone was in the same boat, really. everyone new their real life looks. The only safety you had was your name. And yet, it seemed like such a deceit to hide your name from friends. It was quite a mess of thought.

She looked to Aikoto, wondering what was bothering him. She spoke without meaning to, just saying what she thought was on her mind. "You know, i was worried at first, about what was happening back in the real world. Like about my family, or about what was going to happen to us, our bodies. But then, I thought...we all had to register, right? So then it will be known who we are, where we are and help will be gotten for us. So I guess we really are in it for the long hall, if our bodies can be kept alive. But when we are hungry in game, are we hungry in real life? When we need to sleep, is it because our brains need rest? I guess we will find out, eventually. For now though, we have a goal. Defeat the game"

She fell silent as quickly as she had started speaking, and seemed distant, before shrugging, and looking to Aikoto. "What did you want to talk about?" She asked kindly
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ItsToppyTippers
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ItsToppyTippers Yuri!!! on Ice got me SHOOK.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Shaking her head to try and rid herself of her tiredness, Rey nodded at both Umichi and Ayame. After slapping her cheeks for a few moments, she soon got to helping the two with carrying Lao'Jax after they had lifted him up by holding the upper and lower parts of his body. She helped by trying to keep him up so he (hopefully) wouldn't slouch and make it harder for them to carry him up the stairs.

"Goodness, Lao. Didn't think you'd be the first one to knock out," the female commented with a yawn.
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