Name in Real Life: William Osbourne
In Name Game: Fenros
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Obviously from the looks of him he is not a normal addictive Gamer, but is in very great shape due to his love for Kendo and many other sports.
Short Bio: William grew up in America, but was constantly moving back and forth between Japan ever since he was little. One of the things he picked up in Japan was the love for Kendo. So much so that he quickly excelled at it and competes on a regular basis. He often feels as though he was born in the wrong time, and because of that he looks to video games for that release. Which is why he was so excited for SAO, and to his luck managed to become a Beta Tester for it.
Despite having to juggle his senior year, work, Kendo practice, He still managed to find time to play... ALOT.
Personality: He has a laid back attitude, while still serious enough to get things done. He doesn't have any Best friends, but he has many friends at school, kinda what made him popular is because he was so friendly to everyone, and often going out of his way to talk with someone who seemed alone at lunch, quiet in a group, What ever. Because he used to feel that way when he traveled alot and wouldn't wish that feeling on anyone. He's the type of person to jump head first to help anyone in need. Feeling that chivalry is not a thing of the passed. But should be brought back. He hate's bullies and often confronts them to protect who ever they are picking on.
-Heavy two handed sword
-Body guard
-Black Smithing
Current weapon and Armor:
Beginner's two Handed sword and Light Armor as pictured below, with the same cape

Health: 600
Strength: 10
Agility: 6
*Note* The second picture is his Avatar before they get the Mirror thing