Name: Adriane Guildheart
Age: 29
Gender: Female

Swordsmanship- Adriane and her family are the only ones in the Order of Knights that don't have any sort of Magic besides their ability to call dragons. So they focus on their swordplay to make up for it. They are the greatest swordsmen(woman) in the order and older generations of the Guildhearts teach the students in the academy it as well.
Type of Magic: Dragon Heart- The Guildhearts long ago saved the elder Dragon nest from destruction, and because of this earned the dragons trust. This dragon in turn granted the part of its heart, making it so that every dragon will come to the aid of the family when needed. Depending on heart of the person / Honor and works and the weapon they carry they can call for help from bigger Dragons. Adriane at the time she was a Knight Guardian she was able to call upon some that were as big as a small house. Her father when he served was able to call upon some as large as a Small fortress.
each dragon has different elemental ability.
Weapon: Sword of Kinship, this sword is another proof needed to summon more powerful dragons, sort of a crest of the elder dragon. With out it only small dragons can be summoned ( like in her Picture.)
Personality: very caring, she tries to find the good in all people. She tends to spend more time with dragons than she does with others.
Flaws: She doesn't like to kill. Which gets her in trouble a lot because of it. Often needing to be saved because of it. She tries to make it so she can defeat her opponent with out killing, which she has gotten Better at over the 7 years.
Background: The Gildheart family only other family besides the Dragonbourne family with ties to Dragons. The Guildhearts are stronger naturally than most people but not in near of degree as the Dragonbournes.
Adriane grew up wanting to be a Knight. Which was her luck because she was the one child who had the closest connection with Dragons, so chosen to be trained in the calling of Dragons.
During the academy she had a tough time fitting in because she cared for everyone, including non magic users. Also the fact that she didn't techically had a magic, she was often a focus of ridicule. That soon changed when Fenros helped her one day by putting her bully in the infermary.
Despite this she raised through the ranks and became a knight Guardian because of her good nature and heart... Which gave her the will power to call larger dragons which would battle for her.
When the final battle occurred she was distraught after the loss of her friends, five of them dead, (thinking Fenros is dead as well) she became a recluse and lived with the dragons. The only family and friends that she could be with now.
Other: because of their magic Guildheart and Dragonbourne family's know each other well, she grew up with Fenros as children, and are close friends since he understands Dragons as well.