Day one and already

Day one and already
One of these days Zach's gonna fight at a bitch and Mason's not gonna be allowed to intervene.
<Snipped quote by SepticGentleman>
It's safer for everyone if we leave shit to Mirror-Balls and not to The Human Bug Lantern, thank you very much.
Nanomachines, son.
Thanks-I really appreciate that.
I've never really done a collab before, but I suppose there's a first time for everything, eh? Sure.
I've never really done a collab before, but I suppose there's a first time for everything, eh? Sure.
<Snipped quote by He Who Walks Behind>
yess I am doing one with Tyler right now but its going to be after I leave the dorm, do you wanna do one thats like we meet up in the dorm and ext. It will just be like a candid of how their relationship will be so the placement really doesn't matter (time wise)
The spoops are real