Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Yeah, I wanna change it to something less familiar, in the sense of its weapons and systems" Alexis replied "I've come to the realization I'm at a cross roads of sorts, and I need to expand my skill set more then just 'building better' or getting 'a little better' at controlling my Gunpla. Case you didn't notice, I'm not really lacking in control skills." She moved in front of the desk as she spoke.

"Much as I like Zero, It's not really gonna help me do that, something like the Reborns or Legilis Gundam would probably be a step in the right direction due to both using some form of Funnel, or Bit system, and both have a high output Beam Cannon. Both are something I'm not really familiar with, hell, I generally avoid high output Beam cannons like Zero's Buster Rifle due to energy drain, and while I could just stick with Zero to get used to the high output Beam Cannons, I'd rather the challenge of having to adjust, learn, and win with a suit that has multiple systems, and systems that needs to be used and used well to be successful with."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sakuya sighed as she toweled off her sweat she would say this "coach" he knew how to push each person for own selves. Still she thought as she walked through the courtyard it could have been on a less hotter day. Sighing she looked down at her claimed work bench on it was her three gunpla. Her Seravee was set off to side though since it was still in good condition. Working on her gerbera tetra she wondered what would happen this time. last was the whole straight build class and while she liked her crossbone full cloth it wasn't one she would use all the time. As she gently painted each piece of her Gerbera Tetra red it was her tribute to Zeon a customized zeon mobile suit with pieces from the sinanju and the zaku char custom. Finishing up her task she smiled "welcome back old friend" she said aloud as she marveled at the red paint as it shined in the afternoon sun.

Sakuya stood gone was her standard celestial being jacket instead she was wearing a bright red officers jacket with a golden Zeon symbol proudly displayed on its back and sleeves. For her this wasn't a standard comp fight but rather the return of the "Lightning Count" of her showing that despite everything she was still a top rank gunpla battler.
With a sigh she stood in front the arena her Red Lightning glinting in the light.

Looking around she easily spotted her cpu enemy. A Psycho Gundam MK2 was standing tall as it razed the city around it. "They say lightning never strikes the same place twice. Let me disabuse of that notion. Lightning Count in Red Lightning targeted and sighted." With that she charged forward and the rebirth of the Lightning Count begun. Charging forward she gripped the beam axe tightly dodging the multitude of shots aimed at her. Reaching her goal she slashed down her beam axe before jumping back to avoid a swipe at her with its arms. Taking out her beam rifle she let out shots aiming at the small crack from the beam axe. Getting it to crouch she charged forward once more beam axes ignited in the shield as she gripped a beam saber. reaching her destination she stabbed her beam saber forward before pulling it back and with the beam axes cut the leg. Following it up she stabbed the shield forward causing the axes to blaze in ignition as she flew upwards firing her machine cannons at the giant gundam. Creating a solid cut with multiple shots riddling it's body Reaching the head she let out shots in its eyes blinding it before ending the battle with a single cleave of her shield.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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Dani has led Alexis walk away and decided she might need to touch up on her Skills with fighting, she went to the battle room and decided to see who she could fight. "Right, lets go and see what we can accomplish now old buddy." she said patting the guntank's head. Soon she spotted a female in zeon flair fighting a cpu in some kinda custom zeon suit, looking to hold pieces of multiple suits inside of its construction.

She rolled up to the other side before the battle ended and entered her gp base into the field. "GP SET, NEW ENEMY." said the system to Sakuya. "Block, kidō!" She heard over the comms as she saw a guntank enter the field on the other side of the map.
"I couldn't help but notice how beautiful that Gunpla is and how much of a fan of Zeon you are. Not to mention i'm looking to improve my own skills a bit. Care to parlay?" Dani asked as a green-transparent sphere began to solidify around her gunpla.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sakuya couldn't help but smirk so a new challenger appears she thought. "Very well if you wish to test the waters let us dance than upon this stage" With that said she observed the guntank it was heavily modified and from what she could see it was either using a I-field or a GN-field both was annoying but she new how to handle it. Charging forward she into a fast sprint she jumped a bit of the way and went in for a dive kick. From the smoke created she followed with a attack of her shield the blades of the axes ignited before jumping back. It was her turn to play the defensive if her hunch was right.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@Lunar TemplarRan nods: "I see. Well considering this is the first year of this summer academy, this is the first time dealing with this situation. Luckily we have thought of this situations happening. *He goes through his computer and comes up with* Well, although we can't fully switch the Gunpla, what we can do is allow you to choose another one for extra credit, and whichever model ends up the better quality will get the main credit. I'll need you to fill up some paper work for your other model so we can get that taken care of Miss Voll."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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As one would expect, the shield absorbed all the damage, it was a heavy GN field, meaning not much could get through it. Dani smiled, not smugly, but as someone doing something they enjoy. "Testing my shield i see. I expect this battle to be good." she said, taking her helmet and placing it on her head, not worried yet about her shield falling.

Sakuya could see the plavasky particle levels dropping around the guntank, being drawn inwards as Dani charged the cannons on the back of the guntank, soon enough, the barrels themselves had green lines running down the sides of them. "The question is, how quick are you?" she asked over the comms.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis nodded and filled out the forms she needed to fill out to move the 'transfer' along. When she got to the part about the kit she wanted, she paused a moment, and thought on the pros and cons, that she knew about, for both suits, this was easier to do with the Reborns Gundam then for the Legilis Gundam as she had never seen Gundam AGE, but she knew some stuff about it.

After making her choice and finishing the form she handed it back to the professor. "So, the new kit going to be delivered like with Zero or should I just wander on into town and pick it up?" she asked, really so she'd know how she was gonna be spending part of her day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I would say that I am pretty quick personally" she said back. Seeing the guntank charge its cannons Sakuya knew it was time to leave as a guntank it shouldn't have the mobility of a standard mobile suit that would make it hard to hit her suit with the cannons. With that in mind she veered to the left at fast speeds along with taking out her rifle letting shots out as she circled around the guntank. Seeing as she was behind the gunpla now she decided to play it a bit safer and jumped back a bit and continued to snipe at the city from the top of a building. "So how is that for quick" she called out as she let out a burst of shots. Taking a clearly strong guntank in a gunfight was not a good idea so with that in mind she holstered her rifle once more and taking out her beam axes and put it into the naginata mode. She charged forward intent on taking the fight close range.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Pretty darn quick." she responded, and fired the two cannons forwards, then swiveled them around to the back, covering each side, wiping a path clear around the tank for a good while, obliterating buildings and forcing them to crumble as they were having their foundations supported. both of the beams swung to point at the other gundpla. As the beams continued to fire ant attempt to track the other mobile suit, she could notice the shields flickering, but still there, showing the beams drained them, or atleast diverted their flow of power away from them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Dodging the main blasts as she watched the buildings crumble. "The main down sides to the fields is that firing keeping them up and firing high power weapons tend to divert power" Sakuya stated calmly as she slammed the naginata down on top of the guntank. Seeing as it was enough to break the shields due to their weaken state she followed it up releasing a flurry of attacks at it. Stabbing it down at the base of the guntank she pulled it out and backed away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The shields broke and let the attacks through, being this quick, there was nothing dani could do to defend against it. The attacks landed and penetrated the armor of the tank, however, on the third stab of the flurry, she heard a small 'tsst' before the armor exploded outwards. It wasn't too powerful, but would have been enough to discourage any more attacks, leaving her backing off. She could see some of the armor was cracked and the internals could be seen, but what she saw troubled her more, a distinct shade of white on an armor plate that definitely didn't look like it belong on the inside of a guntank. That's when the rest of the armor opened to reveal the guntank was coated with missiles.

all at one, close to a hundred missiles launched from the guntank and swarmed at the other gunpla.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Just as Sakuya was about to block the incoming attack something stopped her "Battle ended time up". Seeing as the battle was over Sakuya let out a small smile that was a good battle sure she was expecting to test her suit though she supposed she got what she wanted and more it seemed so that was good. With a smile still on her face she picked up her gunpla and went to the other side "that was a good fight hope we can finish it one day" Sakuya said as she held out her hand to her impromptu challenger. She honestly did mean to ask if they could finish their fight once more later on it would be interesting her guntank was a heavy defensive unit with mass firepower it seemed. While her Red lightning lacked defense but more than made up for it in terms of sheer speed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rou smiled at Alex's exhaustion. "Come on, its gonna be evening soon and I want the good food before its gone tonight." Rou pulled Alex up by his noodle arms and the two walked to the dining hall. Rou sat down with Alex, a full plate of various foods in front of him. Rou was about to pull an all nighter on his new Gunpla, he'd need a full stomach so hunger wouldn't distract him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@FerriteFoxAlex thought to himself: "Evening? It's the middle of the Afternoon." Rou must have lost track of time. Alex was able to finally get a chance to stand up, but just as he did...

@Lunar Templar Ran informed her: "We'll have the local hobby shop reserve your order for pickup, but you're gonna have to pick it up later today since we're about to have an important announcement."

Just as he said that...

@Suku @mcpop9

The facility's PA system chimes to alert the students as a voice comes on it: "Attention all students. Please report to the main hall immediately for an important announcement. All bus services, and battle systems will be unavailable until afterwards. That is all."

Alex thinks: "An important announcement? I wonder if they picked up my idea i submitted two days ago?" Though sore, he makes his way towards the main hall while snacking on his Onigiri's.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

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"A announcement?" Sakuya questioned aloud as she decided to head to the main hall. She held her gunpla case tightly in her hand as she walked down the near empty hallway as her boots clacked on the polished floor. Still as she did so she wished she had time to have at least switched her jacket this one was to well known to those into the gunpla scene she though as she thankfully thanked she did not put on her white mask otherwise people would really know who she was. While not minding the attention she did not want people to know her as the lightning count just yet rather enjoying the anonymity. That her normal appearance granted her reaching the hallway she stood to the side not seeing any recognizable faces to her quiet dismay of not being able to see if anyone else knew what was going on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Well, Tell em I'll be down later today then" Alexis said after the announcement finished, and after thanking the professor for his help, headed on down to the main hall, where it was already pretty stacked with people, after a bit of looking she found Sakuya and wondered over to her.

"I was told there was cake, so hear I am" Alexis joked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Dani smiled and shook the hand presented to her. "As do i, your gunpla is impressive." she said and just shortly after the exchange, the announcement came on. "Time to go i guess." she said with a soft and warm smile. The girl then rolled off to the announcement while making a few quick adjustments to 'block' in the hallway. Soon enough, she was sitting in main hall, waiting on whatever announcement was coming.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

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Rou finished shoveling food into his mouth. He picked up his sack of goodies and rushed after Alex. In between chewing he tried to speak.

"Wwhas dis arr about?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@FerriteFox Alex answered Rou's question: "I'm not too sure what is going on. Should be interesting though."

@mcpop9@Lunar Templar@Suku

As students gather up in the main hall, chatter was all around. Many wonder what's going on. Some ask if this will take long. And one asked if there was cake. But whatever the announcement would be, it might be surprising to some.

Before long, the main door opens up and Satsuki enters in the room followed by Minako and Miles. Satsuki opens up with: "Good afternoon everyone. I hope you're all enjoying this lovely day we're having here. And we apologize for the lack of Cake here as well, it wasn't finished yet."

Some of the people in the room snicker.

Satsuki continues on: "As you know, you all have been here for over a week now. Many of you have made friends, and learn from each other. Others had made some rivals too, and helped to build a drive inside you. But tomorrow, we're gonna do something that'll test how well you work together, or against each other. So here's how we'll do it." He turns to the others and nods. Minako pushes a button and from the stage they were on, a big block machine comes up, on it was a Haro on it that lights up and calls out: "Haro!"

Minako steps forward and explains: "As you are aware, Yajima trading has been holding a new format for Gunpla battles for the 19 and under divisions in Japan and in other tournaments around the world. They are 3 on 3 battles where fighters must work together, utilizing each ones strengths to achieve victory. The rules follow the same as those used in this format. Players will fight 3 on 3 battles, using this machine that has been modified to dispense tickets with a letter and a number between 0 and 9. They will then be randomized in our computer and paired up with others."

Miles then explains: "However, as a twist, the fighters themselves will be unaware of who their allies or their opponents will be in the battles until the time of the battle. So you better be prepared for anything."

Satsuki finishes up: "Time to see how well you know each other and how well you'll do together in battle."

Some students were getting excited. However, one felt a very bad vibe in the room, and that was poor Alex. He felt many of the people in the room were giving him looks and worse. Alex was thinking to himself: "A battle where we're all paired up with anyone in this room? Oh man, what am I going to do? For all i know they would likely hang back and let me fight all 3 enemies at once. Or what if someone on my team decides to take me out just to get a chance to defeat a champion?" All this thought has made Alex shaking in his boots.

Satsuki askes: "Now, is there any questions before we begin drawing the lots?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

While Alex was distracted, Rou slipped away quietly. "I'm gonna go put this in the room real quick. Be right back."

Rou quickly rushed to the room and threw the shopping bag on his bed. A 3v3? There's no way he was ready for that mentally. He opened up his closet and dug out his Ball Guy costume. Rou slipped into the spandex and donned the helmet before casually leaving the room. He didnt know when the battle would take place, so he attached the hard case containing his Ball modules to his waist. Two new ones gleamed in their slots, and they would be tested.

Ball Guy returned to the main hall and stood silently in the crowd as Satsuki finished explaining.
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