... since I've been gone. Obviously, this isn't my original username. Please don't ask for it. Last time I was here, I had been here for a long while, but I was growing really irritated and I had lost my passion for roleplay. Heck, before I left, it had been some time since I had actually participated in any Roleplays. I eventually kind of did something stupid or at least made it seem that way, which helped me push myself away. Either way, it was wrong. I shouldn't have did it that way. Needless to say, some people may have some bad feeling toward me for said things... I don't blame them. However, almost a year later... here I am. A much needed break, and a renewed passion for writing.
I probably didn't need to share that, but I think I just needed to get that off my back.
Anyways, I had quite a bit going on when I left, but I'm over it. I'll consider it a loss and move on. I'm hoping for new friendships, new stories, and just a whole new perspective on writing. I also want to be more careful and not let myself get so weighted down with stuff. Haha. I'm one of those people who always has a hard time letting other people have hands on, on things. I'd rather do it myself. I've gotten better about it though, I think. Maybe, I'll actually be able to just enjoy myself now. :)
Let me think, a few fun facts about me. And yes I'll share this even though I was here before. A lot about me has changed in just the past year. I'm a male (That didn't change. FYI. LOL). 25 years old. I'm American. My Bedroom is Orange. I love kids, and even plan to Foster/Adopt in the future. My dream is to have a Haven of sorts for Inner-City boys to have a place to hang out, or even possibly take residence if the need were to arise. I have a strong desire for real meaningful relationships with people. I hate small talk. I want the real deal.
I'm not much of an animal person, unless it's small dogs. However, I hate pugs and chihuahuas.
I grew up with severe depression issues, to a point that I didn't care much about anything, cause I didn't think I'd live to see another year (Every year). So, in recent years I've come a long way and in just this last year, have learned more about myself than I ever knew. What things I like, don't like. What kind of things inspire me. What I inspire to do. The whole lot. Yea, It's hard to believe that a person can live without knowing that kind of stuff, but that was me. Before, I just went with the flow and just kind of adapted to people around me cause I didn't care to make those kinds of decisions for myself. I believe I'm kind of a jack of all trades kind of guy. I'm actually really good at a lot of things, but not a master of any. In future years, I hope to change that. I want to become just really great at just ONE thing. I haven't figured out what yet, but dang it, I will!
I have a really big heart, and that gets the best of me sometimes. I sometimes take things really personal, even though I shouldn't. I hate arguing with people. I'm not very confrontational. It just feels like a waste of time to me.
My favorite color is... I don't have one. I really like them all for very different reasons. Blue makes me feel cool and sophisticated. Orange makes me want to get up and dance. Yellow gives me hope. Red makes me ready to get to business. Green makes me feel at rest. Purple just feels good and pink just makes me smile. So yea. HAHA.
I love Superhero stuff. I'm a fan of both Marvel and DC. My room is decorated in a mix of both. I keep up to date on all the latest movies and TV shows to do with either. The Arrow, Flash, Gotham. <<<<3333 Haha. Already can't wait for the next season for both of them. So if any fans of those shows want to chit chat with me about them and make speculations and debate over them, consider me in.
Er... My favorite quotation for today, "What need has Death for a cover, and what winds can blow against him? He stands in his high house that overlooks the world. Stands watchful and motionless all day with his sword drawn back, waiting for the messenger to bid him come. Been standing there before there was a where or a when or a then." Hehe. Bonus points to anyone that can guess what book that is from. :D Pretty popular, so someone should get it.
As far as Roleplay sections, I'll probably be in Advanced or possibly Casual. I'm definitely a quality over quantity guy though. I'll take a single para-poster over a multi-para poster any day, specially if the writing really resonates with me. I guess I'm looking for more than a story. There's just something simply awesome about a set of words that are so carefully weaved together that it makes it almost musical.
Sorry, I was having a moment.
That's all that I can think of right now. Probably already longer than I intended for this to be originally. Whoops.
for those that actually read it all the way through.
tl;dr - Hi, I'm Impaqt. I'm here to roleplay and make friends.
I probably didn't need to share that, but I think I just needed to get that off my back.
Anyways, I had quite a bit going on when I left, but I'm over it. I'll consider it a loss and move on. I'm hoping for new friendships, new stories, and just a whole new perspective on writing. I also want to be more careful and not let myself get so weighted down with stuff. Haha. I'm one of those people who always has a hard time letting other people have hands on, on things. I'd rather do it myself. I've gotten better about it though, I think. Maybe, I'll actually be able to just enjoy myself now. :)
Let me think, a few fun facts about me. And yes I'll share this even though I was here before. A lot about me has changed in just the past year. I'm a male (That didn't change. FYI. LOL). 25 years old. I'm American. My Bedroom is Orange. I love kids, and even plan to Foster/Adopt in the future. My dream is to have a Haven of sorts for Inner-City boys to have a place to hang out, or even possibly take residence if the need were to arise. I have a strong desire for real meaningful relationships with people. I hate small talk. I want the real deal.
I'm not much of an animal person, unless it's small dogs. However, I hate pugs and chihuahuas.
I grew up with severe depression issues, to a point that I didn't care much about anything, cause I didn't think I'd live to see another year (Every year). So, in recent years I've come a long way and in just this last year, have learned more about myself than I ever knew. What things I like, don't like. What kind of things inspire me. What I inspire to do. The whole lot. Yea, It's hard to believe that a person can live without knowing that kind of stuff, but that was me. Before, I just went with the flow and just kind of adapted to people around me cause I didn't care to make those kinds of decisions for myself. I believe I'm kind of a jack of all trades kind of guy. I'm actually really good at a lot of things, but not a master of any. In future years, I hope to change that. I want to become just really great at just ONE thing. I haven't figured out what yet, but dang it, I will!
I have a really big heart, and that gets the best of me sometimes. I sometimes take things really personal, even though I shouldn't. I hate arguing with people. I'm not very confrontational. It just feels like a waste of time to me.
My favorite color is... I don't have one. I really like them all for very different reasons. Blue makes me feel cool and sophisticated. Orange makes me want to get up and dance. Yellow gives me hope. Red makes me ready to get to business. Green makes me feel at rest. Purple just feels good and pink just makes me smile. So yea. HAHA.
I love Superhero stuff. I'm a fan of both Marvel and DC. My room is decorated in a mix of both. I keep up to date on all the latest movies and TV shows to do with either. The Arrow, Flash, Gotham. <<<<3333 Haha. Already can't wait for the next season for both of them. So if any fans of those shows want to chit chat with me about them and make speculations and debate over them, consider me in.

Er... My favorite quotation for today, "What need has Death for a cover, and what winds can blow against him? He stands in his high house that overlooks the world. Stands watchful and motionless all day with his sword drawn back, waiting for the messenger to bid him come. Been standing there before there was a where or a when or a then." Hehe. Bonus points to anyone that can guess what book that is from. :D Pretty popular, so someone should get it.
As far as Roleplay sections, I'll probably be in Advanced or possibly Casual. I'm definitely a quality over quantity guy though. I'll take a single para-poster over a multi-para poster any day, specially if the writing really resonates with me. I guess I'm looking for more than a story. There's just something simply awesome about a set of words that are so carefully weaved together that it makes it almost musical.

Sorry, I was having a moment.
That's all that I can think of right now. Probably already longer than I intended for this to be originally. Whoops.

tl;dr - Hi, I'm Impaqt. I'm here to roleplay and make friends.