Avatar of Impaqt
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    1. Impaqt 10 yrs ago


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Current All moved in! Now to unpack! I don't plan on moving from here for a LONG time. Maybe even a good place to start a family????
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Signing the lease for my new house!!!
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Writing with stardust.
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10 yrs ago
Mocha espresso, writing, and laundry before work. Praying for a short work night.
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Dislikes: Fandom, Cannon, Sci-Fi, High Fantasy

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*Shrugs* I realized my rude behavior and apologized for it. That's all I can do.

That was on me. The rest is on you.
P.S. Sorry if that came off a bit rude or bitchy. I'm really not angry with you or trying to start an argument or anything like that. Just a rough morning, so I might seem a tad off today. Just trying to get this cleared up though.
<Snipped quote by Impaqt>

He wasn't going that fast to begin with, not sure what turn your referring to, I never turned during that maneuver. Anyway, where my sword was positioned (also I noticed I said left to right, when it should say right to left since it's blade palm up.) allowed for a pretty straight forward defense without having to change his arm position much at all, he never went for the attack as your reaction interrupted that outcome. You never really stated when and at what distance you were doing anything, which left an uncomfortable amount of information up in the air.

I assume that the sphere thing happened before he came within range.

Right, you didn't turn. However, you set your feet as if preemptively expecting to turn. You only stated sword in left hand, bringing it up, and then down into an upward cut from left to right. What you meant cannot really be applied to what is written, specially in this case, where your position is weak and vulnerable. My attack with the earth, was mid-swing, or at the earliest stages of your swing. Enough that he could determine your swing and react to have the earth cut low. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been written that way in the first place. You were already 5 feet from me, when you began your swing. My earth strike was written at 64 inches, which equals just a bit longer than 5 feet. With the time to took my earth to reach you, and you to actually detect the attack coming, you would have been at least another foot or so closer by the time you made your defense. And then your footwork from your original stance to the defensive one is just about absurd, which translate in to somehow jumping back, which I'd love to take advantage of, cause it's downright ridiculous, but alas, I can't even do that right now, because all the stuff beforehand doesn't even make sense.

I think I'm going to have to call up the judge on this one. @skallagrim I'll go with whatever he decides, but fyi.. your footwork is horrendous.

Skall, last 3 post.
@GreivousKhan If your foot is positioned to turn the opposite way, [His left foot leading and right foot braced, ready to shift position; not forward but in the exact opposite direction.] Braced, but not in a way that would really position you to stop on a dime like that. Cause even if you were to do a complete turn, your foot positioning wouldn't allow you to both stop instantly, and turn simultaneously.

Plus, bringing your sword in like that? While going for a lower left to upper right strike? I call shenanigans.

Then there was one other thing, but that's a mistake I planned on you making.

So what am I missing?
@GreivousKhan To be clear, the second part where his blade is concerned, he's 5 feet away, not really trying to make a strike, just being preemptive.
Sorry, would have been better, but was running out of time and drank too much last night. Lol
First Strike

Thoughts unbegotten to Isaiah began streaming into his mind instantly, as his opponent crouched with aim. "He's trying to predetermine your attack. Don't let him." the strange gruff voice he heard heard before was back. It seemed like an obvious thing to do, but was the voice was seeing something else? He got it.

In one swift move, Isaiah shifted. He could feel the sudden shift of cores in his body acting to his bodies will like the cells of a human. The concrete under him seemed to erupt, a large 64 inch spike bursting from the ground before him, at an angle. At the speed at which the man was coming, it would impale him through the stomach. Even his swing, arched at an angle, swinging for Isaiah's head, was already at a momentum that his enemy couldn't be able to attempt to cut away the rock, add it struck to low for the sword's blow.

With an instantaneous flash, Isaiah found himself 5 feet away from his previous position. He had transported to the right of his previous position, his shield propped up in front of him, his left knee bent, and right leg back. His sword overhead, coming down from behind him at an angle and from the right, to possibly make a low strike, his sword seemingly bubbling as another core began to stir.
For example, I'm researching number Hz and such to get an idea of Jacer's enhanced ability as well as keeping it above human but not some "super beast"using an animal's range that slightly less than say a bat. Which from many resources is a very good listener. XP

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is how you fight T1 style, without all your theoretical numbers.

P.S. I may or may not be drinking heavily tonight. While trying to respond to my NoW fight. Ha!
@Rilla I forgot to mention you in the above comment. So, here's your ping.
Sadly, that doesn't help newbies just popping in. I might've been mentored by Tearstone and Lyzan, but the later I forgot a bit of what I was taught as I never got to practice it.

For reasons like this that I think we need some kind of Introductory subforum for people coming into the Arena here. A chance to really make sure everyone gets all the information they might need. Just expecting everyone to read every single thread with no real guidance on what they should and shouldn't bother to read is asking a bit much, I think. Also, It would offer a chance to post more relative threads. For example, I've been here for how long now? And I couldn't tell you where at in the Arena one could go and find the ruleset for T1. I mean, I'm sure it's there somewhere. I mean, I assume someone would have posted that by name. Perhaps even other rulesets.
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