Tai was never meant to live. By all logicality, he should not exist. Born, one of two twins, to the hopeless Agles. The Agles had never anticipated children, never the less two of them. Both Marsha and Bartholomew Agles were infertile. By happen-chance, they met and fell for one another and years later gave birth to Taivion and Kyler Agles. Kyler was born healthy and grew into a strong child. Taivion wasn't quite as lucky. Complications during pregnancy left Taivion with a birth defect that gave him an abnormal heart which wasn't as strong as it should be. During his early years, he was not expected to live.
However, against all odds, Taivion continued to live. Growing, he became the heart of the family. He was an energetic, life bearing child. Not many that met him could dislike him. He was caring, selfless, and brave. Regardless of any situation, his brother was his favorite person in the world. The two grew close together over the years, until Taivion's heart began to give out once again.
At the age of 7, Taivion experienced a rupture in his heart that nearly killed him. He'd spend the next year or so in and out, but mostly in, the hospital. Tai remained cheerful though. His parents couldn't really explain it, but even on his death bed, he was the most cheerful child they knew. He made it hard for them to truly mourn.
The day the lights went out, was the most devastating day for the Agles life. As darkness loomed, Tai suffered yet another rupture. This was it. This, at last, was going to kill the boy, and everyone knew it. All eyes remained on the heart monitor as Tai's heart slowly faded, one beat after another. It had come time for his last heart beat and something even stranger happened. A strong odor of swampy water filled the room, followed by a brief flash of light. As the light faded, so did everything else. The Darkness had arrived.
Thousands of patients would die in that hospital on this day, but not Taivion Agles.
Roleplay(s) this character is used in: Olympus Falls