I don't think we could get past season one. Mainly because I think the ratings would... *puts on sunglasses* flat line.


They'd be dead buddies for life. They could even have a sitcom.
"Kids From Down Under". I can see the ratings now.
<Snipped quote by King Kindred>
Cole can play the character who uses the, "Your daddies work for my daddy." card to boss the two around ;p
<Snipped quote by Expllo>
Yep. Cole could be that annoying neighbor who creates problems for the others.
Dorian: Where's my date? She said she'd be here two hours ago.
Cole *for some reason has a key to the apartment and walks in*: Hey, Dory. There was this really hot chick looking for you. Don't worry though. I showed her a good time.
And Damian of course is the guy that looks at the camera and shakes his head with the look on his face that says "can you believe these guys?"
No, my game won't start for some reason :( then again I still have Windows XP, but that's beside the point. I'll probably watch some gameplay of hi-Wait, two slows? O.o @NarcissisticPotato
I'm up for anything, got any ideas?
@NarcissisticPotato You read my mind, or rather Damian's XD Bad joke aside I like the idea