Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 3 days ago

As the first rays of light slowly started to filter into his room, Tarentek awoke with a yawn. It had been another uneventful night, which was honestly how he preferred them at this point. Today in particular, the day was likely going to be just as uneventful as the night. Normally, he would wake himself up quickly, get dressed, check his equipment, and get straight to breakfast in preparation for the day, but today, none of that was necessary. He stayed laying in bed for longer than usual, getting up only once he heard movement in the other room.

Tarentek stepped into the main room somewhat lazily, letting out another yawn before greeting Onyx. "Good morning. I assume you're getting ready for your big day. I wish you the best of luck in that; I look forward to seeing the full adult Onyx, or what is it you'll be called? Bri'nx? After it is over. Do you think you have time for a quick breakfast, or do you need to get going right away?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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Onyx was almost out the door when she heard Tarentek speak. Still a little shaken by the strange quality of her dream, she jumped a little at his voice. "Oh, good morning. I was hoping I wouldn't wake you up with any noise before I left, but I suppose that thought was doomed from the start." She laughed a little, quietly, uncertain. "I've already eaten, I must go now. I will see you later today, as Br'inx." Now her smile was more comfortable, she was glad he had remembered her new name. "Agrin, litho krebar Tarentek, until we meet again."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 3 days ago

"Until we meet again." Tarentek said as Onyx took her leave. Once she was gone, he went about making breakfast at his own, leisurely pace. He started to slowly sear a fish, along with a few mixed vegetables. With the way it was being prepared, it took longer to make than a normal breakfast, but he had the time to kill.

As he waited for the fish to cook, Tarentek leaned back in a chair in the main room, thinking on the day ahead. Technically, he did not have to stay in Onyx's home, but he was still nervous about being out in public alone in the village. It would cause less trouble for him to stay out of sight. He just needed to find a way to pass the time alone. Unfortunately, a lot of what he would do back in Amman, such as training, required more space than the inside of Onyx's relatively small home. As he sat in the chair thinking, he looked up at the ceiling and let out a sigh. "Okay, this is going to get boring." He muttered to himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

As Onyx arrived at Olias's place of power, the site of the ritual, she noticed that there were already quite a lot of people there including her father and 8, no 9 others her age. Great, I'm the last to arrive... Wonderful start. "Hello!" She called out as she landed, her brooding at being last to arrive disappearing quickly as excitement took its place. The area was essentially a large circular room of sorts, as the mountain rose up on one side and blocked the rising sun, and the other side was a steep cliff drop to the base of the mountain. There was a large flat rock in the center which the group her age was gathered around, and around the edge of the circle were various items that would likely be used in the test of sills, although some tests won't use any items or one would be given an item but their test would have nothing to do with it, it was meant to confuse them until the last moment.

Onyx joined the group standing around the flat rock and heard her greeting returned with equal excitement as she had spoken with, recognizing everyone in the group. Daimos, Kesi, Akili, Geda, and Helaheim were all there, and they smiled as they greeted her, Daimos making some comment to Kesi that Onyx couldn't hear while Akili came over to stand by Onyx while the group waited for something to happen. The other four in the group didn't smile when they greeted Onyx, but they weren't rude towards her either. If she recalled correctly they were all a few years younger than her and she had never really interacted with them much. They were eager, declaring their paths a few years sooner than most do and stand off from the others as if they were superior in some way. Onyx didn't care, they'll make their mistakes and realize their place later rather than sooner, as most who declared early did.

There was much activity going on around them, although Onyx couldn't tell that anything was actually getting done. Someone would put something somewhere, and another person would go put it back where it started, or an order would be given but no one would follow it. Everyone in the group except Akili was getting more and more confused each moment, until Akili spoke up and told them what was going on. "This is our group test," She started, getting the attention of everyone in the group quickly. "Did anyone here attend the last ritual, Where they tested the group with a missing-persons situation? No one told the group what was going on or that there was even a group test, they never do, so the group stood here alone for a few hours before organising and looking for everyone. Once they found Raldel he called everyone else out of hiding, but that group failed because they took so long to realize that something was wrong. Two of them didn't come of age and won't be able to for another season."

The group stood in silence for a moment until one of the others spoke up, a young girl who seemed angry at herself and stood with a menacing air about her. "So? This is our test, but what do we do? They're all just going around and getting nothing done." She gestured around them at the people who were working but doing nothing. "They aren't even listening to what the orders are."

Kesi nodded in agreement, about to say something, but her brother beat her to it. "So, we fix it, somehow. We've gotta get them to stop undoing each other and actually do what everyone's ordering them to." Daimos smirked as he finished speaking. "How hard could that be?"

Everyone studied the situation for a moment, each trying to come up with a way to accomplish their task. A few stared trying to talk to the people around them, trying to get them not to move whatever someone else had just put down or telling them to listen to the orders they were being given, only to get snapped at that they were following their orders and needing to back off before they'd end up starting a fight. Onyx stopped focusing on the workers and listened to the orders that the leaders were giving. Sure enough, whenever someone picked something up to put it somewhere, an order had been given for it to be done, but They couldn't tell that the orders were being followed because the people they were directed at were not the people that fulfilled them.

The leaders were undoing each other, and those who were following them were not who they thought they were. It was not a simple matter of disobedience on the part of the followers, it was dissonance between the leaders and a split following between them, something that in a battle would wind up with everyone dead. Speaking to the grunts would not work, the group had to settle whatever the problem was between the leaders of the group before working out the loyalties of the followers.

Onyx stood on top of the flat rock so she could be seen by the whole crowd. "Everybody stop!" She ordered in as stern a tone as she could keep when yelling above the clamor of the crowd. To her surprise everyone actually did stop what they were doing, the members of her group making their way back to the flat rock to see what Onyx's plan was. "Would all the leaders please step forward." Onyx wasn't sure of the term once she said it. It worked fine in her mind, but she supposed she should have said 'commanders' instead once most of the group took a step forward.

Geda spoke up, correcting the problem for her. "No, only the ones who've been barking out all the orders. Workers step back." At his words Onyx saw smiles go through the crowd, giving the group a hint that they were succeeding so far. Most of them stepped back, leaving 6 people, including Raldel, standing forward as leaders.

"Great, thanks Geda." Onyx said as she hopped off of the rock and motioned the group of leaders together. "Now, what's the deal? Someone's got a problem with someone and it's causing everyone problems, so tell me what the first problem was." Onyx spoke sternly and made eye contact with each of the leaders, still a little surprised that they were actually listening to her.

Raldel spoke, or started to at least. He got cut off by one of his friends, who gave him a strange look as he spoke. "Ral 'ere's been overstepping 'imself, and Hold's got 'imself in a fight wit' the lady here. I try ta play peacekeeper, but then Kurt 'n Gall tell me ta keep my trap shut. We's got an agreement not to talk ta each other again 'till we finish our job 'ere." Onyx didn't know any of their first names except for her father's, so she was guessing at who everyone was by how they were glaring at each other.

Akili sighed and spoke before Onyx could even begin to think what to say to them, her annoyance tangible in her words. "Yea, well you're not getting anything done! You're all standing away from each other and undoing whatever someone else just had done. None of what you're doing even really needs to be done in the first place, you're just wasting time and causing a bad situation for everyone." She paused, seeming like she was going to say something else but ending up not when Onyx found her voice.

"Alright, you all need to stop letting personal problems mess with what you're doing. You're a team, working together towards one goal, not a bunch of young children fighting on the playing field. Your actions have consequences for those other than yourself, just imagine if this same thing had happened in a battle!" Onyx still had more to say, but was silenced by her father's sudden embrace and the cheer that rose from the crowd as the other leaders shook hands and patted each other on the back, smiling and congratulating the group.

Raldel spoke over the crowd, smiling as he let go of Onyx. "Well done. You have all passed the group test! We will wait a little while for the rest of those who wish to witness the ritual to arrive, and then we will start the introductions." As he finished speaking the crowd quieted and started to tidy up the mess that they had made during the test, putting everything back in it's rightful place without needing any orders to tell them so.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 3 days ago

At first, Tarentek tried to pass the time by returning to bed and taking a nap. It was nice to rest, but he could only sleep for so long, and he wasn't the type who enjoyed lounging around lazily. As he got up out of bed, he started to notice how much better he was feeling; almost to the point that he was back to normal. Honestly, he was probably ready to leave on his mission at any point now, though he still felt it would be worthwhile to give his escort some training on how to behave in Tel Nof before leaving. Of course, he would need to know who the escort would consist of before he could do that.

For the moment, Tarentek decided to test his recovery through training. If he was back to normal, then he had some ground to make up with his exercise routine. He cleared out a space in the floor of the main room and, after stretching his muscles, started out with sit-ups, broken up by points where he could rest and rehydrate. Tarentek did not have quite his normal endurance, but enough exercise would bring that back to normal over time. Afterwards, he looked around the den and gathered up any relatively heavy, non-fragile items he could find and tied them together into weights. Back in Amman, they used bags of sand for their exercise routines, but currently, Tarentek felt it might be best not to bring an excess of sand into Onyx's home, which would inevitably end up spilling out all over her floor. She would not appreciate that, likely.

Despite the soreness and pain in his body, Tarentek's mind felt almost relaxed now that he was exercising again. It had been part of his daily routine ever since he had joined his people's military. Many times, he found the routines to be annoying, or at least boring, but he could not have guessed how much he would miss something as simple as exercise once he became physically unable to do it. The weakness he had felt during the past few weeks had been both mentally and physically devastating, but now, he could not be more relieved that he was so close to being back to normal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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It was a few hours before it seemed that everything was ready to continue with the ritual. Onyx hadn't attended a ritual in a while, so it was hard to say that the wait was normal. Daimos, Kesi and Akili had started attempting to speak to the four who were younger than them, and were failing almost hilariously, while Onyx, Geda, and Helaheim were talking about what they thought their individual tests would be like. Helaheim and Geda both were to be sentries, but Helaheim thought that meant more of a chance of his test being a fight, while Geda thought it more likely to be a type of situation where they would be forced to make a tough decision.

It didn't surprise Onyx that they had chosen each other as rivals, close siblings often did. She herself had chosen Akili, at the last moment. She would have chosen her own sister, if she were present, or Opal if she had not chosen the path of a prophetess. When Akili had told her that she saw Onyx as her rival, Onyx realized that she did have a rivalry with Akili, even though they were closer friends than Onyx had been with anyone else in Daimos's group.

Raldel called the crowd to silence and stood at the back of the flat rock as he spoke. His voice carried easily across the area, and he started the ritual with an incantation that Onyx had heard many times before. "Agrin, litho krebar. Delos, gu rie terithlin. Merdori litho krebar." The exact translation was lost to time, but it roughly meant: 'Now we gather with the spirits who watch over us until we meet again.' After a moment of silence Raldel continued. "We all stand witness to these children who today will be recognized as adults. Today Heilias and Fellagang do not matter, for Olias has strengthened our spirit as a people beyond the differences of our hearts and souls. We are one tribe, whose strength comes from the strength of the individuals who work together."

Now he called the members of the group up one-by-one. They would step up to the rock and say their name and what their path is, and Raldel would reintroduce them to those gathered with their new name. They were called up in order of oldest to youngest, so Onyx was called around the middle of the group as Akili and the four others were all younger than her, though Akili was not younger by much. The introductions went by almost too quickly, or perhaps Onyx's excitement made it seem so to her. Daimos, Geda, Helaheim, and two of the four others had chosen to be sentries, while Kesi and the other two were to be scouts.

When it was Onyx's turn, she had to force herself to walk calmly to the rock rather than run forward like she wanted to. She spoke her name almost before her father had a chance to prompt her, and then rolled right into her path. "I am Onyx Bright, and I am to be a prophetess of Fellagang." There was a cheer after each person had stated their path, almost immediately, but at first there was silence after Onyx spoke. Her father and Akili started the cheer, and soon the crowd was roaring louder than it had for anyone before her, and anyone after as well. Raldel spoke her new name to her, drowned out by the roar, but she heard it in her heart louder than anything.

Akili and the four others went after Onyx, two sentries, two scouts, and Akili -Rin'ili now- is a diplomat. Onyx congratulated her as she rejoined the line, and Rin'ili smiled and did the same to Onyx. After what seemed only a few minutes they were moving on to the next part of the ritual: The blood bond. This too went in order of oldest to youngest, the newly reintroduced member of the group would walk up to whomever they had chosen as their rival and tell them why they saw them as their rival, and then both would cut the pad of their thumb, either shaking hands with each other or leaving a mark of their blood on each other's forehead or cheek. A closer rivalry would leave a mark, family on the forehead, and friends on the cheek.

Daimos -Nemos now- went first, choosing his older brother, someone Onyx had never met before, as his rival. they marked each other on the forehead and Nemos went back to the line. Kesi -Jun'esi- chose her brother, marking his forhead again while he marked hers. Geda & Helaheim -Haku'da and Merim- chose each other as well, smiling as they marked the other. Onyx, proud to now be able to call herself Bri'nx, took the knife from her father and stood in front of Rin'ili, cutting the pad of her thumb as she spoke. "Rin'ili, I see you as my rival for your intelligence and ability to smooth over any situation. What I hope to gain from our rivalry, and friendship we already have, is the same ability you have to say the right thing, even when your words don't fit what's in your heart." Onyx marked her on her cheek while Rin'ili took the knife from her and cut her own thumb, marking Onyx's cheek in the same way.

Rin'ili kept the knife in her hand as she took her turn. "Bri'nx, I see you as my rival for your constant reasoning and courage, not only in a fight but in everyday situations as well. What I hope to gain from our shared rivalry and friendship is this same courage I see in you. Even when you don't speak up, you stand up for what you believe in." When she finished, Rin'ili marked Onyx's other cheek, while Onyx did the same to her. Rin'ili started to pass the knife to the next person as Onyx returned to her spot in the line, but it was snatched from her halfway through, the person taking it had slashed their palm while doing so.

He cursed himself under his breath as he walked up to someone in the crowd, saying what he had to say and dipping his thumb in the pooling blood in his palm to mark the other on the forehead. He went back to the line and handed the blade to the next person, ripping a strip of cloth from his shirt to tie around his wound. The other three completed their bonds with no event, and so it was time to move on to the individual tests.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 3 days ago

Tarentek spent time exercising each part of his body, making sure to allow himself plenty of time for rest so as not to overexert himself. He wanted to know if there was any part of himself that was particularly weakened or had not recovered fully, but it seemed like his healing had been spread evenly over his body. Moving through each of his normal exercises, he had encountered no unexpected pains or other surprises. He could not directly test his mind, but he had not noticed any loss of ability when it came to problem solving. In Amman, Tarentek liked to exercise his mind as well as his body. In the courtyard of Amman's university, there was a sort of public recreation area which was usually the site of large gatherings each day. Among the frequent events in the courtyard were tests of mental ability produced by students or professors who had the time and desire to interact with the public. Not all in the city took advantage of the opportunity, but Tarentek could be found in the university courtyard nearly every day.

Given how active he had been, Tarentek was able to eat his lunch early. He prepared a simple dish of baked fish and mixed vegetables, as he was not quite in the mood to prepare anything more complicated. Instead, he took advantage of the motivation he presently felt and returned to his exercises. This time, he found a place just above one of the interior doorways which he could grab onto for pull-ups. As he trained, his mind shifted to the mission ahead, and the specifics of what he would need to do in order to prepare Onyx and the rest of his escort.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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Raldel called forward all who had chosen to be sentries, and Nemos, Haku'da, Merim, the boy who had cut his palm, and the girl with the menacing air stepped forward. Raldel motioned to another sentry, who took his place and told the five of them to follow him. He took flight, leading them to the cliff high above the area. As Onyx watched, Raldel explained what their test was to the crowd below. "Trust is an important quality in a sentry. Without trust in your companions and teammates, the only thing that can happen is failure. Those on the cliff are having their wings bound as we speak, and we are to catch them, that is if they have enough trust in us to jump."

No sooner than he had finished speaking did two people jump over the edge, followed more slowly by two more. After the first two had been caught the fifth one jumped, angling themselves so that they fell faster and passed the second two before the three were caught at once. The fifth jumper, Nemos, let out a whoop as the binds on his wings were removed. He passed by Onyx on his way back to his place in line and whispered to her. "That was actually kind of fun."

As worried as that made Onyx for his sanity at the moment, she was too excited to see what the next test would be to spend much time on it. Next, Raldel called forward the Scouts. Jun'esi and the other two that were younger than Onyx stepped forward. The two looked almost worried, while Jun'esi seemed excited as everyone waited to hear what their test was. Raldel took a few papers from his pocket and handed one to each of them. "On these papers is a riddle. This is a test of problem-solving and actual scouting ability. You are to find the answer to the riddle and then bring it back here. All the riddles are different, but the items are all smaller than an infant. There is your hint, now go!" Raldel waved the three away and they took off immediately. They hovered in the air for a few moments as they read their riddles, and then went off in different directions.

Jun'esi was the first one back, holding in her arms a wax statue representing Olias. The other two got back not too much later, one right after the other and both carrying a wax statue, one for Heilias and one for Fellagang. Raldel smiled and told them all that they had passed, taking the items and papers from them and handing them to different people in the crowd who all stayed standing forward as Raldel started to motion Rin'ili forward.

"As a diplomat you will have to solve problems between others and make agreements and compromises between them, even if it costs you something personally to help others. Your test will be to negotiate a compromise between three warring 'tribes', represented by those holding the statues." As he finished speaking the three holding the statues approached each other and started arguing. Rin'ili stood by for a moment, listening before she approached and put her hand on the shoulder of the one holding Fellagang's statue.

She took a while, but eventually she reached an agreement between the three and Raldel congratulated her. Rin'ili passed Onyx as she returned to her spot, wishing Onyx good luck. Then Raldel was motioning Onyx forward, a smile on his face. "Bri'nx, you have two tests today. The first one, you must prove you are meant to be a prophetess by reciting your caantam to us, and then you must interpret a dream that multiple people in the tribe had last night."

Raldel finished speaking and motioned for a few people in the crowd to come forward as Onyx faced the crowd, waiting for silence so she could recite her caantam. The chatter was mainly people wondering what a caantam even was from what Onyx could hear. Eventually everyone realized that she was waiting and focused on her intently, the chatter stopping almost suddenly. Onyx closed her eyes before she spoke, listening to the words she had only heard one before as she spoke them for the first time. Thine eye that shines as white snow, Blessed me my wings of golden heart. She sounded different to herself as she spoke, older and more powerful.

The crowd stood, stunned for a moment after she finished. Raldel was the first to unfreeze, prompting those he had motioned forward earlier to start describing the dream to Onyx. As they described the dream, Onyx got a growing sense of dread in her stomach. When they had finished, she closed her eyes and thought for a moment before speaking. "I had this dream as well last night. Everything you described was exactly the same." Onyx paused for one last moment before she started explaining what the dream meant, surprised at how easily the information came to her.

"The absence of land is isolation, and the calm, mirror-like water refers to 'self' or one person. the large moon means that this person lacks trust, either they are not trusted or the do not trust others, and the absence of the sun means that the person may feel lonely or lost because of that. The laughter, the storm, the strange creatures, and the scream all mean fear. Fears of the past, present and fears for the future as well. The inability to move, and being pulled under the water represents a forced or unwanted role, and the inability to ever escape it." Onyx finished speaking and was immediately bombarded with questions.

She heard one question the most however. 'Who does this dream about?' "It's not about anyone in the tribe, or even one of our people. None of us have met them, yet, but we soon will." Onyx had no idea how she knew this, the words just came through her, not from her. There was confusion and a lot of noise from the crowd before Raldel silenced everyone and told Onyx that she passed. Onyx went back to her place in line while Raldel closed the ritual with the same words he had started it with.

As soon as the ritual was over most started to fly away, while a few stayed behind to tidy things up. Raldel came over and hugged Onyx, congratulating everyone in the group and telling them they were free to go, and to report to him at first light tomorrow to receive their first orders as full-fledged members of the tribe. They all congratulated each other and took off, each heading their own way. Onyx was headed home, as she was tired and hungry from not eating anything since early that morning.

She got home to see Tarentek doing pull-ups over one of the doorways in the den. After laughing a little at the, to her, strange behavior, she greeted him and started to make herself something to eat. "Hello Tarentek! I hope you've had a good day?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 3 days ago

Tarentek dropped down from the doorway once he had reached a nice, even number of pull-ups. He started to stretch out the rather sore muscles in his arms as he greeted Onyx. "Welcome back. My day has been a bit dull, but...encouraging all the same. I feel...good, great even. It seems my recovery has gone a bit faster than I thought, because I am feeling almost as good as normal. I had a nap this morning, but I've spent most of the day exercising; testing myself. It will take some physical conditioning to get back to my peak, but I wouldn't call myself injured any longer. Once my escort has been assigned and I've had the time to properly teach everyone how to behave in Tel Nof, then I will be ready to head for the city."

As Onyx was preparing her meal, Tarentek started untying the objects he had been using as weights and putting them back in their proper places. "What about you? From your tone, I'm going to guess that your ritual went well."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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"Very well. Everyone passed their tests and now we all have to go see Raldel by first light tomorrow to receive our orders. I'm interested to know who else my father has chosen to go as your escort to Tel Nof." Onyx finished making her meal and moved to the table to eat. "I'm glad you feel back to normal now. You should come with me tomorrow morning to tell Raldel."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 3 days ago

"Well, in that case, I think congratulations are in order. I'm sure this is a big moment for you. I do wish you did not have to go out on this mission so soon afterwards, but I suppose it is for your people." Tarentek responded. After he had returned everything he had moved before back to its proper place, he took a seat at the table across from Onyx.

"Sure, I'll come with you tomorrow. Technically, we could leave at any time after I have my assigned escort, but I do want to make sure everyone knows how to behave before we arrive. Even if the others do not intend on joining us for negotiations, we should be prepared for anything. Who knows, the Queen might request to see them for whatever reason, and we cannot afford to deny her requests. Ideally, we won't need the escort, but I'll be glad to have them if we do." He commented.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Thanks, it is." Onyx said, smiling. "I don't mind going on the mission right after though, in fact i'm very excited for it." Onyx finished eating quickly and cleaned up just as quickly. "Did you really spend the entire day in here? I couldn't stand to do that, even if I were ill. There's still daylight left, would you like to go somewhere?" Onyx thought for a moment. "You don't have to wait until tomorrow to go see Raldel. He could tell you who the escort group is now and I can tell you what their personalities are like if you want."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 3 days ago

Tarentek gave a slight chuckle. "Well, I'm a lot less likely to run into any trouble in here than I am out there. Until your people have been given good reasons to trust me, it is probably better for me to stay out of sight and out of mind, at least when alone. Besides, I had plenty to keep myself occupied. I have a lot of lost time to make up when it comes to my exercise routine. I never particularly enjoyed it before, but after hardly being able to do anything for the past week, I can't describe how fulfilling it was to be able to just be able to lift something heavy. Anyway, we don't really have to go find Raldel right at this moment. I've already spent most of the day thinking on what I'm going to teach everyone, so I have my plan. And if Raldel was focusing on the ritual, then he may not have made all the decisions yet."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"I suppose that's true... tomorrow it is then. Are you sure you don't want to go somewhere, anywhere that isn't here for a while though?" Onyx raised an eyebrow at Tarentek before continuing. "Or do you want to stay holed up in here? I'm not gonna force you to go outside, but don't you feel uncomfortable being in the same place for so long?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 3 days ago

Tarentek shrugged his shoulders. "If you have somewhere in mind, I would certainly join you, but I don't have a particular need to get out of the house. Staying in one place for a while doesn't bother me too much, at least not anymore. Being both a scout and a marksman, patience was something I had to learn really quickly. Exploring new, unknown areas was indeed part of my job, which was obviously pretty exciting, but there was also a lot of waiting involved. Imagine guarding a small, mostly empty cave in a mountainside for about thirteen hours straight while the rest of my team was exploring an ancient ruin, and that is just the most recent example. There are a lot of stories I could tell about that. I mean, they would be really, really boring stories, but I could tell them. Luckily, we always traded off on who was on guard duty for our camp."
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Really?" Onyx suppressed a shudder. "I think I'd go slightly insane if I had to do that. I don't have a specific place to go, just walking around outside is nice sometimes. If you really don't want to go out then I'm fine staying here, I just wanted to be sure you were."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 3 days ago

"Well, I mean, it's not that I don't want to go out, it's more like I would like going out, but I would also like staying here. I just don't have much of a preference at the moment." Tarentek answered, though after pausing for a few moments, he suddenly started to laugh. "You know, I think I've had this conversation before. Not with you, just..." He began before trailing off into thought. It was difficult for him to concentrate on his memories without ending up on the attack, but this time at least, he was keeping his focus on more positive memories.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Onyx waited a while after Tarentek trailed off, wondering what he was thinking about. After a few more seconds she shrugged her shoulders and went to a box across the room, pulling out a few bolts of tightly-knitted yarn and a lot of loose yarn as well. She sat on a chair in the living room and started weaving yarn through the edges of the bolts, effectively binding them together. She used no tools, other than a knife to cut the yarn with, weaving the yarn into the stitch with only her fingers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 3 days ago

Tarentek found himself curious about what Onyx was doing. She seemed to be tying together bolts of yarn, though he could not figure out exactly why. Eventually, he stopped thinking about his past and got his mind back into the moment. He sat down in the living room as well, staying silent for a while until his curiosity eventually got the better of him. "Okay, I have to ask, what is it you are trying to make? I do not know a great deal about weaving."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Onyx smiled when Tarentek spoke. "Well, it may not look like it right now, but it will eventually be something like a cloak. This part," She motioned to a bolt that she had weaved to have a curved edge, "will become a hood once I stitch it together with the part I am working on now." She paused when she came to the end of the line she was working on to tie the string off and cut it with the knife so there was no string hanging off the edge. "Have you never had to make your own clothing?"
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