Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Thalia Rayne


With Charles Faust

The girl nodded in response to his agreement and she looked back over at him, this time just a little less hostile. “We can just tell them I broke it. They’d believe it.” She said with a hint of amusement beginning to unwrap her hands just as the horrible twang of music came from the group and she looked over at them, her ponytail whipping through the air as she spun, fury in her deep red eyes again. “Stop playing your stupid music in the god damn gym!”Her voice echoed through the gym and several of the basketball team members stopped to stare at her as the room dropped into a sudden silence that pressed against her like a rag on her face back when she was younger and she was kidnapped for the first time. She could still smell the coliform and knew that that was just the beginning of her hatred of humanity and her quest of both self-destruction and the ruination of as many as she could get her hands on. At this point she’d never touch someone without hurting them; without blinking, no doubt. She teeth ground together and she had to stop herself from stepping any further forward than she had, her right hand curled into a fist and her left looking as if it was ready to pluck the knife from beneath her shorts.

Thalia thought about how it felt to part flesh with that knife, to carve someone’s face until they wouldn’t ever forget who had done this to them, who had beaten them or killed their wife for being a bitch. Usually it was a criminal she found, from one her underground circles, though she had to admit, she loved the sound of an innocent begging her for mercy after they had shown her that there was nothing good about them either. She didn’t care who it was, so long as they weren’t a child or a complete innocent; her favourites were cheaters though. The raven haired woman shook her head and turned away then, her gaze downcast and her shoulders stiff as she walked passed Charles again. “The roof.” She answered his question as she walked toward the women’s change room again to put on her jeans and jacket once more.

Inside the room the woman stripped and showered, washing the sweat and blood from her body that she hadn’t gotten to before she left the previous morning she yowled in frustration and slammed her fist against the shower wall which ended in her biting her lip in pain. She really did have a bad habit of acting out in such impulsiveness and it often that got her in trouble though, admittedly, Thalia never care much about it. For some odd reason though, this boy was getting on her nerves and annoying her more than the average person; he was strong obviously, and smart. He was what her parents would have wanted her with in the first place, before she’d started fighting just to die in the ring. ”Fucking system. Fucking parents. Fucking boys. Why can’t anything just let me die?” Thalia turned off the water and dried herself off, not caring that she was keeping the boy waiting as she pulled on her clothes again.

Outside the locker room she pulled on her boots and waited just outside the gymnasium’s main doorway with her back against the wall and her arms crossed.


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Ichka Tomari
Match Office

"When it comes to you my beloved Momo; I have no limits. I...really don't know how I can make this any more clear; I'm willing to do absolutely anything that you want me to. Even if it's painful or kinky. Hell, if you wanted to get married right now; my only concerns would be that we're not old enough to do it legally so there not much point, and we don't have the money to fund the kind of wedding that I think you'd want. I'm even willing to cut off my own wings for you. If that doesn't get my point across, then I don't know what will" Ichika explained, getting a little concerned that Momoko just couldn't seem to grasp what he meant when he said 'anything'

Having said his piece, Ichika got to work on filling out his form. He was excited, but also feeling worried 'is it really that hard to believe that I'm willing to do anything for her? Why does she have such a hard time understanding that? Maybe...maybe she's had abusive boyfriends in the past! Well that'll never happen to her again! If anyone tries to hurt even a single hair on her head, then they're getting a broken arm!' he vowed to himself
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ThatWeirdChick
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Card Captor
Momoko Kaede
Match Office

She looked at him a little wide-eyed. "I....I'm sorry...I think I misunderstood you a little before then. But you should never cut off your wings or harm yourself for me and I will never ask you to do that. That is my promise to you." She explained, looking down a little. "Just never thought someone could be so...open like that to make it work." She mumbled, kind of thinking out loud while speaking to him at the same time.

She focused on the form and made sure to fill out her information correctly. "Make sure to include your wing span so they know how big to adjust the bathroom, Ichi." She reminded him as she came about the section where non-human Matches could request a feature or size adjustment to help them be more comfortable while staying with their Match.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaiserAuto
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KaiserAuto A Genius and let none deny it.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Charles "Kaiser" Faust

Charles simply stood an marveled at the intrigue of which this woman had displayed, roaring out at someone playing bad music, and then thinking about 'off-ing' them; that was something interesting indeed. Whilst she had given him the go-ahead for punching the bag open, it all was cut off by the music in the end.

However, he was quite intent on following this woman, thinking about possible scenarios he was pretty interested with each and every one of them- so he pursued, not into the females changing room, but to the roof. As she marched off towards the 'no go-zone' Charles simply jogged off- got his sports bag, and changed his outfit into something more outside friendly. With the sports bag hung around his shoulder, he approached the Gym entrance.

Surprisingly, she had waited for him. She didn't seem like quite the person to do such, so he was intrigued further more. This was a very special day, indeed. But should something occure then he has his trumpcard in the very bag at his shoulder- as long as he held onto his bag until that moment, then he would be successful if there were to be any attacks or ambushes.

"It seems that there lies some manners within that mind o' yours." Charles snickered, changing his bag so that it hangs from his shoulder- making it more easily accessable.

"It seems that we're both about done and ready, let's move on?"

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Ichika Tomari
Match Office

"I understand that you don't want me to. I was just saying that I was willing to for you. Having cleared that up, he went back to work on filling out his form. 'Sweet Momo is such a wonderful girl' he thought to himself 'I can't imagine what kind of heroic feet I had to preform in my previous life to deserve someone like her'

When it came time for him to list his wingspan, he suddenly froze 'I...I don't know' he couldn't remember ever knowing just how long his wings were. Looking around the room they were in, he found a convenient tape measure 'huh. I wonder if this is here for just such an occasion' he thought to himself. "Hey Momo my sweet, I don't know how long my wings are, could you measure them for me?" he asked as he took off his shirt and held out the tape measure for her
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Isabelle Chia

As Isabelle sipped on her drink, she peered over the top of her book. The people in the cafe were slowly dwindling in numbers. It was less busy, less crowding. She felt her breaths come more easily and the knot in her chest loosen. Her eyes gravitated towards the girl who had had her personal space crowded by another boy. Isabelle had to wonder who she - or anybody in the Academy, for that matter - was. But her cheeks coloured at the thought of extending a hand to anybody, and coming forth. She was a plain Jane, and she preferred the wallpaper and sticking to the corners.

Then again, she was helplessly lost, and had to do something about.

Isabelle paid for her drink, before she gathered her possessions and courage about her to walk forward and approach the black-haired girl. "Hello," she said, formally, stiffly. "I'm new, and I've just arrived. I'm afraid I haven't the faintest clue where to go from here." She offered the smallest of smiles, and then hastily a small hand. She hoped the tremor in it was not obvious "My name is Isabelle Chia. Do you think you could help me, by any chance?"

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ThatWeirdChick
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Card Captor
Momoko Kaede
Match Office

She nodded and looked back down at her form when he finished explaining. She looked around to see if there was anything else to fill out on the form and found one last box. It was about if there any preferences for where the room was placed. She looked at the options and shrugged, not really caring where they were placed in the Eclipse Dorm. She checked off the 'No Preference' box and looked at both sides of the sheet one last time.

She looked up and blushed at the sight of his shirtless form. "S-Sure. I just need you to hold up part of it for a minute while I measure you." She stood up and set the form on her seat and took the tape measure from him. When he held the tape, she stretched out the tape and looked at the tape closely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MThePathSeeker
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tetsu Akakuro
"Yeah that would be fine." He said to Roza as he payed for his coffee, he didn't tip though considering how long they kept him waiting. Well he did tip but not by much. He understood the pain on having to work for a living, since a young age he knew. It was one of the first things his master had taught him. Money makes the world go around, the old man use to say. He wondered what he was doing right now, the last time Tetsu had heard from his master he was in India. Some kind of jester for the royals, and the richer folks, but knowing his master he wouldn't stay for very long.
His stomach grumbled and growled. That coffee really didn't do anything. He wondered if Roza had anything to eat at her dorm. As he saw the girl pay for her coffee he held out his arm like a gentleman about to take a woman out on the town. His was his little jokes that made him who he is. "Ready to go?" He asked the young woman with a small grin. The kind she was use to seeing when around him.
Soma Hanta
At an even pace did the boy stroke and flap the fan over the small charcoal grill that cooked his food. The spot he chose was almost isolated, maybe perhaps a few passerby but they paid him no mind. He had carefully prepared the meal before him. Grilled Saury that was placed in a mix blend of salt, crushed garlic, and a few more seasonings for flavor. It had been almost a year since he had actually prepared food for him. Ever since that day he has only eaten fast food, instant ramen, and convenient store bentos, only for the reason of sustenance and not because he was hungry. His mother Head CEO of her Hanta corporation with all her power to do anything had sent him Saury fish because she was informed he wasn't eating properly. She really has eyes and ears watching him all over.
Back and forth left and right as he sat under a tree that blocked most of the sunlight from coming through, in a yukata over his shoulders and his food turned a nice crunchy brown. The scent was carried by the fan into the winds, attracting the various forms of wildlife around the area. He had to admit it did smell good. The two fishes were not brown, they were just about done
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Ichika Tomari
Match Office

It was a struggle for Ichika to hold his wings still as Momoko's fingers gently brushed against them. The feeling of her skin on his wings sent shivers through them and down his spine, so it was hard for him to keep them still. Although he managed to power through the reflexive spasms and hold them still long enough

Once she was done, Ichika quickly wrote down his measurements before giving Momoko a quick hug, wrapping his wings around her too "thank my beloved Momo." After the hug, he folded his wings back up and put his shirt back on. His form was now complete. He had made sure that he didn't specify a preference for anything about their room, so that Momoko's sheet would completely determine what room they got "Finished! You ready my darling Momo?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ThatWeirdChick
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Card Captor
Momoko Kaede
Match Office

She tried to read the measurements as accurately as she possibly could. She chuckled a little at the fact that he was shivering. "Are my hands cold or something, Ichi?" She asked after she told him the measurements.

She put the tape measure away and walked back to him. "Did you finish the form?" She asked him as she picked hers up. "Hopefully they'll be able to fix everything by tomorrow or the day after that." She mused as she checked if everything was in order and correct.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Damian Luv


With Jack Thomas

Outside the school

The young man felt fingers threaded with his, rough and worn from his time swimming against Damian’s softer, smoother hands that he spent a lot of time maintaining. It was a habit of his really, to make sure he was properly groomed and presentable to the public, even if half of them thought he was a freak and the other half wouldn’t approach him if they had to. It was a miracle that Jack had even looked at him twice when they met in the match office, the goth had expected him to look and say no before asking for a different boy; maybe someone nicer on the eyes, taller, maybe a more submissive boy even. “Of course it does Jack.” Damian said with a smile, leading the older man inside the café, passed a few other couples and a lone girl. He noticed a girl at the counter, a male next to her and from the way she carried herself, the homosexual boy could tell that the girl was gay as well and that the attention from the male was unwanted. Finding the two a seat, Damian signalled to Jack that he would be right back, flicking a wrist toward the two at the counter, and turned away before the man could argue.

“Elise?” Damian said the girls name, remembering it from history class the previous semester as he walked up to her, his hands shoved in his sweater pockets as he approached, smiling at her as if they were familiar with each other. “I didn’t expect to see you here.” Finally reaching them, Damian leaned forward and hugged to girl, whispering in her ear “Go with it,” so that the boy, who he now recognized as Gabriel, wouldn’t hear him; kissed her on the cheek before turning and obviously checking out the male. “I don’t think he’s your type Elise; or you his. I just don’t see this working at all. Besides, aren’t you already in a committed relationship?” He had heard the girl speaking when he’d originally walked passed. With an arm around her shoulder he nudged her playfully before letting go and setting a hand on Gabriel’s shoulder. “Get lost bud. I’m sure he won’t be happy to know you’ve been hitting on his girl.” With that, Damian walked back over the where Jack sat, allowing his passive threat to hang in the air around the player.

Damian came to rest on the other side of the table from Jack, obviously annoyed by the encounter and even more so by the male with which he had spoken to. “She’s obviously gay nimrod.” He muttered under his breath with a sigh, waiting for the young waitress to come over and hand them menu’s while asking for their drinks. “Mint chocolate frapichino, milk and sugar, foam and nutmeg on top.” He told her his drink order slowly, waiting for her to write part of it down before he continued on until the end; his fingers tapping on the table in front of him. When she left he looked at Jack across the table. “So you wanted to know about this?” He pointed at the side of his neck where the black webbing was hidden beneath the thick curtain of hair he’d taught to retain its shape and stay in place. He lifted a hand and swept his hair out of the way while he pulled down the collar of his shirt to expose more of it; it laced further beneath his clothing though he showed no more than that. He parted his lips, licking them and trying to get rid of the sudden dryness that came with the hint of fear and nervousness that wracked through him as he thought about why he’d gotten the tattoo and how much pain it had put him through.

“To be frank, I got it because I’m gay. It’s a spider’s web, designed to catch and snare and never let its prey go. I guess it was my way of showing how trapped I felt for a long time before coming here. Even after I came here actually, I felt trapped by society. It stains my skin, just like my hands are stained and his. He touched me, when he found out I liked men over girls. Not in a way I wanted him to either. It was horrible; his hands were rough, uncaring. I can still remember the smell of smoke and whiskey on his breath, sweat and soot clinging to his body. The taste of my own tears; the sound of the cat clawing on the door and the dog howling for help because he couldn’t get in. I imagine he left with quite a few bites; if he made it out at all. Either way I never saw him again.”

By the time that Damian was done he was cradling his face in his hand, breathing deeply with his eyes closed, ridged and very aware as he tried to shove aside the memories that continued to play behind his eyelids. It was like he could smell him again but he knew it wasn’t real, it wasn’t now. Now was Jack and Colorado and he breathed deeply, waiting to see how Jack would respond. The man had asked after all, but Damian hadn’t been able to just lie about it, or stop talking after he first said something.

Jack had to admit that he liked the way that Damien's hand felt in his own. It was a nice feeling since he could just tell by looking at Damien cared for how he looked which was a bit more than Jack did. That was not to say Jack was a total slob or didn't care. It was just rather difficult to keep yourself nice and clean when you had to go to swim practice every day. There also was the fact that he was not all that great at choosing clothes. His closet was basically filled with tight shirts and jeans. He had a few other outfits but he was not even close to being decent at anything like this. He would most definitely need Damien's help when it came to clothing. Jack could tell that he was decent at choosing his clothes and would definitely have his work cut out for him.

Jack nodded as he heard the story. He had not expected anything like that when he asked to learn about the tattoo. He had expected something completely different but still he had asked the question so he had to do something about this. He rarely ever thought his own actions until he had already done it. So right now he quickly moved forward and hugged Damien close to him. He figured that this would be better than talking since Jack had the habit of swallowing his foot when he talked. Jack noticed that Damien was not as thin as he thought. He kept hugging Damien until suddenly he stopped and let the other man go. He looked over at Damien and sighed. "I am sorry that my question brought up such terrible memories. I shouldn't have asked you." Jack said sadly.

Jack looked around the café and took a sip of his tea. He figured it was the right thing to just shut up and be quiet. He knew he did not have any words to say that would compare to what he had just been told. He then quickly decided to change the subject. "So Damien what is your idea of a perfect date. So I can have an idea for our first one." He said smiling at him slyly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Ichika Tomari
Match Office

"Yep" Ichika chirped in response to Momo's question "I'm all done now." It really didn't take him that long, since all he needed to put on his form was the measurements of his wingspan. He planed to let Momoko decided the other aspects of their room, he really didn't mind. Hell, as long as it wasn't drafty, or leaked water from the ceiling, then it was good enough for him

"So now what?" he asked her "we could go to your room to pack up...or maybe you'll want to wait until the room is ready." Ichika was silent for a few seconds as he was thinking "I'm honestly not sure what else we can do on a first date. So whatever you want to do is fine with me, my beloved Momo"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Elise Hall

It was almost like a scene out of a romantic comedy. A guy who looked vaguely familiar (Damian) did the "pretend to know you" schtick to drive Gabriel away. Elise just nodded along letting Damian do his thing. She was glad Gabriel was out of the picture, but now she had to deal with Damian. Hopefully he didn't get the idea that she owed him one, or that she is a damsel in distress. She doesn't and she isn't. But he left as quickly as he came. Elise gave him a nod of gratitude before returning to her drink. So much trouble over nothing. Maybe if she went with a more goth look that would scare people away, but that might scare away the girls. If only there was some kind of horny-guy repellant.

Elise was just about to leave when a girl approached her. Holy guacamole, why would a girl this cute just engage her? Is this her moment to shine? Whatever she does, don't be a dork don't be a dork don't be a dork.

"Hello," she said, formally, stiffly. "I'm new, and I've just arrived. I'm afraid I haven't the faintest clue where to go from here."

Aww, yes. That makes sense. Either way, Elise wasn't going to not help her out. "My name's Elise" she said, shaking the girl's hand. Elise had some height on the girl, which only made Isabelle look cuter. "I just moved in myself, actually. So, umm, where are you looking to go? I'll walk you there! This campus is pretty big, its easy to get lost."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ThatWeirdChick
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Card Captor
Momoko Kaede
Match Office

"I blame the sundae for that!" She laughed as she took his firm and went to hand it in to the advisor. "Here you go, Ms. Herin." She smiled as she handed her the forms. "Thank you. Let me give you an estimate of when the room should be done." She smiled and started to enter the info into the computer. "You 2 are an adorable couple by the way." The woman chuckled. Momoko blushed a little and took Ichika's hand.

"Alright, your room should be done by non tomorrow, but you both can pick up your keys tomorrow morning at around 10." She informed the both of them with a smile. "Wow, that's fast." Momoko chuckled. She turned to Ichika and smiled, squeezing his hand a little. "I guess we should go to my place and start packing a little."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Isabelle Chia

Isabelle could not restrain the unabashed beam that broke through at Elise's words. "Will you?" she said, relief and glee combining to make her voice breathy. "Thank you, that's very kind of you!" She glanced down at herself and the canvas bag she was toting, taking a moment to thank whatever deity there was that Elise was helpful to a mere stranger. "I have to settle into a dormitory, I suppose." A crease formed between her eyebrows as she frowned, and then looked up to the taller girl. "But should I register to someone beforehand?"

Shaking her head, Isabelle laughed a small laugh. "I apologise, you may have to guide me by the hand through this school for now. I hope that's all right with you," she said, as it occurred to her that Elise's time might not be hers to take. "Do you have a match?" she asked, looking around the cafe.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Ichika Tomari
Match Office

A serge of bliss was shot into Ichika's brain when Momoko grabbed his hand of her own volition. Just like the rest of her, it was really soft and warm. Returning the hug her hand was giving his, he also began to stroke her hand with whatever fingers had enough room to do so. He was also giving her hand loving squeezes

"Alright then. Lead the way, my darling Momo." This was all happening so fast that Ichika was starting to get mental whiplash. In just one day, he had found the person who was going to love him for the rest of their lives, but they also began getting a room together. If this didn't feel so real, then Ichika would have been convinced that this was all a cruel dream. "I love you, my sweet Momo. I don't think I can properly convey that in words, but I'll say it anyway; I love you. You own both my heart and every inch of my body. I am yours to do with as you wish"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ThatWeirdChick
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Card Captor
Momoko Kaede
Match Office

She giggled a little when he started squeezing and stroking her hand. "Let's head to my dorm then." She grinned as she started to walk out of the Office with him. "I would like to start packing before we pick up the keys tomorrow."

She was glad that she was going to move in with him. She had to prepare something for them to munch on while they did it so they wouldn't get too bored. "Should we get some chips or something?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Roza Viguard

Cafe - Crescent Dormitory

With Tetsu Akakuro

The young woman rolled her eyes as she watched the male in front of her grin like an idiot. He was as predictable like the rest of them, but he was as normal as one could get without being boring or just plain human. After the year they had known each other she could understand that stupid smile that he rarely showed anyone else and, regardless of what she had found while browsing the systems, she shook her head and smiled in amusement. “Of course,” Roza answered him fairly, though she did not take his arm as would be expected, instead she continued forward to walk right passed him. Her hips swayed as she walked, a trick to catch male attention that she had learned from Amber before she was sent here, during many of her training sessions to work the field. This was her first real mission away from the team and she intended to completely obliterate the Match Program as soon as she was finished the first part of her mission; create chaos and distrust in it.

“You know you can’t come inside right? Even the Enforcers and Campus Police have to stay out of the girls dorms.” Roza said as the two approached the building that she was currently living inside of, her room one of the few with only a single person inside them though she was the only girl in the school who wanted a basement room away from everyone else. It was a three girl room, though, being the only teacher who was also a student, she slept alone with all of her computers and her equipment, as well as her gear for when she was doing any real spy work. Leaving the man at the door she walked inside, passing several other girls on her way though most were in town considering it was a Saturday and she almost wished that Viktor was here so he could watch her play her games again though she knew that wasn’t going to happen any time soon; she probably wouldn’t see him until she was already done her mission or at any point where she was compromised or in danger. In her room, Roza sighed and packed her bags, including a pair of clothes, pajamas, knife and pistol, a dress for their date tonight, and a picture of her Russian friend.

She changed into a pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt so that she could leave the sweater unbuttoned and brushed out her hair as well, making sure she was semi-presentable, just enough to go largely unnoticed as she slung her backpack over her shoulders and held her satchel in hand where her laptop was contained and protected from prying eyes and hands. She blinked, looking on the cameras nearby, and saw several happy couples talking for the first time today and she knew that it would only be in a few days when she finally got the chance to really create the chaos she had intended to. All those pro-match pairs and lovers torn apart by a system they thought they could believe in. Roza left her room behind, the door locking automatically as she walked away from it toward the front of the dorm where she was certain Tetsu was waiting for her, she’d seen him not long before when searching the surveillance system.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Elise Hall

"I apologise, you may have to guide me by the hand through this school for now. I hope that's all right with you,"

Ack! Was this girl kidding?! That level of skinship isn't good for Elise's heart! A little handholding isn't a big deal but for some reason it made her anxious. "Oh its no problem at all. I was just killing time, and I should be getting back to unpack anyways. You can check in front of the dorms. They'll give you your room number and key there. Who knows we might be roommates haha." She extended her hand out to Isabelle, gently grasping her hand. Elise could feel herself blushing, her heart beating just a hair faster.

"Do you have a match?"

"Oh, um, no. I suppose there aren't many people compatible with me, hehe." As they talked Elise lead Isabelle hand-in-hand to the dorms. If she new she would be meeting people she would've dressed nicer than a lazy t-shirt, and actually use some makeup. She just hoped he didn't look like a complete slob. "So do you have a match? What kind of person are you hoping for?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Gymnasium

Tahlia Cross

Tahlia nodded. "A bass, well, that'd be in the music room... But that's so far away." Tahlia twisted the toe of her shoe on the ground, she acted a little bit distant but... "It's lucky for you! I've got my violin in my bag back in the locker room, which isn't too far away. It sounds better than a bass, just wait till I get back." As she walked off she gestured a 'C-ya'. The lockers weren't very far, but it would it would still take a few moments to get there. The hallways were... creepily empty, the school only seems to have so many students.
Shrugging the thought off, Tahlia made it to the lockers and hastily retrieved her violin case and returned to the gymnasium after swiftly making sure it had been securely locked. Not many people know this, but, Tahlia keeps an extra set of clothes in her locker, just in case of an emergency... You never know.

She returned to the group. She did a curtsy. "I suppose i'll get up on the stage now..." She reluctantly walked up and stood in the center for all to see. It reminded her of her younger days where she played to please and win awards. But those days were far gone now. She did it because it means something to her. Placing it to her neck, she began to play.

What I saw on that day
What I felt as she lay
Bearing the world on her shoulders

Seeing the price she paid
For that one wish she made
Fighting on until it’s over

The only thing I wished for was a way to save her
Free her from the chains that kept binding her to her fate
Find a way for all of us to keep moving,
Keep alive, all survive
Let’s keep on fighting for our common cause

Watching our friendships split
Watching us fight and die
Knowing our imminent sorrow
Watching sadness and grief
Shatter our core belief
Knowing the end of tomorrow

Placing her violin to the side, she quietly walked over to the rest of the group.
"So, how was that? I hope i didn't do too terribly." If you reeeally want me to play a bass, I guess I can do that to. I'll just walk to the music room and get one.."
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