"Kibougamine Academy...
Despite being a Japanese school, it was famous world-wide as the best school in the world. The best of the best of Japan's high school students were the only ones who could attend, as well as a very minute amount of foreign exchange students. In fact, many students from around the world would desperately try to become exchange students from their country to Japan, as success was guaranteed to any and all who graduated. Unfortunately for them, it was a largely pointless effort. Kibougamine Academy was meant to be a symbol of hope for Japan, and only for Japan.
Eventually, copy cat schools began to pop up in various countries. However, none were ever nearly as successful as Kibougamine. The schools never gained much renown, and the students who graduated never met any of the immediate success promised to them.
But then, one country found a way. The United States of America, in a plea of desperation, managed to get the attention of a certain group with unknown intentions. Their leader, a seemingly simple fashion model, secretly promised American government officials that she could easily get a school built in America that would be of the same caliber as Kibougamine. The girl's power was doubted, but she had an extremely powerful following. As part of the deal, her group would build the school with their power alone, though the government could supervise to make sure everything went as planned. All the girl asked for in return, was permission to place members of her group in America without having to vie for citizenship. Though the government was wary of her intentions, and were apprehensive of the group's power, their desperation ended up overpowering their cautiousness, and they allowed it. Besides, they doubted her group could ever gain any influence.
And so, Sky's Peak Academy was born. The name was admittedly awkward, but the girl demanded that it be the school's name, to both reference and mock the school in Japan. Still, the American school was an architectural marvel, and seemed to have a limitless amount of money pumped into it, all funded by the mysterious group. Publically, however, the school was said to have been made by American geniuses, funded by the government itself. Most people accepted it as fact, though there were quite a few who found the whole thing to be too shady. Conspiracy theories had begun to spring up, all of which were denied or ignored by the government.
But now, it was all going to be tested, to see if all the trouble was worth it. The 1st Class of Sky's Peak Academy were to be enrolled. Students of all grades and ages from across the country were going to be invited, and be labeled with Ultimate talents, all as the symbolic hope of America itself."
Welcome to the RP! Me and @Guardian Angel Haruki are going to be the players. If there's anyone who wants to read our misadventures of our characters being forced to kill each other, feel free to also comment in the OOC thread. It'd be pretty awesome tbh if this ended up catching anyone's interest.
Once the both of us post our characters in the Character tab, then the RP will begin.
How This Works: The both of us create eight characters a piece. Of those eight, we each get a co-protagonist character, who generally help lead during the story, investigations, and trials. During each chapter, one of us leads as that chapter's protagonist, and goes through free time events and generally have their character as the main point of view during story events. While the other controls Monobear, sets up the motive, and devises up the murder, investigation, trial, and execution. They lay out all the evidence for the protagonist to search for (with help from all of the other characters of course), and then throw obstacles at the protagonist to solve such as Non-Stop Debates, Epiphany Anagrams, Cross Swords Arguments, Logic Dives, and Machine Gun Talk/Bullet Time Battles. Once a chapter ends, we switch roles.
Steven Rayburn- Ultimate Mystery Writer
Ray Ottoman- Ultimate Skateboarder
Bryan Todorovich- Ultimate Motivational Speaker
Marcus Roe- Ultimate Rugby Player
Percy Winston- Ultimate Banker
Elliot Heron- Ultimate Fashion Designer
Claude Syke- Ultimate Magician
Andrew Greene- Ultimate Hacker
Cecelia Greene- Ultimate Psychologist
Kadian Erickson- Ultimate Dungeon Master
Rose Anderson- Ultimate Entomologist
Angela Pleides- Ultimate Archer
Sasha Alvera- Ultimate Card Player
Sydney Saran- Ultimate Parkour Athlete
Andrea Barker- Ultimate Paranormal Investigator
Jamie Jay Janson- Ultimate TV Actress
Despite being a Japanese school, it was famous world-wide as the best school in the world. The best of the best of Japan's high school students were the only ones who could attend, as well as a very minute amount of foreign exchange students. In fact, many students from around the world would desperately try to become exchange students from their country to Japan, as success was guaranteed to any and all who graduated. Unfortunately for them, it was a largely pointless effort. Kibougamine Academy was meant to be a symbol of hope for Japan, and only for Japan.
Eventually, copy cat schools began to pop up in various countries. However, none were ever nearly as successful as Kibougamine. The schools never gained much renown, and the students who graduated never met any of the immediate success promised to them.
But then, one country found a way. The United States of America, in a plea of desperation, managed to get the attention of a certain group with unknown intentions. Their leader, a seemingly simple fashion model, secretly promised American government officials that she could easily get a school built in America that would be of the same caliber as Kibougamine. The girl's power was doubted, but she had an extremely powerful following. As part of the deal, her group would build the school with their power alone, though the government could supervise to make sure everything went as planned. All the girl asked for in return, was permission to place members of her group in America without having to vie for citizenship. Though the government was wary of her intentions, and were apprehensive of the group's power, their desperation ended up overpowering their cautiousness, and they allowed it. Besides, they doubted her group could ever gain any influence.
And so, Sky's Peak Academy was born. The name was admittedly awkward, but the girl demanded that it be the school's name, to both reference and mock the school in Japan. Still, the American school was an architectural marvel, and seemed to have a limitless amount of money pumped into it, all funded by the mysterious group. Publically, however, the school was said to have been made by American geniuses, funded by the government itself. Most people accepted it as fact, though there were quite a few who found the whole thing to be too shady. Conspiracy theories had begun to spring up, all of which were denied or ignored by the government.
But now, it was all going to be tested, to see if all the trouble was worth it. The 1st Class of Sky's Peak Academy were to be enrolled. Students of all grades and ages from across the country were going to be invited, and be labeled with Ultimate talents, all as the symbolic hope of America itself."
Welcome to the RP! Me and @Guardian Angel Haruki are going to be the players. If there's anyone who wants to read our misadventures of our characters being forced to kill each other, feel free to also comment in the OOC thread. It'd be pretty awesome tbh if this ended up catching anyone's interest.
Once the both of us post our characters in the Character tab, then the RP will begin.
How This Works: The both of us create eight characters a piece. Of those eight, we each get a co-protagonist character, who generally help lead during the story, investigations, and trials. During each chapter, one of us leads as that chapter's protagonist, and goes through free time events and generally have their character as the main point of view during story events. While the other controls Monobear, sets up the motive, and devises up the murder, investigation, trial, and execution. They lay out all the evidence for the protagonist to search for (with help from all of the other characters of course), and then throw obstacles at the protagonist to solve such as Non-Stop Debates, Epiphany Anagrams, Cross Swords Arguments, Logic Dives, and Machine Gun Talk/Bullet Time Battles. Once a chapter ends, we switch roles.
Currently Controlling Monobear: Mike73
Class Roster
Steven Rayburn- Ultimate Mystery Writer
Ray Ottoman- Ultimate Skateboarder
Bryan Todorovich- Ultimate Motivational Speaker
Marcus Roe- Ultimate Rugby Player
Percy Winston- Ultimate Banker
Elliot Heron- Ultimate Fashion Designer
Claude Syke- Ultimate Magician
Andrew Greene- Ultimate Hacker
Cecelia Greene- Ultimate Psychologist
Kadian Erickson- Ultimate Dungeon Master
Rose Anderson- Ultimate Entomologist
Angela Pleides- Ultimate Archer
Sasha Alvera- Ultimate Card Player
Sydney Saran- Ultimate Parkour Athlete
Andrea Barker- Ultimate Paranormal Investigator
Jamie Jay Janson- Ultimate TV Actress