On another planet each human is paired with a sentient Dinosaur. They recieve Eggs when they are eight. The eggs hatch when they are thirteen and the Dinosaurs are fully grown by the time they are 16. Each human would also have one of their parents forge a weapon that represents their childs personality and an aspect of the Dinosaur that hatched from their egg. For example, say a Velociraptor hatched for a seemingly evil child. That childs parent would forge something in this case we will say (forgive me for not knowing the name of the weapon) one of those sickle on a chain weapons. Also somewhere on the weapon would be a gem. when the human is traveling around their Dinosaur partner could be held within the gem and later released. On top of that each Dinosaur would have the ability to become armor for their human partner. So say someone paired with an Ankylosaurus would have a club for their weapon and a huge amount of armor while someone paired with a Pterodactyl wouldnt have as much armor. Also it should be noted that the people could have a summoning phrase for when they were bringing their Dinosaur from their gem as well as a signature attack. On the planet there is an evil group of people that are trying to capture all the Dinosaurs and use them for their own evil means. So it would be up to our group to stop them. They plan to do this at a planet wide tournament where people who have chosen to can participate in one on one and tag battles.
Let me know what you guys think and what you guys would like. I'll post a bio template if this gets some decent interest
Let me know what you guys think and what you guys would like. I'll post a bio template if this gets some decent interest