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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Midori listened with some confusion but mostly amusement in her face. She couldn't really follow what happened but she had the general image. She laughed "It's fine, Yaki can take a lot of..."damage" so it won't be a burden. Actually, I know a few tips on how you can bother him more. Like for one " Yakima quickly picked up Midori, putting her over his shoulder "I'll find you at the squad 4 captains office. I'll be back in" Midori giggled as Yakima lifted her into his shoulder "This reminds me of our honeymoon doesn't it? Yakima turned red, shunpoing put of site with his wife and daughter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Wherever these Shinigami were they would receive a message in the form of a Hell butterfly. The message would be heard as such "Uh-Hm, these things are always a pa-Ah it's recording it! Right! Dear Shinigami! I hav-wait...Dear Shinigami? That sounds silly...wait...this thing is still recording! ah stop it!...right...now start recording again! Okay...Shinigami I am the Captain of Squad 12 Kagiko Shuiji, I have looked at all of your profiles extensively and decided you may all fit in well for this mission...I feel it could teach you things. Don't worry, I have gotten in contact with your Captains and told them all about this so there is no need to worry! they are already onboard! But Captain...when did you do that? Before...sometime...don't worry about that right now! Anyway! Shinigami if you could meet me in person outside the Squad 12 barracks that'd be excellent! I will give you the rest of the details in person...right...now time for a little nap while they make their wa-AH STOP RECOR-" After that the message cut off...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Nishi Matsuro

Nishi listened to Nene speak and nodded when she asked if she knew Fushibi, she then shunpoed a few places and made her attempts at Fushibi before appearing back in the middle behind Nene "Do we really have to fight them? can't we just call Squad 11 to do this? They're like the hollow extermination Squad aren't they? we shouldn't be trying to do this...I'm not sure we can handle it...I mean...I've never really even been in a battle before and to face this many my first time really makes me want to run away..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinzo Harimaya

Shinzo watched Nairin and she seemed to take up a defensive stance which made his eyes narrow slightly...was she...actually thinking? Regardless he'd have to test this! As Shinzo prepared himself to go on the offensive a hell butterfly appeared near Nairin making him tilt his head slightly "Eh?" Hearing the message Shinzo frowned slightly as the hell butterfly flew off "The hell!? You saying she's more qualified than me! Now I got another Captain who's ass I'm going to kick!" Shinzo gripped his Zanpakuto's hilt tightly, annoyed that he hadn't been invited on this mission...if Aya had been sent on this mission also...Shinzo would flip...but first he'd have words with his damn Captain for being a dick and not recommending he go on mission!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 15 days ago

Kyoichi was still walking in Rukongai, debating which squad to join when a hell butterfly, something he is unfortunately quite familiar with approached him. Hearing the message, he mumbled to himself "Shits. I don't even have a squad yet and they're finding me for a mission? What is grandpa Sengoku telling these guys..."

In any case, he made his way to squad Twelve, a squad his family also has history with, as quickly as he can...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Kurisa @Kitsune @AbigailTenshi @Oblivion666 @Killbox


Koyoshi reached up to one of the taller selves within the kitchen as she pulled the jar of spice from it, almost falling onto her ass as she pulled it with both hands but thankfully shinigami training was also good in the kitchen! Kicking off from the counter she landed safely onto the ground giving off a thankful sigh as the jar was unharmed, held closely to her chest.

Suddenly her eyes went wide as she noticed a fluttering hell butterfly pass by her for a moment as if lost, only to come straight to her after it noticed its mistake in passing her. At first Koyoshi was expecting a message from Captain Yoshi about dinner, but as the conversation copntionued her face become more and more worried at the prospect of what was being told to her! "W-wait what?!" She shouted, causing te hell butterfly to dash out of the kitchen by the window. Placing the jar of spice onto the table she had to think for a moment "The captain allowed this? Well, that is fine and all but... I guess she really does trust me to go out alone, alright! I can do that and this." With lightning fast speed she started to prepare the food; strips of fine smoked pork with a complementary ramen bowl, which the strips would act like a lip to cook and keep in the flavor.

Shunpoing out of the kitchen she handed the real chef a timer "Keep one back for me, everything should be ready soon. Tell the captain I am thankful for referring me to captain Shuiji" The chef looked confused "Wait, wha-," Without even waiting for the full response Koyoshi unhooked the apron "Ok, thanks, bye!" With that she vanished from sight, making her way to grab her sword from the near by table and then out the door towards Squad 12's barracks.

Landing in front of the barracks Koyoshi held her sword to her chest timidly, her face looking unsure as to if she should head inside or not but she did get that message right? Taking a deep breath she stepped inside "Hello? I am looking for Captain Shuiji?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Nairin was ready to take on anything Shinzo was about to dish out. With her focus on him, she pictured a number of possible movements she could make in the stance that she had firmly placed herself in, but the one she'd use would depend on what Shinzo chose to do. He was giving her more than enough time to prepare which made her wonder if he was planning something that'd cause her alot of damage. This thought shook Nairin's nerves a little, however she kept her confidence. A voice that she had never heard before seemingly came out of nowhere suddenly. Following the noise, Nairin's eyes landed on a Hell butterfly that had appeared by her side. How long had that been there for? She had been way too focused on Shinzo to realise what was going on within her surroundings.

After hearing the message, Nairin's eyebrows jolted together annoyed for being interrupted when she was getting into the spar... although once she had heard Shinzo's reaction, she couldn't help but feel a sense of superiority over the other. Her scrunched eyebrows soon settled as a smirk rose across her lips while she stuck her tongue out at Shinzo. "Looks like the Captain of Squad Twelve think I'm better than you heheh. How's it feel to be in the company of a more superior Shinigami to you Shinzo?" Placing her hands on her hips, Nairin stuck her chest out slightly, seeming proud. She just couldn't resist this opportunity to rub in the fact that she was chosen for a special mission over him, since it didn't take a genius to see that Shinzo was in fact stronger and more skilled than her. "If Aya was chosen too that'd just be insulllting" Nairin chuckled darkly while elongating her last word and adding a sarcastic tinge to it. Shunpoing to her grounded sheave, Nairin pulled the strap back around her hip and shoved her sword back into it's opening. "Well I'll see you later, I wouldn't want to be late for the special mission I have been chosen to go on. Have fun with your training mate" Waving with a smug grin, Nairin turned on her heel and broke into a sprint towards the Seireitei, more specifically to it's Twelfth Squad. She couldn't help but wonder why she was chosen over Shinzo though, any smart person surely wouldn't do that. Perhaps they saw talent in her or more potential. Whatever it was, that didn't matter, hopefully this mission would be a fun one... but since Shinzo wasn't chosen also, she doubted she'd get along with anyone there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Aya Oda & Ike Tsugi

Aya pouted when Yakima swiped his wife away before she could tell her a weakness to the captain. He was such a meany face and now she would blackmail him so hard! She groaned as she made her way to the captain door and was about to knock on it when a hell butterfly appeared in front of her delivering a message from the squad 12 captain. She grinned and pumped her fist. "Hell yeah! Ima wreck some peeps with other peeps!" Aya said taking off slightly thanking the gods she didn't have to take no shot for something dumb like an arm.

At the squad ten barracks Ike was seen punching a training dummy when the Hell butterfly appeared in front of him. "The fuck?" He mumbled as it gave him a message to which he scratched his head. "So Im doing this with others? I swear to god, if they are all idiots I will kill everything I see." Ike said gritting his teeth as he shunpoed towards squad twelve, yet halfway he was collided into by Aya Oda who looked at him and frowned. "You aint sitting buddy you Ragetroid." Aya said taking off again, which Ike stared at her putting his fingers against his skull and doing a fake blowing his head off gesture, before continuing onto the squad.

When Ike got there he saw a tiny female telling the members she was looking for the captain to which Ike patted her on the head. "Too nice, got to be more assertive." Ike said as he took her by the arm. "We have business with the captain as he called us here. So go back to your d-" Ike was able to say before Aya crash landed on his skull, luckily he was able to let go of Koyoshi before he burrowed into the ground. "Oh you are going on the mission Ragetroid? Cool! Oh and you don't look like a nerd little one so you must also be an ally! Well hold on then you two!" Aya shouted as she took hold of Koyoshi but as she reached to grab Ike she realized she only had one arm. "Oh yeah....." Aya said as Ike pulled himself to a standing position and sighed. "Its fine... I'm calm..... ish." Ike said as he walked inside the building while Aya giggled and hummed as she dragged Koyoshi with her to the captain door to which Ike knocked on the door then pushed open, so the first thing the captain would see would be an annoyed look by Ike who had dirt in his hair. "Fucking Aya? You want to see us suffer huh?" Ike complained as he did the little bow thing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago



"True but think about this Nishi." Nene said gazing down at the small female. "If we went back do you know how many civilians would perish because we were scared? Heck the chance they are all slaughtered is a probability. Besides I do have an idea, all I need is for them to be slowed down enough for me to activate my shikai's ability and make it impossible for them to cause harm without them harming themselves. Hence why I asked you to help me put up those bakudos. Sure we may not be the strongest, but I rather fight someone strong then someone intelligent. Those are the ones that will beat you in the fastest way possible. However I wont ask you to stay. If you feel it wiser to get backup. Then by all means do so."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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"Too nice, got to be more assertive."

"Huh?!" Koyoshi was very confused when her head was suddenly petted and she was told to be more assertive, though when she was grabbed and the others were started to be told they should return to their duties, she tried to struggle and free herself "B-but I really need to see the capt-," Before either of them could finish speaking as suddenly a blur of a woman smashed the mans head into the ground like a rail spike! "Eah!" Koyoshi lifted one leg and arm away in shock, surprised by the pairs suddenly entrance.

"W-well I need to-, wait ally? You are going to see the captain too?"

She sounded happy for a moment for someone to guide her there, though what she was not expecting was to have her arm grabbed once again and then dragged away like a doll towards the captains office! By the time they had reached there Koyoshi looked like a frightened little rabbit "Scary people, scary people" She said over and over again under her breath.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 15 days ago


Upon arrival, he can see that there are already a few others there. Among them, a small female seemingly losing her mind due to the situation. Seeing her getting dragged about by a girl with short black hair is a bit amusing but he had to stop it regardless. "Oi, you, unhand the lady." He said as he walked up to the trio, the red haired one, the short with with the long brown hair and the other shorter girl with the short black hair. "Can you see she is uncomfortable with the situation?" Without saying much else, he walked towards them elegantly, swooping between the brown-haired girl and the black haired one and gently separated them.

During all of this, one can plainly see Kyoichi had his katana with him, dangling from the left side of his waist. With the brown haired girl untangled, he walked into the opening that led to the captain's office. Upon his entrance, he can see that the red haired one had already entered, and he is already annoyed by some odd reason...

Along with the trio, there was another with them. This one was sultry. Looking more mature than the rest of them. Her hair was short, and silver in color. Her body..well, what is there to say about it? Being the tallest one in the group, he stood a few inches taller than the other male in the group. Now that the surveying of the group is done, all they had to wait for it the captain to arrive...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Nairin walked inside the Squad Twelve's entrance, making her way to where she thought the Captain's office might of been. She assumed that all of the Squad's barracks might of had similar layouts so she went in the direction she would of gone if she were to visit her own Captain's office. However, as she travelled, she heard a cluster of noise close by. She immediately recognised one of the voices and instantly smashed her right palm into her face. 'You have got to be fucking kidding me. Wait, maybe I'm wrong, I've gotta be! She could be here for a fake arm or something!' Following the sound of Aya's voice, Nairin turned a few corners before before spotting a group of three Shinigami. One was Aya however the other two she couldn't recognise. Raising an eyebrow, Nairin walked closer to the group, about to ask if they were also selected for the mission when a tall, blue-eyed male appeared, trying to separate Aya and the other girl. 'Who the hell are these people?' Deciding to refrain from speaking, Nairin followed as the group moved on.

If they led her to the Captain's office, her hope of having a fun mission would be crushed. Unfortunately, her suspicions were right.

Stepping into the office after everyone else, Nairin looked around at the array of people who were also chosen. "Fuck! Why are you here Aya?! Please tell me it's 'cuz of your fucking missing arm! Dammit, it isn't is it?! You all were also chosen weren't you?! This mission is gunna fucking suck so hard now... I could of been smashing Shinzo's face in right now!" Speaking her thoughts, Nairin didn't care if she ended up upsetting anyone. They were all, except Aya, strangers to her so she couldn't care less of what they thought of her. Crossing her arms in annoyance, Nairin scanned the area. "Ulgh, whatever, lets just fucking get on with this. Where's the Captain?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Kagiko Shuiji

Kagiko sat in his office...sleeping...in his chair. His hat covered his face as his head hung back, yet he was rudely awoken when some people showed up at his office, knocking on the door which caused him to sit up straight as his hat fell into his lap "They're here already? Damn...I was hoping the new people would get lost so I could have a decent nap" Kagiko let out a sigh as he rubbed the back of his head with his left hand and then picked up his hat with his right as he got out of his chair and walked around his desk to the door and opened it seeing 5 of the 6 people he had called gathered.

"Well...you're here. Hmm..." Kagiko looked over the group and picked up certain features about them...Aya's one arm clearly standing out like a saw thumb...if she had a thumb...for the arm...and hand...she was missing. Regardless Kagiko knew she was capable enough to do this mission...he needed to see her anyway to get an idea on what arm would replace her missing one as he'd heard about the incident. There was hardly a thing Kagiko didn't know about the Soul Society and it's inhabitants...Yet some things escaped his reach unfortunately. "Well let's get right into this! I'm going to put you all into groups of two. Aya and Koyoshi will be Group one. Ike and Kuroda you two will be Group 2..annd...Nairin...uhh you will be grouped up with the other girl when she finally shows up. Anyway!"

Kagiko said as he placed his hat on his head "This mission is nothing exciting but I will be using you all for missions that are linked to this one. Just remember to keep it a secret...people must not know of this mission until it's over. Think of yourselves as my special task force if you will~ Unfortunately Central 46 are a pain when I request we take actions on such things but not this time! So I want to keep things simple for now, not get to bogged down in the details. Group one! I'm sending you to Yokohama in the human world. You will be looking for a specific hollow that has the ability to use acid to great length's...a normal hollow does have acidic touch but this is far worse. I want you to kill the hollow, yet preserve it's body so I may experiment on it and find out what is creating these odd hollows. Same goes for the rest also. Group two! You will be going to Mito in the human world! You will be dealing with a hollow that is somewhat normal...except for the fact that it can spawn smaller hollows from it's body...quite...disgusting if you ask me. Same applies...kill it, but keep it in one piece."

"Now...Group...uhm...Three..." Kagiko said looking over at just Nairin...he at this point was hoping the other would have shown up but clearly not yet "Well you will have to fill her in when she gets here! You will be going to Kofu! Of course also located in the human world...this hollow...I don't know much about but I chose to be extra safe with this one hence the other person who you will be paired with. Anyway...again...keep it in one piece. You will know it's unusual when you see it...So let me stress to you all once again. Do not destroy these hollows masks, do not cut them into pieces, keep them in one but try deal fatal blows that don't involve cutting the mask. It's important I get them back in one piece or else we could come under some serious danger if this is allowed to go further. Now!" Kagiko reached into his Haori and pulled out three remotes with single red buttons on and handed one out to each group.

"These are to be used when and if you get into trouble or when you defeat the hollow so we can pick it up. Of course I know you're asking why I coudln't go myself or send someone from my squad but the truth is Squad 12 is always under the eyes of others and so it's hard to move...hence why we must stay here but I can sneak a few members out to help when and if you need it. Now with that! You are dismissed!" Kagiko then turned around and looked down a little then jumped a bit seeing a woman looking at him with her one eye "Ah~ So you're Shizuka? The final member...uhm...did you hear the task?" The girl just walked past Kagiko and up to Nairin then looked at her. Kagiko sighed then turned around to look at Nairin "I take it she knows what's happening but it doesn't matter...she wont listen. I took her on knowing this full well but regardless...I know she can get the job done. Your main job is to try keep her in check...that's why if you have difficulties with that then you can use the remote also if you need an extra pair of hands...right...now you're dismissed and ready to go! Go take these hollows out before they cause anymore damage!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Aya Oda and Ike Tsugi

As they gathered there, Nairin came in second to last and first thing she did was bitch about Aya being there. Aya however just stared at her and walked up to her and giggled and gave her a hug before holding up a finger to her as the captain was going to speak. Ike's eye just twitched as he covered Koyoshi's ears from Nairin's vulgar mouth. A young girl like her didn't need to hear a sexual crazed woman's vulgar words anyway. So when the Captain started speaking, he took his hands off her ears and listened. They were all paired in groups of two, with Aya being with Koyoshi and Ike being with Kuroda. Ike looked at Kuroda and just raised his head to him before focusing on what his group would be doing. Killing a hollow who made smaller versions, they just had to preserve the body. It sounded like they would have the most trouble despite what the third group would be fighting. They had to be careful not to break the mask of their target who made clones of itself, Ike then looked at the remote he was handed and grumbled as he handed it to Kuroda.

Aya looked at Koyoshi and grinned as she gave the tiny female who was surprisingly smaller than Aya, a nice hug. "We got this Rabbit! Acid is like not gonna even harm me. I'm made of steel and shiz! So if acid is flying at you, just use me as a shield. I'll null that crap!" Aya shouted as she grabbed the remote and grinned at it. "Not gonna lie. I wanna push it now despite knowing what it will do." Aya said but resisted her urge to push it until later.

This was when Shizuka appeared who Aya stared at and Ike grinned at. It was clear Shizuka was in Nairin's group, this made Ike frown a bit as if he was going to be paired with someone he would have preferred Shizuka. So upon dismissal Ike looked at Nairin and chuckled. "Good luck, I fought her for a minute and she doesn't give one fuck about who you are." Ike then looked at Shizuka and grinned widely. "After this mission, were fighting again, but outside the Seireitei so our dumb captain cant complain were wrecking the place." Ike then nodded to Kuroda so they could leave and walked out of the office. Aya looked at the captain and laughed. "See you later Techno! Good luck Menstrual Cycle!" Aya shouted at Nairin as Aya lifted Koyoshi over her shoulder and shunpoed away, yet once outside set her down and held her hand out. "Im Aya Oda! Were gonna wreck this hollow in the face right Rabbit! Well not in the face.... the body! We will wreck it in the body!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Koyoshi was a little surprised to be separated from her 'captures' so soon as she had fully expected to have to listen to the captains speech like that. These people were so full of energy and the opposite of herself, but the captain trusted them so she was sure they were good people right? "Eh? Huh? Uuuuuuu" Koyoshi rocked from side to side as her ears had been covered up, blocking her innocent ears from the rather rude language that was being thrown about, though she did not understand that thinking that she was just being teased for being small, even giving off a small whine like a dog, which as if its own living thing her pony tail responded by lowering ever so slightly.

After her ears were released she stared back to the guy for a moment with a pout, before she started listening intently to what was going to be happening, it sounded a little shady given that he spoke as if the higher ups didn't want this but if her captain really wanted her to go on this mission then she could not disappoint!

"It looks like we will be working together Aya, I hope-," Her sentence was cut short as she was suddenly hugged "Uuuuuu" She uttered a small response as she was called a rabbit, her pony tail swaying back and forth as she shook her head. However it seemed to go unheeded as she was lifted from the ground and being caulght up in the moment she said her goodbyes to the others as well "S-See you soon everyone!" After they eached outside she was thankfulyl set down, which she gave a happy sigh too, reaching out for the other girls hand right away as if trained to do so. "Yeah, I'm Koyoshi! It is nice to work with you. I'm sure we will do just great."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Aya smiled as Koyoshi shook her hand and was already assured the mission would go well. "Yep! We will make that hollow bow in defeat!" Aya said grinning a wide smile and then noted Koyoshi's quiet attitude and shyness. "You don't have to be nervous, just pretend I'm like a big sister! Just a really crazy one armed badass older sister!" Aya stated before motioning for Koyoshi to follow her and shunpoed off. So when they reached the weird portal thingy Aya told the men there that they were going to Yokohama.

Aya then grabbed Koyoshi's hand. "This way if we get lost its at least together!" Aya said before running off in the portal, and despite what she said about getting lost. She seemed to find the right exit and was standing on the outskirts of the city of Yokohama. Aya then tapped her head in thought. "So we have to find an acid hollow. So maybe we should look for any acid like trails it might have left?" Aya suggested before looking at Koyoshi for her input.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Koyoshi nodded in response to Aya's words, though she was clearly missing a arm she felt like the girl could look after herself but she was unsure if she could protect herself and her at the same time... Still she would make sure not to be a burden, with a curt nod Koyoshi followed along with Aya to reach the portal to the city of Yokohama, where she grabbed onto the girls only hand before entering, thankfully one of them was able to find their way to the city limits.

"To look for the acid hollow I suggest that we see the local spirits. It is sure not to go unnoticed. It would be easier than looking for the evidence throughout the entire city." She did not seem so strict about it but she did feel it was the best course of action, though the whole strict tone was lost on someone so cute and small. Still she soon started to make her way towards the city, aiming to try and find someone long dead to talk too, before sending them off of course. She waited for Aya, wondering if she had any good places to start "Where should we head too first?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Nairin's eyebrows squashed together as Aya unexpectedly hugged her after she had expressed dislike towards the girl. She must of thought Nairin was joking since she giggled, which further annoyed her. Just about to speak up, Aya stopped her in her tracks by putting a finger up in front of her mouth... she was just lucky that the Captain started speaking, or else she would of be missing yet another body part of hers.

Listening to the Captain's words while feeling Aya back off, Nairin raised an eyebrow at the explanation of the mission. 'A secret mission huh? Hmhm, wait until Shinzo hear's about this, he'll feel so shitty for not being picked hehe-Wait.. arr shit I'm not supposed to say anything, it's secret damn mission for a reason' As everyone started being paired up, Nairin looked around wondering who her partner will be. Everyone was taken, leaving her alone. The idea of not having to pair with someone was actually starting to make Nairin think that this mission could be fun after all... but of course every time Nairin got her hopes up they'd instantly get crushed by her ending up with the worst option. "Wait... So you're telling me that not only do you know nothing about my target, I also have to babysit my partner?" She looked down at the remote she was handed, closing her eyes to stop herself from scowling at the Captain. After a second, she opened them again to look into the eyes of her partner who apparently decided to show up and stare at her. 'Fuck! This is my partner?! Of course I get the weird bitch who apparently doesn't fucking talk! Ulgh!'

A red-headed guy then started talking to her, wishing her good luck and giving her some advice, much to her displeasure. "And I don't give a fuck who she is so you can shove that luck up your ass because I don't need it! As long as she co-operates so we can finish this asap then I'm happy." Nairin looked at Shizuka as she spoke but kept her voice from raising. This mission wasn't going to be a walk in the park, especially if she has to keep a close eye on her partner along with completing the mission. Looking back at Ike, Nairin was about to suggest switching partners since he seemed to be fond of Shizuka but the male had already walked over to his partner. Aya then felt the need to give her another nick-name as she said her goodbyes, to which Nairin responded. "Yeah good luck and try not to loose another damn arm pipsqueak! It's a body part not a fucking set of keys!" After yelling back at Aya, Nairin aggressively shoved the remote into one of her uniform's pockets and began walking out of the doorway. "Lets get this over with Shizuka." Whether the girl followed or not didn't bother her, as long as they both reached the same location it didn't matter what route they took and Nairin was not in the mood to escort the girl. 'Why the fuck would I need an extra pair of hands to handle another Shinigami? How mental can she be like come'on! Fucking insult me like that for! Damn asshole.'
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Listening to Koyoshi's idea she tapped her chin and after a few seconds nodded. "Sounds good to me Rabbit! Although finding spirits might be a little hard too. Its not like they are plentiful here." Aya mentioned before following Koyoshi off into the city, where somewhere deep inside the troubled place had a fancy hollow. Which she was going to rip its head..... punch a hole through its heart. so when Koyoshi asked Aya where they should start looking she smiled and placed her fist on her hip.

"I'll you in on a secret, I have a thing for deceased things, this thing lets me find him fairly easy. Thats the good part, bad part is that its usually bad souls that I can find because I tend to deal with hell. But hey its better than nothing." Aya said with a shrug before closing her eyes and within a couple of seconds she opened her eyes and took off like a cheetah. She ran through the city and came across one soul snarling. "Heya mister you see an-" She was cut off by the soul flipping her off. To this see held up her sword to prepare to send it to the next life. by that I mean she was going to cut the soul with the blade and help it go to hell. Shame it had a chance for redemption.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


(Shizuka is...brutal...so there may or may not be some gory stuff)


Shizuka observed everyone around her...she knew instantly that she wouldn't get along with any of these people...one of which she didn't get along with anyway. Then again...liking and disliking people was something Shizuka didn't really concern herself with, it was somewhat of a wasted emotion...especially on people she thought would end up dead. Shizuka then observed the person she had been paired with...she was far from anything special...just some loud mouth girl who was heard before she was seen...a large downside in Shizuka's opinion. Regardless...Shizuka had been requested for this mission for some reason...she was made promises of fighting strong hollow and that was what brought her here.

Seeing Nairin walk off Shizuka followed...usually Shizuka would take off and do her own thing but she was conserving her energy for the fights that she'd inevitably have...she was itching to sink her Zanpakuto into something and watch the blood spill out from the gaping wound, as she thought about this her blood began pumping and this mixed with Shizuka trying to actually be patient would make for a deadly mixture...if only Nairin knew what she was paired up with...Shizuka was more of a Monster than anything else and just like all Monsters...she had an even darker side to her...
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