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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sven the Silent
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Sven the Silent The far-left-social-authoritarian

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago


Size: With his taller then average height of six foot, five inches. It's easy to stand out amongst the crowd, something you do not want during an apocalypse. Being taller then average also complicates your search for clothing and your ability to hide behind small objects.

Physical Shape: In his free time John often went out to play soccer with his friends, something he has been doing ever since his childhood. He never was a fan of going to the gym and soccer proved to be fun, a good work out and a healthy way to relieve stress. As a result of this John has an above average amount of stamina and his legs are well defined and musculair. His upper body however, all though thin and sporting a fair amount of muscle tone, is some what underdeveloped compared to his lower body. The apocalypse has so far managed to keep him in shape, with running not being much of a problem for him. His lack of climbing skills and developed upper body strength makes parkour more difficult, something which is troublesome when having to escape the faster and more agile infected. He has thus been working out with the limited means available, desperate to improve his abilities to survive.

Name: John Theodore Statham

Age: 31 years old.

Personality: John can be quite sociable and has no problem engaging in conversation or talking infront of groups, he however enjoys his alone time and often takes a few hours of the day for himself so he can relax and read a good book. History is his passion and it's only fitting that he himself, is old fashioned as well. Because of this he is always the gentlemen, looking out for women more so then he would for a man. He doesn't let himself believe that he does so because women need protection and can't protect themselves, but to others it may look as though deep down that is how he feels without realising it. This goes in line with his hesitation to fight a woman, whether that be through words or with physical violence. His attitude to men is much different, he expects any man to take care of himself and he frowns upon men that express their emotions rather then keeping them inside. His believes extend as far as that if a person can't listen to reason, he needs to listen to violence instead so he will be reminded of his place in line. Despite that, he is lucky enough to have an aura of natural charm and a bright smile. He treats everyone nice and with respect, actively listening to whoever is talking to him. Yet if someone annoys him he will be quick to ignore them and should that person find himself in a situation they need his help, it is most likely that he will not help them but rather watch them fail. Everyone has a chance at redemption though, should a person he previously disliked change his attitude, then they will find that John's attitude towards them improves also.

Occupation: History professor at Georgia State University.

Equipment: John is wearing a pair of expensive black shoes, a pair that would normally be worn with a nice tuxedo or a blazer. He has combined this with a pair of dark blue pants, supported by a black police belt that he stole from the corpse of a deceased police officer. The blouse he is currently wearing is an equally dark shade of blue, that matches his pants perfectly. Unlike his pants however, the blouse was taken from the same deceased police officer, along with the man's badge and shoulder fitted radio. On his back he has a dark grey backpack with a bedroll attached to the lower end. His whole apparel is some what dirty, featuring both old and faded bloodstains and a thin layer of dirt. He choose this specific outfit so that others would firstly be intimidated, believing that he was an active police officer and is thus a more then capable melee fighter yet is also able to accurately use a gun. Secondly because unlike with the military, most people still have a positive image of police officers, many of whom simply died in the first few weeks of the outbreak attempting to help people.

Inventory: John still carries his phone from before the outbreak, savouring the pictures on it but keeping it off for most periods of time, attempting to preserve the battery. He also still carries his wallet, filled with money, small change, his identification, drivers license and various cards.

The police belt still holds a pair of handcuffs, keys, a primary flashlight, secondary flashlight, baton holder without a baton, disposable gloves and mask, taser and a bottle of pepperspray.

The backpack on his back contains two large bottles of water, five variations of canned food, a roll of tinfoil, half empty bottle of deoderant, nearly empty bottle of toothpaste, toothbrush, two journals in which he can write down his thoughts or notes on the infection, a small box of pencils, pencil sharpener, a packet of condoms, razor, shaving cream, three sets of clean underwear, four pairs of socks, two shirts, one jacket, two pairs of blue jeans.

Weapons: Steel pipe with a double tee pipe fitting fastened to it. The double tee has one large steel bolt tightly secured on each end, resembeling a sledgehammer albeit half its size, in appearal. The weapon has only moderate weight, but is capable of taking down walls whilst suffering little to no damage. The materials required to craft the weapon are easy to find and require little technical knowledge to assemble.

Smith & Wesson M&P semi-automatic pistol that has unfortunately suffered a malfunction and despite looking fire ready, is unable to preform. Lack of knowledge and experience on weapon maintenance has prefented its user from fixing the issue. The weapon in its current form can only be used as a last resort melee weapon or to intimidate Humans that do not know about its defective state.

Background: John grew up in the richer part of Atlanta, Georgia. His family wasn't exactly rich but they weren't poor either. At best their situation could be described as above middle class, something that allowed John to have a care free childhood, which was uneventful at most. The only real hardships he had to deal with in his younger years were the things that most childern would experience, such as the death of a family pet or a friend moving away.

When he entered his teens, John discovered his love for history. He started to devote more of his free time to reading history books, reading studies online, watching movies and even going as far as participating in several history related roleplays. A habit that continued throughout his teens into his adult life, that wasn't all he did though. Playing a soccer was a beloved past time and he spend most of his weekends playing soccer with friends, untill he started to notice girls that is. Once he gained an interest in them he devoted less time to soccer and history and more time towards talking to girls, one in particulair.

John discovered at that age that he was quite comfortable talking to girls as well as boys, in large groups even. Something that proved to be quite handy during presentations or in terms of making a romantic gesture towards a girl. Approaching a woman surrounded by her friends would take a lot of courage and that in turn is bound to gain interest. Despite his natural charm, he never really became a ladies man. Choosing to instead focus his attention on one girl, in which he entered a relationship with that lasted to his adulthood. Over that period of time he was her first and she was his in everything ranging from kissing tow making love.

After high school, John decided to study History with the aims of becoming a teacher or professor at either a high school or college in town. His study was succesful and he graduated amongst the top of his class, having a passion for the thing you're studying helps keep you interested and greatly boosts your knowledge and memory of the subject. During his time in college he never really developed a habit for drinking or smoking, he never experimented with drugs either. Choosing to stay clean of all out of personal choice, succeeding in not allowing peer pressure to take him down.

Finding a job as a teacher proved to be easy, his young age and inexperience proved to be a minor bump in the road. The demand for teachers was higher then the reluctance of some schools about his age. Fortunately one of the universities in Atlanta allowed him to try out as an intern, hoping that John would prove to be a good teacher that would in turn inspire more young people to become teachers as well. Their confidence in him was not misplaced and John proved to be an able teacher. He was able to identify with his students because they were rather close to his age, but he was also capable to command respect and keep order in his class room. Whilst at the same time actually teaching them, his broad knowledge and genuine interest in history rubbed off on his students, which in turn started to enjoy his classes more. In the end his job proved to be perfect for him. Truly living up to the phrase of ''If you love your job, you never have to work a day in your life.''

At the start of the outbreak John found himself in one of the large library's in town, amongst a crowd of students preparing and studying for finals. When hell broke lose the local police forces attempted to barricade themselves inside along with a large group civillians that were previously on the street. The library, now heavily crowded. Stood no chance when the infected managed to get inside. In an array of fighting in which students tried to defend themselves with anything they could find, police officers shooting at will and others choosing to smply run for their lives. Total chaos erupted, the end result being that both groups virtually eliminated eachother, the infected ultimately winning and creating a carnage. The library now filled with the corpses of the childern studying there and the infected that died in the initial assault.

John survived by hiding in the bathroom, ripping pipies out of the wall and fashioning them into a makeshift weapon. From there whilst high on adrenaline, he managed to kill several infected and managed to escape up to the second level of the building. On the second floor he found the corpse of a dead infected and a small trail of blood leading away from it, towards a large closet. Judging by how several things had been thrown out, John was able to deduce that a person was hiding inside. He chose to approach the closet and reassured the person inside that it was safe to come out and that he wasn't going to harm her.

After a some what shaky and awkward introduction, Anastasia and he decided to stick together for the mean time. Together they set up a small safe house in one of the offices on the top floor of the library, barricading the stairs going down in an attempt to avoid facing what was downstairs. After a few days of listening to the radio and watching the unfolding events, they decided that things were not going to get any better and that they should stick together. That was two months ago today, they have been together ever since. Taking care of eachother when needed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rae Zer
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Rae Zer Fear the Rae Zerg!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

----Victoria 'Tori' Pesa----

Size: 5'6, 142 lbs
Physical Shape: Tori is in rather good shape but she isn't muscular. The majority of her weight is untoned muscle with very little fat on her body. The majority of her muscle is in her legs, abs, and triceps.
Age: 20
Personality: Tori is most definitely not brave. She would rather not fight any infected unless she is cornered. But, she cares for other people and isn't willing to leave them along with a group of infected so long as she and the others could fight the group and survive. She'd rather play it on the safe side and hide out for the night than to risk encountering infected in the dark. Occasionally Tori has difficulty staying calm under pressure but she is certainly capable of calming down easily.
Occupation: Studying Hydroculture in college with a minor study in Horticulture
Equipment: A pair of size 6 hiking boots, a black leather vest, green cargo pants, a plain grey t-shirt, and a blue and black button up.
Inventory: Five bottles of water, a pack of cigarettes, a half-full lighter, deodorant, a bed roll, a picture of her father, first of the Harry Potter books, a box of crackers, two cans of beans, a can opener, and a Rubik's cube.
Weapons: A used machete, pocket knife with a seven inch blade, and a tire iron.
Background: The daughter of a Pharmacist and Nurse, Tori grew up a rather nice life. She was born in San Antonio, Texas to Maria Haven and Julio Pesa. Tori was the oldest child, and only surviving child, of three. Her life was rather uneventful until, when she was eight, her mother and two brothers were killed in a side on collision with a drunk driver. Tori spiraled into depression after their death while her father threw himself into work to cope with the pain. She rarely saw her father in the four years after their death while she turned to cutting herself to relieve her pain. On the anniversary of the accident, Tori tried to commit suicide and was sent to a counseling center for a summer.

Her life changed totally after being in what was basically rehab for an entire summer. She started to actually attend her classes in school and devoted herself to forwarding her life. Tori started a garden after coming back as a form of coping rather than going on with her life like she had before. Meanwhile, her Father continued working late nights and early mornings in obvious pain until he met Melanie Finch, a young woman of twenty-eight who had recently come to his work as a pharmacy technician. Tori watched as her Father slowly slipped away from her and towards Melanie. Eventually, Tori grew distant with her father and decided that she would move out the moment she was accepted to college. And so, Tori moved out of her childhood house and into an apartment with a friend of hers who was going to the same college as her. Tori never though that zombies could have actually happened and wasn't planning for it to happen as it did. When the government started making safe areas, Tori and her best friend had been driving to Georgia to get into a camp. By the time they reached a camp, they had shut down the admission of new people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dirty Dan
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Dirty Dan boo

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Pripovednik
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Pripovednik ☞NO HANDS☜

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Size: 5'10", 140
Physical Shape: Athletic. Brian isn't fat, but he isn't skinny either. While he is muscular he isn't bulky, nor is he in anyway top heavy(infact he has more lower body strength). After years of running from trouble, navigating through alleys and across roofs, he has developed the perfect flexible body for parkour style movement and the occasional gymnastic feat of luck.
Name: Brian Whisdell
Age: 27
Personality: Prefering to keep things low key Brian hates any kind of bully. He doesnt get overly emotional about much, except seeing others get hurt in which case he will usually drop all sense of logic to try and help. Always approaching zombies with patience and precision Brian has a tendency to take his time, making sure to be as quiet as possible.For example: if there was a building to clear Brian would go in from the roof first, climbing the fire escape to the top and slowly making his way down room by room. This way only he was in danger. He likes to think of himself as a good samaritan - a gentleman.
Occupation: Criminal, Brian was a small time thief who stole from rich families homes and gave the money/valuables to the kids of the orphanage he grew up in. He was in prison when it began, a guard he had come to be friends with set him free.
Sweats and trainers.[hider]

Semi-elastic long sleeve shirt.[hider]

Grey hoodie [hider]

Pocket bandolier around left side chest [hider]

Water proof Sleeping Bag strapped to back-pack.
One small cooking pan, two 1/2litre water bottles, spare clothes and a hatchet.
A Map of the city and a few packets of food (imperishable).
A toothbrush and towel.Crystaline anti-perspirent.
A wallet with a no money in it, only an old picture of himself and friends.
Assortment of various stolen jewelry.
Pistol with 3 extra magazines.

Improvised spear.

Concealed flip knife

Background: Growing up an orphan was hard for Brian. While he made some close friends he was also bullied persistantly at his school which would lead to fights. This went on for years until one day (after he heard that his friend had just been adopted) Brian had had enough and didnt even give the bullies a chance to throw their first insult before he threw his first punch. After knocking one clean out and leaving the other two bruised and bloody Brian was given a weeks detention, which gave him time to 'think' and to heal his own wounds.

Realising the system was against him already, he set out to balance the odds, and began to find other bullies from other schools - teaching them a lesson. Finding that the rich were too rich, Brian would steal from various houses around his area, minor things at first. All through his life he moved from place to place stealing as he went. He fell into a dark circle for a few years, a group of less than kind men, who didnt just steal but killed. Brian has nothing to thank them for except a generally good knowledge of fire arms and blades.

With that behind him Brian had returned to his home, settling down in a hotel room which he kept modest and clean, paying his rent on time so as not to be suspicious; giving what he didn't need to the orphanage he had grown up in. When he was pulling a second job on the first house he had ever hit, (thinking they were still as easy a target as they were) turns out the sneaky shits had installed a fancy security system. After a close escape and an over-roofs chase Brian had no where else to run, so snuck the jewelry he had stolen into the hidden section of his bag and gave himself up.

He had been in prison for around 5 months when it all began, after a few days some of the policeman along with some civilians barricaded themselves into the station. Freddie, a guard he had become friendly with set him free to go and find the group some food and water. When Brian returned the whole place was empty with no sign of a struggle except for a few drops of blooding leading into the jail cells. There he found Freddie, a zombie, feasting on one of the inmates Jake. Taking the gun from the compartment under the main desk, Brian shot Freddie pointblank and then Jake for safety. Quickly taking the flip knife he knew Jake had hidden on him, he escaped just in time, before the zombies the shots had attracted fell upon the station.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Anastasia Vivian LeBrouche


Ten and Eight years of age
Plus seven months, three days, nine hours, seven minutes and approximately thirty-two seconds


Five foot, three inches
, one centimeter and three militeters.
One hundred and twenty Pounds
Actually, it’s one hundred and nineteen point seven-eight, pounds.

Physical Shape

Before the beginning of the end, Anastasia was small and thin, with little real muscle to speak of and for the most part she has retained the same mass with little fluxuation. She has little body fat after the span of time and has gained just enough muscle in her arms and legs for the constant activity that she finds herself in every day. She has a flat stomach and slight curves that are still in the process of developing; long limbs and a medium length torso, long fingers. She has a slight limp as well, from breaking her leg and it not healing quite right.
I can run and jump just like everyone else, just don’t ask me to do it a whole bunch or I’ll end up dead like them. Then where would you be without the living Encyclopedia?


It’s clear to say that Anastasia is a bit of a smart-alec and a huge know-it-all. She’s spent every waking moment of her life gathering an extensive collection of knowledge inside of her head and she’s very proud of it, even if she doesn’t know exactly what to do with that knowledge half of the time. She’s a thinker, and will often rather spend her time puzzling over a problem than jumping into the action like many others do; instead she finds the best way to go about it first – before getting someone else to do it. Anna likes to play yhr back row and remain unnoticed by others until it’s a time when she can shine and put forth what she knows and put it to good use – she has demonstrated this before. Regardless of her love of learning she is never satisfied with what she knows and constantly goes on the search for something new to set her sights on, sometimes leading herself into dangerous areas and rumours, she is also shy and tends to refrain from greatly impacting her own emotions with the bonds of humanity. Unfortunately, she gets attached to those she likes and never wants to let them go either. She is capable of great compassion and loyalty, if one does earn her trust, and often spends her time in groups tending to the injured or avoiding confrontation all together.


Librarian’s Assistant and Medical Student


Mostly, Anastasia finds herself dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans, suited for easy movement though not restricting or getting in the way; a short sleeve shirt from the assortment of shirts she’s found or taken, primarily she likes to wear a plain grey shirt that is a little loose on her; her choice of footwear is a pair of worn sneakers she’s has since before the disaster, she hopes she’ll be able to find a pair of fitting boots before winter; a warn black zip up sweater, grey fuzz on the inside.


In a traditional, three main pocket school backpack she keeps a utility knife, notebook for observations, three pens – one black, one blue, one purple – and a hair brush. Most items she keep on her rotate with the need as she rarely leaves the library and often keeps her things in the space she sleeps inside of. In the smallest of the pockets she keeps a picture of her mother, held inside of a black leather, men’s wallet she puts money she finds inside of. A box of matches sits in a plastic bag inside of the biggest pocket, closest to her back, just on top of the fabric grocery bag. As far as food goes she always keeps a bottle of water on her at all times, and at least two granola bars from what she has kept inside.
Really though, I don’t go anywhere. People come to me when they need something and they bring me stuff.


Anastasia isn’t one for combat and prefers to stay out of the fray in such a way that she’s taken to using a slingshot and math to take down the enemies that she absolutely has to be rid of. She keeps usually about five or six steel ball barrings in a small pouch in her sweater pocket though prefers to use rocks and bits of rubble that work well enough and still fly the same. As well she has a staff – more just a study piece of wood – that she uses to keep them away from her when she really needs to.
Neither requires me to have an overabundance of muscle, nor to get so close as they can touch me too; perfect for someone trying not to die but doesn’t have the strength to run.


Awaiting collaboration
Anastasia was born to a high class family as the second daughter and the youngest of five children, with her three older brothers constantly causing trouble and her sister nearly fifteen years her senior. They lived in Venice, Italy for a long while, her parents having moved here for her father’s job as an artist and her mothers’ love of photography, in a modestly sized home with two floors and a small yard where the girls kept a garden. Anna was a strange child, she never cried and she didn’t speak, at least not until her sister had moved away to marry a posh boy in London whom had come calling after his homestay and educational exchange on the island; she never grew to know her sister well and most of her brothers were gone in similar ways before the three moved to America, the next stop on an endless train of moves.

They settled in a small town in South Dakota, living there until Anastasia reached the age of seven, a year and a half since they moved there and on to New York then Vegas and finally they stopped in Atlanta. Because of how often they had moved around, the girl found her friends in works of fiction and the text books at school where she would spend hours reading. Her parents learned she had an eidetic memory when she was nine and had recalled something she’d seen when she was only three years old – a pony on their property, described in picture perfect details. This was the purpose for their move to Atlanta where she attended none but the best schools and found herself in random university lectures simply because she left like it.

Where most kids would have complained about being forced into greatness, she embraced her own mind and began to learn everything she possibly could, from old text books to newspapers dating back all the way to the sixties, lyrics to songs her mother had listened to and dictionaries. She quickly became fluent in any language she tried to learn and was well on her way to becoming a linguist and translator when the accident happened. She was sixteen, beginning to grow into her mothers’ beauty when they picked her up from school one day and were hit head on by a large truck speeding down the street on the wrong side of the road. Her parents died instantly, but Anastasia, in the back seat of the car, miraculously survived the accident. It had crushed her leg and her heart so wake up six months later without a single familiar face around her. They’d called all of her siblings and none had come and it was even worse to learn that her parents had perished from a complete stranger. They had left her with enough money to live off of until she died, but what she needed was love and someone to talk to; she didn’t speak again for two years after the accident. After another few months her brother showed up at the hospital, alone and with only two bags of luggage, ready to take her home he said though she never understood why it was he who had come. James had spent little to no time with her at all, having been absorbed in studies of his own while he reached to become a great scientist to find a cure for anything he could – he was working on the biological weapons team without knowing, they were feeding off his research into various diseases.

Even though she didn’t talk for that long while, she wrote and they would learn together, helping her find her love of knowledge again until her leg was mostly better, a new metal knee cap helping her walk and a couple screws in her leg, though regardless she still walked with a limp and a terrible scar running all the way down either side of her leg led her to never wear the dresses her and her mother had bought again.

During a time when the infected were rising up, taking over and the military had yet to arrive, she was at the library picking out books for her next study project when the police officers had started to bring people inside, away from a group of approaching infected where they could hopefully protect them from the danger. It was a bloody fight and Anastasia saw enough of it that she spoke again, even if it was just a wordless scream and almost silent prayer for her mother and James. With the ensuing chaos almost none of the infect saw her make a dash for the stairs, crimpled and weak the thing grabbed onto her bad leg and sent a jolt of hot pain up her leg, causing her to fall onto the stairs and nearly drop the book she’d been holding. She kicked widely until the grip on her ankle loosened and scrambled up the stairs as best as she could, finding her way through the door and toward a bookshelf to hide behind. She managed to get that far before she doubled over for breath, fighting an asthma attack while it rounded the corner, looking for her. She swung without thinking, the large hardcover volume connecting with its head and causing its death.

By the time everything was done and she couldn’t hear anymore sounds, Anastasia had locked herself in one of the upper floor closets and silently cried herself out of panic. The salt of her tears, the metallic taste of her blood on her tongue, the sound of the dying she could still here; it was such a profound moment of realization that she was allowing so many to die without doing a thing about it that she would never forget hiding in that closet waiting for her brother to come save her again. When the door opened and the silhouette of a man stood outside she spoke, really, for the first time in two years.


She had hoped, beyond hope, that her brother had somehow come to find her; he was the only person she'd ever really spoken to, even before she had left Venice with their parents when he had been living and studying abroad with their eldest brother, Isaac. It was disappointing to her to see that it wasn't her brother, instead it was the history professor she'd seen earlier that day. He'd survived, somehow, just like her. Over the course of the next two months he had helped her come out of that shell again and speak, while they had gotten closer and fortified their little space and tried to survive.

Anastasia knew though, that this little room would not last forever.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Benjamin Young


5'8 154 lbs

Physical Shape:
His body is relatively fit, due to him going for frequent jogging and training. He eats well and so his body has built up to be lean and a tad muscular. He works as a Police Detective's assistant, so he usually prefers to stay at his peak form. The few times Young gets called to the field has affected his Physique, somewhat.


Benjamin is as you find any newbie Detective assistant, brash, young and headstrong. He rushes headlong to help anyone who needs it, even during the apocalypse. He is relatively sociable and can get a conversation going if need-be. He has a harsh attitude towards people he deems are 'assholes', and is even harsher towards criminals who have commited murder, but can get along well with most people. In his free time away from the force, he bodes his time with his closest friends or just propping down a book or two to read, many of his friends tease him do to this peculiarity, particularly due to his age.

Police Detective's Assistant.

He wears normal light blue jeans that give him the freedom to sprint when he deems necessary, he usually sports a beanie and a dark colored hoodie with a light colored shirt for 'contrast'. He always wears 'unfashionable' running footwear as he finds it more comfortable than the typical sneakers that somewhat hinder movements.

He carries around a lightweight rucksack that is lightblue in color, the contents of which are basic neccessities like water, food and an emergency medical kit. His other needed items are there like perfume, toothbrush and the like.

He still carries around 'his' police badge, in memory of Josh.


This weapon was provided by the force for use during emergency situations. The gun has a few rounds in it as Benjamin never really has found a use for it, and can be used to intimidate other humans.

Steel Bat
He grabbed this on his way home, relatively sturdy and still usable. Doesn't weigh him down and rests in his rucksack when it's not needed.

Beginning his life as an orphan, he never really knew the warmth of parental love, he didn't really know them nor how they passed away, they died just like that, in a zoom and in a flash it all ended. His memory from that time was really hazy. All he could remember was that in an impulse his parents pushed him in their hidden room located in the foyer, and next thing he knew, he woke up in a hospital to his uncle's downcast face.

In a stuttering and dejected voice and through tearful eyes he mentioned how his parents were gunned down and the culprits were never found. Only two dead and ravaged bodies were found lying in a pool of blood, eyes filled with terror. Shedding tears with his uncle, they mourned the night away. Waking up the next day, with his uncle sleeping by his side, all that resounded on Benjamin's ears were the sounds of screams from his parents.

Filed with new brimming drive, his goal would be to find his parents' murderers, his uncle, Thomas Young, didn't want him to pursue the path of revenge as nothing great would come of it but Benjamin would not be stopped, and his uncle, understanding his burning anger let him pursue the path of being a detective. In highschool, he was relatively unsociable, being silent and brooding. Most people avoided him, but he did managed to make a friend, well a friend who approached him first. Victoria 'Tori' Pesa. She had somewhat brightened up his dark and gloomy self and after years had pulled him out of his depression and made him sociable. Benjamin after these events had become somewhat protective of her, but entirely platonic.

It was only after the 'incident' where it took the life of almost all of her relatives. Benjamin didn't know what to do, but he had always been there for his friend. Her father didn't really help, straining their relationship.

In college, Benjamin had taken Criminology as his major, still having the perpetually burning drive to find his parents' killer. He, for some reason, naturally excelled at the subject, perhaps it was drive or perhaps it was talent, either way Benjamin didn't care. After a while he had managed to land a job at the local Police Force and became a Detective assistant. His career in this was short lived as the apocalypse came quickly soon as he got his job.

Walking in the office, at the dead of night Benjamin had forgotten his rucksack at a desk. The smell of metal permeated the air, though Benjamin didn't take heed as this was a police building after all. Entering the building was eerie at night, the stillness and deafening silence perturbed Benjamin as it caused him to quicken his pace. Finally arriving at the desk, he sees one of his colleagues near it, just standing there. Feeling a sense of foreboding, he grabbed his gun that was safely tucked behind his back. "Josh, you alright man?" he utters out loud, with 'Josh' turning around with a mouthful of blood and the most grotesque features. Half his face was practically eaten off and he was missing one ear. The thing that was once Josh began to sprint at him, all Benjamin could do was stifle a cry and pull the trigger. A loud gunshot rang through the empty police building.

Quivering and placing his hand on his mouth I- I just killed a man. I go- gotta call Victoria quickly dialing her, he explained that the rumors and jokes about the zombies were real and told her to pack up. At first she wasn't convinced but soon believed so, as Benjamin never took a joke this far. With his friend's blood still on his hands, he trembled as he willed his legs to cautiously trudge the long journey to his house. His journey home had been as if to a strange place, he had walked through this street a million times and now it feels like a trek through an unknown place. Cars were strewn around with their doors flung open, some of them even having a lit engine, providing subtle warmth in the stark contrasting weather. Window panes were broken and the valuables behind them were stolen. I saw my bloodied reflection on the broken shards and Ben felt disgust.

Finally arriving home, he looked for his uncle, only to find it empty. Ben was extremely worried but he had no time. He grabbed his necessities and dumped them into his bag. He picked up a steel bat that he treasured deeply. A memento of his uncle. With a warm smile, he piled it in with the rest. You better be okay, damn uncle.

Soon they were both off in the car, with blaring broadcasts about the walking dead and how the light was 'dying'. They were headed off to a safe spot, but Benjamin still couldn't believe this whole ordeal and wore a face of disbelief the whole trip. Victoria's face was about the same, only hoping for the best as they approached the safe haven.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Larfleeze 💎Golden Diamond💎

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Appearance: Joseph Thawne is a middle-aged male with dark brown skin, and soft grey eyes. Due to lack of shaving supplies he has grown a somewhat short salt-and-pepper beard, and his hair - which he used to shave bald - has now become a short black and grey buzzcut.

Size: 6'1, 152lbs

Physical Shape: Joseph is an African-American male of about medium height (6') for a man his age. He is not overweight, though nor is he underweight, being only average in the weight department, although he used to be heavier before the outbreak. His body is not really fit apart from the occasional necessary exercise - such as running and climbing away from infected or more hostile survivors. He is not some musclebound he-man, yet he is not all skin and bones either. He eats when he can, and all of the running has given him some stamina.

Name: Joseph Thawne

Age: 38

Personality: Joseph is usually a compassionate and kind-hearted man, but due to the terrifying events of the past couple of months, is capable of detachment and distrust towards strangers whom he believes to be a threat to himself and others close to him. Though he is able to keep calm and collected in the face of latent panic, when the situation becomes frighteningly disastrous, Joseph might take the back seat when in a group environment as his state of mind is often seen to devolve into panic and will defer the decision-making to a more confident person. He can generally handle fear or danger with a sense of duty and motivation rather than freezing up.

Despite it being an apocalypse and everyone seems to be out for themselves, he finds that helping others is the only way to fight against it. However, if someone is out of line or is doing something that he views as unjust, he will speak out against it.

Occupation: Surgeon

Equipment: Joseph usually wears a loose-fitting, pale grey hooded jacket, over a cream t-shirt, both of which have been rendered darker due to dirt and the occasional dried bloodstain. The jacket itself is lined with a multitude of pouches and pockets on the front which has often came in handy with containing smaller items such as food and ammunition. Currently he has the pencil, the pen and the journal stuff in a pocket each. Joseph also wears dark brown trousers which has been rendered a dark olive-grey colour due to weeks of wading through mud and dirt. Additionally Joseph wears light brown hiking boots as well as black woolen fingerless gloves.

Inventory: The backpack he wears contains one large bottle of water, two cans of tomato soup, one can of sweetcorn, a can opener, half empty bottle of toothpaste, toothbrush, one sketching pencil, one black pen, a single quarter-filled journal in which he writes about the virus and the infected (symptoms, behavior, sketches, etc.), two medical textbooks, two scalpels, one unopened empty syringe, an extra pair of underwear and a t-shirt.

  • Hatchet
    • Joseph's primary weapon is a small metallic Carpenter's hatchet with a rubber grip. The hatchet is especially effective as it is easy to pull out after sinking into craniums, preventing it from getting stuck.
  • Claw Hammer
    • Joseph also carries a regular claw hammer with a steel head and a wooden grip. Joseph only uses this as a backup as it is not as successful as destroying the brain as the hatchet, often requiring several blows before penetrating the skull.

Background: Before the beginning of the crisis, life was going relatively well for one Joseph Thawne. He was an experienced and skilled surgeon, in the city of Arkansas, working with his beautiful wife, and with an intelligent son. Long before this, Joseph grew up as a middle-classed child back in the suburbs of New Orleans, raised by a hardworking house mother, and a construction worker of a father. Growing up, he was expected to take after his parents; be hard-working, and grow up to be an honest, legitimate man. He was always an intelligent young boy, garnering above-average grades in each of his classes, with a specifically perfect GPA in his mathematics and sciences. He was in track back in high-school, although his career in the sport didn't go anywhere, and he ended up dropping it once he graduated as a senior. He moved into college at the age of nineteen, having spent a few of his free months helping out at home.

His father had hurt his spine at his construction job, being in his early fifties, and the housework and funds needed more attention than before. To help with this, Joseph took his college work seriously, dreaming to be an accomplished doctor or surgeon to bring in the funds necessary to support his family. During his years in college, he achieved the Dean's list numerous times, and went through the classic breakups and dates that most young men went through. On his last year there, before he went into his official medical training to become a professional surgeon, Joseph met a beautiful woman; Diane Simmons. Diane was the one, he knew this when they went on their first date, after meeting in Advanced Chemistry that one faithful afternoon.

True enough, they stayed connected, even after Joseph moved out of New Orleans, and to Arkansas, to further his career as a surgeon, staying connected through emails and letters. Joseph finally achieved his official, professional license at the age of 31, which, at that time, Diane had moved to Arkansas with him, and they were happily dating. In that same summer, they became married, and were expecting their first child, one James Thawne. Months passed, and little James was finally birthed. The pregnancy went as smoothly as could be, and it seemed as if the happy little family would continue to be just that...a happy little family. James went to school, they had a wonderful home in the nicer parts of Arkansas, and his mother and father were put into the best senior homes Joseph could afford.

Years passed, with Joseph developing in his chosen career, James growing honestly, and Diane staying as faithful as ever. That's when the Outbreak began. At first, they were cautious, but continued on with their lives. Nine year old James joked often about how nothing was wrong, and Joseph and Diane was liable to believe the naive thoughts. And then the virus began spreading, and the riots began. The first of his loss happened on the twenty second day of the Crisis. James perished. Diane and Joseph had been calmly walking home that evening, when the smell and sight of smoke spurred them on. They had only been at the park, which was a few blocks away. What could have happened in that time? They had kept James with a highly trusted family friend, and babysitter. Did a fire happen at a neighbor's home? Joseph would never get to know.

Even the memory still hurts his heart to this day. Every home on their block was on fire. They rushed through the smoke and police tape, just in time to see a small child's body being carried away from their burned, destroyed home. People were restless; screaming echoing down the block, and chaos quickly developing. Joseph rushed forward, pushing everyone out of the way. He pulled away the sheets, ignoring the medics' yells of outrage.

He promptly broke down right there.

Days, weeks, then eventually, months passed. Groups rose and fell, different military safe camps being erected and destroyed. Eventually, Diane fell to infection, and then, for the second time, to his hatchet. It was a tragic, heart-wrenching moment, but he had to continue, if only for what was left in the memories of his fallen family.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Size: 5 foot 8 inches, 75kg

Physical Shape:
Lloyd is rather slim with the slightest bit of muscle on him from his days past of constantly working out. His job as a priest has kept him from doing too much physical activity, with the most probably being the long periods of time he had to spend standing and giving his sermons. He regularly did gardening and tended his flowers during his free time before the virus broke out and as a result still maintained some of the muscle from his younger days which has been amplified by the physical work he'd been having to do during the 'apocalypse'.

Name: Lloyd Patterson

Age: 40

Lloyd is a man who prefers to stay away from any physical confrontation whatsoever as he believes violence only leads to more violence. Of course, this viewpoint has changed somewhat since people began eating each others faces but he still prefers to avoid any infected that he sees rather than attack them. He abstinent from alcohol to the highest degree, and would look for other methods before considering ingesting alcohol of sort. Around others he tends to be sociable, yet cautious as his time in the apocalypse has subjected him to betrayal and long periods of loneliness have made him suspicious of others and while he tends to prefer travelling with others, he will often be rather secure of his past and will often keep to himself until he is sure that he can trust someone.

Occupation: Priest

Equipment: Lloyd wears a dark green field jacket over a stained white t-shirt that he often wore over his head as a shield from the sun during the summer. He also wears a pair of dark blue jeans along with some sneakers on his feet. A small cross necklace hangs around his neck.

-Two large bottles of water
-One bible(King James Version)
-4x various canned foods

-One Colt M1911 with 4 magazines of ammunition
-One crowbar

Lloyd was born in Dublin to a butcher father and a mother who worked as a chef. Lloyd grew up with a sister and two brothers and was extremely close to his family. Most of his extended family lived in Dublin along with Lloyd and his immediate family so he was also very close to them as well. At school Lloyd was generally well behaved. He got generally average grades at school, but had great interest in history and generally excelled at it.

He left school with hardly any idea of what he wanted to do in life. He worked in his fathers abattoir for a while, but decided it really wasn't the type of job for him. He went to university and got a degree in history before getting hired as the curator for a new museum in Minneapolis. His life was at an all time high by that point. He worked as the curator for a few years without a hitch, sending letters and the like to his family and even getting the occasional visit every now and then.

Things took a turn for the worst when Lloyd decided to start frequenting the local Irish-American bar. As an actual Irish person, Lloyd was a great hit with everyone in the bar. He loved the praise and became friends with many of the other regulars at the bar, many of which being members of the Irish-American gang that 'owned' the area that the bar was in. Lloyd became friendlier and friendlier with this gang and eventually became a member of the gang after a year or two of frequenting the pub. He never really revealed this information to anyone for fear that he'd lose his job and he never really actually considered himself to be a full fledged member of the gang. That is until he was actually taken on one of the many 'jobs' the gang did. After a while, many employees at the museum discovered Lloyds connection to the gang and told the actual owner of the museum. Lloyd was subsequently fired and fell into a spiral of depression and alcohol. His rage only grew with the constant drinking and he became more and more violent with each passing day.

He only noticed the drastic change he had gone through after he had realized he hadn't actually been in contact with his family back in Dublin for a few months. He took a look at his life and what it had become and vowed to change. He began going to Alcoholics anonymous and attempted to cut ties with his gang. It was harder than he assumed and he was met with empty threats and promises of money, but he paid no heed as he was sure what he wanted to do in life now. He began studying to become a priest, eventually becoming one and regaining the connection he had to his family. He made amends with the people he had wronged and dedicated himself to helping people rather than hurting them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Komo
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Komo Chill vibes MKII

Member Seen 10 days ago

Shoulder-length honey gold hair and blue-grey eyes adorn a distinctive yet somehow delicate face. A slight feminine chin curves softly. Her skin is smooth and lightly tanned with a hint of blush on her cheeks. Small pale lips rests on her face, and when she smiles, they are accompanied by a set of dimples. Her face is youthful yet bubbly. She possess a quirky sense of humour, smiling whenever the situation requires it or when she feels like it. Her chin is pointed and her sunny and pleasant disposition emits a warm and healthy glow around that radiates throughout her entire person.
Size: Olivia stands tall at 170cm (5 feet 6 inches) and weighs around 65kg (143 pounds).
Physical Shape: A keen sportswoman, she has been involved in physical sports since a young age. She has played tennis competitively since she was in school. Her body is toned and athletic from all the physical training she had undergone through the various periods in her life. Although possessing her fair share of muscle, she still retains a fair sense of womanly curves. Her climbing skills are still somewhat weak, but she is slowly improving them as she practice her skills daily through parkour and other forms of climbing activities.
Name: Olivia Colburn
Age: 22
Personality: A generally quiet and lonely individual, she is also strong and determined. She is spunky, with just the right amount of attitude. Although she had grown up in a well-to-do family, she is by no means a stranger to hard work. Rather headstrong and stubborn at times, but gain her trust and respect, and you've gotten yourself a valuable friend and ally. She tends to get over-emotional, which can impair her actions and judgement. Very passionate about what she believes in, she will do whatever it takes to achieve her goal.

Olivia is also no stranger to fun, and also always believes in having a good time whenever one can. Despite being a quiet person in the beginning, once she starts talking about her interests, she can go on and on, babbling away without a care in the world.
Occupation: Professional Tennis Player
Equipment: Olivia is wearing the very same pair of tennis attire that she wore when she left home. The white tennis dress is no longer the pristine one she had set out with and is now worn and dirtied with use. She wears a black wind-breaker jacket on the outside, which has also seen considerable wear and tear over time. Around her waist, a black utility belt is worn, scavenged from one of the many deceased police officers in the city. On her back, she carries a brown haversack with a sleeping bag secured tightly to the bottom of the backpack.

The utility belt holds a torchlight and her house keys for now. A couple of empty spaces still remain, to be filled in the future.
Inventory: 4 medium sized bottles of water, a sports bottle, a couple of canned food, a packet of preserved ham, flint and steel, a bottle of deodorant, a set of toothbrush and toothpaste, one notebook, a couple of ballpoint pens, an iPhone(with the battery at 50%), three cereal bars, two sets of new underwear and socks, a history book on the World Wars and a wallet with a few dollars in it plus her identification cards.
Weapons: Her main weapon of choice is a machete. The blade used to belong to her father. He was an avid hunter and camper and used to take along the machete when he went on his trips. He must have forgotten to take it when he left, as it remained in its usual spot. She also has a Sig Sauer P229 pistol with just that one magazine. She has practiced shooting in the past, and is decent at it, but there is only so much one can do with only one magazine.
Background: Olivia’s life growing up was nothing special. Invested into sports from a young age, she eventually decided to focus on tennis, and had involved in that ever since. She was born in a well to do family in the richer parts of Atlanta, Georgia. Being more of a quiet character, she did not have much friends, as people tended to take the quietness as a form of aloofness and arrogance. But, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Once they got to know her, they would know that she is actually a rather passionate and friendly character.

Apart from sports, she also had a deep fascination and interest in history, particularly military history. Her favourite subject lies in the World Wars, and she could frequently be seen reading books about them, and watching movies and other similar television documentaries about them. She had her first taste for intimate relationships in the later parts of her college life. They had done everything up to kissing, but had never proceeded past that. Olivia lost contact with her only boyfriend after he moved away, and that was that. She had never been with another since, looking for the right one this time.

After school, Olivia went on to become a professional tennis player, and travelled around the world to play for several tournaments. Although she loved playing tennis, she wasn’t quite satisfied with her life. She felt as though there was something important missing in her life, which she couldn’t, for the life of her figure out.

She had just came back from an overseas tournament not more than two weeks ago, dejected and depressed, when the outbreak happened. On the way home, she saw the huge commotion on the streets and the main roads leading in and out of the city. There were police presence everywhere, and a manner of vehicles filled the road, trying to exit the city. When she reached home, Olivia began calling out and searching for her parents, but they were nowhere to be seen. Finally, locating a note pasted on the fridge, her parents had stated that they have gone out of the city to leave with their relatives in one of the suburbs.

Packing her backpack with whatever she thought that was necessary, she then left home and started to begin her journey out of the city. Unfortunately, fate had other plans for her, and her path was littered with obstacles, with many of the infected now filling up the path.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Size: 5'5" 120 pounds

Physical Shape: She is on the thin side with enough muscle to sustain herself through quite a bit of physical activity. Though fit, she is in no way very strong. Her small frame and physical ability allows her to be a very fast and agile individual.

Name: Emily Vica

Age: 20

Personality: Emily is an intelligent individual who tends to stop and think before doing. She knows how to assess a situation and think of the right solution in an efficient manner. Despite this, she has little patience for irritating people and can have quite the temper sometimes. That being said she can be sarcastic at times. She is not afraid to put up an argument if she feels it is necessary. Emily is quite brave and will put herself into combat if she realizes that is necessary especially for someone she cares about. However, as mentioned, she's very analytical and if she feels it will benefit her or others to avoid a situation at hand, she will say and do so. She is caring for those she values but will not extend mercy to strangers often and can actually be a bit cheerful around certain people such as her brother. Emily will try her hardest to act happy and be positive in order to cheer the people around her up.

Occupation: Freshman in college studying pre-med, volunteered in hospital and worked half-time at Starbucks.

Equipment: Emily is always wearing a brown leather jacket over a tank top with some dark green cargo pants that are tucked into a pair of black combat boots. Her jacket has an array of pockets that allow for her to store other small items. She also wears a set of black gloves. She wears a small gold necklace with a heart locket that opens to reveal a picture of her family.

Inventory: Emily has the following items with her in a light-weight dark-colored backpack:
- A refillable water can
- roll of plastic
- very small radio
- small flashlight
- 4 small cans of food, a pack of crackers and some nuts
- bottle of deodorant, half-empty toothpaste, cheap toothbrush, small hairbrush
- old wallet with identification inside
- can opener
- a blanket
- a small diary that's falling apart and a pen that looks like it was chewed up by a dog
- 3 sets of clean underwear and socks

- bow and a quiver of arrows that she had used during high school
- pistol with 2 magazines, tends to use bow

Background: Emily was born into a low-middle class family. They weren't starving on the streets but they weren't well off either. From a young age, she worked hard with the help of her parents' pressuring to do well in school so that she could hopefully give her own kids a better life when she was older. She aspired to be a doctor so she could be helpful to many and have enough money to not have to worry like her parents had to. She took up an interest in archery which she got good enough to participate in competitions to make herself more well-rounded. The negative aspect of this is that she didn't get to have many friends in high school. She rejected most invitations to go out and rejected anyone who asked her on dates.

When Emily graduated high school, she regretted this deeply. All her high school memories consisted of studying in her bedroom and trying to join as many stupid pointless clubs as she could to make her high school resume look better. She made the decision to ease up a bit in college and try to enjoy life more. Her parents had passed away before graduation in a tragic car accident and there was no one but her brother Axel to congratulate her. With the depression that followed her parents death, she knew she really had to try to get out there and find the joy in life.

In her freshman year of college, she had really started to enjoy herself and had made quite a number of friends. Not only that but she was managing to do great in school. That's when the virus outbreak happened and suddenly life wasn't so great anymore. Her new friends died off pretty early on and she ended up leaving to meet up with her brother to try to survive with him. Emily's way of coping has been to focus on the present and ignoring the past as much as she could. All her hard work in life had amounted to nothing and she has nothing but anger for anything having to do with the past.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lavexis


Member Seen 10 yrs ago


Size: 5'9 170 pound
Physical Shape: He has an average body shape with slim toned muscle from regular jogging and playing basketball. The majority of his muscles are on his leg and his body fat is around 18%. Due to his flexible and slim body, he has good metabolism and stamina. Axel’s high stamina allows him to run very fast and in a long period of time.

Name: Axel Vica
Age: 25
Personality: Axel is a very shy and quiet person who only talks to those he has known very well (like his sister ). However, Axel can be a reliable person if need to be and he always takes things seriously. Axel is not a very talkative person and even if he does talk he will only say a few short sentences. His mood tends to change depending on the situation. If the situation around him is positive, he himself will act more positively.

Occupation: He is a part time information technology student and he works part time in retail stores. When he was young, he hated college and usually just spent his time playing basketball, video games and jogging.

Equipment: He always wears a black hoodie with a plain white t-shirt and track pants. He always carries 6 stacks of plain white t shirts in his bag. He always wears his black track pants so that he can run without having to worry about weight. He always wears his black Nike running shoes.

- A refillable water can
- very small radio
- small flashlight
- 4 small cans of food, Crackers and some snacks
- bottle of deodorant, half-empty toothpaste, cheap toothbrush, small hairbrush
- Wallet
- pocket knife
- Wrench
- 3 sets of clean socks
- Bundeswehr Combat knife

Weapons: Axel carries a p90 hand gun with 2 magazines on it. Axel is not a very good shooter but he knows the basics on how to use a gun. He has knowledge of the safety lock and how to aim. Axel likes to use his favorite Bundeswehr Combat knife that he always bring everywhere. He found this knife in his father's stash. He prefers knifes over guns since they are more flexible.

Axel was born into a low-middle class family. He had a younger sister with whom he had a good understanding with. Axel was forced to work a lot of part time jobs. When it came to school, Axel spent most of the time slacking off and spent his free time on video games, track and basketball. Surprisingly Axel is not the party type, he did not have a social life. He preferred to be alone most of the time, shooting hoops and jogging early in the morning. He spent most of his time hanging out by himself playing billiards, going to shooting range and etc... Before the apocalypse Axel was an avid MMO gamer who spend most of his time playing MMO rather than going to school. He worked retail in the afternoon and came home late night, and continued his activity by playing more video games. Truth be told, Axel is actually a very smart person who never really tried his hardest when it comes to education. After his parents died, Axel felt like he disgraced the name of the Vica family and decided to do something right. So he decided to study Information Technology in school. That’s when the virus outbreak happened. It all started during class when Axel separated himself alone to do some research. He heard one of his classmates scream in agony and fear suddenly. Axel knew something was wrong and when he peaked out the window, he saw one of his classmates being attacked by a walker. Axel ran straight home to make sure his sister was safe. After a long depressing talk with his sister, Axel grabbed all the needed equipment’s from home. As he retrieved his father combat dagger, Axel prayed for his guidance and was off.
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