Size: With his taller then average height of six foot, five inches. It's easy to stand out amongst the crowd, something you do not want during an apocalypse. Being taller then average also complicates your search for clothing and your ability to hide behind small objects.
Physical Shape: In his free time John often went out to play soccer with his friends, something he has been doing ever since his childhood. He never was a fan of going to the gym and soccer proved to be fun, a good work out and a healthy way to relieve stress. As a result of this John has an above average amount of stamina and his legs are well defined and musculair. His upper body however, all though thin and sporting a fair amount of muscle tone, is some what underdeveloped compared to his lower body. The apocalypse has so far managed to keep him in shape, with running not being much of a problem for him. His lack of climbing skills and developed upper body strength makes parkour more difficult, something which is troublesome when having to escape the faster and more agile infected. He has thus been working out with the limited means available, desperate to improve his abilities to survive.
Name: John Theodore Statham
Age: 31 years old.
Personality: John can be quite sociable and has no problem engaging in conversation or talking infront of groups, he however enjoys his alone time and often takes a few hours of the day for himself so he can relax and read a good book. History is his passion and it's only fitting that he himself, is old fashioned as well. Because of this he is always the gentlemen, looking out for women more so then he would for a man. He doesn't let himself believe that he does so because women need protection and can't protect themselves, but to others it may look as though deep down that is how he feels without realising it. This goes in line with his hesitation to fight a woman, whether that be through words or with physical violence. His attitude to men is much different, he expects any man to take care of himself and he frowns upon men that express their emotions rather then keeping them inside. His believes extend as far as that if a person can't listen to reason, he needs to listen to violence instead so he will be reminded of his place in line. Despite that, he is lucky enough to have an aura of natural charm and a bright smile. He treats everyone nice and with respect, actively listening to whoever is talking to him. Yet if someone annoys him he will be quick to ignore them and should that person find himself in a situation they need his help, it is most likely that he will not help them but rather watch them fail. Everyone has a chance at redemption though, should a person he previously disliked change his attitude, then they will find that John's attitude towards them improves also.
Occupation: History professor at Georgia State University.
Equipment: John is wearing a pair of expensive black shoes, a pair that would normally be worn with a nice tuxedo or a blazer. He has combined this with a pair of dark blue pants, supported by a black police belt that he stole from the corpse of a deceased police officer. The blouse he is currently wearing is an equally dark shade of blue, that matches his pants perfectly. Unlike his pants however, the blouse was taken from the same deceased police officer, along with the man's badge and shoulder fitted radio. On his back he has a dark grey backpack with a bedroll attached to the lower end. His whole apparel is some what dirty, featuring both old and faded bloodstains and a thin layer of dirt. He choose this specific outfit so that others would firstly be intimidated, believing that he was an active police officer and is thus a more then capable melee fighter yet is also able to accurately use a gun. Secondly because unlike with the military, most people still have a positive image of police officers, many of whom simply died in the first few weeks of the outbreak attempting to help people.
Inventory: John still carries his phone from before the outbreak, savouring the pictures on it but keeping it off for most periods of time, attempting to preserve the battery. He also still carries his wallet, filled with money, small change, his identification, drivers license and various cards.
The police belt still holds a pair of handcuffs, keys, a primary flashlight, secondary flashlight, baton holder without a baton, disposable gloves and mask, taser and a bottle of pepperspray.
The backpack on his back contains two large bottles of water, five variations of canned food, a roll of tinfoil, half empty bottle of deoderant, nearly empty bottle of toothpaste, toothbrush, two journals in which he can write down his thoughts or notes on the infection, a small box of pencils, pencil sharpener, a packet of condoms, razor, shaving cream, three sets of clean underwear, four pairs of socks, two shirts, one jacket, two pairs of blue jeans.
Weapons: Steel pipe with a double tee pipe fitting fastened to it. The double tee has one large steel bolt tightly secured on each end, resembeling a sledgehammer albeit half its size, in appearal. The weapon has only moderate weight, but is capable of taking down walls whilst suffering little to no damage. The materials required to craft the weapon are easy to find and require little technical knowledge to assemble.
Smith & Wesson M&P semi-automatic pistol that has unfortunately suffered a malfunction and despite looking fire ready, is unable to preform. Lack of knowledge and experience on weapon maintenance has prefented its user from fixing the issue. The weapon in its current form can only be used as a last resort melee weapon or to intimidate Humans that do not know about its defective state.
Background: John grew up in the richer part of Atlanta, Georgia. His family wasn't exactly rich but they weren't poor either. At best their situation could be described as above middle class, something that allowed John to have a care free childhood, which was uneventful at most. The only real hardships he had to deal with in his younger years were the things that most childern would experience, such as the death of a family pet or a friend moving away.
When he entered his teens, John discovered his love for history. He started to devote more of his free time to reading history books, reading studies online, watching movies and even going as far as participating in several history related roleplays. A habit that continued throughout his teens into his adult life, that wasn't all he did though. Playing a soccer was a beloved past time and he spend most of his weekends playing soccer with friends, untill he started to notice girls that is. Once he gained an interest in them he devoted less time to soccer and history and more time towards talking to girls, one in particulair.
John discovered at that age that he was quite comfortable talking to girls as well as boys, in large groups even. Something that proved to be quite handy during presentations or in terms of making a romantic gesture towards a girl. Approaching a woman surrounded by her friends would take a lot of courage and that in turn is bound to gain interest. Despite his natural charm, he never really became a ladies man. Choosing to instead focus his attention on one girl, in which he entered a relationship with that lasted to his adulthood. Over that period of time he was her first and she was his in everything ranging from kissing tow making love.
After high school, John decided to study History with the aims of becoming a teacher or professor at either a high school or college in town. His study was succesful and he graduated amongst the top of his class, having a passion for the thing you're studying helps keep you interested and greatly boosts your knowledge and memory of the subject. During his time in college he never really developed a habit for drinking or smoking, he never experimented with drugs either. Choosing to stay clean of all out of personal choice, succeeding in not allowing peer pressure to take him down.
Finding a job as a teacher proved to be easy, his young age and inexperience proved to be a minor bump in the road. The demand for teachers was higher then the reluctance of some schools about his age. Fortunately one of the universities in Atlanta allowed him to try out as an intern, hoping that John would prove to be a good teacher that would in turn inspire more young people to become teachers as well. Their confidence in him was not misplaced and John proved to be an able teacher. He was able to identify with his students because they were rather close to his age, but he was also capable to command respect and keep order in his class room. Whilst at the same time actually teaching them, his broad knowledge and genuine interest in history rubbed off on his students, which in turn started to enjoy his classes more. In the end his job proved to be perfect for him. Truly living up to the phrase of ''If you love your job, you never have to work a day in your life.''
At the start of the outbreak John found himself in one of the large library's in town, amongst a crowd of students preparing and studying for finals. When hell broke lose the local police forces attempted to barricade themselves inside along with a large group civillians that were previously on the street. The library, now heavily crowded. Stood no chance when the infected managed to get inside. In an array of fighting in which students tried to defend themselves with anything they could find, police officers shooting at will and others choosing to smply run for their lives. Total chaos erupted, the end result being that both groups virtually eliminated eachother, the infected ultimately winning and creating a carnage. The library now filled with the corpses of the childern studying there and the infected that died in the initial assault.
John survived by hiding in the bathroom, ripping pipies out of the wall and fashioning them into a makeshift weapon. From there whilst high on adrenaline, he managed to kill several infected and managed to escape up to the second level of the building. On the second floor he found the corpse of a dead infected and a small trail of blood leading away from it, towards a large closet. Judging by how several things had been thrown out, John was able to deduce that a person was hiding inside. He chose to approach the closet and reassured the person inside that it was safe to come out and that he wasn't going to harm her.
After a some what shaky and awkward introduction, Anastasia and he decided to stick together for the mean time. Together they set up a small safe house in one of the offices on the top floor of the library, barricading the stairs going down in an attempt to avoid facing what was downstairs. After a few days of listening to the radio and watching the unfolding events, they decided that things were not going to get any better and that they should stick together. That was two months ago today, they have been together ever since. Taking care of eachother when needed.

Size: With his taller then average height of six foot, five inches. It's easy to stand out amongst the crowd, something you do not want during an apocalypse. Being taller then average also complicates your search for clothing and your ability to hide behind small objects.
Physical Shape: In his free time John often went out to play soccer with his friends, something he has been doing ever since his childhood. He never was a fan of going to the gym and soccer proved to be fun, a good work out and a healthy way to relieve stress. As a result of this John has an above average amount of stamina and his legs are well defined and musculair. His upper body however, all though thin and sporting a fair amount of muscle tone, is some what underdeveloped compared to his lower body. The apocalypse has so far managed to keep him in shape, with running not being much of a problem for him. His lack of climbing skills and developed upper body strength makes parkour more difficult, something which is troublesome when having to escape the faster and more agile infected. He has thus been working out with the limited means available, desperate to improve his abilities to survive.
Name: John Theodore Statham
Age: 31 years old.
Personality: John can be quite sociable and has no problem engaging in conversation or talking infront of groups, he however enjoys his alone time and often takes a few hours of the day for himself so he can relax and read a good book. History is his passion and it's only fitting that he himself, is old fashioned as well. Because of this he is always the gentlemen, looking out for women more so then he would for a man. He doesn't let himself believe that he does so because women need protection and can't protect themselves, but to others it may look as though deep down that is how he feels without realising it. This goes in line with his hesitation to fight a woman, whether that be through words or with physical violence. His attitude to men is much different, he expects any man to take care of himself and he frowns upon men that express their emotions rather then keeping them inside. His believes extend as far as that if a person can't listen to reason, he needs to listen to violence instead so he will be reminded of his place in line. Despite that, he is lucky enough to have an aura of natural charm and a bright smile. He treats everyone nice and with respect, actively listening to whoever is talking to him. Yet if someone annoys him he will be quick to ignore them and should that person find himself in a situation they need his help, it is most likely that he will not help them but rather watch them fail. Everyone has a chance at redemption though, should a person he previously disliked change his attitude, then they will find that John's attitude towards them improves also.
Occupation: History professor at Georgia State University.
Equipment: John is wearing a pair of expensive black shoes, a pair that would normally be worn with a nice tuxedo or a blazer. He has combined this with a pair of dark blue pants, supported by a black police belt that he stole from the corpse of a deceased police officer. The blouse he is currently wearing is an equally dark shade of blue, that matches his pants perfectly. Unlike his pants however, the blouse was taken from the same deceased police officer, along with the man's badge and shoulder fitted radio. On his back he has a dark grey backpack with a bedroll attached to the lower end. His whole apparel is some what dirty, featuring both old and faded bloodstains and a thin layer of dirt. He choose this specific outfit so that others would firstly be intimidated, believing that he was an active police officer and is thus a more then capable melee fighter yet is also able to accurately use a gun. Secondly because unlike with the military, most people still have a positive image of police officers, many of whom simply died in the first few weeks of the outbreak attempting to help people.
Inventory: John still carries his phone from before the outbreak, savouring the pictures on it but keeping it off for most periods of time, attempting to preserve the battery. He also still carries his wallet, filled with money, small change, his identification, drivers license and various cards.
The police belt still holds a pair of handcuffs, keys, a primary flashlight, secondary flashlight, baton holder without a baton, disposable gloves and mask, taser and a bottle of pepperspray.
The backpack on his back contains two large bottles of water, five variations of canned food, a roll of tinfoil, half empty bottle of deoderant, nearly empty bottle of toothpaste, toothbrush, two journals in which he can write down his thoughts or notes on the infection, a small box of pencils, pencil sharpener, a packet of condoms, razor, shaving cream, three sets of clean underwear, four pairs of socks, two shirts, one jacket, two pairs of blue jeans.
Weapons: Steel pipe with a double tee pipe fitting fastened to it. The double tee has one large steel bolt tightly secured on each end, resembeling a sledgehammer albeit half its size, in appearal. The weapon has only moderate weight, but is capable of taking down walls whilst suffering little to no damage. The materials required to craft the weapon are easy to find and require little technical knowledge to assemble.
Smith & Wesson M&P semi-automatic pistol that has unfortunately suffered a malfunction and despite looking fire ready, is unable to preform. Lack of knowledge and experience on weapon maintenance has prefented its user from fixing the issue. The weapon in its current form can only be used as a last resort melee weapon or to intimidate Humans that do not know about its defective state.
Background: John grew up in the richer part of Atlanta, Georgia. His family wasn't exactly rich but they weren't poor either. At best their situation could be described as above middle class, something that allowed John to have a care free childhood, which was uneventful at most. The only real hardships he had to deal with in his younger years were the things that most childern would experience, such as the death of a family pet or a friend moving away.
When he entered his teens, John discovered his love for history. He started to devote more of his free time to reading history books, reading studies online, watching movies and even going as far as participating in several history related roleplays. A habit that continued throughout his teens into his adult life, that wasn't all he did though. Playing a soccer was a beloved past time and he spend most of his weekends playing soccer with friends, untill he started to notice girls that is. Once he gained an interest in them he devoted less time to soccer and history and more time towards talking to girls, one in particulair.
John discovered at that age that he was quite comfortable talking to girls as well as boys, in large groups even. Something that proved to be quite handy during presentations or in terms of making a romantic gesture towards a girl. Approaching a woman surrounded by her friends would take a lot of courage and that in turn is bound to gain interest. Despite his natural charm, he never really became a ladies man. Choosing to instead focus his attention on one girl, in which he entered a relationship with that lasted to his adulthood. Over that period of time he was her first and she was his in everything ranging from kissing tow making love.
After high school, John decided to study History with the aims of becoming a teacher or professor at either a high school or college in town. His study was succesful and he graduated amongst the top of his class, having a passion for the thing you're studying helps keep you interested and greatly boosts your knowledge and memory of the subject. During his time in college he never really developed a habit for drinking or smoking, he never experimented with drugs either. Choosing to stay clean of all out of personal choice, succeeding in not allowing peer pressure to take him down.
Finding a job as a teacher proved to be easy, his young age and inexperience proved to be a minor bump in the road. The demand for teachers was higher then the reluctance of some schools about his age. Fortunately one of the universities in Atlanta allowed him to try out as an intern, hoping that John would prove to be a good teacher that would in turn inspire more young people to become teachers as well. Their confidence in him was not misplaced and John proved to be an able teacher. He was able to identify with his students because they were rather close to his age, but he was also capable to command respect and keep order in his class room. Whilst at the same time actually teaching them, his broad knowledge and genuine interest in history rubbed off on his students, which in turn started to enjoy his classes more. In the end his job proved to be perfect for him. Truly living up to the phrase of ''If you love your job, you never have to work a day in your life.''
At the start of the outbreak John found himself in one of the large library's in town, amongst a crowd of students preparing and studying for finals. When hell broke lose the local police forces attempted to barricade themselves inside along with a large group civillians that were previously on the street. The library, now heavily crowded. Stood no chance when the infected managed to get inside. In an array of fighting in which students tried to defend themselves with anything they could find, police officers shooting at will and others choosing to smply run for their lives. Total chaos erupted, the end result being that both groups virtually eliminated eachother, the infected ultimately winning and creating a carnage. The library now filled with the corpses of the childern studying there and the infected that died in the initial assault.
John survived by hiding in the bathroom, ripping pipies out of the wall and fashioning them into a makeshift weapon. From there whilst high on adrenaline, he managed to kill several infected and managed to escape up to the second level of the building. On the second floor he found the corpse of a dead infected and a small trail of blood leading away from it, towards a large closet. Judging by how several things had been thrown out, John was able to deduce that a person was hiding inside. He chose to approach the closet and reassured the person inside that it was safe to come out and that he wasn't going to harm her.
After a some what shaky and awkward introduction, Anastasia and he decided to stick together for the mean time. Together they set up a small safe house in one of the offices on the top floor of the library, barricading the stairs going down in an attempt to avoid facing what was downstairs. After a few days of listening to the radio and watching the unfolding events, they decided that things were not going to get any better and that they should stick together. That was two months ago today, they have been together ever since. Taking care of eachother when needed.