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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Queen Raidne
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Queen Raidne Raspberry Diva

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The RP has started! Post away!

There is No GM*

*Okay, so I lied. There is a GM, and it is me.

We the players start at a pub.

After that, the RP is entirely free-form. Need to order something from a bartender? Write a bartender into your post. Want to establish a bit more of the setting? Write it in your post. Want to make something particularly complex, such as an entire nation, race, or fictional job? Write it in your post! Remember, if at all possible, show, don't tell. This RP starts with an entirely blank slate - not even a genre is decided before hand. All the details are up to us, being made up on the fly as we go along.

There's only two rules:** Anything already established IC by another RP'er is canon, and all Player-Controlled characters should have a sheet.

Character sheet/application:
To apply to this RP, post the following information in the OOC. Once your application is approved by me, go ahead and post your character in the "characters" tab. As the IC progresses and we learn more about our characters, add details to your character sheet.

Write at least a paragraph of a character doing something: This is how I'll actually judge your application. So, write well, and be sure to include background details. Try to avoid copy-pasting something you've already written.
[be sure to fill in other details as the RP progresses! Things like: your character's description, their job, favorite brand of cheese, species, biography, or whatever you find relevant. Only fill in those details we've established IC.]

**Obviously, site rules still apply. Also, no God-Modding, being a dick, igniting wars in the OOC, etc.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sounds cool! How's this?

I take it that 'a character' means that it's not the one we'll be playing with? that bit in the example confused me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Urbanliner

Urbanliner A Certain Magical Lazy Student

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Hayato Sannomiya
Gender: Male
Write at least a paragraph of a character doing something: Suddenly, a black car with retractable headlights was flashing at Touma's brightly red car at the right side of the road he was driving on, with the guard rails on the side preventing reckless drivers and others from crashing into a tree or falling to their certain death. He looked forward and noticed there were no lights illuminating the road whatsoever, which meant there was no car on the other lane for until the first corner which is a blind corner. He nodded to himself before slamming the accelerator to have his car exceed the speed limit and race through the mountains. He got a bit of jump-start before the black car's driver noticed the race had begun, making him press his car's accelerator to have the car's exhaust roar which echoed through the mountains, mixing itself with the other car's vigorous sound. "The other car accelerates very quickly..." Touma thought as the black car swiftly attempted to overtake his car using the left lane before the first corner, but Touma's car was quick enough to prevent itself from being fully overtaken until the corner, the brake lights of both cars brightly illuminating the white guard rails. Touma had an advantage against the other car since his car had superior brakes and the corner was a right corner, allowing his car to go faster than the other car since a proper racing line wasn't possible at that time, considering there were only two lanes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Imaginary
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Imaginary Let's start a riot.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Brenna Rayne
Gender: Female
Write at least a paragraph of a character doing something: Tori's nose wrinkled. "What is it?" she asked. Her head dipped down, smelling the foul substance again. It smells like shit, she thought. "Try it," the boy chuckled and pushed the grey goo closer to her face. Naturally, she leaned farther back and looked into his eyes. They were a brilliant shade of grey. His eyelashes were full and heavy and lined them perfectly. It gave him a look of innocence that Tori knew he didn't contain. She shook her head, unfazed by his compelling glare. "No," she said firmly. She leaned all the way back in her chair and crossed her arms across her chest. She knew he was trying to pull one over on her and she wouldn't fall for it. This time. "Alright," he said, sighing and putting the odorous material back on the table. It jiggled in a way that made Tori's skin crawl. The boy stood up and started to move away from the table. "They all said you wouldn't do it." At this revelation, Tori's fist slammed on the table. "Who?" She yelled, accusingly. A slow smirk made it's way across his face and he leisurely sat back down. "Oh you know. People." He shrugged one shoulder as he nonchalantly picked the goo back up and held it to her face. "So," he paused, tilting his head to look directly into her eyes, "are you gonna do it?" Before she could put to much thought into it, Tori leaned forward, opened her mouth and took a bite.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 12 mos ago

so people are fully free to add whatever they want as long as it wont conflict with other people's already posted stuff huh?
sounds like fun, just one question.
character limit, how many can one player play?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Queen Raidne
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Queen Raidne Raspberry Diva

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

so people are fully free to add whatever they want as long as it wont conflict with other people's already posted stuff huh?
sounds like fun, just one question.
character limit, how many can one player play?

I'm going to say two, but you can "retire" characters and pick up new ones as we go along. Personally, I never saw benefit to multiple characters, except for maybe when one character is in a really boring situation or I just particularly hate them for some reason. But I'm not everyone.

Accepted! And yes, I meant for you to not use your character in your application. I didn't want us to go into this with any preconceived notions.


Accepted! I loved how much detail you had. Nice work!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Great ^^
I like using multiple chars so now I just have to figure out who to ise XD

(posted from android)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by toz76

toz76 Still staying strong.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Okay, here's my application.

Name: Forrest Clark
Gender: Male
Paragraph of my character doing something:
Forest was hopelessly lost. He had been hiking through the woods for some time now, but all the trees were beginning to look the same: tall and green. The sun had set long ago, and his weak flashlight beambarely illuminated the path ahead. As he walked on, he found a large with a creek flowing through it.clearing. Deciding that it was as good a place as any, he stopped, swatted away some bugs,took off his thick black coat, lay down on the rough grass, and fell asleep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 12 mos ago

got issues deciding...

Name: Alex Zech
Gender: Male
Write at least a paragraph of a character doing something:
Opening her eyes, she found herself in, well actually she cant remember.
There were brown long things with green all around her, though she did not remember the names of the colors, she could at least know they were different.
Trying to sit up she found herself dizzy and obviously confused, her mind was blank, no name, no idea that what she was looking at was a tree, nothing.
As her brown eyes scanned the area she noticed the place was damaged, though she had no idea that it was not natural, the area around her was obviously different and she was in the center of this different spot on the ground.
Her eyes jolted up at the sound of the wind blowing though the tree's, it scared her.
She wanted to get away only to realize, she had no idea of how to move, only by instinct did she found herself moving on arms and legs when the wind started to blow for a second time.
as she moved, trying to escape this strange sound she began to hear an other, yet for some unknown reason this one sounded familiar and save.
she moved as quickly as she could to this new sound to find her path blocked by a thorny bush.
Curiosity spiked as she wondered what these pointy things were on this small green and brown thing but before she could touch the thorn she heard the scary wind again, to her own surprise she yelped, which caused her to freeze for a second, looking at her own bare stomach, wondering what that strange sound was, but as the wind blew again she practically jumped into the bushes, the thorns piercing and cutting her bare flesh as she moved though the bush as quick as she could and then...
there it was, the save sound, the sound of a small creak with running water.
slowly she crawled into the cold water as it magically started to crawl over her skin and glowed, her wounds started to slowly close as the water somehow was able to heal her, but it did not return her memories.
She relaxed in the waters cold embrace only to be alarmed by a large flash of light.
As she sat up she could hear a rumbling sound vibrating though the air, for some reason this she did knew, a storm was coming.
quickly she dived into the water, it did not even dawn to her that she should not be able to know how to swim, and truthfully, she could not swim, but that did not matter, the water felt save, it was as if she was home in its wake as the current pushed her down the creak as it began to shape into a small river.
It was strange how she could move so easily in the strong currents, able to take a breath of air each time she needed it.
She must have been swept away for hours before she finally was able to reach a sandbank where she did nothing but rest for a while until she fell asleep, only to be woken by a voice.
"Odd, why is a naked young woman... Miss are you alright?" the voice spoke, though she had no idea what it was saying, for all she knew it could just as easy be some rambling of a small child.
Still she looked up to the strange creature, a human male, he appeared odd to her, all this time she had seen her own body, nude, but this creature had strange shining stuff on his body and was sitting on an other strange creature.
Still, it was the first creature she has met after waking up, so as she looked at the creature, though unknown to herself, she smiled.

After this the man, years later she would learn it was a knight, brought her to the castle he was heading for where she would learn to live as a human trough years of lessons.
After all, after she broke free of the curse, her mind was just like a new born, open to learn and grow trough the coming ages.

EDIT: you said the paragraph did not have to be about the char I am going to play with, so....
I'll come with my second at a later time

EDIT2: should we at least not report our char's appearance??
just asking
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Satoshi Kyou
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Satoshi Kyou The Knight of The Frozen Lance

Member Seen 4 mos ago

eh there is no pain in trying to apply is there?

Name: Gene Dune
Gender: Male
Write at least a paragraph of a character doing something:
Young and lost a young girl walked through the forest with many flowers and trees surrounding her.
she thought to herself to try and find her way back using the old techniques of following the path she used to follow by walking past a rock with moss then taking a turn to the tree without leaves, she slowly finds her way back to find the exit and exits and takes a bus to the city.

she left the bus and took a wander through the city finding a Chinese/Japanese store curious she went in and noticed the store had a lot of Japanese products and Chinese products lined up some old some new, consisting of old chinese swords and vases to new technology like phones and toys of the current day

Upon leaving the store she went ahead and made her way home where she lived alone with her dog with black and white fur to keep her company as she became more lonely as the years went by

(excuse my english its not my first language did i do that alright?)

Edit: well i tried my best to "fix" it but i'm really no good at this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 12 mos ago

ok, got a second one in mind

just have to ask, if the paragraph to examine our writing skill is accepted, then I dont have to write a new one right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Queen Raidne
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Queen Raidne Raspberry Diva

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Good news on two fronts! One: I'm no longer traveling! Two: The RP is now officially started! Feel free to post.

ok, got a second one in mind

just have to ask, if the paragraph to examine our writing skill is accepted, then I dont have to write a new one right?

Right. And I didn't ask for appearance because I thought it'd be neat if our characters were as undefined as the genre. So if you have something specific in mind, be sure to describe it IC before adding it to your sheet.

@Toz76 Accepted! Though your paragraph was a bit short.
@Drake Baku Accepted!
@Satoshi Kyou That as one sentence, not a paragraph. Admittedly, it was a run-on sentence and should have been multiple sentences. Not accepted; add some periods, make it a paragraph, and I'll re-evaluate.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Orynae
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sounds pretty cool! :)

Name: Terra Arraken
Gender: Female
Write at least a paragraph of a character doing something:
"...Really?" she drawled, rolling her eyes. It was way too hot out for this kind of thing. Stella flicked her hair over her shoulder and slowly stood up from the bench, making it all too clear that it caused her unendurable agony. She locked eyes with the young blond boy who had been staring at her expectantly the whole time. "Fine. Show me." Her voice dripped venom, but the child wasn't fazed. He grabbed her hand and half-led, half-dragged Stella out of her beloved shade, down the block, across the hot street, and into a sweltering parking lot. She could see the portal from across the lot -- a huge, orange-red, pulsing mess of a thing. When they arrived in front of the portal, the boy just pointed to it, as if it weren't painfully obvious even to someone who wasn't the town's most well-known gatesealer. That was when Stella realized he hadn't said a word, even when he'd first approached her. Strange. Regardless, she took out her pliers, morning wire, and fringe coolant and got the job done. She splattered on some extra coolant for good measure, since it was extra hot outside. It would keep the fringe worlds from bubbling their way out of the gate while the seal was still closing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Working on an IC
nut real live got im the way so its on hold.
mostly going to be char intro without connection to other cjars or plots for now thoigh

May send our gm an pm later
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 12 mos ago

gackt, drawing an IC blank for Runa and got not much to work with on Axel at this moment, well I take it there are still more that have to make their intro posts so I shall wait for that
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 12 mos ago

so, did everyone in here post already?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Urbanliner

Urbanliner A Certain Magical Lazy Student

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

From what I can see, the GM haven't posted his/her first IC post yet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Counted the number if people in the char tab and number of ic posts (minus the ones made by people postibg twice already)
We are missibg one individual so if the gm has yet to post then I will wait for her
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Orynae
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm still waiting on approval from the GM.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 12 mos ago

I am guessing our gm is having some busy rl days
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