
Size: 5'9 170 pound
Physical Shape: He has an average body shape with slim toned muscle from regular jogging and playing basketball. The majority of his muscles are on his leg and his body fat is around 18%. Due to his flexible and slim body, he has good metabolism and stamina. Axel’s high stamina allows him to run very fast and in a long period of time.
Name: Axel Vica
Age: 25
Personality: Axel is a very shy and quiet person who only talks to those he has known very well (like his sister ). However, Axel can be a reliable person if need to be and he always takes things seriously. Axel is not a very talkative person and even if he does talk he will only say a few short sentences. His mood tends to change depending on the situation. If the situation around him is positive, he himself will act more positively.
Occupation: He is a part time information technology student and he works part time in retail stores. When he was young, he hated college and usually just spent his time playing basketball, video games and jogging.
Equipment: He always wears a black hoodie with a plain white t-shirt and track pants. He always carries 6 stacks of plain white t shirts in his bag. He always wears his black track pants so that he can run without having to worry about weight. He always wears his black Nike running shoes.

- A refillable water can
- very small radio
- small flashlight
- 4 small cans of food, Crackers and some snacks
- bottle of deodorant, half-empty toothpaste, cheap toothbrush, small hairbrush
- Wallet
- pocket knife
- Wrench
- 3 sets of clean socks
- Bundeswehr Combat knife
Weapons: Axel carries a p90 hand gun with 2 magazines on it. Axel is not a very good shooter but he knows the basics on how to use a gun. He has knowledge of the safety lock and how to aim. Axel likes to use his favorite Bundeswehr Combat knife that he always bring everywhere. He found this knife in his father's stash. He prefers knifes over guns since they are more flexible.
Axel was born into a low-middle class family. He had a younger sister with whom he had a good understanding with. Axel was forced to work a lot of part time jobs. When it came to school, Axel spent most of the time slacking off and spent his free time on video games, track and basketball. Surprisingly Axel is not the party type, he did not have a social life. He preferred to be alone most of the time, shooting hoops and jogging early in the morning. He spent most of his time hanging out by himself playing billiards, going to shooting range and etc... Before the apocalypse Axel was an avid MMO gamer who spend most of his time playing MMO rather than going to school. He worked retail in the afternoon and came home late night, and continued his activity by playing more video games. Truth be told, Axel is actually a very smart person who never really tried his hardest when it comes to education. After his parents died, Axel felt like he disgraced the name of the Vica family and decided to do something right. So he decided to study Information Technology in school. That’s when the virus outbreak happened. It all started during class when Axel separated himself alone to do some research. He heard one of his classmates scream in agony and fear suddenly. Axel knew something was wrong and when he peaked out the window, he saw one of his classmates being attacked by a walker. Axel ran straight home to make sure his sister was safe. After a long depressing talk with his sister, Axel grabbed all the needed equipment’s from home. As he retrieved his father combat dagger, Axel prayed for his guidance and was off.