Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Flames burned bright as a man held a piece of parchment above lapping fire, having accepted and read the contract. It was a straight forward job. He glanced at the parchment again, noting that the flame was eagerly gobbling up the bottom and making it's way to the top.

"Target: Kray

Mission Parameters: Currently located in, or headed too, the recently revived Hallowed Halls for some unknown reason. The target is preferred alive, but accepted dead without any deduction or change in pay. Reason being his extraordinary abilities in drug enhanced state. Also apparently ability to craft debuffing drugs that affect targets.

Reward: Recently discovered Book of Secular Runes by Unknown Author"

He finally let the flame have the parchment. It was his third time reading it, but he had committed it to memory the first time. It was the reward that had called to him, he needed more runes if he were to complete another mission - gaining entry into the Way of the Warrior tournament to find a highly sought after combatant, who was rumored to be vetted for the next tournament. It would be revealed to him when the time was right, but for now, he could only prepare himself. The reward for that was immense as well.

The Midnight Stalker watched the flame, and the dancing shadows it cast, for another moment. Despite being indoors, there was a slight breeze that blew the flames on a slight south westerly track. He had been within the confines of the building for two days now, time kept track of by way of the sun outside of the windows he passed. There had been no sign of Kray, but he was confident the man was either in the monolithic building already, or he had decided to go to another area.

It mattered little; the Stalker would have his prey and pay.

Brushing his hair out of his face, the flames revealed the dark smile that often painted his lips. It was a smile of his that often insinuated that he was about to make a kill, something that was immensely enjoyable to him. Cutting quickly across the room, he darted out into the halls, and made his way upward, towards a large intersection; the flames at his back quickly being consumed by the shadows, as he would be in just another steps.

His swords on his back, and at his hip, sheathed in hard boiled leather and wrapped in twine and hair, bounced noiselessly. The shield at his back scarcely moved. The light of his ominous, Light at the end of the String, concealed by his hand and the roped wrapped up his left wrist.

With a lick of his lips, he settled on the hall to his right hand side. Foot over foot, the assassin made his way down - if for nothing else - to find another place to set up camp and wait for the prey to come to him.

If one were spiritually inclined; they'd swear that behind the man, the spirit of a Trap door spider followed the man, as if stalking him as it's own potential meal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Kray was crouch-walking( usual goblin stance) through the dimly lit passages of Hollowed Halls, flicking his head in a variety of different directions. He was being followed.
Kray only knew this because of his loyal companions in the goblin under-ground. However, he had no clue as to what his opponennt was like. This... thing was not very well known, and this worried Kray.
He was crossing an intersection, as he looked right, and had to take a double-take to confirm his eyes.
There was a man. He appeared tall, even in his lowered position.
Kray fumbled with his injector gun, inserting a basic needle. While needles like this usually couldnt kill somrone, these had the actual pin 3 inches long, able to penetrate the skull, into the brain. He fired of an un-aimed shot, and performed a combat roll back the way he came. Unless his oponent couldnt see shadows, or didnt look fast enough, or died, he would know which direction the goblin went. But what his foe couldnt see was Kray makinng a jump off a wall(mario style) and up onto a nearby chandelure. He stopped the glass bulbs and jewels as best he could, and then waited, ready to cut the chains with his claws if his enemy walked under his perch. But, he also felt it wad neccesary to trick his foe, so he began whispering creepy phrases. "I see you." He whispered. "Over here." These words echoing off the cavernous walls and all around the halls.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 8 mos ago

The Stalker approached the intersection of the Hallows, carefully picking his way down the hall in order to find an appropriate place to scout for his mark, Kray. What he hadn't expected was to stumble across the creature, coming down one of the halls that formed the intersection.

Another thing he hadn't expected was to be accosted by the creature, who obviously should have laid down and died on the spot - for all the time he had spent waiting for him. The creature fired an errant shot from some type of weapon, prompting Stalker to dodge to the left side; though it was probably not needed. The shot wasn't aimed, apparently, and fired wide to the right, far from where he was standing anyway.

As he came up, he lost sight of the creature, and unraveled the Light at the End of the String. Once it dropped completely to the ground, it started swing left and right. What little light it produced didn't cause the man to appear, but it hadn't needed too. The creature, despite it's size, managed to somehow get from the ground to the ceiling - evident by the tell-tale sound of the chandelier.

He stopped himself from immediately attacking. Why had his opponent leaped to the air, instead of continuing down the quiet hall? Did he suspect that Stalker had not heard the clanking in the quiet area? He wanted to test it out. Stalker swung the light outward, causing the light to glow somewhat brightly.

With a flick of the wrist, the line snapped taut and he flickered it up towards the chandelier. An explosive blast of energy, with the base power of three full sticks of dynamite. It was enough to massacre anyone who took the hit directly, unless they were exceptionally durable. Did that apply to Kray? He did not know. It would be interesting to find out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Kray watched closely, carefully, and intently as he waited for his opponent to chase him around the corner. Then he saw it. A light. Clearer than the rest? Slowly moving back-forth-back-forth. Brighter! Closer...closer! Kray could see this light, advancing. But he heard no footsteps. Even the quitest assassin could not mive that fastcwithout allerting their target.

The goblin dove away from the light, onto the floor into another roll. He attempted to jump around the corner but the explosion blew him into a wall. "Uggh. No serious damage here...well, on me ofcourse." The walls of the corridor he was in seconds before had a large hole in each of them. But wierdly enough, on the other sides were more hallways. "Uh, weird." Kray pulled himself up and scrambled towards a hall to his left, if coming from the way his foe probably would, it would be right.

He didnt know if his enemy planned to rush in after the explosion to catch him while he was disoriented(or to see if he was dead) or if he was gonne wait to see if he heard anything, but Kray didnt wanna wait around for it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 8 mos ago

When he didn't see blood dripping down from the ceiling or the carcass of Kray thumping against the ground before him, Stalker understood his shot had missed. The chandelier dropped to the ground and shattered its glass contents all over the floor. His opponent had somehow shown the nimbleness to escape off a perch up high, and the speed to avoid a shot that surely would have taken him out. The dossier had not given this particular bit of information.

Stalker shrugged off the surprise, and readied his Light once more and edged into a slow walk, following Kray. The creature had slipped down another hallway.


Just Perfect.

He breathed deeply, and turned, pressing his back against the wall. No way of actually knowing whether or not Kray stood in wait, or had scurried on down the hall. Might as well play it safe. He didn't become this renowned by being stupid; just sinister, and really... really smart.

The light danced again, and another rune was activated. Three of me, One of thee. A clone of his appeared to his left, and with a nod, headed down the hall way; illuminated by the lights along the wall.

Hopefully Kray didn't go too far into the rabbit hole.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Kray had escaped down and turned left and was about to turn down another hall way when something got his eye. He looked left and saw the man walking down the hall he was just in. This next part was just like a horror movie. Kray hadnt moved once he saw him, and just sat there stock still in the numbing darkness, staring at him.

The unexpected move of the man made Kray jump and he stumbled around the corner his left hand scraping the floor and making a distinct sound as he scrambled out of sight of the Shadow Stalker's Clone.

He crouch ran how goblins do down the corridor then right before he turned another corner, he saw a chest, and opened it. Luckily there was very little inside, just some scrolls and candles. He jumped inside and listened through the keyhole, preparing a steroid syringe incase things went south.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Stalker followed his clone down the hall, keeping a safe distance away. Based on the sounds that reached him down the hall, Kray had seen him - well, one version of him - and had made a beeline for an escape.

The blast had put the fear of the stalker in him.

That was just fine.

Stalker caught up with his clone, and sent down the hall. There was several things going through his mind. One, was that he was a sinister bastard taking this job. So far, Kray had proven to be a rather frightened fellow who had little intention of engaging Stalker. That wasn't the weird part, often marks ran from Kray, as his smile was off putting and the Light was deadly.

All fear the light.

Another thing going through his mind was that this could have been a trap, Kray was probably leading him into some enclosed room where he would have the advantage of close range against a man whose physical prowess was relegated to his footwork and speed. He wasn't strong. He wasn't particularly durable.

Perhaps Kray was smart after all.

Well then, he did have another version of him to take any damage, if Kray thought the clone was real. No reason why he shouldn't, after all. The clone was him - just couldn't attack.

Wrapping his hand around his Light, concealing it's bright glow, Stalker stayed behind his double. They followed the sounds of the creature - the goblin had little sense of concealing the sounds his feet made as they slapped against the ground during his run.

They came upon an open door. Both stood to the side, not daring to cross in front of the door, for that may have been what the creature wanted. The double went in first, just after Stalker activated another Rune.

To Hide in a Shadow...

This Rune allowed him to blend in with the shadows, an inherent trait he had - just amplified.

With a nod, he sent the clone into the room, dimly lit by a candle on the far wall, and one just by the door. Nothing much was in the room, just a chest and the candles on the wall.

Stalker positioned himself in the shadows, watching. He held the light tight in his hand, allowing none of it to peer out and alert the Goblin.

His double approached the chest. Kray had to have come in here. Could he have foolishly hidden in the chest? The double approached - a slow steady gait.

One way to find out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Muffled footsteps. Double. Muffled footsteps. They got closer. Stopped. One set continued after a moment, then the other. Very close. He pulled the trigger.

The syringe injected into his forearm a clear liquid, and Kray began to grrow in size, veins becoming visible in his skin, his muscles beccoming massive in size. His baggy shorts-luckily they're baggy or theyd rip in half at his growth- now fitting normally. His lab coat slightly ripping in several places, as it was previously too big for Kray aswell.

He burst from the chest unvoluntarily, but still letting out monsterish roar. He grabbed the clone and hoisted him by the throat with one hand, and punched him through the doorway wwith the other. Attemptinng to follow after his prey, it became known to him he couldnt fit through the door. Easy solution- he ripped several bricks out of each side of the doorway and stooped to get through. His (clone) target unseen, he began to rage, slamming his iron clad fist into walls and boxes and coffins, bewildered at the position of his foe.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 8 mos ago

The dossier may have mentioned his inherent ability to manipulate drugs in his system, and that implied smarts, especially when it came to creating drugs that effect himself and others.

But damn, was Kray one stupid Goblin.

Stalker watched from the shadows as his double was lifted and punched through the doorway, and let his smile grow wider. The clone dissembled once it reached the shadows. Purpose served.

That purpose was to draw Kray out, but he hadn't expected the goblin to double in size and weight.

Unraveling the Light, he swung it back and forth.


The rune allowed him to send out an explosive blast of energy. He had used it earlier against Kray and it was avoided. This time, the case would be different. Kray had effectively come to him.

Rolling to the side, keeping himself on the move, Stalker activated the rune - at fairly close range - and sent the shot directly at the upper body of Kray.

His opponent had made himself into a nearly impossible to miss target, with his mass doubling as it did. The shot, should it land would explode square on the collarbone and up the neck. Significant damage was expected.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Out of seemingly nowhere, a bright light swung towards Kray's neck/upper torso area, surprising the green beast. This light less loose an explosion, most of the attack hitting its intended target, but not in the entirely intended place. Kray had just begun to rise from his stoop out from under the doorway, elivating his upper body. This caused the blast to hit him in the chest(doing signnificantly less damage than it would have in the collarbone area), sending him flying backwards back into the room and through several walls. One. Two. Three. Stop.

Kray layed against a wall several dozen feet from where he previously was. He had massive burns and scars all across his chest area. Black splotches clouded his vision, making him feel tired. I need to sleep. No. Dont.
He slowly pushed himself up from his weakened position, and even under the effect of steroids, his enhanced need for violence was beat by his common sense to escape. He began to stumble down the hall to his left. Wait.

He turned, and his tatoos began to glow, and then they dulled all except one. The brick wall one. A wall appearing exactly the same as the others rose from the floor, covering Krays escape path to hide from his opponent. He then continued to stumble down the wide hall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 8 mos ago

For what could have been compared to an a sturdy individual, he certainly was light; either that, or Blow... Bang... was more powerful than previously anticipated. Either way, Stalker was happy with what occured. The blast had sent the hulking beast deep into the room, and from the sounds of it, through several walls.


Three walls based off the dull echo of crashing sounds that permeated from the depths of darkness in the room.

Stalker stepped free from the shadows, his abilities wearing off either way. With a crack of his neck, the Light at the End of the String swung freely once more, and another clone was formed. With a nod, Stalker sent it heading into the room and through the holes. Stalker followed behind it, letting the light swing back and forth, before wrapping it up in his hand.

No need to alert the prey.

So far, Kray had proven somewhat idiotic in his behavior, but strangely durable. Perhaps now, however, they'd find his body - and deliver it back to the employer.

Following the trail of destruction, the double made it to the third hole - Stalker appearing just a few moments later. Last time, the ruse worked to perfection, there would be no reason why it wouldn't have duplicated effects.

Peering though the third hole, there still had been no body to be retrieved, and that was somewhat disappointing. Kray was crafty, he had to admit.

They now had a choice to make. The left afforded them a quick trip, but a brick wall marked it as a dead end. That left the right, and thus that is the way Stalker sent his double. The damage Kray sustained should be on the verge of putting him down - especially when he drops from the hulking behemoth he had become.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

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Kray was somewhere around two hallways away from his foe, good thing too. He began to slowly shrink in size back to his normal stature, and he suddenly collapsed from effort. "That was a strong attack. I better get out of here." He thought. He made an effort to stand, and upon succeeding, continued his way in the opposite direction his opponent was. He drew a needle and drew his own blood in preparation of his BloodRun ability.

He was poised in a way to where he was walking semi-sideways down the hall, allowing him to watch his back while seeing ahead aswell. He had his injector gun ready to fire at any sign of trouble.

Upon traveling down the halls he noticed the various weapons surrounding him, discretely beconing to be equipped to a worthy warrior. He picked up two, small, handheld crossbows and nocked bolts into them. his injector now at his hip, he continued down the hall, being ever so cautious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Stalker picked his way through the halls looking for the signs that Kray had come this way. It was odd, there was virtually no sign that a behemoth had come through this way. Had they missed something? It couldn't have been that.

Letting the Light swing, he produced another double, reaching his limit of two at a time. They'd come to another intersection. Stalker, quiet as ever, nodded down the left and right halls, before taking the center for himself. His doubles couldn't cause any actual damage, but they were good doppelgangers.

Kray had fallen for it before, but Stalker figured the goblin could figure out there was at least two, one had to be the real Stalker. Smiling to himself, he cautiously slipped into the darkness, letting the light guide his way. One of him would come to the Goblin, but that mattered little - it had to be the real Stalker.

The purpose of the other two was to draw out and expend the energies of Kray, but it was beginning to take it's toil on Stalker as well; two Blow... Bang...'s, and three times using the doppelganger technique, drew energy from the man. While he wasn't in danger of running on E, he would need to put Kray down soon or he would reach that territory relatively soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Kray made a right, and upon looking up the corridor, saw that the only other way was another right. He continued until he made it to the turn and stopped. Footsteps. He got low, and aimed one of his newly found crossbows at the corridor he was about to walk down, as that was where he heard them. A shadow. It appeared at the end of the hall, moving towards where his weapon was aimed. Immediately upon seeing his foe, he fired, and the bolt flew directly towards his head. Then he was gone.
"What..." Kray looked around himself. I swear he was there. He thought. He, very reluctantly and slowly, began to move up to where he had saw him. The only thing here at this three way intersection was his bolt.
A....clone? "That devil." He said upon realization. He grabbed his bolt and nocked it as he began to run back down the hall he came from. Turning the only possible direction, left, he continued to run doen the hall past where he originally came, and made another left, then slowed his pace.
"Hes not catching this goblin. Not today."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 8 mos ago

He didn't have to be present to know his clone had been dispatched, though he wouldn't know how. Stalker smiled his sweet smile, would it confuse Kray again, trick him into revealing himself?

The Midnight Stalker turned down another hall way, this one leading to his left. He swung his light outward, illuminating the hall way. The game was quickly changing, and Stalker, for all his mute killing intent, was getting annoyed with the crafty goblin that managed to survive so long.

He decided he needed to hunker down.

His surviving clone was quickly making its way back to Stalker; an essential part of the plan.

Picking a dark room, he slid in and hid by the door; out of sight of anyone walking past, as the shadows consumed him.

If there was anything Stalker was masterful at, it was the art of patience, and waiting for his prey to come to him. Such sweet sorrow, in hindsight, as the goblin could have been a remarkable partner, if his prowess with drugs were to be believed. He hid the light well, not wanting to give anything away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Kray continued his way down the halls, until he ran into a dead end.
He turned around and traveled several halls back to where he saw the clone, slowing as he approached. He peeked around each corner quickly, and seeing nothing, decided to take a left.
He walked down another short hallway, and turned a right. "Havent seen or heard anything for awhile." He thought. And then he stopped, and listened.

(Sorry for the empty post I dont have much to do.

Also, Id say they are about a hallway apart?)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Hunkered down in the dark room, consumed by the shadows Stalker began to put his plan in motion. The Light extended and stretched placing a Watch You Step rune right outside the door. That would initiate phase one of his, hopefully, final assault on the elusive Kray.

Setting the rune was the easy part; Watch Your Step was a trap trigger rune, one that activated when pressure is applied, and produced an explosion equivalent in size and power to three full sticks of dynamite. With a one foot height from the top of the runic symbol to the bottom, and four feet in length from side to side, it would be hard to miss.

Now to wait for Kray.

His double slinked silently through the halls, headed towards the room Stalker now occupied for the percieved final showdown. In passing, he came across Kray, watched to see if Kray saw him. Should he have, the double would vanish down the hall, leading the goblin, huge or small, down into the clutches of the Stalker.

Come, Come... Kray.
The End is Nigh.
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