Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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HeySeuss DJ Hot Carl

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Primavera, Sandro Botticelli, 1482.

- Using the character template below, please post your character sheets here only. All other posts go straight to the OOC, please. :)
- Requested roles are requests. I can do without/NPC such roles if no one wants them. However, they're pretty interesting roles.

Requested Roles

- Mysia - The Queen Dowager of the Gods, the wife of the murdered King of the Gods. Currently a drunken recluse that has shut herself away in the apartments of Krona, the currently-decaying palace of Aroesus.
- A son of the King of Gods that benefits from the death as an heir apparent, akin to Octavian, or perhaps a prodigy/loyal follower akin to Marc Anthony who now uses his oratory and demagoguery to his advantage.
- A trickster deity, perhaps a disgruntled member of another pantheon.
- A deity devoted to bacchanalia/drunkeness and revelry.
- A deity that runs the underworld.
- Deities that see the dead to the underworld and other parts; probably in conflict with the underworld deity.
- Deities of the seasons, with perhaps other responsibilities.
- Members of the Conspiracy to Assassinate Aroesus who was killed in a way that made it impossible for him to be identified. I figure it adds a layer of intrigue; no one really knows who were the conspirators, and they don't even necessarily know all the other conspirators even if they're in on the conspiracy. The thing is, don't put it down on your sheet that your character was involved just PM me with that info. By the same token, it's possible to be aware of the identity of a conspirator but not reveal it, if, for example, one is the brother, sister, lover or otherwise of a conspirator. I have final say on the conspiracy thing, to keep people from knowing too much or using it in a way I deem objectionable.
- Other ideas as you see fit.

Character Sheet
Gender (if applicable):
Patronage: (This is what your deity is; a primary thing that they have authority over, though some deities have multiple patronages, such as Apollo or Athena did.)
Parentage: (You can say things like "the sky" with a straight face here. Joy. Joy too. You can come sprung fully grown out of dad's skull. You can be descended of a goose and your mom, who clearly didn't have high standards.)
Deity, Ex-deity or powerful being seeking apotheosis.
Appearance: Include all manifestations, including lecherous geese.

Centres of Worship/Places of Power:
Example: Athens and Athena, the Oracle of Delphi and Apollo, Achilles, descended of a river nymph...so on and so forth. A deity may be a patron of a city or a kingdom, but I am going to say that deities cannot control the free will of mortals, that's what makes them so irritating, and thus while able to influence events in these places, they will not have absolute power over them. There is a give and take between such worshipers and their deities, too, as the patron is expected to do things for their patronage.

Servants, Prominent Followers and Worship Base:
I'm looking for an idea of what sort of people follow your deity and an idea of what sort of spirits/beings might be their servants, through which they make their wills be known. Prominent worshipers would mean prophets, kings and otherwise important mortals that are loyal to your deity. This can, of course, include playwrights, poets, singers and so forth...be creative. Worship base are the normal everyday people of various trades, tribes, nationalities and so forth who might find your god to be their patron/matron.

What is pleasing to them and what drives them mad will do; even the more benevolent deities ought to have their egomaniacal and selfish side.

An explanation of from whence the deity came and what befell them in various events. It's not a bad idea to cooperate with other players on this and expand as you see fit.

Loves, hates, lusts, crushes, affairs, rapes, incests, zoophilia incidents with shepherd girls (always a Jovian favorite) and the like. Oh, and mere alliances and rivalries, as well. Probably fueled by the above.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Labyrinthine


Member Offline since relaunch

Just letting you know I'm interested! :) I'm calling the night/thieves deity and a nymph.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 2 days ago


Name/Titles: Nanaeios, Siren of Storms, the Harpy of Hurricanes, Matron of Maelstroms, The Watery Grave
Gender: Female
Matronage: Storms and the Dead
Parentage: Nanaeios is a reflection of her birth, created by the water of her mother's tears, the Goddess of the Skies who wept for a certain deities loneliness. The god of the underworld, Tinios, was a solemn man who watched over the world of Malebazus and Lake Sharzunates, and when the Goddess of the Skies saw his plight, cried in hopes that he may find some warmth in the life he unwillingly took upon himself. From her cries, Nanaeios was born, and became that hope; she immediately fell in love with Tinios, and with her beauty and devotion, the god gladly accepted her proposal for marriage. In this sense, Nanaeios has no father.
Pantheon/Affiliation: Deity
Appearance: Nanaeios is often depicted as a beautiful young woman, with skin as white as the lightning that heralds her arrival, or as pale as death, depending on who is describing her. Those that feel pity for her claim the former, while those that suffer from her storms say the latter. The immense coat weaved with black feathers she wears upon her shoulders is a memento of her husband, which is believed to be capable of turning into black wings not unlike the harpies that she supposedly bears. Within the mortal realm, she is believed to be the storm itself, though such are merely the effects of her presence in the area. Nanaeios can also depict herself as a massive sea serpent, or a jet-black harpy whose wings crackle with electricity.

Centres of Worship/Places of Power: Nanaeios, being a deity of storms and the vile dead, enjoys few significant places of worship. Most mortals scorn her for the disasters she causes, and so temples dedicated to her, and individuals sending sympathy are looked down upon, ostracized, or even destroyed. Storm Temples are sparsely located within Lymaeus, and are small in stature, generally being but a few circles of stone slabs with saddening poetry etched into their surfaces. Though spiteful of her, sailors sometimes reach these temples to ask for mercy, or even to pray that love may find its way into their hearts -for no love is stronger than that of Nanaeios's. Necromancers create different temples that pay homage to Nanaeios, often buried deep underground or upon the cliffs bordering the seas.

Servants, Prominent Followers and Worship Base: Nanaeios possesses few truly devoted (living) followers, looked to only for mercy or for power by specific individuals. Those that come to her frequently are the sailors who wish for safe journeys, and all that is offered is gold or fur, believed to serve to warm her in her cold world below. From there, the sailors simply disappear and hope that their prayers will be answered, ultimately uncaring of Nanaeios herself. Storm Temples are thus often riddled with purses with a few gold coins or animal pelts left there. Few are brave enough to take items left there for Nanaeios, for the rumor is strong that thieves who steal from her are killed in the night by the living dead that rise from the seas and lakes to punish them.

In this, the dead serve Nanaeios faithfully, looking to her as a gorgeous beacon of light in their own despair, doing her bidding without question and for her praise. Decaying corpses and skeletons rise up from places of deep water most often to punish thieves of her temples, though have also been known to attack maidens who betray their lovers. Especially close couples have claimed that the risen dead have appeared in storms to help them in times of need when traveling between cities and towns, combating bandits or fixing transportation. An especially fanciful tale says that an undead horse came to a couple's aid when their own horse broke its leg during a journey. These sorts of tales also hold true for individuals seeking to return to their spouse safely.

Just as the dead follow Nanaeios faithfully, so to do the few necromancers of Lymaeus, who call upon Nanaeios for temporary ownership of the souls of the dead. However, unlike with sailors who offer gifts to the storm goddess, necromancers walk a more dangerous game. Most often, necromancers offer their souls as great generals for Nanaeios in death, sacrificing any chance they have at going to Hevas after death, and will forever remain in Malebazus, separated from the eternal cycle of resurrection that other souls experience.

Sirens and harpies, the mystical banes of sailors and mountaineers all proclaim fealty to Nanaeios, believed by mortals to be the offspring of the goddess herself. Harpies harry mortals who find themselves climbing particularly desolate mountains until they perish from numerous minor wounds. They appear as women with wings in place of arms, and bearing the talons of raptors instead of true feet. Sirens are found along coastlines and near islands, appearing as irresistibly beautiful women to male mortals. When their prey come near, they sing phantasmal songs to lure them closer before drowning them in the water and consuming their flesh.

Psychology: Nanaeios presents herself as the strikingly cool and collected calm before a storm, though can quickly turn maniacally vicious or distraught with but simple wrong-doings of others. Others deal with her in a cautious manner, knowing well that after the death of Aroesus, the border between Miphas and Sharzunates has become thinner, and Nanaeios's restrictions less potent... She has displayed on more than one occasion that even the tiniest mistake in the transport of a mortal soul to Hevas may be taken advantage of by Nanaeios if she deems the soul unworthy of peace. When interacting with other deities, Nanaeios appears peaceful and quiet, often melancholic and apologetic if things go properly. Errors, slights, or damages done to her or her psyche almost always result in her devolving into fits of rage or despair, most of which involve her unleashing preposterous amounts of tears. She becomes violent to nearly anyone within sight, or so heavy-hearted that she cannot interact properly any longer.

Nanaeios appreciates love and devotion more than anything else. believing them to be the highest pleasure and aspect of life anyone can achieve. Especially devoted mortal couples benefit from her matronage, either in the forms of luck, wealth, health, or fertility when they so desire it. Those that truly love one another and stay true to such relationships are seen in the greatest light for Nanaeios. Though incapable of specifically working towards the creation of matrimony in the mortal world, she often wishes for certain events to take place, closely following the goings-on between important mortals in Lymaeus. Royal weddings and such, are a great enjoyment of Nanaeios.

Despite her overwhelming love of of love, Nanaeios is apprehensive to love when it comes to her own. Being still especially devoted to her late husband, the former warden of Malebazus, she does not take well to advances by others upon her, and still often reflects upon her own loss, lending to the surge in storms as of late; with the death of Aroesus, Nanaeios has seen her own plight reflected in Mysia, and further reminds herself of what it feels like to loose a loved one.


Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Name/Titles: Mikazliqui, Vova Eztli, The First Vampire, The Pariah King, The Blood God (Reborn), Cannibal of Souls
Gender: Male
Patronage: Blood, Medicine, War, Sacrifice, Outcasts, Bastards, Betrayers, Usurpers, Parasites, Orphans
Parentage: Makezanquil, deity; Raluca Eztli, mortal woman
Pantheon/Affiliation: Deity, former Demigod
Appearance: Mikazliqui's most common form is that of a great and glorious deity that bears a striking resemblance to his father, though he sometimes resumes the form he held before his ascension. When need be, had can take on a terrifyingly monstrous form. On occasion, he can also take the shape of various mistrusted or reviled creatures, such as bats, crows, snakes, wolves, rats, scorpions or leeches.

Centres of Worship/Places of Power: Vaslonya, the mortal kingdom which he ruled over as a mere demigod remembers Vova Eztli as a hero-king, and the nation is home to a considerable population of his vampiric descendants. Ruchask, the kingdom's capital, boasts an enormous statue of him in the city square and numerous public works bearing his name. Tichlatotan, a city erected in worship of his father many centuries ago by a warrior tribe is a place of great importance to Mikazliqui, as it is where he rose to godhood. Even though the city now rests in ruins, many of his brood call the city home, and so it is his de-facto "center" of worship. Nearly no chapels or altars are built in his name, as most worship of him is done in private, though he draws power from places such as hospitals, asylums, prisons and orphanages.

Servants, Prominent Followers and Worship Base: Despite inheriting the aspect of war from his father, Mikazliqui is barely recognized by warriors, as the gruesome slaughter which he is patron of fell out of favor ages ago. Though few doctors (aside from back-alley types) directly pay him tribute, every patient to die on the operating table or by any other medical mishap is a "sacrifice" in his name, whether intentional or otherwise. More often, pariahs on the outskirts of society pray to him for protection and guidance, as do orphans, for whom he is known to be a guardian. Some more vicious tribes far from the "civilized" world hold Mikazliqui highly, as do the "monsters" (witches, werewolves and so on) that lurk within mortal society. The foremost of these being vampires, all of whom are his direct descendants from his days of mortality. Mikazliqui's cthonic servants are Shades, ethereal beings native to Malebazus that he dominates through force of will.

Psychology: Mikazliqui is notable among the other gods for his peculiarly cold nature. While the others make great shows of passion, in contrast he is outwardly reserved and contemplative. He takes great care to carefully calculate his actions, and so he seems to do everything at a very calm, deliberate pace. Even so, the other gods know better than to think his demeanor indicates a peaceful nature. He takes the utmost pleasure in dominating and debasing those that he feels have wronged him, and he can hold a grudge for aeons. His father's bloodlust also runs through him, and so he takes quiet, sadistic pleasure in chaos and destruction. Ever the schemer, he is constantly embroiled in various plots to numerous, seemingly unconnected ends, with his actions and intentions oftentimes complete mysteries to mortals and gods alike. This is accompanied by a considerable amount of paranoia, and little tolerance for fools. Mikazliqui's ambition and willpower are second to none, in both his overall person and in achieving his inscrutable goals. He has no qualms over deceiving or exploiting others, and holds little regard for the feelings of his peers. However, there are lines he will not cross. Mikazliqui is fiercely protective of those that he holds patronage over, and the meddling of other gods in affairs related to them is the surest way to send him into a quiet, malicious rage. His choice of partner in matters of intimacy is considered unusual, even among other gods, as he has strange and specific tastes.

History: Makezanquil, the great god of bloody conquest and endless warfare, a being both greatly loved and feared by the numerous barbarian tribes that ruled Lymaeus millennia ago. His bloodthirst was nothing less than titanic, as warriors slain on the battlefield in his name were not enough for him, and he demanded mortals be sacrificed in his name as well. Few tribes complied with this demand, but the few that did were showered with his favor in battle. Enormous stone temples were erected in his name, atop which men, women and children were slaughtered in droves, and cities grew around the bases of the great altars. Rivers ran red with blood, mountains were built from bones and Makezanquil could not be happier.

A warrior-king in Vaslonya, a region far from the epicenter of Makezanquil's worship, known as Kirill Eztli, had the fate of his kingdom resting on an upcoming battle. To ensure the heavens ruled in his favor, he offered his eldest daughter, Raluca, as a sacrifice to the blood god. However, before her blood could be spilled, Makezanquil appeared before the sacrifice, ravaged the young woman, and promptly vanished. This had been done out of spite toward his divine peers, who in their disgust of his habits and worshipers demanded that he never have children. Though King Eztli came to win his monumental battle, when it was learned that his daughter was pregnant, he cast her out of his court and onto the streets, as she was now unmarriageable and worthless to him.

Indeed, this child was disastrous to mortals and gods alike. In retaliation toward Makezanquil's daring move, they cursed his child in its infancy. The sun would scorch the demigod, and he would share his father's thirst for blood in a much more literal sense. The curse was laid on his blood, as was fitting, so all of those that would share in it would also bear this curse. Vova Eztli, as his mother named him, was a sickly child, as it was not until he was of schooling age that he discovered his dependence on blood. His youth was difficult as he and his mother lived in abject poverty and were social outcasts despite being of royal blood. Raluca died of illness when Vova was still quite young, and so he learned to fend for himself. With cunning and ruthlessness he survived in the streets of Ruchask, not only fending off scum and keeping himself fed, but also educating himself. His divine blood helped him greatly in this regard, as by seven he was the only person in his slum that could read, and by ten he had learned the fundamentals of black magic. He knew of why he had been subjected to such a harsh life, and intended to take his revenge on the royal family by taking the throne for himself.

By the time Vova was a man, he was a talented fighter with both fist and sword, a shrewd manipulator with fathomless charisma, a well-read scholar with a razor-sharp intellect, and a warlock of considerable power. As the old king grew feeble with age, he made his presence known to the noble court of Vaslonya. Through ruthless politicking, a few arranged assassinations, and a show of might in dark sorcery (namely, pulling off his own head in full view of the court, giving a speech, and then promptly reattaching it), he unseated the king's eldest son from the title of crown prince and inherited the throne of Vaslonya upon his grandfather's death. On the day of his coronation, Makezanquil appeared again before the Eztli family, and informed Vova of his true lineage, which his mother had kept secret from him. Vova smiled and shook his father's hand, vowing to make him proud, though in his heart Vova blamed the blood god for his and his mother's misfortune and plotted his revenge from that very moment.

Under his rulership, Vaslonya flourished. He reformed its corrupt government and restructured its outdated economy. He started great projects of public works, seeking to uplift the nation's many poor and eliminate the slums in the capital. An orphanage, practically unheard of in that era, was built in Ruchask to care for the endangered children of poverty and war. Though as the years passed and Vaslonya grew, Vova found that he was not growing old. He turned his sights inward, exploring the nature of his divine blood and the curse laid upon him. He experimented and found that any children he sired not only bore the same curse as he, but also shared in a small fraction of his power. He realized that these dark children of his, these Vampires, would be his avenue for revenge against the gods and his father. With black magic he altered himself and was even able to tamper with the curse. By feeding his cursed blood to humans, he could enthrall them into becoming Ghouls, a trade of power and immortality in exchange for their free will.

When he felt that Vaslonya could carry on without his guidance, he left the parliament in charge of governance and departed the nation with a large collection of human, ghoul and vampire followers. They journeyed to Tichlatotan, now a crumbling mass of stone ruins that had been the heart of Makezanquil's worship many years before. Through mass breeding and inbreeding, Vova amassed a considerable population of vampires in the ancient city, creating a perverse, cult-like community. It was then that he promised a tremendous sacrifice in his father's name, assuring that it would be unlike anything before seen. Makezanquil was overjoyed, and eagerly arrived on the planned day of the sacrifice. As was promised, the old braziers were lit anew and the city once again flowed with the blood of dozens of willing sacrifices. Those not being offered up reveled in food and wine, Makezanquil partaking most heartily. Once the blood god had become good and drunk, Vova made his move. Sinking his fangs into his father's thick neck, he drank up his divine ichor, using his unholy power to take the god's spirit into himself. Once he had drank enough, he ate his dying father's flesh, and when there was none left, devoured his very soul.

With this great infusion of power, Vova had transcended demigodhood and had become a true deity unto himself. He re-named himself Mikazliqui, meaning Accursed Blood in a long-forgotten tongue. His curse had been cured by his father's soul being assimilated by his own, but he gained his father's other attributes as well. He yearned for blood sacrifice, but such a thing had fallen out of favor in the last few centuries. To make up for it, he took patronage of the growing practice of medicine, which contributed enough gruesome deaths to satisfy him. Upon ascending to Hevas, the other gods were horrified by the brutality that had allowed Mikazliqui to join them. He is more reviled than his father ever was, not only for his casual cruelty but for his deceptive and calculating nature, which make him an unpredictable and fearsome threat. To avoid attracting needless attention to himself and his machinations, he spends the majority of his time in Malebazus, where he keeps a modest palace filled with his Shade servants and the souls of a few chosen followers that he has managed to pluck from the mortal world.

Relationships: In his lengthy mortal life, Mikazliqui had innumerable lovers and children, as all vampires are descended from his bloodline. [More to be added as CSs are submitted]
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Name/Titles: Eskellon
Gender (if applicable): Male
Patronage: Thunder (lightning and thunder), Magic, Wind, the old
Parentage: A large, magical cloud
Pantheon/Affiliation: Deity.
Appearance: A wild looking man with blue skin all over his body, carrying a staff. Or a young man with albino hair, donning a cloak. Or, an old man donned in white robes, with a staff and sword.

Centres of Worship/Places of Power:
The Moon Temple, on the top of one of the tallest mountains in the world.
Certain temples and shrines placed on mountain tops or hills.
Every major city likely has a temple or two devoted to him.

Servants, Prominent Followers and Worship Base:
Hermits, Astronomers, Sailors, Magicians, Mountain folk, Athletes (Runners), the old
Eskellon is a god that most people at least seek to give lip service to. Sailors want strong winds, although he isn't a god of stars, stars are associated with magic, and thus astronomers tend to pay homage to him as well. Hermits are sacred to Eskellon, thus they tend to pay him tribute as well. Magicians, of course, recognize him as the patron Lord of Magic. Mountain folk revere him much more than more urban citizens. Also, Eskellon is especially skilled and gifted in running, thus, athletes tend to revere him when it comes to running. The old and very young revere him for obvious reasons, and even non-magic-users tend to want the power to protect themselves, thus most people in society tend to give him at least lip service, while others are far more devoted, on average.

Solarion, the Sorcerer: Petty magics capable of being performed by mortals are strongest in the hands of sorcerers, usually. Those lesser than Demi gods but still capable of performing acts of magical spell casting are almost always magicians of some sort, IF they are but mere mortals. Solarion is a great sorcerer, some say the greatest to have lived in centuries. He is said to be three hundred years old, and he is indeed so wise and knowledgeable of the world, some suggest that he needs to have been at least older than any mortal (Human, that is) man. Rumors suggest Solarion is a descendant, somehow, of Eskellon. Solarion is adviser to numerous kings and leaders throughout the years, though sometimes he lives alone.

Gaius: The Hermit. He is a mountain man, possessing of the power of lightning and thunder. He periodically grows old and dies, and is reborn as a baby from a mysterious fruit growing from a tree. He sometimes possesses greater power than just lightning and thunder, and sometimes has different talents in his life time. As he reaches adulthood, memories of his past lives come flooding back to him. He is said to be the teacher of Solarion. Gaius can be found protecting and inhabiting mountain shrines, temples, and caves. Some say, thousands of years ago, Gaius was a great King who showed great hospitality, kindness and honor to the gods, Eskellon especially, by showering their servants with gifts. In return for such honor, Gaius was enchanted to live with immortality, but it was not thought wise to deny the under world of dead, even though others had avoided their mortality through such deeds, so Gaius dies once per life time (After a long life), and returns to the world.

Mallus: Mallus is a young, perpetually youthful child. He appears younger than thirteen, and has the powers to bring good fortune and prosperity to entire villages, towns, cities and even nations. He travels the world bringing either good things or curses to those who mistreat him, not by pronouncing judgement or praise, but merely by his existence. Those who harm him or deliberately do something nasty, or sometimes even rude, can experience misfortune, depending on the action done. Those who do something good, likewise, experience an appropriate enchantment bringing pleasant results. Mallus appears as any ethnicity or nationality automatically, as he enters region to region. On his own, Mallus is extremely intelligent, some whisper more cunning and wise than any mortal. He is versed in the sciences, art and philosophy.

He loves beautiful women, protects children, and the old. Instead of protecting anyone between early and late stages of life, he gives power. He also rewards those who are hard working and diligent. He hates laziness, abusers of the old, children and powerless. Exceptional hospitality shown to guests may cause him to reduce punishments, forgive, or even give blessings. In fact, he will kill those who abuse children, or the old, or powerless. When he becomes exceptionally angry, he will resort to what modern sensibilities may decide to identify as "Over Kill" or "Disproportionate Retribution" such as when he has once wiped out entire civilizations for emasculating a young child once the boy grew up and died as a very old man. He's likely to dote on and shower young women and children, and the old with great wealth and prosperity, or good fortune of some kind.

As far as those inbetween life stages are concerned, he will still give great rewards for proper behaviour, such as incredible knowledge and the ability to defend themselves. It isn't likely that he will forget the offenses of people who are continually cruel towards others, or who only turn away from their behavior because they are sorry they got caught. In fact, he has cursed those who constantly harm others with ugly appearances, sometimes horrible misfortune, impotence, or other calamities, and sometimes when he gets particularly nasty, he can torment evil doer's souls with a horrific after life, often by petitioning the gods of the dead.

One day, he saw a young woman being beaten by her father for not working hard enough. Eskellon killed the father with a lightning bolt and made her an Enchantress. She was named Desdemona. Desdemona fell in love with Eskellon, and they were lovers for hundreds of years, but she was mortal, she grew old and died, and Eskellon is only allowed to visit her in her death on certain festival days, which double as Eskellon's holidays, which celebrate romance between Eskellon and Desdemona.

Another day, Eskellon witnessed an old man beaten to death by bandits who burned down his house. Eskellon found the strongest of the bandits, and with a spell, tore out the soul of the young man and placed the old man's soul inside of him. The old man, Aesceles, then lived for another ninety years. The old man became a wizard, mightier than Eskellon's old lover, at the cost of living less than half as long. Aesceles became a good name among the people. Even today, an "Aesceles" is an old person who acts a good samaritan and helper to others. Aesceles cured diseases, brought good crops, and prevented the deaths of good kings and leaders.

On yet another day, Eskellon witnessed a young boy's screams of pain as he was made a eunuch by servants of a king so his family could become rich. Eskellon made the child the wisest and most fortunate man in his Kingdom, and on the day of the child's death at a very old age of one hundred and ten, he took all the children from the Kingdom's parents, causing them to mourn for one hundred days. Eskellon then transformed the entire Kingdom into stone. The child's name was Myceneus. There is a festival day during the year, where the people implore Eskellon not to destroy the kingdom for the abuse of children.

Still yet, another occurrence regarding Eskellon in the myths is when a young prince, Mithras, was ran through with a sword when he arrogantly traveled through a dangerous forest without gaurds. Eskellon noted that Mithras treated his injured body with healing herbs, and took care of himself very well. Eskellon visited Mithras in the form of an old hermit in the woods, berating Mithras for his vanity and foolishness, which led to his injury. Mithras attempted to slay Eskellon, but Eskellon easily disarmed him. Eskellon gave Mithras a blessing and a curse. The curse was that every evening, Mithras would transform into a peacock. The blessing was that during the day he would possess superior wisdom and knowledge. Mithras lived for centuries with both the curse and the blessing. He traveled the world as a kind man who taught others not to be vain and egotistical. When he died as an incredibly ancient man, Eskellon came to him and resurrected him. Removing the curse and doubling his life span.

In the beginning of the world, there was a magical cloud. The magical cloud covered the whole world. The old gods disliked that the magical cloud was higher than they were, so they smote the magical cloud. After the magical cloud was destroyed, Eskellon fell from the sky, and was saved by Mysia and Aroesus. He was one of the few gods, or perhaps the only god who was raised from a form of infancy till his adult hood.

As a child he was mischievious, rambunctious and basically a rascal with a heart of gold. He typically caused great calamity, followed by a stronger, but apologetic positive enchantment. As an adult he tended to fight against the enemies of the gods as a powerful sorcerer. As an old man, and he eventually became an old man for centuries, he taught incredibly powerful magic to mortals and lesser immortals, such as nymphs, etcetera, and occasionally even demi gods.

Inbetween Eskellon's adventures as a young child, an adult and an old man, he was raised or advised by older deities, particularily Mysia and Aroesus as a child, and enjoyed, or at least feigned enjoyment of the company with his fellow deities as an old man.

Eskellon once was mysteriously imprisoned by Aroesus and Mysia in a mysterious fit of madness. Eskellon went insane, and was imprisoned for long years in order to protect the world and mortals from his potent sorceries. Eventually, several Heroes and Demigods gathered artifacts and relics stolen from the gods and cured Eskellon, with the help of other deities, including Aroesus, and Mysia, through the magical items and powerful potions gathered through many adventures.

He is most likely to have a better time with the older children of Aroesus and Mysia. Although I will have to speak with the players if I'm let in to see if my idea works.
Eskellon has mixed feelings towards Nanaeios. He admires her strength and passion, yet almost shares the purview of the Sky with her, yet not close enough to cause much of a rivalry. She specifically controls storms, while Eskellon focuses on thunder, lightning and wind, she controls wild waves of wind and water, giving them enough leeway to forsake competition and not necessarily needing to care about each other's similar Patronage. Eskellon feels sorry for her, seeing her as wild and just a little bit similar to him when he was imprisoned in the Crystal Tower as a Mad god. However, he also sees her as wild and uncontrollable, far more so than even he is when he has one of his legendary furious fits of fury and anger towards evil doers.

Eskellon heavily dislikes, but does not hate Mikazliqui. He pities him for his childhood and the curse cast upon him, yet Mikazliqui is "creepy" to him. He considers him down right evil, with his past tendencies to demand and accept blood sacrifices, and his slaughter of countless innocents and defenseless. Mikazliqui is one of the rare situations in which Eskellon shows pragmatic restraint and even idealistic forgiveness. He sees Mikazliqui as an enemy, but he wants Mikazliqui to see his mistake in dominating others and causing suffering. Eskellon is unsure as to whether Mikazliqui is redeemable as far as good and evil is concerned, but knowing the suffering he had endured in his very early life, he is unsure as to whether he should just unleash his full wrath on him. As such he sees Mikazliqui as an ugly bastard who should be pitied and perhaps, if possible, brought over to the other side, to the Light.

Eskellon views Morios like hemoirroids. Ugly, disgusting and putrid. He vies Morios as a nuisance, a plague and a pestilence, and hates what Morios has done to the world, including broken families, broken hearts and people who had fallen to abusive loved ones. Eskellon would like to beat some sense into Morios, but he recognizes he isn't nearly as evil as Mikazliqui, necessarily at least. Thus, even though he sees Morios as a filthy criminal, he doesn't hold him to the same level of villainy as say, a Nazi in real world terms. It's Morios'es relationship wtih Eskellon's adopted mother that keeps him from opposing him openly.

Eskellon sees Metanoia as a kindred spirit. Inferior in his arcane arts, yet superior in more mundane ways, such as knowledge of the sciences, art, etcetera, they are both scholarly, and Eskellon sees him as a colleague. He believes him to be egotistical, but respects him all the same, and sees him as an equal. He hopes to become true friends with him one day, if he isn't already.

Eskellon sees Dream to be utterly fascinating, and reminds Dream of his own magical arts. He views Dream as a very powerful god/ddess, and an equal in terms of pure dangerous force. Eskellon loves their treatment of Aroesus after his death, but thus far he has been unable to found out much about them. He wishes to be on good terms with them, perhaps even so far as to form an alliance.

Dareos is another deity that Eskellon views as "Necessary Hemorrhoids". What would life be without material prosperity and trade for mortals? Not very good. He views Dareos as a "Lying bastard". Also, being the god of drugs and corruption makes Eskellon desire to turn Dareos into a worm, instead of a snake. Also, when Aroesus was slain, and Dareos was so elated, Eskellon seriously considered giving Dareos a full body make over. (Transforming him into stone).

Eskellon feels only pain and sympathy for Nihris. He has fallen for Nihris in a way, but he is only loyal to Desdemona. He wishes to be a strong friend of Nihris, and wishes to comfort her. He has made a magical concoction to bring her relief to her broken heart.

He doesn't harbor any particular dislike towards Lefredias but recognizes him as an enemy and a threat. He is repulsed at the manner of his birth, but beyond that, doesn't have much to say about him.

He would admire Dihira as much as Metanoia, but he doesn't know what to think about her, or if he should trust her. He sees her as a "possibly friendly" rival, but he respects her and to some extent likes her, but he is paranoid of her. Too paranoid of her to hold much more than a passing admiration of her. With that said, he highly respects her, as mentioned, even though he feels that with her patronage over lost arts and secrets, that she infringes far too much on his patronage over magic. He enjoys speaking with her in a professional manner, however, about certain subjects that the two have in common. If nothing else Eskellon enjoys giving Dihira professional courtesy.

He loves Lathunis. Eskellon holds nothing but praise and respect for Lathunis. An old man loves to have a wife into their old age, and Lathunis tends to provide that for mortals in their world. He generally acts more benevolent than many other deities, and thus, he has earned much honor from Eskellon.

Eskellon isn't sure anyone loves Phoebus. He doesn't. He isn't afraid of her, but he doesn't hate her either. He dislikes her but. . . eh. . . he doesn't have much to say about her. He would rather just ignore her. Unless, of course, he ever finds out if she presents a threat.

Kyraeos is a disappointment to Eskellon. He respects, even likes and admires Kyraeos, but his defilement of various beautiful people over the years, frustrates Eskellon, as he views Kyraeos as a highly respectful colleague who has an annoying habit to disappoint him with his great lust, victimizing, on occasion, even some of Eskellon's worshipers, over the centuries. With all that said, Kyraeos'es embodiment and power over the mystic greatness of the Moon fascinates him, and while he will always remain honorable towards Kyraeos, he may eventually finally have enough of his ill treatment of mortals and call him out on it. Not that he hasn't already done so, but he may make his annoyance more official in the future.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crazy Guy

Crazy Guy

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eh, f*** it. I'll just throw out what I feel can be public info and PM the rest to the GM.

Name: Metanoia
Titles: The Spectre of Sinners, Holder of Regret, The Present Past, Power of Guilt, Prince of Atonement, Lady of Loss, Child of Contrition, Keeper of Cliffs, among others
Gender: Has a default "male" form, but will take on whatever traits are needed to cause guilt.
Patronage: Guilt, Past, Memory, Atonement, Revenge, Punishment, Conscience, Pain, Anguish, Humility, Justice, Judgment, Knowledge of the Past.
Parentage: The spilled blood of a fallen army from long ago.
Pantheon/Affiliation: Technically, Deity. In reality, he's one of those weird constants that stays no matter what pantheon is in control. Even so, he gave a statement declaring that Aroesus had his obedience for the duration of his reign, just as he had done for the previous god-princes.
Appearance: Metanoia has nothing in the way of a true appearance, as he is a living emotion/idea. Instead, Metanoia has a method in his usual appearance: He takes the form of the greatest victim of the worst error that someone nearby has committed. Example: Two people are standing in a room when Metanoia appears to them. One has stolen, and the other has raped. Metanoia would then take the form of the rape victim for both people to see. If a person has equally heinous but different sins on the conscience, then Metanoia takes on either the appearance of the most recent victim, or that of a still-living victim. If Metanoia doesn't want to appear but still be present, then he is nothing more than a voice in the wind and a presence in the mind of whoever he wishes to speak with. If he wants to appear without explicitly bringing up someone's crimes, he will take on the appearance of the general who began his birth. It is very rare to see Metanoia in his "default" form, and even rarer for him to remove the mask on his face when he does so, as it means he either finds no fault in the being(s) he will appear to, or simply trusts them enough to do the right thing even when they fall.

Centres of Worship/Places of Power:
There have been cities built over or near the battlefield where Metanoia was born, and each was proclaimed as Metanoia's holy city while the city was still, though Metanoia himself doesn't particularly care too much about that. However, he doesn't mind when people build temples to him, as long as they're more functional than formal.

Metanoia also has the strange habit of appearing at natural formations where people commit suicide, discouraging them from self-slaughter. Since this is usually cliffs or other high places where people drop themselves from, some temples of Metanoia are located near such places so that his clergy can do his work for him.

Servants, Prominent Followers and Worship Base:
Soldiers, lovers, leaders, doctors, and parents, in particular. Metanoia will lend an ear and a voice to anyone with regrets. Metanoia has no prominent followers, but his existence is common knowledge in both mortal and divine realms, though Metanoia is a little ostracized by way of his uncomfortable nature. Not many people want a god that makes them feel guilty, after all. However, Metanoia does have The Wanderers, an age-old organization that serves as his clergy throughout the world. Its members are doctors, teachers, priests, leaders, and warriors across the continent, using their skills to stop and prevent evil and misery wherever they go.

Psychology: Metanoia is an anomaly among the gods. He acts as a quiet and reasoning (though frank and sarcastic at times) voice in a pantheon full of loud and selfish deities, and mostly throws himself into mortal affairs while the members of the pantheon fret above. He has a genuine love for those who sincerely wish to atone for their wrongdoings, and he is more merciful than most when confronted with stubborn mortals in that he simply expresses disappointment and pity before leaving them to walk their path alone until they call on him. He is frank and stern with mortals who have fallen in their ways, but he is rewarding and blessing to those who walk the slow and difficult path to redemption. But when confronted with mortals or deities who are more than stubborn, who have proved themselves irredeemable, Metanoia unleashes his pent-up wrath at the flawed natures of god and man. He torments them with visions and nightmares of their crimes, eventually driving them to either insanity or death, "whichever comes last" in his own words. With deities, he does this to turn them from their old ways when they see what anguish it brings on them.

Concerning other gods, Metanoia goes out of his way to greet new gods and speak politely. Metanoia does keep his distance from more cruel and base gods, and will express his opinions on them frankly if he is asked about them. He disinterestedly swears loyalty to whoever is ruling the gods in the latest age, though Metanoia will at least not betray them.

Metanoia often prefers the company of infants, children, and animals, as they are guiltless compared to the rest of the living beings in existence. They provide him a small measure of comfort in the world, and he is always angered when they are harmed by anyone's actions. He has even dared to condemn god-princes for harming children. Aroesus was close to inciting Metanoia's wrath, but he was killed before that could happen.

History: In the truly ancient days, maybe before there were even pantheons, there was a kingdom whose name has since been lost to history. Plagued by sandstorms, the capital city and its rulers were lost. In their absence, the military commander did what he could to maintain order with his army while defending the kingdom. But unrest soon erupted, and a civil war occurred between insurgent deserters and those loyal to the general. To keep his place as the authority of the kingdom, the general committed terrible atrocities to men, women, and children alike. The guilt of these actions weighed him down constantly, but he was able to sleep at night with the self-assurance that his kingdom would rise again, and a new age of prosperity would wipe away his terrible deeds.

But he was wrong. The kingdom was unable to recover from its loss, its people crippled by war, disease, and famine. So when a rival kingdom appeared two years later to invade, its military outnumbering and outsmarting the general's own army, he realized that all of his horrible work had come for naught. On the eve of battle with the remains of his once glorious army, at the first sign of sunrise and the enemy's march, the general cut open his stomach for his failure to preserve the kingdom. His army, leaderless and unprepared, was utterly annihilated. The kingdom was conquered, and the sands retreated from the capital city as its invaders entered the gates.

On that same day, Metanoia appeared at the door of the capital's royal palace, covered in the blood of the kingdom's dead warriors to the extent that it flowed down the stairs like water. Condemning the invaders for what they had done, Metanoia disappeared and began his work of redeeming the world, one guilty man at a time. He would work quietly and subtly, with some pantheons and ages not even discovering his existence before they passed away. With the previous pantheon and the current one, Metanoia decided once again to show his face at the coronation of the kings of those pantheons, before promptly heading back to the mortal realm where he felt he belonged. Every now and then, Aroesus summoned him to be used as a chess piece in his divine political games. Metanoia would appear before a god or mortal that Aroesus suspected of doing him harm, and if Metanoia took on the god-king's visage, then the condemnation would begin.

Currently, Metanoia is quiet about the assassination of Aroesus. If he knows who killed Aroesus and Lyrikes, since he knows every action that occurred in the past up until his birth, he is not talking about it. The truth is, Metanoia actually doesn't really know who did it, as something is blocking his view of this event. Naturally, this irks him greatly, and he has become determined to discover the truth. Metanoia has been known for being a quiet wild card in pantheon intrigue, and this upheaval in Hevas could make him trouble for anyone in the conspiracy who realizes exactly what they're doing to him. His only actions concerning the assassination thus far have been attending Aroesus and Lyrikes' funerals and attending to Mysia's needs for a full week afterwards as his condolences, as he understands the pain she is going through.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Name/Titles: Vael & Nys, Dream, the Dreamers, The Dream King/Queen, The First Children (forgotten by mortals), the Lost Ones (forgotten by mortals). Often mistaken for new Gods by later Pantheons.

Gender (if applicable): One Brother, One Sister. None can recall which is which, as both can change appearance--and often do; including trading their own.

Patronage: Dreams and Stories. Their realm is often called 'the Dreamrealm' by other divine figures, and often 'the dreamlands' or 'nightlands' by most mortals. It is both the most familiar realm to many Gods and mortals (as even Gods dream), and the most unfamilar; few have ever seen the Dreamrealm outside the projections of their own dreaming. It is rumored the Dreamers have a Palace somewhere in the nightlands, but none can say if such a place exists in truth.

Parentage: Vael & Nys are the first children of the first God of the first Pantheon. Primordial, inconceivably ancient, generally detached from all following Pantheons.

Pantheon/Affiliation: Originating from the first Gods, though one (sometimes both) have taken on different names to represent the Dreamrealm in later Pantheons.

Appearance: As the personification of all dreams and stories, the possibilities of their appearances can be endless. However, they typically appear as pale humans with dark features and dark hair. Known for their eyes; a field of white stars in otherwise black eyes, mayhaps representing the Dreamrealm itself.

Centres of Worship/Places of Power:

In the far North where night can last for months, there is the last known temple to Vael & Nys dating from the first men. This terribly isolated temple of milk white stone is tended to by men and women who never speak and wear black robes, a place many come to during their last days and hours to die. There is no other religion or order or temple dedicated to the Dreamers.

The Dreamrealm is their primary place of power, a place nearly every soul from the highest god to the lowest man will visit at least once in their life. Whether they remember it, or not. As the dreamlands are an aspect of the Dreamers themselves, it can change with their will, and it is said a soul can find the most beautiful of dreams, and the most horrific of nightmares within the dreamlands.

Rarely will one of the Dreamers leave their realm; often preferring to communicate with others (both Gods and mortals) within their dreams. As one does not need to be asleep to dream, the Dreamers can be nearly any place at all--and still technically be within the confides of their realm. Never have both of the Dreamers left their realm at the same time, as they firmly believe one must always be present to attend to their sacred and immortal duties. As they have said to gods and men in the past, "When the last dream fades, so ends Creation with it."

Servants, Prominent Followers and Worship Base:

Baxby: One of Creation's first mortal men who went on a quest to find the lost children of the first God in order to bargain for the return to the living of his only child that died in infancy. By the time he found them, every person he'd known had been dead for generations, there had even been a new Pantheon risen, and a new God of the Underworld. Grief stricken, the man begged the Children to let him stay in the dreamlands, where he could see his lost loved ones whenever he pleased. They agreed, on the condition the man assist them with their duties. Whenever a child has a nightmare, it is often Baxby pulling the strings.

Omononatheeta, aka Oma: A spirit from before there was light in Creaton, then begged the Dreamers for access to their 'nightlands' thereafter. The children took pity on Oma, and charged him with representing inanimate objects in dreams. To hear one of the Children tell it, he does a splendid chair.

Daydream: A sentient aspect of the Dreamrealm that has, so far as the Children know, been there nearly as long as they have. Though other Gods in subsequent Pantheons have largely tread upon it's territory, Daydream can still be responsible for the 'muse' that gives a mortal scribe or storyteller their inspiration for some ballad, poem, or song.

Etsel and Grod: Brother and sister known best as a cautionary tell of jealousy and anger during the first age of mortal men. Etsel poisoned Grod, and Grod murderered Etsel, before dying himself from Etsel's poison. Both forget why they did what they did, though both continue to bait and harm the other to this day. Neither knows the other asked the Dreamers to deny the memory of the lover that caused their initial conflict when they entered the dreamlands to begin with. Both are used by the Dreamers as 'runners.'

Both Dreamers are very private, preferring their own company to the company of any others (God or man). Both are fanatically dedicated to their 'responsibilities' within the Dreamrealm. Other than that, they are a true dichotomy: where one is shy, the other bold. Where one is wrought, the other is patient. This is a theme that runs through the near entirity of their personalities. After the eons, however,and their constant mixing in the dreamlands, it can be hard to tell where one ends and the other begins--literally. The personality of one has so rubbed off on the other that they often balance each other out.

Both are known to be infamously slow to forgive a slight, both are known to be paranoid, both are known to be self-centered, and both have at times shown the capacity to be insensitive.


The first children of the first God of the first Pantheon, so begins the tale of the children lost to dreaming upon their birth. Between dreaming and reality, the twins choose dreaming, much to the sorrow of their creator. In their sorrow their creator turned from them, leaving othem only each other to guide them through Creation and to adulthood. It is possible there are no gods more influenced by mankind, as many of their 'life lessons' were learned alongside or literally worth mortal man.

As the original Pantheon slipped away, the Dreamers and their Dreamrealm preserved, only loosely tethered to their original Pantheon by their creator after forsaking the life of a god for the life a dreamer to begin with. As children will do, the Dreamers played a game of presenting themselves (at times individually, at times together) to later Pantheons as entirely new Gods or Goddesses of Dreams and Stories.

Only when Vael fell into the embrace of the current Goddess of Love did the fact that there were two separate Gods of the Dreamrealm become known to the current Pantheon. Though the deception enraged the God King, even he was unable to do much more than summon one of them; and never was he able to summon them 'out in the open', always finding them coming to heed his summons in his thoughts and dreams. In a rare act of empathy, Aroesus would leave the Dreamers to their dreamlands, never actively demanding their presence unless he, quite literally, wanted a bed time story.

It is for this reason that many suspect the Dreamers took their sole preemptive action of the current Pantheon: when Areosus died, the Dreamers allowed his spirit to escape into the dreamlands, where no other Gods or spirits could assail or manipulate his spirit for their own ends. While they risked angering both the plotters behind his downfall, and any opportunist who might look to take advantage of the dead God King (to say nothing of violating the duties of the Underworld), Dream just doesn't seem to care.

Many suspect Dream knows more than he, or she, is willing to admit. As surely the plotters most have dreamed of their plans one day coming to fruition? Regardless, Dream has been impossible to summon...up until recently, when a female Dream appeared in the Court eating grapes and providing condolences to Mysia, and a male Dream appeared in Lymaeus...to take in a play, alone. After these brief appearances, Vael & Nys have become more open to communication, signified by appearing (sometimes even standing out) in the dreams of gods and demi-gods and kings and wisemen alike.


Both admit to 'experimenting' with the other during their earlier years. Vael lusts, Nys crushes. Both currently have 'apples of their eye'. Both have at least one friendship with a current God/Demi-God. With whom and when? I'll fill that in as the roster fills out, I'm sure.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jetipster
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jetipster Not all those that wander are lost

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Name/Titles: Iclipsos
Gender: Male
Patronage: Winter, Cold
Parentage: (You can say things like "the sky" with a straight face here. Joy. Joy too. You can come sprung fully grown out of dad's skull. You can be descended of a goose and your mom, who clearly didn't have high standards.)
Pantheon/Affiliation: Deity, Ex-deity or powerful being seeking apotheosis.
Appearance: Include all manifestations, including lecherous geese.

Centres of Worship/Places of Power:
Example: Athens and Athena, the Oracle of Delphi and Apollo, Achilles, descended of a river nymph...so on and so forth. A deity may be a patron of a city or a kingdom, but I am going to say that deities cannot control the free will of mortals, that's what makes them so irritating, and thus while able to influence events in these places, they will not have absolute power over them. There is a give and take between such worshipers and their deities, too, as the patron is expected to do things for their patronage.

Servants, Prominent Followers and Worship Base:
I'm looking for an idea of what sort of people follow your deity and an idea of what sort of spirits/beings might be their servants, through which they make their wills be known. Prominent worshipers would mean prophets, kings and otherwise important mortals that are loyal to your deity. This can, of course, include playwrights, poets, singers and so forth...be creative. Worship base are the normal everyday people of various trades, tribes, nationalities and so forth who might find your god to be their patron/matron.

What is pleasing to them and what drives them mad will do; even the more benevolent deities ought to have their egomaniacal and selfish side.

An explanation of from whence the deity came and what befell them in various events. It's not a bad idea to cooperate with other players on this and expand as you see fit.

Loves, hates, lusts, crushes, affairs, rapes, incests, zoophilia incidents with shepherd girls (always a Jovian favorite) and the like. Oh, and mere alliances and rivalries, as well. Probably fueled by the above.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Benevolette


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Phoebeus; "The Intrepid One"; "The Phantom of Attrition";




Phobos, Deimos, and Paranoia: Whether the inconceivable terror that seizes a centurion before charging into death's embrace or the feeling of uncertainty one has before combatting unrequited love. That bitter suffocation that consumes one when control has been relinquished to another or the doubt that dwells within the mind of a God when their powers begin to fail them. The fear that a father accompanies to bed of his son plunging a dagger into his throat or the emptiness a mother experiences when a company of men have returned from war but her child is not among their numbers. The frenzied, terrified, unsettled agents of life are but a few of her proxies; her true visage is never more looked upon then when one closes his eyes and looks to the darkness within.


Etched into existence just afore the painting of twilight by the primordial Gods; Phoebeus was thought to be the last remnants of some eternal darkness collected and propagated by Ventu to destroy his son's creations. It was nameless and without figure, ineffable in operation; though coursed countless being's bodies seamlessly with their ichor. There was even a time when she affected the body of Aroesus; conjured from an eternal darkness by Ventu and gifted to Baefus, The Lord Observer of Fate who in turn bestowed her to Mysia whom had courted him for this purpose. Implanted unknowingly into the God King's body in one of his drunken bouts of carnality; and though it had never been particularly partial to stirring one's demons before, the turmoil and moral strife tormenting the God King was burning in its youth; his unbridled hubris shaded a festering shame from the misdeeds he had grown accustomed to committing; it was too tempting a fate to not tease. And so, every time an act was committed in favor of moral degradation, a sense of enormous shame would lie in company; nightmares would feed into insomnia and he found himself beset with remorse, an emotion that had never found dwelling within him. His wife's subterfuge didn't become known until the darkness within him began evoking emotions of doubt and paranoia; namely the inception of a notion that saw his son deposing him, a notion of which his wife would spitefully whisper in his ear while he slept soundly after pillaging his mistresses. Though vain, the God King was no fool; into his gut did he plunge a searing dagger and through strength alone did he cast out the fear that had ailed him; crafted this fear a vessel of flesh and nectar and condemned it to a life of servitude.



Centres of Worship/Places of Power:

The Temple of Levius: Localized in a plane of the mortal realm, ensconced by centuries of myths and a jungle region riddled with enough manor of fanged and clawed death to render the land inhospitable to the locals around it. The temple exists as the only construction in honor of the Intrepid One, the only source of reverence for her influence in all of the mortal realm. It's construction owes itself to a nomadic tribe who's dusty bones provides the putrid musk that permeates the area and who's blood-curdling wails carry through the stoned walls and shambled jungle canopy to the ears of those unfortunate souls close enough to hear it. In her infancy, Phoebeus had taken to becoming a dilettante of mortal kind; appearing to a nomadic horde whom had terrorized, pillaged, and raped to secure sovereignty and whispered penance into their ears. She found that only the women were receptive of her visions and so within them did she contrive the strongest pangs of remorse and fear. Driven to the precipice of insanity by the ushering of guilt, these women, in collection, unsheathed their tribesmen's steel and slaughtered them in their sleep as they could not be reclaimed. With the fortunes and influence their husbands had amassed and the false promises of apotheosis, the dowagers dedicated themselves to the construction of a monument in Phoebeus' honor: Levius. The center of this temple houses a pit of unimaginable depth and those brave enough to leap into the aperture, without fear of death or loss, are thought to become the Phantom's servants.

Beyond Levius, one will find that the great fears of life exist as ubiquitous conduits through which she is empowered and embellished; a youth that predicates itself on the fears of this world; a primrose that blooms only in the darkness afforded to it. And the mortal coil is a treasure trove of fear and paranoia.

Servants, Prominent Followers and Worship Base:

Ferals: Faceless creatures imbued with savagery and the unreserved fury of those who have been betrayed. Beings who had rejected the denizenship of the lofty heavens for a final chance at vindicating the betrayal that would have ultimately lead to their demise. They appear on the mortal realm as homunculi of blackened flesh and twisted copper and are reserved a period of one passing moon to justify their indignations; should they succeed they and their vanquished return to the underworld as ushers though in their failure they become Phoebeus' indentured agents of fear and paranoia.

Audale, the Lesser Echo and Lucient: Brothers of inconceivable misery who exist as Phoebeus' highest esteemed subordinates. In the time of the primal pantheon, Audale and Lucient were men seeking apotheosis through servitude of Baefus, the Patriarch of Fate and Consequence. Such was promised to them, should they travel to opposite ends of the land and for half a century proclaim his countenance unto prophets, kings, and laymen; he advised them that through persistence and unshakeable resilience they would fell adversity where it appeared and successfully bolster his influence, even gain privilege and favor from those they preached to. And indeed they did, eventually their religious zeal took the hearts of those that had initially rejected them; the kings aggrandized Baefus' influence through his agents and declared them true prophets of the Patriarch of Fate. The assimilation into their respective cultures and the adoption of their languages birthed Baefus two different recognitions; two identical yet separate appellations of his grace. With time and progress these kingdoms grew in dominion and influence, grew until they were breathing into each other's faces; having grown into jingoistic provinces the tide of wars that preceded were purposely inevitable. Both Audale and Lucient propagated sentiments of peace but these fell on defiantly deaf ears and unleashed was a period of unreserved havoc. On the precipice of peril, Audale attempted to gather his family and flee but was haplessly slaughtered as the last stones of his kingdom fell charred and broken. Because he had cried out in protest of the war, Lucient was charged as a false prophet and was subjected to the viewing of his wife and children being raped and tortured. He was then locked away in a dungeon where within lie a plate of his family's remains and a dagger; the latter of which was eventually used to end his life.

After becoming ferals and failing to slay the Patriarch of Fate, they now serve as Phoebeus' agents of fear and paranoia in the dreamland. Donning alabaster, featureless masks they assume the figure of one's most profound fear and ails them even in their respite.

Phoebeus is purposely translucent; she is not a being of mischief or false intentions. From her dealings with mortals and other gods she has observed that her influence is the purest belier, in the face of fear few have the mind to forge fallacies. Despite the nature of her influence, she is an advocate of order and rule, and why not? How potent is the illusory sense of content and security found within the structure of hierarchy; it made operating on one's fears extremely satisfying if only because of the irony. In Aroseus' service she was particularly stalwart in her duties and committed the God King's promptings without hesitation, that's not to say she agreed with his motivations or that she was without gestation of malcontent; but she respected rule and would sever her tongue before speaking out against him. Most gods receive her with whispered aspersions and subdued hostility, in some cases her reception has been one of intrigue and very rarely would another god regard her with favor. After the God King's untimely demise she has found herself in the precarious position of upholding the late Aroseus' mantle; not out of any loyalty or obligation to the God King moreover the recognition that of all the beings to exist, it is the gods who require the greatest sense of order and divide. In spite of those who openly mock her, she remains stoic and unperturbed. After all, there is advantage in courting the intimate demons of your enemies.

Before the banding of the first pantheon, existed an unstirred darkness beyond the Malezabus; a mechanism Ventu created as a safeguard to purge a being entirely of any power they possessed. As his kinship grew in count, the creations they introduced to the realms birthed the first instance of chaos; a darkness equally as devastating as fear. Reluctant to leave his powers unattended he collected this into an Ouroboros-vessel, crafted by the Smithy God, and charged Baefus with the station of its keep.

To be decided.

I am stretched incredibly thin at the moment but I wanted to throw her into the mix before I took off. I sketched out a very rough basis for you to go off of but I'll be changing some things around and filling out the rest of her when I get back to my desk.
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Name/Titles: Dareos, Father of Trade, Gold-Eyed Snake,
Gender (if applicable): Male
Patronage: Trade, Narcotics, Lies, Subterfuge, Political Intrigue, Snakes, Corruption
Parentage: Daeros was the result of a pair of particularly frivolous Deities’ drunken night together, and was quickly forgotten about by both his parents soon after his birth.
Pantheon/Affiliation: Deity
Appearance: Daeros most commonly takes the form of a man in his mid to late twenties - tall, dark and handsome, he has eyes the colour of white gold; intense and seductive, they draw in those to whom he speaks, mortal or otherwise - and attempt to enthrall them, trapping them in the draw of his striking - almost addictive - visage.

The God’s skin is a light brown, smooth to the touch and completely hairless - save for a small tuft of coal black hair upon the point of his angular chin. The hair that sits upon his head is of the same colour, cut short to accentuate his chiseled jawline. Daeros, when he moves, leaves behind him a faint, pleasing aroma - a scent that no one can quite put their finger on, but which pleases anyone regardless of their tastes in perfumes.

He’s handsome, certainly, but in a way that seems almost.. poisonous - Daeros, like a drug, is addictive; everything about him is alluring, to a member of either sex - from the deliberate way in which he walks, to the heavy, cloying way in which he speaks - the words that come from his handsome mouth are cloyed with lust and promise pleasures beyond anyone’s wildest imaginations.

Daeros, if wearing clothes, has a near unlimited number of outfits - depending on the context of his surroundings, he can be seen wearing anything from a golden loincloth to concealing robes made from precious silks. At all times, however, a pair of earrings - each in the shape of a snake - can be seen in either of his ears; and, if one looks closely, the miniscule beings will even seem to blink on occasion.

The God’s very presence - like the narcotics he is responsible for and help mortals to discover - is almost addictive; he’s a dangerous, poisonous specimen - and if one was foolish enough to open up to him, they’d find themselves only wanting more.

Centres of Worship/Places of Power:

Statues of Daeros are present, whether openly or in secret, in nearly every government office in Lymaeus, regardless of what city-state it happens to reside in. The Patron of Politicians, and Lies - which go almost hand in hand - politicians of a shadier nature pray to the male deity in an attempt to gain his favour in furthering their own selfish agendas.

Daeros even has a ‘home’, of sorts, on the mortal plane - a large temple, built from massive stone blocks and located in the centre of Lymaeus’ largest jungle is where he makes his home; and where some few of his most devoted mortal followers who are lucky enough to make it through the wild, overgrown and treacherous jungle alive to earn his favour in person. The Temple has no inside walls, as such, and is lacking in doors - rather, it has massive archways and wide walkways, and is lit by flickering torches when the sun goes down at night. As well as being home to Daeros whenever he is on the mortal plane, and the occasional zealot, the temple is also inhabited by hundreds of snakes - large and small - to whom the God can communicate if he so chooses. The temple also contains a set of sealed-off chambers in which Daeros keeps his personal harem; particularly beautiful mortal prostitutes, and their demi-god offspring (as a result of their copulation with Daeros), are kept high on opium and watched over by large serpents whenever Daeros isn’t around to enjoy them himself.

Servants, Prominent Followers and Worship Base:

Daeros’ mortal following is quite broad, compared to some other deities, and encompasses several groups of very different people. His worshippers encompass many different social and economic classes, with every sort of tradesman from someone hawking their wares on a street corner to a wealthy, successful merchant murmuring prayers and burning sticks of incense as offerings to him.

The Patron Saint of Politicians, Daeros is followed by many powerful men, including kings, but the politicians of democratic nations are the ones who worship him most fervently. A corrupt, selfish being, Daeros encourages his worshippers to pursue their own selfish gains, and watching their well-thought out plots unfold is one of his favourite pastimes.

Although he does have some followers of an honest nature, Daeros is predominantly worshipped by liars and thieves - whether they be openly criminal, or practice their immoral agendas through underhanded political maneuvers. As well as politicians, he is also followed by criminals, assassins, lying tradesmen and corrupt government officials.

Daeros watches over the drug-addled dreams of those mortals who are addicted to narcotics, and controls these followers by promising them excellent highs if they swear to do his bidding. These mindless addicts could be classified as ‘servants’, as they do a lot to fufill Daeros’ agenda on the mortal plane.

The God does not have any particularly interesting immortal servants, but he has a number of massive, intelligent snakes at his disposal - and a web of politicians, merchants, kings, addicts and criminals who he has wrapped around his finger.

Daeros, as one would expect, is a God whom is prone to scheming - he likes to have his little plots, and enjoys politicking and setting people against one another - even if it is just to watch them bicker for his own selfish amusement. Mildly sociopathic, Daeros usually doesn’t care for the wellbeing of others - mortal or divine - and will do whatever he needs to achieve his goals; so long as he can get away with it afterwards.

Something that Daeros completely loathes is purity - virgins are seen as a wasted opportunity to the God, as are irrationally religious zealots of other Gods; and he will often make it his mission to try and corrupt these mortals - to entice them to wander from their original Patron and to join his ever-growing, corrupt and immoral flock of followers; which is not always the best way to make friends amongst the ranks of the Pantheon.

Daeros was one of the first - and only - offspring of other Gods to attain himself a strong and secure position within the ranks of the existing Pantheon, and he did so through the influence of his parents - and the ease with which he was able to corrupt those around him by telling them what they wanted to hear. By whispering lies of various kinds in the ears of many different Gods, Daeros secured himself a place in Aroseus’ Pantheon - and was even known to whisper to the King of Gods himself, on occasion; but he was extremely careful when it came to dealing with the unpredictable man.

Unlike many Gods, Daeros did not hold himself high above the mortals who worshipped him - he saw them as interesting creatures, and often found them more intriguing than the self-absorbed, vain deities that surrounded him in the Realm of Immortals. He found himself spending more and more time on Lymaeus, walking amongst the early civilisations of mankind - and was instrumental in introducing the early system of bartering, which would later develop into much more complex economic systems.

A God who took a personal interest in those of his followers’ lives who he deemed interesting, Daeros was surrounded by devoted mortal followers - and many of these were more than pleased to give their bodies over to him; something which he indulged in on numerous occasions. The mortal plane is littered with his descendants, and many of the ancient tales of demigods and legendary heroes told in various mortal nations are about his descendants - whether or not he knows it.

When Aroseus began to slink more and more into madness - and became even more intently set on bedding the demi-god Lyrikes, Daeros was infuriated; Lyrikes had a dislike for him, and managed to talk Aroseus into not including Daeros in his confidence. Luckily for the immortal, however, his previous relationship with the King of Gods saved him from condemnation on Lake Sharzunates.

When the King was slain, along with his lover, Daeros was far from sad - he was ecstatic. This new power vacuum would allow him the chance to take control of the Pantheon, if he played his cards correctly. A much more interesting political game than any Daeros had ever seen before was about to begin, and he was determined to come out on top.

N/A - Need to discuss with other players; I plan to do so soon!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Fair Lady
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The Fair Lady

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Name/Titles: Nihris Last Born, The Dirge Singer, Breath Stealer, Honored Mother (To Derevi)
Gender: Female
Patronage: Transportation of the Dead, Derevi, Caves, Assassination, Poison, The manner of Death(She was once the Goddess of All Death but that was a long time ago.)
Parentage: Nihris Last Born came was born from the womb of Lymaeus like her five siblings were. She was the last of her family to crawl free of the earthen womb. First came Aldaril First Born, then came Mirra Second Born, then Nyxis Third Born, then Lloris Fourth Born, then Glissa Fifthborn, and last came Nihris.
Pantheon/Affiliation: Deity
Appearance: Nihris normally takes the form of a large Derevi, her children. The Derevi look like this,
Derevi heads are roughly human shaped but they do not have the same structures. Derevi eyes are larger and more light sensitive than human eyes but they are also less precise and paint a poor picture. Two ridges above and below the eyes can be pushed shut to protect them from the elements or overly bright lights. Above the nasal canals is a hollow horn-like organ that acts like a trumpet. The horn lets Derevi make sounds to help with echolocation and underwater sonar. Below the eyes are two pits that can sense heat which also help the Derevi in the darkness of their underground homes. Thier mouths are large and full of cutting teeth. Derevi heads can tilt back more than human heads and can either be socketed in a horizontal or vertical orientation.

Derevi have two 4 meter long wing fins that are linked to their upper and lower set of limbs. The upper limbs have one long claw finger that is not part of the wing, but are otherwise encased in the wing fins. The fins also include the upper part of the lower set of limbs, going down to around the knee level. The wings are heavily muscled and the Derevi can use them to fly or to propel themselves very quickly under water. When Derevi walk on land they use their two hind-limbs to stand on and fold their wing fins up so that they do not take up as much space. This posture leaves the claw finger ready to strike.

Derevi have three 4 meter long prehensile tails that emerge from the base of the spine. Thier tails are very strong and can easily break bones or constrict tightly. Each tail has a spike at the tip and a venom sack inside. The spikes inject their venom into prey species and are retractable. The tails also can scoop up items for fine motor skills and are much more useful than the wing fin claws there. Derevi venom is a potent paralytic neurotoxin. It causes excruciating pain instantly and then rapid paralysis and death within minutes.

Derevi lower limbs are like human limbs in that they support the body in an upright position. But their lower limbs are shorter than humans and more heavily muscled. They end in four -clawed feet that can close with a vice grip. Two clawed toes point forward and two clawed toes point backwards. When they stand upright on two legs Derevi are about 2 meters tall.

Derevi have slimy skin that is covered by a thin layer of mucus. If their skin dries out it cracks and can develop painful sores. Their skin is tough though and not easily broken.
Because the Derevi are not liked or accepted by humanity Nihris does take other forms. She favors a thin female human body with silver hair and grey skin. Nihris doesn’t have eyes in her human form and she wears a dirty grey robe that she pulls down over the place where her eyes would be. She doesn’t care about human aesthetics and her body is stick thin and not a work of art or beauty. Sometimes she rides on the back of a grey horse with a white horse and a black horse beside her. The white horse is for Miphas and the black for Sharzunates.

Centres of Worship/Places of Power:
Nihris is not a goddess that very many people worship. The goddess of a race of ‘monsters’ and the act of death, she is not very popular. There are a few shrines to her on the surface of Lymaeus but not a lot of them. When people grow old they often leave offerings at her temples hoping that she will take them to Hevas and not to Malebazus when they die. Beneath the surface and in the hidden cavern lakes where the Derevi dwell Nihris is worshiped differently. To the Derevi she is still the Honored Mother who gave them life and they worship her above all other gods. But the Derevi don’t build temples and so even where she is worshiped there are not very many holy sites. Nihris is most powerful in her underground realm beneath the surface of Lymaeus.

Servants, Prominent Followers and Worship Base:
Nihris doesn’t have very many human servants. Sometimes humans will pray to her when they feel death coming and want to plead to go to Hevas or want to die painlessly. She is sometimes worshipped by assassins and warriors with a darker bent because she does bring death but they are few.

Nihris is worshipped a lot by the Derevi. They were her children in the early days of her life and they have always had close ties with her. Nihris gave them gifts to live in a land where humans could not, the world beneath the surface. The Derevi still hold love for their mother and they willingly answer her calls to kill and steal the last breaths of humanity when she allows it. But they suffered when she fell long ago and no longer can flocks of Derevi blot out the sky.

The last supernatural servants of Nihris live inside the twin Gates of Nihris that lead to Hevas or Malebazus. The gates can talk and the metal they are made from can shift to form faces. No one is sure what these two spirits are but it is said that they will only open the Gates if Nihris orders it. She gave this authority to Aroesus when she swore fealty but she has reclaimed it now that he is dead.

Nihris is very rarely happy. She was happy once, when her brothers and sisters ruled over the world and she had not seen her children burned and massacred. Once she was called the Blessed Reaper for she only brought an end to people who had reached their time and she made death painless. But she has grown bitter over the long years and now only the lucky get to die in peace, most suffer before they die. Nihris cares for the welfare of her children, the Derevi and for her mother, Lymaeus in that order and she has sacrificed herself before to save her children from destruction. She believes that her brothers and sisters did a better job stewarding over Lymaeus and she has dreamed off the day when they could be freed. Nihris responds to most things with apathy and as long as the insular goddess is left alone she has left other members of the pantheon in peace.

First there was Ventu and his creations. But Lymaeus (Like Gaia in Greek myths) lived in those days too, before she had become heartbroken with grief and pain. Before she had retreated into herself and spoke no longer. When she saw the children of Ventu she longed for children of her own and her longing birthed Titalarus. But he was so monstrous that even Lymaeus didn't know what to make of him. She tried again and her own children rose, elemental and powerful from within her own form. First came Aldaril First Born of Stone, then came Mirra Second Born of Water, then Nyxis Third Born of Storms, then Lloris Fourth Born of Fire, then Glissa Fifth Born of Forests, and last came Nihris Last Born of the Depths. Nihris became the goddess of death among her other traits and she created the twin Gates of Nihris to bar the way to Hevas and Malebazus so that the dead could not leave and the living could not enter before their time.

For many long years the children of Lymaeus claimed that their mother was theirs and ruled over Lymaeus and the lesser gods who also lived upon her. But Ventu tired of creation and he turned to destroy it. The children of Lymaeus joined their strength with Aerosus and his brothers to fight against Ventu and in the end they won. But when victory was won and the children of Lymaeus tried to return to their domains on Lymaeus Aerosus ordered them to submit to him and surrender their birthrites. They refused and he declared he would take it from them. And they fought.

Aldaril raised mountains and called on the stones for strength but he fell, Mirra fought with balance and illusions but they were pierced, Nyxis raged across Lymaeus but the sky rejected him and he fell, Lloris’ fire was quenched, Glissa was uprooted and cut down. Nihris called to her children and they flocked to her in a cloud that blotted out the sun. But they died in their thousands and when she tried to hide among them Aroesus broke open their caves and burned them.

Nihris sued for peace, begging that her children be spared. She offered to serve the new god king and was spared but the price was harsh. No longer would Nihris Last Born of Lymaeus be the goddess of death and no longer would the Derevi breed as they once had. When Aroesus demanded that no more Derevi be born Nihris obeyed but she denied her children oblivion, prolonging their lives so that they would not pass from the world. She survived and has continued in the role she has left in the world for her children still live and that is the most important thing.

Now Aroesus is dead and Nihris has lifted the restriction on the Derevi breeding, commanding her children to breed once more. Rumors say she gathers the most ancient of her children to take back Malebazus and free her brothers and sisters from lake Sharzunates..

Loves, hates, lusts, crushes, affairs, rapes, incests, zoophilia incidents with shepherd girls (always a Jovian favorite) and the like. Oh, and mere alliances and rivalries, as well. Probably fueled by the above.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by singmesweetly
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name/Titles: Lathunis, The Duty-Bound, The Loyal One
Gender: Female
Patronage: Patriotism, Familial Duty, Friendship, Marriage
Parentage: Lathunis crawled out of the bed sheets of Aroseus and Mysia's first night together, formed from the act of marriage.
Pantheon/Affiliation: Deity
Appearance: Sometimes she appears as a young girl, with two golden braids. Her eyes are wide and blue and she wears a simple white gown. In her hand is a small rag doll which mimics her appearance. Other times she appears as a grown woman wearing a golden helmet, hair cropped short and unseen. She stands tall with perfect posture and is donned in a pure white gown, the same as her younger appearance.

Centres of Worship/Places of Power:

While being a younger goddess, Lathunis pretty much has a temple in every city and is well worshiped, as most people pray for some kind of loyalty within their lives. She holds the most sway during war times though and is more powerful then as well.

Lathunis shares the patronage of marriage with her mother, but the ceremonies themselves are held within the walls of her temple. While her mother represents a more feeling side of marriage, she represents the commitment. Marriage ceremonies are grand affairs held within the walls of her temples and finished with the tying of a knot. Because of this, the knot became her main symbol, and she is often acknowledged through the burning of a knot.

Servants, Prominent Followers and Worship Base:
Lathunis has no servants in the mortal realms, especially because of her recent creation. She has a growing fan base in the women of the world, especially those of men in positions of power. Those that are betrayed pray to her for vengeance, and most times she attempts to answer.

Lathunis is stubborn and stalwart. She cared deeply for her father and mother, and stubbornly clung to them both as her father fell from popularity. She has some of her father's authoritarianism in her and believes very strongly in order; chaos bothers her almost as much as disloyalty. She hates those that betray those they claim loyalty and becomes an avenger to right what she believes is wrong. If you were to classify her by alignment, she would be the definition of lawful good. She holds her family in the highest regard, and considers most of the modern pantheon to be part of it.

Lathunis takes her patronage very seriously and remains very loyal to the humans that pray the hardest. She does not appear often in the humans eyes but casually sway things in their favor. She loves humanity with a strange fierceness, and encourages those that follow the path of duty and patriotism. She does not like radicals and always supports the side in an argument that is the least selfish. Those that die in battle she holds in the highest regard.

Lathunis was never unplanned or a surprise, the King and Queen of the Gods needed an heir apparent. They were already having enough trouble keeping the other gods and goddesses under check, especially since Aroesus has always been quite the authoritarian. She was born from the sheets of their bed and sprung up in her child form, eyes wide. Her first years were spent within the walls of Krona, and she very rarely left the walls of the palace.

The first time Lathunis left the walls of Hevas, she arrived on the sights of human war. The battle was brutal and bloody, many dead bodies piled up everywhere, there was one mortal man that caught her attention. His name was Deiartes. Lathunis fell in love with Deiartes from afar, and snuck out of Krona many days to watch him. The more she watched him the more attracted she became, until one day she took a human form and visited him. An affair began, in secret, but her father soon found out. He himself had had trysts with many mortals, but did not approve of the relationship. Lathunis was torn between her father and the mortal man, but chose her father. She returned to her secret watching of him and observed as he married another mortal woman and had children and aged. With his death, Lathunis retreated to Krona and did not venture to the mortal realm for many years.

Lathunis was bothered by Lyrikes and felt that he was taking advantage of her father. She also knew that this would be the only opportunity that the unrestful deities would need. Lathunis attempted to warn her father, but he was too smitten with Lyrikes to care for what she had to say. Already upset about the whole affair with Lyrikes, Lathunis sought help from her mother, but only recieved contempt.

Aroesus died at no surprise to Lathunis, but his death left her with some problems. With her mother in hiding and the pantheon falling to peaces, it seemed like ruling was falling quickly upon her shoulders. With contestants for the throne coming from every which direction she needed to make a move, though she was unwilling seeing as the dislike of her father may have carried on to her own neck.

While her father was alive, she was dutiful and respectful but she never felt true love for him. She respects him the same in death, but feels regret that she did not try harder to form a closer bond with her father. Her mother has always been very loving and protective, she dislikes her unstable nature and unpredictable mannerisms. She was raised with Eskellon, and thinks of him like her brother. Her closest confident, and friend, is Anavid, who she almost raised.MORE RELATIONSHIPS PENDING.
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Titles: The Dagger in The Dark. The Shadow of Ambition, The Promised one, The Everchanging, The Prince of Change.
Gender : Often Male, some mortals believes him to be a woman due to his fairness and androgynous looks.
Patronage:  Desperation, Misdeeds, Shadows, Darkness, Uncertainty, Change, Maleficence and Rebellion
Parentage: Lefredias was born from the shadows of the now dead God-King. He climbed and clawed himself free of the Gods shadow with eyes brimming with maleficent darkness and his naked form was wrapped with fires that burned all but himself. He was cast out of the Pantheon as he was believed to be the child of the the gods many darker sides.

Pantheon/Affiliation: Disgraced Diety of the current Pantheon
Lefridas have two main forms:

The Prince of Change:

Lefredias take the shape of a androgynous man, with hair that reaches past his shoulders and shifts between black, green and red, a testament to his unstable nature. His face is that of deceptive beauty and but for a mortal to stare at it for to long that beauty turns it into a horrid visage of twisted shadows that drive them mad. To prevent this, he often wear a white porcelain mask in visions. His body seems deceptively frail at first look, his arms and legs slender. But he is no weakling, for he carries himself like only a god could. His eyes are red but with all things Lefridias, they warp and change. They turn black or green and sometimes they are white like that of a blind man. His teeth are always jagged and sharp, like that of a shark.

His clothes are always in dark colors that also seem to shift. The way they cling to his body it seems like shadows or dark flames are constantly devouring his body. He is at once alluring and promising but appalling and off putting to the point where it's hard to stay to long in his presence. Every step he takes makes wisps of black fire and shadow rise from underneath his feet.

The Promised One.

Another common shape is that of a black haired man with mighty, giant raven wings and horns.

This form is far less off putting in that it is at least stable in it's presence. But it has none of the strange allure and is instead magnificently grandiose. His wings are massive, with a wingspan of over 5 meter, his own frame is well above 2 meters and his jet black hair reaching almost down to his waste. His eyes are black, there is no white and there is no pupils. His voice is low as a whisper but can be heard by anyone looking directly at him. He has a aura of turbulence about him, as if the air itself is upset with his presence and the same black fires that shrouds part of his other form tend to appear is big, thick wisps of dark heat around his head, sometimes lighting his hair on fire but without actually burning anything.

Centres of Worship/Places of Power:

Most places of worship for Lefredias are places of deep shadows and darkness directly related to a servants place of power such as a secret room below a palace or in the shadows of a mountain temple. This is both symbolic to how Lefredias live in the shadow of other gods, and related to his servants desire to usurp their “betters”.

Servants, Prominent Followers and Worship Base:[/b]
The people who turn to Lefridas are typically outcast from their society in one way or another such as bastard heirs and marginalized poor people who turn to the sword for retribution. As a god of all things ever changing and shifting, his followers hope for guidance in overthrowing and usurping those that live better lives then themselves. His most loyal servants are would be revolutionaries that kill the wealthy and sabotage the holdings of those in power. As such, they are generally seen as a menace. But he has worshipers in high places amongst the most civilized of cities, because he is a being of Ambition and his machinations affect politicians everywhere. Many pray to him in vain attempts to prevent the people from turning on them.

In other, less civilized areas, he is heralded as the Prince of Change. His statues are shown out in the open, in hope to end stagnation and turn the tides if they prove unfavorable. Powerful sects dedicate their lives to him in exchange for the power to overturn the the things that oppress them, be it other tribes or followers of different gods.

Ambition and a sense of entitlement drives Lefredias. He has been known to meddle in very delicate situation in order to press other deities into disadvantages by compromising promising followers of their various temples and sects. He is, has his domain says, Maleficent and desperate, incredibly difficult to read or predict.

Born out of shadow, woven together by the rampart desire of gods then cast aside for what he represent. The god Lefredias creation was hardly a occasion of joy and celebration. But it was not the only event of it's sort and there are creatures far more vile them him in the world. the King of Gods simply did not appreciate what he saw in the young divine being before him. No King would enjoy the sight of Rebellion made flesh after all. He cast this creation out from the light that was divinity and into the shadows from which Lefredias had been born, and where the king believed Lefredias to belong.

But foolish is the king that let's the vengeful stir in peace. Lefredias embraced the shadows and the darkness. His hatred spurred him to appear in visions of those that doubted the current Pantheon and their gods. He appeared as a he was, impossibly fair but warped by his own unstable nature. His visage drew priests mad in their temples, he sowed doubt and uncertainty amongst the followers of the established gods. His first followers where those on the outside of the cities, the poor downtrodden farmers of starving farms and villages to heavily taxed to make it another winter. People who felt that the gods had abandoned them.

To them he was the promise of change. And change he brought, with voice of revolution for those brave enough to embrace him and flocks of crows that ate the harvest of those that did not listen. He found the most inspiring ones, he talked to them in dreams, hidden behind his mask of porcelain. He told them of their kings insecurity, of their cruelty and how to exploit it. He showed them the Darkness and how to best harness it. He showed them secret passages beneath the palace and sowed more doubt into the regents of the land. His acolytes then rallied the villages around the great cities and marched towards them with a burning rage only they could posses. The streets where as bathed in blood and the fires that raged that night were strange and black. When peace finally settled, the body count was horrid and most of the revolutionaries and nobles were all dead. But they had embraced their new god, and their legacy would cement Lefredias as a true god, regardless of the others disdain.

He reveled in the uncertainty that was the aftermath, he used it to manipulate and lead astray followers of other gods, he made them desecrate temples and cast off the shackles of rigid worship just so they would take up worshiping him and his ways. He made them build secret shrines and he whispered in their ears the promises of change. The poor and downtrodden on the streets, the beggars and filthy would flock to his shrines and ask for his blessings. And he would bestow them on those with promise, he would manipulate things in such a way one beggar came upon riches and power, see him rise to become powerful and make sure he never forgot his Patron God. And trough such machinations the god of Rebellion and Change became anchored into even the most stalwart of political bastions. Because what the politicians fear the most is a rebellion and begging the god of Shadows to protect him from the bloodthirsty masses seems only prudent.

With the death of the old King of Gods, the winds of revolution has taken hold of the world and Lefredias soars higher then ever before. To him, he is without adversary, the time for his retribution is nigh and so he makes his bid for power, with the Darkness and the Shadows sweeping his places of power in a shroud as he plots and he schemes.

Lefredias hated the old god king with the entirety of his being, he loathes those that would have him cast back into darkness. But unlike the terrible legends about him, Lefredias is not without a soul. He is not entirely cold of heart yet. And as such he actually harbors more then hatred in his heart.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Noxious
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Noxious ᴅ ᴇ ᴀ ᴅ ish

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Dihira, the Dark Librarian, the Serpent of Knowledge, Mistress of the House of Books, Mother of Serpents, Mother of Monsters


Knowledge, Learning/Study, Memory, Secret Knowledge (including ancient/lost spells), Blackmail, and reptiles in a loose sense. (she is responsible for this symbolism of reptiles hoarding in a nest and guarding treasures, metaphorically, as well as the serpent in the garden that tempted with forbidden knowledge.)

Dihira is a divine entity born of a forbidden liason between her father, Svanus the Greenfather, a primal deity of the woods that long since has passed, and Iora, a queen of trolls and the like, still worshiped but of little power.

Deity, but one that only loosely owes her allegiance to Aroesus and Krona. She is technically one of them, but is an outsider.

She normally appears as a half serpent/half woman(though her skin retains a greenish tint, most likely inherited from her mother); but can take the pure form of a serpent with a multitude of size variations.

Centres of Worship/Places of Power:
Dihira has no specific centers of worship, such as an actual city devoted to her, but most scribes, scholars, wise women and others of that bent, the seekers of knowledge, at least offer a token of goodwill in small altars to her honor. These places tend to be well hidden, in alcoves and knots of trees, in underground grottoes. Dihira's worshipers often fear persecution, because they know things and those with knowledge and strange ways to the ignorant are often the scapegoats of others in their hysteria. It is sufficient so say that she is not the ruler of a city, but rather a widely but quietly revered figure in the pantheon.

On the planes, she inhabits the tree Athosvid which has roots in the firmament between Hevas and Malebazus and is present in both planes. It allows her to move along this narrow channel between the two planes. She sees no need to move beyond this limited area, and the tree itself is, according to legend, possessed of interesting, though terrible powers. In Hevas, the tree bears a flower whose petals soothe aches and pains, though too much creates a dependency. In Malebazus, the bitter fruit of the tree brings on a terrible knowledge, at a price of one's sanity, which is chipped away with every bite. Such is the price of knowledge. Dihira’s father, Svanus, dead and dreaming form makes up the heart of the tree where his bones entwine with the horticultural feat. Somewhere in the caverns within Athosvid (yes, large enough to hold caverns) is a great library that she slithers through eternally, though even she hasn't been able to read everything in her library -- though she would never admit that to any other being.

Servants, Prominent Followers and Worship Base:
Scholars, wise women and others that thirst for knowledge. Musicians are known to be pleasing to her, particularly those musicians in certain places that coax snakes out of baskets with their flutes -- she likes that they make a show of the flute play when it's actually their movement and the stamping of their feet that bring these snakes out. Dihira loves irony. Among her followers are people that would kill and be killed for their knowledge, and so she is often paid tribute by those that value such things. Those that trade in secrets pay her considerable homage. Dihira's worshipers are not an army, but they are in many places.

Within the tree reside the Knowles which are small insect like creatures of rumored high intelligence. They gather knowledge from both planes. The Knowles are said to have been born with the tree and thus predate Dihira. They don’t speak and seem to have a psychic connection with Dihira for no one else has been seen to communicate with them. They do, without a doubt, communicate amongst themselves.

The tree is also home to Corks. As the library grew so did the number of Corks. The little rodent like tree dwellers seem to have a bond with literature and they help to maintain the library. It is assumed that the creatures have a grasp of written language. While the tree is their main point of residence they are occasionally glimpsed around other large collections of literature.

TL;DR Psychology:
Dihira is a serpent, and therefore appreciates that knowledge often can have a bite to it. She doesn't merely enjoy knowledge that is on the up and up, dead languages and reputable sorts of studies, she also adores darker types of lore that ranges from secret histories of famous rulers (often unflattering to said ruler) to blackmail material, items best left destroyed and other such things. The items tend to range from amusing songs about tyrants long dead that were sung in secret, to accounts of religions practiced in secret despite persecution to the most disgusting and horrible experiment results possible. She relishes information and secrets, but also enjoys a good tale -- what pleases her most is the application of knowledge, the working of intelligence to overcome problems. And so she favors the subtle approaches, the cunning innovations and is a lover of creativity. But as a reptile, albeit a divine reptile, at heart, she is invested in her own survival and her own needs above others -- so while she may be able to dispense information, it often comes at a price.

As it were, she has a soft spot for humanity -- they were a bunch of hairy cave dwellers that figured out knowledge, often at great risk to themselves, and hoarded it. What plants to eat, how to make a spear, how to hunt a beast. She still enjoys humanity, though some humans have lost that creative spark that made them so special to her, and so she stopped doling out quite so many hints these days. Some mortals retain her favor, but it is often the ones that use cunning to their advantage, that use what's between their ears.

With the imprisonment and death of her husband and the attempted genocide of her children a corruption set into her mind, feeding into an obvious dislike and distrust for the majority of the Gods. This didn’t make her as resentful and hateful as one may believe, at least not on a permanent basis. Perhaps her lack of outward rage can be attributed to the calming influence of Svanus. Immortality effects the Gods differently. She possesses a wandering mind that often rambles but can slip extremely private knowledge into her off the wall conversations so it is worth paying attention. It can be absolutely aggravating to need a specific answer from Dihira. Questions are usually met with veering conversations that have nothing, or a subtly everything, to do with the question. This may be in part because she wants people to find their own answers, or she doesn’t want them to have the answer and she refuses to lie. While being extremely intelligent these qualities often make her appear naive and crazy; whether or not this is intentional is her own secret.

Appreciates all knowledge; from the demented to the divine.
Knowledge often comes at a price, for ultimately she is self-serving.
Admires humans; specifically the creative, the innovators, the knowledge seekers.
Distrusts the Gods.
Has a rambling and wandering mind/conversation. Appears Crazy.
Does not lie and believes that needing to lie is a weakness of mind.

As her arrival into this world pressed forward, her mother, the Troll Queen, worried for the fate of her child; being that she was born of a forbidden liaison to a dying father and a mother who could not hope to protect her from the wrath of the Gods. Her father, tragically in tune with his dying shell made a deal with Athosvid and took the fetus of his daughter into his mind and aligned his own bones with heart of the great tree. His daughter’s growth continued in this solace, nibbling at the mind of her father and absorbing the unnatural venoms that coursed through the tree.

As humanity evolved and knowledge made them more than they were originally, so did Dihira gain considerable power and prestige. She did not entice the typical heroes; bronzed, chiseled and built for battle. Her heroes usually wore their greatness within, but they were heroes nonetheless and they did come. They were determined and strong willed, or filled with folly and hungry for truths that they could rarely stomach. Old women with crippled and knotted muscles would find the courage or need to climb amongst the flowers in search of Dihira. Young men puzzled and lost would seek refuge amongst the caverns, but it was known that in seeking Dihira death would be the pleasant loss, for insanity beckoned strongly and the knowledge she offered had easily claimed more addicts than the flowers.

Her power grew and so did her confidence and sustainability so that when the first great monster, a chaotic and misunderstood beast of terrifying beauty, came calling she was helpless from her heart. Titalarus was an old being, born of the chaos of creation and marginalized as a dying necessity. They were united under the love of truth and certainty that resounded from their allegiance to nature; Titalarus and Dihira, father and mother of monsters and serpents.

Their union caused a brow raise from the other Gods, but as their children began to roam the realms a true fear gripped at the Gods. From their unification came the hoarding dragons, the basilisks guarding treasure and secrets alike, and serpents of many degrees. The birthed the great Hydra, the Chimera and the Gorgons of legends passed. In the beginning her children, specifically the Gorgons, taught and shared knowledge with people, teaching them ancient secrets that the Gods guarded as special. The voices of the Gods grabbed and grated at the ear of Aroesus, complaining of the union, complaining of the offspring and rallying for justice. Something had to be done.

It was Titalarus that was first singled out by Aroesus. He knew that something so primal and vicious could not be allowed to roam free and so he offered Titalarus a deal, conform to the pantheon or be forever enslaved and fractured beneath Mount Hismues. Aroesus had no intention of allowing the beast to live, but he knew with utmost certainty that the offer would be refused. A mallet was taken to the frozen form and true to his word Aroesus fractured and buried Titalarus beneath the mountain. It was after this that he approached Dihira and he had hopes; she was knowledgeable and resourceful, she would conform. Dihira, still hissing and tense with rage at the imprisonment of her husband offered only a maniacal laugh in the face of “their” leader.

Aroesus urged her to reconsider as the culling of her children began. With her second refusal he took the voice from the Gorgons and the extermination continued. Dihira felt helpless and perhaps for the first time in her life, she felt fear. She went to Nihris, kin of her husband, and pleaded with her to hide her children. Nihris was sympathetic, but she had already seen how this plays out and she cautioned Dihira that it would do no good, that the God King was merciless and the only way to save her children would be to submit, for now. So when Aroesus returned to Dihira, her head hung low, she bargained her allegiance if only they would spare her children. It was now Aroesus turn to laugh for no promises would be set in stone. He did agree to speak with the others and Dihira knew that was the best she could expect from the frivolous and impulsive bunch.

A deal was struck. It is said that as she mourned for her loss the tree mourned with her, increasing the negative effects associated with both the fruit and flowers. Since then her moments of joy have been few and far between, though existent. There was a cruel uplifting passion as she watched the Gods eat the fruit of Malebazus, especially Aroesus. Exceptional humans could also claim a piece of her happiness and she openly cooed with delight as they asked the unanswerable questions and sought knowledge.


& Nanaeios (Asuras)
& Mikazliqui (Dead Cruiser)
& Morios (MelonHead)
& Vael and Nys (Ruby)
& Metanoia (Crazy Guy)
& Dareos (Squrmy)

& Nihris (The Fair Lady) Titalarus, Dihira’s husband, was the elder brother of Nihris, born an outcast by misfortune, his siblings always seemed to have a soft spot for him, and he for them. Nihris was present at their union, braving a happy face for the couple. Nihris was the first, and only, that Dihira went to out of fear for her children when threatened by the God King because Nihris had suffered through the same. She feels indebted to the woman and they share a common bond of loss and hatred. Dihira has to be weary of spending too much time with Nihris because the woman’s sullen nature quickly rubs off on her, with obvious reason, and they often begin plotting. She finds it thrilling and painful to go down that road, especially when they both feared Aroesus.

& Lefredias (Hellis) The God's dominion over change, uncertainty and rebellion would occasionally intersect with her goals. Where they would disagree is in the way rebellions should be handled. While Lefredias calls for blood, she attempts to persuade him to use knowledge as a form of rebellion. He has come to her and asked for knowledge that will help drive a rebellion (dirty secrets on the rulers, weapons knowledge) and while she isn't always forthcoming with what he wants, she often gives him a piece of what he needs. She has also traded favors with him for his interaction and protection of the knowledge seekers whom come under disfavor of their rulers and are persecuted for their beliefs. She subtly encourages his interest in her to fulfill her needs of protecting her own followers. While uncertainty can led to seeking knowledge they are entirely at odds when his followers grow complacent with their uncertainty. He challenges her with uncertainty often and they do enjoy good conversation.

& Eskellon (ActraiserTheReturned)

& Sileon (HeySeuss) After the butchering of her children her rage toward Sileon was palpable, though even this paled in comparison for her rage against Aroesus. She was intelligent enough to know that Sileon was more a force of nature than a cruel force. Her conversations with Svanus quelled her anger as her father explained that his brother did as he was told, and following directions was the closest form of right and wrong she could expect. Over the years her feelings towards the God became more of reverent distaste than any sort of rage or hatred. They were natural oppositions, knowledge and pure natural action. She thought Sileon to be dull when it came to intelligence, but did not want to fall to the man's bad side again. She kept the secret of Svanus from Sileon, waiting until the right moment to play the card of withholding/offering the fearful God solace from his (only?) surviving brother.

& Phoebeus (Benevolette)
& Lathunis (singmesweetly)
& Mysia (Zacharius)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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Name/Titles: Sileon the Flame, the Dancer of Destruction, the Lord of Volcanos, the Herald
Gender Male
Patronage: Fire, volcanos, destruction, prophecy, warfare, dancing. (All flame-themes.) Fire burns, but the ashes nourish, and it is all part of the plan and the cycle.
Parentage: Ventu, a previous king of gods, sired Vael and Nys, then Aroesus, Svanus and others upon the stars. Sileon was the youngest of Ventu's get.
Pantheon/Affiliation: Deity, Pantheon -- he was the fist of Aroesus, an enforcer of his will on other deities. He is also used to make announcements to mortals.

Like the flame, Sileon takes many forms, but he is psychologically incapable of assuming a subtle form -- even if not wreathed in flame, he stands out in a crowd, even in a human shape. He favors the shape of a lithe young man and the shape of a bird, the former being dressed in loosely-cut crimson robes, easily discarded (or he just burns them up.) Another favorite form is that of a flaming bird. Beyond that, Sileon may combine aspects of the two in a variety of combinations, though his favorite of those tends to be a man with flaming wings, which he tends to default to in Krona, when there. It is how he is represented in statuary, as well -- with a flaming halo and wings.

Centres of Worship/Places of Power:
Kaeus, the Islands of Fire, a chain of volcanically active islands that is sparsely populated by fishermen and other small communities. The largest island houses the city of Cycander, in the shadow of Mount Nynos, whose flaming bowels are reputed to be the resting place of Sileon when he lays dormant.

Sileon has a strong worship base among soldiers as well, as he carries out a duty for Aroesus and is his trusted soldier in the pantheon, the dutiful brother. Heralds often wear orange in imitation of Sileon as the herald of Aroesus.

Servants, Prominent Followers and Worship Base:
It is said the gasses from the Mount Nynos give visions to those who would inhale them, and the Arophion, a small temple devoted to Sileon, hosts oracles who are considered the most authoritative in known civilization. Cycander itself is a city that venerates flame and produces dancers of incredible grace and skill and has a reputation for hedonism, Sileon cares little for territoriality, so Monios, Nanaeios, Vael and Nys, Dareos and Dihira are given their due here (up to you guys if you want to have truly powerful/influential groups here.) In the end however, Mnokaeus consider Sileon their patron god, though they fatalistically embrace a philosophy of rebirth and recycling in honor of him, fully expecting that some day he will wipe some of the islands clean of humanity. It is the way of life.

Everywhere else? Sileon has pockets of worshipers -- he is favored by a sect called the Kifian, who are primarily males and are known for their whirling dances in praise and imitation of Sileon. They are also famed for taking hallucinogens to try and better understand the world. In a fight, however, the Kifian are noted for their unbridled ferocity in war if they, for some reason, elect to fight. Other dancers, as well, acknowledge him as their patron and ideal.

Sileon is a more primal force than his brothers in the sense that he is not a planner by nature or a deity inclined to, on his own, establish a power base. Others have a strong corps of worshipers and spread their influence, and yet Sileon just is. Perhaps it is the nature of fire as a fundamental force of nature, and Sileon mimicks it. He has always been, he will always be, and he is not able to steadily build something. But he is not a fool or a monster. In its season, he wages war and dances, in much of the time he lays dormant. He is a creature of violent, passionate doings, of strong urges and is guided by unfathomable instincts.

And yet, it's a mistake to write him off as stupid or easily led. Aroesus had influence over his brother, though Sileon, in a sudden fit of prophetic perception, felt that Aroesus' reign was coming to and end soon, an as a deity intimately in touch with the cycle of destruction and renewal, did not consider this a terrible calamity as others might, loved as he did his brother -- and he did admire Aroesus, particularly in the early days when his vision was so clear. By Svanus died and Aroesus other siblings were thrown to Sharzunates or killed and Aroesus, as time wore on, drew within himself.

How will he react to the death? No one is sure yet.

Ventu was a primal deity of fire, creation and destruction, but also the absolute ruler of the world. He was content to rule the cosmic forces without doing too much with them, being a simple being of simple tastes. He sired, upon the stars, other beings, including Aroesus and Svanus, who were of a more creative, cultivating bent. They created and Ventu destroyed before the creations could get out of hand and his children become empowered. His final child was Sileon, who was like Ventu in so many respects that Ventu favored this youngest over all. And yet, Sileon stood in awe of the things he didn't entirely understand, and learned from watching his elder siblings as they moved through the world and created things, including fickle humanity and spawned their own progeny.

The time came again when Ventu was inclined to destroy the works of his children and the other things that came to being in the world, and that was when Aroesus and Svanus (and others) rebelled against them. And it was Sileon, left free, trusted, who Ventu thought understood the best, who freed them from their imprisonment in Sharzunates, who decided that he could not bear to see the works of his siblings, whom he loved, destroyed.

Aroesus and his host organized, a thing unknown to Ventu, who ruled in singular absolutism, and revolted against the king of the gods. After the death of Ventu, there were other mighty beings that tried to take Ventu's place in turn and Aroesus' Pantheon fought them under his leadership. The other siblings found roles in the court of Krona that befit their talents; but Sileon inherited the raw strength of his sire, and became the primal force of destruction akin to his father, though he voluntarily put himself into slumber in a mountain so that the creation might thrive, electing to hold himself aloof until needed. From time to time, Aroesus would call upon Sileon to assist in maintaining the order of Krona, to bring other deities and beings into the order, and for this, he would be awakened and unleashed upon enemies. Even if they were powerful, they were brought low by the combined cooperative might of the sons of Ventu.

And yet, the rule began to wear upon Aroesus, as it had worn upon Ventu, and the fears that came with the mantle of power seemed to eat away at sanity itself. particularly after Ventu, with the rise of cities and humanity, became tired and sick with grief for the way Aroesus culled living things to suit his purpose -- the brothers disagreed, though Sileon was not called upon to fight his other brother, Svanus. Sileon woke up, Svanus was gone, and Sileon accepted the explanations, though he harbored questions that haunted his dreams. Sileon was called upon more often to visit more destruction, and when called to deliver a message, the message was increasingly petty, and yet he remained silent and took his doubts with him into sleep.

Lyrikes happened when Sileon slept. Aroesus died while Sileon slept. But now, Sileon stirs, the prophets cry that the flame is rising once again, and Krona knows that Sileon will arise. He is too mercurial to rule, too disinterested and too primal to make sense of Krona and its politics, its factions by itself. He had always been intentionally held away from them, used as a hammer by his brother against all who would rise up. But now, the question is, what will Sileon do? What's more, all this time, he's served as the fist of Aroesus, doing the dirty work, confronting upstart deities, delivering the threats and then, if unheeded, bringing the rebellious to heel. What, then, will become of Sileon, the simplest and most elemental of the brothers?

Yeah, Sileon has a -lot- of bad blood going on, that is to say, a lot of people probably figure they need to finish the job with him. On the other hand, Sileon is a useful tool. Dangerous, but useful. He is not the stuff of rulers, and certainly is not going to try it, because he is surprisingly self-knowledgeable, but a would-be ruler needs to probably eliminate or subvert him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mikalo


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Name/Titles: Aestus: Erudite Of Water

Gender (if applicable): Male

Patronage: This Deity has special authority over water and the sea creatures in it; he is able to control anything with water within it, including blood, manipulating it to torture his opponents and those that oppose him.

Parentage: He was born from naught, and was born at the same time as the baby seas, that were just spreading within moments of time. He was born undressed, with beautiful blue opticals

Pantheon/Affiliation: Deity, where he stands in the politics of the heavens and deity conflicts is, simple. All he believes is that he is worthy to rule the throne that is left empty, and that the other gods should simply submit to his will.

Appearance: 1]


In this form he is fully noticed as the Deity of Water, His torso naked and the sides where his ribcages would be drenched with water and moving gills. His obsidian black hair draping behind the gills that replace his ears, tinted with black lines across their surface. Under his solar plexus, a long robe tied around his form, a black kimono, covers his genitals. His Mediterranean-blue eyes show the murky waters when deeply looked into; like the crystal ball of a witch.

Centres of Worship/Places of Power: He is at his most powerful inside the water, being in the place deemed the name 'Atlantis', one of his beautiful creations before the violence had gone on.

Servants, Prominent Followers and Worship Base: Underwater, inhumane persons worship him, and rarely people on the surface world worship him. Atlantis though, stretches outward long into land, revealing a second Atlantis, a city of the ground for the over 1,000 people that worship him at the time. They worship him by setting fire into a golden bowl and cutting their arm to let blood sink into the flames. This is to state that since he gave them water, they must give back, also. The king of the surface Atlantis has many prophets, seven, at the least, that predict when Aestus' wrathful intent will wash over the land.

The king of the surface Atlantis follows the rules and is guided by Aestus.. he can be overthrown by any time. The king of Atlantis is binded to Aestus by a chain, his soul being taken, this was the price for ruling over a giant city.

Psychology: He enjoys the screaming of his enemies, and loves to torture them. Blood pleases him, usually, he will dip his digits into the blood and lick it all off his phalanx. Blood curdling screams to him is but a lullaby to soothe him into a slumber. Though, the things that drive him almost insane is when waters, or his sea creatures are harmed by surface dwellers. This explains why he hates most of them so much, he thinks of them as flawed beings.

History: Unbeknownst to Aestus, The Sea Erudite, he was created by the past Deity of water, who was one of the oldest gods to exist, before the anarchy over the throne. This old deity had stayed behind, forgotten by most of his followers, and brother and sister deities. With his own blade, he removed himself as soon as the King of The Gods Aroesus was slain, failing to grab the throne of Aroseus and commit suicide.

Before he destroyed himself, he had created another to be in his place. He hoped, before his death, that this new one would be better than him, and could bare the weight of his brothers and sisters going against eachother. Though, Aestus could really care less about them, he just wants the throne for himself. The sea was destroyed with the older Sea God, but reborn and anew with Aestus; The Water Erudite. Growing quickly with the unusual blue skin, he then, out of loneliness, created the fishmen and sea creatures. Some would call them 'Mermaids' Or 'Mermen' But in all reality, they are simply blue skinned people..

They have enhanced strength and speed, and can control the waters at a maximum. There is a whole family of them within Atlantis. The people of Atlantis, fishermen, had grew out of control. The seas had began to storm about the land to create typhoons of water that destroyed some of the surface world. Aestus, to this point, cared for his people at the time. Though he was forced to show them who the creator and king still was, by destroying half of Atlantis and sending them into demise by killing some of their children.

Remaking Atlantis, soon the fishermen began to live in fear under him. Though within time most of the fear faded, though, he could promise you, there would be no more. When he heard the news of the king of the gods was dethroned and removed from this world, he immediately came to the surface world and to the Heavens to begin slashing through his competition.

He enjoys blood and water, along with his fishermen worshiping with the surface land worshipers. Things that give him power are simply blood and water and other liquids within the area.

Extra Information: The Sea God before him, Esta, was of course the Father that created him, this being unknown to Aestus. Aestus stood as one of the strongest yet most unknown Gods, the number of his worshipers wagered, none feared him, because he was seen as the only 'soft' but ''powerful'' deity. Back then everything was simply fine, he stood where he stood, next to the King Of The Gods, Aroseus.. for a time. Esta knew of the plans of him to be slayn, and of course, he wanted it to happen.

Father like son, he decided that he wanted and needed the throne. Though he could not do it, the unexpected bloodshed and outroar from the other deity sent him to be hidden away within the seas, where he eventually used half of his essence to create a new Sea God, Aroseus, and eventually destroy himself with his sword.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zacharius


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Name/Titles: Mysia, Queen-Dowager, the Watcher, the Mother, the Fury.
Gender (if applicable): Female
Patronage: Pride, Rage, Fertility, Motherhood, Marriage, Time, Aristocracy.
Parentage: Unknown, although it's likely she predates the current pantheon. When Aroesus first ascended to the throne and looked for a wife to please him, of the many powerful members of his own pantheon, he declined in favor of the burning gaze of Mysia, a god most had never seen before, and only briefly in passing. (In actuality, she is one of the youngest gods, having been born of the cataclysm of energy that defeated the previous Pantheon, her patronage over time simply means others have seen her far in the past, before she was born)
Pantheon/Affiliation: Deity.
Appearance: The above image is the appearance the gods, and her most loyal followers, tend to see her in, although the specifics of such can change upon her own preference, or those she appears to, if she feels a particular need to impress them. If she seeks to hide among humanity, she will manifest as an elegant noblewoman, the trappings of such relating to the society she finds herself in, although she is very rarely not redheaded. She may also appear as a swan, lioness or one of the various kinds of dragon detailed in mythology (Greeks had them to, just in many weird versions). Generally each animal will have some trace of red on them, even if biologically this would never occur.

Centres of Worship/Places of Power: While being somewhat connected to almost any cult of her ex-husband, she possess a number of separate cults, although these tend to focus on her aspects not connected to the dead king of the gods (time, pride, rage) although, one set of cults worships her solely in her entirety. The Isles of Telcaes, all connected, like a spooked wheel, with bridges, forms the centre of her worship, each island depicting an aspect of her patronage, while the central isle holds her most sacred, if not largest, shrine.

Servants, Prominent Followers and Worship Base:
Most women have need to pray to Mysia at some point in their lives, whether it be maids on their wedding day, preparing for childbirth or simply the trials and tribulations of marriage and motherhood, she is ultimately connected, if not always in her true name, to such events and is a key component to most mortal societies coming of age rituals for women. However, her role in these is often limited by the male element of society controlling what aspects of her are seen in such rituals. Mysia's rage stems from the scorn shown to her by her husband, a man that, despite how risky it could be, she stood up to and unleashed her fury with little in the way of restraint, had he earned it. She empowered herself beyond the expectations placed upon her, and that is something many mortal males would rather their wives and daughters forget. Kolchae, an aristocracy of islands, which include Telcaes, holds her as their national goddess, which often warred against the nations of her husband, surviving due to its aquatic supremacy, whenever she felt particular need to scorn her husband. Several of the noble houses claim to hold her blood within their veins, which in a few cases is not entirely false, the Kolchaens being a favored escape for her, when her husband was busy chasing after some lesser goddess or creature. Warriors and Generals may also call upon her, not for martial skill, but to harden their hearts against the enemy, and fill them with battle-rage, particularly in the colder regions of the North, where she is worshiped as Myka, the Warrior-Queen.

Sieka, Queen of the Tutons: Actually a granddaughter of Mysia, Sieka rules a confederation of barbarian tribes to the North. While her nature may be somewhat of an affront to Mysia, favoring the civilized world, the fact she is both a blood relative and a female ruler places her very much in favor with Mysia. A raven haired warrior-queen, Sieka has often led raids against the civilized lands to the South and continues to grow in power, to the point that despite her affection, Mysia may have to act to protect her treasured courts and aristocrats.

Heikon, The Historian: Connected to her as the aspect of time, Heikon is one of the first to record history in its truest sense, to avoid religious explanation and to admit that even the side he favored has lost, a controversial statement in a world of ego and pride. Mysia often assists Heikon by providing information about an event he is recording that he either missed, or could not have picked up on from his location, to the point that he is a well known scion of Mysia.

The Court of the Divine: The closest thing to a central body of Priests and Priestesses for Mysia, they are based from her favored islands although at least one is found maintaining her shrines, be they attached to the temples of her ex-husband or separate. Climate permitting, they tend to wear red robes which cover them entirely, but are thin enough to reveal the shape of their form, as well as a silhouette of their face. In the North, they still wear mostly red, but warming clothing is necessary for survival (except for the High Priestesses, protected as they are).

Psychology: Despite the emotions she holds at least joint patronage over, Mysia is generally fairly level headed, if prideful, towards the end of her husband's reign many issues between the gods being brought to her to be solved in secret, then to wish the insane musings of the King upon them. That said, Mysia's rage, while slow to catch, is a fire that will rage unchecked, either dying in a cataclysm of emotion, or burning unchecked for centuries. Her fire, and refusal to be subdued, is the reason why the King of the Gods was drawn to her, but equally part of the reason why the last years of their marriage were incredibly brutal and without love, for the mad King viewed any dissent as treachery, and Mysia would not tailor herself to meet his whims. He never managed to break her, through beatings, rape and emotional torture, the King could never control his Queen, although she never did betray him as he suspected, refusing to join the conspiracy against him, but equally, refraining from alerting him to their existence, not that he, by that point, would have believed a word from her mouth.

Mysia may often have confusing, or conflicting, conversations with individuals, as a goddess of time having seen pasts and futures where each god or goddess has done terrible, or glorious things. She has lived in the world before Vael and Nys were born, and has slept with children yet unborn of the current pantheon of deities, sometimes giving her the impression of brief jolts of madness, even if it is just simply her mind adapting to its present location. Mysia has not particular attachment to order or chaos, preferring simply that which benefits those closest to her, even if she does often find extended periods of the status-quo tiresome, wild and untamed, as the uncivilized lands, as she can sometimes be. In the time since the death of Aroseus, many believe her to have gone mad, hiding in the decaying apartments of her husband, although only the latter part of this assumption is true, to those who have only briefly seen her, in shadows or one of her animal forms, she has appeared to have gone insane, the level, if fierce, mind of the Queen broken.


The imagery best used to represent Mysia, the animals whose form she takes and even her own divine form, have been seen throughout the eons, caught in the corner of eyes or found scrawled on ruins, or the foundations of buildings yet to be made, from a time even before man first walked the Earth, even the very first Gods found her marks across their sanctuaries. While in the plane of existence, this occurred over countless eons, from Mysia's point of view it took mere seconds, during her birth, scattering across the winds of time, he infant soul marked itself across creation, before being made manifest. In the present, she was born to a world which, in some sense, already knew her, before she even knew herself. The overthrow of the previous pantheon was the trigger for her birth, and so, after some deliberation, she looked for the God who had caused this, learning of herself along the way, even if she did not know what goal she aimed for.

She presented herself to the New Pantheon of the gods when Aroseus was looking for a wife, and while she did not intend to, the fierce, somewhat wild, beauty and temperament of the mysterious goddess drew the King's eye more for any of those formally offered to him. With a grin and wink, Mysia accepted the offer as if it had been a proposal, rather than a demand by the King of the Gods and throughout their marriage, she had a habit of turning his orders into requests, and picking which ones she obeyed at her own whims. There may have once been a time, however short, where Aroseus was loyal to her, when the burning independent nature had chosen didn't drive him to seek out whimpish mortals or deities more willing to simply please him, but the news that this time had come to an end further fed the flame of her wrath, burning the patronage of rage into her. It was the first time their followers struck blows against each other, and the Home of the gods burned with their collective fury, to the extent that some thought it a new civil war of the gods. In the end no resolution was met, although Mysia forever taunted Aroseus with the fact that from then on, she could bed whoever she wanted from the beginning of time to its end.

Over the course of his reign, she remained loyal, in the sense of plots, to her husband, although she didn't not always actively follow his desires. On the mortal plane she would never put his desires before her own and would resort to bully, seduce and coerce him into bending to he ways, even if as time went on, he became increasingly cold to her, she would always give enough to rekindle their bond, at least until the spiral of his downfall. Closer to her heart were her children, those whom she would share a bond that wasn't dependent upon mere emotion and the whims of two adulterers. Particularly in their youth, she would protect them fiercely, both from other gods, and the wrath and whims of their father, until they were old enough to make their own minds about his plots and schemes, even then, finding some bitterness in the selfish nature of her husband towards them.

With the fall of Aroseus, she has hidden away in his apartments, apparently spending her days drunk and insane. She is neither, even if she does dine excessively off the nectar of the gods, this it not out of drunken grief, but a need to remain strong and hidden. For the last time the King and Queen shared beds, the spark of life was formed and she carries his last child in her womb. A conventional birth among the gods is rare and somewhat of an omen in of itself, with no timetable to expect, she hides for fear of retribution, upon herself, but more importantly the unborn child, who's existence plays into the hands of some, but endangers the plans of others. Unable to hide it in any of her forms, she avoids contact at all costs, although the magic defending the apartments is beginning to falter.


Loves her children, even if her own fierce and prideful nature may drive a wedge between them on occasion. She has no particular hate for those who fought against her husband at any point in history, having been among them on a scant few occasions. Can be seen as somewhat of an outsider, due to her connections among the frozen barbarians to the North, even if she is very much a goddess of the opulent courts of civilization.
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