At night the city looks rather peaceful and quiet. No bright lights illuminating the skyline, no loud noices or any other noice to remind us that this large city used to house hunderds of thousands of people. The city has transformed into a home for the infected, with Humans portraying the role of weeds that are systematically being thorn out between the cracks in the concrete. No longer are we at the top of the food chain, the weakest of diseases prove to be capable of toppeling us. Instead of standing together we stand divided, robbing eachother, murdering eachother, we're playing an active part in our own destruction. Some people choose to believe that this is god's hand at play. That this is his way of cleansing the earth, and that those who are left on earth have been deemed unworthy and are thus subjected to the wrath of someone that is supposed to be all forgiving. Yet I have seen no lights ascending up to the heavens, has god also forsaken those whom are faithfull to him? All I have seen is death and pointless slaughter. I have never believed in god and i'm not starting now. But if there is a god, and if I am to meet my end by getting torn apart by those monsters. Then god will have to beg for my forgiveness. - Unknown Survivor.
Fulton Public Library,
Alanta, Georgia
United States of America
The city tends to get scary at night, if not for the light of the moon, the entire city would be nothing but darkness. We are fortunate enough to have the summer provide us with long days and bright nights, but when winter comes around things will be a lot different. The infected are attracted to bright lights as much as they are to sound, they swarm anything out of the ordinary. I have no alarm clock so getting up early is difficult, especially if you spend the day before hauling ass all over the city. Yet I see no alternative, starting bright and early so you have the time to scavenge is key. You don't want to be caught out in the open at night, that's when you start getting paranoid. Because what if one of those infected is more clever then you think, what if he stalks you and waits for the right moment to jump you. Two days ago one of those things was just looking at me from a distance, I could have sworn he gave me a grin before sprinting at me. I don't know, some days i'm more calm then others. I am starting to realise that those creatures are really just as dumb as they appear, for now anyway. John left it at that and closed the journal he had been writing in, for some reason writing down your thoughts helped to process things.
Aside from writing down his thoughts, he also talked to Anastasia about the things he had seen or encountered, though not everything. Things such as fear or doubt were kept to himself, much like any other guy he imagined. John counted himself lucky to have the company of another Human, even more so that of a female. Engaging in conversation with a girl was more enjoyable then conversating with a guy. She was shy at first but she was coming out of her shell more and more, if there is only one other person around you then you're going to get close to them and talk to them eventually. Though John preferred to think that it was because of him being a good person rather then just an available one. Anastasia and he did have things in common, thirst for knowledge and a love for reading. What better place to be for that then a library? Aside from the corpse and blood riddled ground floor, things were nice here.
Neither of them had really ventured down to the ground floor of the building since the day they met, it was full of people they once knew. Most of them dead and torn apart, yet some of their formed friends or colleagues were now roaming around. John had only made one trip down there, and only because an infected police officer was wandering near the stairwell. Yet recently he had felt the need to clear out the lower level and get rid of the corpses, to expand their hold over the building and to be able to search the downstairs area as well. John had become the designated fighter and scavenger, mostly because Anastasia had a slight limp and wasn't as tall and heavily build as him. If anything was going to be cleared out then it was going to be his task to deal with most of the infected whilst she attempted to provide some cover support.
Their system wasn't that bad though, he had gotten used to going outside and exploring. She had gotten used to staying behind and preparing or taking care of things at the library. She also observed things from the roof of the building and wrote down anything she may have seen or heard about from passing survivors. As good as their system was, the library couldn't be a permanent home. They needed to find a better place in the future, one where they could grow their own crops at the very least. In a few years all the food, even the canned food would be spoiled and the people without the means of producing their own sustenance would starve. Temporary measures could be taken though, but it wasn't going to be easy. They needed to get out of the city eventually, and farm land would be plentyfull out there, but if they were ever going to leave they needed a big enough stockpile of supplies to be able to travel large distances if needed. Finding food or water would be more difficult out in the open country side.
John opted to go find Anastasia, figuring she was probably reading or writing things down in her own journal. ''Anna, I was wondering about possibly setting up a little farm on the top of the roof. I'm no expert on agriculture but if I could find enough dirt we will have the basics ready. Then we would just need to find a farm shop somewhere in the city for seeds and everything else we need. I know it's not impossible, i've seen roof top gardens before. I've also been thinking about clearing out the ground floor, we'd have more space that way.'' He offered her a smile and moved to sit down next to her. ''What are you reading?'' Aside from serious matter, light conversation was also nice to have, discussing books has become the new form of discussing things you've seen on television or heard on the radio.
SunTrust Plaza,
Atlanta, Georgia
United States of America
Several weeks ago a military supply crate, one of several being dropped to the military safe zone at the time, got entangeled with one of the highest towers in Atlanta. For days people speculated and watched the skies, waiting for it to come loose. Yet here was no such luck. Recently though, the weather has been wearing the parachute down and it's starting to show holes and tears in the material. Unfortunately this can't be seen from the ground untill something is actually torn loose by the wind. Worse yet, with the people having become used to the sight much like decorations on a tree, most people wouldn't even notice. Those that do, will just have to wait for the day that the remants of the parachute are blown clear and that hopefully, rather then crashing to the ground, the crate will float safely to an area below where it can be inspected.